Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 306 pages | Finished | Cast: Deven, Rhian, Nicole, Jay, Kelly, Seana, Carl, Mace, Kate, Tiernan Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 1 of a Series Series List: Poetry in Motion, When You Dance with the Devil | ![]() |
This piece is very well written and tells an excellent story. The lives of Deven and Rhian are very well portrayed and keep you on your toes. I recommend reading this story, you will not be sorry. - Anonymous - Dec 23rd, 2002 One might be tempted to call this story 'Poetry In Writing', as it is captivatingly crafted and told with a good sense of timing, character, and sensuality.This is definitly one of the few stories I've read more than once, even though it is not yet finished. And I only hope we will not be left hanging in the middle. The main characters are fascinating for themselves and as a couple, and the author makes really good use of some other interesting and endearing characters throughout the story. Background, setting, family, friends, past and present are nicely interwoven, and the dynamics leave you wishing for the next update. - annika - Jul 22nd, 2003 My God!! This has got to be one of the best if not the best story out in the Xenaverse today. The writing is incredible and the author is a marvelous storyteller. Her meticulous character development is nothing less than genius. She definitely has a knack for bringing the characters to life. I can not wait for it to be finished and published so I can read it over and over. This has definitely become my favorite story. I highly recommend this story to all. - NR - Sep 13th, 2003 This story is fantastic. It's hard to wait between updates, but so worth it. This part was particularly good. Angst with the family and the girl.....ugh. Can't wait for the next chapter. - swimcap - Nov 7th, 2003 Great story - Anon - Jun 1st, 2004 One of the best uber story I have ever read. I recommend this story to everybody. Great read. - HopeGab'fan - Dec 17th, 2004 This is an entertaining and decently written story, though it doesn't stray much - if at all - from the standard uber formula. Still, there's something to be said for a recipe that's tried and true :), and within those constraints Harley still manages to give us vivid, nicely drawn characters and events that are quite engaging with their fresh familiarity. - Anonymous - Jan 22nd, 2005 Wow! I'm so glad I chance upon this story today! What a fantastic read! I'm just taking my time to savour it the whole day. The icing on the cake, well...it has a work-in-progress sequel (When You Dance with the Devil) that is just as good!!!! If you want a good and gut wrenching emotional uber with lots of depth, you wouldn't want to miss the story of Rhian and Deven! Thank you Harley!!! Hope you'll finish the sequel soon because I intend to read both stories all over again! - Karin - May 17th, 2005 This is poetry. Harley please finish the sequel. - Anonymous - Oct 15th, 2005 This is for me one of THE best uber stories I've read so far and I discovered it by pure accident. Lucky me. The story has it all: angst, love, thrill and the most amazing writing. Thanks for such a great read! - querdenker69 - Feb 15th, 2006 Second time around and it was just as good as the first. Gobble this up for your main course, but leave enough room for it's excellent sequel 'When you dance with devil'. You won't be disappointed. - Sai - Feb-01-2007 A wonderful and definitely very well written story. Read it! - Ines - Nov-17-2007 If you like - I Found My Heart in San Francisco Series - you are going to love Poetry in Motion. Thank you Harley! - Anonymous - Jun-26-2008 I love this story and its sequel and highly recommend it to everyone who wants to enjoy a long read. - filfil - Jul-10-2008 Read it! It`s really great! - Anonymous - Jul-11-2008 very good read .. well done (and so is the sequel) - anonymous - Jul-30-2008 Outstanding!!! This story had me hook from the beginnig..I couldn't put it down, Very well written - Lucian - Apr-27-2010 Great read, can't wait to get into the next. I hope we get more from this writer soon. - JettBlk - Jul-10-2010 What a great story.Job well done. - sassy123 - Oct-13-2010 We want more! - Bear - Jun-28-2011 What an amazing story and the sequel is just as good. Love to read a third. Definetly one of the best stories around.... - Bear - Jun-28-2011 This was an excellent read. The characters are very well drawn and I liked the storyline. Definitely worth the time. - Ricky - Sep-08-2014 I don't know what's up with the ratings for this story but the reviews were dead on. This is a wonderful tale. Good story line, plot and character development made reading this story a great pleasure and allowed you to get absorbed in the tale so that you cared about the characters. There was some editing problems here and there, but nothing that I felt detracted from the overall experience. - ubergoober - Jul-04-2015 This is a really amazing story can't wait to start the sequel now so iam off to do that now xx - SD - Aug-18-2015 This is a really amazing story can't wait to start the sequel now so iam off to do that now xx - SD - Aug-19-2015 Fantastic story well done great job - Anonymous - Dec-11-2015 Fantastic story well done great job - Anonymous - Dec-11-2015 |
When You Dance with the Devil by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novel - 246 pages | Fnished | Mar-04 Cast: Deven, Rhian, Kate, Tiernan, Seana, Jay, Nicole, Lydia Links: The Academy Of Bards Chapter 5 Chapter 14 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Part 2 of a Series Series List: Poetry in Motion, When You Dance with the Devil | ![]() |
The story of Devan and Rhian will continue to suck you in in this well-written sequesl. This is another winner from Harley. The story and character development remain refreshing and real. Harley creates just the right tension and complexities to move this story along in powerful ways. An excellent uber from an excellent writer. - UberCrazy - May 3rd, 2005 Thoroughly enjoyed this sequel, as well as the first story - Poetry In Motion. Thank you, 'Harley', for the two wonderful stories. Hopefully looking for a third in the series?!!? :) ***A hint to Anonymous - This story is finished and posted complete at the Academy of Bards site (authors/Harley)!!*** Dee! - Dee! - Oct 17th, 2005 Brilliant. I sure hope we'll see more of Deven and Rhian in the near future. Those girls still have a lot to sort out and I can't wait to read all about it. Harley, you're a master. - Sai - Feb-01-2007 there are a few links broken in this story.. - Anonymous - Feb-02-2007 I loved this story, the characters are so well written and i hope to see the sequel soon. - Anonymous - Aug-13-2007 This story is finished, and don't forget to read the first part 'Poetry in motion'. It's the best Uber I have read. Please Harley write a sequel - Josje - Aug-14-2007 Extremely well written! Just brilliant! I hope there is a sequel. Thank you Harley - Anonymous - Jun-29-2008 This sequel to Poetry in Motion is also a very wonderful story,a must read!!! Thank you Harley. - Anonymous - Aug-14-2008 I never written a recommendation before and i probably never vill again, but this is such a great story everybody should read it. I have one question to the author though. WHO DID IT!!!!!! - From Copenhagen - Sep-30-2008 I've read this story ten times over and always find something new! Great sequel, but where's the follow-up? Author said it wasn't finished, but haven't seen anything new for some time now. More!!! - Wonder Woman - Aug-03-2009 Excellent, would love to see a follow-up just to see the mother from hell get what she deserves. - Anonymous - Aug-25-2009 fantastic series that i have now read a couple of times, but where is the follow on promised at the end of book 2 ???? Seriously want to see Patricia getting bitch slapped...lol - debbie - Dec-09-2009 Wow... great series and a wonderfully nice read. Great characters, ansty plot. Will there be more to come ? hope so. I want to see Patricia get hers and find out who went after "storm". - Anonymous - Apr-19-2010 What a terrific story. Great job. - sassy123 - Nov-15-2010 Great read. Would love to know more about the footprints. :) - Micah - Jun-15-2012 Excellent. Thank you writer for sharing. - Micah - Jun-15-2012 J "Harley" Elmore is an incredibly gifted author and this sequel is just as wonderful as her original tale. Her superb talent is represented excellently in both of her stores, and I highly recommend reading them. - ubergoober - Jul-12-2015 This is a fantastic story such a great journey this takes you on so go ahead and read it you won't regret it that's for sure loved every page of it THANKS FOR THIS IT IS AMAZING XX - SD - Aug-19-2015 Great sequel but would love to read the follow up To this - Anonymous - Dec-11-2015 |