Absolution by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 162 pages | Finished | Mar-01 Cast: Francesca, Elena, Alfonso, Annais, Anne, Gardner Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #88 in 2005, #64 in 2006 | ![]() |
An intricately wowen tapestry of madness, passion and love. | |
Dark but captivating. This is one of the first stories I read by S. Anne Gardner. I have read it many times over and never tire of it. It has many surprises in it. For those of you who love the twist and turns in a story, this is a must read. - Anonymous - May 26th, 2003 Written by the Queen of twisted. I reread this story again for the upteenth time since S. Anne Gardner wrote it and want to tell all of you to read it. - Anonymous - May 26th, 2003 Totally absorbing. It reads like a fantastic mystery, but the horror is that in the end it is real. Kuddos to S. Anne Gardner. Number one Bard - Kittygreen - May 26th, 2003 I just had to read this story after everything I heard about it. All good. I know this is one of the best mystery stories written by a writer. By the way, I plan on reading all this authors stories. - Jane - May 28th, 2003 Jammed with the tensions of imminent disaster. The whole thing unfolds with the timing of a quartz watch. - popadopalous - May 28th, 2003 S. Anne Gardner combines suspense with romance. Wonderful story. - Anonymous - May 29th, 2003 I had to read it. There are lots of surprises in this story. I thought I had it figured out but I was wrong. This story is written with lots of surprises. - Sally - May 30th, 2003 A love story with a twist. I liked all the places Ms. Gardner took us to in this story. I am amazed how she wove so many story lines and brought them together to gives us a surprise ending. Very well done. - Felicity146 - Jul 28th, 2003 OMG i love this story,it was great,all the different things that happened. i luv ya anne ,this is now 1 of my favourite stories ever.keep writing more like this.xxx - louise - Apr 7th, 2005 Dark but captivating. Absolution will keep you reading until the last word. It is so refreshing to read a story that isn't all rainbows and sunshine. To read a story which forces you to feel the hope, happiness, and pain of the characters as if it were your own. Well done. - cassie - Jan 1st, 2006 This is such an amazing story, the twists and romance keeps you so captivated that you just can't stop reading. It is so different than the other stories that I have read in a long time. This is my first S. Anne Gardner story, and I am sure to read every one that I can get my hands on. Extraordinary!!! - Joanne - Aug-27-2006 I read this one a while ago. It's exactly as the description says "madness, passion and love". Literally. But a very good reading. - Mile D'Cast - May-30-2007 This was dark and captivating from beginning to end. - purplehawke - Jul-11-2008 I HAVE READ IT 5 TIMES. STILL IT WAS SAME FEELING I GOT WHEN READ IT HE FIRST TIME. TIMELESS CLASSIC. TORTUTERED LOVE ROCKS!!!!!!!! - hellraizer77 - Aug-13-2009 ANNALEIs STAMP OF APPROVAL - One cannot go wrong reading ANYTHING from this author. - Anna Lei - Oct-13-2009 This story is great, I loved it. Thanks Anne Gardner for the great read. - Anonymous - Jun-09-2010 I have read all of her stories that are posted on this site...WOW! I recommend!!! Read, Read, Read... - bluebutterfly - Oct-24-2010 this is the second story i have read by this author.. however different both were, there were also similarities.. the madness part i had figured out quite rapidly, but the passion and love part were still worth reading the story.. the ending has a little mystery in itself.. the last sentence keeps you thinking about the rest of the story.. very nice read.. - xtra dog - Dec-06-2011 A lot of "What in the.." moments, but undoubtedly a good read. Kept me from going to bed early for work, couldn't sleep without knowing how it ended. Darn you S. Anne Gardner :P - Lisa Jane - May-04-2012 Kind of dark but good keep you wanting to know what's the protagonist past and truth. Impresive how the author choose to seal the char fate. - Lara0315 - Mar-24-2013 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 130 pages | Finished | Cast: Blayne, Gabriella, Arthur, Diana, Abigail, Elena, Chaz Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #10 in 2004, #30 in 2005, #41 in 2006, #46 in 2007 Top-25 #1. Links: Intaglio Publications | ![]() |
Published work, no longer available online. | |
This is a fantastic story! I want more of it. I feel for these two and wonder how are they ever going to have a happily ever after in their future? - Anonymous - May 26th, 2003 My heart is very much in this story. I am galvanized by the ability Ms. Gardner has to bring out deep feelings out of her characters that must be dealt with before their love can have the freedom it seeks.Bravo S. Anne Gardner - Betty Boop - May 26th, 2003 Thoroughly engrossing. A marvelous love story that takes us through turmulous years in a wild land ruled by a powerful woman who finds love in a woman leaving her land. What to do? Read it. - kgreen - May 26th, 2003 The fiery pen of S. Anne Gardner sizzles once again in this steamy novel of romance. Ms. Gardner is at her provocative best as she titillates readers with her justly famous erotic prose. The best of her best to date. Thank you Ms. Gardner - Papadopoulos - May 26th, 2003 A compelling, memorable story, effectively told. A must read.Definitly all stars should be given. - Monti - May 27th, 2003 I read this story here at work. We did not have ice. I had to ask for an extended lunch it was that hot of a story. If we still have the "Ice Awards" this one and For the Love of a Woman deserve one.Is there more of it. - Jane - May 28th, 2003 Wow! I read this all in one sitting. It is better than great. - Sally - May 29th, 2003 So far, this is my favorite story by S. Anne Gardner. I still have a few more to read. Thanks. - Paticakes - May 30th, 2003 It is a tonic to experience a major work commited to the topic of love. There is wisdom in Ms. Gardner's writing. Highest rating. - Bloomsaul - May 31st, 2003 A friend recommended this story to me with high praise. I have read it and agree that it is a beautiful love story that stays with you. Does it end here or is there more? - felicity146 - Jul 16th, 2003 Great story. Is there more to it? It has captivated my attention and I would like to read more of it. - sally - Jul 26th, 2003 I love this story. I recommend it to everyone. - Monti - Jul 27th, 2003 I read this story and fell in love with Blayne. Great story. Waiting for more. - Felicity146 - Jul 28th, 2003 Wow! This is a great chapter. Anymore coming? S. Anne Gardner thank you for the next chapter. - Monti - Nov 12th, 2003 All I'll say is WOW...The emotions I went through reading this. The last two chapters moved me to tears. I have read it over and over. I LOVE IT! - Caden - Apr 3rd, 2004 This is one of the best stories I've ever had the pleasure of reading! - Anonymous - Nov 6th, 2004 This is an amazing story that gave me the warm shivers, everyone should read it, plz let there be a second installment that follows their lives. Thank you for writing it. - LuvTigger71 - Nov 9th, 2004 S. Anne Gardner reached new heights, both on her latest releases to paperback with "For the Love of a Woman...etc." and in her incomparable talent for creating compelling, passionate page-turners. Once again with "An Affair of Love," S. Anne Gardner presents her newest and most thrilling novel, a seductive and suspenseful tale of dangerous liasons and family betrayals. Has it been published yet and if so where can we order it? We give this story the highest rating. - jbrobrts@swbell - Jan 8th, 2005 Been hoping for s. anne gardner to resume this story for the longest time, and now that she has cant wait for the next update!! Her stories draws the reader in and grabs hold, not letting go until the last word. They are always filled with so much emotion and you can almost feel it with the same amount of intensity and realism as the character. highest recommendation for all her works! - blazinangelwings - Mar 30th, 2005 this is an awesome story,annes passion in her stories nd how she can make u feel the way the character does is amazing. any1 who likes a true love story of two ppl destined 2 be together,READ THIS!! once i started reading i couldn't stop.an unbelieveable story anne,thank you.xxxxx - louise - Apr 7th, 2005 Like the other stories from this author, the word to describe it is "passion"! You read it through every word. - Mile D'Cast - May-30-2007 This story is amazing! I've read it more than 5 times! You NEED to read thiss! - woohoo - Jul-09-2007 A must read! - jc - Jan-27-2008 Never have I read such passion and undying love as I did in all of S. Anne Gardner's stories, especially in "Compensation". I very much enjoyed reading this one as well. - BYL - Jan-17-2009 This novel is very well written. Blayne is avery passionate character who looses herself in a forbiden love affiar with her beautiful step-sister Gabriella. You wil shed tears for them. - hellraizer77 - Aug-13-2009 Whuuuu weeeeee the last quarter wil leave in absolute ecstacy..... - Kimmie - May-27-2011 Whuuuu weeeeee the last quarter wil leave in absolute ecstacy..... - Kimmie - May-27-2011 can't rate it if you can't read it.. - xtra dog - Jan-22-2012 Typical of Gardner's stories - very passionate. - Mica - Jul-18-2012 Typical of Gardner's stories - very passionate. - Mica - Jul-18-2012 *** BIG SPOILER ALERT**** PERFECTION!!! Absolute perfection!! Wow!! The desperation is written so poignantly that my heart was crying with Blayne and tore apart at Gabriella's anguish. I was gripping the edge of my seat throughout the entire story, anxiously awaiting the next confrontation that I knew would set my heart racing and lamenting at the same time. My only regret is that I could not read as fast I so desperately wanted to!! Incredibly captivating. I love how S. Anne challenges the readers preconceived notions set in such a way that it makes you question everything you have ever believed was right and wrong. I must admit that the idea of step siblings romantically involved gave me quite a shock. However this tale... just superb. Absolutely superb. I highly reccomend this. - Max - Dec-08-2012 I like this story a lot, lot of twist in the plot and I am sure you gonna scream OMG! a lot! just amaizing. - Lara0315 - Mar-24-2013 thoroughly enjoyed it. - Aahi Young - Mar-23-2014 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novella - 99 pages | Unfinished | Mar-04 Cast: Gillian, Adele, Candice Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #31 in 2004, #34 in 2005, #69 in 2006 Top-25 #1. | ![]() |
Brilliant as usual! Gardner's stories captivate you from the get go! I only have one thing to say..finish finish..finish..!The conclusion of "An Affair of Love" would be nice to have also. Author..Author!! - Califa - Mar 5th, 2004 Any updates for 'Breath Of Scandal'? I love this author's stories...they are thick and richly insane in psyche, and spellbinding. I'd like a new one for each week of the year. So selfish a reader am I, when I know darn well that such writing is a craft that is honed over and over... - Anonymous - Feb 2nd, 2005 Thank you, author, for the next 6 pages. This author is excellent at 'rifts.' The emotional distance S. Anne Gardner creates between the two main characters starts your heart pounding with a tension of wants, wants and more wants. (like a good serial that keeps you coming back) She also throws you head first into each of her stories, as an excellent writer will do..you are off and running within her text. I devoured the pages before breakfast! - Anonymous - Mar 8th, 2005 God this story is amazing!! i have to stop reading them before they are finished though, now i have to go to class with it in my head unfinished!! TORTURE! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON!! do u have an emailing list or something for post of new chapters perhaps? l - Blueyez - Mar 9th, 2005 As always S. Anne Gardner writes a comment upon the meaning and tragedy of life as it is lived in any age in any quarter of the globe. a must read. - Monticristo - Mar 14th, 2005 I never read unfinished work, no patience. So why am I doing it with SAG's work? I love what falls out of this author's head and onto the page. Can we get her characters on The LWord?:) I still have Gardner's "Seduction of Laura" running through my mind. What a read! Greedy me, I think a sequel could happen...I'm still standing there with Laura, wondering. Very profound work. - Anonymous - Mar 29th, 2005 Great story. I hope the author gets time to update soon! - Anonymous - Mar-27-2006 Very cool story, hopefully the author will finish it soon. - Anonymous - Apr-20-2006 There are several anonymous readers! This one just read Part8. It felt like one drop of water on my parched tongue. Loved every word written. "Seething anger mixed with undying desire...." Wow, in a nutshell, I adore Adele's character. Thank you, author. - Anonymous - Jul-07-2006 Uma leitura deliciosa e nós brasileiras estamos aguardando ansiosas a continuação. Obrigada, Anne! A delicious reading and Brazilian us we are waiting anxious the continuation. Thanks, Anne! - Lara Lunna - Jul-31-2006 I have read this story by S. Anne Gardner many times over and still find myself reading it once again. Thank you for a great story. You are an author with extraordinary power to reel in the reader and keep them for always because you give life to words. - Monti - Aug-11-2006 this story needs to be completed. its unfair to leave us hanging this long.!!!!! - Anonymous - Aug-16-2006 another good story, by this gifted writer. I hope Anne updates soon.... can't wait to see what will happen next. - bobbi - Aug-18-2006 Love it so far, but please, finish it???? - Anonymous - Sep-18-2006 LOve this story! - Anonymous - Sep-23-2006 Oh my sweet god... I didn't notice that this was unfinished. And now I am so sad, because it will probably never be finished, and I'll never know what would have happened. - Kim - Nov-12-2006 will it be finished? Interesting story, would like to see how it will come to an end. - Anonymous - Dec-07-2007 i love the story, but it's breaking my heart not knowing how it ends!! when do we get the end??? can't wait - Anonymous - Jul-15-2008 Pleeeese, please finish it!!! - Anonymous - Jul-15-2008 Truely captivating story! The characters come alive as you read, feeling what each one are feeling. Loved the story, can't wait for more. What I would really like to see is Margot get bitch slapped! - Irish1 - Aug-11-2008 Miss Gardner,are you going to continue this story? please say yes,we've been waiting for so long.It's an awesome story and it deserves to be continue and finished. - Anonymous - Aug-13-2008 Please. Please. Pleeease finish! - Lea Ann - Feb-05-2009 This story is great. I read it years ago when it first came out and was being updated... but i don't think its ever going to be finished:-( - Alice - Aug-05-2009 como siempre sus historias son cautivadoras, y soy adicta a su forma de escribir. En cuanto a esta historias, por favor terminela, es un crimen dejar una historia de esta manera, por favor, por favor, ....terminela, solo unas cuantas palabras más, no puede dejar esta historia en el aire sin más. - anonimo - Aug-17-2009 Pleeease finish!God this story is amazing!! - anonimo - Aug-18-2009 What can we do to get S. Anne Gardner to finish this story? can we write a petition, or something? This story deserves and ending. Read it and you'll see why. - CM - Aug-20-2009 por favor acabe esta historia, es terriblemente largo desde que estamos esperando, se lo pido de rodillas, pida lo que vd quiera, pero se lo suplico acabela y si es necesario hacemos una recogida de firmas, acabela, o diga algo, pero no se mantenga en silencio. - Anonymous - Aug-23-2009 What a fabulous story, SEQUEL please do not leave it unfinished - Anonymous - Sep-03-2009 Breath of Scandal is the first story I've read by Ms. Gardner, and let me say that I have found a unique jewel. This story is so different from other stories I read on this website. It is an intense love story, full of pain, which has left me at various times without noticing a lump in my throat. To make matters worse, the story leaves us waiting for a conclusion. I try not to choose any story to read that is not yet complete, because if the story turns out to be good, anxiety is difficult to handle. But this seems to be the case. The story does not have an end but you need one desperately. However, this fact should not prevent anyone enjoy reading this painful love. My advice: read and share a double agony, the distress suffered by these characters and the tribulations that you will suffer as readers by not having an ending. Then, join the rest of readers, and demand an end! Finally, Mrs. Gardner, what talent!not to be missed!!! - Lucian - May-31-2010 A great writer!!! You feel the pain and suffering of the characters. Please finish the story Ms. Gardner so we can have closure.. Please please please!!!!! - raspberry berret - Oct-12-2010 Very sad tone...another good story...would like to see what happens... - bluebutterfly - Oct-24-2010 Just fabolous,if Anne u can hear me please please finish...please...i need you to...love the story.... - kimmie - May-27-2011 Excuisitely painful....needless to say Anne Gardner is a great writer. Thank you for sharing. - Micah - Feb-17-2012 wow.. this story makes my heart melt and it isn't even finish yet.. please finish it.. we're begging you.. such a amazing story deserves to have an ending (an happy ending, i hope).. thank you for sharing your talent and keep it up... - ckgirl - Jul-16-2012 Eh...I think need closure more on this story than i do with my ex. The protagonists' last physical encounter pretty much describes the end (nooooo!), BUT STILL....! :)Well, lets hope the Great Anne Gardner decides to revisit this unforgettable story of hers. - Anonymous - Sep-20-2012 I have read this story at least once every year since it was posted. And it remains one of the very best... but it is unfinished. How anti-climatic. - Terre - Sep-22-2012 disappointing. everyone here seems to love this story but honestly, I found it tedious; the same heartbreak anguish and unhappiness page after page after page. If it were a finished story, maybe I would feel differently, but alas, it appears we'll never know since this hasn't been updated in a decade. save yourself the time and go find another story. - Anonymous - Aug-24-2013 It's a wonderful story, thus... Don't read it! It's unfinished. It will break your heart not knowing how it ends!!!!!! :'( - M. D'Cast - Nov-09-2013 It's a wonderful story, thus... Don't read it! It's unfinished. It will break your heart not knowing how it ends!!!!!! :'( - M. D'Cast - Nov-09-2013 Amazing as usual! But please, please we need to see the end! I won't be able to sleep! ;( The main characters are so incredible, so much passion, love, feelings... It's magical how S. Anne Gardner do this. A genius! I can't wait to see a well deserved happy end. (Adelle&Gillian4ever). Thank you so much!! - SAGFan - Apr-24-2014 Please finish!!!!! - Anonymous - Apr-08-2016 WOW!! Yet another gorgeous story from a great author, a serious most read people! This is almost as my al time favourite "For the love of a woman" I sure do hope she finishes this 'cause it left me wanting more and I'm eager to know how things will end up for this couple. - Distantskyking74 - Jun-16-2017 |
Compensation by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 153 pages | Finished | Links: Published work - no longer available online. | ![]() |
Victoria is a woman tormented with a past she can't forget. She returns to exact revenge and compensation. Danielle is talented painter who becomes a pawn tossed in a plan of vengance. Sometimes, memories that haunt us show us the way to our future and our salvation. A tale of revenge, passion and love. [No longer available online.] | |
Compensation begins as any number of alt fiction stories begin. The troubled dark haired misunderstood woman who meets the innocent blonde woman of her dreams. That's where this story departs. There are no hearts and roses, no quietly whispered 'I love you'. Yet, you like, if not love both characters with equal intensity. S. Anne writes some of the most emotionally powerful fiction I've ever read. I've read this particular story five times already. It gets better with every read. Now if you like this you'll love "Absolution and The Seduction of Laura. " If you haven't read any of these stories you are missing out! - darkenedkarma - Jan 8th, 2003 Compensation is a story that truly does not have a beginning or an end. It is about a love that has always been there between two people who are so much a part of each other that it carries them throughout the years. S. Anne Gardner takes us through the love, loss, hate, rebuilding and moving on of these two. Believe me when I say this "This is one of S. Anne Gardners best stories.' A must read. - Monti - May 25th, 2003 An enthralling moving account of an unspeakable crime that changed the life of a child. The child is now a woman who is out for Compensation. But what about the love of her life who will be affected by her actions? One could be driven mad. This is the real thing...a terrific story that will keep you up until two in the morning. - kgreen - May 26th, 2003 WOW! What can I say that will do this story justice? I was drawn into this story and the characters, it kept me up until 2:30 this morning when I had to get up for work at 9. I simply couldn't stop reading, it was worth the lack of sleep I tell you. This was the first story I've read by S. Anne Gardner and it won't be the last. Great story, had me in tears at the end. "Compensation" is by far one of the best stories I have ever read! - Melissa - May 27th, 2003 Once I started on this story I could not put it down. S. Anne Gardner has written a best seller. - Jane - May 28th, 2003 intense. Coolly thrilling. - Anonymous - May 28th, 2003 I started this story yesterday and finished it today. I got angry, I cried and I was so happy with how it ended. Love conquers all. - Sally - May 29th, 2003 It is hard to imagine how the many aspects of love and pain are so much a like. We find so much of both throughout this story. It felt good to know a bond as strong as Tory and Danni had endured all because of their love and passion for one another. Very well written. Suprising many times over. - Chattanooga - May 30th, 2003 No topic is more important. The courage and justice of the story are remarkable. I feel more sustained and confidence in Gardner's handling of these painfully difficult issues. S. Anne Gardner's story is terrific. - Bloomsaul - May 31st, 2003 The invaiable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.RWE - captkim - Jul 23rd, 2003 your story was amazing if this out i would have bought it. it was excellent ..perfect. hope theres a sequel... - Krysta - May 4th, 2004 What a wonderful, heartwrenching story; it really got me by the throath. One to read again some day. - Renee - The Netherlands - Jul 10th, 2004 the intense pain radiating from both characters breaks our heart little by little as their story progresses to only be fully healed in the end with a simple but heartfelt ending, one everybody hopes for. - blazinangelwings - Sep 1st, 2004 This powerful story starts out like a conqueror story does but slowly it changes into an entity that keeps you on the edge until the end. IÆll admit IÆm a guy but I cried all through out this one. This isnÆt the one to read if you want a feel good story, but if you want a suspenseful, romantic, difficult to read at times tearjerker this is the one to read. After reading this I immediately went to my wife and told her ôI love youö because sometimes you donÆt get a second chance to tell the people you love how you feel. Thank you S. Anne Gardner for all of your great writing. - Draco - Dec 16th, 2005 Oh My God is the first thing that comes to mind. The emotion flew off the pages and even I got choked up on several parts. It was raw. It was emotional. It was nothing short of spectacular. Miss Gardner certainly knows how to write a novel filled with pain and beauty and still come to a conclusion of happy tears. It was a bitter sweet story that I shall keep in my own personal archive for later re-reading. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story. - Waking the Dream - Dec-15-2006 I just adored this story it was the first one of S. Anne Gardner that I read and one of the best ones among all get me worry at the end but I so happy with the conclusion. Totally recommend. - chris - Jan-22-2007 i have readthis story three times & each time it made me cry. I usually don't cry but this story moves my soul. Its a gut wrenching story. - hellraizer77 - Aug-12-2008 this is really an awesome story.. everlasting love to the max.. - xtra dog - Dec-07-2011 |
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 105 pages | Finished | Dec-01 Cast: Raisa, Carolyn, Matt, Simon, Andieta Links: Published work - No longer available online | ![]() |
In a land where oil is supreme, passions rule reason and there is the threat of Civil War; men rule like kings. In this jungle of power, Raisa Andieta resides as one of its masters. Carolyn Stenbeck doesn't understand this land and is just trying to keep her marriage together. A storm is brewing. Civil War is on the air and passions, like the coming storms, begin to erupt. | |
This story is absolutely passionate. I love all of her stories. A must read. - Ptcruza - May 15th, 2003 An awesome story set in the the high financial world of an oil magnate...the power, greed, drama, lust, love, and all the accoutements thereof thrown into a wonderfully well written novella. This one is definitely worth reading. It captured my interest from the first paragraph and I couldn't put it down until 'The End'. Oh, don't get me wrong...this fictional interlude is totally riveting and will definitely hold your interest as it did mine. When you reach the final sentence...you'll find yourself with a huge smile on your face and experiencing the comforting feeling of absolute satisfaction. Anne S. Gardner...this is one extremely talented bard! - //EAW - May 17th, 2003 For the Love of a Woman to me is the best story S. Anne Gardner has written. Of course Seduction of Laura has given it quite a run and then theres Til There Was You. I have many favorites by this author because of her writing style. S. Anne Gardner keeps us involved and we feel as if we are part of the story. Wonderful writing. - Monti - May 26th, 2003 One of the world's hottest pens. This story is passionate, romantic, and fast paced. The sex is hot and the anticipation will have you at the edge of your seat. This is not to be missed - kgreen - May 26th, 2003 Amazing. Thanks for the recommendation. I am hooked. - felicity641 - May 26th, 2003 Great read. I could feel the struggle Raisa's love for Carolyn. I found myself actually praying that every thing would work for these two. Love the story. I recommend it and rate it your highest rating. Very well written. - Sqadie2000 - May 28th, 2003 This bird sweeps the reader along at a breathless pace.Rate it highly and recommend it to all. - jeanette - May 28th, 2003 An exciting, stay up late into the night, page turning story. Most successful writing by this bard. - Chloe45le - May 29th, 2003 I have been reading this bards works and believe this is my favorite. It is so pasionate. Every thing they went through and still their love brought them back to each other. I rate it a 10. - Sally - May 30th, 2003 I understand why this story has stayed in the top 25 list for so many weeks. It is skillfully written. It is superb. A must read. - Chattanooga - May 30th, 2003 I have read this story many times. When I want something to read I come to this story.It has it all. Power, lust, greed, secrets and love. Being in a foreign land for an american these days is dangerous enough but to be in lust and find that it has become an all comsuming love at a time when all odds are against you and with a woman who can make or break you is the real danger here. - TVVLQZ - Jul 4th, 2003 Marvelous story. Absolutely marvelous. - pinky234 - Jul 16th, 2003 S. Anne Gardner is one of my favorite bards. I love the way she writes. It has been an S. Anne Gardner fanfiction day for us here. We started with "For The Love of A Woman," followed by "Cold and Lonely," and just finished "Till There Was You." We are still continueing to read this bards stories. We can't pick just one as a favorite, they all are. Thank you S. Anne Gardner for sharing your talent with us. - Sally - Jul 19th, 2003 I also want to thank S. Anne Gardner for writing such fantastic stories and sharing them with us. I recommend "For the Love of a Woman," and I also want to recommend "An Affair of Love." We cannot get to the link to "An Affair of Love." We could about a month or so ago but not any longer. Where do we go? - Paticakes - Jul 19th, 2003 Reading this story took me back to my homeland. I want to say thank you to the author for the memories. Read it everybody. It is very good. - bookerT73 - Jul 28th, 2003 I heard so much praise about this story that I decided to read it. It is everything that was said about it and more. I really like this story. - Anonymous - Jul 29th, 2003 This has got to be my favourite story by this bard. I heard from a friend that a book of it has been published, where on this page do we submit our order for it? - Anonymous - Jan 6th, 2004 In response to the following..."This has got to be my favourite story by this bard. I heard from a friend that a book of it has been published, where on this page do we submit our order for it? - Anonymous Jan 6th, 2004"Yes, the book is being published by Dare2Dream. You can access the order information from our (mine and S. Anne's) web page, www.geminifiction.com. I think that I have the link to Dare2Dream right there on the main page. - Lisa - Jan 8th, 2004 wow! g8 story,i can read this over nd over nd never get bored,this nd "an affair of love" have got 2 b 2 of my favourite stories ive read.this 1 is full of passion nd the challenges u hav 2 go through to get that 1 u love.this cud insprire many ppl 2 follow their hearts no matter wot is in the way.keep writing great stories anne!nd every1 else if u miss this ure insane READ THIS!!!xxxxx - louise - Apr 9th, 2005 WOW. - wrldpece - May 21st, 2005 i loved this story. very powerful and touching - Shyn - Nov 30th, 2005 Hola Sè que estuviste en mis pais, por la descripcion que haces de las montañas de Caracas en la noche....eso es exactamente la sensacion que da cuando los observas, sin embargo, la descripcion que haces de la idiosincracia de Venezuela no es cierta, empezando por el hecho, que aqui el unico dueño del "oil", o petroleo es el Estado, no una persona singular o particular. De todas formas el desarrollo de tu historia es muy buena , me atrapo desde el principio, a pesar que, siendo venezolana me di cuenta que no estaba ambientada con la verdad de un pais. Gracias por compartirla con nosotras. - Elena - Aug-06-2006 SUMMER TIME IN PARIS AND I AM ONCE AGAIN READING A FAVORITE BOOK OF MINE WHICH I WILL SHARE WITH ALL OF YOU ONCE AGAIN. A POWERFUL MOVING BOOOK...YOU WILL WEEP, YOU WILL BE PROUD AND YOU WILL RAIL...AND LEARN TO LOVE THE WOMAN. MY GOD I LOVE THIS BOOK... - TYLDUS - Aug-15-2006 Anne Gardner es una de las mejores escritoras que he tenido el gusto de leer. Tiene la capacidad de el lector odie y ame a los personajes al mismo tiempo. Simplemente Fantástica - Isabel - Feb-27-2008 Sin duda todas sus FF son realmente obras de arte, pero si tengo que elegir una de ellas, me quedo con esta, es el mejor FF que he leido y las mas bella y cautivadora obra maestra del amor . Tiene un talento unico y especial para escribir. - Anonimo - Aug-03-2009 My fav of all S Anne Gardner novels. I waiting for more of her books to be published. - hellraizer77 - Aug-13-2009 bit hard to place a rating or a comment since the story is no longer accessible online.. - xtra dog - Dec-07-2011 An emotion filled story with all the required spices :)) - Anonymous - Sep-20-2012 |
Original / Uber | Ancient | Alternative | Drama | Very Short Story - 3 pages | Unfinished | Jul-10 | ![]() |
HYfTPX <a href="http://hdaeqtgerefk.com/">hdaeqtgerefk</a>, [url=http://fajzrhzjirxu.com/]fajzrhzjirxu[/url], [link=http://juohvjerpxvk.com/]juohvjerpxvk[/link], http://yjoaqjuiouwb.com/ - http://wadraajijpqa.com/ - Mar-29-2011 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novella - 54 pages | Finished | Jan-01 Cast: John, Isabelle, Franklin, Whitney, Vanessa, Margot, Karl, Isadore, Stanton, Victoria, Phillip, Anne | ![]() |
Amongst the shadows love grows. I reach for you and you hide from me. I long to hold you and I awaken only to know that you are but a dream. In loving we find the best and worst of all that we are. Isabelle ahs known only the cold. When love calls the need to grasp it sets her running. Her past holds a secret that hunts her still and threatens to destroy her future. Fron the Hamptons, Spain and New York comes this tale of love, lies, betrayal, and never endless passion. | |
Wow! S. Anne Gardner has done it again. A story that sucks you in and never lets you go even after you have finished reading it. This bard dares to take the reader into a world hardly spoken of but that exits. Once again she gives us, the readers everything we wanted in a story. - Monti - Jun 7th, 2003 This bard has me hooked. Love in Gray Shadows is a story that takes us into a world that is being brought into the lime light more and more every day of our lives. I admire this bard's courage to write about this subject. Read it. It will stay with you. - Sally - Jun 9th, 2003 I recommend this story to every one. It is a very good read. Thank you S. Anne Gardner - Jane - Jul 19th, 2003 This story is a special story of all of us who have done this to be who we truly are. Courage, yes it takes courage. Thank you to the author. - bookerT73 - Jul 28th, 2003 Highly highly highly recommendend. What a wonderfull writer Gardner is. - Renee (Netherlands) - Aug 14th, 2004 A beautiful story. - Anonymous - May-08-2008 ***SPOILER ALERT*** it truly is a story of heterosexual love.. no 'of sorts' should have been included in the comment.. i believe that the soul defines the person, not the package the soul comes in.. my heart goes out to all people who have gone through the process of changing into who their soul told them they are.. - xtra dog - Dec-06-2011 Such a beautiful story. Absolutely heart-wrenching. I will never forget this masterpiece created. - Niyah - Dec-05-2012 ***SPOILER ALERT*** INCREDIBLE!!!! That was so deliciously incredible!!! I cant believe how touching and perfect this story was!! As a rule, I generally don't like the male- female personification of X+G because part of the whole magnificience of their love for each other is that they are 2 women. Also, it is so hard to correctly interpret their personas into a man and woman, for when we see X+G in our minds eye, we see them as they are in life. But this story, this author, so perfectly recast our favorite heroins into this new dynamic that I was completely and totally engrossed in it. The need, the passion the comitment and dependability that X+G have, especially X for G, was divinely written in such a way that I could never praise it enough. Simply phenominal thank you so much you never have disapointed your fans. - Max - Dec-08-2012 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 28 pages | Unfinished | Jul-06 Honors/Awards: #54 in 2006 Top-25 #1. | ![]() |
Do not hesitate to read everything written by S. Anne Gardner. My heart nearly fell out of my chest when I saw she has begun another story for we uber-freaks. Thank you, author. May 'White Mist' surround you and yours. - Anonymous - Jul-25-2006 Another fantastically written story. Always from a truly gifted writer. A fan of all her stories. That she has so willing shared with us. Thank You! - Christi - Jul-31-2006 A must read. as always S. Anne Gardner gives us, the readers such a vivid story that we feel we are the characters in it. Congratulations on another Number I hit. - Monticristo - Aug-11-2006 Definitely recommend this one :) - Anonymous - Sep-22-2006 More, more, more please, its utterly brilliant, need more soon please. - LuvTigger71 - Sep-23-2006 Once again...great start...you've got us hanging anxiously...please finish!! - JC - Apr-20-2008 I hate it when I get grabbed by a story and then discover it is unfinished...more please - Lee - Jul-21-2008 Ooooo, what a incredible story (even if it is unfinished)! - Anonymous - Sep-30-2009 Love it. a lot more can happen in this story. Wait till you finish it. - Su - Dec-31-2009 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 2 pages | Finished | Aug-10 | ![]() |
this feels like a flashback that belongs to a larger story.. - xtra dog - Dec-07-2011 this is connected with "Breath of Scandal".....love it x - Iva - Mar-30-2013 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 4 pages | Finished | Nov-05 | ![]() |
This piece of work holds the condensed passion of this author's work. It must be read over, and over. The passion of/for The Red Rider will leave you breathless. Knowing what the truth is beneath, it's an image I'd like to be pressed up against when my 'forever' moment comes.On longing for MORE which her poetry pulses with: Author, I wait for the continuation of A Breath of Scandal. Will it happen? Or will it be 'nevermore'? - Anonymous - Dec 31st, 2005 I liked this story. It's intense and dark. It is very well written. If you want something different from the usual, then this is one to read. - Lyn B - Feb-16-2011 surprising story in which nothing is as it seems.. - xtra dog - Dec-07-2011 Another great read that transports you into it's world, from start to finish. - Niyah - Dec-07-2012 impresionante historia. Me ha encantado el sentimiento que transmite. Muy bien construida. - anonimo - Dec-08-2012 Fantastic! Lovely!!! Adorable!! And very, very sweety!!!!!!!!! - Rosa Santos - Mar-03-2014 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novella - 118 pages | Finished | Cast: Charlie, Mark, Charlotte, Von, Josh, Ashley, Laura, Burton, Sarah, David | ![]() |
This is a must read story. It is a story that gets under you skin and never, never leaves you. Falling in love is dangerous if you fall in love with a beautiful woman who has everything and finds herself in true love for the first time. Read it, you will love it. - Monti - Jul 27th, 2003 I finished this story and feel chills all over me. This is a story that would make a thrilling movie or maybe suspense. I am going to recommend it as a must read. I will never forget it. - felicity146 - Jul 28th, 2003 Yeah! Thank you. I am the first one of our group to read this story and I have been biting my nails off. I stayed home this afternoon to read it. It is fantastic. Charlie is great and scary and beautiful. - Sally - Jul 28th, 2003 Wow! What a ride. S. Anne Gardner has written a hard as nails story. Way to go S. Anne Gardner. - patticakes - Jul 29th, 2003 This was the first story I read by S. Anne Gardner and it is still my favorite. I'm so glad to see it finally posted to this site! You will not be disappointed by this story! - Jennifer - Aug 6th, 2003 Alright! I see this story as a movie. read it. You will see what I am talking about. - Jane - Aug 6th, 2003 I am so glad I was able to find this story here. I have read it twice. It was a rollercoaster ride that was lots of fun. A must read. - kayden - Aug 7th, 2003 Wow! That was above and beyond the most fascinating yet disturbing story that IÆve ever readà You will inevitably find yourself feeling like Wylie Coyote hanging on to an acme rollercoaster. A must read! - Anonymous - Sep 10th, 2003 Gardner is one of the best writers I came across in the X(Uber)verse. Just finished reading this -once again- beautiful written, but rather disturbing story. I spend a whole afternoon reading instead of going out in the sunshine; couldn't stop. Searching for a story you won't forget very soon? Stop here and start on this one. - Renee (Netherlands) - Jul 26th, 2004 [Contains Spoilers] A thoroughly disturbing story but gripping as few others. Great angst and drama, not a light read. I think this is a story that totally polarizes because the ending is brutal with one character loosing all of herself in the other and still thinking it is her fault while basically evil triumphs. No happy puppies in this one :-). - Anonymous - Mar-04-2007 I've read this story many times, and it never fails to leave me with chills. It's not a light read by any means. There are no flowers and bows, no 'fluff' if you will. It's dark, really dark. And incredibly disturbing. With that being said, I do love it. It has stayed with me from the very first time I read it. I keep returning to it, because I simply cannot shake it. If you haven't read it, please do. It's not to be missed. - Melissa - May-12-2007 What an intense amazing story! - jd - Jun-10-2007 This story has never left me. I think it's the most disturbing and equisite story I've read. It will haunt the reader for a long time. I recommend everything she writes. - Joy to the World - Feb-12-2008 I can honestly say it's the most disturbing piece of literature I've ever read. Part of me wish I'd never read it, but at the same time I'm in awe by any writer who can make me feel so intensely about anything. Be warned the story will leave you with a sense of dread that will squeeze your heart for a very long time. It's an emotional high of paranoia and fear. That said I recommend it, because it is bloody brilliant in all its dark glory. - Ape - Feb-14-2008 A very well written story. Disturbing and intense as it's meant to be. I think it will haunt me for awhile in a way not many do. - JC - Apr-20-2008 Wow! What a fantastic piece of writing. Truly disturbing, but so very well written. Take a chunk of time to read this one, it is well worth it! - Otter - Apr-22-2008 It's almost 3am and I had to stay up to finish this story, I couldn't step away from it. It seemed a simple story and yet it turned out to be so much more. The characters were so real...too real. Thank you for bringing this story to life. - Shelly - Apr-24-2008 Just the way love should be. Obsessive, addictive, overwhelming, lustful. I'm quite envious of their relationship in a demented sort or way. Extreme jealousy and possessiveness provides wonderful power dynamics in a relationship. Compile that with complete dependancy on one another, and a resentful yet irresistably devastating love...and it's a drug you can't possibly live with or without. Beautiful. I don't think this story was as disturbing as people suggest though...it just highlights more primative elements within a relationship that are often perceived with a negative point of view. x x - nexakill - May-10-2008 A brilliant pice of literature but also the most disturbing story i`ve ever read. Really dark and intense! - Germany - Jun-02-2008 WOW It was very good but competely disturbing. The ending blew my mind. Loved it! Loved it! Loved it! - ag - Jul-21-2008 Wow! Here I am reading until after 3 a.m. again. What a dark and disturbing story. It held me until the very end. The ending twist...all done in the name of love when in actually it is in the name of power and control. I will be haunted for some time by this story. - Lee - Jul-22-2008 Riveting story of the darkside of love ruled by obsession and need. This is a page turner. - Anonymous - Jul-31-2008 this is has to be one finest love stories i have read. the pathos and inner turmoil of laura for loving and needing charlie is beautifully brought out. definately movie material. loved the ending very hollyhood. S. anne gardner's heronies are toutured souls but none of them come close to charlie's. I recomend not to miss this. DEFINATELY NOT FOR CANDY FLOSS ROMANCE LOVERS. I LOOOOOVE IT. - hellraizer77 - Aug-12-2008 This story is one that grabs you and won't let go. It is compelling and I 'had' to stay up last night to finish it. A reviewer referred to it as the 'Darkside' of love. If we're honest, we can see both Charlie and Laura in ourselves; many of us chose not to act on those darker passions. And some know no other way but to love like this. Love is madness with no boundries. - DANI L. THORN - Aug-12-2008 Dark and disturbing, but I couldn't stop reading. Very well done. - Anonymous - Oct-20-2008 Wow. Captivating and disturbing. I spent all day reading this and it was well worth it. This story will stay with me for a looong time. - Sara B. - Jan-19-2009 HOLY CRAP what a RIDE!!!! A must read, this story is like no other! - Lea Ann - Feb-03-2009 My God..S.Anne Gardner, this is truly a mind blowing story. Everyone, this is a must read story. - easteden - Sep-09-2009 ANNALEIs STAMP OF APPROVAL - This was the first S. Anne Gardner story I ever read. I have since combed the Internet in search of everything else she has ever written. To say this author is good at depicting passion and desire in her tales is and understatement. This story sticks to your ribs. It is one you will not likely forget anytime soon. The SHOCK value is right up there. This recommendation comes almost 2 years after I've read this story and it is still fresh in my mind as if I've only just read the thing. - Anna Lei - Jan-05-2010 It's when reading this kind of work that we fully realize the gift places like this site offer. We can discover masterpieces from extremely talented authors, like S. Anne Gardner. Of course, like other reviewers already intimated, this story must be read by non-depressed people. But despite the hardness of the framework, it's worth the read a thousand times. It's so well written, it has rhythm, energy, adventure, rebounding. Very full. And after that, we can always enjoy the other S. Anne Gardner's stories with lighter development and ending. - M. D. - Feb-28-2010 One of the best, twisted and disturbing (in a good way) stories I've ever read. Charlie is an interesting character. - MK - Mar-12-2010 that's just perfect, mind blowing work. thank you, author, very much!!! - intheair - May-23-2010 This story was a hell of a ride! I have to give this bard the credit for writing something that audacious. She did go all the way over the storyline, stucking to it, never failing to the level of passion she wanted to depict. I could feel the despair, the agony, the distraction and the dependancy the characters felt for each other. I could hardly breath sometimes and felt as if I was going deep into the lymbes of human nature that it is more confortable to ignore. But like I said, this story have a point, and this bard has talent. Good work. - yuka - Jan-22-2011 Wow! This really would make a great movie. So dark and intense. - ~M - Aug-17-2011 most reviewers on this site seem to depict one of the characters as the victim.. i think they are both victims caught up in an all consuming love.. none of them can escape it.. both handle it differently but i believe that pov expressed in the last sentences would prove to be correct.. they will move on and beyond since they are both trapped.. this story was so cleverly written, giving the reader such a clear insight into the relationship, that it's impossible to not be intrigued and highly unlikely that you will stop reading before you have reached the very last word of this story.. - xtra dog - Dec-06-2011 Sweet Athena!! That was intense!! I have this queezy feeling in my gut and I am extremely unsettled. Never has a story affected me quite like this. Good Lord!! If for nothing else, I will remember this story for its eery, twisted, pychotic, haunting feel. Absolutely brilliant! F***ing Brilliant!! Don't miss this one. - Anonymous - Dec-08-2012 Well written but please be aware that there is woman-on-woman abuse. - DP - Feb-14-2013 Became addicted to it, even if I felt like I shouldn't. The last parts of the story were everything is tied up, was the part I loved most, even if it was kind of like watching, knowing an accident would happen but the curiosity of shifting through the wreckage, just to find out what happened. (...in a good way, if that makes any sense whatsoever; translation of my mumble = story was a great one, and I would recommend it to others to read, especially if they're not after the whole typical love story thing.) - Naomi - May-10-2013 WOW!! I think this story broke me for a moment. It is so dark and real, the story fills you with a longing for that happily ever after,i don't think i will forget this story any time soon. It made me see the real selfishness of people and i don't think i want to forget it. Brilliant story, a most definite must read! - Laura - Jan-31-2014 A horror story is what this was. I knew I didn't want to read it, but I couldn't help myself and I was led by the reviews. Once I began I couldn't stop, and now I have a sick feeling in my stomach. An incredible piece of writing that left me feeling much like Charlie. Sick and twisted. - Thothgirl - Feb-05-2014 very sick story - Ash K - Dec-25-2014 |
Sound (The) by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 1 page | Finished | Sep-12 | ![]() |
Had to read this twice to fully grasp it :) Nice. Always a pleasure to see something new from Gardner. - Anonymous - Sep-20-2012 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 134 pages | Finished | Cast: Julia, Teddy, Nicole, Edward Honors/Awards: #79 in 2006 | ![]() |
I recommend this story to every one who loves a well written love story that makes you feel as if you are the one being written about. S. Anne Gardner involves us in her stories. We become part of the cast and that makes the story claim a part of us.Excellent read. - Monti - Jul 20th, 2003 What a great story. It is a tear jerker with a very happy ending. I recommend every one to read it and to also have a hanky on hand. - Jane - Jul 23rd, 2003 Julia and Teddy live through all the fears of real life. What can go wrong will. Their love for one another gets them through the worst but will it be enough when an old love steps in? Read it. You will be surprised. - Paticakes - Jul 23rd, 2003 We finished this story today and all of us agree it is one of S. Anne Gardner's best. It has brought out so many feelings in each of us. We agree that when a story can do that, that it is a winner. Thank you S. Anne Gardner. This is a must read. - Felicity146 - Jul 23rd, 2003 God I enjoyed this story. Is there a sequel? - sunpri2001 - Jul 28th, 2003 I am in tears with this story. It has been a rollercoaster ride that I would go on again and again. Thank yous to the author. Well written. Read it. You must. - Anonymous - Jul 29th, 2003 I love this story so much. Where can I buy the book? I believe this story is one of Ms. Gardner's best. I come in here and read it often. I give it the highest score a story can be given. I feel this way about all of S. Anne Gardner's stories and poetry. She is an amazing and very gifted writer. I say this because she knows how to take us into her story and make us feel as if we are the characters. We become one with it and go on the journey. - msmrtz - Nov-08-2006 I highly recommend this story by this most gifted author. Wow! It just grabs me. Julia is my hero. Who wouldn't want someone to love them so completely. I just keep coming back to it. - Pat - Jan-30-2007 Intense love ohhhhhhhhhh. The passion, excitement, heartbreak- awesome. LOOOOOVE IT.S.anne Gardner has done it agan. She is my favorite. - hellraizer77 - Aug-15-2008 What a terrific story, Great job - sassy123 - Oct-04-2011 when good writers have different stories to tell, there is always the chance/risk that you will like some stories more/less than others.. i can't put my finger to it but i felt there was something missing in this story.. it reads easily but it didn't grab me.. not like the other stories by this author that i have read so far.. - xtra dog - Dec-06-2011 Thank you for sharing this - Micah - Feb-16-2012 Thank you for sharing this - Micah - Feb-16-2012 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 111 pages | Finished | Mar-01 Cast: Alex, Reese, Carly, Kate, Elliot | ![]() |
A chance meeting in the middle of a snowstorm triggers a woman who is buried in her grief to see love once more, through misunderstandings, jealousy, arguments, family friendships, and passion. The end can only be love. Alexandra and Reese will make your heart soar. | |
WOW! Anne S. Gardner strikes again with another superb story. The gist of this one is very simple. It's about love. This story will grab you and hold you close to where you feel it the most...in your heart. This wonderful episode will take the two main characters on some tough roller coaster rides...traversing some rugged peaks and valleys to reach the ultimate outcome of having love prevail. And that's what it's all about...the story of a love that wins after all. Another well written story from this exceptionally gifted writer. Well done, bard...and thank you. - //E - May 23rd, 2003 S. Anne Gardner tears at the heart strings in the beginning of this story and then brings it to a firecracker blowout with all the in between and the end. A must read. - Betty Boop - May 26th, 2003 The definitive story of love and how it over comes all obstacles. Beautifully written. Hats off to S. Anne Gardner - Monti - May 27th, 2003 I read the comments before reading this story. They are all true. This Bard wrote a stunning love story. Read it. Once you start it you can't put it down. - Chattanooga - May 28th, 2003 I just finished reading this book by S. Anne Gardner and I find it a deeply learned, highly intelligent, and beautifully written book. - Linda Grey - May 30th, 2003 One of the most wonderful love stories I have ever read. It will make you cry and smile on a rollercoaster of emotions. Without a doubt a must read! - Maria - Aug 5th, 2003 Wonderfully written and show that love is worth enduring the pain of uncertainty, family, and peers. I wish for a sequel. - Draco - Aug 15th, 2005 Wonderfully written and shows that love is worth enduring the pain of uncertainty, family, and peers. I wish for a sequel. - Draco - Aug 15th, 2005 Very sweet love story. Teaches you that true love conquers everything. A must read. BRAVO. THREE CHEERS. EK DUM JHAKAAS. - hellraizer77 - Aug-15-2008 ***Possible Spoiler*** What an amazing writer!! Very Thought of You is filled with angst and a sloooow coming together of hearts...just what I love! I literally could not walk away from it until I finished and the ending left me feeling dreamy and satisfied... - JC - Dec-24-2008 All I have to say is READ IT!!! You won't be able to put it down. Thank you for a great read. - Tracey - Jan-01-2009 has this been published yet?? - xtra dog - Jan-22-2012 |