Xena | General (Mature) | Adventure | Novella - 71 pages | Finished | Mar-98 Cast: Xena, Velasca, Gabrielle, Bacchae, Baccha, Lara, Eribas, Bacchus, Caria, Orpheus, Pella, Gorgas, Lysara, Erato, Ephiny Part 1 of the Worlds in Collision Series Series List: Baccha Moon Rising, Fallen Nation, Shattered Dreams | ![]() |
'Baccha Moon Rising' is the first story in a three story trilogy, 'Worlds in Collision,' detailing an epic conflict between Bacchus, the god of wine and revelry, and the Amazon nation. The story does contain some violence, profanity and sexual themes. |
Vampires -- oops! I meant bacchae. It's an interestingly dark tale of what happens when Velasca comes under Bacchus' spell and turns Gabrielle and Xena into bacchae -- then the Amazons are slowly infiltrated. LOVED IT!!!!! - AmazonQueen - Nov-09-2007 |
Xena | Alternative (Mature) | Adventure | Novella - 79 pages | Finished | Mar99 Cast: Ephiny, Bacchae, Bacchus, Velasca, Solari, Dioni, Pella, Xena, Artemis, Ordahlia, Baccha, Amplitron, Ares, Nadia Links: Athenaeum's Scroll Archives Part 2 of the Worlds in Collision Series Series List: Baccha Moon Rising, Fallen Nation, Shattered Dreams | ![]() |
'Fallen Nation' is the second story in a three story trilogy, 'Worlds in Collision,' detailing an epic conflict between Bacchus, the god of wine and revelry, and the Amazon nation. It would be a prudent precaution to read the previous novella, 'Baccha Moon Rising.' | |
Xena | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Short Story - 37 pages | Finished | Cast: Ephiny, Solari, Melosa, Xena, Velasca, Gabrielle | ![]() |
This was a great read,giving more indepth detail to the releationship that developed between the Regent Ephiny and her fellow Amazon, Solari over the years. Makes me wish there were more stories about these two Amazons being posted. - AmazonQueen - Nov-01-2007 |
Xena | Alternative (Mature) | Adventure | Novella - 148 pages | Finished | Mar99 Cast: Ephiny, Gabrielle, Xena, Velasca, Baccha, Bacchus, Solari, Eponin, Thraso, Arista, Eribas, Caria, Bacchae, Thracian, Antiope Links: Athenaeum's Scroll Archives Part 3 of the Worlds in Collision Series Series List: Baccha Moon Rising, Fallen Nation, Shattered Dreams | ![]() |
'Shattered Dreams' is the third and concluding fast-paced story in a three story trilogy, 'Worlds in Collision,' detailing an epic conflict between Bacchus, the god of wine and revelry, and the Amazon nation. This trilogy is a so-called 'lost' adventure that takes place immediately after the second season X:WP episode 'The Quest' and immediately before the second season X:WP episode 'A Necessary Evil.' | |