Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 257 pages | Finished | Jan-11 Part 2 of the Rage of Eden Series Series List: Rage of Eden (The), Diera's Lyric | ![]() |
A chance meeting on the London underground brings two people together, reunited once more by coincidence this time in the fabled city of dreams Ravendale, USA. Lyric is an arrogant aristocratic lawyer who believes she can have anyone and anything she wants. Diera is her beautiful P.A. who is proving to be more than a challenge to her charm and seduction skills, in between there's a murder, a slave auction, family secrets and the mayhem caused by interfering parents. I hope you like this. | |
i really enjoyed this. it says part 2 in a series, but you don't really have to read the first to understand this one. for me, this one is a much more enjoyable piece than the first. - Anonymous - Jan-20-2011 Great story! - Anonymous - Jan-20-2011 I loved this story, especially because I'm a Club Wotever regular and even the mention of it fills me with joy. - helena - Jan-23-2011 I love the story, but there were a few grammatical errors that made a little difficult on the eyes, and kinda unrealistic, but i guess thats why it is fiction. - jaye - Jan-26-2011 I loved the story,although,unless there is a sequel, i wish we could have seen how Lyric reacted during and after Diera's pregnancy. - DAB - Jan-26-2011 Absolute must read - Anonymous - Mar-13-2011 A difficult read indeed. Apart from spelling and grammar, there are continuity and plot issues that are immediately apparent (Diera is unique enough a name, tack on Voicemail and it becomes unforgettable, n'est pas?). HOWEVER, the characters are so compelling, and the dynamic between the 2 main characters is so engaging, that you get sucked right into the story. You desperately want to find out what happens next... which is why the quote at the very beginning of this story is so apt... Curiouser and curiouser... - Anna Lei - Apr-22-2011 Excellent, sexy story. Great Read. Everything this author has posted is well worth the time. - Anonymous - Oct-14-2013 Just what the doctor ordered!!! the scenes are hot and sizzling!!! - Blue Angel - Aug-26-2016 |
Falcon and the Handmaiden (The) by
Original / Uber | Ancient | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 245 pages | Finished | Oct-07 Honors/Awards: #60 in 2008 Two-Time Top-25 #1. | ![]() |
This story is very roughly based on Tomyris (Tiirmirise) Queen of the Massagetae as recorded by Herodotus the Historian in the Histories. The Amazons of legend were supposedly descended from the Scythians and their Massagetae cousins. This story is a blend of fact, legend, fiction and in some places pure fantasy. I have taken some liberties with the customs of the Massagetae. Some I made up and some are taken from Nigeria and Dahomey or Cameroon as it is now known was an African Empire. The Kings of Dahomey maintained an elite bodyguard which was exclusively comprised of women. These female warriors were the only ones the Kings trusted to protect him and his family in the Palace. Palace politics was what actually decided the succession and such women were therefore held in the highest esteem since they effectively decided who would be king. | |
Well this story almost got me fired(so engrossed in it i didn't see my boss behind my shoulder reading), and then i rushed home to finish it to the annoyance of my girlfriend who banished me to the couch for ignoring her, so i guess all in all i can say as a history lover this story was damn awsome! - Jaye - Nov-07-2007 What a very compelling and ambitious story! Shades of Wilbur Smith in scope. Very well done!!! - Balmain - Jan-21-2008 Fantastic adventure and love story. Raw sensuality. Ancient gore and scary snakes warning. But still cute and lovable children, and as usual, our menacingly frightful and powerful hero. - Dust - Mar-08-2008 i always liked to read ancient and prehistory verse of uber. This master piece is realy as master piece. it took me two days to read this lovely story. Anyway folks a id o want to say more but ...guess what??? come and read it by yourself its such a good story. I must say... the writer must have been really deep in research and prepare the story.... u won't regret to read it. Again i must say Excellent..... Thanks for sharing. I wish these kind of story will hit the screen someday... i will be the first in line to watch :) - donkikid - Jul-16-2008 One of the best stories on the Athenaeum! A rich and full-bodied tale where passions are deadly. A visual and tactile feast! This a very graphic story and not for the faint of heart but worth every syllable. - TallTale - Jul-24-2008 Excellent epic read about a time and place most people are not familiar with -- the Africa, involving a fierce African Queen and the love her her life, her slave. A GREAT READ! - happykt - Jul-27-2008 fantastic - Anonymous - Jul-31-2008 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh orgasmic!!!! Have read it three times already. More please Lucien more please. - Panina grl - Sep-28-2008 This tale is awesome from beginning to end. I love the use of an African heroine, how often do you see that? If you love historical fiction or just a long engaging and entertaining read, you WILL love this story. - Anonymous - Oct-05-2008 A hardcore butch melted by a beautiful women. Wonderful. - Icefic - Oct-06-2008 I haven,t slept and I am late for work. I had to finish this gloriously wonderful tale. Two snaps up baby!!!! - Y Bird - Oct-20-2008 Splendid story! Thank you very much Lucien. - Anonymous - May-14-2009 loved the story !!! - Anonymous - May-19-2009 A really great story. Loved reading it. - sassy123 - Sep-01-2010 Excellent story. Highly recommended. - Anonymous - Oct-02-2010 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 136 pages | Finished | Sep-07 Honors/Awards: #44 in 2007 Part 1 of the Rage of Eden Series Series List: Rage of Eden (The), Diera's Lyric | ![]() |
Rage Fenton is a nightclub owner with everything. A thriving business, a fantastic apartment, a hot ride and a she is dating Eden Payne a beautiful lawyer. One night Rage picks up a beautiful stranger who changes her life in more ways than one. Almost overnight Rage finds herself in prison and about to lose everything. | |
That was really cute. I enjoyed the chemistry between Eden and Rage. I'd love to see a sequel to this. - Hoqoq - Jul-29-2008 In between all the (very hot) sex, there is a good story in there somewhere ... I'm sure of it (^_^) - Anna Lei - Aug-27-2010 The interaction between 2 leading characters is endearing.Such a wonderful story. I would like to read more about these two. Sequel pretty please. - Rayne - Mar-01-2011 Ive never laughed so hard on this site. The interaction between Mercy, Angel and Rage throughout the story was great and the exchange during the badminton scene was just hilarious. This writer has a wicked sense of humour. - Mica - Jun-10-2012 |