Convergence by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novel - 400 pages | Finished | Jun-02 Cast: Taylor, Candace, Terra, Skye Honors/Awards: Top-25 #1. Part 3 of a Series Series List: Stranger Paths, Return to Reality, Convergence | ![]() |
I love this story!!! Kandis tackles many different subjects all revolving around one simple theme...the power of love in all it's forms. If you are in the mood for just about anything, read this has it all! HOO YA! - Kel - Mar 21st, 2003 HOO YA! This a great ending to the series that I couldn't put down til finished at 5AM when I had to be at work at 8am that was a lousy day but this great series made up for it. I thought the ending of part 31 was a little rushed, but still loved it. PLEASE Kandis share more of your wonderful writing w/ us. - Draco - Oct-19-2006 Holy Crap! This is great stuff! I lost many of recommended 8 hours of sleep to this great story! Bring it on Kandis!! - Lineah1 - Feb-17-2007 Great story. Enjoy this to the fullest because suddenly it's over and you feel like missing out on stuff. It's a must read and the disclaimers are not to take lightly.... I want more of this KG. - lyneX - Feb-26-2007 Hi All, yes of course I recommend this, but that's not why I'm here! I want to thank all ya'll for reading my very many years later!! Yes I am writing....three stories at once....yes I'm insane, but then you knew that:) Thanks again!! kandis - Kandis Glasgow - Mar-05-2007 Loved the series. The characters were well developed; the plot line creative; and the ending just right. Can't wait until the next one. - Taylor - Dec-10-2008 WOW *picks jaw off the floor* of all the series, this is THE BEST and THE HOTTEST. fookin' hell. yeah. read it. you'll thank me later. - Vale - Jun-04-2009 I am so happy I found this series. Read it ! Loved how KG tied their lives together over time. Destiny, true love, forever. - x/g fanfic fanatic - Apr-15-2010 What a great series! Hope everyone reads this series....Thank you Kandis!!!! - Tracey - Apr-25-2010 This was an AMAZING series!!!! YOU MUST READ IT!!!!! Its completely addictive!!!! - Trystan - May-24-2010 WOO HOO and HOO YA too!! Loved. loved, loved this 3 part series. A MUST read. Well written. Tuggs a ones heart. Don't forget the tissues. Bard Kandis, extremely well done. ^5 - mine2give2u - Jun-22-2010 And another HOOYAH from the back! This trilogy is great, but the last in the series is the best by far. - TKD Vix - May-06-2012 Amazing story. Glad to have found it once again. - Reader - May-13-2017 |
Xena | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novella - 59 pages | Finished | Cast: Xena, Gabrielle, Artie | ![]() |
There's 2 more parts to this story that's not listed here under Kandis' name. The 2nd part is "Xena's Revenge" and the 3rd part is "The Truth in Gabrielle's Heart" which completes the entire story. - Aresette - Feb 19th, 2005 Great story like all of Kandis' are. - Draco - Sep-01-2006 Held captive by this bard's words once again. She is something else. - Intl Warrior - Mar-24-2010 This was a great story. anyone know where the other two parts are? - Starry - Oct-24-2011 WOW! - Anonymous - Jul-13-2012 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Vignette | Short Story - 17 pages | Finished | Cast: Wendy, Amber Honors/Awards: #40 in 2003 | ![]() |
Oh goddess! *moan*u know that ice bucket? try having a change of clothes nearby. - E - Aug 20th, 2003 Wow.. a very exciting ride. Hot. - wasabigirl - Oct-14-2008 Holy cow! - Anonymous - Apr-20-2010 Ok,OK so I ignored the "Do Not Read This At Work" warning......all I can say is thank GOD for private executive washrooms. - redhead - Apr-21-2010 I thought the advise of "not reading at work" was an exageration, but it wasn't!! frst, I had to take the story to the toilet, and then home!! - Rouge - May-31-2010 OMG!!! That was soooo HOT, so GRAPHIC. Sexy and well written,what more could one ask? Loved every minute of it. As for the spice index.....I'd give it a 15 ;) - mine2give2u - Jun-11-2010 To hell w/ the ice bucket I need an ICEBERG! Damn that was a hot one. - Lysia - Sep-02-2013 Omg this was hot need a cold shower after that - Anonymous - Oct-26-2015 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Vignette | Short Story - 20 pages | Finished | Cast: Eden, Reece | ![]() |
sizzling! I love the way KG writes her PWPs. - E - Aug 20th, 2003 OMFG!!! Everything a PWP should be and more! Definately worth reading again. - LeaAnn - Aug-13-2009 Quiver?? How about a quake of SEISMIC PROPORTIONS? Good God, are you trying to kill us? Girl, you have a way with words;) An excellent read. HOT,HOT,HOT!!! Another rating of 15 in my books. - mine2give2u - Jun-12-2010 Wow!!! - sassy123 - Dec-09-2010 My GOOOD!! HOTTTT!! My body wont listen to be. - Hight - May-13-2012 I was watching the archery competition in the Olympics and this was what I was reminded of. Had to come back for another read. - times - Aug-11-2016 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novella - 101 pages | Finished | Jun-02 Cast: Taylor, Candace, Xena Part 2 of a Series Series List: Stranger Paths, Return to Reality, Convergence | ![]() |
While I love the whole "Convergence" series, and would give it my highest recommendation, I have to say that "Return to Reality" is my favorite. I have no idea how many times I've read just this story, but I know it's a lot. I'm not the wordsmith that Ms. Glasgow is, but I can say that there isn't a story out there that affects me like this one does. It is a beautifully woven tale of the power of love and the love of a greater power for two souls destined to find one another. I highly highly recommend that if you love romance that you read this story. And grab a tissue or two, you're gonna need them. You have to read "Stranger Paths" before reading this one and in all honesty, why wouldn't you read the whole series from start to finish? It's awesome! - Kel - Aug-22-2007 Ann emotional ride for the main character Candace. The conflict of the pain from a lost love and joy of a new found love intertwine in this second story of the series. - Taylor - Dec-03-2008 ANOTHER excellent read. The ability you have to weave extremely intricate stories without missing a beat is amazing. Not to mention the angst, romance and sizzling sex. WTG!!! Thank you bard Kandis. - mine2give2u - Jun-14-2010 I couldn't tell you how many times I've read this series and each time I find something new to love. Well written, intriguing story that keeps you wanting more! - Anonymous - May-01-2012 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 55 pages | Finished | Jun-02 Cast: Reggie, Kari, Ann, Jeff, Brian, Reg, Written Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #88 in 2002, #04 in 2003, #26 in 2004, #53 in 2005 | ![]() |
Take one Regina Taylor, record executive, tall, dark and dangerous. Add singer Kari Swift, not tall but she more than made up for her height with fatal cutness. Record Exec and Singer meet - match made in heaven right? NOT! It's hate at first sight as far as Kari is concerned...will Reggie be able to change her mind? Follow along and enter the stormy music world and see if they'll rock on! | |
Still one of my favorites. Lust, love, passion all wrapped up in a deliciously funny package. Rock on! - Kel - Feb 17th, 2003 Really enjoyed this one. KG's stuff is always wonderful but this was certainly fun. Would have made a very nice novella or even novel if the secondary characters had been fleshed out. However, everyone was quite three dimensinoal and the read was a pleasure. Would be nice to see these two again. Reggie's transformation was quite remarkable and it would be interesting to see what happens in the long run. Her past is just itching to come back and bite... well, you get the idea. - Roxytrek - Mar 7th, 2004 Wonderful read. The music was great, the characters real, and the story very enjoyable. Great story within itself. And I would have loved more. But it does end nicely. Well done! - Jennifer - Jul-28-2008 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novel - 171 pages | Finished | Jun-02 Cast: Candace, Ephiny, Kayla, Xena, Gabrielle, Senar, Lyceius Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #64 in 2005, #67 in 2007 Part 1 of a Series Series List: Stranger Paths, Return to Reality, Convergence | ![]() |
I just finished reading this triology for the second time. It starts with "Stranger Paths," then "Return to Reality," and concludes with "Convergence" This is a MUST READ please check this trilogy out. This writer has a very vivid imagination. The three stories volly between past and present several times in a seamless tale involving all of the characters from the series we know and love. The characters are nicely developed, the plot is well thought out and all three stories will keep you up late into the night. - gayzer125 - Jul-29-2007 I can't believe that I have been remiss in recommending this story! Please allow me to correct that! This story is awesome. I didn't start the series until the author was already writing the third installment "Convergence" but I caught up very quickly. Truly, Ms. Glasgow is a very, very talented writer. She doesn't bog down the reader with a lot of description and dialogue, yet weaves a very complex story that will keep you glued to the screen until you finish. I've read the whole series several times and will probably continue to come back to it again and again. The characters will capture your imagination and your heart so quickly you actually start to believe that you are reading about someone's real life. This story is sexy, provocative, intense, playful, complicated yet very simple. If you are in a mood for a story that tells, what I believe, is one of the best and greatest love stories ever then read this! Ms. Glasgow, I love ya! - Kel - Aug-22-2007 Excellent. Kandis has a very vivid imagination and uses creativity to bring the passions of her characters to life. I know she's got several stories in the works. I'm looking forward to them. - Taylor - Dec-03-2008 A most excellent triology. Loved the "time slip" concept. I think my most favorite is Convergence where all comes together. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. You kept me glued to my computer ALL weekend ! - x/g fanfic fanatic - Apr-17-2010 Love it!! I read it again every 6 months or so - prpldrgn - Jun-02-2013 I love this series... and all your writing. How much do we have to beg to see more of it? - Anonymous - Oct-20-2013 |