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Individual Author Page for - Zee -
Stories Found: 10
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Airwaves by Zee     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 30 pages | Finished |
Cast: Sean, Gab, Jessica, Jess, Shannon, Jim, Megan, Gabriel
Honors/Awards:  Perennial Favorite Award: #27 in 2002, #91 in 2003    
Wicked cool story, check it out if you crave characters with originality and comic pranks and banter. Has the feel of something Larisa might write and well...who doesn't like Larisa? - Stephanie - Apr 24th, 2003   

Very funny - Anonymous - Dec 14th, 2003   

Very good and laugh out loud story. This is the first story I've read from Zee but I can assure you that it won't be the last. Thank you Zee for sharing. - Nancy - May-14-2008   

Has the same engery, depth of character, and wicked sense of humor that I've come to expect from one of Zee's stories; combine that with a great story plot and you have a great story! - Jennifer Lee - Jul-13-2008   

Zee once again cleverly spins a tale that initially seems so simple - girl meets girl but the love-hate dynamic that she whips out between Jessica, the spoiled big-time LA TV personality forced to work at a small NPR radio station and Sean, the young feisty radio engineer is all that and more. Loved a lot about this story especially some clever phrases like, "Sean's tongue, the apple seducing Jessica out of her garden of self-imposed isolation." Or, "you're right Jess you should start small, like having sex with another person first." Story includes Mama Megan the matriarch that raised five lesbians - typical sibling rivalry between 25-year-old Sean and older sister and station general manager, Gabriel.
Kudos to this bard!!! Really good read and over way to quickly. Please, I know it's been a few years, but how about another tale of the Wildeman clan??? PLEASE

- toni - Aug-16-2008   

This story is just so entertaining. I loved it the first time I read it and I love it this time, too. - purplehawke - Jan-05-2009   

Very, very enjoyable little romp! - bookgeek - Apr-17-2010   

that was really good. i loved it but god damnit i want more. you cant just leave me hanging here. please write some more about these girls. - pickles - Jun-05-2010   

Fun story. Zee always creates characters that jump right off the page. This story is full of great characters and you're drawn into their lives as it unfolds. I really enjoyed reading it. Recommended. - Lyn B - Feb-18-2011   

Funny and entertaining story. Loved it. - M.E. - Mar-16-2013   

funny story, but i do have one point of criticism
mama megan didn't raise five lesbians.. there is a difference between lesbians and transsexuals.. in this case the transsexual should get the straight stamp.. - xtra dog - Jun-13-2013   

I love the Wildeman family and would love to see more of them. I have read this story several times. I enjoy spending time with Sean and Jessica. When's the sequel? - Rebelchelle - Mar-07-2015   

Comic Book Life by Zee     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 46 pages | Finished |
Cast: Megan, Alison, Kit, BloodRaven, Logan, Jester, Sinclair, Natalie, Maria, Charlotte, Christa, Remy, Ali
Wow! What a great little tale. I really enjoyed the characters interactions, and hope to see more of them in the future. - Beth Goodman - Dec 12th, 2003   

Zee's stories are incredibly well crafted and always a pleasure to read.Remy, as with many of Zee's protagonists, is very easy to identify with--a real human who is often shy, awkward or at a loss for what to say or do in a given situation. Megan is quite real too; and she is magnificent as she fights her way off the pedestal Remy's placed her on.Oh, and the scene on the airplane with the demon child was hysterical! I've often wished I had the chutzpah to deal with it the way Remy does.I look forward to reading more of Zee's work. - saphire - Jan 8th, 2004   

This is by far one of my favorite stories on the net. It is full of humor and romance and you just can't help but smile when you read it. Definitely one that everyone should check out. - Peg - Aug 17th, 2005   

I triple the recommendation. It's one of my favourites too - I read it several times a year. Funny, angsty and taps into my comic fantasy. Zee is a fabulous writer. - E - Aug 22nd, 2005   

i absolutely loved this story, it's brilliant. As usual with Zee's stories, this is humourous, realistic, riveting and down-to-earth with characters you can relate to. one of my favourite stories, i hope there will be a sequel. i've been praying, i know it's sad, but oh well there you go. lol. loved it! i'd advise everyone who likes these kind of stories to read it asap, otherwise you're missing out. fantastic. keep up the great work Zee.
all Zee's stories r captivating, i would say she's one of the best authors in this genre. definately one of my favourite. - Queen Victoria - Jun-30-2006   

I love this story! Zee truly is a gem of a story teller. You won't be disappointed reading any of her stories, but Comic Book Life is an excellent choice. - jd - Nov-22-2006   

I've read this a few times, and it's still interesting, which is rare. Well written too! - Anonymous - May-21-2007   

I have read this story many times now it has never failed to make me laugh! Remy is so really and easy to identify with you can almost believe she isn't a work of fiction! I love the interation between Remy, Kit, and Megan it is so much fun to read it's almost like being right there on the sidelines! Thank you Zee for the great story! - Jennifer Lee - Jul-07-2008   

This is one of the best romantic short stories on the web! It would be great to see this as a full-length story...but even so, I re-read this one over and over and am never disappointed. Thanks Zee!!! - Anonymous - Sep-03-2008   

I loved this story. I don't know what it is about Remy, but I could totally relate to her. I think it may have been the awkwardness around children. But it's a cute story and I'll definitely be re-reading it! - Hillsys Stalker - Sep-07-2008   

This is a great piece. There's such heart to it. Plus, the humor had me literally snickering at the screen. Remy is so charming and I loved Kit. I think Kit made the story for me. heh. wonder tits. - Anonymous - Nov-30-2008   

I love, love this story. - Brighteyez08 - Oct-16-2009   

Funny story with endearing, lovable characters -- I only wish it hadn't ended so soon! And I'd have loved to get more into the plot with BloodRaven. Thank you - omkhalil - Jan-09-2010   

Loved the quick fun storyline that reeled me in with what seemed to me to be a minimum of effortm, mind you I'm sure it wasn't. Well done Ms Zee you've done it again! Now I'm off to find another one! Cheers - dragon_grrl - Apr-03-2010   

I enjoyed this story. /it was funny and poignant. I liked the characters, including the secondary ones: they added a lot to the story. Recommended. - Lyn B - Feb-15-2011   

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Remarkable history! Ridiculous, romantic, it is read easily, heroes so live what to leave them it would not be desirable. Therefore at the story only one lack - very much it short! - Tatiana - Oct-13-2011   

All of Zee's stories are well worth reading. This one was just great, fully recommended. - M.E. - Mar-16-2013   

Zee does a good job mixing romance with humor and life in this story. Definitely worth a read. - Stacia - Mar-16-2013   

this story has been commented on so much already.. i'm not sure if putting my two cents in is going to accomplish anything.. suffice it to say that i loved the story.. - xtra dog - Jun-13-2013   

Control by Zee     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 48 pages | Finished | Nov-06
Part 2 of the Monsters in Love Series
Series List: Monsters in Love, Control
Another great story from Zee! Read it! - jd - Nov-22-2006   

I loved rereading both stories (Monsters in Love and Control) and hope there will be more soon :) - wolfy - Jul-12-2007   

This was a great read along with Monsters in Love. - Lee - Apr-25-2008   

That was a great story I really hope there is more to come! I really would like to know what is to come with the family! Thanks for a wonderful story! - Jennifer Lee - Jul-12-2008   

Great read, I hope there will be more - Anonymous - Mar-18-2009   

Such a great story!!! Can we get a sequel, please!!! - Traveller - Apr-03-2010   

that was great. its been a long time since it was written so i highly doubt anymore will be written but i really do pray that more is to come. - pickles - Jun-07-2010   

both "monsters in love" and "control" are terrific. it seems that angel should have her own story. she is an intriguing character. - kc - Sep-12-2010   

I liked this sequel. The characters are so well written. I love the humour and energy in Zee's stories. Recommended. - Lyn B - Feb-27-2011   

Sure left me with a smile :) Great sequel. - M.E. - Mar-16-2013   

that squirming weasle just got away with it all?? oh, this story so needs continuation.. i actually liked this story more than its prequel.. highly recommended.. - xtra dog - Jun-15-2013   

I enjoyed Control more than the first one in this series. It is well written and has quite a bit of humor. My only complain is that it feels very unfinished. I want to know what happens next! - Stacia - Jun-17-2013   

D'Artagnan by Zee     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novella - 121 pages | Finished |
Cast: Anna, Olivia, Jen, Justin, Kevin, Grandma, Ashley, Sue, Karen, Carmen, DJ, Ed, Rob, Jeff, Michelle
I've read this a few times, and it still draws me in. Amazing work, Zee. Thank you! - Anonymous - Nov-25-2007   

Starts out as a sweet, funny love/lust story, then suddenly...won't give anything away - just read it. This story definitely needs a sequel. - chatham23 - Dec-05-2007   

I re-read this one when I saw it recommended by Anon & have enjoyed its complexity and characterizations. - Kali - Dec-06-2007   

Fabulous story! Needs a sequel. - Julie - Dec-13-2007   

Wonderful story-Would like to see a sequal. - Trista - Jul-23-2008   

This story has a lot of depth. It's about a young woman who was unknowingly caught in a web of lies and tradegy at the tender age of 13. Carmen, now at the age of 26, is forced to relive the past her mind tried to protect her from. She's such a wonderful character. Thank goodness for the care and attention she receives from her two friends Sue and Ed; and such wonderful friends the three make. Molly is another friend that later enters the small circle and brings with her a lot of sunshine. And there is April.... What a wonderful world if only made up of these five characters. Brilliant writing with a lot of insight and heart. Thank you, Zee! Oh, yes, there is reference to male/female intimacies. It is not the main character, however, just boyfriends or girlfriends of the main character's best friends. I was able to gloss over those references with litle or no ripple on the storyline. - Teresa Thomas - Dec-01-2008   

i am puzzled that this story is not rated higher. it is absorbing, with fantastic characters. - kc - Sep-11-2010   

Complex story, with lots of twists and turns before the ending. I enjoyed reading it.
- Lyn B - Mar-05-2011   

This story contains everything. I couldn't stop until I read the whole book! The story line is different from any thing I've ever read. Easily one of my favourite stories! - Riley - Aug-20-2012   

You know, everything I've read of Zee's has been amazing. This story is no different.
*****SPOILER ALERT***** I found most of the story incredibly sad. Carmen made great progress in the end, but the shadow will never truly go away. Great job in making me feel the emotion of this tale. - AJ - May-15-2013   

Devil's Greatest Trick (The) by Zee     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Horror | Novella - 70 pages | Finished | Oct-02
Corrin Adams was 22 years old and had just started working for the Arizona State Troopers. Until she finished her probation she was partnered with James Addler. The older man wasn't too bad; she could have done a lot worse, and he didn't pull a lot of that old boys' club shit. Neither one, however, was ready for what they would encounter...
I love a good vampire story, and this one was better than good. It was great! It was exciting and action packed. It had a wealth of intricate details. Just an all around fabulous way to spend a couple of hours. Go! Read! Enjoy! - darkenedkarma - Jan 14th, 2003   

I really enjoyed this story, and was pleasantly surprised by it. i'm a vampire buff, and usually disappointed by alot of stories out there, but i just loved this one, so go and read and marvel and yeah. now! - Jade Devlin - Mar 30th, 2003   

I enjoyed reading this story. I love vampire stories and wish there were more of them in the Xena fan fiction world. I do wish it would have ended differently though, but hell, I'm a romantic, so I would think that :) - Laura - Jul 9th, 2004   

This was an amazing story. Wish there was more! (sequel please?) =) - Anrui - Oct 15th, 2005   

This is an amazing story. It's so rare to find a good vampire tale; zee has written this so well. Sequel please???? - Vee - Nov 9th, 2005   

It has been too long since I read an uber that was this good, and I am shocked I missed it the first time around.The ending screams sequel... what happened? Will we see a follow up to this great story? I certainly hope so. - Kerry - Nov 16th, 2005   

Very well written, and has every aspects that makes a story great and enjoyable. I hope there will be sequel - lilly05 - Jun-07-2007   

a well written peice, with an addictive story. the characters are diverse, and the plot fast paced, hinting at a much deeper, broader tale. - chester x - Oct-11-2007   

Very good Vamp story I really hope there will be a sequal one day thanks for the great read! - Jennifer Lee - Jul-09-2008   

Great story, a really great ending but it came too soon. I wish there was a sequel. - Anonymous - Aug-24-2008   

Great story. a sequel must follow it. Too short but it pack a great action picture - xenamary - Aug-29-2008   

Wow! Great vamp story with a hopeful ending. - Anonymous - Sep-09-2008   

May I join the choir and sing my prayers for a sequel? This is without a doubt one of the better vampire stories out there and the ending is strangely fulfilling as it leaves you wanting more. So much more! Please consider revisiting these characters, Zee. - d.bootes - Nov-13-2008   

I'm a big fan of vampire fiction in all its different forms, and I really enjoyed this story. I did run across an unfinished sequel to 'TDGT' but for the life of me I can't remember were. Anybody else know if its still a work in progress or has Zee dropped it? - Dark Muse - Nov-25-2008   

Loved it! Action, drama, and vampires! Corrin and Harley, I would love to see their story continue. Hopefully a sequel sometime in the future?....please :D If you are looking for a wonderfully written vampire story look no further. It'll keep you enthralled, as I read it I imagined it as a Hollywood blockbuster! - Chess - Jul-31-2009   

This story is sooo good, and way too short. I would love like everyone else to see a sequel. It just seems like theres more to tell. - Brighteyez08 - Oct-16-2009   

A great vampire story with ab fab characters. Excellent. - Karen - Aug-07-2010   

I don't usually read vampire stories, but I like Zee's writing, so I gave it a go. As always, her stories are very well written. This one is packed full of action and drama. I liked it and every character is vivid and memorable. Recommended. - Lyn B - Apr-06-2011   

I enjoyed this one a great deal, and wish the sequel was complete. I found the first two chapters of the sequel here:
The author indicates that the muse has quieted, but we can always hope she's able to finish it. Truly a good read...thank you, Zee. - Souzan - Oct-15-2011   

despite the subject i was enthralled by the story.. i just wanted to know what would happen next.. - xtra dog - Jun-14-2013   

Very good one but PLEASE where's the sequel , - Tekhyla - Jun-28-2013   

Really great. Couldn't put it down. - Anonymous - Jun-28-2013   

Evil Love by Zee     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 41 pages | Finished | Mar-07
As everything written by Zee, this is a great story. It had me cracking up in a few places and had a great cinematic feel to it. I highly recommend it to everyone! - windstar - Mar-15-2007   

That was some wacky fun! Thanks for the laughs! - Jennifer Lee - Jul-11-2008   

Great and funny read. - Irish1 - Sep-11-2008   

I am tempted to just recommend every story on Zee's author page...because she's that good. That being said, this is a great story. It has humor that is well executed, characters that are easy to like despite it all, and great writing/dialogue/action. Highly recommended! - Anonymous - Nov-19-2009   

this story is terrifically hilarious. its lightheartedness is great for a quick pick-me-up. - kc - Sep-12-2010   

I enjoyed the story. Well written, as all Zee's stories are, it was fun and entertaining to read. I don't think it's her best story, but it's definitely worth reading. - Lyn B - Feb-28-2011   

nice read.. - xtra dog - Jun-13-2013   

So, good. Couldn't put it down. - Anonymous - Jul-06-2013   

Journey to Harvest Moon (The) by Zee     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Humor | Short Story - 28 pages | Finished |
Cast: Liz, Rowan, Karen, Kelly
Links: The Academy Of Bards               
I just love Zee's style of writing! This story is fun and engaging, full of laughs, and wonderfully 3 dimitional charaters! - Jennifer Lee - Jul-11-2008   

this short story is mellow and sweet. it is angst-filled but resolved angst. the characters are beautifully depicted. - kc - Sep-12-2010   

This made me laugh. I loved the road trip and the banter between the women. Very nice. - Lyn B - Feb-15-2011   

id love to read more about these characters!! especially from the moon harvest farm! i bet you could create more romantic stories thats has drama comedy horror or thrill!!! anything really as long theres two characters in romantic state!!!!

- Anonymous - Oct-13-2011   

I loved this sweet, funny and heartwarming story! - Ricky - Apr-18-2012   

funny story.. - xtra dog - Jun-14-2013   

Monsters in Love by Zee     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 58 pages | Finished | Nov-06
Part 1 of the Monsters in Love Series
Series List: Monsters in Love, Control
An incredible sweet and funny story. Well written and just the right thing for this time of the year: Werewolves around... - querdenker69 - Nov-21-2006   

Great story! I love this genre and this story is one of the better ones! - jd - Nov-22-2006   

I absolutely love this story and the one following it! It has such a great feel to it and you the images you get in your head while reading it makes me absolutely certain that if the reader was to close their eyes and listen to it, it'd become a cerebral film of sorts.
Another one rating in the top of the genre. - d.bootes - Nov-13-2008   

great story - xxy - Dec-05-2008   

OMG this is so sweeet... I totally love your story..... - Anonymous - Nov-15-2009   

Incredible Story - Anonymous - Jan-22-2010   

loved this... fun to read this and the sequel. Thanks for an entertaining story with well rounded characters. Recommended reading. - dragongrrl - Apr-14-2010   

Absolutely loved this story. I don't usually read this kind of story, but it got me hooked right from the beginning. Excellent read. - Lyn B - Feb-27-2011   

Great story, truly enjoyed it. Off to the sequel. - M.E. - Mar-16-2013   

the combined efforts of windstar and zee made me read a story with a subject i don't like.. i loved it, though.. it made me decide to read this story as well.. it didn't disappoint.. far from it.. so, i'm off to read the sequel.. - xtra dog - Jun-15-2013   

I LOVE wolf stories and this one didn't disappoint. Well written, thank you for a wonderful story and sequel - Anna28Carm - May-10-2017   

Past Is Present by Zee     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Romance (alt) | Novella - 130 pages | Finished |
Cast: Amanda, Cameron, Cam, Sammy, Sarah, Dee, Toni
Honors/Awards:  #40 in 2002     Top-25 #1.    
Zee brings to the table compelling characters and an eye for the way in which terrible experiences shape one's life.A thrill ride of emotions--tears, laughter, loneliness, joy, a dash ofcraziness and a heap of romance. There is a large secondary cast of characters who round out the story, including Sammy & Nikki..who I'm still trying to figure out. - X X - Sep 28th, 2002   

A great read. This is an Uber Mel and Janice kind of story, Uber G is rough and tough and Uber X is brainy and from a better background. Lots of interesting characters help the story along too. - sapphie - Mar 25th, 2003   

Good story, i would like to see what happens to them later in life. - Anonymous - Aug-21-2009   

cant wait for their next step in their lives for these characters......very good story to read - goody - Jul-12-2010   

"use those word things"... ha! this story is thrilling - angst, yep; flashbacks, yep; action, yep; 3-dimensional characters, love, romance, yep, yep, yep. astoundingly rocking novel. - kc - Sep-12-2010   

Well written story by Zee. It's complex and full of great characters. It would have been nice to read a sequel and discover more about these people. Good read. - Lyn B - Mar-05-2011   

What a great story. Nice job - sassy123 - May-20-2012   

killer kitchen tiles hahahahahah...great story - soopi - Oct-08-2014   

Good read x - Anonymous - Jun-06-2015   

Possession by Zee     
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative (Mature) | Drama | Novella - 52 pages | Finished |
Cast: Tully, Gigamore, Terri, Franklin, Dawson, Andras, Shelly, Nick, Lucifer
Honors/Awards:  #90 in 2005     Top-25 #1.    
AWESOME!! - Anonymous - Jan 8th, 2006   

I don't usually get into the halloween or horror stories. HOWEVER, this story was very intriguing and it kept me reading. Yes, it had blood and gore but it had drama and a bit of humor. The character of Gigamore was very unique. This is the best Halloween offering I remember reading. Zee, if the mood or muse ever strikes you, I would definitely read a sequel, especially involving Gigamore. - Gabsfan - Jan 16th, 2006   

This was a very interesting story! I really hope you write more on this story. - Jennifer Lee - Jul-13-2008   

This is one of the best Halloween stories that I've read. I found it intriguing, witty and thought provoking. Very enjoyable. It draws you in and holds you until the final word. Highly recommended. - Lyn B - Mar-01-2011   

quite a violent story.. there is a lot of blood ang gore, but the story also makes you think about a number of preconceived notions you might have.. excellent.. - xtra dog - Jun-15-2013   

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