Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Adventure | Novel - 300 pages | Unfinished | Honors/Awards: #97 in 2004 Links: Sage's Fiction | ![]() |
Great story.I love the dialogue/banter between these two characters.Will this story be finish soon??? Can't wait til it's finish. Do you have other writings? - mt - Aug 26th, 2004 I just love this story. This is one of the best uber stories out. A must read for everyone. I can't wait for the next installment. Keep up the great work! - Veronica - Aug 27th, 2004 I just love this story. This is one of the best uber stories out. A must read for everyone. I can't wait for the next installment. Keep up the great work! - Veronica - Aug 27th, 2004 This story is excellent! The main characters are quick witted, very entertaining and extremely easy to like; you really start to care about them more and more as the tale develops. I can't wait to see where the author goes next, so keep up the good work! - Ang - Aug 30th, 2004 Ok..I told myself I wasn't going to read this because it was not a completed story yet,but I peeked at the first page and when I dicovered that it used one my most favorite movies as a basis I just had to read it. I'm glad I did it was a great read. A true homage to a great movie. Now I can't wait for it to be completed. I hope it gets updated soon(sneaky bard! you sure know how to leave folks hangin!) Great work...keep it up! - Elfcat255 - Sep 1st, 2004 Wow!!! I never read an story with an character soooo sexy!!!!Besides, well written, with sense of humor, fascinating! I'mfall in love with they, i'm addictive that wonderful story!Please, Sage, more!!!!! - leth cross - Sep 15th, 2004 Amazing, fascinatig ! Really, the charater Leigh is afemme fatale, a veeery SEXY GIRL! I'm fall in love withher too! I wait anxiously the next part. - Kath - Sep 28th, 2004 Great story, and I emailed the author about updates. The author is working on the new installment, be patient. Trust me, we cannot wait, we love the story. I will most surely rate this story upon completion. - klenglish - Sep 28th, 2004 What a story! cant wait for the next installment. love the character leigh along with the humor and sarcasm found in the story!!! - blazinangelwings - Oct 1st, 2004 Cool story.... you need to finish this sucker! - jac - Oct 3rd, 2004 Wonderful!!! Your character Leigh is a fascinating woman, I read and fall in love, how everyone. Please, Sage, I wait the next installment anxiously, more !!!!!!!!!!!!! - Heather - Oct 12th, 2004 Hi...Just wanna say I really appreciate all the great feedback everyone has given me on this site. I am busy working on the next installment and I will try to have it posted as soon as possible. Thanks for hanging in there with me during this whole process. It has truly been a pleasure to write this story.... - Sage(the author) - Oct 14th, 2004 Love the interaction between the two gals, can't wait for the next chapter. - Anonymous - Oct 22nd, 2004 I just finished reading the story and I just LOVE IT! it is one of the best uber stories out there. This one is definitely in my top 5 favorites. It is well written and i love the characters Erin and Leigh. Man, I just can't wait for the next chapter. I hope there is a sequel after this wonderful story is finish :) - GabHope'fan - Jan 12th, 2005 This is a wicked story. Leigh's character has a devilish sense of humour and she flirts like a demon. I don't normally start reading unfinished stories but the other 'comments' I read on this site pushed me over the edge and now I'm left in limbo land waiting for my next fix. Serves me right I suppose, will I ever learn. Please, please, please feed me now. - Sai - Jan 20th, 2005 I cant stand reading unfinished stories, but morbid curiosity got the best of me, and i got to say it was deffinitely worth it. now just finish it and i'll love you forever - Meeka - Mar 12th, 2005 Wow! Just Wow!...I cant wait for the next read. - Leia - May 21st, 2005 weeell, i'm gonna have to say... I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!!! - Katrina - Jun 7th, 2005 Great read, can't wait for the next chapter!!! - Anonymous - Jun 14th, 2005 I have just finished re-reading this fantastic story and it was just as good the second time around, but! it's still not finished. Does anybody out there know if this will ever get finished, I'm desperate to find out what happens mext, as I'm sure a few of you are too. Help us, pleeeaasse. - Sai - Oct 21st, 2005 I love this story too! I also have been waiting for the writer to finish. I say let's give Sage some encouragement. How about everyone email her on Oct 30th to let her know that we are still interested in her finishing this story. Maybe if Sage realise she still has fans out here she will get the spark back and complete the story. What say you...are you fans game? - Sue - Oct 24th, 2005 This story is worth finishing, please Sage finish the story. Please don't make me beg, you wouldn't like it when I beg ;-pAs for the suggestion of emailing Sage for encouragement, I'm all for that. - Sai - Oct 27th, 2005 please finish this story....it is very very good..I love it. - barb - Oct 28th, 2005 I very seldom read unfinished stories but I made an exception for this one. I nearly cried when I realized I had misread the review dates only to discover the story hasn't been touched in years. I misread and thought the story was recent and might be continued to the end. Great, fun read but be prepared to come to a screeching halt long after you get sucked into the storyline. If you can handle the angst, go fot it. - Katelyn - Jan-16-2008 human sacrifice!! Damn this woman can write. Wow..what a great awesome story. maybe just maybe Sage will finish this story to put an end to all humans who bravely read it. Unfinished but i still recommend it. - vampireslayer2 - Jan-24-2008 I just love this story. This is one of the best uber stories out. Please finish it - Elsa - Jul-08-2008 Wonderful when will you finish it I can hardly wait - Alex - Sep-06-2008 This story was amazing, but sadly. I dont think we will ever learn how it ends Sage, what's up? Why doesn't finished your wonderful story Honor Among Thieves? Are you sick? Still alive? We are wondering several problems or accidents for it doesn't completed. Please, to tell something, don't be cruel with yours fans!!!!! - Leth Cross - Sep-09-2008 Sage, please finish this story..Your fans have been waiting a long time for this...Let this torment end... - leia. - Sep-18-2008 Sage, I have been waiting a long time for this to finish..any updates? Are you still writing? - beth - Jan-27-2009 SAGE, PLLLLLEEEEASE, FINISH THIS STORY!!!!!!!I'M WAITING SOOO LONG!!!!!! - Leth Cross - Jan-29-2009 AHHHH! There's a reason I usually don't read unfinished stories, I hate not being able to finish a really awesome story like this one!!! - Anonymous - Jan-30-2009 This is an awesome story,very interesting,too bad sage hasn't continue it..any chance of it being completed..has anyone heard from sage? - Grace - Feb-22-2009 Holy crap! Tbis story is awesome. I know it's been years but Sage, if you're out there, please finish it! Please please please... - Syro - Jul-25-2009 One of the best stories out there. I had a day off and spent the day reading it. Very worth it even though it's not finished. Keep up the good work Miss Hamilton. - Jet - Aug-25-2009 very good story with a lot of emotions and funny moments.. I really love this story, too bad it's unfinished and we can't write to the author anymore... - Laurence - Aug-28-2009 What a great story. Please please finish it. - sue4rab - Aug-31-2009 Please, please finish the story. You can't just stop there. This story needs an ending desperately. - MayC - Aug-31-2009 This story is exceptional witty dialog, interesting plot just an all around great story - I wish the author would have finished it I would have liked to see what other twists were involved before the hopefully happy & I'm sure surprising end. - bchgrl - Dec-23-2009 Having just finished reading the last installment of Honor Among Thieves and I think it is right up there with some of the best published novels I have read. It had me captivated for several days.Truly some of the most rich, smart and witty dialogue that I have read in a while. The character development was so complex, extremely engaging and well written that I already miss those two women like they were friends of mine that suddenly disappeared without saying goodbye. A note for the author I see from the long list of reviews here that I am just one among many adoring fans who have been begging for a finish the story. (It is so close....) All I can do is add my plea in some small hope that reaches you on the eve of a some grand vacation on a deserted island with a brand new laptop and a inspirational and supportive muse. Please finish this story and write many more!!!! You are too good to stop. Thanks for the great read! L - laf66 - Mar-06-2010 Excellent story - loved the humour and relationship development. Great writing style that keeps you turning the pages with anticipation. Really, really, really NEED the conclusion though... please?? pretty please??? - rev k - Oct-09-2010 I was soooo involved in this story, I can't believe I missed the fact that it's unfinished. Such a shame, because it's brilliant. - Silver - Dec-27-2010 Great story! Too bad it's unfinished. - Anonymous - Feb-02-2011 Great story! Too bad it's unfinished. - Anonymous - Feb-02-2011 Damn nice! can't wait til the next installment! - Anonymous - Feb-13-2011 Stayed up late reading this great story.. Can't wait utill the next installment!!!!!! - Anonymous - Jun-21-2011 Great story....but please finish!!! - Anonymous - Jul-12-2011 amazing story))) hope one day you finished it, because only you can - love this story - Sep-10-2011 this is beautiful, fun and new!!! just can't wait for read all story - lola - Sep-10-2011 Please finish!!! - Anonymous - Apr-15-2012 |