~ Foreign Harbors, Part I ~
by J.A. Bard

Disclaimer: #3 in the SciFi Fantasy of Major Jina Gari Zohra and Lt. Commander Lady Alexandra Harriet Montran. The characters in this story are mine as is the topic of the story.

Sex: There is sex between consenting adults in many forms. Ahh, yes. The 'many forms'. Think of all the possibilities of species dumber or smarter than homosapients populating the space near US and afar.

Hurt/Discomfort: There is the death of a fetus.

Thanks to my beta reader, Martha and to the many who have sent Emails for yet another sequel. I hope you all enjoy the adventure. This is a sequel to Arnica, which is the sequel to Merker's Outpost. You might want to take a look at the Guideline to Foreign Harbors which offers a helpful list of terms, meanings and definitions.

Goddess bless and peace profound. J.A. Bard

Chapter 10

Catching Butterflies was docking when Captain Melchi eyes jumped to the alarm on her console. Quickly she scanned to see what it was about.

She sent the alarm to Captain Onry's console, Lady Malu's and head of ship's security Lt. Commander Beka. The captain was involved with the docking and nodded to Lady Malu. Lady Malu rose and joined Captain Melchi.

"Our missing crewmate…" Lady Malu said.

"They found her," Melchi agreed. "Someone is using a thought disrupter…specific for Lt. Vanster's bios. If she did have the chip still implanted she would have been immobilized. Someone knows too much about the illegal business in our neck of the galaxy. My suspicion is the DeLeon emissary. That means if one SEC ship was breached maybe the other."

"Yes. Carry-on. Pick a dozen of your group and investigate their ship. Butterflies Commander Beka's team will be collecting data on this station."

"Will do, Commander."

While Captain Onry went to speak with the harbor authorities surrounded by Commander Beka's top security team, Melchi and her group went to see why Rouster was in lock down.

The women Melchi's commanded were composed of members from Hekate's Inner Circle, a female group of warriors and healers that work covertly. They protected themselves when needed and underwent deep soul searching after a job that had required taking of another's life.

They were within sight of docking bay seven when her scouts sent out a warning. Melchi signed her group in a scatter pattern. They disappeared into the masses of people that were moving to and from arriving shuttles.

"Report, B're," she whispered.

[The ship is being watched.]

"Let's watch the watcher," she ordered. She glanced around for her second, Lt. Visu. The woman was quickly at her side. "Did they leave a message?"

"They did, just incase we came calling," Visu grinned, handing her Captain the PD.

"They certainly go by the book. So…Vanster's at Pleasure House, the Major and Commander are at Manfra's," she read.

"Why am I not surprised Vanster would start her leave there?" Visu shook her head. "Maybe we should inquire what Manfra's is like. Could be the same thing only for couples."

"Shall we go find out?" B're suggested.

"Leah, come in," Melchi called softly as the two women motioned subtly to their teams.

[Here, capt.]

"How many you need for surveillance?"


"Take two from my team and two from Visu's."

Leah quickly named four, whom peeled off swiftly to meet up with her. Melchi turned to Lt. Visu. "Visu head over to the Pleasure House and I'll take my team to the Manfra."

By Visu's face Malchi knew she thought she was getting the better of the two, but Lt. Visu had never gone in search of information from a brothel before in an official capacity.

Melchi's team halted when their scouts spotted a heavy appearance of uniformed people moving around the hotel, their goal. There were also one or two people like the two that were watching Rouster standing off to the side watching everything that was happening outside of the hotel.

"Captain. Did you get a look at the recruiting posters? Can't say I've ever known any recruiter in Committee space making those promises," Jill remarked.

"Captain. We've got hunters," Carloa warned.

"How many?" Captain Melchi asked.

"Two individuals…they're not on a hunt. Just waiting for a contract. Do you think they are the same as in our neck of space?"

"One unit per pack? It's not a biological determinant….it's a military strategy," Malchi reminded the others. One unit was made up of three individuals to twelve soldiers that went for the capture of the prey. While one hunted two rested, thus easily wearing down their quary.

"Captain, Lt. Beka acknowledged your message and marked the hunters. They'll be monitored," Jill reported.

"Good. There's an undercurrent of bad feelings running through these people," Malchi told the four women near her, "and I believe we've identified two groups responsible."

Jill turned around and nodded from a message she received. "Amali'a has something. She's heading over to us," Jill informed her captain. "She's about ten minutes from us."

The three picked a table in an outside bar and ordered water, verified discreetly with their readers. A slim gray figured arnot slipped into the empty chair and gratefully sipped the water offered her.

"Lt. Vanster is on the other side of these docks; she's in pain making it difficult to read anything more from her," Amali'a reported softly.

They followed Amali'a back to the where she had picked up on her, zig-zagging in a trail Vanster left as she fled her pursuers. Malchi was certain she would not head back to the Rouster. They spotted Vanster's pursuers before they spotted Vanster. One hunter and four soldiers using a thought disrupter. Usually hunters savored their prey's take down in a clean hunt.

"Get that damn thought disrupter shut down!" Capt. Malchi ordered.

The energy in the air quickly changed when machine was shut down. The four soldiers were neutralized. However, it gave Vanster and the person that was helping her, the opportunity to disappear onto a shuttle that was going to Marigold. The hunter escaped and took off after them.

"Call Lt. Visu …unless they have something solid get back to ship…and make sure everyone is buddied. I don't want anyone disappearing. Notify blue squad to prepare Meister for a drop." She pulled up her comm and notified the OOD of Butterflies their position and plan. The OOD notified her the two hunters they were monitoring were also heading to Marigold.

Lt. Visu and her team met Malchi and her group near the docks. By her expression, Malchi guessed her attempt at checking out the Pleasure House was a dismal failure.

"Lt. Visu, what did you find?"

"Infested with local law enforcement. We couldn't get in and everyone around wasn't saying anything. Some uniformed military types like on those posters plastered everywhere, were standing around and intimidating the hell out of everyone. Jill reported a few were eyeing her and it wasn't the kind of appraisal one makes of a prospective date."

"Report!" Lady Malu demanded as Malchi and her team tramped back on board. She fell in along side of Malchi.

"Vanster and a companion are on a shuttle heading for the planet. We'll follow down. We have not been able to locate the Major or Commander. The empaths cannot feel their presence on this station though they have been here."

Lady Malu nodded. "The Koan also could not locate the two. This station is in an unrest that has my skin crawling with anticipation."

"I hear that," Melchi agreed. "From my observation, it's those soldiers that those over-kill posters on the station depict as an exciting vocation. I suggested my team travel in groups."

"Yes. Security reported some of their guards were approached a bit aggressively about joining up with the best army of the Talog Collage. On your way down, study the laws we've down loaded to your db. About those hunters security is monitoring, apparently the hunter units move differently in this neck of the galaxy. We'll let you know more as we get it. Stay in touch," Lady Malu ordered.

Independent security teams sometimes had the habit of getting in over their heads because they left their other team members in the dark. Lady Malu did not want that to happen so far from home, especially with the draft mobs that were moving throughout the space station.

"Will do," Melchi nodded and trotted up the ramp to her shuttle, Meister. As she sank into her seat her hands were already securing herself into her position. The light above her seat signaled she was ready and the ship moved out of the Butterflies bay quickly.

The shuttle left so quickly Lady Malu wondered if it had been cleared with the harbor master. They were not making friends on this station, she thought ruefully. Then her thoughts returned to the SEC ships they had located. They were claimed by a General Tatolormufamesambula. She was in the process of arranging a meeting with this general and the captain. The koan profiled him as a man who believed himself to be the most powerful and feared person in the Talog Collage.

All people in places of great power had phobias and the koan knew his.

Chapter 11

"I got her Captain. She's on that shuttle. There's a ship with more steam in her tail on a direct line between us and her…that one has three people in it. Butterflies identifies two as the ones marked as hunters. The larger ship that's coming from a different direction has some serious fire power but…her ammunition bays and racks are empty. What do you want me to do?" Gunny reported.

"Well, from what I read in these local laws, those ships don't have any rights within the air space of Marigold. I do believe we are entering her legal space. Give a shot across their bows and protect Vanster's ship so it can get down safely. When we're sure the others are gone, we'll follow. Hopefully the leut recognizes us and waits," she told her arms master.

Amali'a shook her head. "She won't be thinking logically. Right now she is going to have a migraine in both hemispheres. Whoever is helping her will be guiding her wherever they are going."

"Can you get a read on who that is?"

"It's one of the family members they rescued from the accident outside the debris cloud. Other than that…she's blocking."

"Arax. What about the emissary? He anywhere around? I don't trust a DeLoen even in deep freeze."

After a few moments Amali'a nodded. "He's awaked alright. I can feel his interest in this chase." She was quiet for a few moments, getting a better sense. "He's getting closer," she frowned. "He got in pretty quick with the local bad guys." She suddenly grinned. "He's using his thoughts to say he's got bigger guns than we do. He's on that ship with no ammunition. Maybe they didn't trust him enough to load anything."

"Alright. Before we get too involved here…send a message to Butterflies," Malchi ordered.

"He doesn't know who we are," Amali'a said softly as she muddled around in the man's head. She yelped and laughed. "He thinks we're local enforcement and the ship he's in seems to have precedence over the locals. Meaning, it's expected we back off. I also got an inquiry as to what type of ship we are and where we're from. That's from the captain of that ship."

"Message coming in, Capt," Rou informed them.

"Go ahead," she responded.

Captain Onry's face appeared on her screen.

[Captain, you're not going to believe the mess these people are in,] he told her with a big grin. Which to Malchi said it was fixable but it had its challenges.

[They have war games in stadiums with people trained just for fighting. The 'recruiters' are who we've been running into and who have kidnapped Major Zohra. They will not comment on Commander Montran or Lt. Vanster so I am supposing they don't have either. The SEC ships were hauled in by a reclamation crew that found a rupture in the Leander. Emissary Boreon DeLeon was the only one they released. Everyone else is still secured. Apparently the Emissary wants to be the lone star out here. My guess is the Emissary is going to sell the metrasoldiers. The local authorities won't be able to help us…and hopefully won't interfere. A General Tatolormufamesambula runs the entire galaxy machine around here and apparently makes his rules stick with the drop of a bomb. We're going to chit chat with him.]

Malchi nodded. "We found Boreon DeLeon," she informed him. His smile grew broader. "We'll grab the emissary and put him in deep sleep then go after Vanster. She's has someone helping her. The kid off the shipwreck."

[Okay. Keep in touch. Oh, and by the way…the government on Marigold, they don't like the 'recruiters' at all. It seems there have been some disappearances of their people and no one knows where they are.]

"Thanks, Captain. I can use that. Out. Gunner it's all yours. Bring both birds down gently," she ordered. "We're gonna recapture that sleeze."

The clangons sounded and everyone made sure they were firmly secured in their seats.

"Helgas bloody moon, but I love these new toys," Gunny muttered as she reset her scan on the target, picking out which soft spot to hit. Catching Butterflies and all her smaller flying ships, scouts, fighters and drop ships, were the latest technology. A combination of brilliant minds from two galaxies not wanting ships focused on military ends created a science ship that could defend herself.

The shuttle was dropped first. An energy beam from Meister settled the shuttle in a meadow and then secured it from anyone entering or leaving it.

Gunny's attention returned to the nearly toothless ship that was heading towards where Vanster's ship had settled. Obviously they had a priority and that was to go after Vanster. She sent a small energy beam to it's engines which resulted in an immediate shutdown of their systems. The other pilot showed skill by landing safely on a road below. "This is too easy," Gunny muttered as she monitored the two downed ships.

"Lt. Mira. This is your game. Drop down and scoop up our prisoner. Remember he is dangerous!" Melchi reminded them.

Lt. Mira's blue troop dropped to the ground below, encircling the downed ship as Meister watched from above.

"Captain. Lt. Mira reports B-team has their mark," Rou reported.

"He still thinks we're local enforcement. His mouth has been sealed and now he's bombarding the team with thoughts on how his new ally is going to drop a bomb on their home towns for sticking their nose into business that is not theirs."

"Gunny, keep your eyes alert for any bomb deployments. Electra!"

A head popped around the corner from her post.

"Heads up. You're to relieve Amali'a. She's going to need a break soon."

"Righto, Capt."

Suddenly Amali'a leaned forward as if she had a stomach ach. "Oh gawds!" she gasped.

"When you're ready, leut," Malchi encouraged, knowing she could not interfere with the connection until Amali'a willing let it go. The captain's heart was beating at the shocked look on the empath's face.

"She…the Major…they're torturing her…they…she was pregnant and they killed her fetus," Amali'a cried.

"Get everyone up here along with that pile of shit!" Malchi ordered. "Get Captain Onry or Catching Butterflies." Malchi was thinking of what this would do to Commander Montran and her empathic abilities. The Commander could very well turn into a loose cannon ball. No one knew what her capacity for fighting was. "Amali'a let it go," she ordered as she saw the empath was staying connected regardless of her pain.

"No! He is using this to try to get me to drop the connection," Amali'a reported gritting her teeth.

"So…bloody moon!" Captain Malchi exploded. Amali'a was correct in not letting go. They needed as much information as possible.

"Do we continue after Lt. Vanster?" Lt. Visu asked concerned.

"Is the major here?" Malchi asked B're another empath.

She shook her head. "Never has been. The Commander and Vanster…yes. Right now…"she suddenly sat up.

"What happened?"

"A…door closed," B're reported, blinking her eyes.

Amali'a leaned back, her face becoming relaxed.

Malchi was annoyed. "What did you do to the emissary?" she asked as Lt. Mira entered the bridge.

"He's in deep freeze," Lt. Mira, leader of Blue squad informed her. "For our sakes and his. That's probably why you won't get any more readings from him. We've secured the soldiers but what do you want to do with them?"

Amali'a nodded. "The emissary used his time well on Arnica. He learned about directing thoughts."

"Put that in the report…it will be used in his trial. Jill, did you get in touch with anyone on this planet that we can speak to about this incident? Helgas moon I hope we didn't break too many local laws."

"They don't have any military or police force locally."

"Mixed blessing for us. Okay, put them in a sleep. Call Butterflies and see if they can remove them. Gunny, figure out just what type of bomb this guy drops," Melchi directed. She turned to look at her second. "Lt. Visu, we need to locate Vanster. She's all we have right now."

"She disappeared towards these woods. We'll need to send out a search party."

Melchi nodded as she studied her screen. "Set the ship here, so we can monitor the captured soldiers. Lt. Visu, you'll remain on board with blue and red squads and make sure those fellows remain neutralized until help arrives. I'll take my squad to follow Vanster and her friend."

"M team! Ready yourselves!" Melchi ordered over the PCC. Lt. Visu handed Melchi her pack and secured it. Fastenings and comm were checked. "Mount up!" Melchi ordered once she passed muster. Eleven women settled in their seats ready to be dropped into unfamiliar territory.

"Stay safe, Captain," Visu wished.

"And you Leut."

Once they were all on land, two scouts moved forward and two dropped back. The other seven moved in single file along a faint trail that a scout with goods eyes could pick out.

Lt. Visu leaned back in her captain's chair when the M-team disappeared into the forest cover. Lt. Mira and her B-team went back to secure the area around the fallen ships and them. Repelling armaments were setup in case missiles were to be launched by the recruiters. Her eyes went over the Meister's scans. Nothing appeared to be happening around them. It did not rid her of a strange disquiet…a premonition that it was not as it seemed.

"Gunny, I don't feel right about something. Can you give another look see?"

"I read you," Rou her navigator told her nervously. "It doesn't feel right. We can take her up…get a better look see," she suggested.

"Do it. B're? Are you feeling anything strange?"

"I don't feel anything."

"Engage!" Visu's heart beat in excitement. They were all sensitives on varying levels, but B're was a strong telepath. If she could not read anything, it meant someone was dampening the area and it was not them.

The ship in idle, shot up quickly. They were the life-and-death ships for troops dropped into enemy territory. They had quick maneuverability with firepower to support it's ground troops and itself. As it rose above the tree line, they could see a dozen craft heading for them.

"Bloody moon!" many exclaimed under their breaths.

"Let the ground troops know of the situation. Sisters to battle stations!" she announced on the PCC. "Rou, send out a message to Butterflies." It had to happen sooner or later. We've been rattling our sabers too much for being tourists or guests…

"Remember! We out gun them so we need to not give too much of ourselves away. B're what information do we have? Butterflies historians by now should have volumes of info. While we wait for them to get into position…give us a synopsis."

"There are thirteen armies, in the Talog Collage, made up of 30,000 each. They are pitted against each other just like a game and people bet on the outcome. I'm sure they're going to find us a new game in town. These games were supposed replace wars among it's members but it's turned into one person running this galaxy. The citizens of the member planets are unhappy with the way this forced compliance has developed. This General Tatolormufamesambula that runs this neck of the galaxy is the usual ruthless despot. However, he does not share with off-spring or any family members. He's killed them all to prevent them from over throwing him."

Lt. Visu watched the approaching ships as they formed a circle around them. "Idiots," she muttered. "They're too close to each other. All we need to do is take one out and it'll blow the others away with the concussion. Gunny! What do they have that gives them the confidence?"

"I'm getting the same readings as a vlola energy field. If we hit them at the right spot…"

"Right. Exactly why we stopped using it. Go ahead. I don't want them to get too close or they may hurt themselves. All hands! Brace for return fire!" Visu announced. "Fire when you have the point…what the..?" Meister's screens showed additional information on the energy field that was linking the surrounding ships.

"Looks like they figured out how to work that flaw," Gunny mentioned as she recalibrated her scans and sent it on another search for a weakness in the overlapping field of energy.

"Hm. B're?"

"They have thought disrupters. Not the most refined. It's on a random scatter, not species specific."

"Gunny, get behind that signal and give them a blast back… Fire when ready. That should give them all headaches," she added.

The energy Meister's gunner sent out to neutralize the energy from the enemy normally was not visual; however, when it hit the vlola's energy field it turned the area into a purple arch that vibrated everything within the pocket the field protected, including Meister's crew until Gunny disengaged.

"Goddess!" Rou breathed from her post. "What in helga's moon are they running below the vlola blanket?"

"That's why that method of protection was given up on. Between each layer of vlola energy is a layer of neutral space. It doesn't matter how much space there is, when the friction of the layers increases it's like popping an air bubble," Gunny explained.

"Break a way! Regroup to third level!" Visu ordered.

The Meister shot to a position above the ships. The ringed ships wobbled and most headed to the surface while they still had some control. Three of the twelve drifted lifeless towards the planets gravity field.

"Shut them down," Visu instructed. "If anyone tries to leave their downed ship, neutralize them."

"Leut! We have another group approaching. They aren't taking the same line of attack."

"Gunny, let me know when you have those first set of ships down. B're?"

"No thought disrupters. They want to kill us."

"Let's send a thought of discouragement…get a koan together, B're," Visu directed as her eyes moved back to her received transmission.

"It's about time," muttered Gunny as ships sending out signals that they were from Catching Butterflies appeared on her screen. Suddenly the signal began to deteriorate as a second level of encryptions failed to match. "Not ours!"

"It's a trap!" B're warned.

The ship smoothly moved into evasive maneuvers.

"Not bad tactics. Offer an easy target and while we gloat…sneak in a group that appears to be what we were hoping for. Let's use that knowledge. Tactical?"

"By the methods used, my guess is we've engaged two different types of commands or groups," Gunny looked over at B're. "So far they're just feeling us out."

"I feel two different minds behind the last two groups we've engaged," B're agreed. "These two are also from separate groups. They are very competitive…not all of that feeling is natural."

"Anything like the metrasoldiers?"

"No, Captain. It's easy to read their thoughts. Aggression. Pure aggression. Ground troops is my guess. Wouldn't do in a ship," B're responded.

"So…we divide and conquer. They must have a group amongst them that they despise. Why don't we picture a rival military group sticking their nose in what's not their business?"

B're looked at her koan she had formed, four members that were sensitives. "We're ready. We've picked up a group a few members look on with distain."

"Okay, form the allusion that this group is offering them help," Visu laughed, rubbing her hands. Being too competitive had it's weak points.

Melchi held her hand up for the group to stop. She listened to her comm from Meister.

"We're being followed by a group of brownies," Jill informed her Captain when she looked up grimly.

"Yeah, I know. Guess we'll give them what they want and leave this area." She gave a whistle signal for scouts and everyone to gather.

"We're going to have to leave Vanster and her sadhe guide for a while," Melchi informed her group. "Our ship is in battle with B-team on ground giving support. We're going to have to give them flank support. Fan out and move quickly, and don't trample anything." She said this tongue-in-cheek knowing her group was very light on their feet.

Mentally she got a lot of indignant huffs, but it put everyone in a better mood. It did not take them long to become aware of a battle going on above them.

"Captain, looks like they found a way to break free from our freeze," Jill reported as they studied the meadow below them. One of the downed ships was able to arm itself and fire shots at the Meister. However, Meister was finding ways to get the ground shots to pass her barely and hit those chasing her.

"She's having too much fun up there," Melchi told her group. "Fan out and let's knock these people out. Remember, they've trained most of their adult lives to fight to the death…knock them out good." She pressed her throat comm. "Lt. Mira. M-troop scattering out towards your flank. Anything I need to know?"

[They've given up on the thought disrupters and have moved to burn shot cannons. We've had a few missiles but our return fire burnt them out. We've pretty much neutralized their other weaponry. We're more worried about what we don't see.]

"Yeah. They should be sending in ground troops while our ship is kept busy. We'll let you continue the mop up and keep watch of your flank. Good hunting."

[Thanks, Capt.]

Melchi moved back, motioning to her team to blend back into the forest. Their area of coverage was wide, but not impossible.

[Captain! We need some help! Incoming parachutes!] Then their ground troops' antimissile rockets could be heard going off.

"Coming! Unit dog, keep watch." The three people left to guard the parameter were telepathic and able to pick up even a local bug moving in the area.

Booms and shots from the antimissile launchers could be heard throughout the meadow. She wondered if the locals would gather enough courage to climb the surrounding mountains to watch the show.

Melchi lifted her reader and did not detect anyone aboard the ship that was now smoking seriously. She could see the fire was contained in one area, it was the smoke through the air vents that did the crew in that was haphazardly lying about. As she moved quickly amongst the enemies downed soldiers made sure they had a sleep patch on their neck.

Melchi stumbled over Jill's body. "Helga's bloody moon," she whispered. She felt her pulse. It was light. "Medic!" she called over her mic.

The medic was quickly at her side.

"Orau! She's got a faint pulse," she reported.

Orau laid her hands on the woman and was silent as Melchi stood guard, listening to the reports her people were calling in. She heard other calls for a medic and moans from her wounded soldiers.

[Captain! We have troops moving in from four sides!]

"Lt. Mira, what's the status?"

[We're waiting for them to fall into the pocket….got their wave length, Captain. Give us ten count after the first whistle!]

"Got it," she reported. She looked around at her troops, many of them were wounded but not seriously. They were lucky to have the new weapons that merely knocked out the species it pointed out rather than killing. It was an invention a scientist on Merker's Outpost. Mer's very own guardian.

Chapter 12

Captain Onry watched the reptilian, General Tatolormufamesambula, take a seat at the meeting room in his private room. Captain Onry was in the captain's mess watching on a screen. It was the most neutral space on the ship and well protected should the sly general attempt something. The general would not meet with him in person, which he understood why. Not just because it was not clean enough but that it was a military tactic.

[Everyone is here,] Ambassador Buaxas announced to everyone from his office. [Would you like to begin General Tatolormufamesambula?] The foreign diplomat Buaxas was representing Talog Collage.

The general gave a look to Ambassador Buaxas that the captain and Lady Malu thought was meant to let him know he had committed an indiscretion that he did not take lightly.

After a long moment of silence the general finally acknowledged. [I am here as a courtesy!] he said in a tone that indicated Buaxas would have something unpleasant to face after the meeting unless the general got something he could use.

Ambassador Buaxas, was a cool customer, though later the koan would report he was very nervous. [Of course General Tatolormufamesambula. These warriors are from another galaxy. They do not know our ways and they have shown an interest in the Talog Collage's greatest general to have every lived.]

Another indiscretion. This should have been spoken of before Captain Onry was brought in.

[Well then. Let me tell you…foreign warriors,] his voice was disdainful and the flickering of his tongue was an intended insult. [We have no wars between our planet members. I have taken care of the need for battle and have fashioned the greatest war teams every assembled. Whatever you throw at them….they will adapt and use it against you.]

"It sounds like you are proud of your achievements, General…Tatolormufamesambula," he added, remembering the ambassador had told them that he was always addressed by his complete name. It was a combination of birth name and what he gave himself.

"We are here to retrieve what is ours. You have two prisoner ships which belong to us and we are missing some of our crewmates…one which I understand your recruiters attacked and is now held by you."

General Tatolormufamesambula smiled, his tongue lashing out aggressively. [Not such good warriors if you loose two ships and crewmembers.]

"It is true we did not anticipate that a station that advertised itself as neutral would be otherwise. Nor that theft from other galaxies part of your culture."

[That is a judicial matter. Take it up with them. What I have…is mine.] The transmission went out.

Captain Onry was surprised he got the interview.

"Ambassador. We intend on getting our prisoners back and our missing crewmembers. If you want a war…you are going about it in the right way," Captain Onry bluffed.

[We have no control over General Tatolormufamesambula. He is his own law. He has the armies, weapons and money…] the ambassador lifted his feathered wings in helplessness.

"Well, what did you make out of all that?" Captain Onry asked his advisory team.

"The ambassador is scared to death of the general and hopes we take him out for them," DeDe reported for the koan.

"From the beams he was trying to ride in on his transmission, he was doing some heavy diagnostic readings of everyone it could reach," Commander Beka of security reported.

"What did you give him?" the Captain asked curious.

"The readings of the planet astor," Lady Dell smiled.

"Hm," Captain Onry toyed with his cup of java.

"We've been able to gather information on him and put together a profile," Commander Beka offered. He pulled up readings for them all. "He said he has the only army in this neck of the woods, and he is correct. Anyone that opposes him or people that he backs he drops a few bombs on cities and all becomes quiet. Local law enforcement is trolled for recruitment material so you can image people's lack of interest in taking up that career track. His primary recruitment strategy is to send out gangs of soldiers that pick out potential fighters among the populace…and that would be anyone that shows any athletic ability. Age makes no difference."

"What is preventing others from guerrilla warfare?"

"He's not a stupid ruthless dictator. Those that do rule under his auspicious touch don't abuse the citizenry openly. His soldiers do not get away with complete unlawfulness. This is a guy that has carried his obsession of collecting toy soldiers to a larger scale. There are seven museums that house the types of armies he's collected since a child. As an adult, he has a private museum… The word is that they were or are soldiers that had once been part of the armies of the planets around here. Which means, he may see us as either another army to collect or as a challenge for his present one."

Captain Onry shook his head. "If he's a collector…he'll want us to add to his booty in his museums. Private eh? See if you can get a spy in the private museum."

"No wonder he hasn't forced the seal on the SEC ship, Malta. He wants the metrasoldiers intact," Lady Malu surmised.

"Lady Dell's group recognized the general has a skin condition that requires medication to keep under control. That means he would probably own the laboratory. We need to locate it," Captain Onry looked over at Commander Beke, his security officer.

He nodded. "Lady Dell's report was reviewed by my staff. We have seven possible sites. We are now narrowing them down."

"Good. How are we doing with locating those three soldiers?"

Lady Dell cleared her throat next to him.

Captain Onry turned to Lady Dell surprised that she had the information.

"Well…that is a worry," Lady Dell admitted. "We have two pregnant women and…"

"Pregnant?" Most everyone echoed.

"Vanster and the major?" Beke asked unbelievingly.

"The major and Lady Alexandra," Lady Dell clarified.

There was a moment of silence. Arnica, was the group thought.

"Another problem," Captain Onry shook his head. "Next time mother tells me to not sail without my lucky piece, I will listen to her. Please notify the respective families and of their status…Helga's moon! I'm gonna have four angry clans and Major General Aglauros after me," he sighed distressed, and then brightened. "Lady Malu, you have a connection with the clan and the sisters. I'll let you handle this delicate notification of kin…"

Chapter 13

Vanster's headache subsided as she rested her head against the tree she was in. The two were slowly making their way through the trees, resting often to make sure they did not disturb the environment. Hunters would sense them through that disturbance.

A bird's cry had her attention moving to that part of the forest. She sniffed the air. Chuckling to herself, she sneered at the general belief that drop pilots did not know how to wage guerrilla warfare. It was training Black Rose SgtMaj JG required of all her soldiers and especially of her. They were in covert operations together and JG did not want anyone unprepared. Vanster breathed deeply, trying to shake the overlapping of lives. She turned her attention to her companion whom she was impressed with her stealthness until she realized she was sidhe. What sidhe did not know how to move through nature unseen or unheard?

Vanster's eyes narrowed as a bush moved without the aid of a breeze. She looked around for any others. It appeared that they three hunters split up to cover more ground. Vanster looked up at Arax. Arax gave a hand signal Vanster had taught her.

From Arax's high perch she observed two other hunters further out. So there was only a unit. She wondered where the soldiers were, but decided not to let the familiar lock her into expecting similar battle tactics.

From the bush moved a lizard hunter. Vanster studied him as it moved quickly forward and then stopped, it's tongue out to taste the air. It touched the tree Vanster was on and the tree shook. Vanster dropped using her booted feet to knock it out. She slid off her pack and quickly pulled out a sleeper. Her reader fed the information to the sleep patch on how much of a dose was needed to knock it out for a week.

While Arax remained in the tree watching for any others, Vanster dragged the body under a rock so at least it would not die from exposure. It was not Vanster's first choice of taking out the enemy.

She was about to get back into the tree when she looked up at Arax, suddenly realizing she had been calling her. Vanster dropped to her knees and then rolled to the side, kicking out at the dark figure that was about to hit her. He stumbled back and Vanster was on him, pulling his weaponed hand up so that the weapon was pointed at him rather than her and squeezed his hand. The beast fell to the ground shaking. Vanster's reader neutralized the effects of the nerve paralyzer. She then added a patch to this one. She also tied it to a tree, using objects she found on the hunter's clothing for restraining prisoners.

"We have to keep moving," Arax told her softly. "More of these will be sent."

"Where is this place we need to be at?"

Arax shook her head. "We cannot bring trouble to their gorb. We will have the sidhe whose land we are bringing the invaders to angry with us. These invaders, we need to make it obvious that we are making fools of them not the locals…"

"That is called stirring up a hornets nest," Vanster remarked, feeling better doing something she enjoyed.

Arax led her to a rocky riverbed.

"Okay. How is this going to help us? We walk along here and they'll see our foot prints," Vanster asked as she surveyed for possible routes.

Arax laughed. "As a child, I laid traps along the riverbed to keep nosey people from following me."

For the next fifteen minutes, Arax showed Vanster how to set a trap meant to twist an ankle or cause a bruising fall.

They then headed up the rocky mountain.

Vanster kept swatting at a buzz near here ear. "Helga's moon! I didn't pack anything for native bugs!" she muttered irritated.

Arax looked back at her and burst out laughing.

"What is so funny?"

"It's a messenger. We are to follow the brownie to another gorb, a doorway nearby."

Vanster stared at the small irritant not seeing it as anything more than a bug. Then it grew larger into a small human-like creature with wings. It's small voice squeaked an indignant retort and then flew ahead of them.

"Did I say something rude?" Vanster demanded.

"No. Brownies are not known for eloquence and politeness. They just get a job done."

The two clambered over rocks and boulders, slowed by Vanster who kept stopping to study the progress of their pursuers. She could see movement behind them. It was like a search line spread out across the dry river bed and onto both sides of the river.

She wondered why they had not spotted them yet since they were in plain sight.

"It's the light," Arax told her as she again looked behind them and then over the terrain they were clambering over.

Vanster leaned back and caught the bright sun in her eyes. "Oh. Yeah." Duh. So obvious. I'm really slipping. She wiped her brow with a cloth and secured it in her pocket then took a sip of water.

Back under the cover of trees their pace increased to a trot. As they moved over the rising land and zig-zagged between trees Vanster thought about her need to reconnect with her COs. She was worried about them. And then…she ran into a cold blast which was over quickly. She stumbled into Arax who had come to a complete stand-still. The young elfin held her so she would not fall but Vanster did…into what many called enchanted sleep.

Someone put a cup to her lips and encouraged her to drink. By third swallow she was aware enough to notice an improvement to her over all condition. Her headache was gone and the buzzing in her head.

Opening her eyes a beautiful elf watched her with concern. Vanster held her breath for a moment and then remembered who she was.

"We seem to be having a lot of visitors from you part of the galaxy lately," Queen Oongha told her softly. "How is your head, Lt. Vanster?"

Vanster nodded to test it. "Good…okay. What happened?"

"Fribeth, nonfairy folk, seldom cross the gorb, a gateway to fairyland, due to body energy…incongruence. You were allowed by the grace of the Queen and King of this fairyland."

"Why do they want to see me?" she asked nervously.

"Various reasons. One is that your commander is with us. We thought perhaps you would like to be reunited."

"Commander Montran! How is she? Where's the major?"

"She is doing better though not as well as we would wish. Your major has been picked up by the recruiters. We fear she has been transported to their laboratories."

"Labs? Why? Can I see the commander?"

"She is sleeping. We have not spoken to her of where they moved her bondmate yet. But I sense she knows."

"What kind of laboratories?"

"Research. It is a place of pain and mental anguish for our people."

Helgas moon! We're in trouble.

"Your companion, Arax, is in the garden, if you wish to speak with her."

"Yeah." Gotta get a plan going. "Excuse me, but, why else was I 'summoned' here?"

"This evening, when we are all gathered, we shall discuss what concerns us all."

Vanster could see Arax through the flowers sitting on a bench and smelling deeply a small flower she held in her palm. She looked up when Vanster joined her.

"It is peaceful here, no?"

Vanster looked at her blankly and then got to what bothered her. "Lady Alexandra is here but not the major. According to the…" she hesitated realizing she did not get a name.

"What did she or he look like?"

"Ehh. Well," she looked embarrassed. "Tall, hair wound up in a," she gestured the style. "She, I believe, and wore a medallion…" Vanster slapped her forehead suddenly remembering the meaning of the emblem on the medallion. "A portal guardian."

"That would be Queen Oonagh." Arax watched Vanster as she flicked a piece of wood off her leg and thought. She grinned as Vanster flicked another that was on her shoulder.

"Hey!" Vanster suddenly leaped up and looked around her suspiciously when two more landed on her. Then many small pieces of wood splinters sailed her way.

"Naye!" Arax shouted and rose to hold Vanster back as she moved to swat at the tiny flock of brownies that once having done their prank disappeared.

"What did I ever do to them? Nothing but pests!" she decreed disgustedly.

"And what you expect, is what they give you," Arax told her practically. "So, what do we do now?" she purposely asked to distract Vanster.

Vanster sat down, looking sheepish. She shook her head to loosen some chips caught in her curls. "Well, they have the major and that's a priority. I'm sure the commander will agree," she said with firmness.

"Did they say where she is?"

"Some recruiters' laboratory," she said. She slammed her fist into her hand. "Why do we have to wait for the evening before we get together to discuss what's going to be done?" she asked in anguish.

She did not notice Arax blanch in horror at the mention of the laboratory. "Perhaps you will feel better doing something," she quickly offered and rose.

Vanster rose and followed after her, hating the idea of not doing something to help her friend.

Arax kept Vanster busy teaching her a form of self defense that Vanster thought she could use. When Vanster felt tired, Arax stopped, still looking fresh. They washed up and played in the pool that was near the showers. Finally, when Arax felt her charge was relaxed enough, she escorted her to her commander's room where she was resting.

The room Vanster walked in was a different color and seemed to be…pulsing as if it were a calm heart beat. Her eyes found the pale looking Commander curled up on a bed.

"Commander! What's wrong?"

"Besides being pregnant…nothing. It's good to see you…though I wish you were out hunting for Gari. She's got herself in some kind of trouble," and then the tears started again. She waved at Vanster, trying to get her words organized to explain it was her emotional state from being pregnant but she couldn't.

"Pregnant women are so emotional," Arax told her instead.

"Gawds!" Vanster muttered feeling completely out of her element. This was a side of the Commander she would rather not see. "Pregnant?" she asked suddenly aware of what was just said. "How? How did you get pregnant?" She felt suddenly upset at what JG would say… and then she realized that JG probably knew about it and gave her blessing. She wondered who the father was. She turned to Arax who was laughing at her.


"Megan, her bondmate is the contributor to the life within her," Arax explained as if Vanster should know that.

"Her bondmate is my friend and I've seen her naked many a time and I…" then she stopped, remembering that there were many species that either self fertilized or ovulated depending on what was needed to cause a pregnancy or to move the species on. The sudden realization that she did not know what either woman's genetic family tree was gave her pause. "Wow, that opens up possibilities." She then thought about all the sex they were having for the last two months.

She looked down at the sobbing woman, feeling again uncomfortable with seeing her CO bawling. "Does she know?" Geeze. She must know…they've been going at it like mustu's in heat. She felt a little disappointed her friend had not told her that this was part of their union ritual.

"She…doesn't know," Alexandra wailed.

An elf bustled in and quickly gave the weeping woman something. The crying stopped and she fell into sleep. Vanster smiled for the first time, feeling relieved. If the portal was near by it also meant it's healing energies would help the Commander.

Tired herself, she lay on the pallet nearby and reminded herself it was only a nap.


Concluded in Section 4

The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive