Exodus by
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 56 pages | Finished | Cast: Gabrielle, Xena, Varia, Deirdre, Cyane, Eve, Ghost Links: The IceBear Part 3 of the Darkness and Light Series Series List: First Steps, Heritage, Exodus, False Dragon | ![]() |
Mikael continues his series with the slower more contemplative Exodus that deals with Gabrielle's relationships with the Amazons and also how they have begun to see the Battling Bard. Mikael finally deals with the issues of what happened to the Amazons in Greece in his usual subtle ways and even manages to make everyone from Ares, Xena and of course his favorite character Gabrielle look smart and intelligent. Mikael writes intelligent characters and has his interactions between characters happen even as there is an ongoing adventure around them. Still Exodus is not as good as Heritage being a bit slower but wait for the big finale that had me needing to go outside to went after getting really worked up. - JJ - Feb 10th, 2003 |
False Dragon by
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 93 pages | Finished | Cast: Gabrielle, Fong, Xena, Temudjin, Chang, Ghost, Djenga, Wu, Dragon Links: The IceBear Part 4 of the Darkness and Light Series Series List: First Steps, Heritage, Exodus, False Dragon | ![]() |
This was actually the first story of Mikael that I stumbled upon and of course as it is the latest part of his planned 6 part series Darkness and Light the last one I read. And wow damn! Continuing in the voice he found in the last story but mastering it with added action Mikael tells another amazing story about Gabrielle's destiny after leaving the amazon, traveling through Japan and ending up in a cloister in Chin. For there the massive story just grows as a subtle but present set of characters rally around Gabrielle as she grows way beyond anything allowed of her character in most fanfiction and all of the TV series. This is so far the crowning achievement of Mikael's series and beyond a doubt the most memorable piece of Post-FIN I've read in a long time. The ending will have you begging for more, which Mikael has promised is forthcoming. - JJ - Feb 10th, 2003 |
First Steps by
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 45 pages | Finished | Cast: Gabrielle, Lucius, Xena, Plini, Egypt, Achim, Erkan, Isiss, Eve, Iaret Links: The IceBear Part 1 of the Darkness and Light Series Series List: First Steps, Heritage, Exodus, False Dragon | ![]() |
This is a great beginning for a series by a first time Xena author. Mikael manages to tackle post-FIN without going into the realm of cliche. His characterization of Gabrielle is spot on and his plotline show promise for the future. One thing to notice is that this is just a part of a greater whole in an ongoing series and that Mikael has the entire massive thing plotted out in advance. He is also a very open and contact friendly author that not only answers emails promptly but also with great care and interest in his readers opinions. This guy is one to look out for in the near future. - JJ - Feb 10th, 2003 |
Heritage by
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 49 pages | Finished | Cast: Gabrielle, Xena, Lila, Dareios, Pavlos, Sarah, Nikodemos, Ares, Eve Links: The IceBear Part 2 of the Darkness and Light Series Series List: First Steps, Heritage, Exodus, False Dragon | ![]() |
Mikael's Darkness and Light series continues with a near perfect story on Gabrielle's return to her hometown after the events of 'First Steps'. He manages to write a nearly perfect description the relationship between the estranged Lila and the sorrowful Gabrielle. There is also some killer fight scenes as usual of Mikael's stories and a great deal of really impressive dialog. This is a vast improvement over 'First Steps' and it wasn't half bad. Mikael proves he is a great up and coming author probably one of the most perseverant and creative post-FIN writers yet! - JJ - Feb 10th, 2003 |