~ You Can Choose Your Friends, But... ~
by kd bard


COPYRIGHT: Xena Warrior Princess and Gabrielle, and all related characters, are the property of MCA/Universal and are used here without permission. No copyright infringement implied or intended. Billie and Cat are my creations, Copyright by kd bard. The leading ladies resemble our two X:WP heroines. Character or name resemblance to 'real' people currently living or dead is completely coincidental. Download it, print it out and share it if you'd like, but be sure to include the disclaimers.

SUBTEXT: This story is about two women who are committed to a caring and loving relationship. Sex is part of that relationship, but not the focus. This story does contain some mildly graphic sex scenes. If this type of love offends you, if you are under 18 yrs. old, or if love is illegal where you live, climb aboard the anti-subtext train and get outta town.


TIME LINE/CONTINUITY: This is the fourteenth installment in a modern day Uber-Xena series, starting with "The 'Commitment'" and followed by "A Family in Blood," "Personal Preferences," "Fighting City Hall," "Visions in Paradise," "What's In A Name?," "Promise Me Paradise," "While I Was Gone ...," "Unchained Memories," "Happy Campers - NOT!," "At Loose Ends," "On Solid Ground" and "Sweet Angel." The complete series can be found on my home page at http://homepages.together.net/~warriorx/WebPage.htm. Since this is a continuous series, there are events mentioned within that will not make much sense if you haven't read them all in order.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: I strongly believe that love is love, regardless of how it is packaged, so please don't flame me for believing in something so wonderful. All flames will be immediately extinguished by a tour through the city's sewer pipes, however, I do beg for constructive criticism. Send all feedback to warriorx@together.net. A very big thanks to those of you who took the time to find my booboo's ... you know who you are! I really appreciate it. Finally, a big thank you to those who graciously host my stories and provide a forum for my expression. kd :-)

SPECIAL NOTE: Thanks to Melissa Etheridge for unknowingly allowing me to shamelessly use her little secret. Thanks Melissa!

You Can Choose Your Friends, But...

By: kd bard

Started 06/09/99

Finished 07/10/99


In the early morning hours of Saturday, Sol rose over the rooftops, casting a bright orange glow over everything in his domain. Slivers of light entered every crevice ... saturating, intruding, invading even the smallest slits, defeating the barriers intended to keep them out. Soldiers of light attacked, conquering in parallel formation as they made their way through the venetian blinds, landing on the occupants of the battleground. As the formation moved north, it became obvious that the enemy was defenseless, unable to escape the onslaught as the invading forces made their way across the hills and valleys created by the entwined bodies on the bed. Finally, victory was declared as the army of light reached its destination and planted it's banner firmly in the face of the enemy.

"Billie," Cat said, nudging her sleeping wife.

"Hhmmm," Billie murmured as she pulled Cat in closer, wrapping her long arms around the smaller woman.

"Billie!" Cat said again.

"Whaaaat?" she said, annoyed at being awakened.

"Honey, please close the blinds, the sun is in my face ... I can't sleep," Cat asked.

"Ahhh Cat! Just roll over," Billie suggested not wanting to get out of the warm comfortable bed.

"Pleeeeease, love?" Cat asked sweetly.

Billie peeked one eye open and saw Cat looking at her with puppy dog eyes. Damn, I hate it when she does that! Billie thought. "Oh, all right," she said, climbing out of bed and closing the blinds, casting out the slivers of light that had invaded their bed. Then, climbing back into bed, she once again folded Cat in her arms and pulled her close.

"Thank you, sweetheart," Cat said, kissing Billie tenderly before snuggling her head into the dark-haired woman's neck.

Soon, they were sleeping once more, bodies wrapped around each other like braided rope.


Brrrring .... Brrrring .... Brrrring....

Groping for the phone, Cat sleepily said, "Hello? ... Mom? Mom, do you know what time it is?" Cat asked irritably.

"Yes dear, its 10 am. You aren't still in bed are you?" Ida asked.

Cat shot up as if she had been goosed. "10 am? By the gods, are you serious?" she asked, looking over at the digital clock to confirm what her mother had said. Sure enough, it read 10:03 am. Running her hand through her hair, she looked around, doing a quick inventory of the bedroom ... No Billie. Damn it Billie, why did you let me sleep so long? she thought. The last thing she remembered was nudging Billie awake to close the blinds.

"Caitlain, I just got a call from your sister," Ida said.

"Which one, Mom?" Cat asked, annoyed that her mother automatically thought she would know.

"Amy," Ida replied.

"And ..." Cat asked.

"Well, she suggested that it was time for a family reunion," Ida explained. "You know, sweetheart, finding Laurel really closed a lot of holes in our family trees ... I mean, she's my sister, and Billie's mother and Grandma Mel's daughter ... it would be nice to introduce her to the rest of the family."

Cat threw herself back down onto the pillows. She was really in no mood to deal with her mother, nor a family reunion this morning, but she knew her mother would be relentless if she didn't discuss it. "Yeah, okay, Mom. You're right. So, whose going to organize this thing?" she asked.

"Well, dear, since Laurel is your mother-in-law, and Billie's mother, we thought that you and Billie should do it," Ida reasoned.

Cat reached over for Billie's pillow and covered her face with it, swearing up a storm into its softness, holding it tightly to her face so her mother wouldn't hear the cursing.

"Caitlain? Caitlain, are you there?" Ida asked after several moments of silence.

Cat was counting to ten in her mind. Eight ... nine ... ten. Calm down, Cat, calm down. This is your mother you're talking to. "I'm here, Mom," she said after taking a deep breath to compose herself.

"Well, dear, what do you think?" Ida asked.

"I think, Mom, that I need to discuss this with Billie first," Cat said, hopefully buying herself some time.

"Okay, dear. Just give me a call when you've decided where and when we'll have it, all right?" Ida said.

"Mom ...." Cat began.

"I'll call Amy, Bridget and Drew and tell them to expect a call from you ..." Ida continued talking as if Cat had not spoken.

"Mom ..." Cat said again.

"This will be so much fun, dear. And you know, Grandma Mel and Grandma Jan are getting on in years. It may be the last reunion they'll have with the family," Ida finished.

That did it for Cat. Damn! she exclaimed to herself. "All right, Mom. I'll call you when I've worked out the details with Billie," she heard herself saying.

"Okay, honey. I'll talk to you later then. Kiss Billie and the babies for me. Bye, bye," Ida said, hanging up the phone.

"Bye, Mom," Cat said, dropping the phone onto her lap and reaching for Billie's pillow once more.


Cat was in a really bad mood. She hated sleeping so late ... it felt like such a waste of good daylight hours (although being married to Billie, the nighttime hours weren't so bad either). To top it all off, she had just been rooked into organizing a damned family reunion!

"Billie!" she yelled as she charged through the house looking for her wife. "Billie, where the hell are you?" she called.

"Chill out, Cat," Billie said, coming in from the back yard. "What's got your undies in such a wad this morning?" she asked teasingly.

"Don't go there, Billie ... I'm in no mood for it," Cat said irritably, hands on her hips.

Billie smiled and approached Cat, wrapping her arms around the little fireball. Cat tried to scramble out of Billie's grasp, but Billie held fast, nuzzling into Cat's neck and placing light kisses along her collarbone. Cat quickly settled down and pressed herself into her tall wife.

"Billie, why can't I stay mad when I'm around you?" she asked breathlessly.

"Because you can't resist my charm," Billie answered, nipping lightly on her neck.

"Oh gods!" Cat exclaimed arching herself closer to Billie. "I'd disagree, but I'm in no position to argue at the moment."

Billie stood to her full height and looked down at the red head still wrapped in her arms. "Well, Red, wanna tell me what's got you so fired up this morning?" she asked.

Cat dropped her chin and rested the top of her head against Billie's chest. After taking a deep breath, she looked at Billie and asked, "Why did you let me sleep so long?"

"Because, my love," Billie said, dropping a kiss on her lips, "you were tired. After last night's marathon lovemaking session, I'm surprised you're up as early as you are!" she said, kissing her again.

Cat smiled, remembering how sex crazed they had both been the night before. They just couldn't get enough of each other. They had made love so many times, she actually lost count. "Actually, I still would be sleeping if it wasn't for my mother," Cat said.

Billie frowned. "Your mother?" she questioned.

"Yeah, she called a few minutes ago ... by the way, where were you?" Cat asked.

"Out back with the kids. I got them started putting a fresh coat of paint on the tree house," Billie answered. "So, what did Mom have to say?" she asked.

"Oh gods, Billie ... she did it to me again! Damn it, why am I so weak around her?" Cat asked, frustratingly.

Billie raised her eyebrows, "What did she talk you into now?" she asked, amused at the look on Cat's face.

"Us, love ... us," Cat said.

"Us?" Billie asked.

"Oh yeah. You and I are officially in charge of organizing a family reunion," Cat moaned.

Billie's head snapped up. "Cool!" she said, eyes wide and a grin on her face.

"Cool? Cool?" Cat said, astonished at Billie's casual attitude. "Billie, do you have any idea how difficult this will be?" Cat asked.

"Cat ... love ... we're talking about your family here, how hard can it be?" Billie asked.

"Billie, we're talking about our families ... are you forgetting that your mother is my mother's stepsister? We're talking about you and I, our kids, Mom and Dad, Amy and Joe and their kids, Bridget and Kevin and their kids, Drew, Melinda, Janice, Laurel, Dylan and Jim ... you know -- your homophobic stepfather?" Cat reminded her wife.

"Shit!" Billie said, looking down into Cat's face.

"Shit, indeed, my love!" Cat replied. "Shit indeed!"


Cat and Billie sat at the kitchen table, fresh coffee and cheesecake in front of them. Cat looked down at her list as she tapped her pencil on the table.

"As far as I can tell, there will be about 22 people," Cat said. "Where are we going to sleep them all?"

"Well, we have a couple of choices, Cat. They can rent motel rooms for the week, or bring camping gear and set it up in the yard," Billie suggested.

"Camping gear? Billie, how can you even suggest camping after that horrible experience we had at Happy Trails?" Cat asked, seeing Billie visibly cringe at the mention of their disastrous camping trip with Fred and Jen.

"Maybe you're right, Cat ... sorry I mentioned it," Billie said, shuddering at the memory. "Well, there's always the motel," she added.

"That could get a little expensive," Cat observed.

"Well, I'm out of ideas, then," Billie said, crossing her arms on the table in front of her and leaning over to rest her chin on them.

Cat stood up and started pacing, tapping the end of her pencil on her chin as she walked. "What we need," she said, "is a house big enough for all of us."

Cat stopped pacing and looked at Billie at the same exact moment Billie snapped her head up. "Pappington Acres!" they exclaimed together.


"Hi Grams, this is Cat," Cat said to her grandmother.

"Caitlain, darlin', it's so nice to hear from you. How y'all doin'?" Mel asked excitedly. "How's the baby?" she added.

"We're all fine, Grams. Skylar is doing wonderfully well. She's on a very low maintenance dose of chemo, and seems to be tolerating it very well. Her hair has grown back in -- curly this time! It really is very cute. So far, there's no sign of the leukemia returning. Dr. Holder is very confident that we've beat it. So how are you and Grandma Jan?" Cat asked.

"Well, you know how it is ... Janice is just as ornery as ever. I swear, Caitlain, that woman is gonna send me to an early grave. Just last week, she challenged the stable hands to a drinkin' contest, and they ended up tree climbin' of all things. It's a wonder she didn't fall and break that fool neck of hers," Mel exclaimed.

Cat chuckled at the thought of her rebellious grandmother climbing a tree.

"I declare, sometimes I wonder why I stay with that woman!" Mel added.

"You stay with her because you love her, Grams," Cat stated mater-of-factly.

Mel smiled. "I'm pretty transparent, huh?" she said.

"Clear as glass, Grams ... and you know what? You granddaughter is just like you!" Cat added.

It was about a year ago now that they had discovered the blood connection between Billie and Mel. Billie had found Mel's daughter Laurel, and her grandson Dylan as well, in the process.

Mel smiled again at the thought of how happy she was to learn that Billie was her granddaughter. It was truly a blessing to have Billie in her life.

"Grams, I'm calling to ask a favor," Cat said.

"Of course, Sugar, what is it that ya need?" Mel asked.

"Grams, Mom has put Billie and I in charge of organizing a family reunion, and we were wondering ..." Cat began.

"A family reunion? What a good idea. Caitlain, I insist that we have it here at Pappington Acres. We have plenty of room, a swimming pool, tennis courts ... why it's perfect. I won't take no for an answer," Mel exclaimed.

"Grams, you are a gem, you know that?" Cat asked.

"Why thank you, Caitlain, but you did say you needed a favor. What was it that you needed, Darlin'?" Mel asked.

"Just to hear the sound of your voice, Grams. Thanks. I'll call you when we have a date for the reunion, okay? I love you Grams, and Grandma Jan too. Give her a kiss for me, will you?" Cat asked.

"I certainly will, Sugar, if you kiss Billie and the kids for us. I'll talk to you later, Bye now," Mel said, hanging up the phone.

"Good bye, Grams," Cat said smiling. You are a devil Melinda Pappas ... you knew all along what the favor was. Don't ever change, Grams, I love you just the way you are, Cat thought.



Cat hung up the phone and walked over to Billie who was sitting at one end of the living room couch doing the crossword puzzle that came in the daily newspaper. The kids were scattered to the four winds as usual ... Seth and Steve (who insisted he was too old to be called Stevie now) were in Seth's room playing with the Sony Play Station, Tara was at Jen's, playing with Karissa, and Skylar and Missy were in the back yard playing dolls in the newly painted tree house.

Starting at the opposite end of the couch, Cat slowly crawled on hands and knees toward Billie, a seductive look fixed firmly on her face. Billie pretended not to see her, seemingly concentrating on her puzzle as Cat moved steadily closer. Billie tried very hard to keep the grin off her face as Cat lived up to her name, slowly closing in on her prey, preparing to pounce at the last moment.

Billie, however, had other things in mind as she suddenly grabbed Cat by the shoulders and pulled her onto her lap. "Gotcha!" Billie exclaimed, trapping Cat in her circle of her arms as the smaller woman squealed. "Now, here's what I do to sneaks!" she warned as she formed her right hand into a claw.

"No! Not The Claw!" Cat screamed, knowing what was coming.

"Yes, my dear ... The Claw!" Billie answered, as her hand descended into Cat's side, unmercifully ticking the red haired woman.

"No! Billie, no! Stop, please..." Cat yelled, laughing hysterically, trying her best to get away from the bigger woman. "Billie, please, stop!"

Cat was quite a handful as she struggled against Billie's assault, pulling them both off the couch and onto the floor. She had almost gotten away, scrambling to her feet, when Billie grabbed one of her ankles and pulled her back down, maneuvering herself so that she lay completely on top of the smaller woman. Taking her wrists, she pinned them to the floor above Cat's head, their noses a mere hair's breath away from each other.

Green met blue, locked in a match of wills, neither willing to give in as they attempted to stare each other into submission.

"Give!" Billie demanded.

"No!" Cat replied, stubborn determination filling her eyes as she maintained contact while trapped beneath the taller woman.

Billie grinned as she thought of another approach. Leaning in, she kissed Cat's eyelids, forcing them closed.

"Give," she said again, whispering the word into Cat's ear.

"No," Cat said again.

More kisses, this time along Cat's jaw line.

"Give, my love," Billie said seductively without stopping the barrage of kisses.

"No, Billie," Cat said breathlessly.

Tiny nips on cat's collarbone caused her to catch her breath and moan.

"Give in, Cat," Billie demanded.

"Oh gods, no," Cat replied.

The hollow between Cat's breasts was the next target. Billie ran her tongue through the ample cleavage, causing Cat's nipples to stand erect with sensual excitement. The small red head arched her chest upward, straining against the hands that held her wrists to the floor.

"Are you ready to give in yet, love?" Billie whispered, moving over to nip at Cat's nipples through the material of her shirt.

"Billie! Gods ... please. I'll give in only if you promise not to stop," she bargained.

"Mom .. Can I go swim in Steve's ..... Oh Man! Are you guys at it again?" Seth said, embarrassed that he and Steve had walked in on his mothers' foreplay.

"Ah ... I was just tickling Mama," Billie explained awkwardly as Cat stared up at the ceiling, her wrists still trapped by Billie's hands. "She tried to sneak up on me," Billie added, red faced.

"Sure you were, Mom. Can I go swim in Steve's pool?" he asked.

"Of course you can. Be sure that you and your sister are home for supper, okay?" Billie said.

"Okay, thanks, Mom." Seth turned to Steve, "Let's go, before they start kissing again!" he exclaimed, leading his friend toward the back door.

The two ladies listened for the sound of the back door closing, then looked at each other and broke into giggles. Cat's arms made their way around her wife's neck as Billie released her wrists and gathered the smaller woman into her arms, rolling them over so that Cat was lying on top. Reaching up, Billie cupped the sides of Cat's face with her hands and pulled her down for a kiss. "Do you think he believed me?" Billie asked, her eyes full of mirth.

"Not a chance," Cat replied, sitting up grinning.

"I think you're right. By the way, how did the phone call go?" Billie asked.

"Really well, but before I tell you about it ..." Cat said, leaning in so that she was nose to nose with Billie, "I ...." a kiss to Billie's nose, "have ..." another, light kiss to Billie's lips, "a message ..." a tongue flicking across Billie's now open mouth, "to deliver," she finished, diving passionately into Billie's mouth, kissing her long and hard, driving her tongue deep into the moist cavern her wife offered willingly.

Billie grasped the sides of Cat's head firmly, loud moans escaping her throat as Cat ravished her mouth for long moments. Finally, breaking the kiss, Cat sat up and looked Billie directly in the eyes, while struggling to control her own breathing.

"Wow! What was that for?" Billie asked breathlessly.

"Grams said to kiss you and the kids for her," Cat explained, her voice raspy and face flushed with desire.

"Somehow, I don't think Grams intended it to be that type of kiss, Red," Billie exclaimed. "Not that I'm complaining ... no, not me ... never!" she added.

"Well, she didn't specify, so I figured it was up to me to choose," Cat said.

"You chose well, my love," Billie replied, raising her head for more, which Cat eagerly supplied.

"So, how did the call go?" Billie asked again, highly distracted by the beautiful woman sitting on top of her, pressing herself into her abdomen.

"Grams offered Pappington Acres to us even before I had a chance to ask," Cat said, leaning down once more to place soft kisses along Billie's cheek. "Billie, make love to me," she whispered in her wife's ear. "I need to feel you inside me."

A low growl emanated from Billie's throat as she threw her head back to give Cat better access to her neck. "Cat," she panted, "Gods, Cat. I would love nothing more than to ravish you, body and soul right now, but are you forgetting our daughter and her friend in the back yard?" Billie asked.

Cat's head snapped up, her eyes meeting Billie's. "Shit! You're right!" she exclaimed.

The sound of the back door suddenly opening caused the ladies to jump. Cat quickly sat up, straddling Billlie's stomach, while Billie's clasped her hands together and placed them under her head in a casual pose.

"Mama," a little voice called out.

"We're in here, Love Bug," Cat replied. Great timing, Sky, she thought as the little girl entered the living room, dragging Missy behind her by the hand.

"Mama, can I go to Missy's to play?" Skylar asked. "Her mom said I could."

Billie clasped her hands together as if in prayer and said, "Pwaise Hestia!", sending Cat into peals of laughter. Cat turned to her daughter and said, "Sure, Honey, but be really careful crossing the street, okay? Oh, and be home for dinner at six o'clock. All right?"

"Okay, Mama. Thanks," Skylar said as she and Missy ran out the door.

Cat looked down at Billie and wiggled her eyebrows up and down. "Last one up stairs is a rotten egg!" she exclaimed, rising to her feet and getting a head start on her long legged wife.

"Hey, no fair!" exclaimed Billie with a wide grin on her face, as she jumped to her feet and followed Cat.


"But you have to come, Mom. You are the whole reason this reunion is being planned in the first place," Billie said into the phone. "Look, its about time that Jim did some growing up here. Your mother is gay ... your daughter is gay. That doesn't mean that you are ... and by the way, Mom, homosexuality is NOT contagious. You certainly won't catch it by being around us. If that was the case, you would have been gay when we sent you home after Sky's illness last year," Billie explained.

Cat was standing nearby, listening to Billie's end of the conversation, worry etched on her brow. Billie looked at the concern on her wife's face while she listened to her mother speak. Reaching out with her free hand, she cupped Cat's cheek in her palm and leaned down to place a tender kiss on her lips before turning her attention back to the phone.

"So, you're coming then? When is it? Cat and I were thinking it could be a fourth of July reunion ... yes, including fireworks. Grandmas Mel and Jan insisted we hold it at Pappington Acres ... it's the only place large enough to hold the whole family. Yes, I know its a beautiful place, the kids are gonna love it there. Okay, then. We'll see you on the fourth. And Mom ... Jim IS welcome to come too. In fact, I hope he does. It's time we get to know each other, and he has three grandchildren and a daughter-in-law that would love to meet him." Billie added, seeing Cat grin at the invitation. "All right then, Mom. I'll talk to you later. I love you. Bye."

Billie hung up the phone and looked at Cat. "Well, it looks like she's coming. If that man influences her otherwise, I'll personally execute his castration," Billie said.

"Billie Jean Charland! What at thing to say!" Cat exclaimed, a shocked expression on her face. Stepping in close to Billie, she placed both hands flat on the area above the dark haired woman's breasts and looked into her wife's face. Billie's hands instinctively circled Cat's waist. "Can I assist in this operation?" she asked, grinning.

Billie smiled back. "I insist that you do, Dr. Charland," she said, placing a kiss on Cat's nose. Then, taking a deep breath, she said, "Okay, so that's a confirmation from Mom and possibly Jim. How many does that make so far?"

Cat broke out of Billie's embrace and reached over to pick up the clip board on the table by the phone. Scanning the paper attached to it, she said, "Let's see, that Mom and Dad, Amy and Joe and family, Drew, Dylan, Mom and Jim, Janice and Melinda, you, I and our kids. So far that's 17 people. We still haven't heard from Bridget and her family," Cat said.

"Good," she said looking down into Cat's eyes. "See Cat, planning this thing isn't so bad."

Cat smiled nervously. "Billie, don't count your chickens before they hatch. Nothing is that easy ... especially where our families are concerned. I won't relax until we're all there and enjoying ourselves," Cat explained.


"Kevin ... Kevin, settle down. Kevin ... Damn it Kevin, will you please shut up for a moment! Geesh, you are being such a baby about this! Look, everyone else is coming to the reunion ... you and Bridget and the kids have to be there. It wouldn't be the same if the whole family wasn't there. I .... I .... Kevin, would you please let me talk?" Cat yelled into the phone.

Billie had been half lying, half sitting on the bed, her back reclining against the headboard, hands laced together across her stomach, waiting for Cat to finish talking to her sister and brother-in-law. They climbed into bed and had just started to make love, when the phone rang. For the last ten minutes, she had been listening to Cat's end of the conversation, frustrated, and shaking her head side to side. Finally, losing all patience with her brother-in-law she rose from the bed and approached Cat.

"Kevin, let me talk to Bridget," Cat demanded as she looked up at Billie.

"Bridget? Bridget, honey, will you tell that husband of yours to stop being such a wuss? I can't believe he's carrying on like that!" Cat exclaimed. "Bridget, at least you and the kids have to come to the reunion, okay? It won't be the same if you don't ... please?" Cat pleaded.

"Cat, give me the phone," Billie said, reaching her hand out to the smaller woman.

Cat looked at her. Seeing the determined glint in the tall woman's eyes, she never once thought to refuse Billie's demand as she handed the phone to her wife.

Billie took the phone from Cat and lifted it to her ear. Then reaching for Cat's hand, she made and held eye contact with the smaller woman as she spoke. "Bridget. This is Billie. Please put Kevin back on the phone," she insisted. While she waited for Kevin, she lifted Cat's hand to her mouth and kissed the palm. Cat's eyes closed as her head dropped back, and a soft moan escaped her lips. Billie's attention was suddenly drawn back to the phone.

"Kevin, this is Billie. You listen to me, and listen good. I've been sitting here for the past 10 minutes waiting to make love to my wife, while she's been on the phone, listening to you whine. You will get that candy ass of yours on the plane next week and take your family to Charleston, do you understand me?" A slight pause. "Look, Kevin ... stop being such a wuss-ass! For Christ's sake, even your children aren't afraid to fly! Now I don't want to hear any more shit from you ... you got it?" Another slight pause. "I said, you got it?" Billie demanded angrily.

Cat stood there, looking at her wife with wide eyes. She couldn't believe Billie was talking to her brother-in-law like that. Kevin was basically a good guy, but a little too macho for Cat's tastes. She really didn't know how Bridget put up with his Neanderthal ways sometimes, but he was a good husband and father, and Bridget seemed to love him blindly. As macho as he was, however, he seemed intimidated by Billie, and Billie was taking full advantage of the fact.

"Kevin ... I want an answer now ... and it had better be the one I want to hear," she insisted, still holding Cat's gaze. "All right ... that's better. We'll see ALL of you next week then, okay? Okay ... and Kevin ... thanks," Billie finished, hanging up the phone.

Billie looked at Cat and raised one dark eyebrow into her hairline. "Mission Accomplished," she said.

Cat smiled sensually. For some reason, seeing her wife act so aggressively was a major turn on. "Have I told you that I love you today?" she asked, hands on her hips.

"Only two or three times," Billie replied. "But don't let that stop you," she added, reaching out for Cat.

Cat stepped into Billie personal space and wrapped her arms around the tall woman's waist. "Oh, don't worry, it won't," she replied, pulling up Billie's nightshirt and slipping her hands into the back of Billie's panties. Sliding her hands down over the firm globes, she squeezed hard and pulled Billie in close.

Billie's arms automatically trapped Cat in an urgent embrace. "Cat! Oh Gods ... Cat!" Billie exclaimed, burying her face in the red head's neck.

"Billie," Cat whispered into her wife's ear. "Billie, I want you. I have been aching for you all day. I want to hold you in my arms. I want to fill you with my love. I want to bring you to the edge of ecstasy, and hold you there until you scream my name in release. Billie ... let me love you," Cat whispered passionately before clamping down on Billie's earlobe.

Billie's control snapped as she lifted Cat off her feet and carried her to the bed, putting her down roughly and throwing herself on top of the smaller woman, pinning her to the bed with a near-brutal kiss.

Deep guttural moans came from both women as they each fought for control over the other. Billie's superior size and strength gave her the upper hand until Cat managed to tangle her legs with the taller woman's and flipped them both over so that she was positioned on top. Grabbing Billie's wrists, she pushed her wife's hands down onto the bed by her sides and knelt on them, effectively trapping them under her weight.

Billie looked up at her, sexual desperation filling her eyes. "Cat, please. I need you," she said pleadingly.

Cat narrowed her eyes. Leaning in, she grasped the sides of her wife's face and lowered her forehead to Billie's. "Tell me what you want, love," she said.

Billie tilted her chin up and kissed Cat's lips. "I want you," she said, her voice quivering with desire.

"No Billie," Cat said, as she held her position. "Tell me what you want."

"Cat, please..." Billie rasped.

"Tell me what you want," Cat repeated, a little more forcibly.

Billie was at the end of her rope. Sexual frustration was causing an aching, burning feeling to rise in her chest. Straining against the weight on top of her, she looked Cat in the eyes. "Damn it, Cat. Take me ... please. I need you to love me ... please," Billie urged desperately.

Cat smiled and sat up. Reaching down, she traced Billie's eyebrows with her thumbs, ending with her hands on both sides of Billie's face. Cat leaned in once more and ran her tongue over Billie's lips. Billie's body shuddered with intense sexual desire.

"Now, Cat... Please, I need you now!" Billie demanded.

"Billie, be patient," Cat whispered.

"Patience, my ass!" Billie shouted, yanking her hands out from under Cat's knees. Grabbing the smaller woman's shoulders, Billie flipped her over, pinning her to the bed. "Cat, I NEED you, and I want you NOW!" she said firmly into Cat's face, which was nose to nose with her own.

Cat smiled. She loved it when Billie lost control like this. Billie was always a passionate lover, but when her control was tested, as it surely was right now, it added an edge to their love making that drove Cat into a sexual frenzy just thinking about it. Looking into Billie's eyes, she saw the raw lust and sexual power that lurked within the depths of blue.

"Billie, let me up," Cat said. Seeing the look of hurt and confusion on Billie's face, she added, "Please love. I promise you will like it."

Billie rolled onto her back, and watched as Cat scrambled off the bed.

"Come here," Cat said, patting the edge of the bed.

Rolling onto her side, she rose to her knees and made her way to the edge of the bed. Throwing her legs over the side, she sat up and tried very hard to control the urge to reach out and grab Cat, as she waited to see what her wife had planned. Billie was not very good at waiting games, especially when her level of frustration was near the breaking point as it was right now, but when Cat was in one of these moods, it usually paid off big time, so Billie forced herself to be patient.

Cat knew she had limited time and space to push Billie before she simply lost control and took her. Walking over to the dresser, she searched through the CD's stacked there, until she found the one she wanted. Slipping it in to the stereo, she selected the desired track, and then turned to face Billie.

Strong bass and a steady drum beat vibrated from the speakers as Cat began to gyrate her hips in time to the music, arms out to the sides, a seductive look on her face. Billie sat there, mesmerized by Cat's beauty, grinning ear to ear and licking her lips as she watched Cat's hips sway back and forth.

Cat was wearing a button up baseball jersey that came to mid-calf, the first two buttons left casually undone, exposing some of the supple fresh beneath. As she danced, her hands roamed up and down her body, cupping her own breasts and trusting them toward Billie, just out of reach. Billie growled in frustration as Cat slipped away from her.

"Patience, my love. They will be yours soon enough," Cat said from a safe distance. Billie narrowed her eyes at Cat.

One by one, the buttons on the front of the jersey were undone. Cat made a point of holding the material together in the front as she undid each button, not exposing too much to her overheated wife.

"Cat, take it off," Billie said in a restrained voice as she grasped the sheets with her hands, struggling to stay seated on the bed.

Cat grinned at the request and turned her back to Billie while continuing to sway her hips seductively to the music. Opening the jersey, she held the two sides out and pressed her backside toward Billie, wiggling it slightly. She heard Billie's sharp intake of breath as she gasped at the blatant teasing.

"Cat, you are in soooo much trouble," Billie warned.

Cat looked over her shoulder to the dark haired woman. "Promise?" she asked, as she slipped the jersey part way down her back and pulled the front together again, just above her breasts, leaving her upper back and shoulders bare. Turning around to face Billie, she put on her best 'innocent little girl' face and took a step forward.

Billie reached out and grabbed her wife before Cat could take a step back, pulling her forward to stand in the space between her legs. Wrapping her long arms around Cat's waist, she held her close, burying her face in the smaller woman's breasts, which were still covered by the jersey being held together by Cat.

"Gods, Cat. Why are you teasing me so? I want you so much. I want to feel you and taste you ... by the gods, I am nearly out of my mind with desire for you." Billie exclaimed into Cat's chest, causing the smaller woman to shudder at her own body's reaction to the sensual onslaught.

Billie reached up and grabbed the two sides of Cat's jersey and roughly tore them from Cat's grasp, pushing the material down the length of Cat's arms, and allowing it to fall to the floor around her feet. Cat stood there, exposed to her wife, wearing delicately laced panties, and very erect nipples. Looking into Cat's face, Billie saw raw sexuality there. Half closed, hooded eye lids, eyes smoky with desire, tongue flicking its way across dry, parched lips.

Billie was beyond her limits of control. Thrusting herself forward and pulling Cat toward her at the same time, she took first one, and then the other of Cat's nipples into her mouth, running her tongue around the erect buds, flicking them with her tongue, nipping at them gently with her teeth, each move causing a shudder of desire to pass through the smaller woman's body as the small red head threw her head back and moaned.

Now it was Cat's turn to lose control. Running her hands through Billie's hair, the grasped a handful on each side of the dark woman's head and pulled her closer. Billie responded by increasing the intensity and roughness of her caresses, clamping down hard on the sensitive nubs with her teeth until Cat cried out in pain.

"Tell me when to stop, Cat," Billie said.

"No... please don't. Don't stop," Cat pleaded as Billie continued her assault on Cat's breasts.

Cat was out of her mind with desire. She was already on the edge of orgasm, and Billie had hardly touched her yet.

Sensing that her wife was about to topple over the edge, Billie moved her caresses from Cat's breasts to the sensitive skin covering her stomach, working her way downward, running her tongue over the well sculptured abs. Cat's sharp intake of breath as each new area was explored, was testimony to the effectiveness of Billie's attack. Billie slid her tongue into Cat's navel as she pushed the lace panties down Cat's legs to join the jersey on the floor.

Cat instinctively spread her legs to allow Billie access to the treasure between them. While still invading Cat's navel with her tongue, Billie's hands reached behind to cup Cat's bottom and pull her close, squeezing the supple flesh until the smaller woman moaned her frustration.

"Billie, I need you, please take me," she cried out.

"Be patient, Cat," Billie said, grinning.

Cat's eyes flew open as she realized that Billie was returning the treatment she had shown her just moments earlier.

"Billie, I'm sorry, I'll never tease you again, just please ... take me -- now! Please, I need you," Cat begged as she faced her seated wife, hands on Billie's shoulders for support.

"Oh, but you will tease me again, my love. I insist ... I'm counting on it. Promise you will," Billie demanded, her hand cupping Cat's womanhood.

"Yes ... Billie, yes, I promise," she cried as Billie buried two long digits deep within the woman before her.

"Aaahhhh, Gods, Yes!" Cat cried out loudly as she threw her head back and pressed herself down onto Billie's hand. "Harder, please," she added, causing Billie to increase the force of the upward thrusts as Cat rode the wave of desire.

With her free hand, Billie reached up and grasped Cat's breast, drawing it toward her mouth and taking the erect bud between her teeth. Over and over, she trust into the smaller woman, as her teeth played torturous games with Cat's sensitive nipples. The overwhelming sensations being caused by Billie mouth and hand pushed Cat rapidly and forcefully over the edge of oblivion as wave after wave of orgasmic relief flooded her body, causing it to convulse uncontrollably. If it wasn't for her firm hold on Billie's shoulders, Cat would have easily melted into a puddle of desire on the floor at the taller woman's feet.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Cat collapsed into Billie's arms, straddling her lap and resting her head on the dark haired woman's shoulder. Billie sat there, holding her precious cargo, rubbing her hand across Cat's back, and whispering soothing words of love into her ear. "I've got you, baby ... I've got you."

After several moments, Cat lifted her head from Billie's shoulder and looked her in the eye. "I love you," was all she said, before lowering her mouth to claim Billie's lips. Billie opened her mouth and hungrily allowed Cat's invasion, as she held the smaller woman securely in her lap with hands around her waist. Moving to Billie's jaw, Cat placed delicate kisses from her chin to ear, nipping at the lobe and causing Billie's hands to tighten their hold.

Cat moved to Billie's neck, leaving a trail of marks that would surely bruise. Billie threw her head back to allow Cat better access to her neck and throat. "Gods, Cat, that feels so good," she exclaimed as Cat twirled her tongue around the hollow at the base of Billie's neck where her collarbones met. Reaching under Billie's night shirt, Cat slid it upward and pushed the shirt over Billie's head and arms.

Billie reached around behind herself and braced both her hands on the bed, supporting her upper body as Cat climbed off her lap and knelt on the floor between her legs. She watched Cat intently, her eyes wide with desire, her breathing deep and ragged, as the smaller woman explored her breasts, reaching out to touch and caress, squeeze and kiss each one. Cat looked up to meet Billie's eyes as she took a breast in each hand.

"They are so perfect, and so beautiful," Cat said, "just like you," she added before leaning in an talking one erect nipple in her mouth.

Billie threw her head back once more, arms straining to support her upper body, her long hair nearly reaching the bed as she moaned out her desire. "By the gods, Cat! More, please ... that feels so good!"

Cat was more than happy to oblige as she greedily devoured Billie's breasts, alternately sucking, nipping and caressing each one.

Billie's body soon turned traitorous, her hips bucking upwards at Cat of their own volition. Sensing her need, Cat started working her way down Billie's torso, nipping and kissing the tender skin along the way. Cat too, stopped at Billie's navel and took her time investigating the crevice with her tongue.

"Cat!!!" Billie said urgently as she reached around with one hand to push Cat lower.

Cat took Billie's hand and placed it back on the bed. "Patience, my love. I will release you, sweetheart, I promise," she said softly.

Billie locked eyes with her, pleas of urgency issued through the silent communication as Cat sat back on her heels and started orally caressing the skin on the inside of Billie's thighs. The dark haired woman's muscles quivered at the contact as Cat's tongue explored the soft sensitive skin high on Billie's thigh.

"Cat ... please. I need to feel you inside me," Billie pleaded as the trail of kisses Cat was applying neared her core.

Cat rose back to her knees and leaned in behind Billie to grasp the waistband of her panties, pulling them off her hips and down her legs, discarding them in the growing pile of night clothes on the floor. Leaning back in, she whispered huskily, "Spread you legs for me, sweetheart."

Billie's eyes flew open at the sensual command, spreading her legs wide for her lover. Sitting back on her heels, Cat smiled as she inhaled the intoxicating aroma that was oh so Billie. Cat allowed first her eyes, then her tongue to feast on the center of Billie's being. Billie was now resting back on her forearms as her toes just barely supported her quivering legs. Cat feasted hungrily, running her tongue over and between the folds of Billie's womanhood. Billie moaned and called out to a variety of gods as Cat captured the swollen pleasure point and drew it into her mouth, biting gently, then flicking it repeatedly with her tongue.

Suddenly, and without warning, Cat drove three fingers deep into the tall woman, causing her hips to come completely off the bed as her body surrendered to the orgasmic explosion erupting around her. After several long moments, the convulsions lessened in severity and number. Just as Billie started to relax, Cat renewed her onslaught, driving her hand deeply and repeatedly into her lover once more, pushing the dark haired woman over the cliff for the second time, to plunge into an orgasmic ocean of relief. As promised, Cat had Billie calling out her name over and over in release. Finally, the spasms stopped, causing Billie to fall back onto the bed, her arms no longer able to support her.

Cat, very pleased with herself for bringing such pleasure to the woman she loved, rose to her feet and slowly crawled up the length of Billie's body, until she was lying completely on top of the semi comatose woman. Lowering her head, she kissed her wife deeply.

"I love you," they said at the same exact moment, eliciting chuckles from both of them.



The week passed quickly. As the weekend neared, Cat and Billie made last minute checks to their lists to be sure they had everything. Cat supervised packing the children's clothes, while Billie packed clothes for her and Cat. The kids were put in charge of individual items that they wanted to bring as carry-on luggage. These included Seth's CD player and wrestling magazines, Tara's GameBoy and Goosebump books, and Skylar's color books, crayons, and Petey. Last, but not least, Cat took special care to pack their meds, including Skylar's oral chemo pills, and Billie's epilepsy medication. Finally, everything was ready and packed, and sitting by the back door, ready to load into the car the next morning.

That evening, they rented a movie, crowding around the TV in the family room to watch "George of the Jungle" and munch on buttered popcorn. Part way into the movie, they heard footstep descend the cellar stairs.

"Hey, is anyone home?" called the voice.

"We're down here, Jen. Come join us," Cat said over her shoulder.

Jen approached the family, noting the three children laying on the floor in front of the TV ... all in a row, a bowl of popcorn between them, while Cat and Billie snuggled on the couch together. Making her way over to the family, she squeezed in to sit between the two women, taking their bowl of popcorn from them, and holding it on her lap for all to share. Cat and Billie looked at each other behind Jen's head and smiled at her boldness.

"Make yourself at home, Jen," Billie said nonchalantly.

"Don't mind if I do Big Guy," Jen said, shoving a handful of popcorn into her mouth. "Hey, this is good," she added.

Cat and Billie both squeezed in a little closer to Jen so that all three women cuddled together. Instead of intimidating Jen they way they thought they would with their shift in position, she just smiled and said, "This is cozy ... Cool! We need to do this more often."

Cat and Billie rolled their eyes at each other.

"I'm gonna miss you guys," Jen said, looking back and forth between her friends.

"Jen, we'll only be gone for a week!" Cat exclaimed.

"Yeah, a week longer than I'd like you to be!" Jen replied.

"Jen, stop being such a baby," Billie teased.

"I can't help it. I'm afraid you'll get on that plane and you won't come back. A lot could go wrong, you know," Jen said worriedly.

"Now you sound like my brother-in-law. He's a real wuss about flying too," commented Cat.

"I'm not a wuss!" Jen countered.

"Jen's a wuss ... Jen's a wuss ..." Billie teased repeatedly.

"I am not a wuss!" Jen exclaimed a little louder.

"Yes you are," said Billie.

"No, I'm not!" answered Jen.

"Enough!" yelled Cat. "Both of you ... that's quite enough! Geesh!"

Jen and Billie looked at each other coyly before Jen leaned over and bumped Billie's shoulder with her own. "Sorry, Big Guy," she said.

"Ditto, shit head," said Billie.

Jen's eyes flew open wide. "Shit head! Shit head!? I'll show you who the shit head is!" Jen said, pouncing on Billie.

Soon, the two women were on the floor, arms and legs tangled as they rolled around, each trying to gain the upper hand over the other. Cat remained sitting on the couch, shaking her head side to side as the children retreated to the edges of the rug, giving the two women ample room to wrestle.

"Mom, put the 'sleeper hold' on her," Seth cheered, calling out his favorite submission hold.

The girls jumped up and down clapping their hands and laughing as they watched their mother roll around the rug with their neighbor.

"Jennifer Swenson -- hold still!" Billie demanded as she struggled to pin Jen down. "Damn, you're stronger than you look!" she added.

"Get off me, Billie!" Jen yelled as she struggled against the larger woman sitting on top of her.

Cat sat on the couch, watching the exchange closely. What had started out as a friendly wrestling match was beginning to turn nasty. Time to cool them off, she thought as she got to her feet and went upstairs. Moments later, while still exchanging heated words, Billie and Jen found themselves drenched to the skin with cold water.

"Whaaaaa!!??" they exclaimed loudly, and together. Billie had thrown herself backward, onto the floor as the cold water made contact with her skin.

"All right, you two ... Cool it. Do you hear me?" Cat demanded.

Billie and Jen looked up at Cat, both wearing identically stunned expressions. The three kids stood there, totally amazed that their mother had just done something they would have been scolded for. All were holding their breaths, waiting to see what would happen next.

Jen looked at Billie ... Billie looked at Jen ... both women started laughing hysterically, collapsing against each other. A collective sigh of relief echoed across the room.

Cat looked up at the kids. "Hey guys, it's late. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow. Off to bed with you. Mom and I will be up in a few moments to say good night. All right?" she said.

"Ah, Ma...." Seth said. "I'm thirteen years old. I'm an adult now! I should be able to stay up late!" he exclaimed.

Cat rose from the couch and approached her son. Reaching up to cup his face in her hands, she said, "Seth, sweetheart, you may be a teenager now, and you might even tower over me in height, but you are still very hard to get out of bed in the morning ... worse than me, in fact, and that's pretty bad. So off to bed with you. We have to leave early for the airport tomorrow, so you need to get a good night's sleep. Okay, love?"

Seth rolled his eyes to the ceiling. "But Ma..." he protested.

"No 'but Ma'," Cat said, pressing two fingers over her son's mouth. "Please, Seth, go on to bed, okay?"

Seth let out a deep sigh. "Oh all right. Good night," he said, leaning down to kiss Cat. Then, reaching down, he lent a hand to Billie and helped her off the floor. "Good night, Mom," he said, kissing her on the cheek before heading up the stairs, followed closely by his sisters.

"We'll be up in a few minutes," Cat said as the children climbed the stairs.

Billie turned her attention back to Jen, reaching down a hand to help her up.

"Thanks, Billie," she said, rising to her feet. "Look, you two have an early day tomorrow, I'd better head home," she said. "Please be careful ... and come back to me, okay?" she asked, hugging them one at a time.

"Jen, we'll be back in a week ... we promise, Okay? And besides, whose gonna pick up all that mail you'll be collecting for us if we don't come back, huh?" Cat asked.

"Oh, I see ... You'll come back for your mail, but not for me ... is that it?" she asked, grinning.

"Something like that," Billie said. "Come on, I'll walk you home," she said, throwing an arm around her friend's shoulder.

"We'll see you in the morning, Jen ... Remember, you're driving us to the airport!" Cat said.

"I'll be here with bells on, Sweet Thang," she said to Cat in a fake Southern accent while placing a kiss on her cheek. "See you in the morning."

"I'll be back in a few minutes, love," Billie said to Cat as she left to walk her friend home.


Things were chaotic in the Charland household the next morning. All five of them were scrambling around getting last minute things ready for their trip. The kitchen counter and table were cluttered with breakfast foods that no one had time to clean up. Cat was in a panic, reluctant to leave her house in such a state.

"Cat, we have no choice, we'll miss the plane if you take the time to clean up," Billie pointed out as she ushered the kids toward the car. "Seth ... please make sure your sisters are belted in, okay? Mama and I will be right out," she said to Seth as she tried to calm Cat down.

Jen chose this moment to put in her appearance.

"Jen! Finally. I thought you forgot us!" Cat exclaimed, her mind momentarily diverted from the mess in her kitchen.

"Hey, I said, I would be here, didn't I?" Jen asked in mock indignation.

"Yes you did, and we appreciate it, Jen ... Don't we Cat?" Billie said firmly to her agitated wife.

"Billie, I can't leave the house a mess like this ... I just can't!" Cat said for the hundredth time.

"Cat! We'll miss the plane if we don't leave NOW. What part of that don't you understand?" Billie asked in a raised voice.

Oh boy... time to interrupt this little conversation before it gets out of hand, Jen thought. "All right - all right. That's enough. Billie, take the luggage to the car ... Cat -- move your carcass ... you're going to miss the plane. I will take care of this mess for you, okay? Don't worry about it ... you can owe me -- BIG TIME, if it will make you happy ... all right? Now move your asses -- both of you ... NOW!" Jen said forcefully, prompting both her friends into action.

Moments later, they were on their way to the airport.

"Mama, I gotta pee!" Skylar complained from the back seat.

Cat turned around sharply. "Sky, I told you to go before we left!" she scolded.

"Cat, it's probably her medicine," Billie pointed out. "Honey, can you hold it until we get there?" she asked the child.

"I don't know, Mommy," she replied.

"Try, sweetheart, okay? We'll be there in a few minutes," Billie urged.

Jen looked at a visibly agitated Cat. "Hey, I remember the last time we pulled over to let her pee ... it was in the woods at Happy Trails Campground -- remember? We all ended up with poison ivy on our butts for days!" Jen exclaimed. Looking over to Cat, she saw a smile break out on her friend's face. Reaching over, she covered Cat's hand in her own. "Relax Sweetie, okay?" she said softly.

Cat looked at her friend and smiled. "Thanks, Jen," she said, holding the grin, and Jen's hand, all the way to the airport.

The Charlands arrived at the airport with just 15 minutes to spare. Billie picked Skylar up and sprinted to the bathroom while Cat and Jen checked the luggage and validated their boarding passes. They were supposed to have met Doc and Ida at the ticket counter, but were told the older couple had already boarded the plane.

Billie came running across the terminal, Skylar riding on her back, hanging onto her mother's neck for dear life as the last boarding call was made for their flight. Moments later, after several tearful hugs and kisses for Jen, they were buckling themselves into their seats, sighing deep breaths of relief as the plane taxied to the runway.

They were on their way to Charleston.



Cat and Billie, Doc and Ida, and the kids were met at the airport by a very relaxed Janice and very fidgety Melinda. Janice insisted on driving one of the cars, while Chet, drove another, so there would be plenty of room for the party of seven. Hugs and kisses were exchanged for several moments before Cat commented to Melinda about her emotional state.

"Grams, are you all right? You seem a bit nervous," Cat said.

"Well I'm glad somebody noticed how upset I am," Mel said in a thick South Carolina accent as she shot impatient looks toward Janice.

"What is it, Grams?" Cat asked.

"For cryin' out loud, Mel," Janice interrupted, "It wasn't that bad!"

"Janice Covington, you nearly killed us on the way here!" Mel exclaimed. "I told ya to wear your spectacles!"

"I don't need any damned spectacles to drive Mel," she replied.

"Well I beg to differ with ya, Janice," Mel returned.

"You can beg all you want... I ain't wearing them!" declared Janice loudly.

"Ah ... Mom, Nona, why don't we just head home, okay? Here, let Doc drive so we ladies can sit together in the back seat and do some catching up on the way home," Ida suggested, stepping in between her mothers.

"Now there's a smart woman!" Janice exclaimed. "Takes after her Mom, she does," she added.

"Why I declare! If she took after you, she'd be smokin' cigars and swearing like a sailor. I'm inclined to think she takes after her Nona," Mel countered.

Cat and Billie grinned at each other as they watched Ida lock arms with both her mothers and lead them to the car.

"Grandpa, can I ride with you so I don't have to be in a car full of girls?" Seth asked Doc.

"Sure you can, Scout. You can keep me company while the old biddies in the back seat catch up on their gossip!" he said jokingly, earning him a shot in the arm from Cat.

"Daddy!" she exclaimed. "What a thing to say! Don't you be filling my son's head with such ideas."

Doc just grinned and winked at Seth, who winked back as they walked to the car.


The children were totally fascinated by Pappington Acres. All three of them stood in front of the mansion looking up at it's expanse, eyes bulging, mouths open, not quite believing that this was really just one house.

"Wow!" exclaimed Seth. "Grandma Mel and Grandma Jan really live here?" he asked.

Billie lifted Skylar onto her hip then walked over to throw an arm around her son. "Yep, they do. Pretty cool, huh?" she said.

"I'll say!" Seth replied.

"This will make a great place to play hide and go seek!" exclaimed Tara, who was standing in the circle of Cat's arms.

"Yes it will, as long as you play it outside," Cat replied. "There are a lot of valuable antiques, furniture and paintings in this house. There'll be no throwing yourself on the furniture here with your shoes on... you got it?" Cat asked, looking at all three kids, who nodded in agreement.

"Can we go inside?" Seth asked, his voice cracking.

Billie looked at Cat and grinned at her son's subtle pubescent sign. Cat tried her best not to grin back, as Seth had asked that question while looking directly at her. "Sure, honey. We'll need to ask Grams which rooms she's putting us all in. Go on inside," she urged.

Billie put Skylar down who ran inside after her brother and sister, as Cat hip-checked Billie for almost making her laugh in Seth's face. Billie grabbed Cat and kissed her soundly.

"Well, Mama, what do you think of our little boy?" Billie asked, holding Cat in the circle of her arms.

"I'd say he's more like our little man. He's growing up Billie ... I feel so old!" Cat groaned, resting the top of her head on Billie's chest.

"Well, we'll grow old together, then we can be crotchety like Mel and Jan ... aren't they cute?" Billie asked.

"They certainly are ... and just think -- we'll be just like them some day!" Cat replied.

"I hope so, love. I certainly hope so," Billie said, referring to the obvious love that still ran strong and true between the ladies after fifty years together.


"Grams, what time did Mom say she'd arrive?" Billie asked Mel as she helped her grandmother prepare sandwiches for lunch.

"Laurel should be here on the 6 pm flight ... just in time for dinner, dear. I'll send Chet after them around five," Mel added.

"No ... I'll go after them, Grams," Billie volunteered.

Mel placed a hand on Billie's arm. "Are you sure, Billie? You do know that Jim is coming too." she said.

Billie looked down as she cut the sandwich in half. "Yeah, I know. That's why I want to pick them up. Grams, I've never actually met Jim face to face. I'd rather do that without an audience," she said. Then, looking at Mel, she grinned and added, "Besides, he still has to meet you and Grandma Jan. Do you think its fair to throw all four of us at him at the same time? Especially Janice?"

Mel raised her eyebrows into her hairline. "You got a point there, darlin'" she said, grinning.

Billie placed her final sandwich on the platter then handed it to Mel while she grabbed the tray of chips and drinks. "Time to feed the animals," she said as she led the way to the patio where Janice and the kids were happily playing "Marco Polo" in the swimming pool.

Moments later, the patio table was surrounded by wet bodies, all clamoring to fill their dishes with sandwiches and chips. Melinda was hovering around, filling glasses with soda and making sure everyone was served, when Janice snuck up on her from behind, and wrapped her arms around the taller woman. Within seconds, Janice's wet bathing suit had soaked through Mel's floral print dress.

"Aaarrrggghhh! Janice Covington, why you have to be so ornery, I'll never know!" she yelled. "Now look at what y'all done to my dress. My word, you are goin' to be the death of me yet!" she scolded.

Janice just stood there, looking at Mel with an evil glint in her eye.

"Janice, what is that look for?" Mel asked suspiciously as all eyes turned to the elderly women.

Janice took two steps toward Mel.

"Janice? Janice, I don't what you're plannin' but ..." Mel stammered, hands clenched in front of her, eyes darting around looking for an escape route, as Janice continued her approach.

Mel was backing up, one step at a time, until she finally spared a glance behind her. "Oh, no you don't. Janice Covington, you get that idea right out of your head," she warned as she glanced at the pool and then steered herself toward the patio furniture behind her.

Janice advanced a step with each step Mel took backward. Finally, Janice had her backed up against the patio table. Leaning her wet body against Mel for the second time, she bent the woman backward over the table and reached out with her right hand beyond Mel's shoulder. While she had her wife bent over the table like that, she planted a long wet kiss on Mel's mouth, then retrieved what she had been reaching for. Standing erect again, she shoved one of Doc's cigars into her mouth and winked at Mel, who was still half-reclined over the table, and quite flush from Janice's kiss.

"Your dress is wet, sweetheart," she said to her dark haired wife before wiggling her eyebrows up and down and walking away, cigar planted firmly between her teeth. "Last one in is a rotten egg!" Janice challenged as she and the children jumped back into the pool, cigar and all.

Cat and Billie, Doc and Ida just looked at each other grinning, amazed at Janice's boldness, while Mel finally composed herself enough to settle into a patio chair, wet dress and all, where she spent the next hour watching her wife play with the children, a most curious look on her face.

After cleaning up the lunch mess, Cat approached Mel, who was still sitting there watching the crew in the pool. Leaning in to her grandmother, she whispered knowingly, "You're gonna thank her 'proper-like' later, aren't you, Grams?"

Mel just smiled, her eyes never leaving the woman in the pool. "Oh, yeah," she said, "Oh yeah!"


Billie paced back and forth in front of the arrival gate, alternately wringing her hands and chewing her fingernails.

Cat had been trying desperately to concentrate on the magazine in her lap, but was quite unsuccessful as Billie's pacing was a major distraction that she could not ignore. Finally, she put the magazine down and approached her wife. Standing in front of her, she grabbed Billie's hands and held them in her own, bringing them to her mouth and kissing each one in turn.

"Billie, calm down. Wearing a path in the tiles is not going to make this any easier to deal with, you know", she said.

Billie's brow drew together in concentration. "Cat, this is my mother's husband, we're talking about here. You know... my STEP father?" Billie said a bit sarcastically.

"Billie, honey, what he thinks about us is unimportant. We are who we are, and no one has the power to change that except you and I. I happen to like us just the way we are, thank you very much, and I don't give a rat's ass for what Jim Stafford thinks. I love you Billie. I love our children. I am happier now than I've ever been in my life, and I have you to thank for that," Cat professed. "How can what we have be wrong when it feels so right?"

Billie smiled and took a deep breath. "Maybe you're right, Cat," she said just as the flight from Flint, Michigan was announced. Billie looked nervously at Cat, then leaned down and gave her a tender kiss. "Thank you for loving me, Cat," she whispered.

"Ditto," said Cat in return.

Taking Cat's hand, Billie led her through the crowd to the gate where Laurel's flight was docking. Standing on the fringes of the crowd, they stood and waited, watching each passenger disembark, waiting for the familiar dark head to appear.

"Do you see her yet, Billie?" Cat asked, standing on tiptoes and straining to see over the crowd.

There are times when being tall is definitely an advantage, Billie thought as the scanned the passengers once more. "There's Dylan ... and there's Mom," Billie said, waving her hand above her head to catch their attention.

Dylan saw them first. "Sis!" he called, making his way through the crowd and enveloping Billie in a bear hug when he reached her. "I've missed you, Billie," he said, planting a sloppy kiss on her cheek.

"I've missed you too, Dyl," Billie returned, hugging her brother close. Gods, it feels good to have a brother, Billie mused.

"Hey shorty!" Dylan teased as he turned his attentions to Cat, picking her up and twirling her around in a circle before placing her feet back on the floor and hugging her hard. Billie stood by and watched her brother's antics, her heart swelling with sisterly love for this young man.

"Just as charming as ever, hey Dylan?" Cat replied, kissing her brother-in-law on the cheek. "It's good to see you, sweetie," she added, hugging him back.

"Look, I'm going to find the luggage while Billie meets Dad. Wanna come?" he asked Cat.

"I'd love to, Dyl, but I really should stay and support Billie during this meeting," Cat replied.

"No, Cat. Go on with Dylan. It might be better if we didn't overwhelm Jim right away with both of us standing here gawking at him. I'll make my introductions first, then we'll introduce you when you come back. Okay?" Billie suggested.

"Honey, are you sure?" Cat asked

"Very," she said, bending down to give Cat a quick kiss. "Go on, I'll see you in a few minutes."

As Cat and Dylan ran off to collect the bags, Billie turned her attention to Laurel and Jim, who were finally making their way through the crowd toward her.

Laurel stopped directly in front of Billie while Jim held back a short distance. Reaching up with her right hand, she cupped the side of Billie's face and said, "Hello sweetheart."

Billie immediately enveloped her mother in a warm, affectionate hug. "Hi, Mom. I've missed you so much." Mother and daughter held each other for long moments, each fighting the tears that were making their way down their cheeks. After what seemed like an eternity, they broken apart and wiped each other's cheeks, laughing through their tears at their own foolishness.

Finally, remembering her manners, Laurel introduced a very nervous Jim to Billie. Reaching back, she took Jim's hand and pulled him forward toward her daughter. Jim's eyes locked on Billie's as though he was drawn to them, unable to break the gaze.

Wow! He's more nervous than I am! Billie thought. Maybe I can use this to my advantage ...

"Jim, this is my daughter, Billie Charland. Billie, my husband Jim." Laurel said, a little awkwardly. Jim was still unable to break the gaze.

Billie smiled most disarmingly and extended her hand to her stepfather. "Jim," she said congenially.

Jim continued to stare. Finally, Laurel elbowed him in the ribs.

"Oh ... Oh, sorry, " he said extending his hand. "Jim. Jim Stafford. My god, you look exactly like Laurel!" he exclaimed, staring once more.

Billie locked arms with her stepfather and gave him a crooked smile as she started leading him, arm in arm, toward the luggage claim area. "You know, my wife says the same thing. You'll meet her in a few minutes, but right now, I want to know more about you. Mom tells me you're a stock analyst. Tell me Jim, exactly what does a stock analyst do?" she asked, pretending to be totally absorbed in the one thing most men like to do, talk about themselves.

Laurel held back and watched her daughter and husband walk away, arm in arm, grinning, and very proud of her daughter for finding his weak spot so readily. Billie, my girl, how is it you know so much about men, when you obviously prefer women? she questioned happily as she followed them through the terminal.

Half way to the luggage claim area, the trio met Cat and Dylan coming toward them, pushing a cart full of baggage. Billie looked across her stepfather to her mother and asked, "By the gods, Mom! Did you bring your whole wardrobe?"

Jim grinned broadly and gave Laurel an "I told you so" look before patting the hand that Billie had hooked through his arm.

His arm isn't the only thing I've hooked! Billie thought flashing him another disarming smile.

Billie-girl, you're charming the pants right off him! thought Laurel excitedly. This may be a fun reunion after all!

As they approached Billie, Jim and Laurel, Cat once again marveled at how much Billie looked like her mother, and how she was looking forward to Billie aging into the wondrous beauty they saw approaching them right now. "Damn, she's beautiful ... they both are!" she said to Dylan.

Dylan raised his eyebrows and nodded. "If they weren't my Mom and Sis, I'd sure be interested!" he replied.

Cat elbowed Dylan in the ribs. "Sorry, Curly, but the younger one is mine!" she teased, causing her bother-in-law to chuckle under his breath.

Finally, the two parties came face to face. Billie released Jim's arm and went to stand by Cat. Wrapping a long arm around Cat's shoulder, she pulled her in close to her side and introduced her to Jim.

"Jim, this is my wife, Caitlain, Cat for short. Cat, sweetheart, this is my stepfather, Jim Stafford," Billie said politely.

Jim was once more very nervous as his palms began to sweat. He found himself liking Billie very much, but seeing the way she was with Cat, hugging her, and calling her sweetheart, just caused his stomach to do funny things. Reaching out his hand, he shook Cat's quickly, then let go abruptly, wiping his hand on his trousers when he did.

Cat's eyes opened wide at the implied insult (unintentional as it was) as she tightened her hold on Billie's arm. Billie and Laurel both, had seen the gesture.

"Let me give you a hand with those bags, son," he said to Dylan as the two men went ahead of the ladies to deliver the bags to the curb.

Cat was livid, shaking with anger. Looking up at Billie, she had tears of frustration in her eyes.

"Cat," Billie whispered, pulling her in close. "I'm sure he didn't mean it as an insult," she soothed.

Laurel too, wrapped her arms around the embracing women. "Cat, sweetheart, his palms sweat when he's nervous. He didn't mean anything by it," she added.

Cat just nodded through her sniffles and wiped her face dry, as she allowed Billie to lead her out of the terminal and to the car.

It was going to be a long week.



The ride to Pappington Acres was tense. Jim and Dylan sat in the front seat while the three women sat in the back, with Billie in the middle, one arm around Cat's shoulder and the other holding Laurel's hand. Dylan sat sideways in the seat so he could talk to the ladies while Jim drove. Jim had volunteered to drive, taking directions from Laurel, primarily as an excuse to avoid significant conversations with the two foreign ladies in the back seat. During the ride, each of the car's occupants sat absorbed in their own thoughts.

How did I get myself involved in this situation? Jim thought to himself as his eyes focused on the road ahead of him. He nearly freaked when Laurel told him she had an adult daughter. That alone was hard enough to take, but he considered himself an understanding man, and found it in his heart to accept that Laurel had lived through a difficult childhood. He was sure that some of her choices, although difficult, were probably the right ones for her at the time. What he was finding very hard to accept was the fact that his stepdaughter was gay. To top it all off, Laurel had found her mother as well, and she too was gay! All this homosexuality in his wife's family was making him wonder about Laurel's preferences. He and Laurel had argued vehemently about it for the past week or so. He was raised in a religious family, and his faith frowned on people like that.

He and Laurel had several confrontations about her involvement in Billie's life. If I had my way, Jim thought, she wouldn't associate with her at all. But knowing the kind of woman Laurel is, and how wonderful a mother she is to Dylan, he knew he couldn't ask her to do that. He would have been fine with the whole thing if Laurel hadn't insisted that he attend this reunion with her, and make an effort to get to know Billie ... and her gay parents. Jim had serious doubts as to whether or not he could handle this. His palms were sweaty again just thinking about it!

When he met Billie, he was prepared to be turned off by her. He truly thought he would feel nothing but disgust and contempt, but the minute he laid eyes on her, he knew those feelings were impossible. She looked exactly like Laurel had when he met her thirty years earlier. He loved his wife dearly, and couldn't bring himself to feel contempt for someone who looked so much like the woman who owned his heart. For several moments, he had even forgotten that she lived a heathen lifestyle ... that is, of course, until he was introduced to Cat. At that moment, all his religious training came rushing back, especially when Billie held her in her arms, and introduced her to him as her 'wife'. His body immediately turned traitorous, sweat pouring from every crevice. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, he thought. I almost lost my lunch when I saw them together. Instinctively offering his hand to the smaller woman, he shook it and then immediately wiped the sweat from his palm onto his pant leg, before it literally dripped to the floor. He was very nervous in their presence and had to get out of there as fast as possible. Thank goodness for my son and the luggage, he thought as that convenient excuse presented itself to him. His thoughts ran along those lines during the entire ride to Pappington.


Laurel sat there, holding Billie's hand as the car sped toward Pappington. She shared furtive glances with Billie throughout the ride, silently apologizing for Jim's behavior. Jim, please tell me you didn't mean to insult Cat, she pleaded silently to herself. If you did, I'll never forgive you for intentionally hurting her, she thought again. Laurel and Jim had argued vehemently over the past week about her family's choice of sexuality, as Jim put it. Laurel tried in vain to explain to Jim that homosexuality was not about choices, but about biology. At this point, Jim had actually accused her of being gay herself, claiming that if it was all about biology, then why had it 'skipped' a generation. Not having an answer to his question, Laurel pressed on, telling Jim that she also wondered why in multi-sibling families, that all the siblings weren't gay if one of them was. Whether homosexuality was inherited or not was something Laurel was not able to explain. She only knew that in her case, it indeed had 'skipped' a generation.

When Laurel came home from her stay with Billie and Cat during Sky's illness, she felt as if she was under a microscope. She knew that Jim was looking for signs that her daughters had somehow convinced her to join them in their choice of lifestyles. If it wasn't so irritating, she would have laughed. After a few weeks of 'normal' behavior, she assumed Jim was convinced that she hadn't turned gay, and abruptly ended the scrutiny. Things appeared to be back to normal in the Stafford household ... that is, until Billie called her about the reunion. All hell broke loose when she informed Jim that all of them were attending ... all three of them. He vehemently refused to go at first, but eventually gave in when he saw how much it meant to her. Now here they were, in the car heading toward a meeting with her parents ... her gay parents. Jim's first encounter with his daughter and daughter-in-law had been a disaster. Laurel could only wonder what would happen when he met Mel ... and Janice. Holy Shit! she thought, mimicking Janice. Jim, Mom is going to have a grand old time with you, she mused, smiling slightly, sneaking a side way glance at Billie.

Laurel raised Billie's hand to her lips and kissed the knuckles. Billie looked at her mother and smiled. Laurel smiled back. This is going to be a rough week, Laurel thought. Somehow we have to make Jim see that sexual orientation is a minor part of the whole person. Jim has preached racial and religious tolerance and acceptance to Dylan for all of his 28 years ... why can't he practice what he preaches when it comes to homosexuality? Laurel thought.

Laurel's thoughts returned to Mel and Janice, causing her to smile. If Jim spent the whole week with his homophobic attitude on his sleeve, Janice would make mincemeat of him. Maybe he needs that, she thought. Somehow, he needs to see these women as normal people, instead of 'messengers of the devil', as he had called them during one of their arguments over the previous weeks. As stressful as this week promised to be, Laurel was looking forward to spending time with her daughters and grandchildren. The few months she had spent with them while Skylar was ill were wonderful, despite the emotional upheaval their strained relationship had caused at the beginning of the visit. She was also glad that she was able to help with the children while Cat and Billie concentrated on making Skylar well again. If she did nothing else significant in her life, she would die happy knowing she was there for her daughters and grandchildren when they needed her.


Geesh, Dad ... You really blew it at the airport, Dylan thought as he glanced at his very nervous father.. Poor Cat. I hope she wasn't too hurt by the gesture. Dylan had seen his father wipe his hand on his pant leg immediately after shaking hands with Cat. If you had done that to me, I would have decked you! came the fleeting thought. Looking into the back seat, he watched Cat as she stared absently out the window. Billie had thrown her left arm around Cat's shoulder for support. Cat had subconsciously reached up and laced the fingers of her left hand with Billie's as it hovered over the area in front of her left breast. Cat brought Billie's hand to her lips and kissed the back of it absently. The vacant stare out the window was definitely a sign that Cat was preoccupied. Dylan noticed the periodic clenching of Cat's jaw muscles as the card sped toward Pappington. Cat, I don't blame you if you're angry with him, he thought, he certainly deserves your anger. If it helps at all, I'm glad you're part of my family. I think you're a wonderful woman, and I couldn't be happier to call you 'sister'.

Dylan recalled his first meeting with Cat and Billie. He had found them hovering over his mother, who was unconscious at their feet. He thought at first that they had harmed her. When he demanded they back away, Cat very curtly informed him that she was a doctor, and then ordered him to carry Laurel into the house where she could examine her. Even at that first meeting, her spunk struck a tender chord in his heart. When he first looked at Billie ... actually looked at her, he was awestruck at how much she resembled his mother. There was no denying that she was Laurel's daughter. He was overwhelmed by the very presence this woman radiated, learning at their first meeting that she meant business. When he finally realized that Cat and Billie were a 'couple', he fully expected to be repulsed. He had grown up hearing his father preach about the evils of such hedonistic joinings. Instead, he found them endearing, charming, and very much in love. During the time he had spent with them the last time they visited Pappington Acres, Dylan had taken advantage of the opportunity of getting to know his sister, and he soon realized that he loved her and Cat dearly, as though they had been raised together. He was really looking forward to spending time with them again, and getting to know his nieces and nephew. It felt cool to be an uncle.

Allowing his gaze to move to his sister, Dylan once again marveled at how much she looked like his mother. A surge of brotherly love passed through him as she caught his eyes and smiled. He smiled back and made some lame comment about looking forward to the visit. He could see the hurt in her eyes for Cat. With his eyes, he silently vowed to her that his father's beliefs did not extend to him. Billie seemed to understand the message his eyes were sending as she mouthed the words, "Thank You". Dylan smiled and turned his face back to the road, wiping a tear of sensitivity from the corner of his eye.


You don't need him, Cat ... get over it! the red head told her self repeatedly as she watched the scenery fly by. For Billie's sake, you've got to put it aside -- pretend it didn't happen. Billie still loves you -- she is all you need. And beside, he is just one out of how many who would be there this week? Like she had told Billie earlier, his opinion of them didn't matter. Then why does it hurt so much? Cat could feel Dylan's eyes on her as he turned in his seat to address Billie. Not wanting him to see the hurt on her face, she remained stoic, concentrating her efforts on staring out the window. She didn't want, nor did she need his pity.

Why did you suggest the genealogy search to Billie in the first place, Cat? It has caused nothing but harm, she seethed angrily at herself. We were happy with each other and our children. We really didn't need anything more than that. No, you just couldn't leave it alone, could you? she scolded herself. Taking a deep breath, she remembered how crushed Billie was to realize she was adopted, and how angry she was at Laurel for 'selling' her for drug money. Cat sat there and stewed at herself for long moments. Finally, other thoughts came to mind. Well, maybe it didn't turn out all that bad, she thought. Billie did find her mother, and they finally made up. And she did find out she had a brother. Billie had always been envious of Cat's relationship with her sisters. Being an only child meant she missed out on all that. And, Cat thought, we discovered that Melinda is really her biological grandmother. Cat smiled in spite of herself. Well, I guess a lot of good has come out of it.

Cat spared a glance at her wife, who sat stoically on the seat between her and Laurel. Gods, Billie must feel terrible for what her stepfather did. If Daddy had done that to her, I would have died right there on the spot. Cat thought, raising Billie's hand to her mouth and kissing the back of it in a silent message of love. Billie's hand squeezed Cat's lightly. God's I love this woman. Well, Jim, you had just better get used to it, because I am not going to change the way I act around Billie just because you are here, she thought angrily, clenching her jaw repeatedly. In fact, my dear sweet grandmother is going to have a field day with you, she thought as images of what Janice would do to Jim crossed her mind. She had all she could do to keep a grin off her face. Revenge is soooo sweet, she thought.


What a mess this is, Billie thought. This was supposed to be an enjoyable family reunion, not some gay rights demonstration. Billie looked straight ahead, watching the road through the windshield. A sudden thought made her smile. Jen would be having a field day with this guy right now. Billie fought to keep from chuckling as she remembered Jen's attack against the jogger who had made an off-colored remark about her and Cat while they were camping at Happy Trails Campground. If I remember right, Fred had to help the guy back to his feet, she thought, smiling once more.

Billie thought about what Cat had told her while they waited at the airport. She said that Jim's opinion of them didn't matter, that they had each other and their children, and their love. Cat was right, Billie thought. We don't need his approval. Billie's thoughts next turned to Laurel. Gods, Mom must be so embarrassed by Jim's treatment of Cat. I'll need to talk to Cat ... see if she's willing to sit down with Laurel and really talk about how she feels. Billie sat there, holding Cat's hand, aware that Cat was hurting inside by Jim's actions, despite the lecture the smaller woman had given her at the airport. It's so easy to philosophize when you are not the victim, Cat, and so hard to stay detached when you are, she thought. I know you're hurting right now, my love. I promise to make it up to you, she silently promised, stealing a side ways glance at her wife. Just then, Cat raised Billie's hand to her lips and kissed the back of it. She can feel you thinking about her, Billie told herself, smiling and squeezing Cat's hand lightly.

Billie's attention was suddenly drawn to the front seat by Dylan telling her that he was looking forward to the visit. She just smiled her agreement. Before he looked away, she saw something in his eyes. What is it? she thought. Sympathy? Acceptance? Yeah, that's it, acceptance. He wants me to know that he doesn't share Jim's attitude. She found herself looking at her brother closely and hoping that she'd have a chance to get to know him better. They had missed out on 28 years of life together. Seth is going to love you, Dyl, she thought. He's been looking forward to having a guy around. Don't be surprised if he becomes your shadow over the next week, she thought, smiling again at the love filling her heart for this young man.

Billie spared one more glance up at the rear view mirror and caught Jim's eyes. Jim looked away quickly, a look of disgust on his face. Well, Jim, you had just better get used to it, because I am not going to change the way I act around Cat just because you are here, she thought, smiling evilly. In fact, if you keep this behavior up, dear sweet Grandma Jan is going to have lots of fun with you, she thought as she imagined just how Janice would react to Jim's homophobia. She had all she could do to keep a grin off her face. Revenge is soooo sweet, she thought.


Silence filled the car for the remainder of the drive to Pappington, each occupant deep in thought, each one with a plan to survive the upcoming week. A collective sigh of relief was heard as Jim drove between the pillars at the end of the drive leading to Pappington.



When the car pulled up to the front door of the mansion, Mel and Janice were waiting for them. Dylan was out of the car almost before it stopped, scooping Mel into his arms and twirling her around in a circle before putting her back down again and planting a wet kiss on her cheek.

"Grams, I missed you so much!" he exclaimed, grinning ear to ear.

"Land sakes, child," Melinda croaked out. "You sure know how to sweep a girl off her feet!" she added, pinching Dylan's cheek playfully. After planting one more kiss on Mel's cheek, he turned his attention to Janice.

"Don't you dare, if you know what's good for you," Janice said, placing a hand on the whip she wore at her side. Janice had decided to start this week out 'proper-like' by sending the message loud and clear to Jim that she wasn't about to tolerate any lecturing about the evils of living in sin.

"Ah, Grams, you're such a softie!" Dylan said, scooping her up anyway and treating her to the same dizzy spell and sloppy kiss he left Melinda with.

"So much for first impressions," she mumbled as she struggled to keep her balance.

Just then, Laurel, Jim, Billie and Cat approached the elderly women. Laurel made the introductions as Cat and Billie went to stand behind Mel and Janice.

"Mom, Nona, this is my husband, Jim. Jim, my mothers, Melinda Pappas and Janice Covington," Laurel said.

Jim was soaked. His shirt was wet under the arms, and he could feel rivulets of sweat run down his back. This time, thinking ahead, he wiped his hand off on his trousers before shaking hands with Mel and Jan. Billie raised an eyebrow at him behind the elder ladies' backs. Looking up, he caught her eye as she stood just beyond Mel's shoulder. Once again, the resemblance struck him dumb, especially when Laurel turned to faced him and all three of them were aligned, one behind the other, with Laurel in front of him, then Melinda, then Billie standing in the rear.

"My lord," he said, "the resemblance is uncanny!"

"Well, sonny, your lord isn't going to help you here, considering he doesn't like our kind." Janice said, placing her hand once more on the coil of whip hanging on her waistband of her safari pants. Reaching up, she pushed her fedora back on her head, then reached into her shirt pocket to retrieve a cigar. Biting the end of it off, she spat it on the ground then clamped the stogie between her teeth. All of this was done without breaking eye contact with Jim. "I need a light," she demanded to no one in particular.

Jim gulped audibly.

Billie grinned.

Melinda died of embarrassment.

Dylan tried desperately to keep a straight face.

Laurel bit her lip to keep from laughing.

Cat smiled broadly as she approached Janice and put her arm around her waist. "Grams, you know you gave up smoking years ago," Cat said, grinning ear to ear at Jim's uneasiness.

Still maintaining eye contact with Jim, she said, "Yeah, you're right - I did. Guess I'll have to settle for a drink then," she said. Taking two steps forward, she stopped directly in front of Jim, within inches of his nose. Hands on her hips, she looked directly into his face, cigar still clenched in her teeth. "You man enough to have a drink with your mother-in-law?" she asked.

"Ah... Ah... I ... I .... sure," he said

Billie quickly excused herself, beating a hasty exit before she bust a gut laughing. Dylan quickly followed as the siblings fell into each other's arms inside the atrium of the house, laughing their fool heads off.


"Billie?" Ida asked. "Honey are you okay?" she said, noticing that her daughter-in-law was leaning heavily against a young man with the curly blonde hair.

"Mom!" Billie exclaimed, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. "Mom," she said again, "This is Dylan, your nephew." Billie took a deep breath to compose herself as she introduced her brother to Cat's mother. "Dylan, Cat's Mom, Ida."

Ida's eyes grew wide as she hugged the young man. "Dylan," she said. "It's so good to finally meet you. My, you're a handsome one," she added, holding him by the shoulders, an arm's length away. Then, looking at Billie, she added. "That means your mother is here. Where is she?"

"I'm afraid we deserted her and Cat to Grandma Jan's antics," she confessed.

"Grandma Jan?" Ida said. "I'm almost afraid to ask what she's up to this time."

"She's up to giving Dad a lesson in tolerance," Dylan said, breaking down once more into fits of laughter, causing Billie to join him.

Ida put her hands on her hips. "You two are incorrigible!" she exclaimed. "Where are they?" she asked, heading in the direction that Billie pointed while holding her stomach through her laughter.

"I suppose we'd better get hold of ourselves and go back to rescue your Dad, don't you think?" Billie asked her brother.

Dylan suddenly turned serious. "No. I think he deserves everything he is getting right now. Billie, I saw the way he treated Cat at the airport. That was very rude. I'm actually surprised Cat controlled herself as well as she did. Had it been me, well, let's just say the only thing that might have saved him is the fact that he's my father," Dylan explained.

Billie sobered at the thought. "Yeah, you're right. Cat was pretty upset. You know, she lectured me at the airport before your plane arrived about this very thing. I guess in theory you can accept things more readily than in practice. I'll take her aside and make sure she's okay," Billie said.

"Mommy!" a voice suddenly rang from behind them.

Billie turned around just in time to catch a running Skylar in her arms. Scooping her up, she held her close and nuzzled her neck, making the child squeal.

"Hey Rugrat," she said. "Where's brother and sister?" she asked.

"They're with Grandpa, puttin' the horses away," she replied, looking shyly at Dylan, putting her head on Billie's shoulder.

Billie saw Skylar looking coyly at Dylan. "Sky," she said to the child, "This is your uncle Dylan, Mommy's brother."

Dylan reached out to the child and asked for her hand, which she extended shyly.

He bowed regally. "Princess Skylar," he said, kissing the back of her hand. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

Skylar giggled and pulled her hand back. Billie grinned.

"Mom, it was awesome!" Tara exclaimed bursting into the room as if she owned the place, drawing the adult's attention to her. "Seth and I had a race, and I beat him! It was so cool!" she said proudly, arms flailing every which way. Eyeing Dylan curiously, she added, "Who's he?

"As subtle as ever, huh Tara?!" Billie teased.

Dylan grinned. "Hi Tara, I'm your uncle Dylan." he said, reaching out his hand to the 11 year old.

Tara shook it firmly and grinned. "You don't look like Mom," she observed.

Billie shook her head side to side at her daughter's boldness.

"Nope, I don't. I look like my dad. You mom looks like our mother," he explained.

Tara looked at Billie. "Nana's here too?" she questioned excitedly. Receiving a nod from Billie, she exclaimed, "All right!," then started to leave the room.

"Wait Tare... I wanna see Nana too!" Skylar exclaimed, wiggling out of Billie's arms. Soon, both girls were gone in search of their grandmother.

Billie looked at Dylan. "Well, that's two out of the three."

No sooner had she said the words, than Seth entered the room. Seth immediately went to his mother and hugged her.

Billie dropped a kiss on top of his head. "Did you have a good ride, honey?" she asked.

Seth pulled out of his mother's embrace, and nodded his head. "It was awesome, but of course, Tara had to be a show off again," he said, slightly embarrassed that his sister had beat him - again! "Little sisters can be such a pain," he added.

Dylan laughed. "You know, I wanted a brother or sister all my life and didn't have one ... until now," he said, reaching out his hand to Billie.

Billie took his hand and made the introductions to Seth. "Honey, this is your Uncle Dylan. Dylan, this is Seth."

Seth grinned ear to ear. "Cool! Finally another guy around the place!" he said, shaking his hand. Billie suddenly felt old as she looked at her son and brother together. Seth was rapidly approaching manhood. He was obviously going to inherit her height as he stood nearly 5'9" at 13 years old, with many more years of growing to do.

"Hey, what am I, chopped liver?" Doc said coming up behind the group.

"Sorry Grandpa," Seth said. "But ... well, you're kinda old ..."

"Seth Michael Charland! -- what a thing to say to your grandfather!" Billie said aghast.

Doc chuckled ... "Don't worry, daughter ... I understand. I was thirteen once, several hundred years ago that is," he said, winking at Seth. Then, turning to Dylan, he extended his hand, shaking it firmly. "You must be Dylan," he said. "I'm Cat's dad, so, I guess that makes me your uncle ... but you can call me Doc." Then, turning to Billie he added, "So your mother and father are here too?"

Billie cringed slightly at the mention of Jim being her father. "Yeah, they're here," she said. Then looking to both Doc and Dylan, she added, "I guess we've left Jim at the mercy of Grandma Jan long enough, huh? We'd better go see how thing are going, don't you think?"

"You left that poor man with Janice?" Doc said in astonishment. "You are a cruel woman, Billie," he added jokingly, a huge smile plastered on his face.

Dylan placed a hand on his uncle's shoulder. "Believe me, Doc, he deserved it!" he said, chuckling, "but you're right - maybe we should go rescue him."


They found the rest of the crew in the parlor. Janice still had her unlit cigar in her mouth, and whip on her hip. Pacing back and forth in front of her audience, she recalled the discovery of the Xena Scrolls fifty years earlier. Ida and Cat, having heard the story about a hundred times over the past thirty years, had politely excused themselves to check with Maggie on dinner, while Laurel, Jim, and the children sat captivated by Janice's story -- at least Tara was captivated. Skylar sat curled up in Laurel's lap sound asleep.

Opening the door to the parlor, Billie peeked in and raised her eyebrows when she saw her daughter asleep in Laurel's arms. Silently closing the door, she relayed to the others what she had seen.

Doc smiled broadly. "The Xena Scrolls?" he asked. Looking to Dylan and Seth, he said, "You'll love this one. Janice is a natural born story teller." He ushered them into the parlor as Billie excused herself to look for Cat.

Billie found the object of her desire in the pantry, where Maggie had sent her to retrieve a new package of napkins. Ida and Melinda were in the dining room discussing seating arrangements for dinner.

Billie snuck up behind Cat and clamped her hand around the red head's mouth. "Don't make a sound if you know what's good for you," she purred into Cat's ear,

Cat grinned behind the hand covering her mouth, then nodded her head rapidly.

Removing her hand, Billie wrapped both arms around Cat's waist and started a tactical exploration of the smaller woman's midriff, while Cat pressed her head into Billie's shoulder and closed her eyes.

Making their way up Cat's sides, Billie's hands rested on her shoulders as she turned the smaller woman around to face her. Cat's cheeks was flush with desire as Billie lowered her face and claimed Cat's lips, tilting Cat's chin upward with two fingers. Breaking the kiss, Billie looked into her wife's eyes and said, "Hi!"

"Hi, yourself," she replied.

Billie took Cat's face between her hands and traced the bone structure across finely chiseled cheeks with her thumbs. "Are you all right?" she asked her wife.

"I am now," Cat said, pressing herself into Billie.

Once more, Billie lowered her head and placed gentle kisses on Cat's lips. Cat closed her eyes and moaned as Billie made her way across Cat's jaw to the sensitive skin behind her left ear.

"Cat, I'm sorry for the way Jim treated you today," Billie whispered into her ear.

Cat's heart was racing wildly with desire. "Who?" she asked, causing Billie to grin.

"I love you, Cat," the tall woman said, nipping lightly at her wife's earlobe. Tremors ran through the body that had surrendered itself into her arms.

"Oh gods, Billie. You're making me crazy," Cat said shakily as her hands made their way behind Billie and pulled the T-shirt out of the taller woman's waistband. Within seconds, Cat's hands were under Billie's shirt, kneading the muscular flesh on her wife's back.

Billie reached behind Cat and shoved her hands into the waistband of her shorts, cupping Cat's bottom and pulling their lower bodies together as she buried her face into Cat's neck. Billie sunk her teeth into the corded muscle of Cat's neck, causing her to moan loudly.

"Sweet Aphrodite!" Cat exclaimed loudly.

"There you are!" Maggie exclaimed. "I should have looked here first -- you two certainly have Covington/Pappas blood running through your veins! This is one of your grandmothers' favorite places for makin' out too!" she teased.

Hands quickly found their way out from under the other's clothing as Cat buried her face in Billie's shoulder, embarrassed beyond belief.

"Now, there's no reason to be blushin', Miss Cat. Old Maggie here, still remembers what it's like to be young and in love ... and I'm long past being shocked by public displays of affection ... heaven knows, Miss Janice has seen to that!" she exclaimed, causing Cat and Billie to chuckle.

Maggie turned to go, then stopped and looked over her shoulder. "By the way, child, did you find the napkins I sent ya in here for?"

Billie reached up to the shelf and grabbing the bag of napkins that Cat would have easily needed the step stool to retrieve. Giving them to Cat, she grinned evilly.

"I don't want to hear anything about being 'vertically challenged' -- got it, Miss Showoff?" Cat said, a twinkle in her eye.

Billie leaned over and whispered in Cat's ear, "How about horizontally challenged, huh?"

Cat grinned seductively. "I'll take that challenge later, my love," she said.


Dinner was an exercise in controlled chaos. Having had to prepare meals for Mel and Janice's frequent dinner parties, Maggie was well versed in handling large crowds, so a group of 12 people was relatively easy. What she found difficult was the need to constantly chase Ida and Laurel out of the kitchen. Finally, after politely asking the ladies to leave for the fourth time, she picked up a large cleaver and waved it around in the air.

"Now I'm gonna say this just one more time, then heads are gonna roll! This is my kitchen ... you are here to enjoy yourselves, not help prepare the meals. You two ladies may be the mistress' daughters, but this is MY kitchen, understand? Miss Ida, you should know that by now, having grown up in this house. Now scoot your behinds outta here, and don't come back!" she shouted.

Ida and Laurel looked at each other with shocked expressions.

"Scoot!" Maggie shouted once more.

Both ladies turned on their heels and practically ran out of the kitchen, into the dining room where Janice and Mel were helping to organize the seating.

Hearing the commotion in the kitchen, and seeing the two ladies exit in haste, Janice chuckled and said, "I see you two have been introduced to Maggie's cleaver."

"Mom, that woman is nuts!" Laurel said in disbelief.

Janice walked up to Laurel and patted her on the cheek. "No sweetheart, she's just real possessive about her kitchen. Hell, even Mel and I don't dare go in there during a dinner party!" she exclaimed.

"All right, everyone, let's take our seats and enjoy this wonderful meal that Maggie has seen fit to prepare for us," Mel said, flitting around like the perfect hostess, waving her hands about.

After a few moments, everyone was seated. Janice and Mel at the ends of the table, Jim, Laurel, Dylan, Doc and Ida on one side, Billie, Cat, Seth, Tara and Skylar on the other. They were seated such that Jim was sitting on Janice's right, Cat on her left. Seth and Dylan and Laurel and Billie sat opposite each other.

"Janice, darlin' would you like to say a few words before we enjoy this fine meal?" Mel asked.

Janice stood at the end of the table and picked up her wine glass. Before she could say a word, she noticed Mel at the opposite end of the table gesturing wildly. She looked like she was grabbing for something on top of her head. After a few seconds of not understanding what Melinda was getting at, Janice became impatient.

"For the love of Zeus, Mel, what is it?" she questioned loudly.

"Janice Covington, where are your manners? Please remove your hat at the table," Mel replied.

"Oh, sorry," she said, grabbing the fedora off her head and placing the hat directly on the plate in front of her.

Melinda dropped her head in her hands and shook it side to side.

Billie and Cat glanced at each other and grinned.

Dylan looked down at his plate and tried hard not to laugh.

Ida kicked Doc under the table as a warning to keep his mouth shut.

Jim stared open mouthed at his crass mother-in-law.

Laurel chuckled under her breath.

The kids thought Grandma Jan was so cool!

Janice was oblivious to the commotion around her. Lifting her wine glass she began. "Fifty years ago, a very young and naive Janice Covington was working on an archeological dig in Macedonia, content to dedicate her life to the study of ancient Greece...."

Doc leaned in to whisper in Ida's ear, "Naive? Janice was born with a cigar in one hand and a whip in the other ... ooomph!" he exclaimed as Ida kicked him under the table once more.

"I had resigned myself to being alone. Considering I was 'one of those women'," she said pointedly to Jim, "I accepted the fact that I would never marry and have a family ..."

Billie reached over and took Cat's hand under the table. They exchanged a warm and loving look.

"...then one day, a tall, dark haired, blue eyed beauty appeared at the dig site. She took my breath away with her presence," Janice said, making eye contact with Mel at the other end of the table.

Mel blushed profusely.

"I was captivated ... a willing prisoner, trapped in the depth of blue eyes," she continued. "Then, by the grace of the gods, we had Ida, and from her, the gods saw fit to bless us with Cat and her sisters, and eight beautiful great grandchildren."

Ida smiled at Cat and the children, acknowledging that she too, considered them gifts from the gods.

Janice paused for a moment to take a deep breath, then continued. "Just when we thought we had been graced with all the wonderful things life could bring, along came Billie, who helped us to find the one missing piece of our souls. Laurel, sweetheart," she said, directly addressing the woman who was fighting to keep tears from her eyes, "Your mother had a void in her heart for many years, believing that you had died as a baby. Finding not only you, but two beautiful grandchildren has made both of us complete."

Billie and Dylan looked at each other and smiled. Billie reached her hand across the table and took Laurel's, squeezing it for a moment before releasing it.

"So, for all these things, I am grateful. Fifty years ago, I was content to live my life alone. Today, I can't imagine how I would have survived without my Melinda. And now we have all of you. Thank the gods," she said, raising her glass.

"Thanks the gods...." rang out a chorus around the table as they all sipped from their glasses.

"Let's eat!" Janice exclaimed. "I've got plans for after dinner ... all this mushy talk has made me horny!"

Jim spat his wine across the table -- all over Cat.

Cat stood up, fuming, and stomped away from the table, Billie right on her heels.

Laurel sat there dumfounded.

"Grandma Mel, what does 'horny' mean?" Skylar asked innocently.

Three more mouthfuls of wine flew across the table, from Doc, Ida and Dylan.

Mel dropped her head into her hands and died of embarrassment.

It was going to be a long week.



Leaning against the window frame of their bedroom; overlooking the courtyard, Cat watched Dylan play football with the kids. It was Dylan and Skylar against Seth and Tara. Cat smiled as Skylar caught the ball and started running toward the goal, only to have Dylan come up behind her, pick her up and run the rest of the way with her in his arms. Seth and Tara piled on top of him as he made a touchdown.

A pair of arms suddenly circled Cat's waist from behind. "Hmmm, you smell good," Billie said, burying her nose in Cat's freshly shampooed hair. Looking over Cat's shoulder, she chuckled as Dylan 'accidentally, on purpose' missed a tackle on Tara, allowing her to score.

"I really like your brother, Billie," Cat said. "And your mom."

Billie's arms instinctively tightened around Cat's waist. "And Jim?" she asked.

"Jim will take some work," Cat admitted. Turning around in Billie's arms, she wrapped her own arms around the taller woman's waist. "Hold me," she said, laying her head against Billie's chest.

"Forever," came the reply as Billie rested her cheek on top of Cat's head.

Billie's hands roamed up and down Cat's back, rubbing gently in a sensual rhythm.

Cat's hands dropped lower to cup Billie's bottom, squeezing it gently.

"Billie," Cat said.

"Yes, love?" Billie responded, a feeling of sexual pleasure starting to permeate her being.

"Do you think he'll ever come around? I mean, I don't ever expect him to support our lifestyle, but it would be nice for him to at least accept us the way we are," Cat explained.

"I don't know, Cat. I know that he loves Laurel very much ... he wouldn't be here if he didn't. I am hoping for her sake that he at least makes an effort to accept us. It will drive a wedge between them if he doesn't," Billie replied.

Cat turned her face toward Billie's chest and placed kisses on the bare skin above her tank top.

Billie's chin was resting on top of Cat's head. "Hmmm, that feels good, Cat," she purred.

Cat tightened her hold on Billie's bottom as she lowered her kisses to her wife's breasts through the material of the shirt.

Billie moaned out her pleasure, thrusting her breasts forward.

Removing her hands from Billie's bottom, Cat placed them on the tall woman's shoulders and pushed her up against the wall next to the window.

Billie's hands instinctively flattened against the wall on both sides of her hips, as she gave Cat total access to her body.

Seeing that Billie had cleared the way for her, Cat immediately cupped her wife's breasts in her hands and gently squeezed, pinching the nipples through her shirt.

Billie's head flew backward, contacting the wall with an audible thud. "Gods, Cat!" she exclaimed.

Cat leaned in and whispered in Billie' ear, "Bend you knee for me, love."

Billie did as she was told, as Cat straddled her wife's knee. Rocking back and forth, the material of her jean cutoffs rubbed on her sensitive skin, raising her own level of excitement several degrees. While keeping a steady rhythm, Cat lifted Billie's shirt upward, exposing two full, firm orbs that were just waiting to be feasted upon. Cat wasted no time as she took one of the precious gems into her mouth and sucked hard.

Billie moaned loudly, again, banging her head into the wall.

Moving to the other breast, Cat once again took her fill, sucking, biting, teasing, while Billie pressed her breasts forward, and the rest of her body back, against the wall. While suckling at one breast, Cat reached up and snapped at the other nipple with her thumb and middle finger.

Billie came off the wall as the combination of pleasure and pain from the action nearly caused her to collapse on the spot. She wrapped her arms around Cat for support, her knees too weak to hold her on their own. "Cat ... I need to lie down -- please." she said in gasping breaths as the made their way over to the bed.

Lying Billie on her back, Cat climbed up on the bed and knelt down between her wife's legs. Cat positioned herself so that Billie's center was pressed into her abdomen as she lowered her body down over her prone wife and continued to administer to Billie's breasts, pushing the tank top high above the voluptuous mounds. Billie grasped the comforter on either side of herself as her chest thrust upward toward Cat's willing mouth, and her head pressed backwards, pushing her chin toward the ceiling. Her eyes were closed as she called out Cat's name repeatedly, interspersed with several gods and goddesses. Once again, Cat reached up and snapped at Billie's nipple. Billie's whole body convulsed at the sensation, pushing her very near the edge of oblivion.

Cat repeated the action several times until Billie just couldn't take any more. Reaching up, she grasped the sides of Cat's head and said very loudly, right into her face, "TAKE ME ... PLEASE" ... just as the door to their room opened.

"Cat, I came to apol..... Oh--My--God!" Jim said as he took in the sight before him. There on the bed was his daughter-in-law, laying between the legs of his stepdaughter, whose shirt was pushed up, exposing very full and inviting breasts, nipples erect with desire. Cat's head was clasped between Billie's hands, erotic desire written across both of their faces. There was absolutely no doubt about what he had walked in on.

For what seemed like an eternity, nobody moved. Billie and Cat held their passionate pose as Jim stood staring. Finally, his sense of decency took over as awareness returned to his mind. Apologizing profusely, he backed out of the room, closed the door behind him, and leaned against the wall next to the door. He was oddly stimulated by what he saw as he clung to the wall for support. As soon as his legs allowed, he beat a hasty retreat.

Inside the room, Cat's gaze moved from the now-closed door back to Billie's face. A parade of emotions passed between them, including astonishment and amusement. Finally, desire overruled as the women resumed their lovemaking.


Dylan stoked the embers in the fireplace before adding another log. The adults were all sitting around the fireplace in the parlor, drinking snifters of brandy ... all except Jim and Laurel, who were curiously absent. The kids had been put to bed a short while earlier.

Billie was sitting on the floor, leaning against the couch with Cat sitting between her legs, wrapped in her arms. Doc and Ida were sitting on the couch, Doc's arm around Ida's shoulder. Mel and Janice were in their favorite chairs, hands resting clasped on the small table between the seats, while Dylan stood at the mantle, watching the fire.

Cat yawned, resting her head back on Billie's chest. Billie reached over and brushed the hair from Cat's face, then leaned down to kiss the top of her head. "Tired, love?" she asked.

Cat nodded her head as she yawned once more.

"You're not the only one," Dylan said as the nodded his head in Janice's direction.

Janice was sitting there, with her chin on her chest, snoring lightly.

"I guess I'd better get her to bed," Melinda commented, squeezing Janice's hand and calling out her name until she woke up. "Jan, darlin' ... come on, Jan, time for bed," she said.

Janice mumbled something about trapping Ares in his tomb as she almost nodded off again.

"Come on, sugar, let's go to bed," Mel said as she helped Janice to her feet directing her toward the parlor door. "G'night everyone."

"Good night Nona, Mom ... Goodnight Grams," came the chorus of replies.

"Mom, what time are the girls coming in tomorrow?" Cat asked.

"Bridget should be here around 10 am, Amy around noon, and I think Drew's plane arrives at about 3 pm. They should all be here in time for dinner," Ida replied.

"The kids are kind of excited about seeing their cousins again. They haven't seen them since our wedding. How long has it been?" Cat said, looking up at Billie. "Five years?"

"Almost," Billie replied, smiling.

Cat yawned for the third time. "Goodness!" she said.

Billie pushed Cat into a sitting position as she climbed to her feet. Reaching a hand down to Cat, she said, "Come on ... time for bed,"

Cat went willingly, saying her good nights to her parents and brother-in-law before following her wife to bed.

Dylan was the next to turn in after stoking the embers down to ash, followed by Doc and Ida, who turned out the lights as they went.

Tomorrow would be a busy day.


Rising early as usual the next morning, Billie went directly to Dylan's room. Rousting her brother out of bed, she informed him that he was going on her run with her.

"What? Are you crazy? Billie, its only ... 6 am!" he exclaimed, looking at his watch through sleep-ladened eyes.

"Come on... move it. It won't kill you. Beside, I need to talk," she said.

Dylan paused for a moment, then begrudgingly complied. "Oh all right," he said, throwing his feet over the side. "Give me a minute, okay?" he asked.

"All right - I'll meet you in the kitchen in five," Billie said.

As promised, Dylan showed up five minutes later, dressed in running shorts, muscle T-shirt and running shoes. Billie remarked to herself, not for the first time, how handsome her brother was. He's a good guy too. He'll make some lucky girl a good husband some day, she thought.

"Ready?" she asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Dylan replied. "You're insane doing this so early in the morning, you know that?" he said to his sister.

Billie chuckled. "Gotta beat the heat and humidity ... morning is the best time to do that," she replied.

"You could skip it all together," her brother suggested.

"Yeah, but then how would I keep my girlish figure?" Billie teased.

Dylan looked her up and down and once again noted how sexy she was. The sports bra, spandex running shorts and running shoes left little to the imagination. Too bad she's my sister, he chuckled to himself. To Billie, he said, "Yeah, you may be right ... you gotta work extra hard to keep fit when you're as old as you are!"

"You little shit!" Billie said, chasing her brother out the door.

Billie and Dylan ran for five miles then spent some time walking and getting to know each other better.

"He walked in on you and Cat?!" Dylan exclaimed in disbelief. "Holy Shit ... he must have had a coronary."

"Him? What about us? Believe me, Dyl, we were in no position to take visitors ... literally in no position," Billie grinned.

"Wow. Did he apologize later?" Dylan asked.

"Actually, we haven't seen him since it happened. He and Mom were suspiciously absent last night in the parlor ... did you notice that?" she commented.

"You know, you're right," Dylan remarked. Then looking at his sister, and blushing slightly he asked, "Billie, do you think he was ... you know ... turned on by what he saw?"

Billie grinned. "You know, Cat and I wondered the same thing. He probably was," she said. "There doesn't seem to be any other excuse for BOTH of them disappearing after it happened," she remarked.

Dylan just nodded his head, then shivered at the thought of his parents having sex.

"Dyl, can I ask you something?" Billie asked.

Dylan looked at his sister. "How do I know I won't like this particular question?" he asked, grinning.

Billie gave her brother a hip check in response.

"All right, Sis, what would you like to know?" he said.

"Well," Billie said, reaching up to tuck her long hair behind her ears, "what is it about men? I mean, I know why I am turned on by seeing two women together, but why men? What is it about two women that is such a turn on for them?" she asked.

Dylan looked everywhere but at his sister.

Billie sensed his discomfort and reached out to touch his arm. They stopped walking and looked at each other. "Dyl, I'm sorry if I'm embarrassing you, but I'd really like to know. I mean, men are so quick to condemn 'our kind', yet they seem to enjoy watching two women make love. I just don't get it," she said.

Dylan placed his hands on his hips and sighed deeply. "Well," he said, "I think there are two reasons. First, seeing a woman in the throes of passion is very stimulating. Seeing two women in the throes of passion is doubly exciting. But I think the main reason men get off on seeing two women together, is that most of them fantasize about being in the middle of them -- you know ... making love to two women at the same time," he answered, blushing to the roots of his hair.

Billie raised her eyebrows high into her hairline as she listened to her brother's explanation. "You're kidding, right?" she asked incredulously. "I mean, I don't believe there's a man alive that can last long enough to satisfy two women ... Hell, some of them don't last long enough to satisfy one!" she exclaimed.

Dylan grinned at his sister's amazement. "I hate to admit it, Sis, but you're right. It doesn't hurt to dream, though," he said as they resumed their walk. A short time later, he looked over at Billie who was still deep in thought. "You know, Sis, whoever designed men and women must have had his head up his ass!" he said, chuckling to himself.

Billie looked at Dylan and smiled. "Oh I don't know about that, Dyl. I kind of like Cat just the way she is. Come on... I'll race ya back!" she said, getting a head start on her brother.

"Hey, no fair!" he said taking off behind her.


Billie and Dylan arrived back at the mansion around 8:00 am. Walking into the kitchen, they saw Tara and Skylar enjoying a blueberry pancake breakfast, happily dished up by Maggie.

"Good morning, Miss Billie, Mr. Dylan," Maggie said cheerfully, placing another pancake in Tara's plate.

Billie walked over and kissed Maggie on the cheek. "Maggie, I really wish you'd drop the 'Miss' thing, okay?" she asked the jovial cook.

"Anything you say, Miss Billie," Maggie replied, causing the girls to giggle.

Billie swooped down on her daughters, tickling them each unmercifully. "Hey Rugrats, whose side are you on here, anyway?" she asked the laughing children.

"Maggie's!" Tara exclaimed. "She makes great pancakes!"

"Yeah, Maggie!" Skylar repeated.

Billie threw her hands up in the air and looked at Dylan. "Traitors! My children are traitors! Well little Miss Benedict Arnolds," she said, "do you happen to know where Mama is right now?" she asked.

"Shhtill Shleepin," Tara mumbled around a mouthful of blueberry pancakes.

"Oh she is, is she?" Billie said, wiggling evil eyebrows up and down at Dylan. Then re-addressing her daughters, she added, "You girls enjoy your breakfast, all right? I'll see you in a little while." Kissing both girls on the head, she left in search of Cat.

Billie slowly pushed open the door to their room and peered in. There, sprawled across the bed, was Cat, lying on her side, one arm under her pillow, her legs askew, over and under the blankets. Her nightshirt had crept its way up around her waist. The morning sun had made its way into the room, falling across the foot of the bed, bathing Cat's lower body in yellow brilliance.

Quietly slipping into the room, Billie closed the door and leaned against it. By the gods Cat, you are so beautiful, Billie thought as she watched her wife sleep. Quickly showering away the sweat from her run, Billie returned to Cat several moments later. Reaching for the nightshirt she had discarded earlier that morning, she slipped it over her head and climbed into bed behind Cat. Rolling onto her side, she spooned herself behind the smaller woman and pulled her in close.

Cat stirred in her sleep. "Hmmmm," she moaned, pressing herself back into Billie, who wrapped her arms even tighter around the sleeping beauty.

"I love you, Cat," Billie whispered in her wife's ear.

Cat smiled in her sleep.

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on," Billie said softly.

Cat rolled over, her eyes still closed, as she snuggled deep into Billie's embrace.

Billie placed several kisses on the red head's face. "You are my reason for living," she said, kissing Cat's nose.

"As you are mine," Cat smiled flashing emerald green eyes at the tall woman lying beside her.

Billie claimed Cat's lips in a searing kiss, ending up by laying on top of her prone wife. "Good morning, love," she said, kissing her tenderly once more.

"Good morning," Cat said, lifting her mouth to Billie's, hungry for contact. "Kiss me, Billie," she demanded.

Billie was happy to oblige as she lowered her face once more to Cat's.

Suddenly, a knock came to the door.

"Damn!" Cat whispered under her breath.

"Cat, Billie -- can I come in?" Laurel just asked from behind the door.

Billie rolled onto her back and sighed. "Come in, Mom," she called out.

Laurel pushed the door open and looked in. Cat scooted up and sat with her back against the headboard, patting the bed beside her for Laurel to sit down.

Walking across the room, Laurel approached the edge of the bed and sat down. Looking at Cat and then at Billie, she said, "I came to apologize for Jim's behavior since we arrived ... especially toward you, Cat," she began. Cat looked at her sympathetically while Billie stared at the ceiling. Wringing her hands together, Laurel continued. "Jim told me what happened last night ... how he walked in on you two. He was totally unprepared for what he saw. You have to understand that his upbringing was very strict. He was taught that your kind of love was forbidden. It will take a while for him to come to terms with it. Please be patient with him," Laurel finished.

Laurel finished her little speech then looked at the women on the bed.

Billie looked over at her mother. "Apology not accepted, Mother," she said coldly.

"Billie!" Cat exclaimed.

Rising onto her elbow, she placed her hand on Cat's thigh and looked into her eyes. "No, Cat. This is not acceptable." Then, turning to her mother, she added, "Mom, I'm grateful that you're here, really I am, but this apology has to come from Jim, not you. Does he even know you're here?" she asked.

Laurel shook her head no and looked down at her hands. Cat reached out and placed her hand on top of Laurel's clasped ones.

Reaching up, Billie took Laurel's chin and turned her face toward her. "Mom," she said, making eye contact with the older woman, "do you feel the same way Jim does ... about us, I mean?" she asked, holding her breath waiting for the reply.

Laurel looked into Billie's eyes for several moments before shaking her head loose and looking at Cat, then down at her hands. She opened her hands to take Cat's smaller one inside, squeezing it gently.

Looking back up at her daughter, she spoke. "Billie, I won't pretend to understand your lifestyle, but I DO know that when I'm around you and Cat, I see a magic between you that I could only dream of having with Jim. I understand the emotional fulfillment you get from each other. I can't say I am comfortable with the physical aspect of it," she said, blushing as she looked at her hands once more, "but I can see how happy you are together, and how much you complete each other. How can I argue with that? So, do I understand it? Not entirely. Do I embrace it? Not exactly, but you are my daughter, Billie, and I love you ... and Cat, and I so very much want you to be happy," she finished, her eyes misty with unshed tears.

Cat smiled through her own misty tears and she leaned in to hug her mother-in-law.

Billie placed her hand on Laurel's upper arm and rubbed it up and down. "Mom, could I interest you in a little group cuddling? she asked.

Laurel grinned as she climbed into the bed between the women and laid on her back. Soon, she had two heads resting on her shoulders, one dark, one light, as her arms wrapped around her daughters. Turning her head side to side, she kissed one then the other on the head, and closed her eyes. Soon, all three were sleeping peacefully, wrapped in a cocoon of love.


Continued in Part 2.

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