All The Colors Of The World by
Xena: Janice and Mel | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 50 pages | Finished | Jan-98 Cast: Janice, Mel, Xena, Gabrielle, Ephiny, Solari, Blaylock, Jack, Meg, Melinda, Frobisher, Eponin, McKay, Duval, Dorit Links: Part I - The Bard Brat Part II - Queens and Conquests Part III - The Angelic Contemplation Part IV - Les Amours Perdus The Bard's Corner | ![]() |
Janice visits Mel in Charlottesville with a new scroll and Gabrielle undergoes an Amazon Rite of Passage. | |
This whole series is excellent. Mel and Janice are complex and interesting characters and the story manages to be quite romantic without being cheesy at all. - Anonymous - Dec 15th, 2005 The best Mel and Janice writer there is! Funny and affectionately written; the sequel "Coup De Grace" is even better ... - Mszvandelle - May-17-2006 Vivian Darkbloom was the first Mel/Janice fanfic writer i've read, and it is my humble opinion that she is the best Mel/Janice writer out there. Her characters are very belivble and the banter between the two ladies is excellent. I would highly recommend to read this wonderful author. - Callisto - Mar-02-2008 Absolutely loved it...brilliance at it's best. I simply loved how our beloved characters were intertwined with their descendants. Fabulous job makes me wamt more :) - Anonymous - Apr-25-2010 I really love this story. Great job. - sassy123 - Sep-23-2010 This story was an excellent read. Well crafted characters and settings, Darkbloom really brings life to the Mel/Janice characters. I could hardly put it down! - Empress M - Jul-13-2011 |
Original / Uber | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 9 pages | Finished | Aug-10 Links: The Academy of Bards | ![]() |
Very well written story. Each little snippet leaves you wanting more from that moment in time. Romantic and intriguing. Good. - Lyn B - Apr-11-2011 Beautifully written. Kept me intrigued from start to finish and craving more. - Niyah - Jan-05-2013 Beautifully written. Kept me intrigued from start to finish and craving more. - Niyah - Jan-05-2013 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novel - 355 pages | Finished | Cast: Janice, Mel, Jenny, Paul, Dean, Snyder, Linus Part 3 of the The Secret Histories Series Series List: Secret Histories (The), Venezia, Coup de Grace | ![]() |
Everything this person writes is outstanding! - Anonymous - Jan 27th, 2003 The best Janice and Mel story anywhere bar none. This is truly a wonderfully written fiction with enough humour, action, romance and the ever loveable rogue Janice for even the most ardent of fans. Viv is a genius and I think this is going to be the last fanfiction for a long while from her. So I suggest when you read it, cherish it, then read it again. Wonderful stuff. - Kez - Sep-24-2006 Not just the best Mel/Janice or one of the best Xena fics, but some of the best writing online or off. Period. Beautifully written, perfect characterization and a sweeping, epic story that spans millenia, this is it. And it just gets better if you read it with Darkbloom's other Mel/Janice fic because they are all entertwined. - leavethesky - Oct-06-2006 Darkbloom has imagined a hauntingly vivid Janice and Mel epic. Some of the best writing ever, especially if you like a bit of literature with your fanfic. This story, the whole series, will leave you bewitched by its grandeur and simplicity because as Grabrielle says, in a back story interlude, what really mattered was that she loved and was loved. Believe me, Vivian will break your heart wide open! - 3creeks - Nov-16-2006 Vivian Darkbloom is a outstanding writer of Mel/Janice fanfiction period. It is adventure, humor, plot, magnificent characterization,etc...entc.. and of eppic standart. You do well to read Vivian's other Mel/Janice works because they are all enterwined, creating a life story for two of the uber characters of the television show Xena: Warrior Princess A most read!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Callisto - Mar-02-2008 amazing!!! it made me cry, seriously you have to read this series, you won't regret it!!! - dalila - Nov-26-2008 This story Will put you through emotional roller coaster. You will experience everything from humor to dread and back again. Unless your heart is made of stone this author will make you feel what her characters are going through. Perhaps one day Ms Darkbloom will give us another ride on the fictional roller coaster. - Anonymous - Dec-13-2008 This is a wonderful series. If you are a Janice and Melinda fan then i urge you read "The Sercet Histories", followed by "Venezia", before you read "Coup de Grace" , You will be gripped.Ms Darkbloom draws you in and holds you. excellent read. - Jan&Mel fan - Jan-07-2009 I finally succumed to the pull of giving a Mel and Janice story a go. I had been resisting it for years. So I stumbled on this on first and from the first words, I consumed it like I hadn't eaten in weeks. This story is so unbelievably fantastic that it has probably ruined me ever giving any other M&J story a chance. The writer has written such a rich tapestery of character with these women that I absolutly lothe to watch them go. I want to drown my self pity in a good bottle of bourbon. - Anonymous - Aug-12-2010 this is a great m/j trilogy. Gives a really good history of Mel and Janice. Made me weep at the end. I would really like to get to know Francesca better and her life into the future. What about a sequel? - rleef - Dec-16-2010 I absolutely love this series. The best versions of Mel and Janice out. Totally enthralling, as are all of Vivian's stories. A must read. - Niyah - Jan-06-2013 This series is so complex. I laughed, I cried and was emotionally drained at the end. Fantastic. Thank you so much. - Kaylis - Jan-12-2013 Definitely the best story of Xenaverse I've ever read. - A. - Dec-14-2013 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Short Story - 42 pages | Finished | Cast: Whitney, Josie, Sammy, Kid, Colton, Danvers, Ray, Lou, Jim, Dalton | ![]() |
Amazingly affecting. A rarefied world subtly evoked. Both the Xena avatar and the Gabrielle avatar run against type in crucial ways that enhance their vulnerability and thus emotional appeal. - Anonymous - May 13th, 2003 If you are familiar with Vivian Darkbloom's work then you know that you will not be dissapointed. For those readers who never heard from this wonderful and realy talented writer this is as anny good place to get to now her writing style and who knows become addicted? Read it you will not regret it!!!! - Callisto - Mar-02-2008 sequel please! - Anonymous - Sep-18-2010 Powerfully written story. I'm a fan of the writer and this story doesn't disappoint. The imagery and emotional intensity bleeds through the words. It's not the usual type of romantic story, but it's absorbing and thought provoking. I'd like to have seen a sequel to this story. - Lyn B - Jul-19-2011 wonderfully different story.. not my delirium tremens that his me shaking.. only the anticipation of a sequel to this story.. - xtra dog - Aug-26-2011 Well written and engaging characters. I always enjoy this author. - Anonymous - Jun-13-2017 Subtle and well constructed. I was not long at all, but it (surprisingly) felt complete. You knew enough to guess where the story might go. I was grateful for the glimpse. - JT - Jun-16-2017 |
Xena: Janice and Mel | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Humor | Short Story - 23 pages | Finished | Aug-10 Links: The Academy of Bards | ![]() |
I'm surprised that this story hasn't been rated before. Very well written, funny and cut. It's definitely worth reading. Recommended. - Lyn B - Apr-11-2011 One of my favorites. Great job - sassy123 - Sep-24-2011 |
Her Majesty's a Pretty Nice Girl by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Humor | Very Short Story - 8 pages | Finished | Aug-09 Cast: Claire, Ruth Links: The Academy Of Bards | ![]() |
I can only think of one word to describe this masterpiece: HILARIOUS! I spent much of it in fits of laughter and can't imagine anyone else who wouldn't find this funny. - Anonymous - Mar-14-2010 Short and hilarious! Worth reading! - Dreaan - Aug-20-2010 Witty and fast paced. It reminded me of a 40's film with snappy dialogue and great characters. Well written and a fun read. - Lyn B - Apr-11-2011 very funny.. - xtra dog - Aug-26-2011 |
Infamia by
Conqueror | Ancient | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 162 pages | Finished | Aug-10 Related EpisodesWhen Fates Collide (Xena) | ![]() |
A retelling or revisioning of the XWP episode "When Fates Collide": Xena is still Empress of Rome, but Gabrielle is no longer a playwright with a bad hairstyle but a gladiator with a bad attitude. | |
Great story, so far, but I can only pray that unlike most unfinished stories, 10 yrs. from now I'll stillbe waiting for the end. - Anonymous - Aug-20-2010 Perfection!!! - Raspberry Beret - Aug-26-2010 Please Vivian - please, please, please finish this fantastic piece of writing!!! - Anonymous - Sep-17-2010 Infamia XI now available - thanks Viv! - Anonymous - Sep-19-2010 This fantastic tale must have an ending. Please Vivian give us one. - Anonymous - Feb-22-2011 Like all of your work, this is spectacular. Of course, this fic has the added bonus of Gladiatrix!Gabrielle. Perfect. - leavethesky - Feb-23-2011 Excellent story line and patience for every new piece is my weakness. - alaskafrog - Apr-07-2011 Please Viv break with tradition & actually finish one of these Xena stories.The story is fantastic so far. - Anonymous - Apr-09-2011 thank god there's another installment! pls Viv - we all want more - Anonymous - Apr-11-2011 A wonderful piece of writing with well rounded characters, a really enjoyable read that presents a whole other option of what could be for the characters of X and G. - Anfor - Aug-21-2011 This is one of the best X/G stories I have ever read! Ever since the show aired WFC, I have wanted a fic where X/G lived in that timeline. This story is the perfect answer. It's even more awesome that the politics and mindset of the people described in the story are exactly what history tells us they were. The characters are well defined, the plot is known and yet unknown, the humor is dry and witty, Xena is the most endearing rascal ever, and Gabrielle is just plain awesome. If you have not read this story yet, set aside a day and get to it! Highly recommended! - Anonymous - Mar-19-2012 Really an amazing story. Well worth the read, and a tale I won't soon forget. One of the best "Conqueror" stories I've read yet. - Lindxena - Oct-29-2012 |
Leica by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 5 pages | Finished | Aug-10 Links: The Academy of Bards | ![]() |
Short but beautifully written. I love how much the author packs so much history, intensity and romance into the words. Very good and well worth reading. - Lyn B - Apr-11-2011 |
Lexicon for the Sunday Morning Sleeper (A) by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Short Story - 12 pages | Finished | Cast: Leo, James, Bart Part 2 of the Lexicon Series Series List: Narcoleptics's Guide To Romance (A), Lexicon for the Sunday Morning Sleeper (A), Partita | ![]() |
A very cleverly structured complement to Delirium Tremens (it really is a lexicon, but works perfectly as a story). Ironic, sad, witty, oddly hopeful. Vivian Darkbloom (love that borrowed anagrammatic nom-de-plume) can WRITE. - Anonymous - May 13th, 2003 Correction to previous rating: This is a complement to Narcileptic's Guide. Still excellent and clever. - Anonymous - May 13th, 2003 F**king brilliant, as per usual. Darkbloom is a genius - Jade Devlin - Oct 8th, 2003 If you are looking for witty search no more, read this wonderful story. - Callisto - Mar-02-2008 Intelligent and original. Amazing skill with the language, almost more poetry than words. So much more than your typical 'girl meets girl' tale, this is my favorite from the three stories in the series.... Just... Wow! - Anonymous - May-02-2008 Absolutely unique take on a story. Very meta. The fragments you get of the relationship between the two characters make it that much more raw. Awesome. - Anonymous - Sep-25-2008 Very powerful story. She is an excellent writer who create such vivid imagery and characters in every word. Excellent. - Lyn B - Jun-04-2011 |
Love and Death in The Trailer Park by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Humor | Short Story - 21 pages | Finished | May-98 Cast: Gabrielle, Zina, Effie, Lila, Pony, Purdy, Sally, Ed Honors/Awards: Fan Favorite In The Category Of Comedy. Links: The Bard's Corner Tom's Xena Fan Fiction Page Part 1 of the White Trash Series Series List: Love and Death in The Trailer Park, Ways To Be Wicked | ![]() |
Hail, hail the gang's all here! Our heros (and most of the supporting cast) are Jerry Springer-watchin', cheap-beer-swilling, honky-tonk-hangin trailer-trash in this hysterical revisting of Xena: Warrior Princess Show. Hilarious! | |
Another fantastic series by the lovely (I'm assuming) and talented (read and you'll agree) Vivian Darkbloom, one of the best writers in the fan fiction realm. I laughed, I didn't cry, I laughed some more, I had irresistable cravings for pork rinds and Budweiser long-necks. The White Trash Series is not to be missed. And definitely look up the rest of V. Darkbloom's writings, her Mel and Janice stories are beautiful, witty, poetic, sexy as hell, heartbreaking...far and away the best of all the M and J stories. - Count Back From Ten - Nov 29th, 2005 You just have to read this series it is absolutly cleverly funny. Vivian Darkbloom is one of the best online bard's I've ever read, she is my favorite bard and if you read her works you'll know why. Go on read!!!!! - Callisto - Mar-02-2008 This is hysterical! Read it! - Anonymous - Nov-24-2009 I love this series. Vivian has such a twisted, wickedly funny sense of humor. This is a genuine uber/parody with characters taken directly from the show and warped for our amusement. My personal favorites include Cyrene, Zina's hippy mother, and Callie, the crazy ex. There are five stories in this series (three are missing from here for some reason). They can be found on The Bard's Corner. If you've never read this classic give it a try. Highly recommended. - Anonymous - Dec-07-2009 |
Narcoleptics's Guide To Romance (A) by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Short Story - 10 pages | Finished | Cast: Danny, Kate, Nell Part 1 of the Lexicon Series Series List: Narcoleptics's Guide To Romance (A), Lexicon for the Sunday Morning Sleeper (A), Partita | ![]() |
First in a beautiful trilogy. A really wonderful writer. Please have a look at all three. - msprism - May-01-2007 This wonderful story is actually the tird in the trigoly after Dellerium Tremens, A Lexicon for the Sunday Morning Sleeper. As ever Darkbloom gives the reader a good and witty story worth of your time - Callisto - Mar-02-2008 **** SPOILER ALERT **** this was fine, but rather depressing. - kc - Aug-12-2010 A very powerful and intense story. It's very well written, each word counts. Not a romantic, happy ending, but definitely worth reading. - Lyn B - Jun-04-2011 |
Partita by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 14 pages | Finished | Apr-07 Links: The Academy Of Bards Part 3 of the Lexicon Series Series List: Narcoleptics's Guide To Romance (A), Lexicon for the Sunday Morning Sleeper (A), Partita | ![]() |
this is a symphony of a series - i could feel the wanting. the love of the leads is palpable. the trilogy makes for a wonderful piece of writing. - kc - Aug-12-2010 Your writing is like poetry, simply beautiful. - Mary - Aug-20-2010 Excellent. A perfect ending to the stories. The writing is beautiful. - Lyn B - Jun-04-2011 |
Xena: Janice and Mel | 1900-1960 | Alternative (Mature) | Adventure | Novella - 144 pages | Finished | Jul-98 Cast: Mel, Janice, Catherine, Frobisher, Daphne Links: The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive Tom's Xena Fan Fiction Page Part 1 of the The Secret Histories Series Series List: Secret Histories (The), Venezia, Coup de Grace | ![]() |
Janice is in the Army, Mel is a civilian consultant in this uber piece set during World War Two. Our heroes are off to translate a scroll when someone from Mel's past places herself squarely between the two. Full of thekind of humor and deft characterizations we have come toexpect from this talented bard. | |
Links between Part 3&4 is missing - Anonymous - Oct-12-2006 This series, along with its spinoffs (All the Colors of the World, etc) is some of the best reading online or anywhere. Truly astonishing! - leavethesky - Feb-27-2008 You'll do good to read all her Mel/Janice works becouse their enterwinded, as ever this is truely astonishing. - Callisto - Mar-02-2008 This is an amazing Janice/Mel story, it stayed with me for days. Its a must read! - d - Aug-13-2008 Vivian writes the sassiest, toughest and sexiest Janice ever in her Jan and Mel series of stories. I absolutely love her work but she has made me love her Janice even more! Great stuff. Do not miss! - Kez - Sep-20-2008 A must read! - Anonymous - Dec-27-2008 What a great story. very well written - sassy123 - Oct-22-2010 Yeah, for Mel and Janice. Great Story. - sassy123 - Nov-27-2010 One of my favorites. Great job - sassy123 - May-08-2011 |
Xena: Janice and Mel | 1900-1960 | Alternative (Mature) | Humor | Short Story - 17 pages | Finished | May-98 Cast: Xena, Autolycus, Mel, Janice, Ephiny, Eponin, Solari, Stars, Bucephalia, Primus Links: Ashera's Archive Tom's Xena Fan Fiction Page | ![]() |
This delightful first time story begins with Janice and Mel and through the device of translating another scroll, we join Gabrielle who is reflecting on the occasion of our heros' Joining Ceremony. If you've read Vivian Darkbloom, you're wondering "where's the twist?" it's there, don't worry. :) Wonderful characterizations and plenty of Vivian's well-written banter. | |
Wonderfull characterization, full of the kind of humor and well written banter you come to expect if you read her work. I would recomend to also read her other Mel/Janice work becouse the stories enterwind so wonderfully you get a eppic experiance. Go read her work and be prepaird to be blown away by this wonderful bard!!!! - Callisto - Mar-02-2008 Love all the stories by this author! - Anonymous - Aug-13-2008 a x&g and mel&janice story all rolled into one.. how can you not love that?? especially since it's written so well.. - xtra dog - Jun-15-2013 |
Venezia by A9
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Short Story - 18 pages | Finished | Cast: Mel, Francesca, Janice, Sofia Part 2 of the The Secret Histories Series Series List: Secret Histories (The), Venezia, Coup de Grace | ![]() |
All you really need to know is Vivian Darkbloom has an uncanny ability to capture her readers and make them laugh, cry and philosophise about life all within the space of five minutes.... every story is a must read, and she remains as always my favourite online bard.... - Jade Devlin - Mar 30th, 2003 Haunting and painful, erotic and sublime--absolutely unforgettable. - Anonymous - Mar 3rd, 2005 Devastatingly beautiful, and moving. No-one writes about love like Vivian Darkbloom. A must read. - Kez - Sep-24-2006 This was so beautiful it physically hurt. - msprism - May-01-2007 Absolutly unforgettable - Callisto - Mar-02-2008 Devastating. Absolutely devastatingly beautiful in its rendering of Mel in the city of Venice. The language eats at your heart and leaves you sighing wistfully at the end of the page. - Anonymous - Sep-24-2008 OMG. Where to start? Gorgeously written with phenomenal scenes. You see and feel EVERYTHING. Beautiful M/J fic. I loved the depiction of a world weary Mel still tinged with that charming naivete we love. My soul ached for her. - Anonymous - Nov-27-2008 Heart rending and soul achingly well written. Mel is so beautifully strong and tenderly fragile. So wise, but you see the price she paid for her wisdom in every scene. Venice is a painting and Vivan Darkbloom a brilliant artist. - Kerowyn - Nov-27-2008 Poetry. Purely, wholly, utterly, devastating. The author wormed her way into my heart and just laid waste. Amazingly well written. - Anonymous - Nov-28-2008 it is a rare gift to make another person cry from reading one's writing. to say that is is a wondrously moving story is an understatement. right now, i am desperately in need of a happy love song. - kc - Aug-12-2010 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Humor | Short Story - 10 pages | Finished | May-98 Cast: Zina, Gabrielle, Callie, Artie, Cyrene Links: The Bard's Corner Tom's Xena Fan Fiction Page Part 2 of the White Trash Series Series List: Love and Death in The Trailer Park, Ways To Be Wicked | ![]() |
Fabulous follow-up to Love and Death in the Trailer Park. We re-join Gabrielle and Zina just in time to watch them tangle with Ares Ministries, Inc. Why are you still here? Go! Read! | |
Absolutly hillarious you gotta read the white trash/ trailer park series Read it folks!!!!! - Callisto - Mar-02-2008 |