Xena | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 10 pages | Finished | Cast: Melinda, Janice, Covington | ![]() |
Cute! Not the typical depressing M/J story. - Amanda - Feb-08-2010 loved this story. it is very well written, giving the characters emotions, making them vulnerable and human. any more janice and melinda stories that we can look forward to? kudos!! - vicam - May-17-2010 Awesome story! Great interaction between Mel and Janice. - Dalila - May-28-2010 |
Conqueror | Ancient | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 123 pages | Not Finished | Mar-99 Cast: Conqueror Links: Athenaeum's Scroll Archives | ![]() |
In this alternate timeline, there is no Hercules, but Xena the Conqueror has a soft spot for a blonde bard who dares to speak against her. | |
Good story!!! Wish the author would finish it. I would love to know the end. - BratIsMe - Jan 19th, 2004 Great story, PLEASE finish it. - Anonymous - Sep 12th, 2004 Great story would like to know ending .Anyone know where I can find the ending? - Anonymous - Jan 23rd, 2005 I have been waiting forever for this story to be finished. What seems to be the problem. I almost wish nothing were posted unless the author intends to finish it. - Carol Beck - Jan 25th, 2005 Great story couldn't put it down. Hit the next part and there wasn't one .I did the OH NO. Hope to read the rest. Thank you - cross - Apr 21st, 2005 omg love the story wish. would you please write the rest of it i'm dying to know how it ends please please please please and a pretty please with a cheery on top =p - rainbow warrior - Dec-09-2006 One of the best Conqueror stories never to be finished, so damned good, so damned frustrating! - Pa9 - Apr-25-2007 It's wrong that this story is left unfinished for so long! It's a really great work and I really want to know what happens next. Please finish it! - royuki - Nov-29-2007 It is a total bummer this story was never finished, ranks as one of my favorite conqueror tale. Hope the author will find inspiration and continue the story again. - Anonymous - Dec-02-2007 Darn shame this isn't finished. This is one seriously talented writer. - Anonymous - Mar-25-2008 sUCH A wonderful story! I would really like to see xena's relationship with Gabrielle when they will be together.. I hope this story will be updated because I've been waiting for 4 years on this.. Read this and HELP me encourage the author to continue this :) - Anonymous - Mar-28-2008 This is a really great Conqueror story but I really wish it had an ending....hope the author finishes it soon!!!!! Trust me if you like Conqueror stories then you'll love this one!! Please Please Seana finish this soon!! - Anonymous - Apr-11-2008 great story very nnice read-- PLEASE FINISH IT!! - optional - May-19-2008 This is a wonderful story. You had me hooked from the very begininng. Please finish it. I'm begging.......and I don't usually beg. - xperimental - Aug-06-2008 eSTA ES LA HISTORIA MĀS GENIAL QUE EPODIDO LEER LA ESPERA DEL AMOR, YA DESEO TERMINAR DE LEERLA POR FAVOR SEANA, TU MAGICA CREACION DEBE COCLUIR, ERES UNA GENIAL BARDO, MIS HISTORIAS NO SON TAN LNDAS COMO AS QUE CREES POR FAVOR CONTINUA, DEBES ESCRIBIR UN LIBRO YO LO COMPRARIA CUIDATE ESPERO EL FINAL - GABRIELE - Oct-21-2009 Do you have a competion to this excellent story?! - Marsha S. - Feb-23-2010 Has the potential to be the best in the conqueror genre. I can only hope the author takes pity on us and finishes this story. - kc - May-25-2010 ahhhhhggggg. This is such a great story and it leaves off in a major cliff hanger. My only hope is Seana James has mercy on all of us and will complete the story. Wonderful author and she penned a great conqueror tale - just wish it was finished. - Anonymous - Sep-25-2010 Nice story. .Great job writing. - sassy123 - Nov-12-2010 great story, a must read, please finish. - lucy O - Mar-09-2011 Excellent conqueror story, I notice it was written over 10yrs ago so not hoping for an update soon, which is a pity. Just wish stories could be completed before posting. I usually don't read uncomplete works but clicked on this without noticing and now I am left hanging..URGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Oh well - RavenIrish - Aug-21-2011 I really hate that this story is unfinished!!! Didn't know it wasn't complete and I would definitely be the best Conqueror story out there if completed. Wonder why the author never completed it. - Anonymous - Aug-25-2013 This was shaping up to be the best Conqueror tale I've come across...and then it stopped ;-/ - Anonymous - Nov-30-2013 |
First Date by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 24 pages | Finished | Apr-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards | ![]() |
This is one of my all time favorite short stories. It is a pleasant read and leaves you feeling hopeful for the future of the characters. These are ordinary people who find a chance for love in an unexpected place. I'm glad to see the story get recognition. - Debbie TheProf - Apr-23-2007 A short but sweet story, one that leaves you with a nice warm feeling after reading it. - Anonymous - Apr-24-2007 holy crap this story is soooo freakin good!!! i need a sequel....i need to know what happens with these lovely ladies - Sarah - Apr-25-2007 i LOVE this story! it's just the swetest little tale to curl up with on a rainy night, always gives you the warm fuzzies :) i remember desperately waiting for a sequel too I really love how this 'recommendations' process works. If it weren't for this function I'd miss out on tones of brilliant fiction. And this short story is no exception, it was a delight to read and I wish there had been more of it. Would it be improper of me to DEMAND a sequel? Somehow I don't think I'm alone in my request. Right? - Sai - Apr-27-2007 The romance that settles and soothes. Thank you...ahhh. Scone anyone? - Dusty - Apr-08-2008 This is totally adorable. And, I feel bound to say, after way too long in food service, true to life. Except for the gorgeous customer part, but hey, a girl can dream. Very sweet and well worth a read (or two). - Hannah - Jun-04-2008 Sweet and well-written, she manages to give the characters significant depth despite the brevity of the story. It's such a huge pity SJ doesn't appear to be writing anymore. Come back, Seana! - abbi - Aug-06-2008 cute as a button! - Anonymous - Sep-27-2008 Absolutly ADORABLE! So cute and sweet I wish there was a sequel. - Amanda - Jan-04-2009 **** Spoiler Alert **** what??! it can't just end like that! i feel left out that i won't know what happened next. shucks. sequel please. ~sniff~ - belle - Oct-02-2009 What happens Next??? ----- PLEASE Write more, don't leave me hangin' - Texas_wild - Jan-02-2010 **** SPOILER ALERT **** This is such a good story, and superbly written! Which, can be hard to come by. I'm a little disappointed in the ending though. It's almost like the story is ending in the middle. - Anonymous - Jul-27-2010 Sweet story. Good read. - Lyn B - Jan-04-2011 Very, very sweet! Would love to read more of this! - Mickey - Feb-03-2011 Excellent conqueror story, I notice it was written over 10yrs ago so not hoping for an update soon, which is a pity. Just wish stories could be completed before posting. I usually don't read uncomplete works but clicked on this without noticing and now I am left hanging..URGHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Oh well - RavenIrish - Aug-21-2011 Very cute story but feels like chapter one and leaves us waiting for chapter two. Author please finish? - JC - Oct-24-2011 great story very sweet but i have to agree with JC this feels like a begining not an end i would be interested to see what happens next. - chippy - Nov-27-2011 really cute and sweet. - sandy - Nov-08-2012 Cute! Vera sweety! - Anonymous - Nov-11-2012 This is so cute! Very much a must read. Being a Pacific Northwesterner I really liked the setting. - Georgia - Feb-06-2013 nice read.. - xtra dog - Jun-11-2013 One Word SEQUEL!!!!!!!!!!! - Lysia - Aug-24-2014 |
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 12 pages | Finished | Apr-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards | ![]() |
Nice X & G story. READ and enjoy! - cam - Apr-29-2007 Set during the episode 'Chakram' and told from Gabrielle's perspective the author does an excellent job of making you experience the Bards profound feelings for her 'new' Warrior. Highly recommended. - Sai - Apr-30-2007 Very lovely X and G tale. Purest Love is purely perfect! This story reminded me of how I first came to enjoy the Athenaeum site - I love to read a soulful passionate story about my two favorite girls. - Opus - Mar-05-2008 Broken link? - Anonymous - Jul-12-2013 |
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 3 pages | Finished | | ![]() |
I love it when Gabrielle gets her way with Xena! Hey, you should provide a link to another Seana James story, The Purest Love. It is a profoundly moving story that explores what happens between Xena and Gabrielle as Xena regains her memories after Eli helped raise them from the dead - simple, sweet, loving, and sexy. As Xena says, "I remember your smile . . . And I remember Argo. . . And I remember this." - 3creeks - Apr-14-2007 Short but ohhhh so sweet! Could have been called "What we wished we had seen!" - Opus - Mar-05-2008 |