~ Princess ~
by H.W.

For author notes, see part 1.

Chapter 13

"Is your Mate coming from under that table any time today?"

"She might," Seven answered the Regent's question with a smile. "And then again, she might decide to stay and keep kissing the very same spot she is kissing now." Even though it had been a part of the conversation with Dasia, B'Elanna did as Seven hoped she would and placed a series of kisses on Seven's clit. "Why do you ask?"

"Because there is something we would like to ask you both."

Hearing what Dasia had said, B'Elanna reluctantly moved from between her lover's legs and back up onto the bench.

"And what would you like to ask us?" Seven asked while she tilted her head a little to give B'Elanna room to kiss her throat.

"We would like to ask you if you would like to come to our hut with us."

Both B'Elanna and Seven's eyes got wider at the question. Finally B'Elanna spoke up. "Um, Dasia, I, um, think that we might have given you the wrong impression here. What Seven and I just did; making love with people watching, that's something we could never do on Voyager. But with this party, and with what's still going on around us, we felt that we could do this here. Especially because there is nobody to say 'remember when' once we leave this planet. But looking is one thing. Both Seven and I aren't into sharing. We're damn possessive of each other, and neither one of us would be able to stand someone touching our Mate like that."

Dasia shook her head a little. "That isn't what we're asking. My Mate and I are also not into sharing. What we are into however, is watching. We love to see people making love, and we love to be watched as we make love. From what we just saw, you both like that as well, and what we're doing is inviting you to our hut to watch and be watched. Surely it must sound tempting to you to be lying on a very comfortable bed while making love to your Mate... with us sitting on our cushioned bench touching each other and watching you make love."

Seven and B'Elanna exchanged a long look, clearly having the same kind of silent communication that Dasia and her Mate shared only moments before. Finally Seven gave the smallest of nods to B'Elanna, and the Klingon spoke up. "Alright, you've got a deal, but I have some conditions."

"What conditions?" Gici asked, seeing Seven raise her eyebrow a little, clearly also surprised by the fact that there were conditions.

"Well, firstly, if we go with you, it won't be for a five minute thing. As you know, Seven and I are relatively new lovers. We made love for the first time here in this village actually. Because of that we don't have a 'record' yet. If we do this, I want to use the opportunity to set a record. I want to see how many times I can make Seven come. That brings me to the second condition; us going for a record means that you two will have to go along to keep us worked up."

"Well," Dasia said with a grin. "I think it's time we worked on our record as well. It's been several years since we tried to break it. But I must warn you; our record stands at an even ten orgasms... for the both of us."

"Oh, good, that gives us a record we can try to break," B'Elanna shot back with a grin. She really loved the way she could interact with these women, and not just on a sexual level, but on all levels.

"The third condition is food and drinks. We need energy and I don't want to take a break to go to the food hut."

"Way ahead of you," Gici said with a grin. "We know that it's almost impossible to get food from the food hut the day after we celebrate the rebirth of our Goddess; for some reason the cooks are always too tired to cook the next day. We have food and drinks stored up to last us two days. Divide that by four people instead of two, means that it's enough for one day. But it'll still be more than enough."

"Is there a fourth condition?" Dasia asked.

"The fourth condition is something that I want to make very clear to prevent misunderstandings. No touching of anyone except your own Mate. Looking, but no touching."

"We fully agree," Dasia said for herself and her Mate.

B'Elanna got up and offered her hand to Seven to help her up. Once Seven was standing, B'Elanna put her arm around the blonde and looked down at Dasia and Gici with a grin. "Well, what are we waiting for? Time 'se wasting, and I have plans for the evening."

"Is she always this bossy?" Gici asked as she and Dasia got up as well.

"No, only when she knows it will turn me on," Seven said as she let herself be led away by the bossy Klingon. "She knows only too well that I am the one with the last word."

"That's my Princess. Come on, I really need to get royally screwed by you, my Princess."


"It is hard to leave; these women have become my friends."

"Our friends," B'Elanna corrected as she saw Dasia coming closer. "I think that for you it's mainly the Borg factor."

Seven who had been looking at the village turned to look at B'Elanna.

"They don't know the Borg, except for knowing that their ships have passed through the sector once without detecting them," B'Elanna explained.

"The Voyager crew did know the Borg and feared them. These women gave you something we on Voyager never did; a chance to just be yourself. They simply accept you for who you are. If we had done that then I think that you'd have a lot more friends on Voyager now. But we feared you, forcing ourselves to keep a distance from you, and forcing you to hide behind that Borg armor of yours. Even Kathryn and the Doctor didn't simply take you for what you are; they tried to change you back into a 'normal' human. And baby, you will never be a normal human, just as I will never be a normal human."

Seven thought about it for a moment while they waited until Dasia had reached them. "I think you are right. But it really is no longer important now. Now I started my life anew; with you."

Seven turned to Dasia and greeted her. "Dasia, I wish to thank you once more for the warm welcome you and your village extended to me and my Mate. I also wish to thank you for allowing us to make a holo-recording of the village so that we can recreate it on the holodeck."

"Believe me, both of those things were my pleasure. But if you like my village so much, why don't you take us up on the offer to add us to the program you'll create?"

"Because we would know the real people. Those copies would only make us miss this place more since we know that we are not talking to our real friends. We will add Zamonan people. We will program the computer to randomly generate the same number of inhabitants that this village has."

"I see," Dasia said in understanding. "It will give the holographic village a feeling of being lived in, but it will take away much of the 'fake' feeling because those generated people are new people to you. Then you can just pretend that it's a different village."


"Dasia," B'Elanna spoke up, "I also wish to thank you. You made us feel at home here; more so even than on our ship. Here was the first place where Seven and I could just be us all the time. Hell, just saying that would get me raised eyebrows on Voyager, but not here. Here I'm simply B'Elanna. I won't miss the huts that make this village; we are taking those with us as a holo-program. But I will miss the people that make this village; for they are irreplaceable. Thank you for giving us a place to just be us."

"It was my pleasure to have you both here, and I'm sorry to see you go. I would offer my village to you as a home, but I know that your priority lies with your ship. Just know that even though you will never take me up on this offer; you do have a home here."

Seven and B'Elanna looked at each other for a moment. Finally it was a reluctant B'Elanna that spoke up. "Dasia, I,"

Dasia lifted her hand to stop B'Elanna. "As I said, I know you won't take me up on it, but that doesn't mean that I can't offer it. Now, why don't you go say goodbye to Fawza, I believe she has some packages that are meant for you two."

With much difficulty, the two women turned and started walking.


"What's wrong, baby?" B'Elanna asked concerned.

It was the morning of the fourth day after Voyager had left Zamona. The night before they had made love. It had been different than normal. Well, they had made love in several ways already, all depending on how their mood was. From slow and tender to a hard fuck; both of them enjoyed it all in the right mood. But last night had been the first time ever in B'Elanna's entire love life that she had simply... let go. Knowing that she had a partner that could take all that B'Elanna could give her, things had not stopped this time, but moved on. The night had turned rough with both of them urging the other on. There were bruises on both their bodies from bites and grasps of hands that had been too firm.

But still, it had been different, yes, but it had also been great. Just another aspect to their love life to sometimes indulge in, B'Elanna had thought. So why was Seven suddenly so miserable this morning?

Seven was sitting on the short couch and silent tears were rolling down her face. She wasn't shaking like people normally did when they cried; she wasn't making any sound at all. If you didn't see the tears, you would never have suspected that the blonde was crying.

B'Elanna knelt on one knee in front of Seven and tenderly wiped the tears away. She knew that these were real tears, and not the ones that Seven could produce with nothing more than a command from her cranial implant.

"Talk to me, baby. Tell me what's wrong," B'Elanna persisted when Seven stayed quiet.

"I hurt you."

"You didn't hurt me," B'Elanna disagreed. Now she knew only too well what this was about.

"I broke your wrist!"

"You fractured it," B'Elanna disagreed.

Seven shook her head a little, her eyes refused to meet B'Elanna's. "You are the Klingon, yet I am the one who lives up to the myths about Klingon sex."

They had awoken after a long night of love making without restriction. Both of them had aches all over their bodies, yet both of them felt absolutely wonderful. It was during breakfast that B'Elanna began to wonder about the annoying dull ache in her wrist. A quick trip to the Doctor had given the explanation and the treatment.

B'Elanna laced her fingers with Seven's and put soft kisses on their combined hands.

"I think that you're way too hard on yourself. You didn't hurt me. All you did was hold on to my wrist, I never even felt it being fractured; it was only today that I noticed it. Seven it really is nothing. The fracture was so minimal that there wasn't even any swelling or bruising."

"I lost control; I was rough with you,"

"And I spurred you on," B'Elanna interrupted. "And I also distinctively remember that once you had your way with me, that it was my turn, and I wasn't tender with you either. There is a big chance that I would have fractured some of your bones as well... if I didn't need a sledgehammer to actually do so. Seven, last night, that was something we both wanted, something we both needed. Don't be hard on yourself, because I sure as hell want to do it again."

Seven looked up at B'Elanna in disbelief. "You do?"

"Sure," B'Elanna said confidently. "Kahless, Seven I haven't been able to let go like that while making love in... ever. Now that I've finally found someone with who I can, and who lets go right along with me, I want to do it again."

B'Elanna laughed out of pure delight. "Certainly not daily, I admit that I don't think I could survive that for a long time."

Seeing Seven's eyes getting wider, B'Elanna was quick to add, "Talking figuratively, baby. No, not daily, and not even weekly, but maybe once every now and then... just think about it... last night, no restrictions, no holding back. Fuck baby, just thinking back to how you were fucking me like there was no tomorrow makes me want to do it again right now."

"I do not want to hurt you," Seven stated, coming back to the heart of the matter.

"Seven, you never hurt me."

B'Elanna saw that Seven was about to say something and shook her head. "No, listen. Granted, if someone was to fracture my wrist now, it would hurt like hell. But last night, with the mindset we were both in, it wasn't hurt, it was pleasure. Come on, baby, you're supposed to be the one with the combined knowledge of a gazillion species. Isn't an orgasm nothing more than pain that the body registers as pleasure?"

"It is ten thousand species, and that is an extremely simplified explanation, but yes, basically that statement is correct."

"And that is the point, baby. Under the right circumstances pain is pleasure, last night we had the right circumstances, now we don't. Last night the pain was pleasure, now it would hurt like hell."

"I did not hurt you?" Seven asked.

"Not at all, baby," B'Elanna assured. "You know, thinking about it, the only time I can actually remember you holding my wrist with enough force that it may have caused the fracture, was when I was lying bent over on the kitchen counter and you held my hands behind my back while you were fucking me. Did I look like I was in pain then?"

"Not at all. In fact you were urging me on, demanding that I take you like I actually meant it."

B'Elanna stood up and pulled Seven up with her. "And that, my love, is the part you should remember. You should remember that I urged you on, and not what a little side affect was from me urging you on."

"I will try to remember."

"Good. Then also remember this; I love you, Seven of Nine. I love you as you are. Did you ever wonder why I don't ask if I may call you Annika? I mean, if I wanted only your 'human side,' wouldn't it be more than logical for me to call you Annika instead of Seven?"

"It would," Seven agreed.

"Well, the simple answer is because I fell in love with Seven of Nine, the human, and the Borg part. Seven, please try to understand that I love the fact that I'm the only one you show your vulnerable side to. I love the fact that I'm the one that you talk to now about the things that bother you, even though it's sometimes really hard for me to not go out and punch some people for how they treat you. But as much as I like that, I also like the fact that you're part Borg. As much as it annoys the hell out of me, I still love the fact that you have that superior attitude complex and that you still treat me with that attitude some times. Kahless baby, do you have any idea what a turn-on it is for me when you fuck me with your mesh covered hand? You have the strength to bend hull-plating, you can crush a tension regulator in your hand, and you can use those strong fingers to slide in and out of my most sensitive flesh."

B'Elanna took hold of said hand and placed a few kisses on the metal covered knuckles.

"You do realize that that entire hand is actually artificial?" Seven asked.

"Not to me it isn't, B'Elanna disagreed. "You told me that you can feel with that hand just as you feel with the other. To me it feels like a real hand, the right temperature and softness and all. So to me that is a real hand. Your real hand; and I love it."

B'Elanna placed several more kisses on the knuckles before asking, "Extend your assimilation tubes for me."

Surprised by the question, Seven needed a moment before she sent the command that made her assimilation tubes appear.

B'Elanna looked at the tubes for a moment. It was the first time she'd actually seen the metal gray tubes up close. What fascinated her most was how they were moving back and forth like snakes; as if they were looking for something to attack. B'Elanna moved her hand closer and touched one of the tubes with a finger, laughing surprised when the tube wound itself around the finger.

"People fear these," B'Elanna said after a moment. "They can assimilate people, they can take over computers, they can drill holes in the strongest alloy used on any Federation star ship. Just seeing these would send a lot of people running away. But you know what? I'm not one of them."

B'Elanna suddenly moved and closed her mouth around the second tube. It felt weird to feel the tube moving around in her mouth; it reminded B'Elanna of the Gagh she had eaten... once. But where the feeling of the Gagh had made B'Elanna gag, the feeling of the assimilation tube in her mouth made B'Elanna excited to the point where her toes almost curled from the sheer pleasure of it.

Here was one of the most feared things in Federation history; the Borg assimilation tubes, and she was sucking on one as if it was nothing more than a strand of spaghetti.

"B'Elanna, what are you doing?" Seven finally asked.

"Showing you something," B'Elanna said after she let go of the tube. "I love you. I love every part of you, and that includes these tubes. Seven, let me tell you something. The fact that you are part Borg excites me. Kahless baby, just the thought that I can do what I just did makes me feel as if I'm riding a Mark 10 phaser beam. I long for those Borg parts of you just as I long for the rest of you. And that brings me to my point. Eventually you 'will' hurt me, Seven. There will absolutely, no question, one day come a time where I push you even further than I ever have before. But you know what? That's exactly what I want. Believe me, otherwise I wouldn't be pushing you in the first place. Baby, don't be afraid to hurt me physically, because if you do it will only be because I pushed you."

"Which you could still hold against me."

"Is that what you fear?" B'Elanna asked. "That you hurt me and I'll hold it against you? You don't have to worry about that. I know what I got myself into when I fell in love with you. Seven, I... Let me put it like this. I'm a Klingon, and I have bladed weapons as decorations on the walls. I collected those weapons, and I have to clean them from time to time. If I cut myself on one of those weapons while cleaning them, who do you think I would blame? The weapon or myself? Would I blame the knife for being sharp, or would I blame myself for sharpening the knife to begin with? Seven, I can promise you this right now, on my Klingon honor, that I will never blame you for me getting hurt if I got hurt by urging you to do what it was that hurt me..." B'Elanna frowned as she went over her words. "Um, did that actually make sense to you?"

"It did," Seven said with a smile. "Thank you for reassuring me. I do not want to hurt you, beloved."

"Baby, remember that I'm part Klingon, alright? Even if you'd actually broken my wrist to the point that my bones had poked through the skin, I wouldn't have blamed you for it. That 'hurt' is forgotten as soon as the Doctor healed the break. But you know what really would hurt me?"


"If you would try to change into something you're not simply because you think that this is what I want. I know that it's a lover's thing to say, 'you're exactly what I want,' but baby, please believe me that you are exactly what I want."

"And you are exactly what I want," Seven said. They were quiet for a moment before Seven asked, "B'Elanna, seeing that you are such a tough Klingon, and I am such a dangerous Borg drone, how would you feel about doing something really rough and dangerous?"

"Like?" B'Elanna asked.

"Like cuddling on this couch for an hour or so."

"Now, that sounds like a great plan," B'Elanna said with a smile.


"No! Look, you just can't take that power away from there."

"That power is not fully taken away; merely reduced by fifty percent. That would leave more than enough power to run those other systems."

B'Elanna took another mouthful of one of Neelix's 'mystery creations' while taking the PADD back from the blonde sitting across from her.

"Look, the problem is this; true, under normal circumstances there would be more than enough power. But as soon as the ship is under attack again we'll need that extra power. With the changes you suggested, we can't reroute power away from those places where you want to have it."

"That is the purpose," Seven said with her cool voice. Never showing the agitation B'Elanna was sure she was causing her lover. "I am tired of systems in Astrometrics failing every time the ship is under attack. It is at those times that the Captain normally contacts me for information, and I cannot give accurate information if the systems that have to give me that information are not working."

"Look, I do understand that, but this proposal is just not doable. When power starts to drop there, and your systems take away the last power, life support is more than likely to go offline in decks four through six."

"Life support is irrelevant."

"Yeah? Well, we aren't all Borg drones that can walk through the vacuum of space for hours on end."

"I can no longer do that," Seven defended, "In my current state, my Borg systems would keep me alive for thirty minutes only. After that I would die as well."

"I'm sorry to hear that it would take that long. That way you can still be saved after I push you out of a damn airlock."

"Lieutenant, I can assure you, you do not have anywhere near the power needed to push me out of an airlock; I possess superior strength."

"Listen Drone, I don't give a fuck what you have; I am telling you that you are pushing the line. You asked for my help, I'll be more than happy to walk right out of here."

"Then you would miss your lunch," Seven pointed out, amused by the fact that B'Elanna was somehow able to throw insults at her, and yet continue to eat her food. "The only reason I asked you this is that I knew that otherwise you would complain to the Captain about me 'fucking up' your systems."

"Well, you do. Whenever you 'fix' something, I have to go check it out to make sure that it won't destroy the ship in the long run."

"I thought that you always went to check the repairs I made so that you could learn how to do it correctly yourself in the future."

B'Elanna dropped her fork to the now empty plate. "Oh, that actually was a good one."

"Thank you. I try. You should do the same; try. Maybe at some time you will actually rise to the level of being at least a mediocre Engineer who can actually understand my proposals."

"Listen you Ice Bitch, I can take a lot from you, but don't you go insulting my engineering skills,"

"You do not have any skills I could insult," Seven interrupted.

"That's it. I'll kill you! I'll throw that Borg ass of yours off my ship!"

"Last thing I heard, this was actually my ship, Lieutenant," A well-known voice behind B'Elanna said.

B'Elanna cringed slightly before turning around. "Captain."

"Lieutenant, I think it's time that you joined me in my ready room for a little talk."

"Um, Captain, I can explain,"

"My ready room, Lieutenant," Janeway said before she turned around and walked out of the mess-hall. She knew of course that B'Elanna and Seven were only having a little fun, their kind of fun. But B'Elanna was a member of Starfleet and had to act accordingly. And having a fight in the mess hall was not acting accordingly.

B'Elanna sighed. "Great."

"B'Elanna, I am sorry. I did not see her come in; otherwise I would have warned you."

B'Elanna turned around to the blonde and gave her a small grin. "It's okay. This won't be the first time I'll have to suffer through a dress down from Janeway."

"I am still sorry that it is on my behalf."

B'Elanna patted Seven softly on the shoulder. "Hey, I could have just shut up and not reacted. Listen, I do mean what I said, we need to talk about your plan, don't just go implementing it alright?"

"I will not."

"Great. Well, I better get going... By the way, 'you do not have any skills I could insult.' Nice comeback, Seven."

"Thank you. Do you intend to work late today?"

"No, I should be home around six."

"Very well. In case the Captain decides to punish you by putting you in the brig... please let me know, I will be more than happy to take over Engineering for that time. It would be a good time to implement some changes. Do you think Lieutenant Carey will object to being called two of twenty-one?"

"Oh, Kahless help me," B'Elanna mumbled while she moved towards the door.


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