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Individual Author Page for - Psi Draconis -
Stories Found: 3
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Modern Crusaders - A Thousand Miles and Even Heroes... by Psi Draconis     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novel - 254 pages | Finished | Dec-03
Cast: Ally, Claire, Evelynne, Corey, Sophia, Narmin, Jean
Links: The Academy Of Bards               
Part 2 of the Modern Crusaders Series
Series List: Modern Crusaders: Adeptus Major, Modern Crusaders - A Thousand Miles and Even Heroes..., Nwyn
This is the sequel to Adeptus Major, a domestic look at the future Queen of Atlantis and her Consort hiding in plain view. It's not quite what I expected, but then, I wasn't quite sure what to expect. So far, it's very good. I'm glad I chose to read it, and to be honest, it's a little addicting.I'd recommend this to anyone who has read the first book. There is continuity, a little newness and just a bit of surprise in the characters Evelynne and Ally meet.Yup, this one's a keeper! - Taleweaver - May 8th, 2005   

I missed class and lunch reading this! Excellent tale and well written. I can't wait for new chapters, I just hope it comes out during break. ^^ - Royuki - Nov-08-2006   

i read this many months ago, and i highly recommend the series.
i still wait for the sequel after the third story. hmm.. but i wonder why this isn't 10/10 rating? anyways, i love the story. if you want to read something new and creative, entertaining and the romance, read this. - rec - Jul-14-2009   

EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!! MUST READ - Lucian - Mar-02-2010   

Thank God I can still read this book online!!! Itīs dificult to find it in paperback in my country. Awesome PsiDraconis, waiting for more, please!!!! - Lucian - Nov-13-2011   

well, i can't wait to know what is going on.. who is the one wanting to overthrow the atlantlan government?? the suspense is killing me.. so, i'm off to read nwyn!! - xtra dog - Jan-15-2013   

Modern Crusaders: Adeptus Major by Psi Draconis     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Adventure | Novel - 459 pages | Finished |
Cast: Ally, Evelynne, Arthur, Duke, Chorus, Alleandre, Patrick, Corbeil, Jad, Atlantlan, Annie, Thomas
Links: The Academy Of Bards               
Part 1 of the Modern Crusaders Series
Series List: Modern Crusaders: Adeptus Major, Modern Crusaders - A Thousand Miles and Even Heroes..., Nwyn
This an excellent piece of work. Very imaginative, highly captivating and sweetly romantic.Look forward to more. - Emi - Aug 10th, 2003   

It's Not every day that one comes across the beginning of what appears to be an excellent series that weaves action/adventure/angst/mystery/romance so well I look forward to the next story whenever it comes about. - SpeedReaders - Aug 13th, 2003   

Don't be daunted by the title. This is an incredible fic with potential for a sequel and the author's future (I hope she will write more!)If you want a book for a read-a-way this is it. Best of all, the romance is strong amidst the action and discoveries. I enjoyed it tremendously. Big Star rating. - E - Aug 16th, 2003   

Awesome, awesome story. Was recommended to me from a friend and I tore through it in two nights - it was that good. Good characterizations, great supporting cast, not overly agnsty but not totally smooth sailing either. Brings forth some interesting philosophical ideas if the reader wants to spend the time really thinking, but in no means does the reader have to get deep to appreciate the plot. Absolutely wonderful tale - looking forward to a sequel. - ~ kimly - Aug 19th, 2003   

It's been said that a story can stay with you after you've closed the book, (or shut down the computer in this case), and this tale is that impactful. It's full of concepts I hadn't expected like criminal justice, archaeology, history, mythology, poetry, history and culture. It's also full of the mystical, (and yes it has modern politics too) and the romantic. One of the aspects I appreciated (but not the only one) was that the two main characters didn't 'jump into bed' by page 15. There was patience and confusion and angst. It wasn't easy for them, and that's as it should be. It's obvious to me that the author is Canadian, and seemingly proud of it. I think that's great, and I'm happy to see another Canadian stand so tall. I'm not sure that some Americans are going to enjoy a few spots in the story, but the overall plot is very well considered and it's easy to see how much research has gone into this tale.I loved this story. The tale and the characters have indeed stayed with me. I would certainly hope there might be a sequel, because I think it too could be a success.Thanks for such a great story. - Taleweaver - Sep 3rd, 2003   

OMG! This story is probably the best original fiction I have ever read, bar none! Now, I have to admit that I am a die-hard XWP/uber fan. What I mean to say is that I like it when the main characters look like X & me change resistant, it's ok. But, Ally and Evy are nothing like our usual heros...and this author goes to great lenghts to develop charcters that are so different from what is usually seen in "fan-fiction", that I found myself quite pleased that they were nothing like X & G. And for the first time...I enjoyed it! This story came to life for me. Thank you so much. I can't wait for more! - brandyjenn - May 26th, 2004   

I read a lot of good stories, sometimes even great ones...but this one, it blew me away. I was so profoundly in and of these characters' world. It wasn't just the main characters that were well-developed, but the authour obviously took pains to construct interesting, funny, humna, dynamic and phenomenal heroes, almost anti-heros (but not in the classic sense). I clamor for more!!! - BKFaith - Jun 1st, 2004   

I'll keep this short and sweet: The story is good, unique and avoids cliches, the world is greatly thought of, the characters are a blast, and it has just the right amount of fantasy in it. Oh and the main characters kinda like each other...Now i'm waiting for a sequel to be done... I guess i'm in it for the long haul. - Alrissa - Feb 17th, 2005   

Alrissa, your wait is over! This sequel is every bit as good, and complex, and real, as the first book - and the link is available from the Athenaeum. Then, when you've finished reading this story, you can go to the Academy of Bards web site and start on the third book ("Modern Crusaders: Even Heroes..."). It hasn't been finished, yet, but the first seven chapters have been posted. - Susan E - Feb 19th, 2005   

Absolutely an incredible story from a very talented author! I almost passed this story up and am obscenely glad that I didnt, it was a truly fantastic read. The characters were believable, lovable, likable and even more important, real. Im just waiting with baited breath for Psi to finish the 3rd instalment. 12/10! - Fox_Feather - Jun-07-2006   

Maybe my favorite piece of amateur fiction of all time. Great, great, great story. Highly recommended. Read it. - Arassar - Aug-16-2007   

Wow! This story was amazing! So beautifully written and engaging. The characters and the stroyline are so well developed. I loved it! A must Read for any fanfic reader! - Anonymous - Sep-02-2007   

Fantastic story and series. It's refreshing to read a story driven by plot rather than character development. If you're looking for a break from the generic story mold beginning with love-at-first-sight followed by heartache and reconciliation, then this is the series for you. - Anonymous - Sep-06-2007   

What an awesome story! I will definitely be reading the sequel(s)!! - kaysy1994 - Oct-04-2007   

This is a GREAT story. I've read it on-line many times and my copy of the book is dogeared. This story and the ones that followed have given me untold hours of engrossed entertainment. The characters and the world they live in is vividly detailed. It draws you in, grabs you, and doesn't let go till the end. Read it. - nljacksn - Feb-15-2008   

READ this book. Great story, Great characters. Overall Great entertainment. Editor: In the series list you show the 3rd book as: Book 3 - Even Heros..., then Nwyn, when in fact Nwyn is the 3rd book. It is also listed so in the Nwyn series list. - Anonymous - Feb-15-2008   

Love this series! Evelynne and Ally are exceptional and so sweet together. I can't wait to see what happens next in their lives. - Anonymous - Feb-23-2008   

Love this story! - ullahoo - Aug-02-2008   

If you haven't read it, read it! One of the best stories I've read. Interesting and powerful characters along a story line that draws you in like a magnet. - RB - Jun-06-2009   

I have read this story over and over. I've even bought the book! If you like a great plot which carries you along with a few super powers thrown in, interesting characters and a feel good factor, then this is a must read.You won't be disappointed. - Anonymous - Feb-03-2010   

This is one original story that no one should be intimidated by. The alternate history setting of Atlantis surviving to become a modern nation unfolded naturally without overwhelming me, like so many other original settings usually do. The characters are endearing but flawed, the rare types of characters that have you cheering for them every step of the way. And while I can see how others might find the ending kind of abrupt, to me it was very satisfying and an awesome way to finish a thrilling ending. And more importantly, kickass. Thank you Psi Draconis for such a wonderful story :) - omkhalil - Feb-11-2010   

Brilliant...mind blowing!!!! - Lucian - Mar-15-2010   

EXCELLENT !!!! I highly recommend this series. One of the best. Loved the superpowers, the heriones, Atlantis. All around a wonderful series. READ it - you will love it. - Anonymous - Apr-22-2010   

I can't believe this story doesn't have the higet rating. It's excellent!! Great story, good character development. Read it, you won't be sorry! - Anonymous - Jan-13-2013   

having read the disclaimer and having no intentions of evoking a hex from the author's mom, i decided to comment on this story.. i can only hope it is sufficient that i leave a comment on this site, since i never ever e-mail authors.. my bad..

that being stated: the story is very promising.. as the beginning of a series, i mean.. if it were a stand alone, i would be sourly disappointed with the ending.. but this is only the beginning, right??

as an afternote, i would also like to mention that citizens of the US may find it quite offensive.. seeing as the US, and its citizenry by large, are not portrayed as flattering as they usually are (by US writers).. just a heads up, people.. the truth sometimes hurts, i believe the saying goes.. ;) - xtra dog - Jan-14-2013   

Nwyn by Psi Draconis     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 205 pages | Finished | Aug-06
Links: The Academy               
Part 3 of the Modern Crusaders Series
Series List: Modern Crusaders: Adeptus Major, Modern Crusaders - A Thousand Miles and Even Heroes..., Nwyn
FYI -- None of the links seems to be working correctly. *Shrugs* I just change the number in the url and was able to get to the next chapters. - Anonymous - Aug-10-2006   

I love these stories. They are some of my top favorites and I really hope she finishes the last one, it's great. - Netta - Sep-14-2007   

Great story, I can hardly wait for the finale - Anonymous - Feb-19-2008   

Charactor development one of the best in fan fiction. I have her first book and I will buy her next one. - Anonymous - Feb-22-2008   

Great story can't wait for the ending - Anonymous - Feb-28-2008   

can't wait till it so much thanks... - Anonymous - Apr-05-2008   

I enjoyed what's here so far...I'd love to be able to finish this about it author??? - JC - Apr-25-2008   

Have read the series over three times...still love it. Can't wait for it to either continue or conclude. Come on Psi, u can do it! - Cole Micheal - Jun-20-2008   

Finished, at last. I can finally exhale! Thank you for a marvelous story. I can almost feel the alternate conciousness. - Dusty - Jul-09-2008   

FYI, this story is finished (finally! *squee*), but it is marked unfinished. And also, it's just as excellent as the previous 2 in the series! - Anonymous - Sep-12-2008   

Finished reading this wonderful story. Can't wait to learn what adventures Ally finds herself in next! - ullahoo - Oct-25-2008   

Thank you for a well written series that continued having good plot lines through all three books. It was a pleasure to read and I look forward to the next installment. - Anonymous - Oct-26-2008   

Thank you for this incredible story, but please!!! I want, no I need more!!!!! - Lucian - Feb-22-2010   

Please, Please, Please send us part 1V. What a fantastic series. Superpowers, intrigue, Atlantis revisited - couldn't ask for more. Could stop until I devoured each one and now have to find out what happens next. Please don't leave us hanging. MORE - ha. - Anonymous - Apr-22-2010   

incredible series, very thought-ought and without the very, very many stupid setbacks that are common within this genre. although i didn't like every aspect of the story, it still rates a 10/10 in my opinion. thanks for every word so far and please give us (plese give ME - i'm selfish) a fourth part.

one of very few books (an that stands for each of the 3 parts so far) i would happily pay for to support the author. - ruelpskopf - Sep-11-2010   

Me too!!! i would happily pay for to support the author!!!! I want, I need 4š part!!!!!!!!! Waiting for more - Lucian - Nov-13-2011   

wow! read it again, and i still can't get enough. i think one more sequel would be good. or more... PsiDragonis, i hope ur reading this. we beg of you, pleaasseeee... like ruelpskopf said, i wouldnt mind spending a few to read ur story. - reader - Jan-30-2012   

this is an amazing story! I could not stop reading it. I can't wait for more. - Anonymous - Dec-18-2012   

What a truly wonderful series. All around great fiction. Tried to find the last book to see how it all ended. Not sure if it was finished and hoping for the final story. Please Psi Draconis spare us mere mortals and complete the story. I have truly enjoyed the journey you took us on. - colorado fan - Dec-25-2012   

great story.. but how devious of the author to state that the end was NOT the end.. sigh.. knowing that 4 and a half years have passed since this story was installed, i have little hope of reading part 4 in this series.. - xtra dog - Jan-16-2013   

OMG I CAN NOT WAIT FOR MORE!!!... I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!!... can't even wait for your next book to be released... i'm always on the edge of my seat for anything you write...

i just hope you can give Claire someone... it not as nice to have her in love with people that can't fully return it... i just hope that while Ally is away that they don't do something that they regret... with not being able to look Ally in the eyes...

and i do so hope that Ally will come back like herself again... i would like to see her journey...

maybe at 'home' back in Canada she could go in the woods and meet a medicine man where he tells her that hes been waiting for her... that the sky spirits has told him of her...
...that would be cool... - crazykrew - Feb-13-2013   

QUESTION... is any more going to be explained on con-cave room... the ancient ruins Ally was working on... i'd like to know what you had thought of that when in introduced it in the story... - crazykrew - Feb-13-2013   

Well written. waiting for next book! please!Thank you for sharing your gift with us. - DMGood - May-27-2014   

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