Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 658 pages | Finished | Aug-06 Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #31 in 2006, #21 in 2007 Links: www.academyofbards.org | ![]() |
This recommendation really works!! I read and reread All That Matters S X Meagher is a great writer. I REALLY like and enjoy this story. Incredible story of Love.. I also read "Arbor Vitea" I don't see anywhere under her name to where a person can add their recommendations.. So I must write it on here..... I absolutely loved every single word written in this story, Clancy the landscaper fall's in Love with the older woman Abby.... Refreshing to read, Clancy even drove a yellow Pickup truck... Breath taking!! Refreshing!!! and fun to read...You've have got to read this story too. I think S X Meagher is a very good writer. GREAT STORY!!! - carrie - Aug-26-2006 Beautifully written, compulsive reading. if you have not read it yet don't waste another minute, enjoy. - xenite 40 - Aug-28-2006 precious, breathtaking tale - made me cry :) - Kati - Sep-05-2006 I just sent the author an email, but I figured, "Hey, I'll let everyone else know how much I loved this story.". The story was beautifully writting and not full of the same old tired "blue orbs looked into green circles and long, muscular arms encircled taut abdomens, yadda yadda..." And the dialogue was superb. I have NEVER laughed out loud reading anything in my life at an online fanfic story/novel. Well, I can't say that anymore. And, for an FYI, the ONLY time I've EVER laughed out loud at anything written was when I've read any of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum novels (if you haven't read one, you have no idea what you're missing...). I HIGHLY recommend this author regardless of the story. If it has SX Meagher attached to it anywhere, you're doing yourself a grave disservice by not reading it. SO READ IT!! - Kye Morgan - Sep-12-2006 I haven't read a story of Susan's that I didn't love and this is no exception. Another one for the keeper file. - Netta - Dec-10-2006 Encore...Encore. Great read. What a wonderful story of how love is found sometimes unexpectedly. I would love to see more on these characters lifea fter pregnancy. - Karen - Mar-22-2007 Unlike the last recommendation, this story ranks right up there as my all time favourite, so I'm pleading with S X Meagher - please write a sequel! Anyone who's read this story is surely longing to see where these two wonderful women are going with their relationship. It feels like they've just got started (which they have) and there's so much more that could be told by Ms Meagher on their behalf. Do us all a favour S X and bring on the sequel. I bet the day it hits the site, it rockets to number one on the readers list. At least tell us your thinking about it. - Pam, England - Mar-26-2007 This was one of the BEST stories I've read in a long time...the characters were engaging, dynamic, passionate and endearing..A Must read...I would loove a sequel! - Karrie - Apr-16-2007 This is a long story, which I do like, and it was very well written. I had to pull out my dictionary a couple of times which I REALLY like! Thanks S X Meagher for a great read! - CL MacDonald - Apr-22-2007 Lovely story. Very realistic. Looooved it! - Mile D'Cast - Apr-26-2007 I don't think All That Matters could be any sweeter if it tried. The "awww" factor in this story is definitely turned to high. After reading it, I was filled with the nicest yet most inexplicable feeling of well being. Oh and the writing is superb, so superb in fact that I breezed through it in 3 days. SX manages connect you so deeply with her characters that you can feel Kylie's heart pounding a mile a minute in your own chest when...whoops can't do that, don't want to spoil if for the rest of the class. That reminds me, what are you waiting for??? Go read it already. PS SX you rock my world. PPS Hard. - nicole938 - Aug-09-2007 Fantastic story--fantastic resolution of every possible angle. Great reading. Thanks! - Fic - Aug-17-2007 A very well-written story which had me completely enthralled. Ms Meagher is undoubtedly one of the best writers of romantic fiction online. I notice that some of her work has been published - well done. - Anonymous - Oct-01-2007 Ok, I know I just reccommended SX Meagher's other story, Arbor Vitae, but this one is also a favorite. The author pulls you in and doesn't let you go. After reading this great fiction, I now have a better appreciation for pregnant women and definitely find them HOT! : ) - little bear - Oct-03-2007 One of my favorite stories. Endearing characters and well-paced romance. - SS - Jan-28-2008 fantastic read - Anonymous - Jan-29-2008 I love to read any thing she had written. Good stuff. - michele - Feb-05-2008 This is one of the most captivating stories I've read. It's definitely worth the time. - Jaydon Lacenta - Feb-08-2008 one of the best storyline development and characters i've read! kylie and blair are absolutely loveable characters. S X Meagher is a gift to the fanfic universe. A must read. - luie - Feb-23-2008 It is five am in the morning and I've just finished this epic piece. It left me breathless and, dammit, I want a freakin' sequel! - M. - Mar-09-2008 Very good story. - Anonymous - Apr-25-2008 One of the best stories I read, it melt my heart and made me cry, what an amazing relationship...please read this, I assure you that you won't regret it. - mackdido - Apr-30-2008 This story is so wonderful; and touched me deeply. This is truly a story to take the time to read! - Jennifer Lee - May-24-2008 Loved it, Loved it, loved it. Sequwl please!!!! - Xenangabfan - Aug-30-2008 I read a LOT! And there are some stories that... whew need help, but not only have I read and read Susan X online stories. I bought her books, the only thing I would love to do is put it on screen, can you just see Brittany Murphy as Blair, in my mind Kylie is Angie Harmon... What a juicy, complete, well written full bodied story. Is there even wine this good? This is one of the most perfect detailed descriptions of love. She even gave it the very best title... All That Matters, it really is. - INOV8TR - Sep-16-2008 I highly recommend ready all of S X Meagher's work. She is very talented and I continue to re-read her stories everyday, I'm simply in love with everything she writes. I never wanted this story to end. I loved that the it was unique like the roles were reversed. LOVE IT!! - Sheronah-Hope - Sep-28-2010 wonderful read, the character dinamic could not be better. You must read this!!! then again, everything by sx is wonderful. - cpo - Oct-06-2010 What a great story.Very well done. - sassy123 - Nov-29-2010 story no longer available, recommend removing link. [Editor's Note: Link found & updated... 01-08-2011] - Anonymous - Dec-11-2010 What a great story... - bluebutterfly - Jan-11-2011 Very good story. I love how this relationship grows throughout the story. It's a long, but very satisfying read. - Lyn B - Mar-21-2011 This was brilliant. It took a long time developing the friendship and relationship and made an unlikely outcome, become likely and thoroughly enjoyable. - Silver - Apr-09-2011 One of my favorite stories ... - Dynamo - Jul-10-2011 it is indeed all that matters.. particularly loved tnis phrase as a dog lover: 'The dogs stretched out on the concrete, warming their bellies, while they dreamed up plans to teach the new puppy how to bark properly.' :) - xtra dog - Jul-23-2011 I have read this amazing novel time and time again. It's a great talent you've got, Ms Meagher! - Pegi - Aug-12-2012 A very lovely read. - Niyah - Dec-09-2012 |
Arbor Vitae by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 506 pages | Finished | Aug-06 Honors/Awards: #76 in 2006 Links: The Academy | ![]() |
Published by Brisk Press | |
really loved this story. this woman knows her way around a sex scene and manages to avoid alot of the judgements some fall into. well done! - feral - Sep-02-2006 Please do yourself a favor and read this. In all of fandom these two characters are in my top five favorites. SX Meagher is a phenominal writer and weaves a tale that I find hard to put down. PLEASE READ. - robinnight - Sep-13-2006 Loved it, SX rights some of the best stories out there. Lots of love, angst, sex :P And each story is slightly different, rather than following the same theme as other authors tend to do. - Reese - Oct-29-2006 One of my favourite stories to read.....love every piece of it, a sexy well written story - wolfie - Dec-09-2006 Love the older gal, younger gal dynamic. Wonderful story with great storyline. SX Meagher is one of the best creative writers out there in the Xenaverse. Her stories are always worth a "stay up all night" read. This is no exception! - Cassiopeia - Dec-25-2006 I've read this story numerous times, but I continue to seek it out when I'm in need of a solid, well-written, fully developed, romantic piece of fiction. Brava! - little bear - Oct-03-2007 This story deserves all the praise it's gotten--and more. Great writing, compelling characters--but you don't expect anything less from SXM, do you? - micah6 - Oct-22-2007 Best, funniest SXM story of them all - and that's really saying something!! - chatham23 - Nov-23-2007 i would just like to say a heartfelt thank you there are very few stories i can read again and again but this is one of many you have written.you should be commended truely great storytelling - Anonymous - Jan-22-2008 Read it several times and still one of my all time favourite stories - Anonymous - Feb-09-2008 Wow truly amazing reads! I loved every second and couldn't leave my computer until I finished! - Jennifer Lee - May-24-2008 A wonderful love story... really beautiful - Manuela - Sep-08-2008 **** Spoiler Alert **** THIS HAS TO MUCH REFERENCE TO M/F SEX IN IT. And some of it is very explicit such as when the one is talking about how she eventually enjoyed oral sex with her husband. This is not safe for a gay woman to read. Too bad because it had some real good possiblities. - Jenni - Sep-11-2008 The first time I read this story, I was turned off by the heavy straight turned gay theme. I generally don't like that stuff. But, if you read it with an open mind, you will absolutely LOVE this story. I adore SXM as an author, and all of her writing is excellent! - Anonymous - Sep-12-2008 i followed this story as it was being written and i must say that i absolutely loved every minute of it. the author took you on a journey of self exploration and awakening. it brings tears to the eyes and warmth to the soul as you follow two women on a wonderful, fearful, exciting journey to a new love. any person that fears M/F sex does this story a great injustice by not looking beyond that minor portion and embracing the true meaning behind this wonderful story. well worth the time to enjoy. - Anonymous - Sep-17-2008 really enjoyed this story. Found it on Academy of Bards. - rleef - Mar-07-2009 I read this book a couple of years ago and loved it so much that it's going on vacation with me for another read. I love SX Meagher's writing and you will too! - wink - Mar-11-2009 brilliant story...I will be keeping it as one of my favs to go back to...and not just for the hot sex scenes..lol - Lea Ann - Mar-16-2009 Loved it, Loved it, Loved it!!! - Redblaze18 - Apr-03-2009 Awesome, this is my favourite story on this web site and beleive me when I say I've read a few. - Chris - Jul-25-2009 one of my fav stories - Anonymous - Aug-01-2009 Don't pay any attention to other reviewers who complain about relationships in the story that happen to be other-than-lesbian. Just like real life, this story has people and relationships that are not all one kind, not all one way. The characters spend most of the story searching their hearts in the face of change that is often confusing and scary to them, and there's nothing unfathomable or repulsive in that. This story is through and through a love story between two women, but more than that it's about hope, and grief, and loyalty, and carrying your family through the worst things you can imagine. It's also about blossoming love, even when and where it's at its most unexpected. If you're searching for a long, well-written, engrossing read about falling in love again for the very first time, give this story a try. - S. - Dec-23-2009 truly amazing!!!! I just need to read this till the end.....impressive.... - Anonymous - Jan-05-2010 DO pay attention to what others have said about the het relationships in this fic! If you don't want explicit M/F sex in your femslash and/or Xena fic, this fic (and SX Meagher's other fics) probably isn't for you. - Anonymous - Jan-15-2010 this story is one of her best and certainly worth reading. don't let other people's scare tactics (explicit het sex warnings? come on, we're all adults here), scare you away. SX is a true wordsmith. - Anonymous - Jan-27-2010 Very lovely love (yes, lesbian) story and the first I've read of this wonderful author. I am so glad to have found this gem. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. I have to go back and read her other stories now. Read this one. Truly a GREAT read. - x - Mar-17-2010 Wonderful story. The characters were so real and so well done... it was just amazing. Definitively worth reading. - Stardawn - Jun-15-2010 absolutely loved this couldn't put it down. - lumor - Jun-26-2010 Wow... Can't find my words after reading this story. That I love it is an understatement. The characters have depth and maturity, the situations they find themselves in look truly realistic. Nothing's just black or white, there are many shades of grey that make this story so compelling. And everything is beautifully written, up to the spicy scenes! Thank you for such a gem. - Elise - Oct-31-2010 I've read this story .... several times. I'll read again and again, it's that good. If you haven't read it yet, what the hell are you waiting for?! - Mickey - Oct-31-2010 Couldn't stop reading it. Absolutely beautiful story. - hit.dana - Nov-05-2010 A well written romance novel that captures and holds your attention by posing real life circumstances with pliable solutions. The love shared between Abby and Clancy is riviting and stimulating. A highly recommended read. ^5 - mine2give2u - Dec-02-2010 a very sweet story... - bluebutterfly - Dec-08-2010 oh my goodness...what a beautiful story... - bluebutterfly - Dec-19-2010 This is a wonderful read. Funny, sad & touching. I loved it. - Lyn B - Jan-21-2011 A brilliant story. - Silver - Apr-10-2011 This is a great story. The characters are well-developed and the love stories (both of them) are down-to-earth and very...human. There's something, that I think, we can all relate to in this story. Well done. - c - Apr-29-2011 A wonderful romance of two women from different backgrounds and ages. I enjoyed this story! - Ricky - Jun-18-2013 |
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 10: Journeys by
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 11: Karma by
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 12: Lifeline by
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 13: Monogamy by
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 14: Nurture by
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 15: Osmosis by
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 16: Paradigm by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Adventure | Novel - 224 pages | Finished | Mar-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 16 of the I Found My Heart in San Francisco Series Series List: I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 1: Awakenings, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 2: Beginnings, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 3: Coalescence, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 4: Disclosures, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 5: Entwined, I Found My Heart in San Francisco: A Christmas Vignette 1977, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 6: Fidelity, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 7: Getaway, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 8: Honesty, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 9: Intentions, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 10: Journeys, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 11: Karma, I Found My Heart in San Francisco: Halloween: The Princess and Her Pirate, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 12: Lifeline, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 13: Monogamy, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 14: Nurture, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 15: Osmosis, Valentine's Eve, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 16: Paradigm, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 17: Quandry | ![]() |
Oh my!!! If you came until this one, you must be like me... praying for the God of the Bards to make Ms SXMeagher post the 17th to 26th ASAP!!!! Plese, Ms Meagher, P.L.E.A.S.E.! - Mile D'Cast - Apr-26-2007 This is a great series. Susan is a teriffic writer and I just can't wait for the next installment. Great reading. - Anonymous - Apr-29-2007 This is a great series and I would definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to read a well written story. I can only hope that there will be another installment made. - Tgz87 - Feb-23-2009 Awesome series!! I really hope more installments are added...! - Nicole - Mar-05-2009 absolutley awsome. found this series last week and now cant wait forthe next installment, really feel like i know these characters, next book cant come quick enough, SX done good !!!!!! - Debbie - Mar-11-2009 Love this series!!! Please please please write more!!! - Anonymous - May-06-2009 Bravo on this whole series. Just wanted to let you know that Book 17 is posted at the authors website. Anxiously awaiting Book 18. Please, Please, Please. - x/g fanfic fanatic - Apr-05-2010 I'm so invested in Jamie and Ryan that I can't wait to see how things turn out for them for many years to come. This is such a fabulous series it's hard to have to wait for more. And I do hope there's more. - JettBlk - May-16-2010 TERMINALOOOOOO PLEASE,QUEDARON MUCHAS INCOGNITAS....TU SERIE ES PERFECTA Y MARAVILLOSA,Y MIRA QUE HE LEIDO MUCHAS........GRACIAS POR TU PROSA - ROSE - Aug-14-2010 Please please.......... post book 17..... I can't wait. - sfu23 - Aug-25-2010 |
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 17: Quandry by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 220 pages | Finished | Aug-10 Part 17 of the I Found My Heart in San Francisco Series Series List: I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 1: Awakenings, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 2: Beginnings, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 3: Coalescence, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 4: Disclosures, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 5: Entwined, I Found My Heart in San Francisco: A Christmas Vignette 1977, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 6: Fidelity, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 7: Getaway, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 8: Honesty, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 9: Intentions, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 10: Journeys, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 11: Karma, I Found My Heart in San Francisco: Halloween: The Princess and Her Pirate, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 12: Lifeline, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 13: Monogamy, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 14: Nurture, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 15: Osmosis, Valentine's Eve, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 16: Paradigm, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 17: Quandry | ![]() |
For all those who have fell in love with this series... Book 18 is available on the internet as well. As always, these stories are great. [Editor's Note: If you know of a link to a version that doesn't have terrible formatting, please let us know. The one on uberabode is unreadable. 8-30-2010] - Anonymous - Aug-26-2010 Love this series! Don't miss this one. But you need to start from Book 1 to "grow" along with the story and all the characters. You won't be sorry. - Olivia - Aug-28-2010 nice! i can't wait for the next installment. was feeling giddy when i found out there's an update. Read this and the next book. you can't just get enough. - reader - Aug-29-2010 Iv'e waited for over a year for this. Worth the wait.(even though i hate waiting). Part 18 can be found at uberadobe. Read it also. Now we just need part 19. - cpo - Oct-06-2010 link for book eighteen: http://www.uberabode.com/M/Meagher/B18/P1.htm enjoy! - reader - Oct-22-2010 Very much looking forward to reading what develops between Cathrine and Conor. Can't wait to see the many different ways he rings her bell! They'd make a HOT couple if they ever got together ... until grand kids come along of course. The poor kids would be confused! - Anna Lei - Jan-18-2011 OMG!! What a fantastic series. I just finished book 17 and I've been going crazy for the last half hour trying to find out if there is a continuation to this novel. There are so many unanswered questions that this story just can't end. Here's to many years of gifted writing for our pleasure. ^5 BTW----the overall and spice index ratings of 10 for this series is not high enough! ;) - mine2give2u - Feb-02-2011 Great story - Anonymous - Feb-14-2011 GOD! I am in love with this series! I just finished all of the books- flashback stories as well- and I am already jonesing for book 19! I just... I don't know what to say... Total love for all the characters! Every single one of them. I want more! so much more! - Anonymous - Mar-09-2011 vR8eKu http://www.gXGTUnVS1fd7ZWMjsE7U6AzFIyR5v1OH.com - ihNZOUekvIl - Mar-23-2012 My number 1 series on this web site this is an amazing read wish there was more of them xx - SD - Apr-30-2015 This is a great series! The series is up to Book 24 - X. Publisher is Brisk Press. - Beckek1 - Sep-18-2022 |
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 1: Awakenings by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 437 pages | Finished | Cast: Ryan, Jamie, Jack, Ally Honors/Awards: Fan Favorite In The Category Of Romance. Links: The Academy of Bards Part 1 of the I Found My Heart in San Francisco Series Series List: I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 1: Awakenings, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 2: Beginnings, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 3: Coalescence, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 4: Disclosures, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 5: Entwined, I Found My Heart in San Francisco: A Christmas Vignette 1977, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 6: Fidelity, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 7: Getaway, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 8: Honesty, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 9: Intentions, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 10: Journeys, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 11: Karma, I Found My Heart in San Francisco: Halloween: The Princess and Her Pirate, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 12: Lifeline, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 13: Monogamy, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 14: Nurture, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 15: Osmosis, Valentine's Eve, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 16: Paradigm, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 17: Quandry | ![]() |
DO NOT MISS this story and the others that follow it, the story of Ryan & Jamie, their families and friends is one of the best I've read . This story grabs your attention from the very first paragraph and doesn't stop. S X Meagher storytelling has away of making you feel that your right there. The main characters and others in the story are very realistic. These stories will make you laugh and cry at times, I've read the stories "A" thru "M" can't wait for the rest. :) - JB - Sep 11th, 2003 I'm on the 13th 'book' in this series...As far as I can see, this is the last one that was written. I'm getting a little panicky that there aren't more stories in this series!! THis has been an incredible 'ride', and hope ALL of you will sit down and start reading them. These aren't short stories by any means, but they will be worth every moment you put into them. You'll find yourself wanting more, just like me! - usaussie - Apr 29th, 2004 Ive read all the way to Nurture and I am so hoping that SX Meagher will be coming out with the next one because these books are incredible, Ive been swept away by the plight of Ryan and Jamie and their love, i would recommend everyone who has ever experienced love to read this series. Congratulations SX Meagher on a great series of stories - Lissa - Oct 22nd, 2005 Great read just finished the series up to Nuture. Kudos to SX Meagher for doing such a fantastic job. - Barrudaki - Jul-09-2006 very good story... I also recommend "Arbor Vitae" this story is written of a young talented Landscaper,Clancy,who is asked by an older woman Abigail, to help revitalize her lawn and gardens.. Clancy fall's in Love with this older woman...when you read this story.. you'd wish you were either woman... Easy to read!!!! A wonderful story!!! - Anonymous - Aug-11-2006 I don´t know what to say... This story took me in a kind of rollercoaster of emotions. This kind of love and friendship ist what everybody is looking for but very few suceed in finding. Well, these two obviously found it and it was a delicate pleasure of following them. I really really absolutely love this story and I am so happy that this was just the first of many books to come. So if you´re looking for a very sweet and touching story of true love between two people don´t miss this one. It will make your day (or your week...). And S X Meagher, you´re one great talent of a writer. Please, don´t stop! - Ines - Feb-04-2007 I WARN you: This one is very addictive! It goes from the book 1 to the 26. It's only posted until the 16th!!! And its killing me!!! - Mile D'Cast - Apr-26-2007 A very easy read - which is great because once you start there is no way to stopp. It took me over a week to get through all 16 stories and I find that I can't wait for the next one. Any idea on how long I will have to suffer? :D A very sensual, intriguing read from a supremely talented Author. - Anonymous - Jun-10-2007 An awesome begining to a terrific series. Once you start, you won't want to stop! She makes you really care about these characters and want to know what happens next. I really hope she is able to follow through and write the proposed 26 books, I can't wait to hear more!!!!! - Akiela Xal - Aug-28-2007 Have you ever read War and Peace? If you haven't, you should, because it's worth it. I looked at the file sizes on these stories and balked, but I read--and read--and read. If you actually need to do anything other than breathe and move your eyes, don't start this series. It's that addictive. Scratch that last comment. Go ahead and read it--your boss, your significant other, your pet will understand. - MIc6 - Oct-27-2007 I figured out I was gay reading this. - robinnight - Apr-29-2008 The beginning of an excellent tale. Addictive. Well written. Very good characters and storyline. It is a definite must read. - Ape - May-02-2008 This is one wonderful story by a great writer. I have read this twice and it was even better. The characters are well written and bring you into their lives. One of my absolute favorites (including her other stories), - Anonymous - May-04-2008 This is an amazing read, does anyone know if she is planning on writing more? - Anonymous - May-06-2009 WOWWWWW!!!! Amazing, wonderful, Unforgettable, this serie is the most intense literary experiment I ever had! Before I read it, I also thought Melissa Good could not be equalled, but you did, and you go even further! I Found My Heart In San Francisco is your masterpiece, Meagher! - Leth Cross - Mar-23-2010 So glad I found this wonderful series. Wonderful characters, great storylines. I am anxiously awaiting book 18. Please hurry and update. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. This series has been a captivating experience. - x/g fanfic fanatic - Apr-05-2010 |
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 2: Beginnings by
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 3: Coalescence by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novel - 272 pages | Finished | Cast: Jamie, Ryan, Mia Links: The Bards Corner @ AUSZIP I Found My Heart In San Francisco Part 3 of the I Found My Heart in San Francisco Series Series List: I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 1: Awakenings, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 2: Beginnings, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 3: Coalescence, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 4: Disclosures, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 5: Entwined, I Found My Heart in San Francisco: A Christmas Vignette 1977, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 6: Fidelity, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 7: Getaway, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 8: Honesty, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 9: Intentions, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 10: Journeys, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 11: Karma, I Found My Heart in San Francisco: Halloween: The Princess and Her Pirate, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 12: Lifeline, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 13: Monogamy, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 14: Nurture, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 15: Osmosis, Valentine's Eve, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 16: Paradigm, I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 17: Quandry | ![]() |
This serie is the most intense literary experiment I ever had! Before I read it, I thought the great Melissa Good could not be equalled, but you did, and you go even further. You are so talented! you made me cry, laugh... you made me feel anger sometimes, and other times as if my heart would explode. You explore human feelings in a way that touch the readers to the core. I did not agree with you all the times but I know it wasn't the point anyway. I write a little and I really, truly; deeply wish I could be like you when I grow up! ;) - yuka - Jun-11-2009 La serie es excelente,aunque creo que le falta EL LIBRO 18 del final..¿que hace JAMIE con el dinero q gana?¿que sucede entre MIA y JORDANIA? ¿Que pasa entre CATHERINE y GIACOMO? ¿Donde queda JIM? ¿CONNOR encontara el amor? FALTA EL DESENLACE DE ESTA SERIE....PLEASEEEEE - ROSE - Aug-14-2010 Ya es hora de que termines tu serie SUSAN....Me encanto,fascino y cautivo tu escritura....gracias - Anonymous - Aug-14-2010 |
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 4: Disclosures by
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 5: Entwined by
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 6: Fidelity by
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 7: Getaway by
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 8: Honesty by
I Found My Heart in San Francisco Book 9: Intentions by
I Found My Heart in San Francisco: A Christmas Vignette 1977 by
I Found My Heart in San Francisco: Halloween: The Princess and Her Pirate by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 43 pages | Finished | Cast: Sally, Gina, Pete, Rocco Links: The Academy Of Bards | ![]() |
Oh you broke my heart with this.... - Yani - May-27-2008 My heart also broke... - Lee - Sep-22-2008 a very well written story with an unexpected ending. it makes me think how lucky we are to be living in our modern age as compared to what women had to endure before, and in this instance the 1940's. for a moment we were rooting for the main character when she wants to live her own life regardless of outside pressures. it's really sad how she felt compelled to follow family tradition and what was expected of her as a woman. this a sad story that is well worth reading to simply thank our lucky stars that we didn't live in that era and to be aware that we still have a long way to go. - vicam - Oct-04-2008 I also felt a little break, how sad. Lovely tale though. - Anonymous - Jun-30-2010 A beautiful, yet very sad story...i still cannot gather my thoughts enough to comment the way i would like to, but i do recommend this story... - bluebutterfly - Jan-19-2011 I've read this story many times and whilst it's sad, it's beautifully written and very poignant and touching. Perfect. Read it. - Lyn B - Mar-21-2011 heartbreaking.. - Anonymous - Mar-17-2014 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 478 pages | Finished | Aug-06 Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #86 in 2006, #67 in 2009 Links: The Academy Of Bards | ![]() |
found this tucked away near the bottom of SX Meagher's index page. I just have to recommend it for being an excellent read. a great introduction to this bard for anyone who might find the "I found my heart..." series a bit daunting - like i did - if you are new to SX Meagher's writing. now gonna start on the series! - carinjo - Oct-29-2007 Absolutely brilliant! A wonderfully crafted and engaging story . Of the hundreds of stories that I have read this one remains on my top ten list. How very fortunate we are that this author shares her stories with us on the net. - Opus - Feb-19-2008 Beautifully written story! - Jeanius - Apr-13-2009 Your ability to make readers FEEL is just amazing. That's we all come here. So... Thank you so very much! YOU GUYS MUST READ THIS STORY! - Anonymous - May-09-2009 Angst so good it hurt :P Very well written on the edge of your seat story. Thank you for sharing with us!!! - erjohnson007 - Oct-28-2009 Another wonderful, well done romance by Susan X. Meagher - not to be missed! - Anonymous - Nov-20-2009 Really really enjoyable read. I love how well this author builds her characters, not just their personalities, but their relationship as well. Loved it. - Anonymous - Feb-09-2011 Very well written story. I liked the relationship between these two women and love how it developed over the years. It has everything that I love in a story; friendships, humour, poignancy and romance. You can always count on SX Meagher for this in her stories. Well worth reading. - Lyn B - Mar-21-2011 Wow. Absolutely loved this story. Two of the most amazing woman. Highest recommendation. Thank you S X Meagher for your amazing talent. - Moe - Apr-20-2011 nicely written story.. i kept on reading and rooting for my two favourite characters.. - xtra dog - Jul-22-2011 Awesome story. Great job - sassy123 - Aug-11-2011 I have read this story over the years at least 7 times. This story is very touching. If you haven't read this story, you should take some time to read it. You wont be disappointed. It has enough angst and sweetness to keep you in for the long haul. You will never forget these characters! - Cadey - Jan-03-2013 Beautifully written and totally enjoyable, thank you! There are so many things I loved in this novel... The two main characters, their enduring love, their strengths and vulnerability and their individual growth thru the years. Truly lovely! - Inema69 - Jun-22-2013 If you like well written angst and drama, this is the story for you. I'm still not sure if I liked it or not, but I just had to finish to make sure of the end. - Stacia - Jun-24-2013 |