Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 2 pages | Finished | Links: (web.archive.org) Taleweaver's Fan Fiction | ![]() |
It's not really lesbian fiction. It's more of a "what-if" story. what if Xena and Gabrielle had met as young children? Characters from the past gather in a sweet tale of what might have happened. - Anonymous - Oct 23rd, 2002 Taleweaver has done it again! Why isn't this writer more popular? Xena and Gabrielle must have been children some time. This is what might have happened. I think you should read this one to the kids, and then read it again for the "awwwwwww" factor! - ScatteredBard - Oct 24th, 2002 Very cute story indeed! It captures X&G as I imagine they would be as children. Clever story and very imaginative. Another must read! - Xenafan911 - Oct 26th, 2002 This is soooo cute(G) I loved it. Taleweaver has a great imagination. Wonderful tale! - Ri - Dec 24th, 2002 I really liked this story about Xena and Gabrielle meeting as children in the daycare. The characterizations are dead on, and it's just sweet. I'll bookmark it for when I need a quick pick-me-up. - Anonymous - Dec 30th, 2002 Makes me wan be a kid agen..I want a blancy to..Or maby a wight lamb..just so gabriel gets to ceep her black one...I gess i cud have a gout if i had to... - SammyLee - Feb 27th, 2003 I felt my heartstrings tugged with this brief look at little Xena and Gabrielle. How cute! I wonder though, are there any more like this? - Mary M.E - Sep 20th, 2003 FYI - dead link [Editor's Note: Live like now. 02/23/2011] - EC - Feb-23-2011 ok, now i'm confused.. isn't daycare for very small children?? like the ones who aren't old enough to attend kindergarten yet?? i love reading stories about x & g as children and this one was no exception to the rule.. i just feel like the characters are not quite captured right agewise.. still a nice read though.. - xtra dog - Aug-19-2013 ok, now i'm confused.. isn't daycare for very small children?? like the ones who aren't old enough to attend kindergarten yet?? i love reading stories about x & g as children and this one was no exception to the rule.. i just feel like the characters are not quite captured right agewise.. still a nice read though.. - xtra dog - Aug-19-2013 |
Original / Uber | Modern | General | | Very Short Story - 4 pages | Finished | Links: Dragons Quill And Ink | ![]() |
This is sooooo chilling! It's the story of power, intrigue and a bleak future. But there is hope. You have to read this most amazing story to find it though. You MUST read this! - ScatteredBard - Oct 24th, 2002 Darkness Behind the Desk is a most unique story that will challenge your faith in your government and society. It will make you think about where we have gone, how far man has come and how far we COULD go. This story is short, but very entertaining, and most definitely worth a read. - Mary M.E - Sep 20th, 2003 |
Original / Uber | Ancient | General | Vignette | Very Short Story - 3 pages | Finished | Jul-05 | ![]() |
Frizzle's family enjoys an outing to the waterfalls and even though it's Flame's first time there, we soon learn that even a dragon should exercise caution. |
Frizzle Gets A Little Brother by
Original / Uber | Ancient | General | Vignette | Very Short Story - 3 pages | Finished | Links: Dragons Quill And Ink | ![]() |
Frizzle is an adorable young dragon, and I truly hope his series is continued. Finally, a short story I can read to my daughter that won't take forever to get through!We both enjoyed this one! - Mary M.E - Sep 20th, 2003 |
Frizzle Learns About Bad Dragons by
Original / Uber | Ancient | General | Vignette | Very Short Story - 2 pages | Finished | Links: Dragons Quill And Ink | ![]() |
I love Frizzle!! He's so dang cute! I just want to go give him a hug! More Frizzle stories please!!!!!!!! - Xenafan911 - Oct 26th, 2002 This soooo cute and I really needed it after a really bad week. Thank you:) - Ri - Dec 18th, 2002 |
Original / Uber | Ancient | General | Vignette | Very Short Story - 2 pages | Finished | Links: Dragons Quill And Ink | ![]() |
Frizzle is too cute to ignore. Frizzle's Questions is just what my daughter does on her most talkative days. It's a story with an "awwwwwwwwww!" factor. Cute, kid-friendly and very entertaining! - Morag - Nov 15th, 2002 Frizzle's Questions is a gem! It's refreshing to see a bard try something new! If you have small children, you MUST read this tale to them. It's sweet, it's a perfect bedtime story and it's high time we give our kids something new. - M.Moughbert - Dec 3rd, 2002 Frizzle is so real to my kids, they often ask what Frizzle is doing now. We hope there is a new Frizzle story soon. Frizzle is a young dragon that seems to have adventures just like real kids. Including asking why the sky is blue! Do you have kids? You MUST read them this story! - K. Gibson - Jun 2nd, 2003 |
I Want by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Very Short Story - 3 pages | Finished | Links: The Rose and Dragon | ![]() |
One of Taleweaver's best stories. It may be short, but it is sooooo full of angst that you just jump right in and start tearing up. She says so much in such a few words that you can almost "see" what she is writing. What a sweet, provacative and downright scary tale. I finished this story with the overwhelming urge to hug my partner. Taleweaver explores a spouse's deepest fear in a short, moving and eye-opening story with a twist ending. Now I'm wondering why I didn't read anything by this writer before tonight! I'll be going to check out the other stories I can find by Taleweaver. Definitely an intriguing read! - Lori Mainesness - Jan 12th, 2003 Wow, how brilliantly disturbing! What a great read! Taleweaver gets dark, but in a well written short story. Someone's partner is late, but what will we find as we come along for the ride? A shocking finish.Well worth the read. - Denise - Sep 24th, 2003 This story was so disturbingly brilliant that I've recommended it to my friends. Taleweaver takes the reader on a nerve-wracking ride through indecision, doubt, fear, terror and loss until you're sure she must be disturbed to write like this! But what I'd like to know is when can we expect more from her creative side? This story should have been published, because in my opinion, Taleweaver writes better psychological thrillers than half the hacks printed in anthology mags.If you haven't read this short piece of fiction yet ... why not? - Tim - Nov 11th, 2003 I found this...well, disturbing. Well written yes but I kinda wish I hadn't read it. - Xeener - Mar-15-2008 |
Night Before (The): A Merlin and Morrigan Christmas Tale by
Original / Uber | Ancient | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 3 pages | Finished | | ![]() |
Very nice. It's a pleasant read, even without snow. Hope there's more - Dan - Jul 18th, 2004 |
Xena | Alternative (Mature) | Vignette | Very Short Story - 2 pages | Finished | Links: Dragons Quill And Ink Part 1 of the Dark Heart Series Series List: Stirrings Of A Dark Heart, To Love A Dark Heart | ![]() |
Thousand Shades of Success (A) by
Original / Uber | Modern | General | Adventure | Short Story - 15 pages | Unfinished | Cast: Merlin, Morrigan, Zuke, Tammy, Janie, Shades, Paul, Sharleigh, Sans, Muerte, Verne Links: Blondi's Writing Works | ![]() |
More! Now THIS is talent! - Morag - Nov 25th, 2002 There is intrigue here, and devotion, and dedication. This story is full of friendship, and trust with just a twist of darkness. I think this is a fine story, and I certainly hope we see more of this writer in the near future.Well done Taleweaver! - Allerd Yates - Nov 28th, 2002 I really luvved this story. I'd like to see more of this bard's writing. You should read it! - Chey Hummel - Nov 29th, 2002 This a fitting sequel to A Thousand Shades of Feeling. Morrigan is kidnapped and Merlin must get her back, but she's out of her element here. Lots of suspense! - GenBRD - Nov 29th, 2002 Merlin and Morrigan are among my favorite fan fic heroes. If you read this one story and nothing else, you won't be disappointed. Merlin has to rescue Morrigan from a kidnapper unlike any other, and along the way Merlin finds some help. Is all this Merlin's fault? Read it and see! - G. Seuss - Dec 7th, 2002 My only disappointment with this story is the length of time between updates. By the time a new chapter comes out, I have to go back and read from the beginning to catch up. But each time I do, I fall in love with this tale all over again. It is original, it is challenging, it is entertaining and unlike anything else in the 'Verse so far. You simply MUST read this! - H. Cornwell - Apr 22nd, 2003 I've read A Thousand Shades of Success three times now, and the story gets richer each time. I enjoy the characters, the blood pumping action, the conflict and the skill that this story is told with. In one story there is romance, adventure, suspense and even a little bit of discord.I don't think I've ever read an Uber that had a demented teen as the "bad guy" and I love that character too! The actions scenes are well thought out, the secrets are real enough but not too "soap opera-ish", and there's a lot here to get excited about!I really enjoyed this and I'm going to tell the lists I'm on to read it!You'll like it, so go read it and let's swamp the bard with notes telling them what we think.Go read it! - Yancy Westheimer - Aug 14th, 2003 |
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Very Short Story - 6 pages | Unfinished | Cast: Gabrielle, Nob Links: Dragons Quill And Ink | ![]() |
Wow! Is this different, or what? Xena and Gabrielle are lost underground? I've never seen any fan fic like this, and I'm glad it was tackled by Taleweaver. This author has bravely taken on first person pov, from Xena's, and done it with humor and style. My only complaint? IT'S NOT FINISHED! Hope it's done soon. I don't normally endorse incomplete stories, but this is worth hanging in for, because I'm sure that the rest of it will be just as entertaining as the first two chapters. - Lori Mainesness - Jan 12th, 2003 I can't wait for the next chapter! Taleweaver needs to hurry up and show us another glimpse of this incredible underground world, and who is Nob? Highly original, but I'm impatient for the next installment! This is unlike any Xena and Gabrielle tale you've read before! - Vickie Fleming - Apr 24th, 2003 What is it that prompts a bard to come up with a story as unique as this one? I can see the heavy hand of Jules Verne here, but with the light hearted stroke of Xena and Gabrielle. I've never read anything by this author before, I did so this once based on a friend's recommendation. I think this is an enchanting tale that has to be read to be appreciated. If you read this, you won't be wasting your time, you'll be enriching your day. Read it! - S. Trappe - Apr 25th, 2003 So Taleweaver has given us an underground world, with a literate creature, an ugly and cannibalistic mob and an adventure I can't get enough of. So where's the appeal you ask? In it's uniqueness and originality. Where's the rest, bard? - Wayne T. Oates - May 9th, 2003 |
Xena | Alternative (Mature) | Vignette | Very Short Story - 2 pages | Finished | Part 2 of the Dark Heart Series Series List: Stirrings Of A Dark Heart, To Love A Dark Heart | ![]() |