Nano #1 - Equilibrium - Newton's First Law by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novella - 95 pages | Finished | Cast: Grace, Rachel, Beth Honors/Awards: Fan Favorite In The Category Of Mystery / Horror. Links: The Bards Corner @ AUSZIP | ![]() |
Smart dialogue, sharp wit, and quirky humor. Action, adventure, humor, and romance ... after 7 stories, I still can't get enough and am waiting for more. I think the Nano series can be made into a great TV series or several blockbluster movies. This series is one of the finest uber fictional work out there folks. Don't miss out, go read! - BYL - Jun 27th, 2005 Smashing good stuff here. Comedic, enthralling, super genious intelligence and of course...dramatic. It makes me think of Jane Bond meets Doogia Howser meets Janice and Mel. Ecellent characters..super well built plot...the dern thing just rolls right off the tongue (pun intended). READ IT - jlnicky - Jul 15th, 2005 This is a fast paced story that is quite good. Read the Nano series, and you won't be disappointed. There are some leaps of faith you will have to take to get there, but overall its a great read. - jd - Dec-04-2006 Really fine series, but I'm not sure if it's finished. Good story, unusually good writing. - bdwy721 - Jun-10-2007 I've read some wonderful stories but I could never get this one out of my mind. Highly recommend it. I know at one time Jules Mills started to continue this story with Part 8 but looks like she's removed it from the web. Please, please, please Miss Mills...give us more of the awesome story !! I'm begging here :) - LDR - Oct-19-2007 AMAZING series! Fantastic pace, endearing, well-written characters. Intelligent dialogue and unerring story consistency. Definitely one of my top 5 stories of all time. Jules has recently finished the series as well. It has 8 parts and can be found at the Academy of Bards. If you haven't read this, you are really missing out. - Luciddream - Mar-21-2008 This series is amazing - Anonymous - Oct-01-2008 When it first started, I had some doubts. But that didn't last long. This is such a great story I was sad to see it end. I'll be anxious to see if there is more from this writer. Read it you won't be disappointed. - JettBlk - Sep-17-2010 a comment seems to indicate a part 7, but i didn't find a link to it. it wouldn't matter except this is GREAT and if there's more, i want to read it. it's all the things you want in a story... good dialog, humor, adventure, and more. - Anonymous - Sep-19-2010 This was great fun to read! LOL scenes, HOT scenes. Read it. The ending is a little on short notice, I would love to read more of it - Anonymous - Sep-28-2010 This is my favorite Uber tale. Read this one and all of the others in the Nanoverse series. Jules maps a new story onto the compelling themes of the X/G relationship--traumatic past, the quest for redemption and a powerful, healing love. I particularly like the love scenes throughout. Each one is integrated into the character development: a must for good romance/erotica, IMHO - Rebecca Hall - Oct-02-2012 very nice series.. i would qualify it more under science fiction/future than modern, though.. you should read all 8 stories in the series to get the complete picture.. - xtra dog - Jan-18-2013 - Wheezie - Jan-19-2013 |