The Athenaeum's Xena:Warrior Princess Fan Fiction Index
~ What's New In The Athenaeum Scroll Archive ~

Stars & Stripes

This can only be a small tribute to all the people from all over the world, mainly the United States, who lost their lives in the tragedy on September 11th, 2001, the bravery of the firefighters, police and rescue workers. They will always be remembered.

We do have an open submission policy for fan fiction. Please send your story submissions to our new Fan Fiction Editor, WebWarrior. As always, please see our hosting page before sending any stories to her to be hosted on our server. - Bardeyes

Tuesday, June 25, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Monday, June 24, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Friday, June 21, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Thursday, June 20, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

  • Two more from Larisa!  Ancient Law is a humorous alternative Xe & Brie short story, while Gear Heads is an alternative Über novella...with a mystical touch.

Wednesday, June 19, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Tuesday, June 18, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Monday, June 17, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Sunday, June 16, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Saturday, June 15, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Friday, June 14, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Wednesday, June 12, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Tuesday, June 11, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Monday, June 10, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Saturday, June 08, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Friday, June 07, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Thursday, June 06, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Wednesday, June 05, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Monday, June 03, 2002, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

  • There's a new Top-20 list (see above!)

Friday, May 31, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Thursday, May 23, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

  • Four new alternative works today from a longtime Xenaverse bard!  DS Bauden offers three short erotic tales, followed by a 62 page novella. A Perfect Fit and Ready for Take Off are are both Über, while Did You Know? has Xena trying to slip away from Gabrielle to satisfy...a need.  Little does she know that her bard has other plans!  Somewhere in Time is an Über novella based on the movie "Somewhere in Time."
  • New Xenite poet RomyX on Balticbard's Site.
  • Four new fan fiction sites were added to our Sites page, bringing to total number of sites listed to 203.
  • Remember, if you enjoy any of the works found here, please let the authors know!  Nothing encourages a bard to write like hearing that people are reading and enjoying their work.

Monday, May 20, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Friday, May 17, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

  • Fixed the bug in the Comments feature on our index pages so submitted comments no longer vanish at random intervals. We hope it's fixed anyway. If you submit a comment and it does not appear, or appears and then vanishes sometime later, please e-mail us!

Thursday, May 16, 2002 - New Fan Fiction

Monday, May 13th - New Fan Fiction

  • There's a new Top-10 list (see above!)
  • Re-posted the first 4 parts of Eveh's alternative futuristic Über novel Sun Angel In Training.

Friday, May 10th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 10 (Conclusion) of Lena's The Awakening has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Parts 10 & 11 of Mezzo's alternative Über fan fiction After All Is Said have been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • L. Crystal Michallet-Romero's alternative fan fiction The Way has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Parts 3 & 4 of Catherine Q's alternative Über fan fiction Moonstruck has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • GabbysHOPE's general short storyline formats for 22 episodes of Xena Season Seven can be found at her site.

Monday, May 6th - New Fan Fiction

Saturday, May 4th - New Fan Fiction

    Oppps!!! It has been pointed out to me that we now have 2 bards using the name of Mezzo. So welcome to Mezzo who has who has co-written a scroll with godconnie!

  • Part XI of Cruise's alternative Über fan fiction Provenance has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Parts 9 of Mezzo's alternative Über fan fiction After All Is Said have been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Parts 18-20 of Snaps's Tempting Trouble an alternative Über fan fiction has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Friday, May 3rd - New Fan Fiction

    Welcome four new Bards to the Athenaeum Scrolls: Catherine Q, Invidere, G.S. Binkley, and godconnie, who has co-written a scroll with Mezzo!

  • Parts 1 & 2 of Catherine Q's Moonstruck, an alternative Über fan fiction has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Invidere's How to Write an Uber has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 8 of Mezzo's alternative Über fan fiction After All Is Said have been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Mezzo & godconnie's The Fifth Amendment an alternative Über fan fiction has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • G.S. Binkley's The Woman I Love and it's sequel A Woman Like You both alternative Über fan fiction stories have been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Sunday, April 28th - New Fan Fiction

Monday, April 22nd - New Fan Fiction

    Greetings Bards and Readers! This is my first update at the Athenaeum, although I've been working on the site for some time now. A big Thank You goes out to Ruth for keeping this place afloat. I hope to do as good a job!

  • Murphy's alternative fan fiction Life's A Bud has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • D.J. Belt's alternative fan fiction The Eye of Hephaestus have been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 5 of S. Lee's alternative Über fan fiction Ms. O'Connor Goes To Washington has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Verrath's alternative Über fan fiction The Crazed Ramblings Of A Madwoman Part 1 has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Saturday April 20th - New Fan Fiction

    This is my last update at the Athenaeum, I'll be working at the Academy of Bards now!
    A big Thank You goes out to all the bards for submitting many wonderful stories which I had the pleasure to post, and to all the readers! It's been a great time!

  • S. Anne Gardner's alternative Über fan fiction For the Love of a Woman has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Parts 1-3 of Mezzo's alternative Über fan fiction After All Is Said have been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Murphy's alternative fan fiction A Day With Joxer has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Murphy's alternative fan fiction PMS has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • My OSage's alternative fan fiction The Lie has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • My OSage's alternative fan fiction Invitation To Egypt has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 3 Section 4 (Conclusion) of JM Dragon's alternative Über fan fiction The Promise has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Erin O'Rielly's alternative Über fan fiction Gentle Sunset Part 4 has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • balticbard's alternative Über fan fiction The Whereabouts of Love can be found at her site.

Sunday April 14th - New Fan Fiction

Tuesday April 9th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 16 (Conclusion) of Queenfor4's alternative Über fan fiction Snowbound has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • kd bard's alternative Über fan fiction Tailspin has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 3 Section 3 of JM Dragon's alternative Über fan fiction The Promise has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 1 of Destacain's alternative fan fiction Forever has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Saturday April 6th - New Fan Fiction

  • Parts 1 & 2 of Zoe's alternative Über fan fiction Summer of Love (Sequel to 'Taught by Love') have been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Cassandra's & Bik's alternative Über fan fiction Not Going Fishing has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Ananke's Only Mortal has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 8 of Ri's alternative Über fan fiction Behind the Black Cloud... has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 6 of Ri's alternative Über fan fiction Into Each Life has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 3 Section 2 of JM Dragon's alternative Über fan fiction The Promise has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Monday April 1st - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 15 of Queenfor4's alternative Über fan fiction Snowbound has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Saturday March 30th - New Fan Fiction

Monday March 25th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 14 of Queenfor4's alternative Über fan fiction Snowbound has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Portia Richardson's alternative fan fiction Golden Time of Day has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Sunday March 17th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 13 of Queenfor4's alternative Über fan fiction Snowbound has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Saturday March 16th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 5 of S. Eliot's alternative Über fan fiction It's Only a Game Show has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part VII of Cruise's alternative Über fan fiction Provenance has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Bill the Semi-Bard's alternative fan fiction Dream Lover has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 14 of JLynn's alternative fan fiction Storms of War has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Ri's alternative Über fan fiction In a Grain of Sand has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Leslie Ann Miller's Über fan fiction Unexpected Hero can be found at her site.
  • Leslie Ann Miller's Über fan fiction Temple of Rage can be found at her site.
  • Leslie Ann Miller's alternative fan fiction Conquered can be found at her site.
  • Leslie Ann Miller's alternative fan fiction Paradox of Dying can be found at her site.
  • Leslie Ann Miller's alternative fan fiction To Die by the Sword can be found at her site.
  • Leslie Ann Miller's alternative fan fiction Full Circle can be found at her site.
  • balticbard's alternative fan fiction A Tired Heart's Desire is now complete.
  • balticbard's alternative fan fiction MacDuugle the Fool can be found at her site.
  • Jay's & Silent Dee's A Return to Form Part 5 (Conclusion) can be found at the fanfic index.

Sunday March 10th - New Fan Fiction

  • D. J. Belt's alternative Über fan fiction The Tomb has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 12 of Queenfor4's alternative Über fan fiction Snowbound has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 13 of JLynn's alternative fan fiction Storms of War has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 2 of Teagen2's alternative Über fan fiction The Rules of War has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Saturday March 9th - New Fan Fiction

  • Erin O'Rielly's alternative Über fan fiction Gentle Sunset Part 3 has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Blue Dragon's alternative Über fan fiction Just Business as Usual has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Thursday March 7th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 11 of Queenfor4's alternative Über fan fiction Snowbound has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Jay's & Silent Dee's A Return to Form Part 4 can be found at the fanfic index.

Tuesday March 5th - New Fan Fiction

Sunday March 3rd - New Fan Fiction

  • Ri's alternative Über fan fiction My Knight has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • V. Anderson's alternative Über fan fiction Letter of Marque has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 10 of Queenfor4's alternative Über fan fiction Snowbound has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Saturday March 2nd - New Fan Fiction

Tuesday February 26th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 10 of JLynn's alternative fan fiction Storms of War has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 5 of JM Dragon's & Erin O'Rielly's alternative Über fan fiction A Single Tear has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • LB Anderson's alternative Über fan fiction A Mother's Day Tale has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Sunday February 24th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 9 of Queenfor4's alternative Über fan fiction Snowbound has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 9 of JLynn's alternative fan fiction Storms of War has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 1 of Teagen2's alternative Über fan fiction The Rules of War has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Friday February 22nd - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 8 of Queenfor4's alternative Über fan fiction Snowbound has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Ri's alternative Über fan fiction The Play has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Ri's alternative fan fiction Be My Guide has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 8 of JLynn's alternative fan fiction Storms of War has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Tuesday February 19th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 4 of JM Dragon's & Erin O'Rielly's alternative Über fan fiction A Single Tear has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 7 of Queenfor4's alternative Über fan fiction Snowbound has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 2 of Allyson Heisey's alternative fan fiction The Final Chapters: A Braveheart Bard has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Colleen's alternative Über fan fiction Two Hearts has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Tuesday February 12th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 3 of JM Dragon's & Erin O'Rielly's alternative Über fan fiction A Single Tear has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 6 of Queenfor4's alternative Über fan fiction Snowbound has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 7 of JLynn's alternative fan fiction Storms of War has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 1 of Allyson Heisey's alternative fan fiction A New Warrior Emerges has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Erin O'Rielly's alternative Über fan fiction Gentle Sunset Part 2 has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • L. Crystal Michallet-Romero's alternative fan fiction Sins of the Mother (3): Whispers has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Saturday February 9th - New Fan Fiction

Tuesday February 5th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 7 (Conclusion) of Ri's alternative Über fan fiction Time Flies has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 2 of JM Dragon's & Erin O'Rielly's alternative Über fan fiction A Single Tear has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Cecily Pinkerton's alternative fan fiction Child of the Heart has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Sunday February 3rd - New Fan Fiction

Saturday February 2nd - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 6 of Ri's alternative Über fan fiction Time Flies has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 4 of S. Lee's alternative Uber fan fiction Ms. O'Connor Goes To Washington has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Eveh's alternative Über fan fiction Learn Along the Way has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Eveh's alternative Über fan fiction Days That Aren't Disasters has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part XIV of Malaurie Barber's alternative Über fan fiction Original Sin has been posted to her site.

Tuesday January 29th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 4 of Queenfor4's alternative Über fan fiction Snowbound has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 1 of JM Dragon's & Erin O'Rielly's alternative Über fan fiction A Single Tear has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Saturday January 26th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 5 of Ri's alternative Über fan fiction Time Flies has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Tuesday January 22nd - New Fan Fiction

Sunday January 20th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 3 of Queenfor4's alternative Über fan fiction Snowbound has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 4 of Ri's alternative Über fan fiction Time Flies has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Silence's alternative fan fiction Soul's Redemption has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • JLynn's alternative fan fiction Girl With a Chakram has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Erin O'Rielly's alternative Über fan fiction Gentle Sunset has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • A revised version of Part 3 of Destacain's alternative fan fiction Dyo Zoi has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • A revised version of L. Crystal Michallet-Romero's alternative fan fiction Sins of the Mother (2): Passions has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • A revised version of Jay's Copacabana can be found at the fanfic index.

Friday January 18th - New Fan Fiction

Wednesday January 16th - New Fan Fiction

  • Parts 1-5 of Minerva's alternative Über fan fiction White Nights have been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 2 of JLynn's alternative fan fiction Storms of War has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Monday January 14th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 2 of Queenfor4's alternative Über fan fiction Snowbound has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • L. Crystal Michallet-Romero's alternative fan fiction Sins of the Mother (2): Passions has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Bronwyn of Llewelynn's alternative fan fiction Within the Realm of Flying has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Saturday January 12th - New Fan Fiction

  • A corrected version of Part 2 of Destacain's alternative fan fiction Dyo Zoi has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Apollo's alternative fan fiction All But the Heart has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 3 of Ri's alternative Über fan fiction Time Flies has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Thursday January 10th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 5 of Colleen's alternative Über fan fiction Twelve Days has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part V of Cruise's alternative Über fan fiction Provenance has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 5 of Ri's alternative Über fan fiction Into Each Life has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Tuesday January 8th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 1 of Queenfor4's alternative Über fan fiction Snowbound has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 2 of Ri's alternative Über fan fiction Time Flies has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 1 of JLynn's alternative fan fiction Storms of War has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Lena's alternative fan fiction Happy Ever After has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Saturday January 5th - New Fan Fiction

  • Susan A. Rice's alternative fan fiction The Best Gift has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Susan A. Rice's alternative fan fiction Best Gift 2 has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • A corrected version of Part 1 of Destacain's alternative fan fiction Dyo Zoi has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Friday January 4th - New Fan Fiction

  • Part 4 of Colleen's alternative Über fan fiction Twelve Days has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 2 of Faranath's alternative Über fan fiction Riding Against the Odds has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Part 1 of Ri's alternative Über fan fiction Time Flies has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.

Wednesday January 2nd - New Fan Fiction

    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!

  • Mark Annetts' alternative Über fan fiction Sea Moon has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Dreamweaver's alternative fan fiction 1001 Armageddon Nights Part 5 has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • Susan A. Rice's alternative fan fiction Best Gift 3 has been posted to The Athenaeum's Scroll Archives.
  • The Dragonjuls Storybook can now be found at
  • GabbysHOPE's Über fan fiction Creation, the Series (Season 4) can be found at her site.
What's New Archives

The maintainer of this site can be reached at  "The Athenaeum @" & "The Athenaeum" Copyright ©1998-2002   The contents of this web site may not be reproduced in any form, except as occurs in normal browser caching, without express written permission from the authors.