The Athenaeum's Index Of Fiction

Individual Author Page for - Ronica Black -
Stories Found: 6
  Displaying: 1 - 6

Chance Encounter by Ronica Black     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 19 pages | Finished |
Links: Removed at author's request - no longer available online
Wow, what an incredible story. Ms. Black is truly a writer with ability to show great depth and passion! We wish we could have such a wonderful encounter. - Anonymous - Aug 5th, 2004   

87Joae Thank you ever so for you blog article. Awesome. - - Jul-09-2012   

qgzdeixy - BMhIXsgf - Aug-15-2012   

where's the link to this story?? or is it published in any way or form?? [Editor's Note: This one's been published. The entry has been changed to reflect that. 10-12-2012] - xtra dog - Oct-12-2012   

Loved both books. She kept me enthralled throughout both books. I loved all the main characters and loved the twist at the end of Deeper. Would like to see the author explore more, maybe in a third book. - Carley - Mar-25-2013   

Deeper by Ronica Black     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novel - 169 pages | Finished | Aug-04
Links: Published or soon to be published - no longer available online
Part 2 of the In Too Deep Series
Series List: In Too Deep, Deeper
This is the second book of a two part series. Erin McEnzie has been suspended as a homicide detective and can't remember what happened the night her partner got shot and another woman got killed. Her target, Elizabeth Adams is more than that now, and it seems not to be a one way thing. However, there is still a killer on the loose and Adams is still a suspect. There is much more here than anyone suspects and both Erin and Liz will be at risk.
Ok Chapter 2 - damn I live in Georgia where Kudzu is the state flower I believe. You transported me back in time and took me on the journey of their terror just as if I had been standing there watching the entire scene. Life in your story is no different then real life. Ronica you have accomplished a true feeling of real life in how you write. Thank you for sharing it with us. I can understand more about Jay's paranoia and why death is her way of protecting those she loves. Looking forward to chapter 3 with anticipation. - Shadylady - Aug 16th, 2004   

Can't wait to see where this goes. More soon I hope!!! - Shaybe - Sep 1st, 2004   

I found this story enthralling. From the opening paragraph to the closing one, I was completely gripped. There is no doubt that Ronica Black ranks up there with the very best of the bards. - Diane - Oct 4th, 2004   

ml3hYR Very neat article.Really looking forward to read more. Keep writing. - - Jun-17-2012   

Enchanted Beach by Ronica Black     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 23 pages | Finished |
Cast: Jordan, Lori, Karen, Julie
Links: The Academy Of Bards               
The beach, great friends and a budding romance...ahhh heaven. Thanks again Ms Black! - Anonymous - Aug 5th, 2004   

I just discovered this writer by finding one of her published works In To Deep, at the local bookstore. I have not been disappointed. She is well worth the read. Likable characters, great setting. - Lee - Aug-11-2008   

nice read with a nice ending.. the trauma friends can put you through.. - xtra dog - Oct-03-2011   

Exposed by Ronica Black     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 18 pages | Finished | Sep-04
Cast: Gwen, Beth, Wally, Ann, Jenny, Lita
Honors/Awards:  Perennial Favorite Award: #24 in 2004, #76 in 2005, #56 in 2008     Two-Time Top-25 #1.    
In this erotic tale, Gwen had memorized everything about Kyle and Cody's mom from Beth the first day she had seen her, and as an after school program teacher, she'd seen her every day. Beth had been noticing Gwen too since she was a breath takingly beautiful young woman with light brown hair, green eyes, incredibly fit and curvy body. Neither one knew just how to approach the other, but Gwens' second job takes care of that, which comes as a surprising exposure for both!
Excellent! Just what a short story should be. I highly recommend this if you want a fast good read. - darkenedkarma - Sep 23rd, 2004   

HOT! And of course...NOT nearly long enough! LOL - jlnickymaster - Sep 27th, 2004   

NEEDS A FOLOW UP BADLY- abut 69 more chapters. rely good one i am inpresed. - SammyLee - Oct 6th, 2004   

Makes me wonder about having a second career and the fun of juggling two diverse jobs. Great job on capturing the feelings and expressions of the characters. - Shadylady - Oct 18th, 2004   

I think, I need a tall drink of water and a lap dance, not necessarily in that other. Thank you Ms Black. - B. - Apr 27th, 2005   

After reading Ms. Black's new novel "In TOO Deep", I wanted more! This is an adorable story with incredible characters. Great job! - HK - Oct 13th, 2005   

After reading In Too Deep via book, I was intrigued with Ms. Black's work. I am thrilled to find this adorable story along with a couple of others. This story shows how well Ms. Black captures characters. Thank you Ronica! - Lesfictionfairy - Jan 4th, 2006   

fantastic - Anonymous - Aug-12-2008   

Highly Recommended!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Anonymous - Aug-12-2008   

Excellent! Nice, short read.

By the way, some of the title links of the other stories written by this author are broken. - Anonymous - Aug-17-2008   

This story is simply amazing, Ms. Black is simply the best. You won't regret reading this...just wow! - mackdido - Aug-19-2008   

Smmmmoookin' hot! - anon - Aug-19-2008   

After reading this hot gripping story, I went and bought all her ebooks via Bella Books. Ms Black writing is unique to me as she has managed to differentiate not just her story lines, the characters, but also avoided the similarity of sex scenes, dialoques in her multiple stories. - sue4rab - Aug-20-2008   

hot hot stuff! - Anonymous - Aug-28-2008   

wow... what a stunner. i am reluctant to leave gwen and beth. would love to see more of their romance but am happy with what they started. - kc - Jul-05-2010   

This is one of the hottest short story out there! Really exciting plot... sexy from the beginning! The end is just like the epitom of it all!
Just wish it was not that short though. Congrats to the bard ;) - yuka - Dec-10-2010   

i love this short story. It blend well with the title..Exposed. Need more from Ronica Black - zen - May-21-2011   

Excellent short story. Far more than a pwp, but very hot. Definitely worth reading:-) - Lyn B - Jun-17-2011   

Another wow!!! Sizzling hot, great characters, fantastic writing. Wish it were longer. Thanks ms black!
- Smokie - Jan-20-2012   

Another wow!!! Sizzling hot, great characters, fantastic writing. Wish it were longer. Thanks ms black!
- Smokie - Jan-24-2012   

In Too Deep by Ronica Black     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novel - 182 pages | Finished | Aug-04
Honors/Awards:  #55 in 2004    
Links: Published or soon to be published - no longer available online
Part 1 of the In Too Deep Series
Series List: In Too Deep, Deeper
This is the first book of a two part series. Erin McEnzie is a rookie homicide detective who gets asked to go in undercover to help solve a serial murder case. Her target is the elusive and dangerously gorgeous Elizabeth Adams. She's quickly in over her head as her long buried attraction to women begins to surface and at the hands of a suspected killer.
An intriguing series. The first story had me vaccilating between the 3 main characters and the sequel looks promising too. Excellent story. - E - Aug 15th, 2004   

Wow, this story is just amazing. And I think the scene between Erin and Liz is the hottest I've ever read! I'm really looking forward to the sequel and how things turn out. Does anybody else wish that Erin and Liz end up together?? - Anonymous - Aug 30th, 2004   

This story is absolutely good. The characters seem real and the plot kept me reading well into the night. Believe me when I say you have to read this story because you will hooked from the first word to the last. I highly recommend this to everyone. Just when you think you figured it out, something else happens and that is what kept me reading. Can't wait to read the sequel. - Meg - Aug 30th, 2004   

Ok , so I stayed up late and read this because I just had to see what happened. Nice job !!!! - Shaybe - Sep 1st, 2004   

Found this one at the local bookstore. It is the first in her Deep series. Well worth the read. Characters with depth, mystery, usual amount of angst...LOL. Have already ordered the next one in the series. - Lee - Aug-11-2008   

this author sure knows her stuff.. well written with a nice twist.. buy the book.. - xtra dog - Oct-03-2011   

Ms. Evans by Ronica Black     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novella - 58 pages | Finished | Feb-05
Honors/Awards:  Top-25 #1.    
Wow, another great story by a great writer! Read all of your stories and loved every single one of them. Thank you for such great stories. - Anonymous - Feb 28th, 2005   

UNBELIEVABLE!!! I couldn't catch my breath and then I was hyperventilating while reading! Gods, so amazing! Not only is this a beautiful story but also makes me think of my crush on the teacher back in school. And I deeply thank you for that Ms. Black because your story reminded me that SHE made me the person I am today :) - AquariusG - Mar 1st, 2005   

Ms Black keeps getting better. Her stories evolve in plot, setting, timing, and style. For everyone who ever had a crush on a teacher or someone similar, this is highly recommendable reading. Brings back old memories and takes you right back to that time... I'm looking forward for more of Ms Black's work. - annika - Mar 4th, 2005   

The author truly captures the heart of us all with this story. What amazing depth and incredible writing. Thank you Ronica! - Anonymous - Apr 15th, 2005   

This has to be one of the best stories out there today! Not only is it tender and sweet, but it's not contrived. You find yourself falling for your first love all over again. A must read, esepcially for those of us that have ever had a crush on a beloved teacher. - Aprlskd - Apr 17th, 2005   

This is a great story. It is for all of us who have had a crush on our teacher or coach. Oh to realize who I was at 15 instead of 25... - Lee - Aug-11-2008   

This story... it was extremely easy for me to connect to, having gone through the same thing when I was sixteen. Okay, so the crush on the teacher was the same, anyways. I think this story really encompasses the feelings that I had during that confusing time and I hope anyone that has had the experience of falling for a teacher or coach will give this story a chance. - Hillsys Stalker - Aug-12-2008   

Great Read!!! Unbelievable!! I enjoyed every second of it!!! - Anonymous - Aug-12-2008   

GREAT - Anonymous - Aug-12-2008   

Loved it. I felt such a personal connection to this since I've gone through the same thing. Black unknowingly has written the dynamic of these two characters extremely well. - Hoqoq - Aug-13-2008   

Great story! - lyneX - Aug-13-2008   

HOT fantastic
- Anonymous - Aug-13-2008   

Pretty good short story, the ending left me wanting more! - Anonymous - Aug-14-2008   

Loved this story. - Anonymous - Aug-18-2008   

Wow! I never had a crush on a teacher, but if I had, it would have felt like this. - Anonymous - Aug-18-2008   

Ah, the sweet angst of falling for someone unexpectedly. - Anonymous - Aug-20-2008   

Just Beautiful...A perfect story....I love it.....amazing - Dany Lucian - Jul-03-2009   

very nice indeed... - BlueButterfly - Nov-21-2009   

this is a very sweet, believable, romantic story. one that can stand up to repeated reading. - kc - Jul-05-2010   

Oh.... that was so good. What a great story. Yes, it does bring back memories of my first MAJOR crush. Loved it. - Anonymous - Aug-22-2010   

This was the first story I read from Ronica Black and wow! What a fantastic read. It was powerful, poignant and had a great ending. I've read it many times since and it's still a moving as when I read it the first time.

A must read. - Lyn B - Jan-06-2011 awesome story - zen - May-21-2011   

Wonderful - Anonymous - Aug-09-2011   

AWESOME! - Sandy - Oct-15-2011   

Wow!!! Amazing story,loved it. Really felt for the characters and felt with them. The best! - Smokie - Jan-20-2012   

Wonderful coming of age story - Anonymous - Mar-03-2012   

So glad I found this on the "top rated" page. It's a real gem. wonderful writing, sweet story. I'm going to look for her published works. - colorado fan - Jun-23-2012   

It had everything I would want in a story compiled with beautiful way of writing.....I wish I could forget just so I could read it once again. But I doubt if I ever would..... - Sammy - Jul-08-2012   

A rich moving story - Anonymous - Jul-31-2012   

awesome!!! - NoName - Oct-07-2012   

That was a very good story. Well written and quite entertaining. - Ricky - Dec-05-2012   

first time reading something from Ronica and it was great. Ms Evans was amazingly written well. i just wished there a sequel and develop the story more between Reagan and Ms Evans. - vee - Jan-06-2013   

beautiful story, brings back lot of good memories ! - braniac - Nov-02-2013   

Loved the story, it unfolded as it should. I'm very impressed with Ms Blacks writings, beautiful. Please read, you will enjoy....... - Anna28Carm - Mar-03-2017   

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