The Athenaeum's Index Of Fiction

Individual Author Page for - Wolfie -
Stories Found: 1
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Aftermath of Betrayal (The) by Wolfie     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Short Story - 28 pages | Finished |
Cast: Kat, Kelley, Kathleen, Gram, Kat’s, Shark, Shiver
Very moving story.
I hope to read more of her stories.
- Anonymous - Apr-07-2012   

Interesting story. Would like to see it fleshed out more and the ending seemed a bit rushed.all in all I did like it. Nice job. - Wheezie - Nov-13-2012   

there are so many things crammed into this short story.. it really should be longer.. as it is, the reader gets the feeling that this is just an outline to a story.. still, a good idea.. just needs some fleshing out.. - xtra dog - Feb-16-2014   

Nice, sweet story. I wonder how many of us out there have met our significant other through fanfiction? - Stacia - Feb-18-2014   

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