~ On a Wing and a Prayer ~
by kd bard


COPYRIGHT: Cass and Rox are figments of my imagination... Yep - I created them all by my 'lil ole self. They do resemble a certain warrior and bard in appearance, and maybe even in mannerisms, but other than that, they are original creations, and are Copyright, 1999 by kd bard. Character or name resemblance to 'real' people currently living or dead is completely coincidental. Download it, print it out and share it if you'd like, but be sure to include the disclaimers.

SUBTEXT: This story is alternative in nature. If you don't know what that means, then you really need to find out before you start reading. The ladies in this story meet and really like each other ... I mean ... they REALLY, REALLY, REALLY like each other. This story does contain some mildly graphic sex scenes. If you're offended by this statement, then you'll be offended by the story. If you're not old enough to be here, then please go find some Disney stories to read. If love is illegal where you live, I strongly suggest you move.

VIOLENCE: Domestic violence plays a focal part of this story. If you are currently in an abusive situation... please get out now! Abuse is a crime that can not be tolerated... stop the cycle with yourself or someone you love.

TIME LINE/CONTINUITY: This is a brand new alternative fan fiction, set in modern day time, starring a couple of new leading ladies. This story can be found on my home page at http://homepages.together.net/~warriorx/WebPage.htm along with a host of other good stories. Enjoy!

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I strongly believe that love is love, regardless of how it is packaged, so please don't flame me for believing in something so wonderful. All flames will be immediately extinguished by a tour through the city's sewer pipes, however, I do beg for constructive criticism. Send all feedback to warriorx@together.net.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: A very big thanks to those of you who took the time to find my booboo's ... Mom, Marn, Mel, Ili, Beck, Rosa. I really appreciate it - you've saved me once more from looking like a literary idiot! Thanks to Little Warrior for listening to my disjointed rambling while I worked through the hard parts, and for helping me practice... ah... ah... I mean, proof the really 'good' parts (^^). Special thanks to Ili for providing the Spanish translations (the English versions are provided in brackets []). Finally, a warm thank you to MQ and BG for their technical wisdom and spiritual guidance.

SPECIAL THANK YOU TO READERS: I want to thank all of you for your patience while I have laboriously worked out this story. I know it has been customary for me to post stories on a more frequent basis, but my life has gone through drastic changes over the past few months... changes that are largely good, but traumatic, nonetheless. A new love has entered my life ... a love that has given me the courage to express my true heart ... a love that will endure for the rest of our lives. I love you my Little Warrior. An old love has left ... the end to a lesson well learned. Family illness, and unprecedented family love ... all of this has worked to change my life in ways I can not describe. Thank you all. kd :-)


Moments after she hit the 'send' button, the doorbell rang.

"Who can that be?" Cass said out loud.

You ordered pizza, you dumb shit! Enforcer reminded her, spurring her into action. Grabbing her purse, she went to the door and looked through the peephole. Sure enough, the pizza delivery boy was standing there, looking around impatiently while waiting for the door to open. Cass swung the door open, and Pizza Boy's chin immediately dropped to the floor.

"Hi!" she said, flashing him a nervous smile. "What do I owe you?"

"Ah ... ah .... " Pizza Boy said, looking wide eyed at the beauty before him.

"Hello!!" Cass said, waving her hand in front of his face.

Pizza Boy turned fifteen shades of red before regaining his senses. "Ah ... Ah ... $7.95," he said.

"Here's ten dollars, thanks," Cass said, shoving the money in his hand and grabbing the pizza. He was still standing there staring when she closed the door and carried the pizza into the office to eat in front of the computer.

Cass didn't dare venture too far away from the computer. She even left herself logged on, glancing at the screen periodically to see if Rox would reply immediately.

After about a half hour, Cass had finished her lunch and made a quick trip to the kitchen to discard the pizza box, returning immediately to her e-mail vigil.

After about another half hour of pacing in front of the screen, Enforcer had enough.

You are pathetic, Cass, the alter ego said.

What do you mean? Cass asked.

Look at you! You're acting like a pubescent teen, waiting for the phone to ring. Have you no pride woman? her protector asked.

E, I ... I ... Oh, hell. Who am I kidding. E, I'm going out of my mind waiting to see if she'll write back. What if I pushed it too far this time? she asked her alter ego.

Cass, this one's a sure thing ... a done deal ... This chick is like putty in your hands ... What are you fretting about? Look, if you appear too anxious, you might scare her away. You need to shut the computer off and go do something else. Okay? Enforcer reasoned.

Cass' brow furrowed into a frown. Like what? she demanded.

Well ... Chickie-baby is into sci-fi, right? How 'bout we go to the new Starwars movie. Heaven knows your nervousness can screw up a wet dream ... at least you'll be prepared to talk intelligently about something when she finally responds! Enforcer suggested.

Cass stood there contemplating the suggestion for several moments.

Well? Enforcer urged.

Throwing up her hands, she said into the empty room, "Okay, okay ... you win. Let's go." Grabbing some money and her car keys, she shoved them deep into the pocket of her shorts, shut the computer down, then headed out the door.


It was nearly 5:00 p.m. by the time Cass arrived home. She could hardly remember what the movie was about, having spent nearly the entire two hours sitting there daydreaming about Rox. Wow, I've been alone way too long, E. This woman, who just happens to be nearly 3,000 miles away, pays me a little attention, and whammo, I'm hooked. I cant' think of anything but her! She invades my dreams, she is in my mind constantly. E ... this is only Friday! What am I going to do for the next two days? I'll be comatose by Monday morning if I keep this up, she complained to herself.

You know what I think, Cass. It's all that nervous energy. You need to get la .... , Enforcer began.,

Don't even go there, E! I don't WANT to get laid ... well, I do ... but only by .... damn! Now look where my mind is going! Aarrgghh! she screamed internally. Maybe a nice cold shower. Yeah, that should do it, she thought as she charged into the bathroom, stripping her clothing off along the way.

Fifteen minutes later, Cass was sitting in front of her computer, shivering, hair still dripping wet, as she waited for it to boot up.

Ddddid you hhhave to mmmmake the wwwater ssso cccccold, Cass? Enforcer asked.

Cass just sat there staring at the screen, a terry cloth robe pulled tightly around her shivering form.

Finally, the computer finished booting up. Selecting 'Netscape Communicator', Cass once again, sat and waited. "I could reach her faster if I jumped in the jet and FLEW to Maine," she shouted at the computer.

You're dripping on the keyboard, Cass. Remember what happened last time when you spilled your coffee on it ... that was an expensive cup of coffee. You'd better go towel dry your hair, Enforcer suggested.

Exasperated with the speed at which the computer was scanning for new mail, she rose from her chair and did just that, returning moments later with a towel over her head, and to an inbox containing a post from Rox@starship.com. Checking the time of the post, she noted that it had just arrived about ten minutes earlier. With a shaky hand, she guided the mouse to the new mail icon and clicked.

She feels safe? E! she feels safe with me. Wow! That's more than I hoped for right away. Cool! she thought.

Oh yes, we have definitely known each other before, Rox. We are soulmates ... I can feel it!

Wow! E, she says she can feel the connection! Cass thought excitedly.

I CAN read, Cass. Geesh. You are a whipped puppy already, my friend! Enforcer teased.

Oh my god. Rox, I'm so sorry, Cass whispered to herself. Rox. I WILL be your light. I promise.

She shoots, she scores! Raahhhhh, Yeeeeaaahhhhh! Enforcer cheered.

E, calm down, will ya? Look at what she says here ... look, she calls me her Warrior. Damn, Rox, what a simple word can do to me, Cass thought as her stomach clenched in anticipation of answering this post.

Cass sat back in her chair and took a deep breath. She was surprised to find her eyes welling up with tears. My Warrior ... Your Bard ... Rox, why am I so enchanted by you? How is it that you can take my breath away with a single keystroke?

Sitting up straight again, Cass reached over to poise her hands above the keys. Selecting 'reply', she started to type.

Cass, you are one six-foot tall mushball, you know that! Enforcer teased. Don't every change, buddy ... I love you just the way you are, she added as she reached over and clicked on 'send'.


As soon as Rox replied to Cass' note, she moved on to answer her agent's e-mail, sending him the bad news about her broken wrist, and warning him that it may result in a two or three week delay in the deadline of the book, however, promising to absorb as much of the slip as possible. That task out of the way, she decided to outline a few notes for the next chapter, typing one handed so Nikki could return to reading her book.

Just as she was about to log off the Internet, the mail icon flashed, indicating the delivery of new mail. Awkwardly moving the mouse with her left hand, she managed to query the server, and discovered that Cass had already replied to her post.

"Oh my god!" Rox exclaimed drawing the attention of her two friends. "He responded already. I only sent the post fifteen minutes ago!" she explained.

Cass' quick response peaked the interest of both Jerri and Nikki as they clamored from their respective positions, to Rox's side to read along with the red head.

Roxanne looked at her friends. "Has it only been two weeks?" she asked. "It feels like I've known him forever."

"Look, he called you dear heart," Jerri observed, pointing to the screen. "You've got him hooked, Rox ... now just reel him in."

I know Cass. I feel like you're here next to me right now instead of 3,000 miles away, Rox thought to herself.

"I like this guy. See Rox, this is the same advice I gave you earlier this week. Now will you listen to me?" Nikki asked.

Rox covered her mouth with her hand to stifle a sentimental sob at Cass' reference to Warrior. Nikki and Jerri looked at each other and smiled their approval.

Rox looked at her friends and allowed the tears to roll down her cheeks.

"Are you going to tell him about Chris, Rox? He is asking you to speak your heart," Nikki pointed out.

"Here, give me the computer, I'll tell him about Chris," Jerri volunteered.

"No ... No, I'll tell him ... when the time is right," Rox replied.

"What do you mean, when the time is right?" Nikki asked suspiciously.

"Nikki, I don't want a knight in shiny armor ... I want someone who will love me for me ... for what I am ... NOT because they have a sense of vengeance about domestic abuse," she told her friends. Seeing that they didn't quite understand her point, she continued. "Look, I don't want Cass to come here because he wants to beat the shit out of Chris. I want him to come here because he has fallen in love with me. Understand?"

"So what are you planning to do now?" Nikki asked.

"I'm going to speak my heart, Nikki," Rox replied. "But it is a long road from here to California. That's a road I will not travel at breakneck speed. I did that with Chris and look where it got me. No ... I will take baby steps, and sooner or later, if Cass truly is the light, his beacon will lead me to him," she explained.

"And just what do you mean by baby steps?" Jerri asked, eyebrows raised into her hairline.

"Chat," Rox said.

"Chat?" the ladies said at the same time.

"Chat," repeated Rox.



9:05 p.m. Rockford, Maine ...

Nikki and Jerri went upstairs to their room to give Rox some privacy after Rox insisted that she would be able to type relatively fast with her left hand.

"Rox, you know you're supposed to be resting. I know how addicting chat can be. Hell, Jerri spends hours at a time in there. Promise me you'll keep it short and get some sleep, okay?" Nikki insisted before kissing Rox good night and followed her wife to bed.

Rox distractedly mumbled her concurrence, then turned her attention back to the computer screen after wishing her friend a good night.

Once she was alone, Rox slowly and awkwardly composed a note to Cass inviting 'him' to into a chat session.

"Dear Cass,

Are you free right now to join me in chat? My heart is overflowing with emotion as I read your note. I want desperately to talk to you. If you are able to, please meet me at www.alienchat.com.


After clicking on 'send', Rox brought up a host Internet session and typed 'www.alienchat.com', then sat and waited nervously. It wasn't long before 'flyboy' entered the chat room.

"Hi!" typed Rox.

"Hi yourself," came there reply.

"Cass, I have been touched deeply by your notes. It is as though you can see directly into my heart," Rox typed awkwardly, having to back up several times to correct mistakes she had made trying to type one-handed.

"I too have been touched by yours. Rox, I feel as though I have known you my entire life. In such a short time, you have become an irreplaceable part of my heart," Cass typed.

Rox gasped when she read the incoming note, then typed a reply. "My heart is in my throat right now, Cass. I am a nervous wreck sitting here composing this note. I have never felt this way before."

"Rox, you are going to think I'm crazy ... We have only known each other for a couple of weeks, but I feel so close to you," Cass said. "I have had dreams of you, Rox. I see your face every time I close my eyes, like it was imprinted on the inside of my eyelids. I have never felt this way before either." she confessed.

"Cass, you mentioned that the woman you were involved with died three years ago. I am sorry ... that must have hurt you terribly," Rox baited.

"Yes, she died from a drug overdose. I loved her very much, but the situation between us had degraded badly just before she died," Cass admitted.

"I am sorry to hear that. Have you dated much since?" Rox asked.

"Very little. No committed relationships. Patti left some deep scars on my heart ... some of which still bleed," came the reply.

"Cass, Why me? Why now?" Rox typed.

"I don't know Rox. For some reason, I feel safe with you. My heart is willing to take the chance," Cass replied.

Rox sat and looked inward, asking herself if she truly felt safe with Cass. Left hand poised over the keyboard, she typed, "I have looked into my own heart and have seen the truth of your words there, Cass. I too feel safe with you. Heavens knows, I have had reason not to, but I do."

"Rox, I sense there is something wrong. You mentioned in your last note that you are in a dark relationship. Talk to me Rox ... please tell me you are safe," Cass pleaded.

"For the time being, I am safe, Cass. I have two very dear friends staying with me right now. Please don't worry," Rox replied.


6:15 p.m. San Jose, California ...

Something is wrong here, E. I can feel it. Cass said to her alter ego.

I hear ya, Cass. I feel it too. Go ahead and ask her. Enforcer encouraged.

I don't know E ... I don't want to scare her away, but yet, I'm afraid for her. Why would she need her friends to say with her to keep her safe? she questioned herself.

Ask her, Cass. Notice how long it takes her to reply to your notes? I wonder why. It doesn't feel right to me either. Enforcer said seriously.

"Rox, I am worried about you. If you need your friends to stay with you, you must be in danger. Please talk to me," Cass urged nervously.

Pressing the enter button, she watched her note appear at the bottom of the cumulative list of correspondence between them then waited. After almost of full minute without a reply, she realized that Enforcer was right. It was taking an inordinate amount of time for Rox to reply to each line of dialogue. What the hell is going on here? Cass asked herself.

"Rox are you there?" she typed.

"Cass, please don't worry. I am safe. I will tell you about my relationship soon, I promise," came the immediate reply ... so quickly, it had to have been in transit as Cass was sending the last note.

Cass stared at the screen intently and waited. About thirty seconds later, another reply came across the screen.

"Yes, I am here. Wait...." it read.

Cass waited. A full minute later, another message appeared.

"Cass, I owe you an explanation..."

Yes ... Cass said internally as she waited for more.

"I am typing one-handed ..."

One handed? She's hurt, Cass! Enforcer concluded.

"My wrist is broken ..."

Son of a bitch! "HOW!" Cass typed.

Staring at the screen for long moments without a response, Cass once again poised her hands over they keyboard.

"Rox, how did you break your wrist? Rox, please talk to me. My stomach is in knots here. Please talk to me," she typed.

Again she waited.

"Please Cass, I'm all right. Really, I am," came Rox's reply.

Cass was becoming very agitated.

"Rox, I am sitting here imagining all kinds of horrors. Now, tell me how you broke your wrist or I will book myself on the next flight to Maine and find out for myself!" she typed.


9:25 p.m. Rockford, Maine ...

Oh my God. I can feel his anger right through the screen, thought Rox. What have I gotten myself into here? I don't need to leave one abusive relationship just to enter another.

Such were the thoughts that were running through Rox's mind as she read the last line of dialogue from Cass.

"Cass, please don't be angry. I have dealt with enough anger over the past several months to last a lifetime," she wrote.

"Rox, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I am not angry with you. Sweetheart, please believe me," Cass replied.

Sweetheart? Rox thought, her stomach doing flip-flops at the endearment.

Before Rox could reply, another line of dialogue came across the screen.

"Rox, talk to me. I am sick with fear for you. Please talk to me," the note read.

"Cass, I'm sorry to have upset you. I fear that if I tell you how I was injured, you will become even more so. Know that I am safe ... please," Rox sent.

"Rox, please ..." Came an almost immediate response.

Rox sat back and stared at the screen for several moments.

"Rox?" Cass said.

Rox reached over and typed, "I'm here."

"Are you all right?" asked Cass.

"I'm okay, Cass. I am sorry for worrying you," Rox said.

"You've been beaten, haven't you?" Cass boldly demanded.

Tears came to Rox's eyes ... tears of hurt, anger and indignation. Soon, she was sobbing openly.

"Sweetheart, please talk to me!" Cass said in an urgent tone.

"I'm o...," Rox started typing, nearly blinded with tears.

"Rox, honey, what's wrong?" Nikki said as she came up behind her friend. She had been on her way to the kitchen for a glass of milk when she heard Rox crying. Wrapping her arms around her injured friend, she looked over Rox's shoulder at the monitor screen and read the last few lines of dialogue. "Looks like he guessed, huh?"

Rox nodded, unable to speak.

"May I?" Nikki asked, coming around to sit next to Rox and reaching for the laptop.

Again, Rox nodded.

"Is it okay for me to tell him what's going on, Rox?" Nikki asked her friend.

"Rox! Rox honey, please answer me!" flashed onto the computer screen.

"Nikki, he called me Sweetheart - twice! I ... I ... Nik, I'm afraid," Rox said, dissolving into tears against her friend's shoulder.

"I understand, love. Let me talk to him," she said. "He needs to know, okay?"

Once more, Roxanne nodded.

Nikki took the laptop from Rox and placed it on her own lap. Hands poised over the keyboard, she wrote ...

"Hi Cass, this is Rox's friend Nikki ..."


6:37 p.m. San Jose, California ...

Nikki? Cass thought. Rox mentioned her in one of her e-mails. Suddenly excited that she had someone on the other end that would tell her what was going on, she quickly typed her next line of dialogue.

"Nikki, where is Rox?" she asked.

"Rox is sitting right here next to me. She's too upset to type," Nikki replied.

"Nikki, talk to me, please. I am worried sick about her. What happened ... how was she injured?" Cass asked.

"Cass, for the past couple of years, Rox has been living with and abusive asshole. Things were fine between them for the first hear and a half or so, but lately, the beatings have been pretty damned regular, " she typed.

Oh my god! Cass thought.

Cass, let's charter a plane ... I wanna go kick this bastard's ass! Enforcer insisted.

"Get her out of there!" Cass typed back.

"We've tried, Cass. Believe me. My wife, Jerri and I have been trying to get her to leave for the past several months," Nikki replied.

"Why won't she go?" Cass asked.

"Cass, the more you get to know Rox, the more you'll realize that she is a very unselfish and dedicated person. Her dying father is under the illusion that she's happy. She won't shatter that belief for him. Quite frankly, she plans on staying in her current situation until the poor man dies," Nikki responded.

"No! She can't do that. Nikki ... please get her out of there," Cass wrote desperately.

"She won't go, Cass. Jerri and I are staying with her right now. We'll stay for as long as it takes ..." Nikki replied.

"Thank you, Nikki. Nikki ....?" Cass typed.

"Yes?", came Nikki's reply.

Cass took a deep breath and let it out slowly, before typing.

"I know this sounds incredible after knowing her for so short a period of time, but I think I'm in love with her," Cass wrote.


9:52 p.m. Rockford, Maine ...

Rox gasped when she read what Cass had written. Covering her mouth with her free hand, she looked at Nikki, tears of hope, and some of fear, rolled down her face.

"Oh my god, Nikki!" Rox exclaimed, half laughing, half crying.

Nikki was grinning from ear to ear. She didn't know why, but she liked this Cass Conway. "What do you want me to tell him, Rox?" she asked her friend.

"Nikki?" came the line of dialogue on the computer screen.

"We're still here, Cass ... brb," Nikki wrote.

"Rox?" Nikki said, looking at her friend. "How do you feel about him?"

"Terrified, excited, exhilarated, scared ... Nik, I ... I don't know for sure. He's so different from Chris ... different from all my past relationships," Rox explained.

"Yes he is," Nikki replied, remembering some of the idiots Rox had dated while they were in college together.

"Nikki, you're scaring me. Is Rox all right?" the computer screen flashed.

"Cass, please be patient. Rox is right here ... she's fine. We're having a little girl talk right now. Just hold your britches on, okay?" Nikki replied.

"Did I just get my ass kicked?" came the reply on the screen.

"Yes you did ... now, be patient... 'kay?" Nikki typed back.

"Yes Ma'am!" came the reply, followed by a smiley face.

Nikki grinned broadly at the response. Looking at Rox, she said, "I like him, hon. He seems like a really nice guy."

Rox smiled back through her tears and asked for the laptop back. Settling it onto her lap again, she began to type.

"Hi Cass, this is Rox again,"

"Rox! Thank god. Are you all right?" Cass typed quickly.

"I'm fine. I love you for caring. Look Cass, it's getting late. I'm under doctor's orders to rest, so I need to sign off," she typed.

"You love me for caring?" Cass asked hopefully.

"Yes I do," Rox replied, once again smiling through her tears.

Nikki had thrown an arm around her friend's shoulder and hugged her close, kissing her on the temple as she typed the endearment.

"I love you too, Rox," came Cass' reply.

Rox was crying openly now as she dropped her head to her friend's shoulder. Once more, Nikki reached for the keyboard.

"Hey Cass, Nik again. I'm afraid that last declaration just turned our friend here into a limp dishrag. I need to put her to bed, so I'll sign off for her... 'kay?" Nikki wrote.

"I understand Nikki. Tell her I love her. I'll contact her through e-mail tomorrow." Cass said.

"Tomorrow, then. Goodnight, Cass," Nikki said, closing.

"Good night, sweet ladies," Cass responded.


7:04 p.m. San Jose, California ...

Cass sat back and watched the screen until the message "alien has left the chat room" appeared. Reaching for her mouse, she scrolled back through the last several lines of dialogue and reread her conversation with both Rox and Nikki.

She loves me, E, Cass said to herself.

She loves you for caring, Enforcer pointed out ... but does she love you for YOU?

Cass' face furrowed into a frown. Good point, she said, good point. It is a start though, she thought hopefully.

That it is, old buddy. Now, what are we gonna do about this asshole that's been beating her up? Enforcer asked.



Nikki shut the laptop down and placed it carefully on the end table next to the couch while she waited for Rox to come back from the bathroom. Watching her friend shuffle painfully across the floor toward her, she rose to her feet and took her arm, wrapping her other arm around Rox's waist as she lead her back to the couch. As they neared the stairs to the second story, Rox detoured in that direction.

"I thought you were sleeping on the couch?" Nikki asked as they headed toward the stairs.

"Nah, my bed is much more comfortable," Rox replied as she held on tightly to the railing with her right hand, and to Nikki's arm with her left. Slowly, they made their way up the stairs.

Rox was quite out of breath by the time they reached her room. After sitting her on the side of the bed, Nikki reached down and lifted Rox's feet up, swinging them up and under the covers as Rox slowly lowered her head to the pillow. Pulling the covers up, Nikki tucked her friend in then leaned over and kissed her tenderly. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she crossed her legs, then reached over and brushed the red-gold hair off her friend's forehead.

"What do you think of him, Nik?" Roxanne asked.

"I like him, Rox. He was really worried about you. How long did it take him to guess you were in trouble?" Nikki asked.

"About ten minutes," Rox replied.

Nikki nodded her head and smiled. "Sounds like he's pretty sweet on you already. He won't stand a chance once he actually meets you, you know," she said softly.

Rox frowned. "What do you mean?" she asked.

Nikki reached forward and ran her forefinger down the side of Rox's face. "Roxanne Ward, you have got to be one of the most outgoing, friendliest, compassionate people I know. Not to mention, smart, talented and very beautiful. Any man or woman for that matter, would be a fool not to fall in love with you on first sight," she explained.

Rox blushed. "Cut it out, Nik, you're embarrassing me," she said slapping her friend's hand away.

"Its true," she said leaning in until she was nose to nose with Rox, "and you know it," she added, dropping a kiss on her friend's lips. "I love you, sleep well," she whispered, kissing her again before getting up from the bed and heading for the door. Stopping, she turned around and looked at her friend, "Good night, Rox."

"Good night, Nik. I love you too. Kiss the Big Guy for me, okay?" Rox said.

"I will. See you in the morning," Nikki added before closing the door and joining her wife.

Nikki climbed into bed and snuggled up close to the taller woman. Jerri's arms instinctively circled the smaller woman, spooning herself in behind her. "Where've you been, love?" Jerri asked.

"I just put Rox to bed. She had a pretty intense chat session with Cass. Seems they're falling in love already," Nikki told her.

"So much for baby steps! She's easy to fall in love with. She's just way to cute for her own good," Jerri said, pulling her wife in tighter.

"Yes she is. Kind of like a tall dark warrior type I know and love," Nikki said, rolling back over to face her wife.

Jerri leaned in and kissed her soundly. "Hmmm, you taste good," she said.

"Make love to me, Jer," Nikki whispered passionately.

Jerri rolled them both over so that she way laying on top of her wife. Supporting herself on her elbows, she looked down into Nikki's face. "I love you, Nik," she said, placing butterfly kisses along her jaw.

Nikki threw her head to the right to allow Jerri better access to her throat as her wife slowly moved down, nipping at the tender skin along her collar bone. Reaching up, she grabbed Jerri's head and pulled her in closer. "God, Jerri, that feels so good," she said breathlessly.

Sitting up to straddle her wife, Jerri took Nikki's wrists and pinned them to the bed above her head. Nikki looked up into smoldering brown eyes, and knew she was in for a very passionate evening.

Two doors down, Rox smiled, then pulled the blanket up over her head to drown out the sounds of her friends making love. Soon, Cass, she thought. Soon.


Cass was running on pure adrenaline when she logged off the computer. It was only a little after seven p.m., so she decided to burn off a little energy by going to the gym, then stopping at the diner for a late dessert, and a much needed visit with Angie.

By 8:30 p.m., Cass had completed her workout and was ready to head over to the diner. On her way out of the gym, she once again ran into Jason.

"Cass," he called to her as she headed toward the door, gym bag slung carelessly over her shoulder.

Cass turned around sharply and noticed the obnoxious man coming toward her. "Oh hi Jason," she deadpanned.

"Cass, I wanted to tell you how much I admired your skillful performance in San Diego. A lesser pilot would have crashed the plane and killed everyone on board. You must be very good under pressure," he observed.

"It wasn't a performance, Jason -- it was a necessity. People's lives were at stake." she said, wanting to stomp him like a bug right where he stood.

"Well anyway, I just wanted to congratulate you on a job well done," he said in a cocky, self assured manner.

"Gee Jason, that means sooooo much coming from you," she said, totally wasting the sarcasm on his dense head.

"Maybe we can go out again?" he asked. "Here's my card, give me a call when you're free," he added, handing her the card then walking out the door.

Cass took a quick look at the card then flipped it into the trash can on her way out.


"Here you go, love," Angie said, placing a piece of hot apple pie topped with ice cream in from of Cass.

"Ang, its a good thing I work out. Otherwise, I'd weigh 300 pounds with the amount of food you feed me," Cass whined good naturedly.

"Oh quit your whining and tell me about his new lady friend of yours," Angie demanded.

Cass' face suddenly brightened at the mention of Rox. The glow was not missed by Angie.

"She must be something wonderful to cause even your face to glow like that," she observed out loud.

Cass bushed. "Ang, wonderful doesn't come close to describing her," she said, taking another big bite of her pie.

"Well, tell me ... how's it going? The last time we spoke, you had sent a couple of e-mails back and forth," Angie reminded her.

"Well, we're still doing the e-mail and chat thing, but it is no longer just a friendly, social exchange. Ang, I believe I am falling in love," Cass said, blushing to the roots of her hair one more time.

"How can you be in love. You haven't even met her yet face to face?" Angie said, disbelievingly.

"It's true Angie. Don't ask me how, I just know that I am. Ang, she's invading my dreams. I have had three dreams now where she figures prominently. Our chat session last night was so intimate, enlightening, personal," she said, "I have never been so sure of anything in my life," she concluded.

Angie could see the truth in Cass' words just by looking into her eyes. "So what else did you learn about her in this chat session of yours?" Angie asked.

Cass' face darkened. Putting down the fork, she sat back in her hair, hands still on the table, and looked seriously at Angie. "Ang, she is involved in an abusive relationship. Her life is in danger. Shit! She was typing to me last night with one hand because the other wrist is broken." Cass explained.

"Cass, forgive me for saying this, when you are obviously so smitten with this woman, but do you really need to be involved in such a volatile situation. I mean, considering what you lived through with Patti, do you really need a daily reminder by your side day after day?" Angie asked, concerned for her friend.

"There would be no daily reminders, Ang. Look ... both of us have come from abusive relationships. The last thing we would do is abuse each other. No ... if we were together, the memories of abuse would make our relationship more loving," she explained.

Angie reached across the table and brushed an errant lock of hair from Cass' face. "I hope you're right, hon. It's about time you settle down with someone who truly loves you," she said.

"Yes it is time, and I just know that Rox is the one, Ang. I have never felt this way about anyone before. She chases away this constant feeling of dread, longing and regret in the pit of my stomach. I feel light headed, giddy and excited when I think of her. Ang, I thought I was in love with Patti, but what I felt for her is nothing compared to what I feel for Rox," she explained.

Angie reached out and placed her hand over Cass'. "You know, there are different levels of love, sweetie. I'm sure you loved Patti, but obviously, Rox is your true soulmate," she surmised.

Cass just smiled and squeezed the hand that was resting on top of hers. "It's late, and I'm tired. I'm going to head home. Thanks for listening, Ang. I really needed someone to talk to tonight." Rising to her feet, she gave the older woman a kiss on the cheek and an affectionate hug before heading out the door.

"Good night, Cass," Angie said, thinking to herself that Cass wasn't going to like the cold Maine winters.


When Cass got home, she immediately went into her office and fired up her computer. She had told Rox that she would send her an e-mail in the morning, but seeing that it was about 10:00 p.m. on the west coast, she wouldn't see it until morning anyway. Sitting down at the computer, she started to write.

There, Cass thought as she reread the note. "Pleasant dreams, Sweet Angel," she whispered as she reached over and clicked on 'shut down'.

Rising, she made her way to the bedroom, stripping off her T-shirt and shorts along the way. Slipping a nightshirt over her head, she climbed in between the sheets and laid down, letting out a deep sigh as she settled into the soft pillow and closed her eyes.


Roxanne was riding on a horse, behind a dark haired man. Suddenly, they came to a stop and she slipped off the horse's back. Walking around for a moment, she turned and looked at the man. He was very handsome. Talk and dark, and dressed in leather britches, vest and muslin shirt. He wore boots that laced to his knees. She was wearing a leather skirt and halter top, adorned with feathers. She too wore boots that laced to her knees. Is this Cass? she thought to herself.

"Where is she?" she heard herself say.

"She's in here," the man replied, pointed to himself.

She was confused, and shook her head side to side.

"Close your eyes," the man said. "Close your eyes and think of me."

Roxanne obeyed, closing her eyes tightly and clearing her mind. Suddenly, from the mist, rose a figure. A woman, dressed in a black leather battle dress and breastplate. She was beautiful. Tall and slim with long dark hair and strikingly blue eyes. Rox couldn't help but stare. This woman was breathtaking ... and she looked so familiar. Where have I seen her before? she asked herself.

For some unknown reason, Rox began to cry. "Why?" she asked. "Why did you leave me?"

Suddenly, the woman approached her, smiling. "I will always be here," she said.

Leaning in, the woman lowered her mouth toward Rox. Their lips touched, blending the essence of their love. Rox felt as though her insides had liquefied. A warmth spread from her chest to her groin. Her heart started to flutter, and her body shook uncontrollably with emotion.

As soon as the woman's lips contacted her own, Rox felt something change. Savoring the kiss for as long as she could, it was moments later before she opened her eyes. What she saw surprised her. She was kissing the tall, handsome man.

Rox looked around frantically. Where did she go? she thought as she continued to scan the area.


Jerri rolled off her wife, and onto her back, pulling the smaller woman along to rest on top of her. Both women were breathing heavily.

Nikki laid her cheek on Jerri's bare breast. "You're going to kill me one of these days, Jer," she said, panting. "God, that was good," she added.

"Hmmm. I aim to please, love. Had enough?" she asked.

Nikki's entire body was throbbing from post orgasmic relief, as small tremors continued to vibrate through her body. "Oh yeah," she said breathlessly, unable to move from her position on top of her wife.

Jerri leaned in and kissed her on top of the head. "Good, Now would you mind sliding off so I can use the bathroom?" she asked.

Nikki couldn't move. "Can't," she said.

Jerri just smiled and rolled onto her side, depositing Nikki on her back on the mattress next to her. "Some mattress queen you are!" she exclaimed.

Nikki just grinned as she watched her wife get out of bed. God, that woman is beautiful, she thought as she watched a naked Jerri head for the door. "Ah, Jer ... did you forget something?" she asked.

Jerri turned sleepy eyes back toward the bed and raised her eyebrows.

"We're not home, love. I don't think Rox will appreciate us walking around in our birthday suits," Nikki commented.

Jerri tilted her head back and looked at the ceiling. Letting a small chuckle escape, she padded back to the bed and reached for her nightshirt and panties before heading out once more.

Jerri passed Rox's room on her way back to Nikki and heard the red haired woman moaning inside. "Where did she go? Where is she?" came the desperate pleas.

Pushing the door open, she saw Rox thrashing about on the bed. Damn, she's going to re-injure her ribs if she keeps that up, Jerri observed.

Moving quietly into the room, Jerri climbed into bed and took Rox into her arms. Rox instantly settled down and burrowed into Jerri's embrace. "Shhhh," she cooed to the smaller woman. "Sleep, Rox ... you're safe, hon. Just relax and sleep." Soon, both women had fallen asleep.

Some time later, Nikki rolled over and threw her arm over her wife ... at least she threw it over the space her wife was supposed to be occupying. Sitting up and looking around, she realized that Jerri was missing. Slipping her own nightshirt and panties on, she went in search of the taller woman, finding her and her best friend wrapped in a loving embrace. Both women were sleeping.

Nikki stood in the doorway of Rox's room and smiled, thinking about how damned cute they looked. Tiptoeing silently to the bed, she too slipped in between the covers so that Rox was laying between them. As she settled in, Jerri opened one eye and smiled at her wife. "Nightmare," she said softly. Nikki smiled back and wrapped herself around both her wife and friend. Soon, the menagerie of dark, blonde and red were sound asleep.


Cass was sitting astride a horse. She felt odd. Her body was foreign to her. Wrapped around her, was Rox, sitting behind her in the saddle. She brought the horse to a halt, allowing Rox to slide off. She watched for a few moments as Rox walked around disoriented. Slipping off the horse herself, she straightened her clothing. Suddenly, she realized why she felt so odd ... she was a man! What the hell? she wondered to herself.

She walked a few feet away and shook her head. Suddenly, she felt Rox's hand on her arm.

"Where is she?" she heard Rox ask.

"She's in here," Cass replied, pointing to her chest. Why did I say that? she wondered.

She looked at Rox as shook her head in confusion.

Cass felt an internal struggle going on inside of her. Suddenly, she said to the petite red head, "Close your eyes, Close your eyes and think of me."

She watched as Roxanne obeyed, closing her eyes tightly. Cass felt very odd. Finally, after a few moments, things began to clear as she felt herself emerge from the inner depths of this man whose body she inhabited. Looking down, she noticed that the leather britches and vest were gone and she was now wearing a black leather battle dress and breastplate. Wow, she thought. I know I signed one of the e-mails "Your Loving Warrior", but I didn't mean it literally!

For some unknown reason, Rox began to cry. "Why?" she asked. "Why did you leave me?"

Cass felt Rox's pain and confusion and stepped forward to comfort her. "I will always be here," she said.

Leaning in, she lowered her mouth toward Rox. Their lips touched, blending the essence of their love. Cass felt as though her insides had liquefied. A warmth spread from her chest to her groin. Her heart started to flutter, and her body shook uncontrollably with emotion.

As soon as the woman's lips contacted her own, Cass felt something change. Savoring the kiss for as long as she could, it was moments later before she opened her eyes. What she realized surprised her. She was once again in the man's body.

Rox looked around, frantically scanning the area.

Cass suddenly bolted awake and jumped out of bed, feeling around her body with her hands. I feel like a woman, she thought as she headed to the bathroom to check it out in the mirror. Sure enough, she was definitely a woman.

E, did you dream what I dreamt? she asked her alter ego as she walked back into her bedroom, dazed.

I sure did. You know Cass, you really DO need to get.... Enforcer started.

Yeah, yeah, I know ... I need to get laid. Enough with the broken record, okay? she said sarcastically.

Go back to bed, Cass. Maybe you'll get to kiss her again ... this time, don't wake up, okay? Enforcer instructed.

Cass threw herself back down on the bed and stared at the ceiling for long moments before she drifted back to sleep.



Rox awoke to find herself spooned in between her two friends. They had her trapped, unable to move a muscle. How the hell did this happen? she asked herself as she managed to work one hand free to scratch her nose. "Guys?" she said. "Ah, guys ... ah, Hello?" she said again.

"Go to sleep, Nik ... it's too early to get up," Jerri said as she threw her arm across both Rox and Nikki, once more trapping the hand she worked so hard to free.

"Aarrgghh!" Rox exclaimed as she turned her head to Nikki. "Nik! Nikki wake up!" she urged.

"Rox, go back to sleep," came the reply.

Suddenly, Nikki bolted upright in bed. "Rox?" she said looking at her friend. "How did you get in our bed?" she asked.

Rox grinned. "You're in MY bed, Nik. And so is Jerri," she observed.

Nikki frowned, trying to remember the previous evening. "Oh yeah," she said, running her hand through her short blonde hair. "You had a nightmare, Jerri came to your rescue ... I missed her, so I joined the two of you. Now I remember," she explained.

"I had a nightmare?" Rox questioned.

"Yes you did," Jerri said from her position on the other side of Rox.

Rox looked over at her other friend. "Did I say anything?" she asked.

Jerri rolled over onto her back and rubbed her eyes. "Yeah," she said, looking back at Rox. "You kept saying 'Where is she? and 'Where did she go?' Don't you remember any of it?"

"I remember riding a horse, and kissing a woman who turned into a man ... then she was gone!?" Rox said, confused.

"A woman who turned into a man?" Nikki deadpanned. "C'mere," she added, reaching over to feel Rox's forehead. "No fever. Are you all right, Rox?" she asked.

"I'm fine, Nik. The dream was so real. The man was tall and dark and very good looking. I remember wondering if it was Cass," Rox answered.

"Rox, just how hard did you hit your head yesterday?" Jerri asked.

"Some friends you are ... I invite you into my bed, and this is the way you treat me!" Rox said jokingly.

"Well, this friend could use some coffee ... and a trip to the bathroom," Nikki said as she climbed out of bed, then reached her hand back for Rox. "Coming?" she asked.

Rox painfully shuffled her way over to the edge of the bed and took Nikki's hand. Rising slowing to her feet, she groaned and said, "God, I feel like someone beat the shit out of me yesterday."

Jerri was right behind them as the trio made their way downstairs to brew their morning ambition and feed their caffeine addictions.


Bathroom chores out of the way, Rox powered up her laptop and selected "Netscape Communicator" to access her e-mail. Going directly to her inbox, she smiled broadly when she saw the note from Cass. Checking the date and time the message was sent, she grinned and said to herself, You couldn't wait until morning, could you Cass?

Double clicking on the note, she opened it and read:

God, she said to herself. Just a few kind words, and I'm falling all over myself with desire. So, he wants to know my heart and soul ... well, the only place I really pour that out is in my writing and in my journal. Do I dare send my journal to him? Am I ashamed of what I have felt in the journal for the past several weeks? ... No, I'm not, came the reply. Okay, journal notes it is, she mumbled as she put off answering Cass' note.

Grabbing the mouse, she selected the word processor in her computer and double clicked on the folder labeled 'journal'. Once open, the folder displayed individual journal entries dating back nearly a year. Okay, let's start with the one I wrote earlier this week, Rox thought as she waited for the selected document. Going to the top of the screen, Rox selected the 'edit' icon and highlighted all the text in the file, then selected the 'copy' icon to place a copy of the text onto the clipboard. Then, selecting, 'new message', she opened a note and pasted the journal contents into it, adding introductory and closing comments. Addressing the note to Cass, she took the time to review its contents before sending:

Satisfied with the contents of the note, Rox selected 'send' and watched her soul disappear into the recesses of the Internet. Sitting back, she sighed deeply, then shut down the computer.

Jerri came up behind where she was sitting on the couch and leaned down to kiss her cheek. "You okay?" she asked.

Rox looked at her friend and smiled. "Yeah," she said.

Suddenly, Rox's stomach rumbled loudly, making both women chuckle.

"Come on ... let's go feed that beast," Jerri said, coming around the couch to help her injured friend up.


Cass rolled over and tried to make herself comfortable once more. Try as she might, she could not get rid of the burning ache in her lower abdomen. Finally giving up, she threw the covers off and climbed out of bed, plodding to the adjoining bathroom to relieve her bladder. Coming back into the bedroom, she sat heavily on the side of the bed. Reaching up to rub the sleep out of her eyes, she sighed deeply, then let her hands drop down between her legs, and her chin to her chest, scattering her dark hair into her face. God, I hate mornings, she said to herself. Glancing at the clock, she noticed the time was 9:00 a.m. Perking her head up, she furrowed her brow and thought, 9:00 a.m.? I went to bed around 11 p.m. ... ten hours of sleep... I shouldn't still be tired.

You don't remember the dream, do you? Enforcer asked.

Dream? Cass pondered before the memory returned to her. Oh yeah ... You know, that was a really strange dream. I mean, why would I be in a man's body?

You wouldn't be having penis envy, would ya, Cass? Enforcer teased.

Oh for Christ sakes! Cass yelled internally. Where do you come up with this stuff?

Ah ... Cass ... don't you mean, where do YOU come up with this stuff? Hellllllo? Enforcer mocked.

"Aarrgghh" Cass yelled out loud as she climbed to her feet and changed into her exercise clothes.

Forty-five minutes later, Cass was in the shower, washing off the sweat from her treadmill workout. She stood there with a towel around her middle, rubbing a second towel through her hair as she booted her computer and waited for her wallpaper to appear. She had scanned Rox's picture from the back cover of Stargazer II and stored it on her hard drive. Then, she identified the scanned photo as wallpaper, resulting in a smiling picture of Rox each time she booted up her computer.

"Damn, that woman is gorgeous!" she commented out loud as she sat down and selected 'Netscape Messenger'. Moments later, her inbox was presented to her, indicating two pieces of new mail. The first message was from the airline indicating that her flight to Durango that Monday was being rescheduled to take off an hour earlier than usual. The airline often did that with international flights due to scheduling problems in the foreign airports. The second post was from Rox.

Scanning the contents of the note made an uneasy feeling creep into her chest. This is a very unhappy woman, E. God, I wish I could take her away from it all, she thought.

Why can't you? Enforcer asked.

What do you mean, why can't I? Cass mocked sarcastically.

Why can't you? What's stopping you? came the next probing question.

Well, for one, I don't even know yet that she's into women. Like you said during chat, she said she loved me for caring... not that she loved ME. Remember. Secondly, she made it perfectly clear that she had to stay in her current relationship until her father was gone. What chance do I have? Cass asked.

Well ... you could always knock her father off ... get it over with ... whaddaya think? Enforcer suggested.

Cass slapped both of her palms into her forehead and shook her head back and forth in disgust at where her mind was taking her. Damn it Cass, just answer the note, she scolded herself.

She sat back for several moments, scanning Rox's note once more before penning a reply:

Happy with the note, Cass selected 'send' and watched it disappear from her screen..


After a leisurely breakfast, Rox spent the next three hours sitting on the back deck, alternating between watching the ocean and awkwardly typing entries into her laptop for her new book. Try as she might, she was unable to erase the picture of the tall, dark haired man from her dreams. He looked very much like the picture Cass sent of himself, she speculated. She thought he looked quite dashing in the knee high boots, muslin shirt and vest. Complete with mustache and goatee, he looked very much like a musketeer.

Redirecting her attention to the written word, she lowered her head and concentrated on the laptop in front of her. The figure hiding behind the tool shed watched as Rox lowered her head and began typing. Standing guard like a gargoyle over its gable, unmoving, eyes rarely leaving the red-haired woman on the deck. Occasionally, a petite blonde or tall brunette would join her, sitting to enjoy a cup of coffee and chat, or to bring her lunch foods. Finally, when the red head moved gingerly into the house, the figure walked away, vowing to return later.


Cass sat back after shutting down the computer and stared at the blank screen. All she could think about was Rox and her abusive situation. Climbing to her feet, she started pacing back and forth, left hand on her hip, right hand massaging her chin. Damn, E, I'm worried about her. I have this uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. I wish I could be there with her right now, Cass speculated to her alter ego as she paced.

You realize you won't rest easy until you fly to Maine and check it out for yourself, Enforcer pointed out.

E, how can I do that? I have to work on Monday. I can't just pack up and go to Maine. Besides, she has her friends there with her ... she's probably relatively safe, she reasoned.

Admit it, Cass. You really want to be there because you have this overwhelming need to touch her, hold her, and tell her you love her. It has little to do with your protective instincts, said the alter ego.

Cass stopped pacing and frowned. Looking slightly over her left shoulder as though Enforcer was standing there, she raised her eyebrows and admitted to herself that her alter ego was probably right. Damn, I've got it bad, she admitted as she resumed her pacing.



Jerri kissed her wife good bye as she left Rox's oceanfront home to go to work. She was working the noon to midnight shift that day, and wouldn't be home until nearly 1:00 a.m. Nikki normally hated it when Jerri worked that shift, but this day, the circumstances were different ... she had Rox to keep her company through the long hours of the evening.

After seeing Jerri off, Nikki returned to the kitchen where Rox was sitting at the table enjoying a garden salad and grilled cheese sandwich. Nikki raised her eyebrows as she saw a place set for herself, and her own meal waiting for her. Coming up behind Rox, she wrapped her arms around the red head and hugged her affectionately, kissing her cheek in thanks.

"How did you manage to cook lunch with a broken wrist?" Nikki asked as she sat down.

"I have many skills," Rox said, wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

Nikki chuckled. "I'll bet you do," she replied pointedly. "How's the story coming?" she added.

Rox's face took on a glow as she talked about her work. "Wonderful ... I managed to write half a chapter this morning. That's pretty good considering I'm a one-armed bandit right now!" she exclaimed, lifting her fiberglass-encased hand as proof.

"Do you need some help with the typing, Hon? It might move along faster that way." Nikki observed.

"No, I don't think so. I'm doing okay ... besides, I have a really strange writing style. I'm forever going back to reread what I've already written ... tweaking things along the way. I jump back and forth so much, I'd confuse the hell out of you. I'll be fine on my own. Hopefully the swelling will go down in a day or so ... it'll be easier then. Thanks for asking though," she replied.

Nikki reached across the table to cover her friend's injured hand. "You know I'd do anything for you, Rox, right?" she said seriously.

Rox met her friend's green eyes and held them for several moments, a feeling of affection and love passing between them. "Yeah, I know, love. I can't thank you enough," she said.

Nikki smiled. "So, are you planning to write all day, or can I talk you into a little shopping?" she asked, shoving a fork full of greens into her mouth.

Rox sat back in her chair, hands poised on the table. "Nik, I really don't want to go out in public looking like this," she said, indicating the bruises that were painfully obvious on her face and neck.

Nikki nodded her head in understanding. "Well, how about a walk along the beach a little later? You really should get out of the house, Rox," she urged her friend.

"I think I might be able to manage that," Rox said grinning, " but can we make if for after dinner? I'm going to do my e-mail after lunch and them maybe take a nap before writing again this afternoon."

"After dinner is fine. What do you feel like having tonight? It's just the two of us," Nikki asked.

"Nikki, you really don't have to baby me like this ... I can cook my own dinner," Rox said

"Yes you can ... but you won't, and we both know it. Now don't argue with me. What would you like me to cook?" Nikki replied knowingly.

Seeing that she had lost the battle, Rox sighed heavily and said, "I don't know ... whatever you want, I guess."

"And just how do you make that?" Nikki asked, propping her elbow up on the table and resting her chin in her hand.

"Make what?" Rox asked, confusion etched across her brow as she looked at her friend.

"Whatever you want ... I'm not familiar with that dish," Nikki teased.

Rox grinned, and without breaking eye contact with Nikki, reached into her salad with her good hand and picked up a piece of lettuce, which she unceremoniously threw at her friend, hitting her on the cheek.

What ensued, was a full-fledged food fight. By the time they were done, their salad dishes had been emptied all over the kitchen and each other.


Rox waited patiently as the server retrieved her messages. Her eyes brightened as she saw the message from Cass. Clicking on the note, she scanned it quickly, then went back to take her time rereading it. Rox stopped at that place in the note where she saw the phone number. Do I dare? she thought, looking at the clock. Let's see, its nearly 1 p.m. here, so it's 10 a.m. there... he must be out of bed by now.


Cass begrudgingly dressed herself and waited for Angie to pick her up for a much needed shopping trip. Cass hated shopping, but she had to admit, she did need some new underclothes, and a pair of running shoes. Angie quickly volunteered to drag her through the mall. Moments later, she heard a car horn beep and stepped out onto the small balcony overlooking the parking lot. Sure enough, it was 10 a.m. and Angie was right on time. Groaning loudly, she grabbed her purse and headed for the door, only to be stopped by the ringing telephone.

Stopping dead at the door, Cass turned around and looked at the phone. Maybe its work calling ... then I can get out of this stupid shopping trip, she hoped. Walking the few steps between the door and the end table, she reached down and picked up the receiver.

"Hello?" she said into the phone.


"Hello?" Cass said again, a little louder.

An audible click came from the other end of the line.

Cass pulled the receiver from her ear and looked at it questioningly as her brow furrowed. Then, she shrugged and mumbled something about crank callers before hanging the phone up and heading out the door once and for all.


Rox slammed down the receiver. "Oh my god," she said out loud. "A woman answered the phone."

"Huh? Did you say something, hon?" Nikki asked from the kitchen doorway as she wiped the last dish.

Rox was still looking at the receiver. "I said, a woman answered the phone," she replied, partially in a daze.

"A woman answered whose phone? Roxie ... honey, maybe you should take that nap now," Nikki suggested, coming into the living room to feel her friend's forehead.

Rox brushed her hand away. "Nik, I'm all right. A woman answered Cass' phone. He gave me his phone number in his last post ... I called, and a woman answered his phone!" she exclaimed, becoming agitated.

Nikki raised her eyebrows as she wiped her hands on the dishtowel. "I see," she said, nodding.

"What do you think it means?" Rox asked.

"It means he had a woman in his apartment. Maybe it was his mother, or his sister," Nikki suggested.

"Or his girlfriend!" Rox added. "Nik ... what do I know about this guy? He could be some whacko for all I know."

"Rox, he's an airplane pilot ... not a whacko," Nikki said, trying to soothe Rox's hurt.

"Are you saying air plane pilots can't be whackos, Nik?" Rox challenged her friend.

"No, I'm not saying that. Look, Rox," Nikki said, exasperated with her friend. "Why don't you skip your e-mail for this afternoon and get some sleep. It will still be here for you when you get up. Okay?"

Rox reluctantly agreed when a yawn gave away her true state of tiredness.

"You go on up ... slowly ... and hold on to the railing ... I'll power down the computer, then come tuck you in, okay? Hell, I may even join you," Nikki said as Rox turned and headed toward the stairs.

Nikki selected the 'start' command in the lower left corner of the screen, and then initiated the shutdown procedure. As she watched the computer shut down, she thought, You had better not be messing with my friend, or you're a deadman, Cass Conway.


Cass powered up her computer the minute she walked into her condo. The shopping trip had taken much longer than she would have liked with Angie insisting on stopping at a half-dozen stores, and then insisting on getting lunch as long as they were out. The end result was four miserable hours in the mall. Cass was about ready to blow a gasket when Angie finally declared herself done and they headed to the car.

Disappointment settled itself in the pit of her stomach like last Christmas' fruitcake when there were no new messages from Rox. Sitting back in her chair, she sighed deeply and just stared at the screen.

Staring at it won't make it happen, you know. Enforcer said.

What do you mean? Cass asked.

Staring at the screen won't make a note appear. Enforcer explained.

What do you think is wrong, E? came the next question.

Who says something is wrong? Maybe she's just busy. Maybe she's writing. Don't be so paranoid, Cass, the alter ego scolded.

E, what if that bastard has beaten her up again, and she CAN'T respond? Cass feared.

I don't know, Cass... I just don't know. Look, you're not going to be happy until you fly out there and check it out for yourself ... you know that, don't you?" Enforcer pointed out.

I can't do that E! Don't you see? How will it look if I suddenly appear at her door and a healthy Rox answers it? I'll look pretty stupid for being so paranoid, don't you think? Cass replied.

Suit yourself, Cass ... but don't complain to me when I say 'I told you so.' Okay? came the sarcastic reply.

Maybe I should send her another note ... no - that would seem desperate. Cass remarked.

You ARE desperate, aren't you? Geesh, Cass ... you sure are acting like it. Look ... why don't we go over to the gym and work off some of this nervous energy ... okay? Enforcer suggested.

Ah, E ... I really don't want to go to the gym, Cass whined.

Look, Cass ... you're wound up like a Cuckoo clock ... either we go to the gym, or we go out and get laid ... your choice, although I prefer the later, Enforcer demanded.

Cass stopped pacing and looked over her shoulder again. "I'll change into my gym clothes," she said out loud, heading for her bedroom.

Damn! Enforcer said under her breath, as Cass readied herself to go.


After a leisurely dinner of pasta marinara, salad and garlic bread, Nikki and Rox stepped onto the sand off the back deck to take a stroll along the beach. Both women had curled up together to take a two hour nap, their bodies wrapped around each other affectionately. Upon awakening, they laid on their sides with their heads on the pillows, facing each other, but not touching. For the next hour, they talked about everything imaginable, from Rox's books, to Chris, to life's philosophies. Rox so loved this time with her friend. They used to spend time together like this in college. While the other girls were out drinking, partying, and getting laid, Rox and Nikki would talk ... sometimes lying in bed like they were today, sometimes curled up on the couch, sometimes sitting rigidly on the floor ... their body language always seeming to reflect their subject matter. After their talk, Rox wrote for a couple of hours while Nikki prepared dinner.

Rox looked longingly at her computer before deciding to ignore her e-mail a while longer, and to enjoy the relaxing walk along the shoreline with her best friend.

"Nikki, Do you think I'm rushing things with Cass?" Rox asked.

Nikki pondered the wet sand that forced it's way between her toes as she walked barefoot on the edge of the surf. "Maybe, Rox. You HAVE only known him for what ... three weeks?" Nikki replied.

"It feels so much longer than that, Nik. It feels like I've known him forever. There's something about him that I can't put my finger on. It's almost like I've known him before. It all 'feels' so familiar, know what I mean?" Rox questioned her friend.

Nikki walked along quietly, contemplating her own situation. She had known Jerri for only a short time as well before she knew she wanted to commit her life to her. The difference was, she and Jerri met first and THEN fell in love, not the other way around, as was the case with Rox and Cass. "Roxie, I DO believe that people can fall in love quickly ... hell, I didn't know Jerri for much longer than you've known Cass before I was sure of my love for her," Nikki began.

"But ...?" Rox prompted.

"But, we had the luxury of meeting face to face and getting to know each other that way before we acknowledged how we felt," Nikki quickly explained.

Rox was silent as she thought about Nikki's comments.

Nikki looked over at her friend again. "Rox, what if the two of you meet and you're not compatible? What if you don't appeal to each other physically ... what then? I'll tell you what then," Nikki continued without giving Rox a chance to reply, "you'll end up getting hurt. Rox, honey, you give your heart too freely ... look at Chris. You gave your heart freely there too, and look where it's ending," she finished as they continued to stroll along the beach.

"Cass is different, Nik. I can feel it," Roxanne replied, looking into her friend's eyes pathetically before adding, "Of course, its all for naught if the woman on the phone earlier today is his girlfriend."

"Rox, you don't know that," Nikki observed.

"You're right, I don't ... maybe I should ask him," Rox suggested.

"Maybe you should," Nikki replied.

Rox stopped walking and looked into her friend's eyes. Smiling, she leaned in and kissed Nikki affectionately on the lips. "Thank you, my friend. You know I love you with all my heart, don't you?" she asked.

Nikki nodded her head and smiled as the two women locked arms and resumed their walk.

The solitary figure stood once more by the tool shed, watching the affectionate scene between the best friends. You bitch, the figure thought, you will pay for this ... for the lies and the humiliation ... you will pay. Anger rose like fetid bile in the figure's throat as plans were made to administer punishment on the unsuspecting victim.


Cass stood under the showerhead and washed the sweat from her body. Although the trip to the gym helped alleviate most of her frustrated anxiety, there was still enough hanging on to make her edgy. She wondered if Rox had responded to her last post yet. Resolving not to make herself crazy waiting, she climbed out of the shower, toweled herself dry, then glanced at the clock, trying to decide if she was going to go out to dinner or to order in. It was nearly 5 p.m. After towel drying her long dark hair, she hung the towel back on the rack and stood naked in the full-length mirror in the bathroom, looking at herself. Turning this way and that, she noticed that the large bruise from the crash landing was starting to fade. That done, she faced herself in the mirror again and sighed. Damn, I need to get a life, she said to herself. I hate eating alone ... I have living alone ... I hate being alone, she added as she grabbed some clothes and got dressed. Angie, I hope you're not to busy tonight, 'cause I plan on hanging around 'till closing time, Cass said to herself as she combed out her hair. Cass stopped and took a long hard look at her computer as she headed for the front door, almost giving in to the urge to log on and check her e-mail. Finally, she forced herself to put one foot in front of the other as she left her condo and headed down town for dinner.


"What can I get you, sweetling?" Angie asked her favorite customer as she sat down in the chair opposite Cass.

Cass looked up and smiled at her friend. "Uhm... how about the beef stew and salad?" she asked. "Oh ... and a coffee," she added.

"Good choice," Angie said as she wrote Cass' order down on her pad. Before rising to place the order, she looked at her 'adopted' daughter carefully. "Are you all right, honey?" she asked.

Cass furrowed her brow. "Sure, why do you ask?" she replied.

"I don't know ... you look a little preoccupied or something," Angie said a little hesitantly. "Look, let me go place your order, then I'll grab us both a coffee. Looks like you need to talk," she said, rising to her feet and walking away.

Cass smiled to herself. Angie was a real gem ... a true friend. It amazed Cass how she always knew when something was bothering her.

Moments later, Angie returned with two cups of coffee. Sitting down opposite Cass, she pushed one of the cups over to the younger woman and said, "Okay, spill it ... what's bothering you?"

"I don't know, Ang ... I guess I'm being impatient. I can't get Rox out of my mind," she answered.

"Ah ... Rox. I should have known. Have you heard back from her yet?" Angie asked.

"Not today ... it kind of worries me. Did I tell you that she lives in an abusive situation? The person she is living with has beaten her several times ... in fact, the last beating was just a few days ago. I'm really afraid for her, Angie," Cass explained.

"Is she alone?" Angie asked.

"No. A couple of friends are staying with her. I feel better about that, but ... I don't know. Damn, I wish I could be there with her," Cass confessed.

"Why aren't you? Why don't you fly to Maine and check it out. At least you'll have peace of mind," Angie suggested.

"That's what E suggested," Cass replied.

"E?" asked Angie.

Realizing that Angie didn't know about her alter ego, Cass tried to cover. "Ah ... ah ... E ... short for Elizabeth - a friend of mine at the gym," she said haltingly.

Angie looked at her friend through narrowed eyes. What are you hiding Cassidy Conway? she wondered to herself. Pushing the thought aside for a moment, she continued. "If it will make you feel better, Cass, go to her," Angie urged.

"Well, I'll give it a few more days. If things still don't feel right, then maybe I'll do just that. In any case, I have a two-day flight to Durango scheduled for Monday and Tuesday, so I can't do anything until at least Tuesday," Cass explained.

"Order up, Ang!" came the call from the kitchen.

Angie reached across the table and patted Cass' hand. "That'll be yours. After dinner, we'll talk some more, okay, love?" she suggested.

Cass just nodded her head in thanks and waited for Angie to retrieve her dinner. It was going to be a long evening.



Roxanne sat at her computer in her office and pondered what to write. She had argued with Nikki incessantly about letting her climb the two flights of stairs to the third story, and finally, her friend relented on the condition that she help her up there and back again.

How do I ask him? she questioned herself. Cass, do you have a girlfriend? Cass, are you playing cybersex games with my head? Cass, do you love me ... Whoa!!!! Where did THAT come from? she asked herself, her heart beating rapidly at the unexpected thought.

Rox rose from her chair and started pacing, her eyes never leaving her computer, as though it was an enemy about to pounce. By the gods ... Do I love him? she questioned herself. I do ... don't I? she concluded. How can that be? I've only known him for three weeks. Damn! she said as she started pacing once more. Oh gods ... what if he is playing games with my head? What if he's one of these kooks who pretends to be something he isn't to lure innocent women into dangerous situations? All right ... calm down, Rox ... think! You know he's legitimately a pilot ... his name was all over the newspaper earlier this week. But what about the woman in his apartment?

The petite red head was still pacing when Nikki climbed the stairs to the attic.

"Hey girl, can I interest you in a glass of ice tea?" she asked, handing the extra glass she was carrying to Rox.

Rox reached out and accepted the glass, avoiding Nikki's eyes. "Thanks," she said.

Nikki noticed the lack of eye contact immediately. "Whoa, Rox ... what's wrong?" she asked, placing a hand on Rox's arm.

"Wrong? What could be wrong? Here I am, covered in black and blue marks, a cast on my hand, madly in love with a man I've never met ... a man who is probably cheating on me this very moment! What could possibly be wrong, Nik?" she answered sarcastically.

Taking Rox's ice tea away from her, Nikki put both glasses down on the desk and then faced her friend. Taking her by the forearms, she turned Rox so that she was directly facing her. Reaching up, she lifted Rox's chin to look her directly in the eye. "Rox ... did you say you were in love with him?"

Rox's eyes immediately filled with tears as she met her friend's gaze. Nodding her head slightly she began to cry, falling into Nikki's embrace. "Nik, what am I going to do? I love him ... I can't help it, but I do. I know I haven't known him for very long, but ... but ... damn it, Nikki, what am I going to do?" she cried.

"Roxie ... Roxie, baby, shhhh. It's okay. Honey, please don't cry," Nikki said as she soothed Roxanne's tears.

After long moments, the crying subsided, and Rox stood in the circle of Nikki's arms, trying desperately to compose herself. "Are you all right?" Nikki asked, pulling back to look at her friend.

Rox just nodded, still avoiding Nikki's eyes for fear that she would break down crying again. "What am I going to do, Nik?" she whispered.

Nikki pulled her in for one more hug before leading her over to her desk. Sitting her down in the office chair, she turned the woman around until she was facing the computer. "Well, for starters, you're going to write to Cass and find out about the woman in his apartment," she said as she reached over Rox and booted up the computer.

"Nikki, I don't know what to say," Rox replied.

"Don't worry ... I'll help you think of something," her friend said.

Moments later, Rox had opened the 'new mail' icon and was poised to compose the note to Cass.

"Okay, how's this?" Rox said.

"Rox," Nikki interrupted. "Do you think you should give him your phone number?"

"No ... not unless he asks for it ... I want to make sure this will work out before I start giving out information like that," she observed.

Nikki just nodded as they put their heads together once more to continue the note.

"Wow... you weren't kidding when you said you needed to be blunt, were you?" Nikki observed.

"Do you think it will scare him off?" Rox worried, her brow knit together as she reread the last few paragraphs.

"Well, it will either scare him off or reel him in for life ... it all depends on how he feels about commitment, I guess," Nikki responded.

Rox looked at her blonde friend. "Nik, I can't let him hurt me. Chris has done enough of that to last a life time," she explained.

Wrapping her arms around Rox, Nikki leaned in and hugged her fiercely. "I know, sweetheart, I know. Okay then ... send it," she suggested.

Rox reached for the mouse and directed the pointer to the send button. In seconds, the note was on its way to Cass while the two friends sat there absorbed in their own thoughts.

It will kill me if he answers no, Rox mused.

I will kill him if he hurts Rox, Nikki vowed.


Cass left the diner at closing time, keeping Angie company for nearly three hours after she finished her supper. She dreaded the thought of going home once again to an empty apartment. Dragging herself through the front door, she eased her tall frame down onto the couch and reached for the remote control. After spending several moments channel surfing and finding nothing to hold her interest, she turned the TV off and threw the controller down on the coffee table. Throwing her head back and looking directly up at the ceiling, she sighed deeply.

Go ahead, Enforcer urged.

Cass did her best to ignore the voice.

Cass ... I know you can hear me. It won't do you any good to ignore me, you know, the voice said.

Aw, come on E, back off, will ya? Cass whined.

No ...... I don't think so. You know you want to, the alter ego forged ahead.

E!!!!! Cass countered.

Look Cass ... You don't exactly have a Super Bowl party goin' on here ... I'm bored. Now get off your ass and do it! Enforcer insisted.

God damn it, E! You aren't going to leave me alone until I do, are you? Cass asked sarcastically.

You got it, girlfriend. Enforcer answered as Cass rose to her feet and headed to the office.

Cass started pacing as she waited impatiently for the computer to boot up. After a few moments, she threw her hands up in the air, exasperated. "Why the hell can't these multi-million dollar semiconductor manufacturers make a computer that is ready the instant you push the 'on' button?" she complained out loud, as she started the even lengthier log on into Netscape Communicator. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the server finished delivering new mail to her inbox. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw Rox's addy.

Double clicking on Rox's note, she quickly scanned the contents.

Whoa Doggie! Break out the cold ones! Cass old buddy, looks like you scored big time! Enforcer said, verbally slapping her on the back.

"A woman answered my phone?" she said to no one in particular. E ... she said a woman answered my phone. I wonder who that was? she mused.

Fuck the woman, Cass .... well, not literally - Oh hell ... you know what I mean. Look! She said she's falling in love with you. the alter ego exclaimed.

"Cass, I am falling in love with you," she read again.

Suddenly, she jumped to her feet and pointed to the monitor. "Holy Shit, E!!! She said she's falling in love with me!" Cass yelled.

No shit, Sherlock! E replied. Hellllllo? Is anybody home?

Cass started pacing again, arms crossed in front of her. Oh Shit, Oh Shit, Oh Shit! Now what do I do? she asked herself.

You sit that cute butt of yours right down here and answer this note. Don't get cold feet now, Cass. This is what you wanted, remember? Enforcer chimed.

Nodding her head, Cass sat down in front of the keyboard and composed another response.

"What do you think?" Cass asked out loud.

I think you need to click on 'send'. Let'er rip, Cass. It's a great note. Enforcer replied.


Nikki slept soundly, curled up in the guest room with her arms and legs wrapped around the spare pillow. She often slept like this when Jerri had to work late. Being a light sleeper, she was partially awakened by the sounds of another body rummaging around in her room.

"Jer? Honey, stop making so much noise and come to bed," she said into the darkness, never lifting her head off the pillow.

Several moments of silence followed as Nikki waited for her wife to join her. When it became apparent that the taller woman wasn't coming to bed, Nikki sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes with the back of her fists before looking up into deep brown eyes. Her own eyes flew open wide as the club made contact with her skull. Moments later, blackness enveloped her.


"Nikki! Nikki!" Jerri cried, gently shaking her wife into consciousness.

Nikki's eyes slowly opened, the light from the bedside lamp blinding her with pain, causing her arm to automatically shoot up to cover her eyes.

"Oh my god," Nikki moaned as her hand found the lump on the back of her head. "What happened?" she asked looking around. Suddenly, she sat up, almost causing herself to pass out from the nausea that filled her stomach at the sudden movement. Falling back down onto the bed, she reached up and grabbed Jerri's arm. "Jerri ... where's Rox?" she asked desperately.

Jerri pushed Nikki back down onto the bed. "Shhh, settle down love, the ambulance crew is with her." she replied.

Nikki forced her way back into a sitting position at the news. "What? Jerri, I need to see her," she cried as she threw her legs over the side of the bed and attempted to get up.

"Stay down, Nik ... you'll see her soon enough. In fact, you'll be sharing an ambulance ride to the hospital with her. Please lay down," Jerri pleaded, her voice cracking with emotion for the woman she loved.

Nikki started to cry. "Oh god, Jerri. It was Chris. I saw the brown eyes and blonde hair just before I lost consciousness. Jer ... how bad is Roxie?" she asked faintly.

"Bad enough to be checked out in the emergency room, love, but it could have been worse. I think I interrupted the attack when I came home," she explained.

That news just made Nikki cry harder. Sitting up once more, she wrapped herself around her wife and buried her face in the taller woman's chest. "Jer, you could have been hurt too!" she exclaimed.

Jerri rubbed the smaller woman's back as she soothed her fears. "Yeah, well I wasn't, so don't fret over it, okay?" she said, as she continued to hold her wife close.

"Jerri, we're ready to go. Does Nikki need a stretcher?" asked a voice from the doorway.

Jerri looked back over her shoulder. "No Dan, I don't think so. I'll walk her down to the ambulance. We'll be right there," she told her fellow paramedic as she turned back to Nikki. "Can you make it with my help, or do you want me to carry you?" she asked the petite blonde.

Nikki reached up and cupped the side of Jerri's face, noticing for the first time that there were tears in the corners of the dark haired woman's eyes. Smiling slightly, she replied, "No, I'll just lean on you ... just like I always do, love."

Jerri leaned in and kissed the smaller woman tenderly before smiling and extending her hand. "All right then, let's go," she said as she helped Nikki to her feet and led her out of the room.

Nikki held Rox's hand all the way to the hospital as she sat leaning against the taller woman. Rox was a mess. Blood liberally coated the front of her nightshirt, face, neck and arms. Jerri was thankful that she was unconscious, saving her from having to deal with both her wife and her best friend being injured at the same time.

Reaching up, Jerri brushed blonde tendrils away from Nikki's forehead, causing the smaller woman to smile. "Are you all right?" she asked.

Nikki sniffed back a tear then shook her head yes. "It's just a bump, Jer," she said, feeling around for the lump on the back of her head. "Poor Roxie, on the other hand ...," she added, allowing the sentence to trail off.

"Honey, it looks worse than it is," commented Jerri as she reached over and touched the side of her friend's face. "As far as I could tell, she has a head wound ... which accounts for most of the blood on her, and she's been beaten again around the face and neck. Her vitals are stable, Nik. She's going to be very sore, and maybe a little self conscious about her appearance for a while, but I think she'll be fine." Jerri concluded.

Nikki looked at her wife and wondered how on earth she could keep such a clinical attitude when their best friend was lying there in front of them in serious trouble. She always knew it took a special kind of person to work on an E-Crew ... someone who could detach themselves emotionally when necessary. She just sometimes found it hard to understand.

Looking down at her friend, Nikki reached over and brushed a bloody strand of hair from Rox's face. A solitary tear fell as she closed her eyes and sniffed back the deluge that was sure to follow if she allowed the gates to open. "Jerri, what are we going to do?" she asked while wiping the tear from her face. Looking up at her wife, she added, "Some protector I was, huh? I didn't even hear Chris come into the house!"

Jerri wrapped her arms tighter around Nikki. "Don't blame yourself for this, sweetheart. If Chris is determined to get to her, it will happen, one way of the other. We can't protect her 24 hours a day," she said. "Besides," she added, "I'm not sure how much you could have done against Chris, seeing as you're so much smaller."

Nikki just nodded tearfully as she once again brushed tears from her face. After a few moments, she looked up at her wife and said, "Jer, I know you don't like to hear this, but she really needs a man around the house. Someone who can protected her against the likes of Chris,"

"Nikki, she doesn't need a man around ... what she needs is for Chris to be caught and put behind bars," Jerri said adamantly.

"Well, I still think she'd be safer with a man in the house," Nikki commented sheepishly, knowing how Jerri felt about women taking care of themselves.

Jerri was about to argue the point further when the ambulance pulled up to the Emergency room bay.


Several hours later, in the wee hours of the morning, Nikki and Jerri left the hospital. Climbing into a taxi, Jerri looked over at a very sullen Nikki and reached out to cover her hand. "Nik, she's gonna be all right. They just want to keep her overnight for observation. We'll be able to take her home tomorrow morning, okay?"

Nikki wasn't in the mood to be coddled. Pulling her hand away, she folded them in her lap, then dropped her chin to her chest. "Jerri, I'm tired. I just want to go to bed," she said softly.

Jerri just nodded, then reached around to pull Nikki's head in for a kiss to the forehead. "How's your head?" she asked.

"Hurts like hell," Nikki replied. "I'm going to take some drugs, then hit the sheets," she informed the taller woman.

"Good plan," Jerri answered, releasing her and sitting back in her seat for the ride back to Rox's house. "Do you want to go home for the rest of the night instead of going back to Rox's?" Jerri asked.

Nikki looked up slightly and shook her head no. "Our cars are at Rox's ... we might just as well stay there tonight," she reasoned.

"What if Chris comes back? I'm not a man ... I might not be able to protect us," Jerri said sarcastically.

Nikki caught the sarcastic remark, but chose not to respond to it verbally. A bit touchy, are we? she asked herself internally. I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to offend you, but Rox really does need someone in her life to protect her, she thought.

Suddenly, Nikki sat upright and creased her brow. "Of course!" she said out loud.

Jerri raised her eyebrows. "Of course - what?" she asked.

"We need to get to Rox's right away. I have an e-mail to send," she replied.


Continued in Part 5

The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive