Original / Uber | Ancient | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novel - 472 pages | Finished | Dec-04 Cast: Torrin, Luna, Southern, Rya, Khelin Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #65 in 2006, #85 in 2007, #81 in 2008 Part 3 of the Selene and Nix Series Series List: Selene and Nix, Rezan, Blood and Honor | ![]() |
really interesting story so far, hope to see more chapters added soon. I really liked the different clans, reminds me of the a couple different scifi stories i've read - Anonymous - May 17th, 2005 Loved the story so far hope you guys finish it soon!! - Krysta - Mar-07-2006 So wonderfully written and well thought out, with rich characters and detail, that I'm sure this world must actually exist somewhere :) Pick it up, read two pages and you won't be able to put it down...and you'll thank me for it! - Chris - Mar-10-2006 So I found myself bored one day and thought that I would read a nice story, came here to find one and I curiously picked out "Blood and Honor". Started to read it and before I knew it time had flown and I was totally involved in this story, the characters, the events, the place where these women lived, everything...I was totally hooked. I can honestly say one of the best stories I have read in a LONG time. Hopefully you both finish it SOON!!!! This is a definitely recommend....it's a 10!!! Take care! - N - Mar-13-2006 Very interesting story, it kept me reading till ungodly hours... pity it stops like that. I so hope it will continue soon :) - Lince86 - Mar-20-2006 I'm dying for an update here! This is a great story with involved characters, good plot development and some wicked hot tension. More please! - Jalara - Mar-21-2006 I loved this story. Its very well written and has a rich tapestry of characters. The plot is exciting and brilliantly developed. Windstar and Zee have done an excellent job of throwing me the line and now Im hooked! So come on guys dont leave me dangling like this&.. - Sai - Mar-22-2006 AWESOME!! as usual - Anonymous - Jun-09-2006 Ack! I thought it was finished so I started reading it. Oi! Please more, more, more! I just love this story! - rezu - Jun-14-2006 reaaallly goood story! I nearly died when I got to the last section ><" ... can't wait for more!!! please say theres more.... :D - Anonymous - Jun-21-2006 well written and captivating. awaiting the last of it with baited breath. - anon - Jun-23-2006 I am absolutely hooked on this story. The characters, the place, the plot, the fact that the where is a world full of nothing but women. Love it!!!!! And there is humor, drama, love, hate, comedy, and sorrow. I can only hope that the next chapter comes soon! Any word on it??? Anyways, LOVE IT!! - Anonymous - Oct-05-2006 I absolutely love this story!! I can't wait for the last chapter! I hope it is soon!!!! - DJB - Oct-08-2006 I love this story and I keep waiting for the final chapter. - Anonymous - Nov-06-2006 It is a very good story. I hope there will be a sequel or book 2.... - Anonymous - Dec-02-2006 An amazing read, one I would recommend to anyone. - alecto - Dec-04-2006 I was looking for a story to read and picked this one solely because (I'm embarrassed to admit) of the title. Wow did I get lucky! This is one of the most engrossing tales I have read in a very long time. It is extremely well written, and the depth and richness of the characters and the world they live in is extraordinary. The authors are to be congratulated...and encouraged to publish this gem asap! - Chris - Dec-05-2006 From reading previous works by these two authors, I felt that Windstar's strengths are in writing epic tales while Zee's are in insightful observations in creating humor and depth to the characters. The combination of writing styles of Windstar and Zee create an absolutely brilliant story filled with action, anti-heroes, relationships, and redemption. I hope to read other joint endeavors by these two authors. - diss_turbed_teddy - Dec-05-2006 One of the best stories that I have had the pleasure of reading this year! I recommend this one to anybody who is looking for something fun, epic and immaginative to read. - Anonymous - Dec-07-2006 Wow. What a great story! Not for the faint of heart, but definitely one of the best stories I have read. We need a sequel or a trilogy! These characters are so rich with possible stories and adventures. Simply amazing story telling. - jd - Dec-10-2006 Whoa! Great story with a very rich background and a great plot. I read it in one night, I couldn't stop. - Golem3 - Dec-12-2006 I LOVE this story. Tons of action and suspense, the world setting is awesome, and Luna and Torrin are two of my favorite characters ever. This immediately went on my Read Many Times list alongside great authors such as Melissa Good, Blayne Cooper, and LJ Maas. Haven't read it yet? Well why are you still reading this recommendation?! SCOOT! - Arassar - Jan-17-2007 woooww great story!! thx for created it - elena - Feb-09-2007 One of the best online-stories I ever read. I really love it! - Sammet - Dec-03-2007 Amazing story. Plot and characters were outstanding. Would recommend this story to anyone! - Emily J. - Dec-04-2007 Great story kept you interested and invested in the characters from beginning until the end. Hope there will be a sequel. - Fabeola - Dec-06-2007 Wow! This was a great ride! Wonderful world-building and a cast of well-drawn characters -- heroes and villains. Great story! - leavethesky - Dec-16-2007 I love this story. I reread it all the time. If you haven't read it, you are missing out. - Anonymous - Jan-25-2008 Love this story just reread it for the 3rd time would recommend it to any one. - Anonymous - Jan-27-2008 Great story with excellent setting and characters. - SS - Jan-28-2008 Maaan...What a BEAST of an experience. A good one even. - jazzy - Jan-29-2008 luv the story.. hope u have more stories to tell with torrin and luna on it.. - leia - Jan-29-2008 One of the best stories I have ever read. - Anonymous - Jan-29-2008 This is truly one of the most engaging, well-written and compelling stories I've read. Read this story, you won't regret it!!! I know you have written "Selene and Nix," as well as "Rezan," but could we get some non-prequel sequels? Thanks! - Anonymous - Feb-03-2008 the most incredible story I have every read and I have reread it countless of times - Anonymous - Feb-17-2008 Fantastic! lip smacking rip roaring Yarn with interesting characters and lots of swords and blood and guts and gore interwoven with a love story to keep everything buzzing just the way I like it. - LSC - Mar-25-2008 sweeetness - sarah - Apr-09-2008 This story was amazing. I do however hope that the ending was created with a sequel in mind. *Hint* *Hint* - Shadowquill - May-01-2008 This story just pulls you in so that you do not want to put it down until you get to the end. I hope to read more about these characters in the future! - Anonymous - Jul-20-2008 Great story - dont waste any more time - read it now! - Anonymous - Jul-27-2008 I loved this story !I could not stop reading it! please continue with the sequel! - Anonymous - Dec-06-2008 all i can say is that I am totally in awe of you two. This story is absolutly brilliant. I've said it before and I'll say it again...you guys should be collecting royalites on this stuff. I feel lucky that ya'll are willing to share your talent with us. Thanks so much. - Lea Ann - Mar-14-2009 The best - if you like epic fantasy (e.g. Weber's The War God's Own or Elizabeth Moon's Paksennarion) you will thoroughly this book. but be prepared for sleepless nights This story will keep you up well past your bed time, despite telling yourself your going to bed early. It is very, very long..but sooooo good. It will be worth every single sleepless minute. - Brighteyez08 - Oct-16-2009 wonderful story,can't miss it. - martina - Oct-23-2009 One of the best fantasy fanfic out there. Loved the pre-quells too. Please let there be a sequel to Blood and Honor. I would like to see how Luna and Torrin's lives fared. This series is wonderful. Thank you for sharing your talent. You should publish this ! - x/g fanfic fanatic - Mar-10-2010 This story and its sequels are wonderful. I really like this Authors who are true storytellers as well as writers. Read this and anything they write. - sonji - Apr-22-2010 One of the best stories I've ever read. I can't believe it hasn't been published. I'd buy a copy immediately. - Anonymous - Apr-26-2010 Loved it!!! I'm meant to be studying... oops.. - Anonymous - Sep-03-2010 This is an awesome story. I just wanted to say thank you so much for writing it :) - Alessandra - Oct-18-2010 Brilliant series. Fascinating world. Thank you so much to the authors. - CAP - Jan-02-2011 This series is epic. An amazing adventure filled with rich characters that you quickly form emotional ties to. Well done indeed! These writers are certainly a gift to us all. Take a weekend and read this series back to back...you'll spend the time transported to a magical realm. - Fern - Jan-23-2011 Astounding read! This epic adventure was a true pleasure to read. I've already read thru the other stories in this series and will be anxiously awaiting more stories based in this delightful world created by the talented Windstar and Zee. Thank you both for such a deliciously fun trip. - Anonymous - Mar-01-2011 I love this story! Im just about to start it again. - Anonymous - Oct-05-2011 I have read this novel more than once. These authors are gifted. Read it and you wont regret it. Good job. - Chinwe, Nigeria - Oct-27-2011 This is with out a doubt my favorite read! I highly recommend it! I love this action packed story and characters...Can't wait to read more! - katie - Apr-04-2012 Got me hooked from the beginning! I couldn't wait to come home and read a little more every day, and I love it when that happens. Means I found a great one. So, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this one :) Congrats again to both very talented authors! - Anonymous - May-11-2012 Amazing seriesn great job windstar and zee - Mandy - May-13-2012 Another great story...might take a little while to get into, but totally worth it - Anonymous - Sep-06-2012 This story has something for every reader and I love how the authors blended emotions in this. The range of emotions the two main characters go through is remarkable. Love the fact that the story/plot drives the romance. One of the absolute best fan fic stories I have read in over 12 years. - Stacia - Oct-23-2012 I loved this story and series. The characters are not perfect and it is their personal growth that elevates this story above others. My only complaint is I wish there were additional stories because the authors really have hit upon something that not only draws the reader in, but makes the reader really want to know what happens to everyone. Read all three together if you can - it is one of the best series on the internet. I very highly recommend this story and series. - Stacia - Dec-27-2012 This series is one of the best I have ever read. If your like me and fantastize about how fantastic a female (mainly lesbian) world would be than this series is for you sister ;-) - Amanda - Jun-30-2016 Excellent story. One of my favorites - colorado fan - Jul-03-2016 |
Chance by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 230 pages | Finished | Nov-07 Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #46 in 2008, #17 in 2009 Two-Time Top-25 #1. Part 1 of the Chance Series Series List: Chance, Secret History of Vampires (The) | ![]() |
Excellent story. I couldn't stop reading it. It's right up there in my favorites with Blood and Honor. - silverwriter01 - Nov-30-2007 Yay! I can easily recommend everything Windstar and Zee have collaborated on. You should read them all. Now. And oh, yeah, this story is really great, and totally deserves a sequel. - Arassar - Nov-30-2007 Another great story...touching. - Anonymous - Dec-01-2007 Great story! I always love a good werewolf story. Please, oh pretty please, can we have a sequel? - Anna - Dec-01-2007 Not usually a fan of a werewolf story, but this one was entirely enjoyable. Read it--kept me reading until I was late for an appointment... - micah6 - Dec-21-2007 Great story! A must read! Please write a sequel. These characters are to good to just stop at one story. Would love to see Zoya and Bones fall in love. Would make an interesting love match and fodder for Tylers whit. - Fredrica - Dec-31-2007 Another amazing story. Hope theres a sequel. - Bluetyger86 - Dec-31-2007 This is a great story. After reading this I've become a werewolf fic fan, LoL. This is well written that you feel you're watching in television,Lol. Though I want to see Zoya get in love with Bones lol..Those two characters may have an interesting relationship IF there is a sequel, LOL...A sequel might be nice though,LOL - Fan - Jan-04-2008 another excellent story from the author.. - leia - Jan-29-2008 i absolutely loved this story... action, humor, hotness.. good mix from these two (as usual) - Leah - Jan-29-2008 Characters are well developed. Bones and Zoya story will surely make people laugh more lol, :) - Anonymous - Feb-12-2008 This was the best story I've read in a long time. The characters were so real. I love your work. - Anonymous - Mar-24-2008 excellent hope you do more please - Anonymous - Nov-14-2008 ~Read it this is an excellent Were story with explosions mad scientists and all the ingredients of a good read absolutely fantastic - LsC - Dec-03-2008 **** Spoiler Alert **** I was really surprised that this story was any good at all. Not insulting our dynamic duo here. Even the best can turn out a stinker once in a great while. But it was a WEREWOLF story. I mean, come on! We've been so saturated with tales of vampires and werewolves that we are kind of choking on all them. Wow, did I have my attitude handed back to me on a plate. This was certainly THE best story plot, and I DO mean THE BEST, I have read online in this genre. There is at least two pre-stories here, a entire side series .... or two, and numerous additions. The characters are complex, interesting, and strangley believable....and very likable. Add those characters to government genetic experiments, Air Stream Trailers, plastic pink flamingos, segregated werewolves living on indian reservations, hot female alphas, and a hellhound?????? It is safe to say that the "hellhound" is hit unto herself. If you could get rid of the "Underworld movie" overtones, you'd have quite the publishable sci-fantasy series here. If not, you could still have the best "creature of the night" series on line. We, your fans, await with bated breath. - Anonymous - Jan-03-2009 great read with much action - Anonymous - Jun-15-2009 very well done, fast action, hot and a very good story - Anonymous - Jun-19-2009 Great characters, amazing read. - Brighteyez08 - Oct-16-2009 I love this story so much! I will definitely be reading it over and over again. The interactions between Kehpri and Chance were very amusing and I fell in love with the two characters. - Hillsys Stalker - Nov-08-2009 BRILLIANT BRILLIANT WORK WINDSTAR AND ZEE! you're such GENIUSES, i love your stories so much! more power! thank you so so much for sharing your wonderful stories! love all your work! all the best! - Luie - May-13-2010 Actually, the next story in this series is Zoya - which is also wonderful. These two stories, and their counterpart SHoV are too awesome for words. The characters are brilliant. - Aerows - Aug-06-2010 these characters are stupendous. you cannot help but fall in love with chance and tyler. - kc - Aug-07-2010 Enjoyed this story, thanks very much. Good characterization, fun and interesting plot. Great sex scenes. - snott - Dec-09-2010 Best story I've read in a while. - Anonymous - Feb-07-2011 If you publish this, I would buy it. - Anonymous - Feb-10-2011 great story! had me lol and i couldn't stop reading till i was finished!!! def adding windstar and zee to my fav authors! - Anonymous - Mar-04-2011 I cannot believe that the two of you never continued this series. I sat through an entire weekend of werewolf/vamp shows on SyFy this weekend and not a single one of them was near as good as these two stories of yours. You left so much to work with here in Chance that you could turn out more sequels than Star Trek! These were not good stories ---- they were awesome stories. It would be a damned shame to kill these stories off and not continue them --- at least one more for a trilogy. - ChaCha - Mar-08-2011 Weres aren't my usual cup of tea, but I'm so glad I read this story! Great characters... on to the next one - Thanks! - Anonymous - Apr-04-2011 not what i was expecting from a were-story.. definitely way better than my expectations! good characters, good pace, good mixture of humor and suspense.. certainly recommend it to were-haters as well as were-lovers.. - Anonymous - May-16-2011 Love everything these two amazing authors write. Check out this one and all of the others they have written! - Sparks - Jun-18-2011 Really great story. Read it twice in a row. - Anonymous - Oct-05-2011 This is amazing! just read it find out yourselves... - Con's-Piracy - Jan-20-2012 I just love these characters. Chance is awesome! =) - babyjune - Apr-29-2012 Okay I just have one question. Why is this not in print? This is easily one of the best paranormal books I've read and is far superior to some of the ones I've paid for. Really very excellent and highly recommended. I am pretty late to the party, but so very glad I arrived. Also I truly think that because of stories like this that I am growing to love Were stories more than Vampires. Chance embodies that very hot animalistic quality which is incredibly sexy. - Jen - Aug-22-2012 **** SPOILER ALERT **** love it! the characters, the plot, the setting, and the ending you broke my heart and make it whole again. thanks! - Ivy - Dec-28-2012 One of my absolute favorite stories. The story is incredible but it's the characters that will have you coming back. I highly recommend you read it. - drake - Jan-13-2013 A great story - sassy123 - Jan-23-2013 Great! Awesome read! You guys rock! - Jay9 - Oct-16-2013 So good! - Anonymous - Nov-20-2013 I love this story! - Anonymous - Nov-21-2013 A must read. - Anonymous - Dec-27-2013 This is a fabulous fantastic story. Very interesting premise ... intriguingly woven. This and "Zoya" are very much worth reading! - Georgia - Mar-21-2014 I loved this story, I have a soft spot for Wolves. Well told and looking forward to the next story - Anna28Carm - Mar-03-2017 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Horror | Novella - 124 pages | Finished | Mar-06 Part 1 of the Dead Can Dance Series Series List: Dead Can Dance (The), Devil and Carson Mahoney (The) (aka The Devil Made Me Do It) | ![]() |
This is a story of a morgue attendent, her friends, a librarian, and just to keep things from being dull the authors invited the zombies. | |
That was an awesome story! Loved it! - Peg - Mar-27-2006 As good as Dawn of the Dead...which coming from me is a HUGE compliment! This was a whole ton of fun. Read it! - Anonymous - Oct-10-2006 What's really amazing about this story is that it's so well written you can see the scenes in your head. This authors are really good and funny as hell too:) - mary - Jan-07-2010 "She swung her fire extinguisher and the attack was dropped like acid at a Grateful Dead concert." I'm not sure descriptive sentences get any better than that one. As always, this one is a gem from Zee and Windstar! - Aerows - Jul-11-2010 Really good. - Anonymous - Dec-26-2013 nice read.. it does leave me wondering about something though.. ***SPOILER ALERT*** how did billy get in the basement? wasn't the store locked? and he obviously didn't die in there.. - xtra dog - Feb-16-2014 |
Dead Space by
Original / Uber | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 114 pages | Finished | Jul-16 Links: The Academy of Bards Part 3 of the Dead Can Dance Series Series List: | ![]() |
Really hoping we'll get to read more about all these charachters. That little hook in the ending caught me... - Anonymous - Mar-11-2017 |
Devil and Carson Mahoney (The) (aka The Devil Made Me Do It) by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 85 pages | Finished | May-07 Part 2 of the Dead Can Dance Series Series List: Dead Can Dance (The), Devil and Carson Mahoney (The) (aka The Devil Made Me Do It) | ![]() |
there are still a few loose ends, so a sequel is a possibility :) - Anonymous - May-20-2011 Wish there was more. Really good. - Anonymous - Dec-27-2013 i liked this story a lot.. even better than the first one.. ***SPOILER ALERT*** i really wanted sth bad to happen to the brother.. or maybe that's just the demon in me speaking? he's such a prick, though.. - xtra dog - Feb-16-2014 |
End of Times by
Original / Uber | Middle Ages | Alternative | Adventure | Novel - 155 pages | Finished | Jul-16 Links: The Academy of Bards | ![]() |
Wonderful story!!! - Anonymous - Jul-27-2016 really liked this! i think this universe deserves more stories. - eth - Nov-08-2016 Good fantasy story with the your staple magic users and warriors. Likeable characters and engaging world. Could, however, do with some grammar and punctuation check. Will recommend for a fun read! - Anonymous - Dec-25-2016 Very good. - Anonymous - Apr-19-2017 |
Gray Line by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 543 pages | Unfinished | Dec-10 | ![]() |
Excellent as always. I can't wait for the rest of it!!! - Netta - Dec-03-2010 I'm enjoying this story very much...waiting impatiently for the next installment, - Anonymous - Dec-04-2010 IMHO this story is one of their best--though I tend to say that of all of their stories. But an irresistible half-demon and a cop without hope . . . need I say more? - paedagogue - Dec-05-2010 Squee!!! Once again super awesome! Loved this, can't wait for the next installment! - Parker - Dec-06-2010 I normally wait until stories are finished before starting, but for Windstar and Zee I can't resist! Great first installment, eagerly waiting the next :) - quack - Dec-07-2010 Once I started reading this I had to keep going. Needless to say, I stayed up way past my bed time. I am so looking forward to the other parts going up. Imaginative, well rounded characters with depth, action, humor, angst...this story has it all. Please, do yourself a favor a read this. - cygirl1 - Dec-08-2010 Loved this story. Another Zee and Windstar masterpiece. I wish part two and three were out already. - Anonymous - Dec-10-2010 Stupendous story. Please don't wait long to have the other chapters up. - Kattale - Dec-11-2010 Delicious. Can't wait to read what happens next. - Nyxmara - Dec-11-2010 This is one of the most original stories I have ever read in the fan fiction world. Highly recommended! It IS only part one although it's a novel on it's own, so this is the start of a series. What a promising start! - Incognito - Dec-14-2010 AAH, SWEET,soo juicy ! If I was producer, I would start making a TV SHOW out of it. reminding me of Day,Night,Twilight Watchers trilogy. But this is sooo much better! Amazingly vivid created realm. And so much love in world of horror.Very emotional. That is THE most pleasurable reading I've had in years. Thank you very much!!! - AMAZONKA - Dec-18-2010 SWEEEEEET. More Please. - Anonymous - Dec-25-2010 Wow! Just....WOW!!! Great storyline. It is such interesting and original story. Simply beautiful, brilliant, captivating... I'm a sucker for supernatural fics. Damn me that has started to read while it definitively isn't finished. I can't wait to know what's going to happen((( It's torture, guess, what I should follow an example the worker to a museum and learn patience? Huh) Thanks so much Windstar and Zee. You did that very well, bravo! - Akaisha - Dec-26-2010 hate mail, indeed! this was - as all stories by windstar & zee splendid, alas we have to wait for the sequel! and thank the Goddess the beta-reader did a good job - bookgeek - Dec-27-2010 Awesome story! Cant wait for the next half, hopefully you post it soon. I actually read the first half in one sitting, it was that good. Keep writing! - Krysta - Dec-31-2010 This is truly a remarkable story. Riviting, had me sitting on the edge of my seat. I am so looking forward to This Trilogy. Run don't walk to read, It will be well worth your time spent ion doing so. My gratitude to Windstar and Zee. Thank you for sharing your 'gift'. - Christi - Dec-31-2010 Consistently brilliant writing - amazingly rich charactarisations and spellbinding storylines - absolutely, unquestionably the best writing duo out there in fanfic land. Thank you for the hours of enthralling entertainment - quite simply - YOU ROCK! - Valdez1966 - Jan-04-2011 What a great story. Can't wait for the next two sequels. - sue4rab - Jan-10-2011 Very enjoyable read and captivating. Waiting impatiently for the next installment. - Bren - Jan-14-2011 Do yourself a favor and read Gray Line. It's Windstar and Zee. That is all. - IB - Jan-18-2011 Sleep is over rated - or at least that is what I keep on telling myself. This turned out to be one of those all-nighters. :) The story starts with a bang and just keeps on going. Witty dialogue, ass kicking heroines, a ghost or two. What more can one ask for except for the sequel? - C - Jan-19-2011 i just finished reading it, AND I WANT MORE!!!!!! - Anonymous - Jan-22-2011 This has got to be the best story I have read in a long time. Compelling characters, great plot hooks and enough sexual tension to make the screen steam. It grabs the reader from the beginning and does not let go. I cannot wait for more. Insanely recommended! - Anonymous - Jan-27-2011 loved it, great story. If the second and third part aren't posted in two days I will start sending demons per post! Great story, but leaving traders like this is brutal. - Ibnh - Feb-23-2011 As with everything you two write, this is brilliant work!! I am truly honored that I get to taste your talent again and again. I am an addict waiting for the next installment of this as well as my fix for the next part of Secret Histories!! Well done and keep them coming! - JettBlack - Feb-27-2011 I'm seconding the demons by post thing!!!! - Anonymous - Feb-27-2011 What an awesome story. I couldn't stop reading. The end just about killed me, good thing there was a don't send e-mail post. All I can say is I'm sending mental encouragement for the beta readers to please hurry. - MoSeS - Feb-28-2011 Another GREAT one! I told myself I shouldn't start it as it didn't have all the parts posted. Well I couldn't keep away, so here I am craving for the next part to get here. I won't send hate mail lol but I plead from the bottom of my frozen Norwegian heart that the next parts will be posted asap! - lyneX - Mar-01-2011 Okay, okay, I didn't send a letter of hate, but .... Give us more, it's torture! Every day I send some of my energy on the mental level of these secret beta readers. I can't say for sure whether it comes before them, but I was almost exhausted))) You are such a tease)) Anyway, I continue my job, but I don't know how long I will stand ... not very long, so .... Arrrrr!!! Well you get my point *wink* - Kylee - Mar-03-2011 This is a great story and cant wait to see how it ends! - laurel - Mar-21-2011 I love your story so much lol. It reminds me of the dresden files except better haha. Please update soon T_T - animereader1 - Mar-23-2011 GOD, you can't just leave it there! I check, like, constantly for updates! I love this story and I can't get enough of everything you two write! This one just can't be updated fast enough! This story has everything! Action, suspense, intrigue, and it's way hot to boot! - Anonymous - Jun-02-2011 This is great! I've been waiting for this and it certainly did not disappoint. The wait for the third and final bit will be excruciating! Thank you so much for the time and effort y'all have put into writing this piece. - Anonymous - Jun-05-2011 YES!!! YES!!!!! brilliant second part can't wait for the last bit! - JettBlk - Jun-07-2011 The second installment of this trilogy did not disappoint! Anxiously awaiting the third. - Jude - Jun-11-2011 GAHH!! I love this story just so so much! It's excellent and I was so super stoked when I realized it was updated! Did not disappoint and I cannot wait until the finale. Anxiously awaiting! - Anonymous - Jun-20-2011 arrrhhhhhhh. I knew i shouldn't have read this before it was over. love every minute of it. - choyu - Aug-01-2011 Read This!!! - Wheezie - Aug-14-2011 OMG What a great story. The characters just grow on you in a believable fantasy world. When do we get part 3? - cmwulf - Oct-23-2011 Great story...cant wait to read the finale ^_^ - Anonymous - Jan-07-2012 Brilliant second part can't wait for part three. - Kate - Mar-27-2012 I am about to chew off my hand waiting for that iuotrtal. I have been admiring your boats for just about as long as youve been sharing them and Im going to add making this one to my list of 38 Things to Do Before I Turn 39.YIPPPEEEEEEE!Congrats on the magazine feature-what a treat, and one you well deserve!VA:F [1.9.7_1111]please wait...VA:F [1.9.7_1111](from 0 votes) - LEUcFUAVdMWTL - Apr-08-2012 PLEASEEEEEEEE finish this!!! - Anonymous - Apr-29-2012 Excellent story....just waiting on part III...it's been a while since the last one. - Anonymous - Sep-06-2012 thank you thank you thank you - Anonymous - Nov-01-2012 I have been stalking this story waiting, love it - T - Nov-01-2012 When I saw the update for this I squealed like a little girl that's been surprised with that pony she's been asking for. More! - GB - Nov-01-2012 Patience is not one of my virtues but this has definitely been worth the wait. I was up all night to finish it and what a wild and wicked ride it was. A definite recommended read and just in time for Halloween. Epilogue please!!!! - puzzlegrrl - Nov-01-2012 This is SO imaginative and SO detailed. You two are amaing! Thank you. - Gillian - Nov-04-2012 I don't even know how to begin let alone stop the tears that are drowning my eyes. This is an absolutely wonderful story. Like an awesomely epic, sexy, crazy movie that lasted for days. I couldn't get enough of it. Enthralled would be the word for it. I am DYING to know what happens next. The expletives that flew out of my mouth when the word END was read at the bottom. I was like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO......." Wow. Just wow. The first stories I read from you guys was 'Chance' and I was glad I read that. Got me hooked right away. Can't stress it enough, I WANT THAT SEQUEL!!! Thanks. - Mary - Nov-09-2012 Read it now! Waiting with slight desperation for the epilogue! - BKFaith - Dec-16-2012 OMG I love you guys!!!!! <3 Such AMAZING writing, I couldnt tear my eyes away from this epic story. This is a must read! I can see why its the story of the year. I cant wait for the epilogue! Thank you for sharing this story. P.S I cant get enough of Dianna O.O - Britany B. - Jan-08-2013 I know you've read most all the recommendations for this story, but holy crap, man. You thought History of Vampires was good? (and it WAS good, go read that too if ya haven't) This is/was one of the best fantasy based I've thus far read... and I've been reading stuff like this for awhile now. I really hope these guys come back with a Part 3. It's the only story I've read over and over in its entirety. Superb - iseesound - Jan-25-2013 Really great. One of the best stories I have ever read. - Anonymous - Feb-12-2013 Friggin' awesome. I'm generally not into these kind of stories, but this one sucked me in right away, and didn't let go until it spit me out at the end. Oh well... who needs sleep, anyway? - lil' lea - Feb-13-2013 Fantastic story! One of the best fanfics I have ever read. Absolutely loved it!!! Unfortunately it is still missing the epilogue... - Andrea - Feb-16-2013 would be great if there is a second story - Mutt - Feb-21-2013 WOW... I'm not done with this story yet and I'm already in love with it. wow. - Jessie - Mar-04-2013 *******Spoiler alert****** At first it's great, it just gets boring in the second because the twist doesn't go well with the FLOW of the story. I stop reading after the first part. - Ash - Apr-06-2013 *******Spoiler alert****** At first it's great, it just gets boring in the second because the twist doesn't go well with the FLOW of the story. I stop reading after the first part. - Ash - Apr-06-2013 I love this story and keep it constantly opened on my iPad. Quinn and D, as I call her, will have you rooting for them by the first time they're introduced. Wind star and Zee have a serious winner in this story. - Yankees1951 - Jun-04-2013 Windstar and Zee have written a new fantasy story titled End Of Times. It's 190 pages long, and an excerpt can be found here: http://xenarenaissancewarrior.blogspot.com/ . The entire story can be found here: http://wp.me/P3Qr5Y-n2 - Anonymous - Sep-05-2013 where's the epilogue? - Anonymous - Dec-20-2013 I read this trilogy in less then a week. I could not put it down. My absolute favorite story. - Anonymous - Dec-27-2013 Read it!!!! what an Awesome read! - Aahi Young - May-31-2014 fucking brilliant, you have to read it to understand how refreshingly great it is, totally captured me, all the main characters are what I wish for in every book I read, I want a dianna in all of them, the grammar/spelling, name changes and repeated sentences were atrocious but in no way did this put me off..... - Netty - Jul-08-2016 Fantastic story..I love the interaction between Dianna and Quinn. If this was a book I'd definitely buy it. I just wish I could find the epilouge. As it is incomplete. Windstar and Zee you are great writers and I wish there was more of this stuff. definitely couldn't put it down!!!!!!!! - Sandra - Feb-19-2017 |
Original / Uber | Ancient | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 362 pages | Finished | Apr-10 | ![]() |
Once more into the World of Blood and Honor. Two kingdoms the desert and the mountain clash as prophecy winds its path revealing old enemies, lost Gods and a Hero looks for a missing princess and finds betrayal, treachery and a herself. | |
Don't start this story if you have things to do. It kept me captivated (and unproductive) until the very last word. - lyn - Apr-17-2010 Outstanding, I loved it. A couple of late, late nights because I couldn't put it down. It just begs for a sequel. - wasabigrrl - Apr-18-2010 Epic! I missed the opportunity to spend a wonderful and sunny weekend outside because I just couldn't stand to leave this story before I've finished reading it. - M. - Apr-18-2010 Seriously fantastic. I haven't read the others, but this story could stand on its own. Loved the characters and the world and a well written plot. If you enjoy classic fantasy adventures then really check this out. (Just be sure to allot a lot of time to it. I ignored my friends and dog until I finished this.) - Royuki - Apr-20-2010 simply brilliant! - Anonymous - Apr-21-2010 I'm a big fan of these two...what an amazing story...you can't let go even after you finish it...a must read story type, definitely I will come back for another ride...thanks!!!! - Lucian - Apr-24-2010 wow, great story - worthy addition to the growing collection of amazing stories by Windstar and Zee!! - bookgeek - Apr-27-2010 I bow in honor of this story, I have read LOTS! of stories here, but this is by far the best that i have ever read, I'm leaving my girlfriend i have a new love. - Jaye - Apr-27-2010 Yes! great read. Love the stories from this universe. mmm, what don't I like from windstar and zee? - IB - Apr-27-2010 Incredible!!! - Anonymous - Apr-28-2010 Loved that this universe has a new story. Glad to see an old friend appear in Ryuu, but really would love the story of Valdis and Ryuu fleshed out. Hoping for more of their story, they were such great characters in Rezan and are very deserving of their own addition to the Blood and Honour universe. - HQ - Apr-30-2010 Bravo, Bravo, Bravo !!! Most excellent. These two writers are truly gifted. This whole series is wonderful. I wish the Blood and Honor Series were published works. I would buy them in a heartbeat as I know that I will revisit them often. If you need a recommendation to read.... GET TO IT. MOST Highly recommended. - Anonymous - May-02-2010 Totally sweet epic story. Intrigue, love, dragons, magic and heroes. Took a few hours to read, but worth it. - ryoshuu - May-02-2010 AMAZING AMAZING story!! Hunter, Ketan (and ok titan lols) are addictive and i want more of 'em! Thanks so much to the bards for this wonderful enjoyable adventure. love it! - luie - May-03-2010 Too of the best authors around - their collaborations are nothing short of genius, and this one is no exception. - Aerows - Aug-06-2010 really worth the read! - crv - Jan-17-2011 sequel please¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ - Anonymous - Feb-05-2011 this was by far my favorite of the stories in this world and that is saying a lot. the plot and the characters were great! thank you! - Anonymous - Jul-17-2011 Lovely, lovely, lovely read! I am proud to claim that I read all four stories in order (which helped tremendously, actually, knowing the history.) I'll be crossing my fingers in hopes of there miraculously being a fifth installment. I would love to know if you-know-who ever finds you-know-who. ~.o Anyways, onto a more substantial review/recommendation, it was absolutely lovely, the change in countries. No longer being about the south and Northerners and learning about the desert tribes. Ahem, anyhow, READ THIS, PEOPLE! 8D Though I'd recommend reading the preceding stories, if not just because they exist for readers' pleasure, then read them for a better and clearer understanding of the reasonings behind the events in this book. - Anonymous - Nov-12-2011 Great contribution to the Blood and Honor universe. Nice to learn more about the southern people in this universe. As with the previous story, this one leaves the reader with a lot of questions that will hopefully be answered in a sequel. The two main characters are enough different from others in this universe and it was very easy to fall in love with them. The story is well written as the previous ones and had a nice undertone of humor. A must read for fans of this universe!! - Stacia - Dec-28-2012 King and Country is a very well told tale. Plenty of romance and adventure and beyond that a more epic story grounded in the mythos of this world. I like it. - Frankie - Jan-05-2013 |
Rezan by
Original / Uber | Ancient | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 328 pages | Finished | Jan-08 Part 2 of the Selene and Nix Series Series List: Selene and Nix, Rezan, Blood and Honor | ![]() |
The story is a sequel to Selene and Nix and is set in the Blood and Honor universe. Chronicling the beginnings of darkness that will one day threaten all of the North and those who live there. | |
I thought the title was Rezan not Revan. Anyway, this is a great story. I couldn't stop reading it and I can't wait for more parts. I loved Blood and Honor and I adore Selene and Nix. Even though it isn't finished, Rezan is already joining the club. I love anything and everything by Windstar and Zee and this story is no different. - Anonymous - Jan-24-2008 Amazing story once again! Hope to see it finished soon. Blood and Honor was amazing and I'm very glad you two decided to do a prequel. Probably one of the best things I've ever read! - Bacchuskiller - Jan-27-2008 I waiting for more ....PLEASE.... - leia - Jan-29-2008 Windstar and Zee have a knack for writing great characters. This time my favorites were Valdis and Ryuu, who were secondary characters (and totally deserve their own spinoff) instead of Cassia and Moriko, but they're great too. I liked the parallels between this one and Blood and Honor. - Arassar - Jan-29-2008 I love blood and honor, and i love all the stories that deals about the north and south. I hope ur writing more of this.. - leia - Jan-30-2008 Excellent writing. Recommend highly. This writer should have this series published. - sgogirl - Jan-30-2008 AWESOME!!! - Anonymous - Jan-31-2008 Excellent story. I loved it. - Anonymous - Feb-01-2008 I love this series. This story is probably my favorite out of them all. i truly enjoyed some of the supporting characters. - Brighteyez08 - Oct-16-2009 Awesome another of those great tales by Windstar and Zee - totally enjoyable. I loved the whole series Selene & Nix, Rezan, Blood & Honour - MORE please - Anonymous - Oct-18-2009 This is one of the best peices I've read in a while. The love between Cassia and Moriko is truely beautiful. The things they suffer just bring them together again. A wonderful wonderful plot, that just makes you want to read more. - Spiritmaster - Mar-15-2010 A riveting story and truly a gem of literature. The relationship between Cassia and Moriko is wonderfully meaningful - this is a must read. - Anonymous - Jul-06-2012 The second story in this series really hits the mark. It is rare that a story has you seriously disliking a main character and then totally changes the reader's mind. As well written as the first and draws the reader deeper into this universe. - Stacia - Dec-27-2012 Love it! read it! - anns - Sep-01-2013 |
Secret History of Vampires (The) by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 412 pages | Finished | Nov-08 Honors/Awards: #88 in 2009 Part 2 of the Chance Series Series List: Chance, Secret History of Vampires (The) | ![]() |
This is a prequel to Chance. | |
Incredible story. Stayed up until two o'clock in the morning because I couldn't stop reading it. Sequel please, please, please - Anonymous - Nov-12-2008 oh please, you've got to continue this story..amazing...please bring us the second part soon. - Anonymous - Nov-12-2008 Excellent!!! Kudos to the authors for going far beyond the usual clichés of this genre. Well-thought and intriguing storyline, fully-developed characters - I can only recommend this! - M. - Nov-12-2008 I CANNOT wait for the sequel! Very enjoyable. - Anonymous - Nov-12-2008 Great epic tale. Could not stop reading it. Wonderful vampire fiction. - Kali - Nov-12-2008 OMG I spend my vacation day reading this story,OMG OMG Sequel, ASAP. The so called end, for now, is awesome.The story is so captivating,brilliant,and daring. Unequivocally and categorically a must read and a perfect 10.Just in case i did not express myself correctly, what i am saying is sequel,sequel,sequel, asap, sequel...... - xenamarie - Nov-13-2008 Nooo, don't end it there! Arrggghh! *dies* As always, a great story from Windstar and Zee. Read it, you won't be sorry! - Arassar - Nov-14-2008 Basically, I love love love Windstar and Zee. Seriously...I'm talking being the surrogate mother to their wickedly genius love children kind of love. So I was really excited to see they've written a new story. It was as awesome as I expected it to be. :oD Read it. You won't be disappointed. - Anonymous - Nov-14-2008 blooy excellent fantastic hope you do more please - Anonymous - Nov-14-2008 good stuff.. VERY good stuff...SEQUEL PLEASE - Anonymous - Nov-14-2008 This story was amazing, I can't wait for a sequel!!!! - nic - Nov-15-2008 I never, ever leave these things, and as a rule hate vampire fics, but this has forced me out of lurking status. Just brilliant, slow to start and then you get sucked right into it and pulled along for the journey. Cant wait for the rest of this story, it ends only part way through! please give us more soon! - Shellshocked - Nov-19-2008 Awesome story! Please PLEASE write a sequel....soon! :) - kaysy_1994 - Nov-20-2008 OMG!!!! i do love when these authors get together.. loved it, LOVED IT! more more more.. i'm on pins and needles, oh so impatiently awaiting more. :) - phoobar - Nov-22-2008 Excellent story! I look forward to a sequel. - Katelyn - Nov-25-2008 A jolly jolly good read, absolutely splendid!! - Ellie - Nov-26-2008 This story had such an engaging and entertaining plot. It is one of the most captivating stories I have read in a long while. - M - Nov-27-2008 OMG! You can't leave it like that! You can't! Please please please tell me there will be a sequel. There simply must! - Kerowyn - Nov-28-2008 Riveting. Great story, great characters. I also add my voice in "begging" for a sequel. - Marcia - Nov-29-2008 O...M...G...What a wonderful tale...Please....We need a sequel... - leia - Nov-29-2008 One of the most original "original" stories I've ever read. Looking forward to Part Two: Katiya's Quest. - Ravenbull - Nov-30-2008 Now THAT was a terrific read! I'm salivating for the sequel. - Calabria - Nov-30-2008 oh please,please please please a sequel. it is your duty to give us a sequel other wise it'll be cruel pretty please :) - xxy - Nov-30-2008 Loved it.Can't wait to read the sequel.These 2 authors are awesome writers. Thanks,Pat - Pat - Dec-01-2008 This is just Brilliant! F**king Brilliant! You should also read Chance as which is a standalone and equally good. - LSC - Dec-03-2008 Absolutely Fantastic! I can't wait for the sequel. Please..please can I have some more. - Hawkeye - Dec-04-2008 Okay here is the truth, staying away from drugs has only kept me drug-free... reading this most delicious piece has made me, an addict, and like a junkie I have to demand my fix, where is the sequel of this beauty of an EPIC??!!!Here I am sweatin' shakin' blink' through bleary red eyes... well you get the point. Soon please?? - Terre - Dec-05-2008 Wonderful story! Can't wait to read the sequel. - stachjay - Dec-05-2008 Great story with a new insight on vampire culture - Anonymous - Dec-09-2008 **** Spoiler Alert **** If you like your stories to have substance this is one you'll enjoy, it's simply a fantastic read. I thought Vampires wouldn't be my gig but boy was I wrong! This fast paced adventure into the underworld was one hell of a ride worth taking. Everything about it kept me gripped, action, danger, intrigue, mystery, romance, all the usual suspects are here with knobs on. As usual these authors have done an outstanding job and they've been really, really mean with one doozy of a cliff-hanger.....and so the waiting begins! - Sai - Dec-16-2008 OMG....sequel please... I'm begging you... This story is awesome... fantastic... brilliant! A MUST read. - Anonymous - Dec-20-2008 OMG!!! What a great story. Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee more. - rosii59 - Dec-23-2008 A must read fic. A sequel is a must too Lol! - Anonymous - Dec-25-2008 This was an amazing story....I'm so excited for the sequal. I hope you don't make us wait too long. I loved all the characters and I hope more people will take the time to read this...it won't disappoint. I can't wait for next one. - Anonymous - Dec-26-2008 Loved the story and would really love to read a sequel. Thank you! - Ginger - Dec-28-2008 A must read for all gothic horror fans. There is a bit of every genre and make sure you buckle your seat belts for a rollercoaster ride. Oh and seriously, a sequel is called for. Kudos to the authors for a "fangtastic" work. More please? - Fanged One - Dec-30-2008 Great story! Hopefully we all get to read how it goes....in a sequel...!? - lyneX - Jan-13-2009 The End???? NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I want more!! This is an amazing story, exactly what we expect from these two. A vampire story without all the cliche's. It's refreshing. I really hope a sequel is in the make ... like soon! ;) - Bacchuskiller - Jan-23-2009 WOW! I loved it can we please have a sequel. - marlo - Jan-23-2009 This story was fantastic........I can't wait for the sequel........BRAVO - Anonymous - Jan-27-2009 This story was awesome....Highly recommended. I especially enjoyed the mythology surrounding the vampires. Can't wait to see how this plays out in modern day..hint hint - Rooster - Feb-18-2009 Excellent !! Sequel Please... - Anonymous - Feb-18-2009 **** SPOILER ALERT **** Fantastic. Yes, I have said it before, I am a huge vamp fan and I would not be posting a comment on a bad or boring story. Question, what happened to Molly? I must see her demise at the hands of Katiya. I can't wait for Karl to get his comeuppance (love that word). Great read and really look forward to the next part. You've done it again. - gayzer - Feb-25-2009 This is the BEST story I've read in a very long time. I'm praying that they give us more, more, more. Windstar and Zee hats off. I was just looking for something to pass the time and discovered a GEM (Great Entertaining Media) - Darlean - Feb-26-2009 I'm totally in love with this story....I can see it as an epic film...scenes in Prague...Russia...beautiful. I'd like to see Molly gobsmacked when she realises what's become of Katiya. Hanging out for more...lots more. - Lea Ann - Mar-01-2009 This story is brilliant...I can see it in epic proportions with scenes in Prague and Russia. I can't understand why it has not reached the top 25 again and again?? It is worthy of that and so much more. Please continue...dying to know what Katiya has in store for those who are worthy of her new makeover! - Lea Ann - Mar-03-2009 I'm normally not a vampire story fan but this one hooked me and refused to let me escape. Be prepared to lose sleep because you can't stop reading until it is finished. Don't make us wait too long for the sequel, please! - SDerkins - Mar-07-2009 WOW! ENCORE! MORE! What a fantastic read and I am already HUNGRY for a sequal!!! "begging on my knees" - anon-ee-mouse - Mar-09-2009 This was such a great read ... it begs for a sequel, please - Anonymous - Jun-19-2009 PLEASE PLEASE write a sequel! This is an absolutely fantastic story! - Jeanius - Jul-17-2009 It's 1:42 am I just finished reading this and all I can say is (ONE HELL OF A RIDE). - Toni - Sep-16-2009 Please please please write a sequel!! - Anonymous - Sep-19-2009 This story rocked in a way that held me captive until I finished reading and now waiting patiently until it continues. Excellent work. Thank you - Amy - Sep-20-2009 I am in physical pain from the grief of finishing this story! The best thing I have read in ages! Please please please MORE!!! - laf66 - Sep-24-2009 "begging" for a sequel!!!! please!!!!! - Lucian - Oct-09-2009 I usually dont go for Vampire stories. But, this is way too good to pass up. A very, very good read. - Brighteyez08 - Oct-16-2009 I've read this for the second time this year....I just can't get enough of these characters. Like everyone else who's read it, Im sure, I can't wait to read the sequel. - Lea Ann - Nov-26-2009 I'm not a fan of vampire stories but I was completely swept away by this one and am hoping they'll write the sequel soon! The suspense is killing me!!!!!! - happykt - Dec-19-2009 This is a fantastic story. When will the second part be out????? I am so hooked! Great Job you two!! - Rose - Dec-30-2009 I really really enjoyed this one...Please have a sequel...eagerly waiting.. - Anonymous - Jan-09-2010 Really won of the best vampire storys please write a sequel - Anonymous - Jan-16-2010 Truly an awesome read. Can't wait for its sequel - Myinnerme - Jan-16-2010 Like their other works, The Secret History of Vampires pulled me in from the very beginning. Normally I don't really like vampires and I put off reading this one. Once I started read it though, it was hard to stop. Once I was finished, I recommended it to my friend. Hopefully there will be a sequel soon so my friend can stop telling me how mad she is at me for making her read it. Apprently, the end came too soon for her. :) Overall, great job. I loved it as much as I loved Chance. - Hillsys Stalker - Jan-26-2010 I always read works set in modern times, and never thought I would read a vampire story. I couldn't put this one down. I really hope there will be a sequel in the near future. - Anonymous - Mar-05-2010 **** SPOILER ALERT **** Please, please, please don't end it here with the bad guys winning. You have to follow up with a sequel. I never thought I would enjoy a "vampire" story - this one had me hooked ! Thank you for a wonderful ride. - Anonymous - Mar-13-2010 This desperately needs a sequel - Anonymous - Mar-26-2010 Amazing read, but...did I miss something? How is this a prequel to Chance? [Editor's Note: Well, according to the authors This story is also very loosely, very loosely, a prequel to Chance. 4-17-2010] - Anonymous - Apr-03-2010 WONDERFULLY AMAZINGLY BRILLIANT STORY! Please i'm having withdrawal syndrome here, sweating, fuzzing and groaning til i've read the sequel. PLEASE!!!! I love your stories Windstar and Zee! You two are GENIUS!! - Luie - May-13-2010 WOW. This story is awesome! It *DESPERATELY* needs a sequel - please! This is not your normal vampire genre story. It's well written, and avoids the cliches. The character development is great, with even the supporting characters strong and rich. We need more modern supernatural and superhero stories. Okay, *I* need more of them :) Superb, writing. - Aerows - Jun-26-2010 **** SPOILER ALERT **** Pure genius, but so, so evil to leave us hanging there at the end. PLEASE give us a sequel soon - this is too good to leave it here! - Aerows - Aug-06-2010 OMG!!!!! THIS IS AN AWSOME STORY!!!!! it has just about anything u can think of!!!PLZZZZZ!!!!! A SEQUEL!!! - Trystan - Aug-07-2010 what a story..hoping for a sequel... - leia - Aug-08-2010 I loved this story!!! Please, don't stop!!! I can't wait for the sequel! I need know how is the meet again between Katiya and Alexei. Thank you for the write a excellent story! - Anonymous - Aug-08-2010 PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE can we have more????? - Anonymous - Aug-09-2010 What a great story, it would be awesome to know what happened next - val - Sep-29-2010 Excellent story. I hope there will be a followup. Loved it. - snott - Dec-10-2010 I'm not one who likes vampire stories, but I decided to give this one a try. WOW!!!! This story is MIND BLOWING. Erotic, sexually charged, and a damn good read. I hope the authors decide to have a sequel; please, please please. I'll give you my first born child? My soul? - cygirl1 - Dec-11-2010 WOW, what a great story! - hit.dana - Dec-14-2010 after reading Gray Line, and loving it, I wanted to read more by these two authors and picked this one because of the many positive reviews. This novel had me hooked from the beginning. I hated for it to end. I agree with many of the above reviewers that a sequel is in order. - Anonymous - Dec-15-2010 F**king Fantastic!!! The HOTTEST Vampire story I evah read. I put it on my read again list. I would love to know what happens to these two. - Anonymous - Dec-22-2010 What to hide? I in delight from this novel. I in delight from these authors. I love good long novels! It's even more - I love good long story about the world of the vampire. First of all, I should note the world which was possible to create by Windstar and Zee the world terrible, cruel and bewitching, frightening and interesting. I liked it very much! It's well read, an excellent plot, interesting characters And it's HOT!!! Hot as the sun on a skin of the vampire)) Thank you very much for sharing. (Fans on the tribunes shout "More please!" "Give to us more...!" "Must have more...!" "We need more..!!!") Extremely well written! Just BRILLIANT! I hope there is a sequel. - Anonymous - Dec-27-2010 This is definitely a superb story, with well developed characters and a plot that takes you in and spits you out in the wee hours of the morning. The cliffhanger was a bit... diabolical. Needless to say, I'll be waiting (impatiently) for the sequel to this wonderful novel; and I do hope there is a sequel! Bravo! - AB Knight - Dec-30-2010 A solid 10 all the way. On a par with Gray Line. - Beck - Dec-30-2010 What a wonderful read. I do hope that there will be another installment. It feels unresolved Looking forward to the conclusion. - Fern - Jan-17-2011 This is an epic. It's perfect in every way! - chitteK - Jan-24-2011 That was phenominal! It is a must read if you have read Chance or Zoya or both. And if you haven't read any of them then start reading (Chance, Zoya and then The Secret History of Vampires). Don't let the incidental grammatical typos dissuade you. There is definitely a sequel required. Enjoy! - Georgia - Jan-25-2011 I typically dislike vampire stories and tried to start this one several times. Once I made it a ways in, I could not stop! Incredible storytelling, great characters... quite simply a wonderful ride! thank you! - Anonymous - Jan-29-2011 I was curious about all the rave reviews and decided to give it a try. All I can say is FANTASTIC, more, more, and more. - Anonymous - Feb-07-2011 I can't wait for a sequel!!!! - Anonymous - Feb-15-2011 Best vampire story on the Athenaeum. One of the better of all stories period. - Anonymous - Feb-17-2011 sequel pleasae!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Anonymous - Feb-18-2011 Sexiest Vampire I have read. This is a winner but needs a sequel. - Rudy - Feb-19-2011 A sequel PLEASE, you can't leave us hanging like this.... - Anonymous - Feb-20-2011 I love the stories of this author-duo. They do a great job and it is a pleasure to read everything they have to offer. - WT-GER - Feb-20-2011 One of the best stories I ever read!!!!!! Can't wait for the next part, in the meanwhile I will read this one again, just to be on the save side. Excellent work!!!!!!!!!! - GIA - Feb-24-2011 I don't really know what to say about this one. I don't love it. It's not amazing. It's BEYOND all that! I finished it and I had a movie playing in my head over and over about the characters and what's happened to them since. I'm actually imagining the revenge! I'm already going through withdrawals and missing the characters when I've finished it only hours ago. I join my voice to the legions begging for a sequel.. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE... Excellent story. Read anything by these two authors. ANYTHING. - INCOGNITO - Feb-26-2011 i would recommend this story to anyone.... ive read it countless times and i still can't get enough!! But what would make it even better would be a follow up story... that would just make my day!!!!!!!! - anon - Feb-28-2011 Fantastic story. When are you going to continue this series. Start the search!!!! Love all your stories - Traveller - Feb-28-2011 STUNNING!!! Please write the sequel I cant even sleep thinking there is no sequel available yet lol,this story DEFINITELY deserves the second part it's a masterpiece, you ROCK!!!! - Dagdanova - Mar-05-2011 A must,must,must read!..this is a great read,the plot is great,the pace is spot on...it draws you in and doesn't let go!thoroughly loved it :)the story weaves itself into a wonderful tapestry...do yourselves a favour and make sure you read it,you will not be disappointed! - jellyhead - Mar-06-2011 Highest recommendation! Best vampire fic I've ever read whoa, this definitely deserves a sequel PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - Gianna - Mar-07-2011 Astounding. This story would make a great movie. Sequel? - Anonymous - Mar-17-2011 Two wants: For this story to be made into a movie and to know what happens next! I love love loved it. Could not stop reading until I reached the end. <3 - Anonymous - Mar-17-2011 Amazing! Phenomenal! Magnificent! Epic! There has to be a sequel!!! Please let there be a sequel! There are so many unanswered questions! - Anonymous - Mar-18-2011 OMG. This was fantastic. You should send this to a publisher. It is far better and entertaining than many of the books that are published. - Anonymous - Mar-27-2011 Nooooo. This can't be the end. More, more, more. There is another story or two in this one, begging to be written. Please, make your fans happy. Feed us more. - Junior - Apr-01-2011 this story was great...please more!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Anonymous - Apr-07-2011 Wow! Stayed awake 3 nights because i couldnt stop enjoying this story. This is my first vimpire story and i want more. Words cant decribe how creative u both are. This is more than great. Kudos! Big up yourselves! - Chinwe - Apr-17-2011 I've read this 5 times now, over the past year or so. I'd love to see a continuation of Katiya and Alexei's story. I had pretty much completely gone off of 'supernatural' stories before stumbling across Windstar and Zee, they've now become one of my all time favorites. - Arashi - Apr-22-2011 I love this story! SEQUEL PLEASE!!!! - Chakram Girl - May-12-2011 God that story was simply amazing, could do nothing in two day but read and read until i finished... But end it like this is just so cruel for us... ok so you "finish" this in 2008. So it makes 3 years of praised and wonderfull comments and i'm just adding one but what do we need to do to have the end of that brilliant story? please, pretty please! - memetricote - May-15-2011 Thank you! Great story, these authors have created a world and characters that pull you in and you just don't want to leave.. I would love to see what happens next.. - Anfor - Jun-27-2011 Excellent story! When will you make a sequel? I can not wait to see if and when Katya will find Alexei! Continued ... please! - Rosaleal - Jun-29-2011 Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please let there be sequel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Anonymous - Jul-14-2011 I cannot understand why this story has not won more awards! I could not stop reading until I finished....I'm talking no food, no sleep, no breaks!! These authors are truly captivating! Please, please, please, please, please, please, please bring the sequel ASAP!!!!!!! - Anonymous - Jul-31-2011 Desperately waiting for a sequel!!!!!...C'mon Windstar and Zee,you guys can't torment us like this...pretty please??? - Gracey - Aug-21-2011 One of the most intriguing vamp story I have ever read. - twiser - Aug-25-2011 Awesome story! Really hope there's a sequel in the making. - Anonymous - Sep-05-2011 OMG!!!I can see this story as a television series. This is F**KING FANTASTIC. I owe my friend a dinner out for getting me to read this. But it will be worth it. - Lynn - Sep-15-2011 Sequel please! - Anonymous - Sep-30-2011 This was a fantastic read. I was sad to see the ending though. Are you going to write a sequel? - Dezerie - Oct-02-2011 Oh. My. God. I read this nonstop for two days. I was pulling my hair and biting my nails! This was a non stop ride and I can't believe it's over. Sequel. Now. - Lina - Oct-05-2011 I wanted to see why this story rated all the reviews. Vampires and supernatural are not my favorites but this story blew me away. A job well done, authors. Put me down as another one who would like to see this story continued. - Lynda - Oct-06-2011 dayum! i can't stop reading this over and over again. it was very well written and descriptive. just one thing though - when is the next part coming out - because it was open ended, and i'm dying to know what happens next - not just in my imagination. please, post a sequel, pretty please... thanks for sharing your wonderful stories. - kira1808 - Oct-07-2011 Great Story don't pass it Up!! But where's the sequel? - Peacetat - Oct-10-2011 If you are reading this, trying to decide if you should start on this story and if the hundreds of recommendations before me is still not enough, my advice is: JUST READ IT. Truly remarkable piece of writing by Windstar and Zee! This is the first story of theirs that I've read and there is no way now that I won't read every single word of every story they write. Yes, it's THAT GOOD. - e - Oct-20-2011 I WANT A SEQUEL! I MUST FIND OUT IF ALEXIE IS STILL ALIVE!!!DX - Avery - Oct-23-2011 ok....this is a frakin excellent novel...fantastic...characters are great storyline wonderful...i recommend it to everyone and anyone...HOWEVER....when you get to the ending you will keep scrolling down to keep reading even though there is an epilogue (which i just thought was a mistake in terms of the word epilogue was just in the wrong spot) but it is not....so just a heads up that for me atleast i feel it is unfinished or atleast needs a sequel (which i'm not sure that is going to happen as it seams this novel was written some time ago) aside from that..bloody brilliant novel...a must read. i would give it a 10 if there was a sequal - Casper - Oct-29-2011 Guys, it's 10 from 10 possible! LOVE that! More, please - Anonymous - Nov-07-2011 Loved this story! I cannot believe there is no sequel.....let's find Alexei!!!! - Anonymous - Nov-07-2011 Like it was said before. . . this needs a sequel. . . like now or something. . . - m.e.g - Nov-09-2011 Please write a sequel!!!! This story was amazing I couldn't stop reading! There needs to be a next installment! - Anonymous - Dec-29-2011 awesome need SEQUEL KATIA NEEDS TO FIND lexi - riley - Feb-19-2012 I loved this story !I could not stop reading it! please continue with the sequel! - Kate - Mar-23-2012 I loved this story !I could not stop reading it! please continue with the sequel! - Kate - Mar-23-2012 Great story. Read it and enjoy! I am hoping there is a sequel out there somewhere! - Kandis - Mar-25-2012 Great story. Read it and enjoy! I am hoping there is a sequel out there somewhere! - Kandis - Mar-25-2012 I can't wait a sequel for this one. Real good but definitely left me wanting MORE :) - babjyjune - Mar-25-2012 Awesome story!!! Read it every spare moment I had, it was so good!! Please write a sequel!! Would love to see Alexei and Katiya reunited once again!! Please finish the story!! - Crash - Apr-25-2012 Let me add my voice to the this-story-needs-a-sequel chant! - Anonymous - Apr-29-2012 Este conto valeu cada segundo, minuto e hora do meu tempo. Gostaria muito que houvesse uma continuação. Perfeito! - Paula Agath - Jul-05-2012 If you like sexy hot vampires read this!!!! I promise that you will not regret it, or your refund is guaranteed in full. Trust me, by the end of this story you will be begging for a sequel just like the rest of us! So why are you still staring at the screen like a moron? READ IT!!!! - Avery - Jul-06-2012 Best vampire story I have ever read by far. I could not stop reading... must have sequel, can't live without sequel, will die without sequel. - Charlie - Aug-19-2012 Rally, really gooodddd! Sequal please.... - Anonymous - Aug-30-2012 Terrific story. Love the storyline. Don't start it if you need to sleep early tonight, because you wont be putting it down until you become one of many who are dying for the sequel. - Naomi - Sep-04-2012 Great story!!! Sequel please :-))) - Anonymous - Sep-10-2012 This was absolutely epic! I read this story like a movie. I did not want the story to end and when it did I grieved for that missing part of my day when I rushed home from work to continue reading. Thank you both for your creative talents and letting me escape into your world. - Goatgrrl - Nov-01-2012 absolutely fantastic! Fabulous!! Sequel!! Sequel!! Sequel!! Sequel!! Sequel!! Sequel!! Sequel!! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaseeeeeeeeeeee... - Rosa Santos - Nov-22-2012 Wow! What a nail biting ride! Enjoyed this one very much! Windstar and Zee you guys can write! I add my sentiments with my fellow readers, pleeeeeeeease give us a sequel!!! - Tena - Dec-10-2012 An absolutely astounding novel and deserves every bit of praise. Patiently waiting for the sequel, and will continue to do so for as long as it will take! - Aerylle - Dec-12-2012 Very well crafted, gutsy, sexy!! As so many have said before me the ending screams out for a sequel...please author!!! - JC - Jan-10-2013 Amazing. I finished this days ago and I still find myself thinking about it. I'm going to join the long list of fans and beg for a continuation! The depth of the story and characters is incredible. You can't help but want to know more! - drake - Jan-13-2013 Stayed up all last night reading this. I absolutely loved everything about this story. Sequel PLEASE! - Jessie - Mar-04-2013 I look back every couple of months to see if this is every finished. It hasn't got a sequel yet, but I remain hopeful. - Aerows - Mar-23-2013 What a cliffhanger! It's been 5 years already and still no sequel! - Raf_51 - Apr-14-2013 This story will keep you up all night. The love, adventure and surprising ending will make you forever re-read this story. - Yankees1951 - Jun-04-2013 This is my favorite vamp story, and until now, I'm still waiting for a sequel. No other vampire story can top this one. Thanks so much for creating this awesomeness. - yui1808 - Jun-10-2013 I went away for a week to spend some time with my aunt. One evening I logged on to the site with my Iphone and selected this story because I am fascinated by all things Vampire. Well ! I spent the major part of my vacation with my eyes glued to my Iphone. I couldn't stop reading no matter how hard I tried. I was obsessed and couldn't get enough. Oh my god, what a story ! And when it ended I was heartbroken. And now I await the continuation. Surely there will be a part two - right ???? There is so much more to be told. Please .... - Thothgirl - Jun-21-2013 I went away for a week to spend some time with my aunt. One evening I logged on to the site with my Iphone and selected this story because I am fascinated by all things Vampire. Well ! I spent the major part of my vacation with my eyes glued to my Iphone. I couldn't stop reading no matter how hard I tried. I was obsessed and couldn't get enough. Oh my god, what a story ! And when it ended I was heartbroken. And now I await the continuation. Surely there will be a part two - right ???? There is so much more to be told. Please .... - Thothgirl - Jun-21-2013 Hey, you can't hanging let us like that without a sequel!!!! Pleeeeeeaaaaaassssse! Great, great, great story worth the time spent reading it. - Tekhyla - Jul-05-2013 Perfect.Pure perfection.It would make vampire haters go bloodlusting o on the world.Very deep, emotional, funny and humurous too :)) - Alex - Aug-19-2013 This an amazing story! *kneels*please please please give us a sequel! - Anonymous - Sep-29-2013 Best book I've read in years!! Let the search for Alexei begin!! Can't wait for the sequel!! Just a fantastic read! - Jay9 - Oct-16-2013 So good. More please - Anonymous - Dec-27-2013 at first i loved the last sentence.. then i hated it, realizing that it was the end of the story.. well, not really since the authors put 'the end for now' at the bottom.. leaving us, poor readers, hanging from a cliff, scrambling for a foothold and cursing up a blue storm.. please throw us a lifeline in the form of a sequel.. - xtra dog - Feb-15-2014 A really great story. This needs to be published! - Angelica Phoenix, AZ - Feb-25-2014 Best fiction i have ever read hands down! this story should be published..... still waiting for the next parts.....this cliffhanger has hung for far too long! - antego - Apr-21-2014 I read this a good while ago and loved it, and i just spent the better part of my weekend re-reading it and i enjoyed it just as much this time round. It is forver on my list of re-reads. I just hope they have a sequel. - Hawk - May-13-2014 CULT. MUST READ - Ash K - Dec-25-2014 Where is the sequel ?????? - Anonymous - Nov-18-2015 ****SPOILER ALERT**** maaan i got here because of a comment i saw in an article somewhere and decided to read this beacause of the word 'vampires' instead of gray line which the op recommended. now i'm hooked and certainly damned. please don't leave us readers like this!! such a cliffhanger! katiya's yet to find alexei and i can't wait for her and molly's showdown (it must happen) and vidar!!! he's got to be alive somewhere, right? i really liked his character and basically everyone but the bad guys and aghhhhh i just can't. to all you who would like to read this story, the only bad thing you'll get from it is the withdrawals i'm sure you'll be having after (like me lol) i know this has been said so much but.. SEQUEL PLEASEEEE ? ? ? i'll hold on to 'the end for now' thank you for writing such a great, amazing, and awesome story!! - Anonymous - Dec-13-2015 I can't wait to read the sequel this was an addictive read. I want more . - Anonymous - Jan-04-2016 I'VE READ THIS BOOK LIKE 20 TIMES. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. THE WRITERS TOLD ME THERE'S GOING TO BE A SEQUEL. <3 - KIRSEY - Jul-06-2016 Best vampire fiction ever!! Please Zee and Windstar, the readers deserve an update of this fiction, can´t belive a "Part II" will not happen. *begging on my knees* - Rediver - Jul-12-2016 I loved this story and wish so hard for a sequel for those two characters. Maybe someday? - Kelly Aten - Jul-12-2016 I check every few months to see if there has been any updates. Please please put us out our misery. It can't just end there. Please everyone keep trying. We might get out wish. - Tahndi - Oct-09-2016 I read this a few years ago, and everytime from then till now when I reread it, I pray for a sequel. Like literally this is the one story I want a sequel above all others. The chemistry is just off the charts, these two ladies are just that special. Please sequel pleaae, give them the ending they deserve and that we all want please! - Anonymous - Aug-02-2017 Best vampire story ive ever read, its been ten long years still no sequel.... but im still hoping.... - Bloody hell - May-26-2018 |
Original / Uber | Ancient | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novella - 50 pages | Finished | Cast: Nix, Selene, Laurel, Crow, Willow, Yuri, Valla Part 1 of the Selene and Nix Series Series List: Selene and Nix, Rezan, Blood and Honor | ![]() |
I enjoyed this story and am looking forward to the novel Blood and Honor. It has some very interesting elements and further exploration of them should prove most enlightening. - Linda - Dec 14th, 2004 Great story loved learning about selene and nix and their world past and present. - Anonymous - Jan-27-2008 This series is awesome and it was so nice to see "The Beginnings". - Anonymous - Oct-18-2009 What a great story. Liked it immensely. - sassy123 - Jan-17-2011 I love these two authors and all of their stories! A definite read! - Sparks - Dec-10-2012 My favorite series by Windstar and Zee, hands down. This story starts off the series with an emotional bang. It has everything a reader could want - a very interesting story line, action, love, engaging characters and is extremely well written. Definitely worth a read or several. - Stacia - Dec-27-2012 This first story of the entire 'Blood and Honor' series is not as powerful as the 2nd or the 3rd. But if you persevere, you will be richly rewarded in the end. Read the 3 stories in order. Rezan and especially Blood and Honor are wonderful fantasy tales, richly developed in plot and characterization. It is very long but there is absolutely no filler--no boring politics, no pointless scenes or endless battles. The romances are all well developed and paced. A recommended read even for non-fantasy fans (like me) - Kim - Aug-28-2013 |
Zoya by
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 151 pages | Finished | Nov-09 Honors/Awards: Two-Time Top-25 #1. Part 3 of the Chance Series Series List: | ![]() |
EXCELLENT SEQUEL TO "CHANCE"!!!!!!!!!!!! - rosii59 - Nov-17-2009 At last, our much awaited sequel has arrived! - Fan - Nov-17-2009 **** SPOILER ALERT **** JUMPING UP AND DOWN IN JOY!!!! EXCELLENT SEQUEL I BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO MORE ABOUT ZOYA. FINALLY SOMEONE TO TAME HER. LOL... - Anonymous - Nov-18-2009 Totally excellent book! - Netta - Nov-19-2009 It is exciting to have a sequel to Chance although may be this is not the strongest story by Windstar & Zee (expectations are just high when it comes to their stories Excellent - loved it. Could do with expanding or another story. Look forward to seeing if another one is written. - Luvtogger71 - Nov-21-2009 Loved the sequel. Would like to see more, maybe a story for Bones?? - shredbetty - Nov-24-2009 Incredible story. A must read. Can't wait to learn more - Anonymous - Nov-26-2009 More More More!!! PLEASE more of Zoya !!!!! You guys have to read this amazing story!!!! It has my highest recommendation!!! - Fan - Dec-02-2009 Great Sequel! - Anonymous - Dec-08-2009 I loved this story, it was entertaining from beginning to end with witty and extremly likable characters. - brighteyez - Dec-14-2009 At the lack for a better word : Awesome!!!! Loved every second. - Anonymous - Jan-06-2010 Excellent, Excellent sequel. Let's have more!!! - Traveller - Feb-17-2010 A wonderful story and a worthy sequel. I enjoyed it a lot. - filfil - Mar-27-2010 One of their better offerings, since it played out in the world and was so incredibly character rich. :) - Aerows - Aerows - Jul-10-2010 Not that all of there writings aren't character rich - I guess I phrased that wrong. I love this series, and everything else they have written, and I get as tongue-tied and twisted as their main characters trying to describe something that moves me emotionally and spiritually. Bravo, and I'll end it here :). - Aerows - Jul-10-2010 No, I won't end it there completely. I'm in LOVE with the Hellhounds. First we have Vidar, now we have Bones. I love them both. - Aerows - Jul-10-2010 highly entertaining story, with several laugh out loud moments. the interaction among the characters is beautiful. - kc - Aug-07-2010 Oh My God! A wonderful laugh yet sex fic. Hope there would be more soon, can't wait for their relationship to blossom :D - Anonymous - Oct-02-2010 great story! - snott - Dec-10-2010 Nothing much to say..MUST READ!!! - Diana - Jan-11-2011 Though not listed as such, this is an excellent sequel to Chance and should be read as part of the series with the Secret History of Vampires. Windstar and Zee are the masters of weaving the paranormal with the normal. Very believable characters in very unusual situations. Thoroughly enjoyable. - wasabigrrl - Mar-31-2011 now this is a story that just begs for a follow-up.. so many threads can still be used for the next part of the series.. i hope the writers continue with this series.. - Anonymous - May-16-2011 Just a truly outstanding story! Definitely worth reading. - Anonymous - Jun-27-2011 What's more exciting than a sequel to Chance? A sequel that's all about Zoya. Another great story, another must read. - drake - Jan-13-2013 Another great story. Job well done - sassy123 - Jan-26-2013 I love this story - Anonymous - Dec-27-2013 An excellent sequel to "Chance". Very recommended reading after you have finished "Chance". Balances them both out. Would be great to get an "update" story sequel ... - Georgia - Mar-21-2014 |