Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 108 pages | Finished | Sep-09 Honors/Awards: #74 in 2009 | ![]() |
Wow - What a treasure! Kept me up til the wee hours. Beautiful, heartfelt and very hot. An absolute Must Read for J/7 fans. - Anonymous - Sep-19-2009 Beautifully written. I loved it! - Ginger - Sep-25-2009 Wow! great writing and of course i loved the J/7 pairing! - Anonymous - Oct-20-2009 This author's talent is exceptional. The way she stays true to the characters but weaves a wonderful, intriguing, delicious and erotic story is beyond anything I've read in the J/7 world for a very long time. Read it - you will not be dissapointed. - Anonymous - Oct-28-2009 I read both stories this author has written. Although I love both. This just sends shivers down my spine. You'll know exactly what I mean when you find the chapter that leaves your mouth hanging open and wanting oh so much more. Thumbs up to the author. Please keep writing, we need talent like yours. - Fi - Nov-10-2009 This is one of the best J/7 story's I've read in a very long time. I've saved it to my computer and let me tell you that is rare. To all J/7 fans out there, don't miss reading this. It really is a wonderful, intriguing and hot story. - Lorna - Nov-21-2009 OMG...that was hot and taut and it... - Kam - Dec-20-2009 In a word...amazing. I wished it would never end. - Anne Arky - Jan-02-2010 WOW!!!!!!! Fantastic story, please let there be a sequel. - Chris - Mar-29-2010 I didn't get a dam thing done today. Thank You - Toni - Apr-19-2010 Have not read J/7 fanfic in years loved it. - Liz - Apr-22-2010 This story has lots of VERY SUPER HOT AND EROTIC SEX SCENES (about a half a dozen extended ones) that I immediately clipped and pasted into my ebook, under the title 'Cherry Dreams' to read over and over at night before I go to bed. This story had it all - forbidden love, tragedy, epic romance and contact from the great beyond. Love it! - happykt - May-11-2010 I enjoyed this read. The author really knows the show and works a wonderful plot. Not much sex but plenty of angst. - JLNicky - Jul-22-2010 Would love it if the author wrote more J/7 fics. Excellent characterizations and writing. "Denial" is good, but do yourself a favor and read this one too. Maybe it'll inspire more writers to give this pairing a go. - Anonymous - Feb-23-2011 I've never heard of J/7 before this and have no interest in anything Star Trek. I only read this because I loved "Denial" and wanted to read more of Omega13's works. I was not disappointed. The whole story is so beautifully crafted, the characters so well thought out, the action and the transitions flow so naturally , that it feels like I'm reading an official Star trek voyager novella. Omega13 makes the J/7 pairing feel so right I'm afraid I'll be so disappointed if I watched the actual tv series. - Anonymous (omg) - Feb-28-2011 Gotta love those stoic, hold everything back characters. It's been years since I've watch star trek and I wanted to read more of this wonderful author. Intense, compelling with a twist. Good read. - Anonymous - Mar-02-2011 Really great story. Enjoyed the angst and developing romance between J/7. Very sexy!!!! - JJ - Mar-20-2011 Write more, write anything, I am hooked. You are incredible - Anonymous - Mar-28-2011 What a great story! Omega13, you are really talented and should get this published if you haven't already! - Claire - May-20-2011 This story has it all. So much passion, angst, desire, longings, anger again locked up in one jar called Love. Just like the story ''playing the role for herself'' By dabkey. This is real life stuff. Without chemistry and deep emotion, life isn't much of a challenge. Therefore it's a splendid story regardless of your sexual orientation and culture. - Anonymous - Sep-12-2012 What a great story!!! I couldn't stop reading until the end. Thank you very much for sharing it! - Ayla - Sep-29-2012 i can't wait for it to be publish...please let it be available at amazon kindle - Anonymous - Dec-20-2012 Another great story - sassy123 - Feb-06-2013 Very good. - Anonymous - Aug-06-2014 What a angsty but so good story. So short but so good. - Anonymous - Jan-30-2017 Cette histoire est si bien écrite que je ne l'ai pas quittée avant d'avoir fini.Merci - Marie - Apr-15-2021 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 352 pages | Finished | Oct-09 Honors/Awards: #38 in 2009 | ![]() |
Hot, angst-fueled action between our two intrepid heroes, as they struggle to find themselves, and each other. | |
SO NSFW, but SO AWEsome. The sex scenes are almost unbearably erotic. WOW to the max. - teecee - Oct-09-2009 Another great J/7 fic, very hot. Good to see someone of your talent is still producing new stories for the fandom. Keep up the great work. - Anonymous - Oct-10-2009 Excellent story! Despite a PWP start, there was great character development and plot twists. Couldn't put it down. - Anonymous - Oct-10-2009 Was completely captivated by this story. And the love scenes were beyond description! I really hope to read more from this author. Thank you. - Ginger - Oct-12-2009 Fabulous! Hard to write something new for J/7 but this had a great twist that I've not seen any where else. And believe me when I say I have read EVERY J/7 story on-line. Other than JB & M (Gina Dartt) this goes right to the top of my favorites list. Keep 'em coming! - Robin - Oct-14-2009 I haven't read anything like this since in a long time. This story is amazing. Please...please...please read this. You will not be dissapointed. - Delilah - Oct-28-2009 This is an awesome read. an interesting take on Janeway and Seven. hot hot hot keep the ice water handy.... - Leighann - Nov-01-2009 Excellent story. I live on hope of a sequel - Anonymous - Nov-10-2009 Loved it! What can I say. This story captures Janeway and Seven's character perfectly. It will blow you away. - Sharon - Nov-10-2009 Wow, I mean, wow. Thank you so much. I laughed and cried. You really blew me away. If you do anything else today, please download this story. It's a keeper in my favorites. Loved, loved, loved it. - Rachel - Nov-22-2009 Wonderful story. It is much more than just a PWP; it has drama that will keep you reading into the night. I'd love a sequel. - IB - Dec-02-2009 An excellent piece of work, I loved the storyline and the (love scenes) were amazingly done. Read this story, It wont dissapoint! - Chrissytaff - Dec-17-2009 Superb story. Loved it. The love scenes are so sensual. Hope to see more from the author. - Anonymous - Dec-22-2009 I like to thank all those who suggested reading this story. I'm not a fan of Star Trek: Voyager fiction, BUT THIS STORY IS AMAZING!!!!!!! - rosii59 - Dec-22-2009 great story!!!! kept me awake for very long... - Lengis - Dec-28-2009 Loved it! I hope that this author adds many more stories to her page. The characterization is spot on and the story stays with you long after you're finished. I can't wait for a new story from Omega13!!! - Anne Arky - Jan-02-2010 This is a masterpiece. I am a die hard J/7 fan and this is one of the best stories I've ever read. Can't wait to read more of your excellent writing - Kat - Jan-16-2010 I´m not a fan of Star Trek Storys, normally I avoid them. I read this one because I really liked the authors story "Denial". But hey what a surprise the story is amazing with a great twist, also very hot and funny. Go read it you will not be disapointed. - Marty - Feb-23-2010 Very spicy on this one. The author has a plot and with the fantasy aspects of morphing psi telepathy she sucks you into the erotic sex scenes that will make you clench with passion. Totally hot. - JLNicky - Jul-22-2010 Whoa. This story totally sucked me in. Definitely a beautiful story - and very hot. Hope the author will write some new stories someday! -crosses fingers- - Jane - Aug-16-2010 Two nights in a row I stayed up Reading this author's works. I haven't been this enthralled in awhile. This writer has amazing talent. I'm hanging out for more. - JettBlk - Oct-14-2010 omega13, congratulations, you deserve that and much more. thanks for that story so wonderful. Desde España - España - Feb-11-2011 This is absolutely one of the best J/7 fics floating about on the interwebs. Extremely well written and the characterizations, in my opinion, are spot on. If you get all tingly for Janeway and Seven this story will drive you right over the edge. - Anonymous - Feb-14-2011 Loved this story. What a unique twist. I plan to come back to story many times. Most excellent. I've enjoyed everything this author has written. More, please - Anonymous - Mar-03-2011 Omg. That was definitely not safe for work. Sooo hot and well written. - Anonymous - Sep-08-2011 This was my first J/7 story and I only read it because I absolutely loved Omega13's 'Denial' and I wanted to check out her other stories. Needless to say it didn't disappoint! - Dinorino - Nov-26-2012 Another great story - sassy123 - Jan-02-2013 Yes there were moments but i found the plot twists were not always smooth and were sometimes unsettling. The recapping within the story sometimes were a distraction too. But once i had invested time reading it seemed a waste to stop. - CJ - Sep-03-2013 Really good. - Anonymous - Apr-30-2014 Loved it, I want more! This story deserves a sequel! - Raf_51 - Sep-15-2014 Another wonderfully angsty story. Omega13 does gut-wenching angst like nobody else, but through it all, you know our heroines will eventually finally have their HEA. Wish she will write more but so grateful for the three she has gifted us. Thank you for these magnificent stories. Wish there was more. - Anonymous - Jan-30-2017 |
Denial by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 352 pages | Finished | Feb-10 Honors/Awards: Three-Time Top-25 #1. | ![]() |
Set a one year record for total hits at 17,949, forty-seven weeks on the our Top-25 list, and ten #1s in 2010. | |
I usually don't go for stories with this much angst, but this tale was just so gripping that I couldn't look away. Five stars, 10/10, the top score in any rating system you choose. This story made me laugh, it made me cry, it made my heart ache. It made me so grateful for what I have, and reminded me that hope is never gone. Read this. If you skip it, you're doing yourself a disservice. - Rae D. Magdon - Feb-10-2010 Oh wow, this story was amazing!! loved it - Anonymous - Feb-11-2010 a lot of angst, but wow what a great story.. definitely needs a sequel - helena c - Feb-11-2010 This is the first recommendation i have ever left, and i can only say this story was amazing! I rarely de-lurk, despite having read numerous great (and terrible!) stories over the years, but this has to rank in my top 3. What a fantastic writer. This should defintely be published and if it is not, I can only say there is no justice in this world! Can't wait to see what you write next. For god's sake don't stop!! - Bungle - Feb-12-2010 Funny,erotic,heartwarming and heartbreaking. A thought provoking, beautifully written story that lingers on after the last word is read. - lynn k - Feb-12-2010 This story has lots of agnst, but is well done. Definitely one to read. - Anonymous - Feb-12-2010 A-MA-ZING!!!! This story is gorgeous and heartbreaking and sexy as hell. - Anonymous - Feb-12-2010 angst. but it was a beautiful and worth while read. but the ending,,,,, i know we could had have more of it. it was totally hanging. sequel pls? - rec - Feb-13-2010 This story grabs you on the first page and doesn't let you go until the very end. Read it! Please can we have a sequel? - Gillian - Feb-14-2010 OMG...Great story. I've read almost every story on here and this is one of the best. Please continue this story. Please - Paldar33 - Feb-15-2010 Bravo! This story is so well told. Such emotions, so erotic. Thank you. - sue4rab - Feb-17-2010 Wow! Another outstanding story that I seriously couldn't step away from. As with all your stories, I didn't want it end...was completely enthralled from start to finish. Thanks so much for writing and sharing it. - Ginger - Feb-17-2010 Wow, what a read. Angsty and hot in just the right measure. Brilliant stuff- a must. - Bensongrrl - Feb-18-2010 Truly an angst ridden tale with much drama and love! Kept me riveted to my seat with many surprising twists and turns. Not your usual love story, but a great one none the less. One of the best I've read in a long time. - legatoeff - Feb-19-2010 **** SPOILER ALERT **** Ok... well how do I start, this story is very gripping, it's painful, you start slowly, lightly but then it's not so light anymore and you have to keep reading to reassure yourself that they will (and you will in consequence) get a happy ending. In the end, this story was too poignant to allow me to sleep, because it made me reflect on a lot of topics afterwards. MUST READ - Anonymous - Feb-19-2010 Wow! This was a truly riviting story. So many times after reading a page. I couldn't quiet my mind. It had me reflecting on the characters and their connections. Run don't walk and read this most compelling piece of work. - Christi - Feb-24-2010 A really great read! I have been a little melancholy all day because I finished this story last night and now I miss the characters so much. More please!!! - laf66 - Feb-24-2010 What a gem! 10/10 - OmisLiebling - Feb-27-2010 If you feel like there's nothing original out there, and you're in need of a good story, read Denial. I bet my recommendation reputation that you will adore this story & not want to stop reading...even when you've read "The End." - IB - Mar-03-2010 So heart wrenching, so amazing - Anonymous - Mar-05-2010 What an incredibly powerful story. This author has woven an exquisite tapestry with light and shade and everything in between .Adjectives escape me but these will have to do ..intelligent,well paced,emotionally gripping,tragic, uplifting and incredibly erotic ...and all of them at just the right times and in just the right measures.I have already re-read this 3 times and have joined this forum just so I could comment.This is a unique story and while it cannot be compared to any other I have read I am reminded of my other favourite story by K Alexander "An Audience with the Side walk Saviour" in that both leave you feeling like you have been on an emotional roller coaster and both stay with you long after the reading. Well done to Omega13.You are very very gifted. - prufrock - Mar-05-2010 Oh fuck me - pretty much sums up this fic, or was at least my reaction to it. Gorgeously written high class drama drenched in angst and extreme hotness while staying away from the cliche's. Punched the air of of my luigns (that's the joint description of loins and lungs). A definite must read. - Ape - Mar-10-2010 This one of THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!absolutely magnificent. of the best ff of this Páginal - lucia - Mar-15-2010 I want more with these 2 women.It was heartwarming and heartbreaking. So well written.Too bad the Spice index only goes up to 10. Thanks - pat - Mar-15-2010 you are a teacher in the drama with this story. It really is the best FF drama of this page. I hope more stories from you. It has a score of 10 with five stars. - Anonymous - Mar-17-2010 Just Brilliant!!!! - Anonymous - Mar-18-2010 Excellent story and characters - Anonymous - Mar-19-2010 WOW!! I don't know where to begin! Never have I been so deeply affected by a story! Omega13 is one very talented author. This story needs to be published or turned into a screenplay! I cannot stop thinking about these characters. This is one of the most heart-wrenching, gut-wrenching, erotic, emotional rollercoasters I have ever had the privilege of taking a ride on! And what a ride it was! At certain points in the story my heart actually hurt and I wept openly for each and every one of the characters, and smiled and felt a sense of joy when it ended. I would love to hear more about Celeste's and Amy's life together. It seems to me that there is still much more to tell about these two wonderful characters and there families. Bravo Omega13! This is a masterpiece, and I look forward to reading more from you hopefully in the very near future! This is a tour de force and rates a 10 all around! - Anonymous - Mar-19-2010 One of the BEST fanfics I have read. - Anonymous - Mar-20-2010 Awesome book. exelent job Omega13 - deverax - Mar-21-2010 Great story, Loved it ++ - Wolfie - Mar-23-2010 WOW!! WOW FU***** AWSOME!! - vampireslayer2 - Mar-23-2010 It is surprising to find a jewel like this. It is one of the best stories of this page. THIS IS A JEWEL It has the highest punctuation. - Anonymous - Mar-26-2010 Very, very..HOT - brighteyez - Mar-26-2010 wooooooooow je suis reste sur ma fin ....bravo merveilleuse histoire 10/10 merci omega13 - alanlansky - Mar-27-2010 This story deserves to be in the top 25, for long. It's an impressive quality, no doubt one of the best stories I've read! - Anonymous - Mar-27-2010 It is been a while since i've read a good story, but this is by far the best i've read this year. very exciting i started reading at 9pm didn't finish 'till 5am. that's how good this one was. well done!! - aru - Mar-28-2010 THIS IS A JEWEL, ONE OF BEST MORE STORIES THAT I HAVE READ ON THIS SITE OR IN ANY OTHER. SERL DESERVE THE NUMBER ONE IN THE TOP 25 AND MUCH MORE Sugiere una traducción mejor - Elena - Mar-30-2010 **** SPOILER ALERT **** The story is really captivating. It has witty and very sad moments, only thing i didn't like was the shortcut end. But as we al know, every story needs to end... (sorry for any bad english, I'm not a native speaker) - thorstochter - Mar-31-2010 I rarely de-lurk but thanks to you, Omega13, my Sunday with pals was completely hijacked. I had planned to max out my flexible friend on a shopping spree that the Beckhams wouldve been proud of. Have a slap-up lunch, swallow it down with a good few glasses of two-for-one vino tinto and prop it up with a gossip session that involved sex and who was and wasnt getting any, who was nearly getting any, who had pencilled in the potential of getting any. You get the picture, Im sure. But, as I like to snuggle in my bed a little longer on the Sabbath, I thought Id visit this site and catch a few chapters of the latest posting. Big mistake. Once I clicked on the link to Denial, I was hooked. So hooked, I soon hit the point of no return and couldnt put my laptop down. This isnt your usual happy-clappy forgettable pap, I reassured myself as I fumbled for the phone to re-arrange my day. You created a captivating, vivid world, filled with two smart, strong-willed, complex and very sassy women. They not only surprised and amused me, but at certain points they broke my heart. Equally, I loved the dialogue, and the fact that you used the verb said to carry it. Not too many gasped, grumbled, cautioned, or she asseverated. Yes. I had to look that one up too. This story not only rubbed my emotions raw, but also got up close and very personal. All in all top marks, because as exceptional writer should, you made me cry and hiccup like a ten-year old over characters that dont exist and events that have never happened. If you ever get this published, Omega13, your novel will find a snug and well loved place on my bookshelf. For me, this ones definitely a keeper, and I can't recommend it highly enough. - Sarah - Mar-31-2010 WOW! This is truly a FANTASTIC story. I LOVED it from the first paragraph to the last. I hated that it ended and could have kept reading about these complex, yet wonderful characters. I really hope this gets published; I would definitely buy it. - Barb - Apr-01-2010 Amy has it all, but to her detriment she soon discovers that she wants something else more. This exceptional story will make you laugh, it will make you think and it will break your heart. It's very well written, has captivating characters, a superb plot and it's hotter than hell! You can't put it down once you've started. I look forward to more work from this author. What an absolute GEM! - Sai - Apr-01-2010 Very intense and sad. Excellent story. - Anonymous - Apr-02-2010 This is a masterpiece!!!!!!!! - Anonymous - Apr-02-2010 10/10 masterpiece.Should be published. Would make an incredible film. please do a squeal .I am greedy but the feast is worth the faux pas - Anonymous - Apr-02-2010 Wauw, wauw tremendous story, could not put it down...good job, and keep them coming C.R. - Anonymous - Apr-07-2010 Stunning writing. Really well thought through characters. Really could not put it down! - Angel - Apr-07-2010 **** SPOILER ALERT **** Not your usually fanfic romance - it is romance but lots of conflicts which touch on very sensitive issues. So this story is thought provoking on many levels. The manuscript is very well beta read with only minor errors which is an added bonus. The end could have been a bit more elaborate since so many people were affected. - bookgeek - Apr-10-2010 excellent story, a must read, thank you very much omega13 - stitz97331 - Apr-11-2010 Excellent story. one of the best stories I have read. This kind of story is what I like. Excellent story. - Anonymous - Apr-11-2010 I haven't read anything like this since in a long time - Anonymous - Apr-12-2010 brilliant read it - Anonymous - Apr-13-2010 WOW, SIMPLY AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But please there has to be a sequel to this story. - Rose - Apr-14-2010 OH MY GOD!!!!Very intense and HOT....Just Brilliant!!!! - Anonymous - Apr-15-2010 Grab a few days off and sit down to read this UNMISSABLE Story! WOW, you are drawn into the angst, sadness, heartache, longing, yearning and love for this story and won't be able to put it down... - Cas - Apr-16-2010 for me a good story, is what makes your emotions are on constant alert. A good story, makes you laugh, mourn, love, feel and this story has all that and much more. You have a great telent to write, I have read many history of this page and I can say that is one of the best, my punctuation will be 10/10 - Anonymous - Apr-17-2010 The addition of the epilogue has made a perfect story a perfect ++++ !!!! Thankyou Omega for an amzing journey. I urge everyine to read and savour this amzing story.!!! - Prufrock - Apr-17-2010 Was thrilled to see the epilogue to this amazing story! Thanks Omega13 for sharing your talent. - Ginger - Apr-18-2010 Awesome! - Anonymous - Apr-19-2010 I usually stay clear of angsty fiction but the way Omega13 writes makes it impossible to not read her stories. Heart-wrenching but oh so good. Highly recommended. - Anonymous - Apr-19-2010 wow!! just wow!!! this story is amazing... couldn't stop reading. cant even describe how beautifully written it is... i just no words... im glad i read it!!! definitely a must read! just a warning, clear ur schedule cos u definitely wont go no where until u finish this story! - crv - Apr-20-2010 This story grabs you from the first word Definitely a jewel I hope to write more uber FF. It has a 10/10 punctuation - Ros. - Apr-20-2010 Very good read! ^^ This bard has managed to catch some aspects of desire in a really realistic way! She seems to like complicated situations, complicated feelings, but all of this leads to only one painting, full of nuances and powerfull contrasts... one of the kind of love that drives someone to distraction. My words may sound pretty "classique" but this story keep in its core an essence that touch the reader in the most particular way. So read it and you'll feel your stomack tickling a few times... - yuka - Apr-22-2010 Very good read! ^^ This bard has managed to catch some aspects of desire in a really realistic way! She seems to like complicated situations, complicated feelings, but all of this leads to only one painting, full of nuances and powerfull contrasts... one of the kind of love that drives someone to distraction. My words may sound pretty "classique" but this story keep in its core an essence that touch the reader in the most particular way. So read it and you'll feel your stomack tickling a few times... - yuka - Apr-22-2010 Nicely done, love the sensuality and lead up in the story line. While I do not normally like to read "tragedies" this one grabbed me and I could not put it down. Suffice to say if you have insomnia do start this before bed if not pace yourself:) - Liz - Apr-22-2010 Great work. Grown up writing for grown readers!! - sonji - Apr-22-2010 Rating: Overall = 10; Spice Index = 10 & Omega13 = 10!!! - danbina - Apr-27-2010 What a good read. Absolutely heartrending at times but the author managed not to slip into hyperbole; she made it believable. Well done. - siggy - Apr-28-2010 awsome story. speechless. - v26 - Apr-30-2010 Shoot, what a great story. Didn't mean to stay up all night reading it. Oops, oh well. :D - celts - May-04-2010 Wow. I almost don't know what to say. This story was fantastic. May times I had to pause because I could almost feel the emtions of the characters. Thank you for such incredible work. - Karen - May-14-2010 A great read. Looking forward to more from this Author - Anonymous - May-15-2010 This story has lots of VERY SUPER HOT AND EROTIC SEX SCENES (about a half a dozen extended ones) that I immediately clipped and pasted into my ebook, under the title 'Cherry Dreams' to read over and over at night before I go to bed. This story had it all - forbidden love, tragedy, epic romance and contact from the great beyond. Love it! - happykt - May-11-2010 - happykt - May-21-2010 Honestly, this is the best story I've read in a very long time. The journey that these two women go through pulled me in completely. If you do anything this weekend, read this story. It truly is wonderful. - Karen - Jun-18-2010 One of the best stories I have ever read. And most definitely very hot. Very angst-ridden, but tastefully done. Definitely WELL-RECOMMENDED! - Jane - Jul-09-2010 Electric!!! Has everything, unrequited love, happy, sad, and really really sad. Excellent read. - Anonymous - Jul-15-2010 Now THIS is what I call a story. I've decided to come out of lurk-land and post my very first recommendation cause this one is entirely worth it. This is the second time I've read this story, in one entire day no less, and I just can't get enough of all the intense conflict and interaction between Amy and Celeste. There is nothing better and more heartbreaking than a forbidden romance. And to top it all off, I could not stop listening to Radiohead's "House of Cards" while reading's the perfect theme song for this brilliant novel. It kinda feels like the story stemmed from the song itself with the lyrics "I don't wanna be your friend, I just wanna be your lover" in the beginning and "denial" repeating over and over at the end. Recommended to anyone whose willing to ignore the world for a couple of hours and just disapper into the passionate lives of Celeste and Amy. - warriorqueen - Jul-17-2010 Just Brilliant!!!! - Anonymous - Jul-19-2010 I am completely taken aback by how good a writer Omega13 is. The wonderful world that she creates in all her stories are astounding. Well done Omega you have just notched up an all time record here at the Athenaeum - seven number ones! You Go Girl. - Angie - Jul-29-2010 I've ignored and passed this story by for months without a thought. Finally nearly bored to tears this weekend I decided to give it a whirl... BEST DECISION EVER!!!!! Hands down "Denial" has catapulted to one of my all time favorites. Thanks Omega13 :) You did an amazing job at keeping me glued. I laughed. My stomach lurched. My heart breaked. I hoped. And finally, you delivered. Bravo!!! - Myinnerme - Aug-03-2010 This is the first recommendation i have ever left, and i can only say this story was amazing! - Anonymous - Aug-05-2010 I recently read this author's Star Trek Voyager work and truly believe it is up there amongst the best. Now given I am a complete STV J/7 fan and have read most of the fanfic out there, that is high praise indeed. But I can't praise enough her original work - Denial - it really is outstanding. Thank you. - Keeper of Words - Aug-11-2010 Great story. Loved it. - Anon - Aug-12-2010 Such a moving story! Absolutely loved it :) - Marie - Aug-20-2010 Excellent story and a nice long Sunday read!!! - Anonymous - Aug-29-2010 I love the story so much, I don't want it to end.. I hope there's more original stories coming from you omega13. - Anonymous - Aug-30-2010 This story is superb. Loved it. I absolutely loved Celeste and Amy, and their journey is amazing and well worth reading. - Anonymous - Sep-07-2010 One word... WOW... It made me anxious, to the point I had to stop reading and go do something else only for it to draw me back in. Great story!!! Loved the characters, totally believable. - Anonymous - Sep-12-2010 Woo! Just finished this! Great, Great, Great! I usually don't read "Uber" stories. This is my first, it seemed everywhere I looked this story was being recommended. And boy was IT WORTH THE READ!!! Excellent job Omega 13! I've read all your stories listed here, you truly are a talent. Please grace us with more! - Anon - Sep-22-2010 Holy crap! This is one of the best stories I have ever read. A must MUST read. - Jane - Oct-02-2010 I haven't read anything this good in ages. Brilliant read. And because it's so good, I've just talked myself into settling back and reading it again. - Cheryl - Oct-12-2010 I'm so bloody exhausted!!! I stayed up til 2am and still didn't finish til just now. Less than 24 hrs it took to read this wonderful story. This is the best be read in a long time and one for the vaults. I can't wait to check out O13's other stories. Read it you won't be sorry. - JettBlk - Oct-12-2010 Absolutely loved it!!!! - Anonymous - Nov-16-2010 Beautiful. Hard to find the right words to describe the emotional impact it has on you. A Powerful story, amazingly deep characters that you fall in love with instantly. This story is gripping, yet tender, joyful and still filled with the sorrow of life. It is one of the most touching stories I have ever read. All I can say is, thank you for sharing this with all of us. I would say that to not read this, would be to cheat yourself of something truly wonderful. - Fern - Dec-26-2010 Very high recomendation! Thank you. At this moment - processing translation this fic into russian language for - Tatianafrom Russia - Dec-27-2010 Amazing story. Would love a sequel. Complex and fun characters.Although there is a lot of angst I was always interested in what would happen next. I hope this is published. - Anonymous - Dec-31-2010 There's something about this story that makes me read it all over again. Try it yourselves. Highly recommended. - carbon - Jan-01-2011 Wow! This is really one of the most emotional read I ever had. Stories can arouse different shades of emotions, but this one for sure, give in the most powerfull ones. This bard has guts! and she's breathtakingly talented. - yuka - Jan-06-2011 The most perfect story ever! It's been a month since I read it and it still resonates in my mind. Only a handful of stories like this out there. READ IT NOW! - DS-C - Jan-16-2011 I'm with the other 163 readers who have left some brilliant comments on how good this story is. It's outstanding. There are only a few stories out there that resonate like this one for me and I haven't read one like this in a very, very, very long time. I like the reader before, have revisited this story time and time again, and each time, I connect with it. It's magnificent. Quite literally stunning, what else can I say but read it. - Michelle - Jan-18-2011 Sometimes I'll read stories based on recommendations and 95% of the time I think "That was okay, but not great. The story did not move me." HOWEVER, this is a masterpiece! It is beyond great and wonderful in every way imaginable. You know without a shadow of a doubt that the two characters loved each other. And that's what makes a brilliant story. - DS-C - Jan-23-2011 a beautiful,emotional story, loved it - avid reader - Feb-01-2011 brilliant read it - Anonymous - Feb-09-2011 Hi Folks, I just want to say how stunned I am. Wow! Who knew that getting in to trouble for day dreaming thoughout my entire school life would eventually pay off! And just to compound the daydreaming, I also suffer from compulsiveness. So, I'm about to do the one thing that I shouldn't - which is to write something when I've had a few glasses of wine. The reason is that I need to share my happiness at the Xenafiction site folks for doing what is clearly a huge amount of hard graft for not a single penny and with such aplomb. And to you folks for giving me such a stonker of a surprise. This is a bitter sweet time for me. I have a friend who was diagnosed with cervical cancer. As it turned out it was all consuming. My friend did that thing that many of us do which is to ignore our own health while looking after others. And when she finally got it checked, it was too late. So she fought the good fight and bowed out graciously just the other day. She leaves behind a legion of family and friends, and husband and a five year old son. She was a fiery red head with a husky voice and a personality that resonated with gizillions of love. She was too young. Too full of live and had too short a time here. This morning, I went to work and left - couldn't really stay focused. I came home and just needing some time alone - cooked. Cooking (whatever is to hand...which is sometimes scarey)is my passion. And bunging my concoction in the oven, I topped up my glass of wine and sauntered over to my laptop, and thought I would escape for a wee bit by visiting my favourite site that I hadn't been to in while. Blimely...What a shocker...I've hit the jackpot...10 number 1's and not a Photoshop boob in sight...And story of the year. After doing a jig, I thought it must be a mistake...Do they realise how many good stories are out there on this site? But, after a few quiter woops and a few less enthusiastic jigs, I read through the the 25'er lists, and by jove, it looks like little ole me actually did it....Yeahah! So, all I can say is that when I sent Denial in. I think it was my third story by then. The other two being J/7 fanfic. I didn't expect much, and was thrilled to see that people were giving feedback. But to get such a huge response with Denial has been amazing. I never, ever thought that it would touch so many of you. So, to shorten this very long story. I just want to say cheers for reading Denial, and that Amy and Celeste are stilll very much alive, in my head, and continuing to blossom as a couple and as a family (arguing occassionally then making up in that fiercely hot way that they do...rooorrrhhh...) And to finish...Annemarie. Here's to you, doll. We love you. - Omega13 - Feb-09-2011 OMG. That's the first thing that comes to my mind after reading this fanfic. I have never been so touched by ffs before. You knew exactly when, where and how to push all our emotional buttons without sounding cheesy and too melodramatic. Everyone already gave you glowing recommendations. Let me just address you directly. Omega13 you are so blessed to have this god-given gift, and we are so blessed that you are writing femslash. I will go back and re-read my favorite sections of Denial (actually anything about Celeste) when I'm done with my work (couldn't get any work done today just had to finish reading it). And thank you SO MUCH for having mercy on us by giving us the epilogue. BTW, I'm so thankful I came back to this site to make this comment or I wouldn't have seen the epilogue, as I had read the PDF version of Denial and its not there. [Editor's Note: The epilogue is now included in the eBook versions. 02-23-2011] - Anonymous - Feb-23-2011 This story rating of #1 for 2010 is well deserved. - Anonymous - Feb-27-2011 AMAZING, EXCELLENT, FANTASTIC¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ - Anonymous - Mar-01-2011 ive read it countless times and i still can't get enough!! - Anonymous - Mar-02-2011 It is a great lovestory, and after finishing it 10 minutes ago I wonder if is normal to just start at page one again. And now I'm finishing this review, I have a book to reread :) - Anonymous - Mar-04-2011 Would love a sequel, please...... - Anonymous - Mar-05-2011 There are so many twists- I loved the ride... Deeply painful at times, amazing sex & the intensity..oh the intensity. Loved it. Highly recommend! - surferdp - Mar-13-2011 I can't even begin to express how much love I have for this absolutely brilliant story! God, just so wonderful! Read, read, read! - Anonymous - Mar-21-2011 I love this story. Please write anything you wish. I will read and recommend it. Your stories are wonderful. - Anonymous - Mar-28-2011 Second read, just as good as the first. - ~M - Apr-15-2011 Such a beautiful story! WOW I have to say that when I heard about this story I didn't really want to read it, I usually don't read novels whithout a teaser or a resume. So I googled it to see if I could find anything, after readind a review I have to say I still wasn't sure. I was afraid there was to much angst, and I'm not a fan of stories that covers several years in time. But I'm curious and I had to find out about this 10 times top 25 story. I started reading it yesterday night and I could move from my chair since. SO people if you are like me and hate those kind of stories that are too angsty, if you afraid that this story is the kind that keeps it's characters for years(and entire chapters) at the botom of the well, believe me this one is nothing like that, it's so well written that you don't see the years passing. This author is such a good writer that with only a few words she says what some people strugle to write with a thousand words. I get bored very easily and I'm the kind of reader that jumps the boring stuff. And I have to say that this author kept me intrigued from the very first word to the last one! Bravo! - Raf_51 - Apr-24-2011 just read this story and you will undwerstand why it won the highest award. the story grips from begin to end love love love it - Anonymous - Apr-26-2011 One of the best I've read in awhile. I'll definitely re-read this one! I wonder if a sequel is in the offing? - TKD Vixen - May-01-2011 Great read, you will not be able to stop reading until its done. - hovercat1 - May-23-2011 That was a truly beautiful story. - Danny - May-23-2011 I am usually not a huge fan of angst-- I mean, I love me some tension but even Missy Good"s stories are sometimes too angsty for me :) But this was, in a word, AMAZING. The angst is so worth it for the great story and phenomenal writing. READ IT!!!!! It deserves all of the accolades it has gotten and then some. Can't wait for a sequel! - twinsparadox - May-25-2011 Damn... - Anonymous - May-28-2011 This is beautiful. - D - Jun-18-2011 What a find this one was!! Brilliant writing!!! - JC - Aug-14-2011 Thanks to the hundreds of reviewers before me and their thoughtful, accurate, and heart-felt words, there are no new compliments I can add. Everything has already been written. Yes, you cannot deny (egad, I really wrote that!) that Omega13 is blessed with a God-given gift, and she executes it masterfully. This is not "simply a story," it's peeking (yes, I mean that) into these fully-developed characters' / people's lives and experiencing everything they are living; it's an adventure. It is THE ride that never stops going around and around. I think I might get tired of it, I think I might want off, but no! I want more of it. I don't want it to end. I will read this again and again, and I will feel again the emotions I felt the first time...I have no doubts. I am exhilarated and exhausted and sad and happy, and oh so turned on! And I want more of Celeste and Amy and their families. - Anonymous - Aug-18-2011 This one is definitely a must read!! It was like a rollercoaster ride, amazing characters, I give it a 10! - F - Aug-22-2011 Thank - Stitz97331 - Sep-13-2011 Best story ever! Gay or straight - Anonymous - Oct-15-2011 So much for the weekend chores, not to mention the red rimmed eyes. Couldn't put it down, didn't put it down. Loved it. Ready to start it all over again. - Piedpiper - Oct-17-2011 awesome story. - sassy123 - Oct-29-2011 wow wow wow, after i've read this story i understand why it was Story Of The Year.please there has to be a sequel to this story. - braniac - Nov-21-2011 Read this work and get wet. very interesting. love the plot goes wit my kind of mind. You re a very good writer with the right mind. Love it. - Chinwe - Nov-21-2011 I can't believe that it has taken me this long to read this story and - guess what - I ended up devouring it in one sitting. There is so much that can be said and has been said about this novel that I'll never do it justice in in one or two paragraphs. But for me, this is a mouth gaping, air sucking, eybrow raising, chest clutching proper love story. It's filled with real people and their intertwined struggles. And I got hooked on Celeste and Amy - on their issues, their compromises, and their overall journey to find themselves and each other. Seriously, this story really touched me. So much so, that I re-read it right away, and I can't recommend it enough. Just so you know, I am very pernickty reader and this will be one of the very few novels that I'll re-visit often because even though it's a romance, it's also a very insightful and grounding book. - LIbby33 - Dec-19-2011 Angst Alert!! There are few lesbian romance stories that surprise me. This one did in a wonderful way. As I read, I found myself questioning my own moral code and thought provoked by what the characters were trying to workout. Somewhere along the journey I found myself setting aside my own personal beliefs and hoping for love to overcome even in such circumstances. - DD - Jan-06-2012 Just remarkable... - Taylor - Feb-19-2012 Amazing! It took me a few chapters to understand the connections between everyone, but I could not stop reading once I got started. - Anonymous - Mar-26-2012 Dude, please tell me that youre hdeaing to publish more. I notice you havent written another blog for a while (Im just catching up myself). Your weblog is just also important to be missed. Youve acquired so very much to say, these knowledge about this topic it would be a shame to see this blog disappear. The internet needs you, man!VA:F [1.9.7_1111]please wait...VA:F [1.9.7_1111](from 0 votes) - pHhBYVXgnlHQ - Apr-08-2012 This is definitely the BEST ff I've read in a long,long time... sooo passionate and heartbreaking at times.... I'll be revisiting this often. - Beaulashes - Apr-10-2012 I couldn't even remember the last time a fanfic kept me up at night and a zombie for work the next day. After reading this fic, I now do. Seriously, simply OUTSTANDING! SO FREAKING HOT! So much passion and love... I'm not a big Star Trek fan, so I'm hoping for more ubber pieces by Omega13!!! o/ - Babyjune - Apr-29-2012 Awesome book! Some parts had me crying my eyes out. The sex is pretty good too! - stonewalldog - May-11-2012 the best i've ever read - Anonymous - Jul-22-2012 love it - Anonymous - Sep-04-2012 very nyc - Anonymous - Sep-12-2012 oh my this story has it all! Anger, passion, angst, longings, desire; again all locked up in one jar. Just like the story ''Playing the role for herself''. This is real life, without this much emotion life wouldn't be much of a challenge. Regardless of anyone's sexual orientation and culture this story is absolutely splendid. - Anonymous - Sep-12-2012 What a great beautiful story!!! I couldn't stop reading until the end. Thank you very much for sharing it! - Ayla - Sep-29-2012 **** SPOILER ALERT **** Just read this story and couldnt help stopping by to say how truly amazing it is. So full of drama and 'on the edge', yet so bright and full of light, and, above all, so real, deeply emotional and permeated with life& At the end it reminded me somewhat of Jonathan Carroll style. As an international journalist I know exactly what it means to be on the ground in places like Somalia. So, dont know if uve really been to MSF, Omega13, or are somehow related to it, but I can tell u for sure that your description is totally realistic and true, adding a lot to immersion into the story. Its a bit sad that u didnt give it a go by publishing more broadly. I only encountered it by accident (thank God I did :)), and I can clearly see how this story could become more popular. I really hope that someone would film your stunning story one day. So thanks so much for sharing it, Omega13! - Jordan Moonfire - Nov-13-2012 I've read this story so much that it has now become a favourite in my collection. It's an amazing read and I can't recommend it enough. - LornaB - Nov-26-2012 Okay, guys, tell me isn't it published yet? I need this book on my nightstand. That's the best I've ever read. A real Masterpiece. - lamazo - Jul-16-2013 :::: you can find this when you do a Google search "Omega13" And breath..exhale.....Wow,so many emotions stirred in me.Ive read many many stories and none has gripped me like this one.I laughed a lot.I said a few curse words,even teared up.Omega you are truly a gifted writer!!! Yes I must warn you that the *spice factor* is off the charts!!! So there you have it ! Thank you Omega! - manatee - Jul-26-2013 Hi at long last I've just found out that this story has now been published and is available on Amazon: - Claire - Sep-05-2013 OMG!I cant stop thinking..heartbreaking....the best I've ever read!!Number 1 in my list! - Anonymous - Jul-10-2015 |