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Individual Author Page for - Susanne M. Beck (Sword'n'Quill) -
Stories Found: 6
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Desert Storm by Susanne M. Beck (Sword'n'Quill)     
Original / Uber | Ancient | Alternative (Mature) | Adventure | Novella - 129 pages | Unfinished | Sep-03
Links: The Bards Corner @ AUSZIP               
I think you'll find this is not really finished! - Anon - Dec 17th, 2005   

A masterpiece of descriptive writing and creativity in ideas. I was moved to near tears in one scene (I don't cry when I read!) and nearly gagged up dinner in another scene.(I like keeping dinner in place.) This FIRST section of DESERT STORM is in 12 parts. Has the author completed the SECOND half of the story? I'd loved to read it, and was sorry not to see it there. It's a story I couldn't put down. You left us off with Kael and Ianna. You guaranteed the reader the 'next' character, who we all happen to, ya up for it author? I am. - Anonymous - Dec 23rd, 2005   

I'm kicking myself in the butt for starting this story. Such a great read...but why oh why has it not been finished?! Author, I double dog dare ya to finish your work!! ( there, that should do it! :D ) - JC - Nov-09-2007   

Is verry good! - Double X - Jul-22-2008   

good so far needs more... - Anonymous - Jan-05-2010   

I, Conqueror by Susanne M. Beck (Sword'n'Quill)     
Conqueror | Ancient | Alternative | Adventure | Novel - 156 pages | Finished |
Cast: Xena, Gabrielle, Conqueror, Callisto, Tao, Feng, Ares, Dagnine, Alcmene, Niamey, Marcus, Caesar, Ling
Links: The Bards Corner @ AUSZIP               
This is a different Xena the Conqueror piece than most out there. In this tale, the author has attempted to write a Conqueror story as if it were written for X:WP instead of HTLJ. In addition, theres a bit of 'Remember Nothing' in here, only this time, its Gabrielle who has the memories while Xena does not. Confusing? Read on...
That is definitely one of the really good Conqueror stories; different than the ones I've read so far, but nevertheless enjoyable. A really good read! - querdenker69 - Dec-04-2006   

Tautly written! This conqueror is so determinably and dangerously unpredictable that Gabrielle is smartly cautious, yet relentless in her desire to win Xena back. Well done! - 3creeks - Dec-12-2006   

I love Conqueror tales and this is one is very good!! Read'll enjoy it!!! - JC - Mar-16-2008   

I have always loved this authors work. This is such a great story. I didn't want it to end. I love a good Conqueror tale, and this one is right up there. - Brighteyez - Jun-14-2008   

One of my favorites. Job well done. - sassy123 - Nov-08-2010   

Loved this story. Great job. - sassy123 - Dec-03-2010   

Definitely a great conqueror story. Really enjoyable and well written! - Anonymous - Jan-13-2011   

Bloody fantastic. Very well written,enjoyable story. Could not stop until the last word. This is the best written Uber story I've ever had the privillege to read. I highly recomend this beautiful story. Well done to Susanne M. Beck, and thank you. - mashymoo - Aug-08-2011   

callisto has always been crazy.. bice to see that she stayed in character.. as much can be said about gabrielle.. first conqueror story i have read so far where the conqueror doesn't change her evil ways after falling in love with gabrielle.. - xtra dog - Nov-07-2011   

Redemption by Susanne M. Beck (Sword'n'Quill)     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 369 pages | Finished |
Cast: Corinne, Derby, Sandra, Cassandra, Critter, Pony, Josephina, Bog, Mouse, Digger, Briacci, Sonny, Morrison, Morgan
Honors/Awards:  #78 in 2009     Fan Favorite In The Category Of Drama.    
Links: The Bards Corner @ AUSZIP               
Part 1 of the Angel and Ice Series
Series List: Redemption, Retribution, Restitution
INCREDIBLE read!!! A must read! This story has it all, fear, love, sadness, anger. Your feelings will run the whole ladder of emotions. The words that melted into sentences to make the paragraphs and the finally the story, flowed over my skin like silk. I did not want to stop reading. Thank you for a wonderful read. - K. Hart - Feb 27th, 2004   

Take the time to read this well written story! Yes, it is long but you don't really notice it as so much is happening and it flows so well. - Anonymous - Feb 22nd, 2005   

One of the best stories i've ever read!! Love the characters. - Shyn - Jun 4th, 2005   

Something about this emotional, gripping series of 3 stories (Redemption, Retribution, Restitution) makes them stand above most others for me. Even the secondary characters are much better than usual. I've read them 3 times over the years, & just ordered the books last week. I wish I had the money to support more of the Xenaverse authors' book efforts. I don't however, so it's pretty telling that I got all 3 of these. I recommend the stories very highly, & hope you get as much enjoyment from them as I have. Give 'em a try!!! - LAL - Jul 29th, 2005   

Fabulous trilogy! Excellent, excellent, excellent - Think I'll read it again right now - AustinXenaChick - Sep 18th, 2005   

WOW! You need time. But you MUST read this story. Susanne, thank you so much. I'm off now to read Retribution. - Dutch - Sep-28-2007   

Missing Xena? Have just finished a marathon read of all 3 parts & already feel bereft. This is the BEST damn uber ever. - opiraeus - Feb-23-2008   

EXCELENT! Wunderschön!!!Ich kann es immer noch nicht glauben!!! Thank you Susanne! - Anonymous - Mar-09-2008   

INCREDIBLE! The best uber ever! Read it! Susanne, thank you so much. - Anonymous - May-26-2008   

Without questions - the best uber - on the internet. Excellent build, beautifully constructet and the chemestry between Ice & Angel is out of control. Incredible! - Anonymous - May-27-2008   

WOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!This is definitely the best X&G uber ever!!! Read it! - Anonymous - May-28-2008   

Fantastic! This is so good, it kept me up all night. And I've got to get up for work in 2 hours! - Amber - Jun-11-2008   

it of the best fics i've ever read. thank you for letting me experience and feel so much by sharing this story with us. - Vale - Aug-03-2008   

I read this for the 1st time years ago...It is still one of my favorites. - Anonymous - Aug-04-2008   

You've got to read these, you won't be sorry. How can you not want more ICE!!!
- Lea ann - Jan-23-2009   

By far my favorite series out there. Great books. Great characters. - Anonymous - Jan-29-2009   

For me, the greatest X/G uber series there is :D My most favorite, and I've read hundreds! thank you so much for these stories! - Luie - Feb-19-2009   

This is THE story that got me hooked! - Kristy - Mar-04-2009   

This book is one of the best out there!! Sue Beck's representation of a Xena like character is flawless :) - Mel - Mar-22-2009   

I've read a looooot of stories... this one is one of the best. I don't expecting you to take my word for it... So, please, GO AHEAD and figure it out by yourself. - Anonymous - May-10-2009   

AWESOME READ - This is a definite DO NOT MISS... - Texaswild1 - May-17-2009   

There's something primal about this story... someting that touched me to the core, and took my breath away so many times.
I really want to congratulate the author for her so powerful writing. Very very well done.

I didn't read the sequels yet, but I already owe you sooo much! ; )
Thank you! - yuka - Jun-12-2009   

Fantastic read! - Enverz - Aug-02-2009   

The whole series is one of those timeless masterpieces you can re-read again and again without ever getting bored of it. Uber-Storytelling at its best, chapeau to the author! - OmisLiebling - Mar-15-2010   

ICE melting love ohh god amazing! you find every one there. and my all time favorite Psycho. Wonderful story tankyou so much - isis - Jun-05-2010   

This story threads the neddle with plot and characters. You can't help the affinity you will feel for the women of the Bog. - Tara - Jun-12-2010   

A must read!!!! - Anonymous - Jun-16-2010   

WOW!!! INCREDIBLE read!!! I really, really enjoyed this book, and the 2 following. They are a a super read if you have the time set aside to enjoy them - you will run through all sorts of emotion....and by the end, miss the characters....well worth the time to read all 3 books - CoolNik - Jun-18-2010   

WWWOOOOOOOOWWWW what an amazing story, just amazing!!!! an
time favourite. Go Amazons! GO ICE! - IIIICCCCEEEEEE - Jul-03-2010   

WWWOOOOOOOOWWWW what an amazing story, just amazing!!!! an
time favourite. Go Amazons! GO ICE! - IIIICCCCEEEEEE - Jul-03-2010   

I was hurting more then they were!!! amazing triogy A must read - Anonymous - Aug-10-2010   

excellent read! This is a three book series and they were all excellent. - courtney - Aug-30-2010   

this is the best fanfic i`ve read so far, Sussane Beck has an amazing grasp on the characters by the way Psycho rocks and Ice and Angel do too. Highly recommended loved it. - Anonymous - Feb-25-2011   

This is the best Uber trilogy that I've ever read! Wonderful characters, great storyline and exciting all the way through! - Anonymous - Mar-09-2011   

"The Growing", the "Re-" series,... - Susanne M. Beck never fails to make reading her stories be anything but pure enjoyment. - wt-ger - Mar-14-2011   

This story is amazing its a guaranteed read. It leaves you with an array of emotions like you've never imagined - Sandy - Oct-07-2011   

amazing story. i was very moved. a spinoff (or many)would be very nice - aj - Nov-25-2011   

Fantastic book! The characters are so believable, so real and the story itself is captivating and is gonna leave you yearning for MORE! 10 out of 10 ;) - Arina - Jan-12-2012   

Amazing! Once I started reading, I couldn't stop until I finished all 3 of the stories! - Anonymous - Apr-22-2012   

If this trilogy was made into a movie, the screens would be smoking. Have read the 3 stories several times in the last 2 years and the characters never cease to amaze me. Would love to read more of Ms Beck's work if anyone knows where i can find them. - M - Jul-27-2012   

Amazing!!!! You will fall in l0ve!

I wish there would be a sequel to the story!
All the characters are well written just great - Asha - Aug-26-2013   

wow...excelent story, i really love it :) i like your work very much and the story between Ice and Angel is great :) - Cris - Aug-28-2013   

wow...excelent story, i really love it :) i like your work very much and the story between Ice and Angel is great :) - Cris - Aug-28-2013   

This is amazing story xx - SD - Aug-11-2015   

Loved, loved this story - Anonymous - Jul-16-2016   

Restitution by Susanne M. Beck (Sword'n'Quill)     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novel - 352 pages | Finished |
Cast: Rio, Pony, Critter, Nia, Corinne, Montana, Cavallo, Donita, Beck, Mary, Susanne, Pope, Candace, Kricket
Links: The Bards Corner @ AUSZIP               
Part 3 of the Angel and Ice Series
Series List: Redemption, Retribution, Restitution
Once again, Susanne M. Beck has out done herself. If you have not read this trilogy, I suggest you read it from the first word of the first story to the last word of the last story. If you are looking for a story that stands out from all the rest, the Angel and Ice series is the one you are looking for. Thanks again for an incredible journey. - K. Hart - Feb 28th, 2004   

Angel and Ice among the others in this story will touch your heart This is one series that you must read.It has everything in the series you could ask for.So what are you waiting 4 start reading this series now. - Anonymous - Feb 8th, 2006   

As far as I´m concerned, without a doubt, the best Über on the internet. When you find a story like this one, you hold on to it with everything you are. Reading the Ice and Angel trilogy had the effect on me that reading amazing litterature always has: there´s a before and an after, because such beauty, such a heartwrenching and wise rendition of human lives is a song carved in you forever.
For me, one of the incredibly rare works which are both too private to ever be fully shared, and that should be read by everyone. - Life of Brian - Apr-15-2008   

These stories are some of the best around....and worthy of reading more than once - Lea Ann - Feb-25-2009   

Adventure!!! Romance!!! Could not put this down! - Andi - Apr-14-2009   

WOW! Absolutely Fantastic beyond words - could not put this down for a minute. You have to read all three - this is most definitely a DO NOT MISS Trilogy. - Texaswild1 - May-20-2009   

This trilogy is a must read. The second story Retribution is missing on the author page - Josje - Jul-26-2010   

What an amazing journey. This is probably the only trilogy where each installment actually gets better and more exciting than the previous, even as our heroes' situations seem to get bleaker and more impossible as the story unfolds. I just loved the POV switch at the end. It was so effortlessly and effectively done. Had to re-read that part a couple of times before it started to sink it. God, I hope the author has managed to get this published. Its a whole lot better than whats out there. - OMG - Jul-03-2011   

All three Ice/Angel stories are one of the best reads out there .. Only slight complaint I had ****Spoiler alert**** was the very end and we don't know exactly how they got away from the truck other than Angel had a broken arm?! .. Other than that, amazing and one I keep going back to. - Dynamo - Sep-27-2011   

It's been so many years now since I've first read this series. It's still heart-melting and heart-warming and intense! The best series our there. hands down. - Lady - Jan-15-2012   

What a weekend marathon...its been 11 years since this trilogy. I wouldnt mind another 3 days on my back with Susanne Beck ;) Thank you for sharing your stories. - Mica - Mar-18-2012   

One of the best stories I have ever read. Highly recommend to all. Superbly written. - Niyah - Feb-05-2013   


So in love with these characters. I bawled that the series has ended. Never have I ever felt so upset about never reading of a set of characters before. :( - Anonymous - Jul-16-2016   

Stranger In Your Eyes (The) by Susanne M. Beck (Sword'n'Quill)     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novella - 145 pages | Finished | Jul-98
Cast: Xena, Sara, Gabrielle, Jarrod
Links: The Bards Corner @ AUSZIP               
Part 1 of the Stranger In Your Eyes Series
Series List: Stranger In Your Eyes (The), To Stand Together Through The Storm
Set in modern day, a lone Xena is an immortal who's job is still that of a warrior battling evil, but 2oth century style. Alone for centuries, in comes Sara Di'Maglione, desperately in need of pretection and a friend. In her green eyes, she brings a promisse of old and perhaphs a second chance for Xena...and her love.
Among the best stories in this archive. Perfect 10s! - Anonymous - Mar-28-2008   

In a word...magical! Drew me in from the very first paragraph and kept me completely engrossed to the very last. I'm surprised there isn't a string of praises listed here...I'm proud to be one of the first. Read this and be engrossed! - JC - Aug-19-2008   

AMAZING!I couldn't stop reading.A must read.I cried I laughed I wanted the story to never end.I loved and can't wait to read the sequal. - Samantha Brown - Oct-05-2008   

**** Spoiler Alert **** A very good fic. A true Uber. Keeps you on the edge of your seat. I did not like the way it ended though. It felt rushed. Over all a great thriller. - Amanda - Dec-06-2008   

**** SPOILER ALERT **** Great work! I'm not very fond of the end... think it's kindda too simplistic BUT I really enjoyed this fiction. Xena's inner struggling is just incredibly well depicted and I've felt very in touch with the original character. I think SMB managed to recreate the same despair, the same impression of loss as ones Xena felt when gadrielle died (after throwing herself and Hope into the burning pit). Episodes that followed, were some of the most intense and touching ones of the whole serie. I felt the same way reading this. The pain is beautiful, the desire magnificent... The shining, perfect, so damn sweet and irresistible Xena is back! Thanks to the bard... - yuka - Oct-19-2009   

Thank you Susanne for the excellent stories. A must read. loved it and its sequel. Especially loved the ending. - Anonymous - Oct-20-2009   

One of if not the best pieces of FF out there!! This story is wonderful, emotional, sweet, sexy, adventurous, I could go on and on but just read this story!! Susanne is my favorite FF author hands down!! I would love it if she would write more FF!! - Anonymous - Jan-25-2010   

One of the best stories I've ever read ! Brilliant ! Beautiful ! - Anonymous - Feb-26-2011   

Wow....what a great read! Definitely a favorite. A must read. - Tracey - Feb-28-2011   

To Stand Together Through The Storm by Susanne M. Beck (Sword'n'Quill)     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novella - 136 pages | Finished |
Cast: Xena, Gabrielle, Ares, Claiborne, Robertson
Links: The Bards Corner @ AUSZIP               
Part 2 of the Stranger In Your Eyes Series
Series List: Stranger In Your Eyes (The), To Stand Together Through The Storm
In this story sequel to 'The Stranger In Your Eyes,' Xena and Gabrielle reaquaintance is marred when they invite danger by going against a dangerous cultist.
Just AMAZING! Angsty but well worth it. - Samantha Brown - Oct-10-2008   

In a word...FANTASTIC!! A wonderful sequel that stands strong on it's own. - JC - Nov-02-2008   

I can't say enough about this story and this author! This is my favorite author in FF and I love this story!! Would love to hear more from this author!! - Anonymous - Jan-26-2010   

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