Adega by
Xena: Janice and Mel | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 86 pages | Finished | Feb-09 | ![]() |
Janice is sent to Germany to recover art stolen by the Nazis. She is discovered and detained in a prison cell and has been separated from Melinda for several years since their last encounter post "The Xena Scrolls." | |
Intense and powerful. A Mel and Janice more human than mythical. The writing is excellent. Lexx knows her way around the language. I'm really at the edge of my sofa waiting to read what happens next. More please. - calabria - Mar-11-2009 Excellent! I was there with them - queenofcups - Mar-13-2009 Not for the faint-hearted. Moody. Gripping character twists. A claustrophobic journey into the Covington mindscape. Sit yourself down with a straight Scotch and brace yourself for this one! - Absinthe Angel 777 - Apr-18-2009 What a fantastic piece of writing! Please write more. I don't think I could handle it if you didn't. - geetargrrrl - Apr-22-2009 Wow! Not only is the content gripping, the writing is nearly lyrical. - Anonymous - Apr-25-2009 This story is PHENOMENAL! I've been devouring Mel and Janice fan fiction for years and "Adega" is my absolute favorite. The writing is uncommonly potent and beautiful, the characterizations are remarkably mature and insightful and the highly imaginative, suspenseful plot kept me reading until dawn. Thank you, Lexx23, for creating such a realistic and flattering portrayal of my favorite characters. Your talent takes my breath away and I wish I could assuage my painful cravings for the follow-up novella by sleeping in a statis chamber until the story is available. - xenascrolls - Jun-20-2009 SOOOOO kick butt. I stayed up til 3 a.m. reading this story. - Coal Damian - Jan-28-2015 this is quite an amazing piece and so very well written dark and sad but you really don't want to miss this writer's work. - Liv - Feb-24-2015 Amazing story. Got sucked in right away.... but there's no link after Part 4. - LisaJane - Jul-18-2019 Amazing story. Got sucked in right away.... but there's no link after Part 4. - LisaJane - Jul-18-2019 |
Echo by
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Very Short Story - 2 pages | Finished | Jan-09 | ![]() |
Inside Xena's head in the moments before she and Gabrielle are crucified. | |
Wow that was really well written. I could feel the guilt and loved the imagery at the beginning, the way you play with the words and set the scene. It made the ending so much more raw and contemplative. Awesome! - Anonymous - Feb-02-2009 Really intense and powerful! - Anonymous - Apr-26-2009 haunting - cmwulf - Sep-12-2011 |
Eudaimonia by
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 11 pages | Finished | Jan-10 | ![]() |
The relationship of Xena and Gabrielle as seen through Herodotus (Gabrielle's father). A brief exploration of social politics in ancient Greece. | |
A sweet and very different portrayal of Herodotus than many I've seen. Puts our girls in a historical/cultural perspective a bit. - Asterix - Jan-19-2010 |
Fate and Fire by
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 16 pages | Unfinished | Jan-08 Links: Removed at author's request - no longer available online | ![]() |
Xena Alternative Fanfic (Post F.I.N.) (Xena/God of War Crossover) Following the events of Friend In Need I & II, Xena discovers that all history has been reversed after the loom of the Fates' destruction in When Fates Collide, and is enlisted by the Greek gods to fight for Olympus, the whole time seeking to be reunited with Gabrielle. [Removed at author's request] | |
Fulcrum by
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 6 pages | Finished | Jan-10 | ![]() |
Xena and Gabrielle healing after the battle in One Against An Army and the Rift in season 3. | |
Memento Mori by
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 23 pages | Finished | Feb-08 Honors/Awards: Top-25 #1. | ![]() |
POST-FIN II, Gabrielle is haunted by her memories of Xena's death and Aphrodite can't stand to watch her friend suffer. Together they travel to the temple of Mnemosyne where Gabrielle makes a life changing decision. | |
very good story and great point of view from gabrielle. - d - Feb-25-2008 I'm stunned! I wasn't expecting to have such a strong reaction to this story. I do mean that in a positive sense. I've often wondered what Gabrielle's life would have become after FIN. I think this story provides an interesting and surprising answer. I'm not sure I like the answer but I do appreciate the writer's point of view. Brilliant story - very well done Lexx! A must read for X and G fans! - Opus - Feb-26-2008 Truly original and thought provoking. A great beginning for this talented bard. I hope to see more. - Kez - Feb-29-2008 I've never been one for Post-FIN fics, but every once in a while I'll come across one deciding to give it a shot. I can say this with complete honesty, this story was by far an absolute surprise and I *love* it. Your portrayal of Gabrielle's viewpoint and motivation is very moving and powerful, and it most definitely left we with an impression, like whoa. Wonderful job; I look forward to reading more of your work. - Kara - Mar-06-2008 this is amazingly written and just blew my mind. thank you for sharing it with me. the video and the fic are great in their own ways. it was much more heart wrenching to watch the video to actually see them and then have gabrielle return alive. her death seems to just. fit somehow. at least in this fic. i like the idea of her picking up in xena's footprints. - morgaine - Mar-09-2008 Intresting...very intresting. A different look but something I could very well see happening. - Amanda - Apr-22-2008 Beautiful, detailed, and true to the characters. I can't remember another story I've enjoyed so much. - Anonymous - Nov-15-2008 Gosh, my first thought is WOW!!!!!!!! and extremely BREATHTAKING! (literately, it is) This is my fav X and G fan fic by far; i'll probably read it again tomorrow. lol xD Hot stuff!! :} - Sarah - Apr-23-2009 Intense and beautiful. - Brighteyez - Apr-25-2009 This story painfully remind me of how much FIN disappointed, disturbed, discombobulated me. Although tragically romantic, i like the notion that X&G are together, as they should be. - kc - Jul-04-2011 |
Patchwork by
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 3 pages | Finished | Jan-10 | ![]() |
Xena and Gabrielle healing after the events in A Good Day. | |
So good. This author is so raw and brutal in her writing. My heart hurts to read her stuff, but please do. It is truly some of the best works here or in any other fiction. - Kez - Feb-22-2014 |
Repetition by
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 3 pages | Finished | Jan-10 | ![]() |
Xena and Gabrielle's first kiss. Set at the end of season 1 | |
Xena: Janice and Mel | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 6 pages | Finished | Jan-10 | ![]() |
A romantic evening at a local haven. A short narrative exploring the sexual dynamics of the lesbian community in the 1940s. | |
Thought-provoking and multifaceted. Issues raised about both 1940s society's treatment of lesbian women and the self-imposed roles that were often present in those relationships provide a jumping point for consideration of the present day. - Asterix - Jan-19-2010 |