The Athenaeum's Index Of Fiction

Individual Author Page for - The Fallen -
Stories Found: 9
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And A Nightingale... by The Fallen     
Xena: Janice and Mel | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Drama | Very Short Story - 8 pages | Finished | Jan-98
Links: The               
Part 1 of the Nightingale Series
Series List: And A Nightingale..., Who Was Going To Miss An Angel Or Two, Anyway?, Last Night I Dreamt I Slept A Dreamless Sleep
Mel and Janice meet once more in London after losing the Xena Scrolls. Janice desires to learn more about Mel's experiences as Xena, although Mel herself is not comfortable with sharing such personal information.
Excellent beginning to a trilogy. - Janet - May 21st, 2002   

Without a doubt the best Mel & Janice short story ever written. Absolutely superb with a fantastic (if depressing) ending that has to be read to be believed! - Janet - May 21st, 2002   

The Fallen is sadistic. If you like happy endings, stay far away from The Fallen's work. - Grommetik - Aug 29th, 2003   

One of the bravest Xena fanfictions I have ever read. Tough to absorb, yet very powerful and plausible. I have yet to read anything else that comes close to shocking me as much as this did.

But, do avoid it if you believe 110% in the X/G relationship. It may upset you. - Kez - Oct-05-2006   

Last Night I Dreamt I Slept A Dreamless Sleep by The Fallen     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 12 pages | Finished | May-02
Part 3 of the Nightingale Series
Series List: And A Nightingale..., Who Was Going To Miss An Angel Or Two, Anyway?, Last Night I Dreamt I Slept A Dreamless Sleep
While making arrangements for Janice's funeral, Mel pays a visit to her rundown lodgings, only to fall apart emotionally once there. She soon discovers that her troubles are not yet over when a vision of Janice appears to her...
A great follow-up to "Who was going to miss an angel or two anyway?" Perhaps not quite as good as that story but still very good. Another great ending but several astonishing twists are included along the way. Fallen is a truly wonderful writer, capable of both the most visual description and deeply emotional prose. - Janet - May 21st, 2002   

Uhh! Is the perfect word for this last part of the trilogy. Such a heavy piece of wonderfully written work. Such a differnt take, one I have never thought of. There is always the black/white aspects of the X/G relationship. They were lovers, they weren't lovers. This outlook comes out of left field and seems to make perfect sense no matter how us subbers hate to admit it. The same goes with the M/J pairing. Uh the heartbreak! But yet could it have happened anyother way?
Wonderfully written with an angst punch that will knock the wind out of you. Great read! - fanofthearts - Aug-15-2007   

Maybe not quite as good as the previous two parts but still better than nearly every other Mel & Janice story you'll find. Some great twists and turns hidden in the story two, with a couple of big shocks - I wish Fallen was still writing. - Beth - Nov-23-2008   

This trilogy by The Fallen truly give a different twist to many of the Mel/Janice stories. - rleef - Jan-01-2009   

Out (The) by The Fallen     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 115 pages | Finished | Mar-09
Cast: Zoe, Cassie, Sam
Honors/Awards:  #06 in 2009     Two-Time Top-25 #1.    
Part 1 of the The Out Series
Series List: Out (The), The End
In a small snowbound town in North Dakota, Cassie Wayward goes to work at the local bank just like she does every other day. But she'll soon find out that today is no ordinary workday. Zoe Mercouri, a notorious professional criminal, is intent on robbing the bank with the aid of her small gang. And Cassie soon realises that the robbery is the least of her troubles. Why has Zoe contacted the FBI to tell them she's robbing the bank? What is it that Zoe is after? And what does any of this have to do with Ancient Greece?
extraordinary tale!!! - Anonymous - Mar-04-2009   

WOW!!! Very, very impressive!!! - Anonymous - Mar-04-2009   

A uniquely captivating Uber tale that lingers in the space between the 'known' and the 'not known', but is grounded on solid, intelligent research by the author. Oh please, continue this story! Highly Recommended. - wasabigrrl - Mar-05-2009   

My first recc. Needs more. Please. - zarsa - Mar-06-2009   


That was a great story. I'd love to see a continuation. - EC - Mar-07-2009   

Do yourself a favour and read this - fascinating - Courtney - Mar-08-2009   

absolutely extraterrestrial intelligence. Well worth the read. - vampireslayer2 - Mar-09-2009   

BRILLIANT!!! Simply EXTRAORDINARY!! - E.A. - Mar-09-2009   

I totally recommend this wonderful tale, also I hope there will be a sequel. - Jasper - Mar-10-2009   

WOW!! what a great and imaginative story!! I didn't see the ending coming which attests to a great writer because I was in total suspense until the end. You have to write a sequel Please,Please, Please!!!!!!!!!! - Anonymous - Mar-11-2009   

This is a bit different from the majority of X/G uber tales, refreshing and original. There's great tension between the two protagonists, a well thought out plot and it's nicely executed.
This was my first delve into this authors work and I enjoyed it very much, so much so I was gutted when it ended all to soon. This could definitely use a sequel. Great work! - Sai - Mar-12-2009   

Excellent work. - Anonymous - Mar-14-2009   

Oh yes, this is a wonderful tale! The twists and turns left me dizzy and only wanting more. An excellent writer! - offermeds - Mar-16-2009   

**** SPOILER ALERT **** *sigh* Interesting and riveting tales like this one come so little often...

So, yes, I would recommend this one to my friends. :) Loved the mystery surrounding it, the more you read, the more complex it becomes and the more questions the reader has, but the author also gives you the answers, little by little.

And while doing that, you witness a blossoming romance. I have to say, this is the kind of romance development I enjoy reading the most. When 2 women feel drawn to eachother, for some unknown and irrational reason, but they don't get all mushy about it.

The jibes at eachother are fun to read. :) And I love the fact that it's a bank robber/hostage kind of setting. Nice action/drama, good story, good romance. Hey, I also thought it was hot. It certainly got my juices flowing. :P

Sequel, PLEASE. :) - Vanessa V. - Mar-17-2009   

Sorry for the long "recommendation".
*sheepish look* - Vanessa V. - Mar-17-2009   

Great story, full of twists, turns, and shocks! So much bakground detail too. You have to read it like two or three times before you get everythng. Why has noone told me about this writer before? - Anonymous - Mar-29-2009   

omg more please... its to good to end - Anonymous - Apr-12-2009   

Had trouble putting this one down. Really good read, well written. - Ange - Dec-13-2011   

Very cool uber. I'm usually not a fan of stories that are light in the romance department but this one was so well written that I didn't mind. A page turning puzzler that kept me interested all the way through. - Anonymous - Dec-02-2014   

I just finished reading this and, what a pleasant surprise! It wasn't what I was expecting, especially the end. I can't wait to read the sequel. I definitely recommend! - Anonymous - Sep-07-2016   

Saturday Night in the Year of the Good Thief by The Fallen     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 122 pages | Finished | Oct-12
Deputy US Marshal Weiss is stuck. Stuck in a diner in the middle of nowhere, stuck with a burdensome duty she never wanted, stuck with a promise she made long ago, and worst of all, she's stuck with an infuriating murder suspect who is driving her crazy. What Weiss really needs is a second chance... but as the saying goes, be careful what you wish for.
This is very good. The characters are vivid and the narrative unfolds avoiding many cliches (except, maybe, in the sex scene...). It's imaginative and very well-written. - Anonymous - Oct-01-2012   

Wow. Excellent and most twisted :) Thanks for a journey in in "The Twilight Zone". Truly enjoyed it. Wonderful author who graces us with her wonderful talented imagination. - colorado fan - Oct-01-2012   

pretty sensational end-of-the-world story: sexy and unrelenting, with a vein of sweetness - paedagogue - Oct-02-2012   

Excellant story...I couldn't put it down! - stonewall - Oct-03-2012   

Excellant story...I couldn't put it down! - stonewall - Oct-03-2012   

Great story and welcome departure from the soulmate stories, not that there is anything wrong with them! - Anonymous - Oct-11-2012   

I would highly recommend reading this original story from such a talented writer. The characters are fantastically written and the story keeps you on the edge of your seat until the very end. - drake - Oct-14-2012   

well written story with a very high mystery factor.. enough said since that was the author's main goal.. - xtra dog - Dec-28-2012   

That was some ride. - Wheezie - Dec-31-2013   

This was great. I wish I'd seen it before. Mysterious & thought provoking. - Carolyn - Sep-08-2016   

Stay With Me by The Fallen     
Original / Uber | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 5 pages | Finished | Mar-09
In the near future, Emma is just trying to make it through another morning in her messed-up life... and she's already late for work.
I almost missed this short and thought-provoking story. Very good! - M. - Apr-04-2009   

very good. reminded me of one of those wonderful old stories you find in Amazing Fantasy or Twilight Zone. - shay - Aug-02-2010   

interesting short story. well worth a read. - Anonymous - Oct-12-2010   

Very intriguing story. I felt like I was reading the middle section of a story, where I had missed the beginning. It kept me hooked. Well worth a read. I just wish that there was more story to read. - Lyn B - Feb-03-2011   

STUPID - Anonymous - Jul-07-2012   

The End by The Fallen     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 244 pages | Finished | Aug-09
Part 2 of the The Out Series
Series List: Out (The), The End
A stolen ancient artefact and a riddle that begs to be solved. Zoe Mercouri came back from the dead in the hopes of finding an answer and answers are all Cassie Wayward has ever wanted. But where will the riddle lead them and what dangers will they face? And most importantly of all, will they face such dangers together? It's one thing to defy death, it's another to defy the end.
gorgeous. simply, gorgeous. - Anonymous - Aug-07-2009   

Amazing. Most sequels can never really reach the high quality in which the first reached. However, The End not only reaches the first but in some aspects surpases the former. The Fallen has graced us readers a wonderful read and I highly recomend this series to everyone. - Yuri - Aug-13-2009   

Every bit as fascinating as the first book - do yourself another favour and read this one as well! - Courtney - Aug-16-2009   

I loved "The Out" and this is even better. The Fallen manages to make the utterly fantastic perfectly feasible. If you want a well plotted story that has believable characters and buckets of suspense then don't miss this one. - siggy - Aug-20-2009   

Excellent story with a wonderfully complex plot and quick pacing. Don't miss the precursor, "The Out," but the "The End" is even better. - crskcks - Sep-05-2009   

I highly recommend this second part of The Out (a must read). You will find suspense, action, adventure, traveling, myths and romance wonderful blended into a great story. Do not miss it. - Pru - Sep-06-2009   

this sequel along with the first story were great. I do yearn for another story with these characters. - rleef - Sep-13-2009   

Truly unbelievably good. A rip-roaring romantic adventure tale that is one of the best stories I've ever read. It's very different to most ubers; it's not a lesbian story but instead a novel in which the two main characters happen to be gay. That's a refreshing change.

If the fallen isn't already a published author (and I suspect she is, given how strongly she protects her anonymity), then she should be. He'll, someone should publish this story and it's prequel! They'd have me everlasting thanks! - Anonymous - Nov-21-2009   

I cannot recommend this story highly enough. Believe me, you'll want to read it and once you start you won't be able to stop until you get through the very last twist. - Anonymous - Nov-28-2009   

I cannot recommend this story highly enough. Believe me, you'll want to read it and once you start you won't be able to stop until you get through the very last twist. - Anonymous - Nov-28-2009   

is there a sequel? i can't even find the right words to describe this story and its prequel. i found myself hanging on every word that i read. its too short to satisfy my craving, and i say that with outmost honesty. the world would go crazy if ambrosia is real and everything implied that comes with it. don't you think? heheh.. anyways, i really enjoyed reading this series. if there is more, ill be here to read it. don't worry. :) - rec - Mar-25-2010   

A really good read - well worth a look. - Anonymous - Sep-20-2010   

A good story.Well done. - sassy123 - Oct-23-2010   

What can I say but...amazing. I read the first book a few days ago and really liked it but the sequel is so much better. It has all the quality of a great tale, action, adventure, love and mystery. And if are a studentry of mythology, definitely give this a read. I wish there were more! - Kelly Aten - Sep-12-2016   

Unashamedly Redheaded Blues (The) by The Fallen     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 19 pages | Finished | Sep-12
Danielle Webster is having a rough night. She's soaking wet, lost in the middle of nowhere, and has no money and no phone. All she can do is keep walking. But when she has the good fortune to stumble across a bus stop she also meets Bobbie Johnson, who is intent on giving Danielle the devil of a time.
Interesting and unexpected until near the end. I was prepared for darkness there, but what I got was... - Kelly Aten - Sep-12-2016   

Walking On Water, Running On Alcohol by The Fallen     
Original / Uber | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 78 pages | Finished | Mar-10
n the far future, army captain Amy Copperfield has been stuck with a bad assignment: escorting a bunch of reluctant colonists to an evacuation point on a doomed planet. If that wasn't bad enough, one of the colonists is a beautiful doctor who has her eyes firmly set on the captain. And what Jennifer Wickfield wants, she gets, sooner or later.
Loved it.
A smart woman soldier doing her job in awful conditions.
A little romance and a lot of action.
Great fun,Thanks - Pat - Mar-15-2010   

Great story,I enjoyed it a lot. - Anonymous - Mar-17-2010   

One of my choices in the contest. I like the techno-logical imagination... And it could make a good action movie. Great job ! - Condorcet - Mar-18-2010   

It's weird how you just know that you're going to enjoy a story in the first few moments of reading it. For me it has little to do with the genre and a lot to do with the way the story flows, the way the words just tumble onto the page with an certain ease. I call these types of stories 'easy on the eye'. Not that they're easy to read in a non intellectual sense, far from it, they flow just right. Nice pace, descriptive but not excessively and great language, making everthing a pleasure to digest. I knew right away with this one that it was an 'easy on the eye' story and that I'd read this author before. And that's why it was my first choice in the writing contest. My second choice was Zipplic's Rabbits of the Apocalypse. And all of the above applies to Zipplic's story too. Two great stories by two great authors. - Sai - Mar-22-2010   

well done! I still have some grit between my teeth - bookgeek - Mar-29-2010   

Well done. I love the inference of speaking Mandarin in the future. You can see it, reminded me a little of a Firefly future. - MoSes - Oct-09-2010   

Kind of missed a real story... they were fighting and running... and fighting... and suddenly they are in love... - Anonymous - Jun-09-2011   

I just finished this and I was pleasantly surprised. It's sometimes hard to get into a story with a completely foreign world and history but the characters pulled me in right away. Flawed and nearly too human as they were, I connected with them on a base level. Over all it was a well crafted tale that kept me in suspense until the end. Thank you! - Kelly Aten - Jul-26-2016   

Who Was Going To Miss An Angel Or Two, Anyway? by The Fallen     
Xena: Janice and Mel | 1900-1960 | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Short Story - 26 pages | Finished | Mar-98
Links: ( Archaeo-Adventures Fan Fiction               
Part 2 of the Nightingale Series
Series List: And A Nightingale..., Who Was Going To Miss An Angel Or Two, Anyway?, Last Night I Dreamt I Slept A Dreamless Sleep
Waking up the morning after the night before, both Mel and Janice had a lot to face. Mel has to come to terms with the fact that she slept with Janice (for whatever reason) and Janice still has doubts about her self-worth. And just when you think things couldn't possibly get worse... they do!
Without a doubt the best Mel & Janice short story ever written. Absolutely superb with a fantastic (if depressing) ending that has to be read to be believed! - Janet - May 21st, 2002   

I don't like Mel and Janice stories but this story was so moving, so captivating, so emotionally provoking that it stayed with me for several days. (This refers to it's pre-quel as well And A Nightingale....) - Karon Reiter - Jan 31st, 2005   

Broken link - Anonymous - Apr-12-2007   

Ubers come and Ubers go, but this story is without doubt the best Mel & Janice story ever written. It rends the heart upon first reading but you'll thank me for recommending it, I promise. - Beth - Nov-23-2008   

Oh my Gods! A friend sent me a link to read this and I could not put it down. Far and away the best Uber I have read in a long time. The characters are well drawn and the layers upon layers of meaning dispersed throughout the tale make it a keeper. I am burning a candle and asking Artemis to rattle this woman's muse. If ever a story deserved a sequel, this one is it. - Cora Leigh Hampton - Mar-10-2009   

Love it! Finally, a critique of X/G's vampiric relationship, and the psychological consequences for Mel and Janice. Very realistic and unashamedly honest. Highly Recommended! - Lexx - Apr-23-2009   

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