Arnica by
Original / Uber | Futuristic | Alternative | Adventure | Novel - 246 pages | Finished | Jun-03 Cast: Kiuzi, Allint, Arnica, Counsel, Alliance, Gi, Rixon, Kiuzu, Clan, Drosu, Jester, Talara, Allintans, Sha Links: Published or soon to be published - no longer available online Part 2 of the Alexandra and Zohra Series Series List: Merker's Outpost, Arnica, Foreign Harbors, Part I | ![]() |
In the sequel to 'Merkers' Outpost,' Lady Alexandra and Lt. Vanster arrive on Arnica in the middle of a hostile take over. Their assignment was to find some of the hostiles from their side of the galaxy and find a way to neutralize them in accordance to the planets laws. Major Zohra finds herself landing in the middle of a lake at a monastery with a Sha'Kar to guide her to understanding the rules of a honorable warrior by Arnica's standards. When their paths cross again, there will certainly be fireworks...not to mention a certain dance. [Available from] |
This continuation of the Merker's Outpost story is simply amazing! J A Bard creates an intense world where every action does have a consequence and lessons take on a planetary scale. That Jina Gari Zohra and Harriet Alexandra become a part of it all and rise above adversity is no surprise. I love the world that is presented, but I love even more the twist that this writer gives to the concept of having your characters evolve! I really cannot wait to see this in print, I know I'll be first in line to buy a copy. - Andy - Jun 19th, 2003 J.A. Bard has outdone herself in this, the sequel to 'Merkers Outpost.' In creating Arnica, this author has created an incredibly diverse and rich planet full of its own brand of mysticism and power that is quite unique and imaginative. She draws you in to its wonder as it draws in the participants from the previous tale and meshes them wonderfully into an even greater tapestry. I can't wait to see what happens in the next sequel! Brava!! An intriguing and wonderful SciFi/Fantasy for everyone! - J. Bradley - Jul 1st, 2003 Another GREAT story. It is fast paced, lot's of adventure, wonderful new world to explore. You can find this story on the Author's website. - Anonymous - Oct-30-2010 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novel - 488 pages | Finished | Apr-03 Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #09 in 2003, #44 in 2004 Links: Christine Rapoza's Site Available in published form from Intaglio Publications. Part 1 of the Alex and Elizabeth Series Series List: Assignment: Sunrise, Sunrise II: Settling Down, Sunrise III: Cabin Fever, Sunrise IV: New Friends and Old Enemies | ![]() |
Previously titled "Strangers Until We Meet," rewritten and longer. Agent Alexandra Adison's investigation into the disappearance of three women leads her to a Northern California town, Sunrise. What she found had her supervisor giving her a new assignment, to go undercover and monitor a group of outlaws that chose Sunrise as their home base. It took two years for SID, the law enforcement agency she worked for, to set up the right situation that will bring four important people to Sunrise, and one of them was a civilian who agreed to be the catalyst that will bring three dangerous men together. When it is time to put the bait in the trap, Adison has doubt in herself and fears that SID would be willing to sacrifice the civilian, whom she falls in love with. [Published work - longer available online.] | |
Camping Out by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Mystery | Novella - 111 pages | Finished | Sep-03 Cast: Claire, Charlotte, Rey, Teddy, Sandy, Sandra Honors/Awards: #43 in 2003 Two-Time Top-25 #1. | ![]() |
Claire Hudson was on her way to a much needed two week vacation. Camping out where no human voice and the incessant noise that species always insisted on carrying with them was her dream vacation. Dreams are a good thing to hold onto. | |
I thought this story was very fast paced and tense. I liked it alot. The only thing I would have liked was a little more backround on Claire. I hope there is a sequel so we can get to know all the great charactors better in this story. - Swampaa - Sep 27th, 2003 Sequel, sequel please. - Anonymous - Apr-12-2007 Awesome story. Was surprised with the ending. Love the characters, but would love to know more about them, how they came to be such great friends. Please pre-sequel or sequel. (G) - rosii59 - Mar-02-2010 I liked the story. - Wheezie - Mar-06-2013 The story is interesting if you can get past the point that the main character seems kind of clueless for her chose profession. Not my favorite from J.A. Bard but a decent read if you're in the mood for a straight mystery/crime drama. - Stacia - Mar-06-2013 |
Cot of the MacDiarmid Clan on Maridoileag by
Original / Uber | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 240 pages | Unfinished | Feb-08 | ![]() |
Twelve veteran Muland pilots were assigned to fly an experimental ship and to see if they could create a new type of partnership between military pilot and a civilian sentient ship. In the first part, Cot and her ship, Star Chaser, have three months to reach their new posting and learn about each other and the equipment they were given to test. There are a lot of planets, species, anomalies and feelings to explore. | |
This is a really great story. Not easy to get into initially but well worth the perseverance. Well done Bard. Hope there is a sequel coming soon. - soopi - May-03-2014 Loved it!!!! - Anonymous - May-04-2014 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Adventure | Novella - 66 pages | Finished | May-03 Cast: Darcy, Celine, Medicine, Al, Jade, Ellen, Mandy, James | ![]() |
Darcy and Celine affirm to each other that whatever is happening out in the desert, they were only observers and would leave the stepping into the unknown for the more willing. However, they were chosen, along with their companions, Jade, Mandy and Medicine Man. | |
fantastic!! - Anonymous - Aug-23-2011 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Mystery | Novella - 137 pages | Unfinished | Mar-03 Cast: Darcy, Celine, Marti, Gail, Ellen, Mandy, George Honors/Awards: #20 in 2003 Top-25 #1. Part 1 of the Dreaming Series Series List: Dreaming of a Life | ![]() |
Two women are brought together in a storm, somewhere on a long stretch of freeway where even rural homes are hours away. Both women slowly discover an unusual connection, bringing them together as friends and then something more. Unperceived gifts they share come to the foreground and make their bonds even stronger. | |
This novella has a very unusual story line with characters that the author reveals slowly, a passage at a time. Well worth the journey. - wasabigrrl - Sep-12-2009 This story is finished. Its status should be changed. - Anonymous - Nov-06-2011 There were lots of interesting developments in these stories. Enjoy the ride. - Wheezie - Apr-18-2014 |
Original / Uber | Futuristic | Alternative (Mature) | Adventure | Novella - 80 pages | Finished | Aug-04 Cast: Vanster, Alexandra, Zohra, Arax, Megan, Montran Part 3 of the Alexandra and Zohra Series Series List: Merker's Outpost, Arnica, Foreign Harbors, Part I | ![]() |
Taking up right after the end of 'Arnica,' Lt. Commander Lady Alexandra Montran newly married to Major JG Zohra have a one year trip back to their neck of the galaxy with Lt. Megan Vanster along as Commander Montran's aide. The women refused to spend the year long trip back in sleep pods when there was plenty of unexplored space their respective superiors would be interested in knowing about; or, that was their argument. This is the beginning of their voyage home...and home is an operative word... | |
nice sequel. looking forward to the next installment - Anonymous - Oct-30-2010 |
Original / Uber | Futuristic | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novel - 174 pages | Finished | Aug-04 Cast: Lonnie, Kali, Shari, Erich, Maxine, Conessa, Andresa, Cora Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #71 in 2004, #81 in 2006 Part 1 of the Galaxy Dancers Series Series List: Galaxy Dancers, Galaxy Dancers - Leona Bristolie, At Large | ![]() |
Lonnie Bestrolie had been entertaining passengers on the galactic cruise liners for 19 years. and she enjoyed it. By keeping a tight control of her privacy, she avoided stardom and unwanted publicity. So why on her 20th year, would she accept a deal to end her contract two years early just to nursemaid a fallen diva? | |
Just finished reading this wonderful story, and hope J.A. Bard is planning a sequel just finished but didn't want it to end...can't wait for the sequel.. - dodie - Sep 14th, 2004 This is a great story! Enjoyed this one very much. I hope for a sequel soon. - L'Nara - Oct 13th, 2004 Marvelous! If you like intrigue and romance mixed with the "High Life" of the Entertainment industry in a futuristic setting, then this is the story for you! This tale is well-crafted, the plot-line well thought out and the descriptive prose puts the reader right in the middle of the action. Thanks for a thrilling read, JA -- where's the sequel??? - Therese - Jan 2nd, 2006 I do not recommend this story for anyone that wants to get to sleep on time. Great story but it really needs a sequel. The end was very abrupt and rushed. I still have a lot of questions. - Anonymous - Apr-11-2007 Awesome story! Just want a sequel! :oP - kaysy_1994 - Apr-22-2007 Great story. I stayed up late to read this. Just couldn't stop. - Linda aka cygirl1 - Dec-05-2007 fantastic wonderfully wrote - Anonymous - Dec-10-2007 enjoyed this SciFi very much. Good characters. But I do have some unanswered on to the sequel. - rleef - Jan-25-2009 Wonderful story. Highly recommended. This is a wonderful mystery story with lots of intrigue, twists and turns. Kept me engaged until the very end. Now off to the next installment. Will Lonnie and Kali find their way back to each other - I have to know. - Anonymous - Jun-01-2010 Whoa! This is a fantastic sci-fi story that has intrigue, mystery, spying,white water rafting, climbing, hiking, running and superb dancing! And the characters and future technology are second to none. I very much enjoyed this story. And, there's more--a sequel! Thank you, J.A. Bard for sharing your imagination and The Atheneaum for giving it a home! - Teresa - Aug-12-2013 |
Galaxy Dancers - Leona Bristolie, At Large by
Original / Uber | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 81 pages | Unfinished | Dec-07 Part 2 of the Galaxy Dancers Series Series List: Galaxy Dancers, Galaxy Dancers - Leona Bristolie, At Large | ![]() |
more please? - Anonymous - Feb-04-2008 |
Galaxy Dancers - Leona Bristolie, At Large - Part II by
Original / Uber | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 15 pages | Unfinished | Feb-08 | ![]() |
please tell me the story continues... I have enjoyed Galaxy Dancers immensely. Wonderful characters, intriguing plot. You are a very talented bard. Thanks for sharing your talent ! Oh - will Kali and Lonnie ever get back together. I have to know - ha. - Anonymous - Jun-01-2010 These stories are so interesting and unusual. I noted when I began the sequels that they were not finished but continued reading due to the storyline being so engaging and the characters so endearing. Now that I've read what there is I don't feel left in mid air without finality. In fact, I feel like a friend has left for a time and I can't wait to hear from her again. Plus, Leona is so unique that whether she ends with Kali as her beloved matters little because Leona is constantly surrounded by love. I only hope that her beloved love her with as much love as she'll receive. I will say though, that Part II had me wanting to leave the setting as much as Lonnie wanted to, also. Thank you, JA Bard, this is a genuine journey with friends. I hope to be in there presence again soon... - Teresa - Aug-12-2013 |
Original / Uber | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 175 pages | Unfinished | Jan-08 Honors/Awards: #58 in 2008 Top-25 #1. | ![]() |
incredible story. I couldn't stop reading it. I can't wait for the next part. I hope it comes soon. - Anonymous - Jan-18-2008 Great read. I do hope that this story is continued. Following her training and the changes she goes through, has given life to the main character. I hope to see what the characters develope into. I don't know if I'd agree with the "finished" statement in the synopsis though. There seems to be alot of story yet to tell. - Anonymous - Jan-29-2008 interesting..waiting for ore - leia - Jan-29-2008 I really enjoy the story. Can't wait for more. - Pat - Mar-29-2008 wow! this is a wonderfully written piece of work! ive read it over and over again and im looking forward to reading the rest of the work. it is the type of book i will spend my money on. looking forward for the next part. - sabetin - Dec-16-2009 A wonderful fantasy fiction. The characters are all interesting, unique. I hope the writer continues with this story. There is no romance yet, but the seeds have certainly been set. Looks very promising. There are a few stories by this writer that have remained 'unfinished' I hope that is not the fate of this one, too. The writer has a fascinating imagination! - Teresa - Dec-19-2009 Do you plan on finishing this at all? I would really love to see it finished. - pickles - Jun-03-2011 wondering if the continuation of the story is on another site or if it just wasn't completed? for what it's worth if it's worth anything, i've thoroughly enjoyed the story so far. from the first paragraph i was hooked. a great read! - Aahi Young - May-21-2014 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 144 pages | Unfinished | Feb-08 Honors/Awards: #86 in 2008 | ![]() |
The Hunters, a term loosely used for anyone that searched for relics, artifacts, people, or even galactic events that don't happen often, involve Captain Helen O'Rourke, her freighter with crew and passengers in an experience to write home about, provided you remember it. | |
In Search of a Greater Cause by
Xena | Alternative | Adventure | Novel - 156 pages | Finished | May-02 Part 1 of the Greater Cause Series Series List: In Search of a Greater Cause, In Search of a Greater Cause II - Return to Crometh | ![]() |
Xena and Gabrielle return to Crometh after a year from their last visit in the area when they were traveling under another guise (Road Show). Both had ulterior motives for visiting, and both were from requests from three different goddesses. Crometh was a city that made celebrating a daily affair...or it had in the past. The city the two enter is not what they expected of the fabled city of the three goddess and the Muses. | |
This was a little long and I got confused once in awhile. However, it was a good story on many levels. I have to say I enjoyed it for the most part and it kept reading on. - Starry - May-26-2011 |
In Search of a Greater Cause II - Return to Crometh by
Xena | Alternative | Adventure | Short Story - 29 pages | Finished | May-02 Part 2 of the Greater Cause Series Series List: In Search of a Greater Cause, In Search of a Greater Cause II - Return to Crometh | ![]() |
Once they have the city freed from the slavers, the two get ready to enjoy what Crometh was reputed to be, a party town...however, it ends up that the original request by the goddesses has not been seen to a completion, and here they complete the tasks. | |
Journey Through Shadow Land by
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 91 pages | Finished | Oct-02 Cast: Xena, Gabrielle, Mediea, Alex, Argo, Ephiny Honors/Awards: #93 in 2002 | ![]() |
Xena had taken longer than she had planned in what she had felt was to be a very simple job of checking out the security of a small kingdom on one of the smaller islands across from Acron. The young Queen's consort wanted Xena to go over his security setup. Xena had accepted the job in lieu of attending the seasonal initiation ceremony in the Amazon Village for the new crop of warriors. Gabrielle was attending the ceremony as their Queen so at the cross-roads about two weeks ago they parted company. Xena was relieved they had met a small party of Amazons returning to participate in the celebrations. The experience of Gabrielle traveling alone usually was as eventful as when Xena traveled with her...busy and oftentimes...dangerous. Of course, as she thought about this, Xena didn't have a clue that neither of their paths would be uneventful in the next few days... | |
Reminds me of the old vintage roleplaying computer programs (the ones like Zork, which relied on words, no pictures). The author use of Gabrielle's having to explain the environment to Xena, gives the reader a vivid view of their everchanging surroundings and challenges they must face. Combine this with a wonderful use of dreams and desires to move the story (and reader), it is definitley a 'do not read at work' story. ;) - Tryxter111 - Aug-18-2008 This was a really good story! Once i started reading it, i couldn't stop until I had finished it. - Anonymous - Jan-25-2010 |
Merker's Outpost by
Original / Uber | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 349 pages | Finished | Mar-03 Cast: Montran, Maud, Chaney, Charles, Decker, Ald, Miller, Delorita Honors/Awards: #15 in 2003 Top-25 #1. Links: Published or soon to be published - no longer available online Part 1 of the Alexandra and Zohra Series Series List: Merker's Outpost, Arnica, Foreign Harbors, Part I | ![]() |
If you like a good, long, SciFi/Fantasy story, this is the story for you! It concerns two women who originally met in Space Fleet officer's training school and after graduation, took different paths, to remeet after about nine standard years on Merker's Outpost. [Available from] |
I'm looking forward to when this comes out in print, I enjoyed it and it captured my imagination. One of the best pieces of sci-fi I've read in a while. - Andy - Mar 7th, 2003 "Merker's Outpost" is a sexy, action filled, sci-fi fantasy, with a complex plotline and interesting characters. (I really worried about them at times and wonder where they'll end up, even some of the more minor players, and this involvement is a very good thing). The settings are easy to visualize, a testimony to the author's vision of the outpost and other alien environs. J A Bard has created an expansive universe of societies, populated by an interesting variety of aliens. Constructionwise, with the background and interlocking character development segments, I was reminded of the "Dune" series by Frank Herbert. "Merker's Outpost" is a very good read, well worth the time, but I'll be looking for its continuation in "Arnica", since I felt that the ending left me hanging. (J A, unlike many readers, I wouldn't have a problem with a single 600-700+ page story, Excellent! I read the published work. Purchase it and you will not be disappointed. I look forward tou buying her next book. Untill then I am reading her online work. - BJ - Jul-15-2008 This is a sci fi lover's dream. It's fun to feel as though you're living on this planet called Merker's Outpost. Our heroine is dropped off on the surface of the planet in what seems to be a gigantic sand storm but her survival suit is damaged and she's starting to black out.I swear I could hear the wind and feel little pieces of sand coming through the mask.It's tough to breathe when your oxygen supply is dwindling rapidly. I was fascinated by the gadgets this author dreamed up.The "bots" that prepare your food and clean up after you were a special favorite of mine.Where can I buy one?Oh yeah,it's only make believe. I.Christie has quite an imagination and has created a world in turmoil. Smugglers are trying to invade the planet and steal the technology that the "Guardian" has created but more importantly they want to control a special secret about Merker's Outpost.I'm not telling you what it is. Lady Harriet is the main character.She and Sargent Major Zohra were cadets in a military academy.Of course they have a history together but it's been 9 years since they've seen each other.A lot of emotional trauma has occurred to each of them. They suddenly find themselves thrown together in this conflict and they're not sure if they can trust each other. I enjoyed everyone of the 300+ pages in this story and am looking forward to the sequel. - Pat - Jun-28-2009 Yeah, what's up with this story? there is no link :( [Editor's Note: It's a published work. 7-6-2009] - CM - Jun-30-2009 I have so enjoyed all of this author's works. I went and bought Merker's Outpost. Loved it. If you are looking for a great sci-fi story, read this series. Highly recommended. Check out the author's website for more of her stories. - Anonymous - Oct-30-2010 |
Road Show by
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 332 pages | Finished | May-02 | ![]() |
Xena and Gabrielle are in route to meet up with Hercules and Iolaus after receiving an urgent message from him, when circumstances force them to split up. What ensues is an engaging tale about past lives, journeys and tasks to be completed in order to satisfy the past and maintain the future. The journey will lead both Xena and Gabrielle into a great danger and bring them together like nerver before. | |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 47 pages | Finished | Oct-09 | ![]() |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novella - 137 pages | Finished | Apr-03 Cast: Alex, Elizabeth, Mark, Claire, Genie, Angel, Emily, Sunrise, Matt, Philip Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #00 in 2002, #82 in 2003 Links: Christine Rapoza's Site Part 2 of the Alex and Elizabeth Series Series List: Assignment: Sunrise, Sunrise II: Settling Down, Sunrise III: Cabin Fever, Sunrise IV: New Friends and Old Enemies | ![]() |
This is a rewrite of "Getting to Know You" and a sequel to "Assignment Sunrise" a rewrite of 'Strangers Until We Meet.' Detective Alex Adison and the reclusive writer Elizabeth Duke have settled in as a new committed couple in Sunrise; however, unfinished personal issues and business make it difficult to focus on their fledgling relationship. While Alex gets bogged down in ferreting out the reason for the increased vandalism and graffiti in their small town, she also worries about her lack of a relationship with Elizabeth. Elizabeth finds Alex's job taking her away too much for them to explore their relationship to the next stage, and finds an outlet for her need to have a meaningful relationship, with geese, a dog, a mama cat and kittens. Soon though, the two will have to work out their reluctance to be intimate on a consistent basis. [No longer available online.] | |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 34 pages | Finished | May-03 Cast: Alex, Elizabeth, Sam, Mark Links: Christine Rapoza's Site Part 3 of the Alex and Elizabeth Series Series List: Assignment: Sunrise, Sunrise II: Settling Down, Sunrise III: Cabin Fever, Sunrise IV: New Friends and Old Enemies | ![]() |
Elizabeth is looking forward to three days of snow and Alex up at her cabin. Elizabeth is also curious about this retreat of her lover's knowing she had used it for meeting other women. Both women anticipate getting to know more about each other as well as getting in some undisturbed rest. That was the plan... [No longer available online.] | |
Sunrise IV: New Friends and Old Enemies by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novel - 155 pages | Finished | Aug-04 Cast: Alex, Elizabeth, Angie, Amy, Mark, Connie, Genie, Barbara, Cassie, Millie, Jean, Claire, Linda Links: Christine Rapoza's Site Part 4 of the Alex and Elizabeth Series Series List: Assignment: Sunrise, Sunrise II: Settling Down, Sunrise III: Cabin Fever, Sunrise IV: New Friends and Old Enemies | ![]() |
Alex was dispatched to the Los Angeles Federal Building to deliver a packet of documents for Chief Harper of Sunrise. While in the area, Alex had a chance to interview a prisoner in the Orange County jail. She had information on a hit list Alex had been trying to find the owner to. On Alex's way back to Sunrise she is kidnapped and left for dead. Elizabeth makes friends with someone she meets on the beach and brings her home. [No longer available online.] | |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 33 pages | Finished | Sep-12 Part 1 of the Vampire Adjuncts Series Series List: | ![]() |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 43 pages | Finished | Sep-12 Part 2 of the Vampire Adjuncts Series Series List: | ![]() |
Victoria Handle, PI of the Odd and Misplaced by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 123 pages | Finished | Jun-16 | ![]() |
This was an interesting story dealing with the supernatural. It’s very educational on the supernatural and other such things (spells,beasties,vampires,fairies). However the writing could have been a bit better. I had to loop back a couple of time to get what the characters were trying to say. I’ll definitely read the sequel when it come out. JA Bard, thanks for sharing your story, it was truly interesting. - -bk - Jan-03-2017 |