~ Discovery Cyber Style ~
J M Dragon
Part Five
© May 2001
Email: jmdragon1@hotmail.com

Disclaimer: See Part One

Chapter Nine

The meal was delicious, even if I do say so myself. How happy Juliet is and how suited she is to Simon. To anyone else, this would seem like a real family gathering, but the undercurrents are all around if you really look.

Certainly, I’m responsible for one of them. I’m disappointed Sara emailed and canceled our lunch date.  It’s not a big deal, I guess. Under the circumstances, with the Stephens’ here, it’s just as well.  But, Sara did let me down; I didn’t expect that of her. Still, she asked if we could chat tomorrow evening - to talk about rescheduling; that’s something I suppose.

Maddy’s eyes tracked to the features of Anna Stephens. She’s not a classic beauty, but she does have a striking appearance that rates a second look. Maddy was embarrassed when Anna caught her staring quirking an eyebrow in her direction.

“Have I dribbled gravy down my chin, Mandrake?” A smirk crossed Anna’s lips as she saw bright red heighten the older woman’s cheeks.

“No, of course not!”

“Then you wanted something?” Anna continued to badger Maddy knowing she was taken off balance for the moment. Mandrake’s quite cute when she blushes. Stop that!  Don’t go there!

“No!  I was just contemplating life, love and the universe.”

Juliet burst out laughing at her mother’s comeback.  “It’s true, Anna.  My mother does contemplate such things.  She watches the stars overhead out of the skylights. I think she feels closer to having her questions answered if she can see the stars and the heavens above.”  Juliet had warmed a little to Simon’s sister. Anna even cracked jokes at her own expense and she had a great depth of knowledge about almost every topic that they had discussed barring one. That amused Juliet. It appeared that everyone except Anna enjoyed at least one or two television soap operas. Once, it seemed that Anna was going to admit to watching something but changed the discussion before she slipped.

“Really, Juliet, giving my secrets away.” Maddy chuckled and picked up the coffee cups and walked toward the kitchen.

“I’ll help.”  Anna announced unexpectedly as she caught the rather surprised glance from Mandrake.

“If you don’t mind, that is?”

“Thank you, Anna.” Maddy felt a glow of satisfaction start some place deep inside her. She wanted to bubble up and simply float in the air.

As they left the room Simon looked at his fiancée whom he held snugly in his arms. “Juliet, what would you say their relationship looks like to you?”

Juliet knew Simon was serious, not his usual playacting self. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t want to upset me.  After all, this is about Mother... and his sister. He obviously loves her very much.

“I think they might be getting along better.”

“Nothing other than that?”

“What do you think, Simon?” Juliet turned in his arms and looked directly into his warm loving eyes.

“The truth?”

“Of course, the truth.” Juliet placed a tender kiss on his lips.

“I think my sister likes your mother and Maddy seems very comfortable with Anna. A match made in heaven, if it wasn’t for the obvious obstruction.” I do think Anna likes Maddy. Of course, Sis is always difficult to judge but I have known her all my life. Under her hard exterior, she’s a real teddy bear. Too much so, was that why she needs the shield to hide behind when she deals with people?

 “I think if my Mother loved another woman, it wouldn’t bother me too much, what about you?”

“Darling, if Anna is happy that’s all that matters. That should be the only factor. But, it isn’t. Unfortunately, the problem at work might be more than just a rumor to squelch now.”  Simon kissed her deeply and they relaxed into a loving embrace until the two women whom they loved very much interrupted them.

* * *

Anna couldn’t believe what had transpired over the last twenty-four hours as she showered and yawned with fatigue. Although she hadn’t done anything strenuous, the alcohol she consumed the night before had taken its toll.

She looked at her e-mail and found that Sentinel responded and accepted her apology. It made her feel better as she crawled naked into bed. Her eyelids drooped immediately but sleep eluded her. What’s going on? Yesterday, I hated the very name Mandrake Roman and now, now what? Well, that’s easy. I like her, but only like? Yeah like her, certainly nothing else. That would be ridiculous.

 Anna gave herself a self-satisfied smile. She was about to fall asleep when her inner devil asked, “What was that kiss about if it’s just like?”

“Yes, like, nothing else.” This time, Anna spoke out loud into the dark, silent room. She hoped that the fact she could hear the words would convince the little devil to be quiet.

Her thoughts were muddled. In a very short time, Anna had progressed from having little contact with people to two significant relationships. She was chatting with an Internet buddy with whom she had a real affinity. And, now, Mandrake Roman sparked a sexual charge in her that she hadn’t realised she was capable of.

My God, I’m not only lonely, but sexually frustrated too! Not only frustrated but I responded to another woman. That makes the whole situation even more incredible. No problem thwarting Father in most things, but never considered my sexuality would be another cause of disagreement. What’s next? An exhausted sleep finally overcame her. Within seconds, Anna was in a deep dreamless state; all of her problems and questions were put aside for a few hours.

* * *

Maddy had to admit that the previous twenty-four hours were one for the books.  Nothing had prepared her for Anna Stephens being Juliet’s boyfriend’s sister.

Then there was the shock of the engagement, but she had come to understand it, at least how much the young couple cared for each other. She knew of course, that Simon’s father didn’t approve and worried about how that would affect Simon’s career. D.R. Stephens didn’t look like the type to let something this important go.

Anna Stephens was quite an interesting situation all by herself. Not just because she had been drunk and incapable of helping herself, but the woman actually grew on her. Was that the correct term? Anna caused her to smile several times at things she had said or just at her expression when she found enjoyment in something. A place deep inside Maddy wanted to explore a relationship with Anna. This isn’t the right time with what’s happening at work. People will really talk then. Perhaps the time will never be right.

Anna and Maddy had briefly discussed the Stephens’ family background. D.R. Stephens was a high achiever and expected his children to be the same. Anna talked about her mother and it brought a softer look to her face. Their mother died at such a young age; Simon never really knew a mother and Anna had her tragically taken away when she needed a mother the most.  She was ten years old and embarking on the road to womanhood. It couldn’t have been easy to be told the parent you adored wouldn’t be coming home again. Although they had plenty of money, it was clear to Mandrake there were no expressions of love from a father to his children. Juliet had been the same age as Anna when they left David Roman, but there the similarities ended. They didn’t have the money or luxuries that the Stephens’ enjoyed, but love made up for that. Maddy made sure that Juliet knew she was loved and could rely on it.

Her thoughts traveled to the situation at hand. Do I care what people think, other than Juliet? No I don’t. If they are so small-minded, I’m better off without them. Except none of us can rid small-minded people from our lives, no matter how hard we try.

So what now?  Well, tomorrow - a date with Anna. Is that what it is? Yes, of course! Am I starting to believe the propaganda against me? Am I making an innocent appointment into something it’s not? The thought made her chuckle as she looked up at the skylight.

Watching the night sky made Maddy feel relaxed and peaceful in spite of everything that was going on around her. Today she experienced a bond with someone that she had not felt in years. Anna Stephens was in her life now and a tenuous voice was telling her that the woman was not going to leave it again.

The disappointment she had felt at Sara’s inability to come to lunch didn’t feel as disappointing, now. Who knows, maybe there was a reason that the fates decreed our meeting was delayed?  We’ll probably get together next weekend. Sara has a surprise for me; she said it would make up for missing lunch today. I can’t wait to see her. Why do I feel so connected to Sara? We have so much in common. Maybe we were sisters in another life.

* * *

Chris Weddell looked over the rim of his coffee cup at the immaculately dressed woman opposite him. Stella Andrews had asked for the meeting in a place other than their offices. An anonymous person sent her photographs that might have some bearing on the situation between their respective employees.

“Okay Stella, we’ve known each other long enough to cut out the crap and get to the point, which is?”

Stella Andrews pushed over an envelope containing the pictures. “Let me know your thoughts when you’ve taken a look at these.”

Chris glanced at the envelope and then to the woman. He took the packet and opened the seal flipping through the photos quickly, his expression remaining passive. Finally he replaced them and put them on the center of the table.


Stella waited for more than the one word comment. She had known Weddell for almost twenty years. They started in their respective departments around the same time, both fresh out of college. You couldn’t call them friends; they had different lifestyles and were not in the same social circles. However, Chris was one of the few people Stella trusted to keep a promise. In addition, one of his major assets was the ability to judge people and situations quickly and accurately.

“Nothing more than that?” Stella finally gave in to her curiosity.

 “Looks a little too contrived to me. How do we know they’re not fakes?”

“We don’t. But if they are, the desired effect is to shed even more doubt on the protestations of Ms. Stephens and Roman, wouldn’t you say?” Stella stood up and went to the counter of the restaurant.

Chris grinned as he watched her go. Stella is always the one in control and woe to anyone who gets in her way. She’s a demon under steam. Many of our colleagues have been sandbagged by her less than feminine approach. Somehow, I’ve managed to scrape by without hitting the wall, but there is always time.

“I think we need to discuss a game plan, I’ve taken the liberty of ordering more coffee.” Stella stated as she sat back down a few minutes later.

“Excellent, we can always rely on you to formulate a plan, Stella. One question, first. Do you think the two of them are having an affair?” Chris was interested in why Stella was taking extra time on this particular case.

Stella pierced him directly with a stare. “I think the foundation is made of clay, the perpetrator is a malicious person and I want the bastard out of the system for good!”

Chris cringed at the forceful tone. Whoever was responsible was going down. “You know, Stella, I think you’re right. I’ve known Anna Stephens for years and this is not her style. She doesn’t need to buy her way into anyone’s good graces, trust me on that one.”

“Maybe you had better tell me all about her. These two women need a couple of allies.”

“Why?  This isn’t normal for you to get so deeply involved. Why help them? If the information is proved true, it wouldn’t be a good career choice to support the losing side.”

“I could say the same about you. But in answer to your question, I have a personal interest in this case, which goes beyond professional.” Stella fully expected to be bombarded with twenty questions.  Surprisingly, there were none.

“Great, let’s get a plan of action together. Do we want to meet the two ladies informally?”

“Good idea, Chris. How about Wednesday morning nine a.m. sharp? Where shall we hold it, your office or mine?” She smiled at him for the first time and drank the remains of her second cup of coffee.

“I think mine will be fine. We can use yours for the formal hearing.”

“Okay, tell me, how are we going to find the real scum bag behind this fiasco and have our employees back where they belong?” Stella said determinedly.

“I have an employee of mine working on a piece of information which I hope will hold the key.” Chris opened his briefcase and produced several files.

* * *

Anna paced the floor of her apartment. She felt like a caged animal with no hope of being released. Her mind was working overtime. Although, she and Mandrake Roman had agreed to meet to talk things over, it hadn’t worked out that way.

“How do you want to handle this?” Anna peered at her menu trying to decide what to eat.  Always a problem in these chic cafés, they teemed with people yet the food was virtually inedible. Give me good old American traditional fare anytime.
Maddy glanced up from her contemplation of the menu and looked expectantly at the younger woman for guidance. “I’ve never been here or any restaurant like it; I’m in your hands on this one.” What possessed me to arrange a table at this place? The office grapevine said it was a trendy place and worth a visit. Worth a visit, maybe if I could understand what the hell, they’re offering on the menu.
Anna attempted to focus her attention to the menu. I’m in her hands! That reminds me of Mandrake in my arms and the feeling it evoked. Oh, to experience those pleasures again! “
Both women looked up in surprise as the waitress asked them if they were ready to order.
Maddy tried once more to concentrate. Why doesn’t the menu just say a burger or something as simple? Why all this…this subterfuge? I can’t ask; I’ll feel foolish.  Obviously, Anna doesn’t have that problem. She looks composed and ready to order.
“You want more time?”
“Yes, give us a couple more minutes, please.” Anna said quickly. The server left before Maddy could say anything.
“You haven’t decided, either?” Maddy asked with relief.
“Well…look Mandrake, this place isn’t exactly where I would have lunch but you chose the place, so whatever works.” Anna waved her hand to indicate it didn’t matter to her.
“Oh, why didn’t you say?!” Maddy exclaimed and saw the woman’s head shoot up suddenly.
“Hey, next time I choose. Okay?” Anna retorted quickly and looked away not wanting to see a hurt expression in the older woman’s eyes. For some reason she found herself feeling quite protective of Mandrake.
Maddy heard the words and wished Anna would repeat them. Next time? Will there be a next time?
“Truth is Anna, I haven’t a clue what the dishes are. Personally, a hamburger would suit me.” Maddy was anxious to see if the woman thought any less of her.
A soft chuckle was the response and made Maddy smile at the sound. It appeared familiar and warm to her ears. “Then Mandrake Roman, a burger it will be.”
Anna called over the waitress and whispered something to her before dropping a twenty-dollar bill into her hand. Anna stood up to leave and indicated that Maddy should do the same.
Outside Maddy turned to Anna. “What did you say to her?”
Anna smirked, “I told her that you were pregnant and had a sudden urge for a hamburger and hoped she didn’t mind the inconvenience.”
“You told her, what?!” Maddy spluttered in outrage, but quickly began to laugh as she saw the hilarity of the situation.
“Hey, a slight exaggeration. But, now we can have a burger. What do you think?” Anna grinned at her.
When she smiles at me like that, she seems almost Juliet’s age. Thank God, she’s not my daughter!
“I’m with you!” Their eyes locked as a message passed between them. Both of them turned away without deciphering it.
They hadn’t discussed their mutual problem, only their own personal likes and dislikes. They had gotten along remarkably well. Three hours seemed like one. Unfortunately, Maddy had a dentist appointment so they went their separate ways, albeit, reluctantly.
Something told Anna that becoming friends with Mandrake Roman was like playing with fire. She was going to be part of the family soon, so it was going to happen anyway. But, with what’s going on at work, is it wise?

While Anna was trying to decide, she received a telephoned warning from Joe. After she hung up the phone, Anna considered the situation in a new light.  Shit is flying about Mandrake and me. Makes sense, since I haven’t exactly endeared myself to my coworkers... but why, Mandrake? It isn’t fair that she’s been targeted because of my reputation. She isn't the kind of person to make enemies. Why did Peterson include her in this mess? What a bastard he is.

Anna angrily switched on her computer.

Tonight I’ll arrange to see Sentinel...Maddy on Saturday. Go to a movie, dinner and then dancing... maybe. Whatever it takes to make up for bailing on her invitation to dinner. It’s the right thing to do. Maddy is worth the little extra effort.

As she considered the upcoming date on Saturday, Anna’s mind floated to the image of Mandrake Roman and their passionate encounter. She was torn between her feelings for Sentinel and her confusion over Mandrake.

The really strange thing is that when all this started, I hadn’t even considered being involved with anyone. Now, not just one but two people are causing me to lose sleep. And the irony is, they’re both women!  How fitting with the accusations at work!

* * *

Trojan:(Anna) Hey Sentinel, how are you doing? 

Sentinel:(Mandrake) Great Trojan, how about yourself? 

Trojan:(Anna)  No problem at my end, thought we might set up a meeting for Saturday? 

Sentinel:(Mandrake) Good. 

Trojan:(Anna) Would you prefer a movie and dinner or dancing or something else? 

Sentinel:(Mandrake) What? You’re giving me a choice of a movie? 

Trojan:(Anna)  Your call Maddy. 

Sentinel:(Mandrake) I’m a real romantic type myself, what about you?

Trojan:(Anna)  Uh, Yeah, ...I can do romantic. 

Sentinel:(Mandrake) LOL, Sara, I’m not asking you to be romantic, just to watch a romance. 

Trojan:(Anna)  Oh…I know. What a goof I am! 

Sentinel:(Mandrake) Don’t worry, I’ll find a movie for us. 

Trojan:(Anna)  Shall I pick you up at six? 

Sentinel:(Mandrake) How bout I meet you at the theater…. 

Trojan:(Anna) Why don’t I make a reservation for dinner before the movie.

There was a pause for a few minutes.

Trojan:(Anna) Are you still there Maddy? 

Sentinel:(Mandrake) Yes, yes I am sorry I was thinking. 

Trojan:(Anna) Good thoughts I hope? 

Sentinel:(Mandrake) Well, they were funny. 

Trojan:(Anna)  Funny? Now I'm funny??? :-) 

Sentinel:(Mandrake) LOL, no you aren't funny… my thoughts were funny. I was thinking of the look you must have had on your face when I said the 'R' word. 

Trojan:(Anna) The 'R' word???? Oh, romantic. Yes, it did take me by surprise. LOL What do you think, should I make the dinner reservations for around six? 

Sentinel:(Mandrake) LOL you are too much. Thanks, that will be great. 

* * *

Maddy was tired. She and Sara had talked for almost four hours. Their discussion included many things about themselves and the people they knew, not in detail but generally. When Sara said she would make a reservation, I found myself sidetracked remembering the fiasco with Anna. I hope Sara makes a better restaurant choice than I did for lunch with Anna.

For some reason, my emotions concerning her are clouded. Our lunch together was a turning point in our relationship. Do we really have a relationship?  Oh yes, no doubt about it now!

Something tugged at her heartstrings when Maddy looked into Anna’s eyes. She didn’t know if it was the woman’s vulnerability that called to her or something else. That thought alone made Maddy smile. Anna is so unconscious of her lack of people skills that she appears to be aloof and unapproachable. She certainly isn’t that! And anyway, she probably doesn’t have a clue about how to deal with people in anything other than a work setting.

There was a niggling memory that refused to come to fruition and she wasn’t sure if it was about Sara or Anna. The two often seem to blur into one person, what a coincidence that I got to know them at about the same time. Strange, it’s feast or famine where my social life is concerned.

I need to talk to Juliet about the length of her and Simon’s engagement. They indicated that they would marry when Simon finished his finals. D. R. Stephens will have to be informed, even if he does nothing but complain. I’ll have to also let Juliet’s father know. I wonder if David is still living in the same house as when we left. Oh well, that’s for another day I need my sleep. There is Saturday to look forward to; I’ll finally get to meet Sara!

* * *

“I don’t care what you have to do Karen, but I want those two bitches to pay!” The small blonde-haired woman backed slightly away from Ken Peterson.

Karen Renaldi had known Peterson for over ten years; they had a brief affair. One of her friends referred to it as “borderline brief”. Although she received the promotion he’d promised, it was to another city. When his career nose-dived she called him and they’d spent a weekend together. She had no other contact with Ken Peterson until he called a few weeks prior and made a proposition.

He promised her a senior position on his staff in Chicago if she would do him a favor. Peterson heard that Karen’s latest affair with her married boss had failed miserably. Her options were few and far between. Karen Renaldi’s reputation was poor and word of it preceded her wherever she was employed. She had little to lose.

Renaldi was thirty-five and over-weight. Her nondescript mousy hair hung around her shoulders in general disarray. Karen’s plain features could never be described as beautiful and she had a habit of bedding other women’s husbands and lovers. She was the ultimate “One Night Stand”.

Karen was used to doing favors for Peterson but this was different. She was going to be asked questions regarding a woman named Stephens who was supposed to have been her lover. Although, sleeping with a woman didn’t turn her stomach, Karen Renaldi wouldn’t consider going down that path. Peterson’s story about a relationship with Anna Stephens was fiction, but to Karen, it was almost science fiction. At least Ken has some pretty good photos that show Stephens spent the night at the Roman woman’s apartment. That make’s it a little easier. And Stephens did work in several offices where I was. Still... I don’t think we actually ever met. The photo wasn’t crystal clear but close enough to see that Stephens is quite attractive in a strong kind of way. What the hell does it matter, anyway? Other people have been ruining my life for years it’s payback time. If this works and Kenny moves up, I’ll move up with him. It’s dog eat dog out there.

“Whatever is needed Kenny, I promise.” The man nodded and pulled her into his arms as he ripped at her clothes. She purred as he made love to her roughly, just as she liked it.

* * *

Chapter Ten

“Mandrake?” Maddy recognized the voice. Only one person ever consistently called her by her first name.

“Anna?” Maddy heard the surprise at the other end of the line.

“Yes…yes, Anna.” Slightly perplexed, Anna was temporarily stunned into silence.

“What can I do for you, Anna? It’s kind of late for you to call.”  It was only eight in the evening but Anna usually called earlier.

“My boss Chris…that is Mr. Weddell called, he wants to see me in his office at nine sharp, did he telephone you?”

“Oh.” No small talk from this one. It is kind of endearing though. I can actually picture her face. So very serious and controlled, rather comical, if the subject matter wasn’t so important!

“That’s not an answer, Mandrake.”

“No, sorry Anna. I’ve been out most of the day with Juliet and Simon. If Mr. Weddell tried to reach me, I wasn’t home.”

“What about your voice mail?” Why hadn’t Mandrake been contacted, too?

“Ah, well, to tell the truth…I don’t have an answering machine.” Maddy said sheepishly,

“You haven’t?” Anna was astounded. It’s the year two thousand and one and she doesn’t... what next?

“Nope, sorry.” Why am I apologizing?

“Okay, not a problem. That’s your call or lack of it. Anyway, I have to go in tomorrow. I suspect they’ll want to talk with you, unless they have proved me innocent.”

“What about proving me innocent?”

“That goes without saying, surely.” Anna arched an eyebrow at the stupid comment.

“Does it?”

“Of course it does, Mandrake.”

“I fail to see how your vindication is mine, too.”

“It’s logical, one follows the other. Mandrake, you should be happy if works out that way.” The younger woman frowned in consternation. What was it with this librarian?

“Not to me!” Maddy slammed the telephone down and walked as far away as possible from it. How rude! That is so unlike me. She makes me crazy!

Anna was left with a dead receiver and a puzzled expression. Mandrake was obviously upset about something, but what? What did I do now?

The clock on the wall showed eight ten. Anna wasn’t due to talk with the other chat room members until ten. Yes, there was time to decipher this puzzle.

* * *

Maddy was annoyed with herself. For some reason Anna Stephens had the ability to make her angry. That woman irritates me. Anna always comes first, to hell with anyone else. She might not have followed in her father’s footsteps career wise but she sure has his attitude to solving problems. The solution at all costs regardless of who might be involved. She is so unfair!

With her thoughts in a tangle, she heard the doorbell and looked at the time. It’s eight thirty. Who on earth is that?

Maddy looked out the peephole in the door. It can’t be!

Wrenching open the door, she looked squarely into Anna Stephens’s eyes.

“Why are you here?”

Anna shifted slightly. Perhaps this was not a good idea, after all.

“I think we need to talk.”

“Talk? Why, whatever for? You’ve already decided my input isn’t worth spit!”

“Spit?... Look, Mandrake, I didn’t come over here to argue with you.”

“I fail to see how we can do anything else, with your attitude.” Maddy was beyond caring that they were standing in the middle of the corridor and anyone might be listening.

Anna moved so that she faced Mandrake.  Her body posture resembled that of a predator about to pounce.

“My attitude is rational. If you think about it a little more clearly, you’ll see it, too. I’ve wasted my time coming here. Have a good night and I’ll let you know the outcome of my meeting. Assuming you’re interested, that is?” Anna turned and walked towards the elevator.

Maddy’s heart jumped at the thought of letting Anna go. It isn’t right for her to leave like this. Anna is important to me. Why, I have no clue, but she is.

“No! Please, Anna wait, I want to talk. Come inside and I’ll make coffee.”

Anna stopped as her finger poised over the button to summon the elevator. Should I? What a question, of course I’ll stay.  Mandrake makes excellent coffee.

“Okay, thanks I’d like a cup.” Maddy allowed her inside and walked confidently to the kitchen.

Maddy was surprised that Anna followed her instead of going to the living room. “Why not take a more comfortable seat?”

“Thought we could talk while you made coffee.”

“Good idea.”

Fifteen minutes later both women were sipping their drinks in companionable silence. They had discussed the situation and Maddy agreed that she had taken the wrong stance originally.

“Juliet and Simon are planning to marry next month, did you know?” Maddy was trying to concentrate on something other than the work crisis and the sudden need her body felt at the close proximity of Anna Stephens. Perhaps it’s because we were discussing our “affair”.  I don’t understand I never wanted to pursue a sexual relationship with a woman before. Well, in any event, one isn’t a possibility now. I’m not the sort of person to appeal to Anna Stephens; a man would be more likely.

Anna was pulled out of her own thoughts as she looked into the sparkling eyes of Mandrake Roman. Her heart raced as she remembered what happened the last time she was in this apartment. I would love to feel those lips on mine again and revisit the passion that is so obviously inside Mandrake. Oh, God, what am I thinking? This whole situation is certainly causing a rebellion in my body. When this mess with Peterson is all over, everything will settle down to normal, right?

“No, I didn’t realise that. That will make father even more upset. Are they planning on inviting him?” Anna gave a wry smile that quirked her lips to the corner. Maddy thought this was very attractive.

“I would think so. Do you think he will come around?” Maddy was interested in D. R. Stephens’s reaction. He could be a very useful ally. However, as an enemy, I don’t want to even consider that.

Anna rose out of her chair and walked over to the computer on the desk. She idly stroked a finger down the screen in what seemed to Maddy to be an abstracted interest in the subject. “No.”

“Are you sure, Anna?”

“Yes I’m sure, so sure it makes me sorry for them.” Anna was preoccupied with her thoughts and didn’t hear the older woman come closer. A small hand touched her arm in a comforting gesture.

Maddy could almost feel the pain of memories she knew were invading Anna’s thoughts. It seemed natural to comfort this woman. So natural, as if Anna was part of her family. Maddy wanted to protect her, much as she would have Juliet.

“Then I’m sorry for your father, he will miss so many things. Things he can never go back and find again. I hope he changes his mind.” Maddy found her eyes captured by the bleak ones of the woman before her.

“Maybe, who knows? Let’s hope you’re right.” Anna held her breath as she felt herself drowning in the powerful compassionate gaze of Mandrake Roman. Right now, I could not move even if a freight train came through this room.

Maddy felt the need to be much closer to Anna; the few inches between them seemed like a chasm. Her heartbeat increased as she smiled into the pensive features above her. A voice told her every thing would be all right if she left it to her heart.

“I’ll pray that it happens, for us, and for the people we love.” It was a whisper on lips that were silenced and captured in a tender, uncertain kiss. The kiss gradually gained confidence as mouths opened to allow taste and become as close as flesh would allow.

Hands feverishly moved through hair and down sensitive necks. A craving in their bodies was evoked and wouldn’t let go until it was assuaged.

Suddenly Anna broke the kiss and looked down into the glazed eyes of the woman in her arms. She felt a bubble inside her burst as happiness seeped into her blood stream. “Mandrake?”

Maddy heard the softly spoken word, and she wanted to hear her name spoken in passion forever. Anna certainly surprised me!  Hell, I surprised myself!  Here I am in the arms of a woman. And a woman who in many ways is far removed from me, except circumstances that have thrown us together, now look at us!  Maybe Peterson is an oracle!

 “Are you okay with this, Anna?”

In answer to the question, her lips were captured once more. This time it was several moments before they broke away. The buttons on Maddy’s shirt had opened so that her midriff was exposed. She felt Anna’s warm fingers caress her bare skin and wanted them to progress to other places on her body. Maddy had been eager to touch Anna, too. Her hands were splayed under the younger woman’s T-shirt, fingering the elastic of Anna’s bra. “I think we need to be more comfortable, don’t you?”

Anna easily picked up the smaller woman and walked deftly to the sofa.  She was about to put her down when she heard words that brought her heart to a standstill. “No Anna, the bedroom.”

In seconds, Anna pushed the door open and slowly placed Mandrake down on the bed. This should not be happening. Then why does it feel so right? Anna felt the tug of smaller hands pulling her so that she was lying on the bed and staring into the passion filled face of a woman who seemed to be offering her the world.

As her knees struck the mattress, Anna was lost. Those same hands started to stroke Anna’s cheek and trace down her neck to the base of her throat. Anna’s voice was paralysed. Wonderful sensations overcame all logic. She began her own exploration that soon had breasts bared for her pleasure. All rational thoughts were consumed by the arousal Mandrake Roman created within her, as well as her own overwhelming need to duplicate those feelings in Mandrake. Was this LOVE?

Maddy became aware of a small voice that berated her desire to be with Anna. It was reminding her, that this was folly - not the right thing to do, especially now.  What do I care if it’s the right time or not? It’s right to my body, my heart, and most important of all, my soul. Nothing in my life has ever matched this. Anna is a part of the puzzle of life I thought I would never decipher. Anna’s a code breaker; she’s not only figured me out but set up a remarkable tattoo of her own. And only when we touch each other, does it make any sense. This is LOVE!

Concluded in Part 6
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