Holohell by
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 70 pages | Finished | Jul-07 Part 3 of a Series Series List: Labyrinth (The), Through the Looking Glass, Holohell, Into The Fire, Murder On the Dead Zone Express, Points of No Return | ![]() |
The crew of Voyager finds out that the dead really do travel fast. | |
This is such and awesome story. I can't wait for the next part. - Bluetyger - Jul-19-2007 Hooray! I've been anxiously anticipating the next installment in the series. This was a WONDERFUL addition/development in the story. Now I'll have to bite my nails until the next one. Great work Trekgrrl. - Littlespit - Jul-19-2007 I'm totally hooked on this series. This story in particular is masterful in its presentation. It's just perfect. Can't wait for more. - Anonymous - Jul-23-2007 Absolutely the best ST:V fanfic I've ever read, and that's saying something! - Anonymous - Jul-23-2007 Utterly compelling, well-written with well-developed, three dimensional characters, this series is not to be missed. - leavethesky - Jul-24-2007 Simply the best ST:V fanfiction I've ever read. This whole series is amazing. This story represents a terrific culmination of characters we're learning about and watching grow together. I can't imagine what will happen next, but I know it will be incredible. - Anonymous - Jul-30-2007 Great story,can't wait to see whats next:-) - Anonymous - Aug-02-2007 Outstanding! The best ST:V series out there. - Anonymous - Aug-06-2007 FANTASTIC READ! My new favorite of the series. - Anonymous - Aug-08-2007 If only Trekgrrl had been a writer on the show.... Elegant and masterful! - Anonymous - Aug-08-2007 What a great story! Intriguing and touching. These stories get better and better with each one. - Anonymous - Aug-15-2007 Excellent storyline. Sensitive and complete characterizations. Even better than the other two in the series! The best ST:V fic out there! - Anonymous - Aug-17-2007 Trekgrrl!!! You just got to continue this story. It was fantastic. - Linda aka cygirl1 - Nov-02-2007 Great Star Trek: Voyager sci-fi series. Waiting on bated breath for the fourth installment of this series. Great Writing!!! - anon - Nov-21-2007 This is my favorite in the series. Please tell me there's more! - Anonymous - Dec-11-2007 This is a FANTASIC series....and i've been waiting for the next installment hoping for it to be comming soon.....but i'm now purple from holding my breath and thought maybe if i posted and begged for the next installment it will magically apear!?!?!? pretty please?!?! fingers, toes and hair crossed! - Casper - Dec-18-2007 This is a great story! I love the way the characters are fleshed out. There's a huge amount of depth to them. The story line is great too! Keep it up........ - AndyB - Dec-29-2007 Excellent depictions of our Trek faves, wonderful new character, good plot, great dialogue. - Anonymous - Jan-27-2008 Achingly honest interactions, astounding depictions of the characters. Best new original character ever introduced to fanfic. - Anonymous - Jan-30-2008 Bloody fantastic! My favorite so far. - Anonymous - Feb-02-2008 what an absolutely fantastic story!thank you - am looking forward to the next part! - Rangeela - Feb-07-2008 Holy cow! This is the best ST:V series going! - Anonymous - Feb-26-2008 Fantastic series and an original character that has depth. - Anonymous - May-02-2008 Really well writen, loved it. - Susan - Aug-12-2008 Once again a gem that outshines all others! - Chrissytaff - Jul-27-2009 Must read!10/10 - Anonymous - Mar-15-2012 Talented writer. Reyna Merris is one of the best characters ever - in fandom and beyond. - Ash K - Dec-25-2014 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 86 pages | Finished | Jan-08 Honors/Awards: #62 in 2008 Part 4 of a Series Series List: Labyrinth (The), Through the Looking Glass, Holohell, Into The Fire, Murder On the Dead Zone Express, Points of No Return | ![]() |
The Land of the Dead contains enemies who are very much alive and hungry for vengeance. | |
Yay, it's here! Everyone read it! Now! ...What are you waiting for?! - Arassar - Jan-23-2008 Every time I think I've read the best story in this series, the next part comes along and it's my new favorite! Wow! It's here! This is terrific! Go Trekgrrl! - Anonymous - Jan-24-2008 Fantastic Action/Adventure Writing! Loved it and can't wait for the next installment! - Anon - Jan-24-2008 This story/update had me on the edge of my seat. Well written. Looking forward to more. - Linda aka cygirl1 - Jan-25-2008 Very excited here! Did a little victory dance when I was saw the new posting...! As before, characters come to life, and become personal friends. Thank you Trekgrrl!!! - AndyB - Jan-25-2008 Fantastic story. Touching, full of adventure! The best so far.... - Anonymous - Jan-25-2008 More, please! Can't wait to see what this fertile imagination comes up with next! - Anonymous - Jan-27-2008 Trekgrrl's writing is simply wonderful. Characters are well-developed; action is intense and suspenseful. Well worth a second read. Love the ending! - DrDeany - Jan-28-2008 Utterly amazing. This is the best TREK out there, hands down! - Anonymous - Jan-30-2008 loved it!!! the story is very well written and a good addition to the series....I Hope there is more to come soon....Please :) - Anonymous - Jan-30-2008 Holohell was my favorite until I read this. Excellent action combined with real character development. - Anonymous - Feb-02-2008 OMG OMG.......Thank You so much for updating this series! If anyone has not read this....well you are seriously missing out!.....holding my breath for the next installment! ;) - Casper - Feb-04-2008 Fantastic! Amazing! Best of the series so far. Can't wait for the next one. Please, please please...more! - Anonymous - Feb-08-2008 You gotta read this! Best Trek ever! - Anonymous - Feb-14-2008 Woohoo! It's here! - Anonymous - Feb-19-2008 Great addition to a wonderful series! I love the way the relationship between Janeway and Rayna is portrayed. The story's action scenes are fast-paced and leave you wanting more. - Jae - Feb-25-2008 OMG! When will the next part be out? I'm dying of suspense! Best original character! Best ST:V out there. - Anonymous - Feb-26-2008 I loved this series. Please give us more. - bren - May-03-2008 I may not hold my breath until I am purple as I am waiting for the next chapters to arrive, but I am eagerly hoping the next installment arrives soon. This is a great story with excellent characterizations in the Trek universe. Please, give us more. Rayna Merris is infinitely intriguing and the rest of the Voyager Family are expertly portrayed, with amazing depth and feeling. - Anonymous - May-22-2008 You've got a winner here,Trekgrrl. Rayna and Kathryn are a perfect match.These 2 strong,powerful women are both equally vulnerable. It's a pleasure to watch their story develop.Great job. Thanks,Pat - Pat - Dec-21-2008 The first J/f story I've read that doesn't have me wishing it were J/7 instead. It was so easy to enjoy and appreciate Rayna Merris, and Captain Janeway was written true to form. Beautifully done and I eagerly await the next installment! Give it a read for sure! - phoenix - Jan-13-2009 Talented writer. Reyna Merris is one of the best character ever - in fandom and beyond. - Ash K - Dec-25-2014 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 65 pages | Finished | May-07 Part 1 of a Series Series List: Labyrinth (The), Through the Looking Glass, Holohell, Into The Fire, Murder On the Dead Zone Express, Points of No Return | ![]() |
While traversing a quagmire of navigational anomalies, Voyager stumbles upon a starship graveyard. In it is a functioning Cardassian sleep tube containing an Deltan/Orion female wanted for crimes against the Federation. However, there are more alien things to be worried about in the center of a labyrinth... | |
The Labyrinth is one of the best-written pieces of Star Trek fiction I've read. It's smart and exciting with intrigue and action, and the characterizations seem spot-on. I usually go for T/7 stories, but this one centering on Janeway (to be paired with your interesting original character) definitely works for me. More soon please!! - Lisel - May-22-2007 IS THIS REALLY FINISHED???? it says it will be continued... it has to be, there isnt an ending yet!!! - Anonymous - May-23-2007 Great story so far. I don't usually go for voyager stories but this one grabbed me and dragged me in. I can't wait to read the rest! - Windstar - May-25-2007 this is a good read, but it is NOT FINISHED as far I see. it left me hanging...please, it begs for completion. - Anonymous - May-27-2007 Zn excellent Voyager alternative story. Introduces a fascinating character who is an enigma and a Deltan with those erotoc hormones. - Anonymous - Jun-06-2007 I read a lot of fan fiction on a lot of different sites and this is only the second time in many years that I have been impressed enough to post a recommendation. This story and the continuation in "Through the Looking Glass" are truly exceptional. The story itself, the writing, the depiction of known characters and the original and fascinating new character... I could go on and on. To Trekgrrl - Bravo!! and thank you. Please, please tell me more is on the way. - Lilybean - Jun-12-2007 One of the best Voyager fan fics I've ever read and an intriguing original character! - Anonymous - Jun-23-2007 Excellent story. Well written. Great new character. MORE! MORE! MORE! - Anonymous - Jul-11-2007 Beautiful story! Wonderful character portrayals. - Anonymous - Aug-06-2007 Wow! What an amazing new take on ST:V! Perfect characterizations! - Anonymous - Aug-08-2007 Wow. Great story and very interesting original character. Hope this series continues. - Linda aka cygirl1 - Nov-02-2007 Very, very, very good story. Excellent depiction of the Trek-verse and I love the new character. It's been a joy to read. - Anonymous - Jan-27-2008 Wonderful story. Best Trek Series out there. Best original character! Wow! - Anonymous - Feb-02-2008 Fantastic! Best ST:V I've ever read. - Anonymous - Feb-26-2008 This story is marvelous. Well crafted and written. I am sure I will enjoy your other stories in this series. - bren - May-03-2008 Wonderful, fast paced,edge of your seat series with a bunch of humor and romance thrown in. - Wheezie - Jan-31-2013 Talented writer. Reyna Merris is one of the best characters ever - in fandom and beyond. - Ash K - Dec-25-2014 |
Murder On the Dead Zone Express by
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 89 pages | Finished | Jul-08 Part 5 of a Series Series List: Labyrinth (The), Through the Looking Glass, Holohell, Into The Fire, Murder On the Dead Zone Express, Points of No Return | ![]() |
Motives for murder are never alien. | |
Trekgrrl is the new superstar of ST:V fanfic. Read it! - Arassar - Jul-28-2008 Thank you! I haven't even finished this story yet and I am already grateful enough to post a comment. Trekgrrl, you ROCK! - Anonymous - Jul-28-2008 What a wonderful update to your series. This series ranks at the top of my list for favorite Voyager stories. I love the interaction between Rayna and Kathryn. More please. - cygirl1 - Jul-29-2008 Another wonderful installment of these outstanding series! The characters in Trekgrrl's stories are likeable and still believable. One of the things that I find most attractive are that the personages keep being developed, and not only in the expected direction, far beyond the point of mere introduction. Though no Voyager fan myself, I was quickly won over by the good and original writing. And I'm voracious enough of a ff reader to have stumbled upon various stories of that fandom. I know the usual canon couples as well as different original characters in this 'verse; among them all those series are without a doubt one of the best in my mind. Read them! Enjoy them! But be sure to have secured enough free time for that because in my experience those are read in one sitting stories. ;-) And Thank you, Trekgrrl!!!! - M. - Jul-29-2008 OUTSTANDING! Excellent new addition to this series! What an amazing original character. Exciting action and increasingly believable and terrific development of the relationship between the characters. - Anonymous - Aug-01-2008 OMFG WOOT....i was sick of looking purple all the time...its good to breath again, maybe the oxygen to my brain may improve it.....i'm just about to read this update but wanted to say to people if you haven't read this series...you are seriously missing out on some brilliant bloomin writing....go read the stories...as Janeway would say 'Do it'....i will come back and write something after i've actually read this installment LoL!......Awwww thanks for writing another part *sends hugs whilst going off to read it* - Casper - Aug-07-2008 I enjoyed this update very much. Very well written and like that escalation in Kathryn and Raynas relationship. - bren - Aug-07-2008 great series! thank you trekgrrl! - Anonymous - Aug-09-2008 A suspenseful mystery, a romance that isn't rushed, vivid descriptions, a great sense of humor, and spot-on characterizations all combined in one great story. I highly recommend this fantastic series. It's clearly the best story I've read in a long time. - Jae - Aug-20-2008 Excellent series...Excellent Story!!!!! - Bkwrmchar - Nov-18-2010 Masterpice! - Anonymous - Mar-11-2012 Stron wraiting great story! 10/10 - Germany - Apr-03-2012 Talented writer. Reyna Merris is one of the best characters ever in fandom and beyond. - Ash K - merry Xmas from italy - Dec-25-2014 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 114 pages | Finished | Jan-09 Honors/Awards: #89 in 2009 Part 6 of a Series Series List: Labyrinth (The), Through the Looking Glass, Holohell, Into The Fire, Murder On the Dead Zone Express, Points of No Return | ![]() |
It's doomsday in the Dead Zone when an old evil returns. | |
The story of Kathryn and Reyna continues to impress. Trekgrrl, you are the bestest! - Arassar - Jan-06-2009 Wonderful. Your Kathryn Janeway is right on mark. Like your Reyna. Hope you continue this series. Seven and Gilmore would be a nice pairing ;) - Anonymous - Jan-07-2009 Potentially the best in the series, and that's saying something! Best original character! I wish Trekgrrl had written for the series! Amazing, engaging, exciting story. - Anonymous - Jan-08-2009 What a story! Excellent! The best ST:V out there! - Anonymous - Jan-09-2009 Wow! Fabulous again. I close my eyes and can see this entire story on the TV. Great story. Rayna is such a wonderful character, such depth. BRAVO!!! - juliemania - Jan-10-2009 Rayna could have a story all on her own.She has a unique outlook on life.I love her reaction to Naomi. Kathryn and Rayna compliment each other nicely.Is there more in store for them? Thanks,Pat - Pat - Jan-12-2009 I just finished the series beginning with The Labrynith and ending with Point of No Return. What a great ride. Trekgrrl tells a great Star Trek Voyager adventure. I hope there will be another edition. - rleef - Jan-13-2009 Once again, Trekgrrl, you have given us more of a wonderful tale. It mystifies me how you are able to create this world of such depth and suspense. All I know is that I'm happy you can! Thanks again for a great few days of being lost with the Voyager crew! - AndyB - Jan-15-2009 Well written and thought out story. I love your original character, Rayna. Hope you continue this. - linda aka cygirl1 - Jan-15-2009 Trekgrrl has woven together a fantastic series - read it if you haven't already.You'll do yourself a favor!! This author has incredible skill. Thank you Trekgrrl for all of them! - Rangeela - Jan-23-2009 A wonderful story with a gripping plot, three-dimensional characters and species, well-researched details, and almost poetic language. Highly recommended. - Jae - Jan-29-2009 oh boy...i don't know if i've commented on this one....but i have just re-read the whole series!! without sleep ....anyone and everyone must read this series...truly you are missing out if you don't.....ummm will there be another one at any stage at all?!?!?! - casper - May-23-2009 Please may we have some more? This series is one of the best I have ever read, placed in the top 3! Trekgrll you rock! - Chrissytaff - Jul-27-2009 Just want to add my own praise for this series. All stories are well-written and feature great character development and plotting. I'm usually a staunch J/7 kind of gal, but I have to admit Reyna is a good character. On that note, I second the other reader recommendation that Seven and Gilmore would be an interesting pair. Again, despite my love of J/7, I'm intrigued by the idea of Seven becoming interested in someone who is more of a peer and an equal and seeing how a relationship like that might develop without the usual Janeway issues (captain/subordinate, age gap, etc.) Oh and none of that is spoilerish. Gilmore has just popped up in this series and I think a few of us are trying to get the author on board. :) There's really nothing to "spoil" in the series in that regard. Looking forward to the next installment in this series! - mudpiegirl - May-12-2010 This series has been a joy to read. Highly recommended. Wonderful characters, lots of adventure, romance... all interspersed in great sci-fi drama. Absolutely adore Rayna and Janeway. Trekgrrl - you are fantastic. Bravo on a wonderful series. Looking forward to the next adventure !! I want to see if they make it out. - x/g fanfic fanatic - Jul-31-2010 Great writing and wonderful original character. Can't wait for the next one. - cwulf - Aug-15-2010 What a TERRIFIC story. Really hated to see it end. Sure hope this author writes more stories. The entire serier has been wonderful. Thank You - Bkwrmchar - Nov-19-2010 A delightful series with highly intelligent writing and characters with depth. 10/10 for quality of writing, flight of imagination, and x-factor. - BG - Feb-15-2011 Trakgrrl has her way with words! The best ST:V online! As god as Spyrel (Pretium Silenci), Melissa Good or "Redemption". 10/10!!!!!! Please Trakgrrl write a sequel! - Anonymous - Mar-08-2012 I've read the entire series and found them all fantastic!!! I hope that trekgrrl will write more soon. - lifechanger - Aug-27-2012 Talented writer. Reyna Merris is one of the best characters ever in fandom and beyond. - Ash K - Dec-25-2014 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 68 pages | Finished | May-07 Part 2 of a Series Series List: Labyrinth (The), Through the Looking Glass, Holohell, Into The Fire, Murder On the Dead Zone Express, Points of No Return | ![]() |
Voyager is pulled through a subspace tear into a galaxy of dying stars and dead planets. As Janeway and the crew try to find a way back to the Delta Quadrant, they discover that sometimes enemies can be found much closer to home. | |
I was so glad to see the Labyrinth continued! Another extremely good read by Trekgrrl that leaves me looking forward to the next episode of this series. - crazddogma - May-30-2007 I'm really impressed with the depth and complexity of these characters, particularly of course the protagonists, Janeway and Merris, but also Tuvok. I never followed the TV series, but Trekgrrl's characters and their stories are so vivid and evocative that it feels like I'm watching it all play out on screen. Can't wait for the next installment. - Lisel - May-30-2007 Really good,can't wait for the next eposide - Anonymous - Jun-03-2007 I am so looking forward to the rest of the parts of this series! The characters are rich and jump off the page in full color. The brewing relationships grabbed me and I'm waiting with anticipation to find out what happens next. Wonderful writing, Trikgrrl! - Littlespit - Jun-06-2007 a sequel to the labyrinth, or is it just the next installment. I'm on tenterhooks waiting for the next installment. If you're a trekkie, don't miss these two stories. - newmexicogirl - Jun-06-2007 These were good stories. I hope she continues the series. Netta - Netta - Jun-07-2007 Having read The Labyrinth I was compelled to read on. Through the Looking Glass has me simply hooked, eagerly awaiting the next episode. This has got to be simply the best introduction of an original character into any fanfic I've ever read. - Anonymous - Jun-23-2007 TOTALLY AWESOME STORY. SO GLAD TO SEE THE NEW CHARACTER WORKING SO WELL WITH THE ONES WE KNOW AND LOVE. AMAZING INTEGRATION OF ORIGINAL CHARACTER. MORE PLEASE! - Anonymous - Jul-11-2007 excellent story - strong character depth and plot lines. Looking fwd to the next installment - Anonymous - Jul-15-2007 So glad to see these characters again. MORE, please! - Anonymous - Aug-06-2007 Perfect ST:V, blending TREK plot with well-rounded characters. - Anonymous - Aug-08-2007 This story continues to hold my interest. Well written and imaginative. - Linda aka cygirl1 - Nov-02-2007 Absolutely rocks! I have read through these at warp 10 and am loving every minute. More, more, more. - Anonymous - Jan-27-2008 This series gets better with each story. Wonderful. Intriguing and touching! - Anonymous - Feb-02-2008 Great blend of sci-fi with character development. Totally a credit to the genre, and head and shoulders above the other Trek out there. - Anonymous - Feb-02-2008 Excellent beginning of the best ST:V series out there. - Anonymous - Feb-26-2008 Your story continues to amaze me. This is quickly becoming my favorite series. - bren - May-03-2008 darn~ i really like this story. i just rated this 1 but i meant to rate 10. sorry about that. - Anonymous - Aug-01-2009 Really. really,really gggooooodddddddddd! 10/10 - Anonymous - Mar-11-2012 Talented writer. Reyna Merris is one of the best characters ever in fandom and beyond. - Ash K - Dec-25-2014 |