The Athenaeum's Index Of Fiction

Individual Author Page for - Vnud -
Stories Found: 2
  Displaying: 1 - 2

Immortal (The) by Vnud     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 10 pages | Finished | Feb-09
The night,25 year old, Zoey went to the club called The Immortal, was the night her life changed forever when she found something she didn't know she was looking for.
A very cute story. It definately put a smile on my face :) - Anonymous - Mar-11-2009   

This was a sweet story! Hopefully there will be more stories from you! - Charlie13 - May-10-2009   

Very sweet - Anonymous - Aug-22-2009   

couldn't agreed more....indeed a very sweet story especially the last letter part. - easteden - Aug-26-2009   

What a beautiful story, vnud! It's sweet and warm and cute and I love the ending. Congratulations :) - Cavedweller5 - Oct-06-2009   

Savannah Heat by Vnud     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 66 pages | Unfinished | Aug-09
It's like a Larisa story but with the majority of the characters being straight crazy women and only lesbian couple. Not a bad read though - Anonymous - Aug-26-2009   

It's not alt. It's het (mostly) - Anonymous - Sep-03-2009   

coqPgF - UKQERAwlsGXounJmsfa - Jul-19-2014   

JiC8GD - ZPvShMcLHAYzcli - Aug-08-2015   

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