~ Princess ~
by H.W.

For author notes, see part 1.

Chapter 64

"...I will take the position of the Dominion representative to Unimatrix 01," Ano finished.

"That is however not what I asked you," Seven reminded. She was slowly starting to get irritated with the woman. For some reason she had been very reluctant to say her name, stating several times, in several ways, that she was merely called 'the female changeling'. The name of 'Ano' had finally been produced when Seven told her that the next thing she wanted to come out of Ano's mouth was her name, and only her name. Not even accompanied by a 'my name is'.

It was clear that Ano was not irritating Seven alone because over their Borg link, B'Elanna had already started to change that name to Ano-ying.

"I asked you what happened to Shyra," Seven repeated. "And please answer me this time, or else I will be forced to find myself another person to talk to. Maybe Constable Odo would be more inclined to have a normal conversation."

"Odo doesn't represent,"

"What happened to her?" Seven interrupted. She saw that Ano was clearly still not eager to answer. She looked at the door and at the same time it was opened by one of those huge three legged beings that always stood on guard outside the doors of conference room one.

Ano loved the great link, but the technological link between these people freaked her out. It wasn't the first time that she had seen one of those people suddenly follow an order without first having heard it spoken.

"My Queen?" The Siill warrior asked.

"Pli'aF, order a route cleared to the nearest airlock."

"You can't," Ano started, having no problems understanding the threat. She started to change, but then screamed in frustration when her shape shifting was prevented by the thin force field.

It was the same kind used by Borg drones as personal body protection. With the small change that the control for switching it on and off was a remote device that was at the moment tucked securely into a small pack attached to the uniform of the tall woman standing behind the Borg Queen.

It was a crude, but extremely effective, way of preventing a changeling from escaping between cracks in the floor. Or more importantly, from reaching over the table and assaulting the Queen.

The three legged guard stepped out, and another one stepped in. It came closer and started to reach for Ano.

"No! Wait! She is on the Vorta's Homeworld where she is kept under custody." Much to Ano's relief the thing on three legs stopped coming closer. Suddenly it moved away again and took position outside the once again closed door.

"The route to the nearest airlock is still kept free," Seven informed. "You tried my patience for the last time."

"Why is she kept there?" B'Elanna asked.

"Because she is a traitor to our species," Ano said. "She gave in to your temptation and betrayed us all."

"She gave in to our temptation?" Seven repeated. "What... are you talking about her undergoing the changes to her DNA?"

"She is young, weak. She,"

"She saved the life of every founder that joined the great link in the last few years," Pagsha interrupted with a soft voice. "Oh, granted, it was not a deliberate choice. But she still did. When the nanoprobes were changing her DNA they came across something interesting. We didn't tell her this because we wanted to inform your specie's leader first. Do you know what our nanoprobes do?"

"Yes, you first showed us that you can prevent us from changing, and then you bribed her by changing her DNA to where she no longer needs a state of rest. You took away what makes us one. The great link is us joining each other in a state of rest."

"She can still do that," Pagsha reminded. "Just that it's no longer a necessity. A must for rest doesn't make her join the link. She can also rest all by herself somewhere. She doesn't need the link for rest; she needs the link for a feeling of unity. Something you took away from her by imprisoning her. You took that away, not us. But you know what our nanoprobes found when they were changing her DNA? She was carrying a disease. A disease that slowly changes your DNA with every change to another form, including turning liquid for a rest stage. It makes it harder and harder to change. Our guess is that in the next year not a single changeling can change anymore if not treated. And, doesn't that kill you?"

"You are lying," Ano accused.

"I'm not," Pagsha assured. "The problem is easy to cure with our nanoprobes. We cured Shyra while she was undergoing the changes to her DNA. We have isolated the cause of the disease and have found that it's an artificial creation. Since you are in a war we can only guess that it's some kind of biological warfare. From the incubation period we know that you were only infected in the last few years."

"The Federation," Ano accused.

"Could be," Pagsha agreed.

"Or the Cardassians before they switched sides and joined you," B'Elanna suggested.

"They would have told us," Ano defended.

B'Elanna chuckled. "Oh yeah, sure they would. And right after you told them that they could join with you and that they could then rule the Alpha Quadrant in your name, they would tell you that they infected you with a disease? I think not."

"I wouldn't put it past the Romulans either," Pagsha pointed out.

"You have to find out," Ano started.

"We know all we need to know about that," Seven interrupted. "A war is raging, someone found a way to hurt their enemy, they used it. End of story. It does not matter because we can cure you, and we will. We will not stand by and let a whole species die if we can prevent it."

B'Elanna couldn't help but smirk. "Say the people that have a planetbuster pointed at your planet. But that's the famous, 'if you force us to, we will' kind of thing. You really should have listened to Shyra. She seemed like a smart woman. A bit annoying, but compared to some of you we've met by now, she was a real breeze to get along with. If you had listened to her, then maybe we could've talked over a nice drink instead of you now having a planetbuster hanging over your people's head."

"She was bought,"

"She was brave," Seven interrupted. "We made a claim and she basically told us, 'prove it'. And she was willing to take the risk. Not for her own gain, but for her people. You said that she is under custody. Was, and is, she treated well?"

Ano looked as if slapped in the face. "Of course, we aren't like you people."

"And I think that we are done talking," Seven said, having had her patience tested enough. "A cube just scanned the Vorta's Homeworld and found Shyra's DNA. She is being beamed onto the cube as we speak. She will be the Founder's representative in these talks from now on. And if she wishes, then she will also be the Founder's representative on Unimatrix 01."

"You can't just," Ano began.

Now it was B'Elanna who interrupted. "The Borg take outcasts of all species and make them important parts of the Collective. You wish to treat Shyra as an outcast, then I'd say that it's you that elected her as the representative of your species to the Borg."

"I refuse," Ano stated resolutely.

Seven dipped her head slightly. "I apologize."

"You apologize?" Ano asked confused. This was too easy. Then she narrowed her eyes and asked, "Apologize for what?"

"For apparently giving you the impression that you have a say in the matter. You can go now."

At the same time the door opened again and the Siill warrior stepped in.

"Pli'aF will escort you back to your quarters," Seven explained. "When the cube is here with Shyra we consider that a transfer of power and you will be taken back to your Homeworld."

"The others will not recognize her as our representative," Ano said as Pli'aF lifted her up by a force field covered arm.

"Really?" B'Elanna asked amused. "You mean that they'll pick having no representative and being stuck on that rock you call a Homeworld, over having Shyra being their representative and being once more in control over the Dominion's territory in the Gama Quadrant?"

"You are willing to leave us in control?"

"Had you been willing to actually talk," Seven said, "Then we could have reached that point by now. The Gamma Quadrant prospered under the Dominion, and we see no reason to change that, in the broader sense of the term at least. But, now we will discuss the matter with the new representative. Have a good day."

Once the door had closed again, B'Elanna chuckled. "I know that being suspicious and arrogant is part of their DNA, and people like Shyra can't help it. But apparently it's possible for at least some of them to be arrogant by nature and on top of that by will as well."

She looked at Seven. "Do you think that Shyra will be easier to talk with?"

"She was the last time," Seven reminded. "With her I at least get the feeling that her being difficult can still be done in an interesting and somewhat reasonable way."

"I wonder if a changeling can piss her pants?" Katzi spoke up.

"Why?" Pagsha asked confused.

"Because by now Ano-ying there, as B'Elanna so rightfully called her, has been marched a good way to her quarters and must have seen that the way to a certain airlock is truly kept free."

Seven smiled. "As you know, I prefer not to lie if I can prevent it and not cause problems by preventing it. I merely ordered the way to the airlock to be cleared. I never said why and what we plan to do with that airlock."

They all smiled or grinned. Then Katzi informed, "Anidan says that she and the Romulans are taking a break so that the Romulan representatives can talk a few things through with the people behind the scenes. She has a good feeling about the talks and wonders if we want to join her and Si'zaG for something to eat while she tells us about it."

"Food sounds very good right about now," B'Elanna agreed. "The Zamona restaurant on deck seventy?"

"Anidan was thinking more along the lines of accepting that invitation of Major Kira for that restaurant she said we just have to try on Bajor. Sounds interesting and I for one wouldn't mind checking it out." She hesitated for a moment. "But Seven, being your guard I have to insist on a full ATSD team joining us if we beam down."

Seven nodded her agreement. She was by now well used to having at least a full ATSD team with them on the occasional impromptu planet visit. And of course the rest that one couldn't directly see. Like the dampening field that prevented beam weapons from working, and the transporter lock, and the other ATSD teams being put on standby, and... "Why do we not contact the Major and have her meet us there?"


The reign of One of Many, née Annika Hansen; Queen of Borg.
Year 02, Month 01, Day 02, Hour 19, Minute 05.

The six days had turned into ten, but Seven had allowed it. Clear progress had been made. The delays had been for necessary reasons, and not merely for the sake of stalling.

The wait for Shyra had been well worth it. She had turned out to actually be a very young changeling; only two years passed the age of being considered an adult by her species. Despite her young age she had been picked for the mission of infiltrating Starfleet. This for one main reason only; she was truly an extraordinary good shape shifter.

When she took the form of someone, she didn't just copy the looks, but the entire body. When she was a Vulcan she also truly had the Vulcan mental abilities. As T'Lara she had even been able to have telepathic contact. When she copied a Klingon she also had the hot temperament of one. It all came natural to her.

At one point she had even asked if she could copy Seven for a moment. Confused, Seven had allowed it. She had figured that since Shyra had already smelled her, had already breathed in her dead skin cells and had thereby already the knowledge of her DNA and the ability to copy it, it was not like Shyra needed her permission to copy her if she truly wanted it. Besides, since the changeling still didn't have the implants it didn't matter much since she still couldn't fool the Borg into believing that she was their Queen.

Seven had been wrong about one thing though; it did matter. After Shyra had copied Seven, had been her for a moment, she knew just how sincere Seven had been about what they had been discussing at that point. She had suddenly agreed and accepted all of Seven's conditions, at least on that point.

But besides that interesting moment, Shyra was a tough negotiator who was reluctant to give on any occasion. Reluctant, but not determined not to no matter what. Talks had turned tough sometimes, but despite that it had been clear that both sides enjoyed the talks this time. Seven didn't know what had happened to Ano, but she guessed that she was patiently waiting for Shyra to leave with Unimatrix 01. It was not much of a guess that she would try to get some of the power back that she had lost when the other changelings learned more and more how negotiations were going. Most changelings now firmly believed that Shyra had been the one that managed to make sure that the Founders would continue to be the dominant power in the Gama Quadrant... under the soft-handed control of the Borg.

That too had been expertly spun. The soft-handed control of the Borg did mean that there now was a power above the Founders. A power that could form that soft hand into a hard fist if ever needed. But as long as the Founders stuck to the agreements made, that hand would form an iron protection against all others that might try to hurt them. 'That what you control cannot hurt you' was the Founder saying. Well, they didn't control the Borg, but that powerful force sure made sure that no others could hurt the Founders. Most Founders considered that an excellent second option. Especially considering the alternative. The planetbuster had been removed, but only to be replaced by a Borg starbase two light-years away from the Founder's Homeworld. The Changelings had smartly decided to see that as proof from the Collective that they were willing to protect the Founders from others.

Seven was once more in DS9's main conference room and looking at the other parties. No, they were no longer 'the other parties'. Now they were her people.

Though old-fashioned, for some occasions the stylus was still used; this was one of those occasions. Seven signed the capture PADD, being the last to set her signature. Then she looked into the room and at the holo-recorders of the gathered news agencies that were present as well. Knowing that her next words would be transmitted to all four Quadrants, Seven opted for simplicity.

"The others already said all there is to say, so let me merely add the following. To everyone in the Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Gamma Quadrant, I say with the utmost sincerity; welcome to the Borg Collective."

The End.


"I have to admit I never expected that both the Dominion and the Federation would actually decide to fully join as Vassal territories," Kira noted.

As normal, once formalities were over, the party started, and this one was quickly working up to be one to remember.

"Yeah. It was the Zamonan that did it again," B'Elanna agreed. "I cannot begin to count the times where we pointed to them in negotiations. At how they were part of the Borg, and yet their Queen is still firmly in control of their territory. And people basically went 'oh, so that's what you mean'."

"Bajor should be one of the first to see the benefits," Seven added. "I have been informed that now that access to the wormhole is once more open to all, trade is already picking up. DS9, and by extension Bajor, will become the place to make a stop. If not for trade, than for a day or two of rest before or after traveling through the wormhole and beginning the second part of the journey. Are you sure you do not want to stay here?"

"Yes," Kira assured. "DS9 will change. I have a feeling that it'll always be colorful and interesting, exactly because it's at the crossroads. But I heard talk of promoting me to Colonel, and just how long will it be before my government decides that I'm needed elsewhere than where my choice is? No, now I can pick, and I'd much rather take this opportunity and become the Bajoran representative to Unimatrix 01."

Kira sighed before adding, "Besides, now that Odo's going back to his people it's a good time to start anew, in more ways than one."

"As I said the day before yesterday, you are welcome," Seven assured.

Kira laughed. "Well, it's not like you'll run out of room any time soon on that ship of yours. Especially because you keep the representatives to five people per government. So that means that the entire Dominion territory and the entire Federation will be represented by five people each."

"Indeed," Seven agreed.

"The Dominion's pick for a representative surprised us all," Kira admitted. "I have no problem saying that. And that you agreed, especially since she tried to pull you into a war while playing Starfleet Admiral."

"To us that merely means that Shyra was serving her people," Seven reminded. They had decided to keep the events of how Shyra became the Dominion representative on a need to know basis. And frankly, only the other changelings needed to know.

"I see that she has a Kilana with her," Kara noted as she saw the female Vorta standing close to the Changeling. "We never saw much of her line around here."

"Kilana will be a member of the Dominion's representative party," Seven agreed. "I have a feeling that she will be more for the administrative side while Shyra will be more for the decision making side. I understood that Shyra's choice had fallen on Kilana Eleven because she seems to have a great fondness for clerical work. More so than other Vorta; it seems to be a trait special to her... line you said?"

Kira shrugged. "I never liked the Vorta much, but they seem to enhance the Founders. Maybe they'll make a good team."

B'Elanna pointed to another side of the room. "There's the Klingon representative. I understand that you worked with General Martok a lot? Does that mean that you'll get along, or that there will be problems from the beginning?"

Kira laughed. "Oh, I like Martok just fine. I think he'll be a great representative for his people. He's a true Klingon, but he does possess the ability to think before hitting stuff. I'm a bit surprised though that the choice fell on him. I would have thought that he had a future on Qo'noS."

"That's why the choice fell on him," B'Elanna said amused. "Though the war put it on hold initially, there's great tension between General Martok and Chancellor Gowron. It only got worse because Martok's popularity with the Klingons grew and grew with every glorious battle won, while failures were blamed on the Chancellor. Sooner or later they had to clash, probably in some bloody challenge. But now Gowron can be the glorious Chancellor that brought the Klingon Empire to the highest glory it ever had, and all that stuff. While Martok goes off playing with the Borg. Just who's the most powerful? The Chancellor that's in control of the Klingon Empire, or the General that talks directly to the power that makes sure that the Chancellor's in control of that Empire? It suits both men well, and at least for now the tensions have calmed down some."

Kira shook her head. "They are Klingon; give them time."

"Probably true," B'Elanna grinned. "But the fact that most of the time they'll be in different quadrants of the Galaxy will help, I hope."

"We'll see," Kira said. She flashed a smile before changing the subject. "So, who'll be the Federation representative, or are they still arguing about that?"

"They settled on a third candidate," Seven informed. "Seeing how the Commander-in-Chief and the Federation President were becoming more and more stubborn in their choice, I suggested someone instead; making it clear that it was indeed merely a suggestion. Tuvok, a Vulcan I know from Voyager and that I consider a friend."

"Which she told them," B'Elanna added. "And which I'm sure helped in agreeing to the middle ground. Nechayev agreed to him because he has an outstanding Starfleet career, and Min Zife agreed because in the nine years between Tuvok's two Starfleet careers, Tuvok worked on Vulcan for the Federation."

"Ah, pity, I was kinda hoping that the Starfleet candidate would make the cut. I really like Jadzia Dax; I consider her a good friend of mine." Kira noted.

"And she will accompany us," Seven assured. "That is another reason why they agreed to my suggestion. Jadzia Dax will be Tuvok's second-in-command. Of course, it is more the Dax part than the Jadzia part that Starfleet wanted in that spot, but that is really only a side note since they are one person. Tuvok's wife, T'Pel will also be on the team, this appeased the Federation President since T'Pel has a long history of being a Federation Ambassador."

"Any word on my suggestion for my own second-in-command?" Kira asked, deciding to cut to the chase.

"Ro Laren has been located in one of the Cardassian prison camps, as you assumed she would be. She was captured when the Cardassians moved on the Maquis. The report said that she was in reasonably good condition, and that she agreed to come here for you to talk to her as soon as the Cardassians let her go. And yes, that has happened by now. I am curious though why you asked specifically for her."

"Would you mind if I only answer that with, 'I had a promise to keep'?"

"It would make me more curious," Seven said amused. "But I would not mind. The selection of the people is up to the specific governments they represent. My only condition is that they are suited for the position; Ro Laren is."

Kira wanted to react, but hesitated when she saw Pagsha coming their way, holding a tablet with drinks for them. Kira took her drink and saw how the tall guard that never left Seven's side took a moment to simply touch Pagsha's arm as she took her drink. That small movement brought back memories and Kira blinked her eyes to prevent the tears from falling.

"I believe I understand," Seven said softly, having seen what Kira had looked at. "One so easily says 'you are safe with me' to a lover, but just how realistic is such a promise?"

Kira looked at her in surprise for a moment before relenting, "Former lover. We broke up before she went off to fight the Universe and get herself into trouble. The last thing I knew was that she joined the Maquis, and, well, we all know what happened there. So I knew she would be either captured or dead. I was hoping for the first."

Seven understood that a change in topic was needed and pointed to someone that had just walked into the room. "There is the fourth member of the Federation's representative team; Ensign Ezri Tigan."

"Never heard of her," Kira admitted. Then she frowned. "Ensign? For such a team? She looks damn young too."

"She is twenty, just," Seven agreed. "Jadzia picked her, though neither of them knows that, and for the time being I would like to keep it that way."

"Then why tell me, and how can Jadzia pick her and not know it?" Kira asked.

Seven smiled before admitting, "I have found that a lot of people appreciate knowing little secrets; it helps in building friendships. I like you Kira Nerys, and I would like to get to know you a little better. What I just told you will not destroy the Universe if they find out, but it might help in getting us closer."

"Oh, really, and just how close would you like to become?" Kira asked with a sexy purr.

B'Elanna pulled Seven against her in reaction and growled, "Mine." Making both Seven and Kira laugh.

Kira lifted her hands in mock defeat. "Alright, yours, if you explain to me how Jadzia picked this Ezri and doesn't know it... if you know that is."

"Because my Mate here can be very sneaky," B'Elanna explained. "Jadzia had a look at the files of the Federation people that were interested in working with the Borg. Her only task was to sift out the ones that were a flat 'no' for the position. What you, and the rest of the representatives will soon find out, is that Seven never merely looks at some info. Never. She'll also look at things we'd never look at, like how big the file is, when it was saved for the last time, how often it was accessed, stuff like that. Seven looked at the people that made it past the clear 'no', and noticed something interesting. Jadzia had looked at Ezri's file for the longest, and also had come back to it several times. Then, when she asked Jadzia about the names on the list and they reached Ezri, Jadzia admitted that she didn't know the person, but 'something' about the file sounded... right... to her. Seven decided that it was as good as reason as any and suggested in her turn the name to Nechayev."

"Hey Seven," Pagsha interrupted. "I heard someone ask a question when I was getting the drinks, and I thought it was a good one. Now that the Borg, and therefore you, rule this entire galaxy; what's next?"

Seven rolled her eyes. "You know very well that I do not rule the entire galaxy."

"No, but you are the biggest force in all four quadrants now."

"I think that it is interesting," Seven said thoughtfully. "Everyone always says that they control this or that part of space. Yet they all have huge holes in their territory. Even we have that in the territory we already controlled before now. The Zamonan are a good example of that. They lived in Borg space, yet we did not know of their existence because a Borg cube had once passed them and sensors did not show anything. I think that it would be a good idea to truly explore and fill those holes. But for us personally? These negotiations are over, but we have to wait a week or so longer for people to get their affairs in order so that they can join us. Since we are here, we could visit a few places. We could take Chancellor Gowron up on his offer of visiting Qo'noS. I would be interested in seeing some of the sights in the First City, other than the palace that is. Then we could also spend a few days on Romulus, I heard it is a beautiful planet."

"We could make it two weeks and add a trip to Bajor to that," B'Elanna suggested. "I mean, we're practically there as it is."

"Please, if you do go to Bajor, allow me to be your guide," Kira offered right away. Then she grinned and added, "I can show you a few places they normally don't show on official tours."

Seeing the tall guard straighten even more at the words, Kira was quick to assure, "Nothing unsafe. Just more interesting than the museum. Like the Nappian valley where they press the Bajoran spring wine. It's said, and true, that spring wine only get's better with age, but it will never taste better than the first hour after the pressing. It's like... well, I don't know a taste that you know that I can compare it to, but it's as if on feelings I would say it's better than sex, and that drinking it is a truly orgasmic sensation."

"Better than bloodwine?" B'Elanna asked amused.

"Oh, yeah," Kira said in a drawn out way. "I think you'll love it."

"We'll see," B'Elanna said unconvinced. Then she turned to Seven. "Well, we stalled long enough. How about it, my Princess, ready to mingle?"

"Princess?" Kira asked confused.

"Private nickname," Pagsha explained for her friends as the Federation Minister came in their direction. Pagsha steered Kira a little away and began. "Let me explain it to you. You see when B'Elanna and Seven were still on Voyager, before they became lovers, they hated each other. One of the favorite insults for B'Elanna to use against Seven was 'Ice Princess' because back then Seven didn't show her emotions as easy as she does now... as she does now with friends. Anyway, when they moved away from hating each other the 'Ice' part dropped, but the Princess continued. And even when Seven became the Queen of the Borg and B'Elanna is now actually a Princess, Seven still is, and always will be, a Princess to B'Elanna."

End epilogue.

And here is where the story ends, kinda.
It seems that I just can't help myself. For some reason my characters end up becoming some of the most powerful mortals in existence in my long stories. :)

Now to come to that 'kinda.'
Will there be a sequel? No. This story is over.
But that does not mean that I won't use it as a base for shorter stories.
At the moment I have plans for two stories.

One of which deals with Geisha Obi. (Remember the urban planner that went from having the worst day of her life to the best day of her life in one hour flat?)

And the second one... well, you probably noticed that quite a few Star Trek people suddenly moved to live on Unimatrix 01. You also might want to know that the 'Wonders of the House of Presba' is one of my al time favorite story series. And on top of that I did have a temptation of having more people in a relationship in this story. So you might see a short story homage coming by that centers around a multi person relationship. And no, B/7 will not be part of that group, other than being the best of friends. It is supposed to be a homage, not a copy. The group makeup will be different, so some of the same will be in there, and also the number of people in the group is not yet clear.

But for now. This is it.

Word count for this story:
After the original first draft: 281,386 words.
And after the last edit: 392,084 words.
In comparison, 'Gone with the Wind' has 423,575 words. (According to Amazon.com)
So that gives you somewhat of an impression how thick a book this would make. :)

But, ewww, almost four hundred thousand words. My fingers hurt. :(
And even though I know that there are other long stories out there, I now boldly claim this as the longest B/7 fan fiction story written by one writer. I don't know how many words the Wonders of the House of Presba series is. But since that's a series, plus it's written by two writers, I still stand by my claim. :D

Only thing I have to figure out now is if that's something to be proud of, or something that qualifies me as mental. :)

Started: Not sure; the earliest file date I can find is 22 September 2004.
Finished: 5 January 2009.
Damn, more than 4 years!

Thank you for reading.
Feedback can be sent to: hw@alias-hw.com


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