Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 8 pages | Finished | Sep-07 Honors/Awards: #00 in 2007 | ![]() |
Can you encounter true love when trapped inside an industrial trash can? Can you actually have a PWP without sex? I'm going for it. I realize that means you're going to say "Point? What point?" I will happily admit there's not a point. I'm going for, hopefully, cute and short-much like&well, c'mon, work with me, people& | |
ReaaLLL....CUTE. loved it - vampireslayer2 - Sep-30-2007 Cute. And short. Loved it! :D - Anonymous - Oct-12-2007 Cute. And short. Want more. - Anonymous - Oct-12-2007 mission accomplished. cute story. - reita - Oct-13-2007 Aww that's cute! So direct and forward! No wishywashy angst that go on for seventeen chapters, which I love too, but this was fast and ......efficient! lovely bit of flirting. need more of these two, they're just starting to simmer. - msprism - Oct-20-2007 Awww, such a cute story. PWP - pretty wonderful piece? I'm just sad that it's so short :(. - Oggie - Nov-07-2007 Beautiful story - so different from most of the uber stories on line. - Anon - Nov-17-2007 Utterly charming, cheeky, and charismatic!! - Balmain - Jan-11-2008 Cute. It made me smile all the way through. - Anonymous - Feb-07-2008 haha, nice! now that's what i'm talking about. I'm really loving this author - mary - Dec-07-2009 Lighthearted and cute. - Lynne - Jan-06-2011 thank you micah........... - stitz97331 - Feb-09-2011 That was awesome! Funny and awesome and cute! Love! - Anonymous - Mar-14-2011 Sweet and short...loved it.... - Mia - Nov-07-2012 Cute! - Anonymous - Nov-13-2012 Short, lovely and very funny!!! It's great!! - Rosa Santos - Nov-15-2012 Very fanny!! - Rosa Santos - Feb-08-2013 well, i'm no expert but i think her batting average was ok.. i do believe her bantering average is way higher, though.. - xtra dog - Jun-12-2013 |
Lucky by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 122 pages | Unfinished | Oct-07 Honors/Awards: #49 in 2007 Top-25 #1. | ![]() |
A woman questioning her sexuality hires a woman to help answer these questions-with unexpected results for both of them. | |
There is so much so-so (not to mention downright awful) alt Uber online, that you forget how really fine it can be if the writer has the gift: clean, shapely dialogue, emotional warmth, well-honed compositional skills. Looking forward to more of the same! - paedagogue - Oct-23-2007 Very well written story. Highly, highly recommend this gem. Hope more is on the way soon. - chatham23 - Oct-23-2007 Ritzy WOW!! absolutely brillant So far please give me more - vampireslayer2 - Oct-24-2007 WOW, what a story! pretty much blowing me away every posting :) - Kat - Nov-08-2007 Wow! This is so beautiful and sweet! - Anonymous - Nov-08-2007 intelligent, creative, captivating story - one of the best I have ever read - claudia - Nov-09-2007 I NEEED more of this story. Great beginning, and I can't wait to see more. - Anonymous - Nov-12-2007 I am loving this story so far! I check back frequently so I can catch the next part as soon as it's posted! - Dylan - Nov-13-2007 I'm not one to read unfinished stories but after reading Micah6's charming The Efficency Expert I decided to start on Lucky...and Wow! I am completely enjoying this story...I even find the wait/anticipation between updates to be quite enticing. This is an absolute MUST read!!! - Balmain - Nov-22-2007 Great story. Can't wait for the rest. Dutch. - Anonymous - Nov-28-2007 Most of the time stories based on circumstances such as these give me pause - and not in a good way ... but this one is great. I am really looking forward to the next installment. Please make it soon! - Anonymous - Dec-02-2007 What an excellent read! I think about this one a lot and love the characters too. I have one gnawing fear, that it will not get finished. I check almost every day for more hoping I'll get Lucky. - calabria - Dec-12-2007 excellent story,can't wait for the next part. keep the updates coming. - Anonymous - Dec-19-2007 Awesome!!!Amazing!!!!Intelligent and brillant dialogues, charming characters and funny, this story is fascinating. - Leth Cross - Dec-23-2007 Absolutely dark, and absolutely bright. Fabulous. Intelligent. Inventive. I cannot wait for the rest. - jaeygatsby - Dec-23-2007 OH GOD PLEASE FINISH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Anonymous - Dec-29-2007 WOW! brilliant fantastic OH GOD PLEASE FINISH IT PLEASE - Anonymous - Jan-06-2008 please, please, please finish this soon, or there will be crying (and it will most likely be me!) ... - Anonymous - Jan-25-2008 desperately in need of an ending! - Anonymous - Mar-19-2008 We, your fans, are dying for you to finish this one! Please! Would bribery help?? We'd be willing.... - Anonymous - Mar-21-2008 This screams for a ending!!!! - Callisto - Mar-22-2008 Begs for an another 200 pages before you come up with an ending...I may have to write my own ending for this one if you don't do it soon! - Katelyn - Apr-10-2008 Wow what a great read! Please hurry and finish. I can't wait to see how this ends. If you need time off work to finish this, just tell your boss I said you could have off how ever much time you need. Hell, I will even fill in for you if I have to!!! - Nancy - Apr-22-2008 So.... are you just teasing us or what? We're all dying for an ending to this magnificent story! Please stop tormenting us - or is that the plan??! If it is, that's just evil, I tell you, just evil... - Anonymous - May-07-2008 Oh gratitude! I love this story, so fresh, interesting and compelling. It's a happy thing knowing that this clever bard is still working on LUCKY because I've been waiting for more. Thanks for a really unique experience, Michah6. - calabria - May-18-2008 Amazing story!! Write more! - Nicole - Jan-21-2009 Some of the best, wittest dialogues to be found. And HOT, too. I would love to see where the author is going to lead these very engaging characters. A MUST-READ. - The_Waves - Jan-22-2009 Please please please finish this! - Anonymous - Feb-18-2009 This has to continue!! Love it!! - Anonymous - Apr-09-2009 Great story!! please micah continue it soon.. - Anonymous - Apr-10-2009 Oh, the sweet praise, longing and begging in everyones words! PLEASE finish this story so I can begin reading it as I will not read it until it is complete. Thank you! - JC - Apr-19-2009 ah finish it please soon I like this story so good - old woman - Apr-24-2009 ah finish it please soon I like this story so good finish! FINISH!!!!!! PLS thanks 24th april 2009 - old woman - Apr-24-2009 It is the best work I have read so far. I really do hope that the author chooses to finish it soon. - L-VII - Jun-21-2009 It is the best work I have read so far. I really do hope that the author chooses to finish it soon. - L-VII - Jun-21-2009 This REALLY has to be finished!!! - Anonymous - Aug-18-2009 Micah6, you definately know what you're doing. great work, and I love your sense of humour!! :) - mary - Dec-07-2009 Yes, in case you were wondering - this story is so damned good that two years later we are still holding out hope that someday it will be completed... - Anonymous - Jan-25-2010 This one of THE BEST!! Please finish! - Anonymous - Feb-03-2010 ohhhhh... that is soooo NOT fair. I wish I had noticed this was unfinished before I started. Such a good story and it looks like the author doesn't plan to finish it. That's such a shame. This one had me hook, line and sinker. Now I'll never know how it ends. If you do check in Micah6, please finish it. Thanks for tickling my reading fancy. - Anonymous - Apr-17-2010 I am so hacked off that I didn't realise this wasn't finished. Please please finish.....you've got something so great here and I can't wait to see how it turns out. - JettBlk - Oct-09-2010 this is my first recommendation. i so like this story. it is intriguing. i do wish that i have noticed that this is unfinished. please finish this. - kirei - Oct-10-2010 I started reading this without realizing it was unfinished. It broke my heart. Hope you will finish someday. - rleef - Feb-11-2011 Hot! - Anonymous - Feb-12-2012 Please finish the story. Don't leave me hanging. Other than that BEAUTIFUL!! story but still finish it. - Bluewaters - Jul-17-2012 Loved this story! I was Devastated when I noticed it was unfinished!!! - Anonymous - Sep-20-2012 Very engaging story. Please finish. - Trulife - Dec-02-2012 fucking great story - Anonymous - Mar-23-2013 Great story! Can't wait to read more about these two...more please! - Anonymous - Jun-20-2013 loving it! i hope you have the opportunity and time to finish it - Aahi Young - Mar-23-2014 OH MAN!!!!!!!!!!! This is an amazing story!!!!! GREAT twists and the characters are AMAZING!!! HOPE TOO READ MORE SOON!!!! CAN'T WAIT FOR AN UPDATE!!!! - Te` - Jun-26-2014 I didn't expect to fall in love much less remember this story as soon as I'm done with it when I read the teaser, but as I continue reading it I realized I couldn't be any more wrong. This is one of the few gems in the archive; it surely will stay in your minds and hearts o,o!,, for a long time ( try forever). Only pity is that it isn't finished. - Gee - Aug-24-2014 Wow! Read this. The story just Morphs in front of you and pushing you to read more. I can't wait for more! - Katie of ohio - Aug-27-2014 It's now 2015 and no ending for this story still. This is really really one of the best stories, published or not, that I've ever read in my life. It's too bad it's left unfished. I just hope that everything is well with Micah6. Even if you left me hanging so pretty bad, I have to say you're a really great, deeply thoughtful and funny writer. All the best to you Micah6. - Luie - Jul-20-2015 This so needs to be finished PLEASE CAN WE HAVE IT FINISHED .Hate when I read a story that is not finished teach me to look before I read .x - SD - Aug-12-2015 Please please please finish this it is one of the best stories i have ever read and i want more!!! - Anonymous - Jun-20-2016 |