~ Who Saves the Hero ~
by Kudara

Disclaimer: The Mass Effect universe is the property of Bioware/Electronic Arts. No infringement of these copyrights is intended as this is a not for profit fan fiction work.

Warning: none

Notes: This is inspired by the Beyonce song "Save the Hero," from the album I am...Sasha Fierce. This is an Alternate Universe story.

Rating: Teen

Feedback: Always welcome, feedback is what encourages me to keep writing. Please let me know what you like and what you dislike about the story.

Errors and Corrections: Yes, please let me know about any errors you see so that I can correct them. This is un-beta'ed so it probably has a few.

Revision History: 04/10/2010; 05/29/2010; 07/27/2010

Chapter 14

Illium - Nos Astra Commercial Spaceport

It had taken only a little bit of appealing to Pitne For's own self interest and a little bit of implying that things might get violent if he didn't cooperate to get the volus merchant to tell her what she needed to know. She knew it was mostly his terror that he was about to be killed by either the Eclipse or Samara that had been the most help, he had caved with what was actually very little effort on her part. He had smuggled a chemical onto Illium that boosted biotic powers in combat, and then he had sold it to the Eclipse mercenaries. Unfortunately it also happened to be toxic, a fact he had neglected to mention to them. Unsurprisingly, they were now rather angry with him and his entire party, which was why they had killed his partner and why they wanted to kill him as well.

After warning her that each Eclipse sister committed a murder to earn their uniform, Pitne For handed over a copy of a pass code that the mercenaries had given him so that he could deliver supplies. Now they had the location of the Eclipse base of operations on Illium. Hopefully both Samara and Pitne For were right, and they would be able to find a record of the mercenaries' people smuggling operations there.

The three of them entered the Eclipse base to find one lone mech guarding the entrance; they didn't even give it the opportunity to come fully online before it was lying in pieces on the floor. They had caught the mercenaries by surprise, that much was clear for they faced only sporadic and disorganized resistance as they made their way through the base. Shepard kept her small team moving, knowing that was the best way to make sure the mercenaries didn't have a chance to organize a counter-attack. Of course one decent leader among them could get them straightened out to present a challenge, so Shepard stayed alert and cautious as they entered each new area watchful for any signs of ambush or a well lead counter-attack.

"Oh Goddess," the whispered words drew Shepard's attention as she passed a doorway, "Oh Goddess, don't let them see me. If they do see me, don't let them kill me. What am I doing here?"

Shepard shook her head, some young and stupid asari maiden joining a merc band because they thought it was cool and made them look tough. She had overheard one young asari in the transportation hub standing around talking to her salarian friend; she had just left home and was talking about joining the Eclipse because she thought it would get her more lovers. Personally, Shepard couldn't understand why joining a group known for their illegal activities and murderous ways seemed to be some type of status symbol among the young asari. Joining the asari commandos and protecting your home or joining the asari Naval Defense and defending asari space and the Citadel, now those were choices she could understand, but a mercenary band known for its illegal activities? What a waste of a few hundred years of their lives, contributing to the misery and exploitation of others instead of doing something more useful with their time.

Still the young sounding asari in this room praying to the Goddess to be spared sounded like she was dearly regretting her choice. Shepard nodded, her mind made up, if it didn't endanger her team, she wouldn't kill this youngster. She smiled wryly, the young merc probably had several decades on her, but still, so many of the asari maidens she had seen on Illium seemed very immature to her. Liara was young, but she had never acted as young as some of the asari Shepard had observed here. Of course, in all fairness Mindor had made her grow up very quickly. She had thought when she was younger how immature those of her own age seemed to her back then, little wonder that some of these young asari, who essentially acted the same way, still seemed immature to her now.

She triggered the door, it looked like an office. There weren't any places for someone to hide besides the other side of the desk where she could just see the barrel of a pistol lying on the tiles of the floor. She took a few more steps into the room, Garrus and Tali following her, to verify her first impression. She had been right; the desk was the only thing in the entire room that anyone could possibly hide behind.

She pulled her pistol, "Come out with your hands where I can see them now!" she ordered.

"Wait, stop," a young asari, with medium blue skin and green eyes popped up from behind the desk, "I didn't fire my weapon once! I pretended to because the other Eclipse sisters were watching, but I didn't really shoot!" Only one of her hands was raised and she was a poor liar. Foolish, immature, selfish, Lindariel had seen a few youngsters such as this one during her many years of teaching, Shepard remembered. Uncaring of anything but themselves or the repercussions of their actions until they got into trouble and then all they could think about was how to get out of being punished.

The asari maiden eyed the gun still pointed at her nervously, "I'm not one of them!" she tried again, "I'm new! I thought being Elnora the mercenary would be cool... but I didn't know what they were really like!"

Shepard's eyes narrowed, "I told you to raise both hands to where I can see them," she commanded, not really noticing that her voice had taken on just a shade of the Elder Instructor's stern tonality.

Elnora's eyes widened, she made an odd surprised gulping sound and, as Shepard had ordered, raised both her hands. "Garrus, take her weapons," Shepard ordered the turian, keeping her eye and her pistol unwaveringly upon the young asari. Being the experienced former C-Sec officer that he was, Garrus was careful not to block either Shepard or Tali as he moved over to the asari, kicked the pistol further away and then removed the automatic pistol from the weapons pack on the asari's back. He then stepped well away from her before kneeling and picking up the pistol from the floor.

Now Shepard relaxed and lowered her pistol, though she didn't holster it, she had no idea if the asari was skilled in biotics or not. She stared coolly at the asari, "So, what do they do here that you don't like Elnora?"

The asari looked around at the three of them uncertainly before answering, "I thought we'd be flying around the galaxy shooting up bad guys and stuff, right? But no, they just smuggle red sand and sell illegal weapons tech. They even smuggled and Ardat-Yakshi off world," the asari's lowered her voice on the last and sounded afraid. Interesting, Shepard thought, she bet this was the criminal Samara was after, though she had no idea why the special name. She suspected Elnora had known some of what the Eclipse did before she joined, but that she hadn't found it nearly as exciting as she had hoped. She did seem however, to be honestly dismayed that they had smuggled away this Ardat-Yakshi.

"What does that mean?" Shepard asked, "Ardat-Yakshi?"

"It's an ancient asari word for something that..." Elnora paused for a moment before admitting, "I thought was just superstition until now. It means demon of the night winds. I didn't think they were real, but the boss said this scary lady was one."

Shepard would bet she was actually seeing the real Elnora right now and she wasn't nearly as ingénue as she wanted them to believe. "What ship did they use for the smuggling?" she asked her next question.

Elnora looked off to the side for a moment, "Wow! I have no idea! It was a few days ago and like I said I'm new. They didn't tell me anything."

Shepard almost winced at the asari's second attempt at being an actress, she was atrocious. Her body language, her word choices, her voice, they all changed. Madame LaCroix would have thrown up her hands exclaimed, "Dieu, qu'ai je fait pour cela méritent?" Asking God what had she done to deserve this?

"Well Elnora, I'm not convinced that you're telling me the truth. In fact, right now I'm convinced of entirely the opposite. That you're lying to me." The asari froze, her eyes darting around, undoubtedly looking for a way to escape. Shepard continued, "However. I have no proof either way." Before Elnora could relax too much she added, "Yet."

"But I told you..." the young asari tried again.

Shepard simply raised her voice, "So here's what we're going to do. You're going to stay here until we come back this way and if I find no evidence that you're lying, I'll let you go."

Elnora looked relieved for a moment until it struck her that there was another possibility, "And if you do? I mean not that you will," she rapidly backtracked, "because like I said I didn't do anything."

"If I do, we'll be paying a visit to the local police," Shepard informed her. She could see the asari's figure tense, and her green eyes dart to the door behind them, the young asari thought she would find something to prove her guilt. "You won't get more than a few steps," she said coldly. Elnora stared at her startled, then shrunk into herself, lowering her eyes.

Shepard stared at the young asari for a moment later then, over her shoulder said, "Tali, Garrus disable this," she pointed to the computer in the room. She didn't want Elnora using it to call for help.

It only took them about a minute, "It's done," Tali announced as she and Garrus turned around.

"Let's go," Shepard jerked her head toward the door, and the three of them backed out, leaving Elnora standing there staring after them. She looked frightened. "Don't worry someone will be back for you, if not us then the police," Shepard said to her. For some reason that didn't seem to reassure the asari and Shepard had to smirk in amusement as the door closed sealing Elnora inside.

She activated her omni-tool while Garrus and Tali encrypted the door lock, and sent a quick message to Detective Anaya with Elnora's location and the passcode to unseal the door. If something happened, she didn't want the young asari to die in there. Omega and the plague district were still too clear within her mind, especially the diary of the batarian the Blue Suns had locked in his apartment to starve to death.

They continued to fight their way through the Eclipse base, still facing only sporadic opposition from the Eclipse mercenaries. The main thing that changed was the fact that the asari they were facing seemed better trained, and equipped with better weapons. Obviously Elnora had snuck away from one of the earlier groups they had faced; those had been teams of inexperienced mercs lead by a more experienced one. Now they were meeting up with groups of more experienced mercenaries, necessitating a slower and more cautious advance.

Finally they came across a data terminal, it didn't take long for Shepard to find the information she was looking for. "Well its official - little baby Elnora is finally a full-fledged Eclipse merc. I earned my uniform last night when I killed that ridiculous volus. Up close, exploding rounds. Blew the little bastards suit wide open! Hah!" Shepard shook her head in dismay. Well she had known the young mercenary had been lying to her, but she hadn't quite expected to hear something like this. "I can't wait to see some real action!" Shepard's eyebrow rose as the entry continued, "Next time I go home, my friends are going to be so jealous!"

"So she's the one who killed Dakni Kur," Tali commented, "I guess we will be taking her with us when we leave."

"Yes we will," Shepard confirmed her jaw hardening. Elnora could see how jealous her friends were of her sitting in jail for murder. "While I keep watch, could you two search for more information on Elnora as well as any information on the volus she killed?" There was something here that just didn't seem to fit, the young asari was a pitiful actress and this recording...well the two just weren't fitting together for her.

"This is interesting," Garrus said, "Pitne For wasn't joking about that chemical being toxic, it killed three Eclipse mercs when they first tried using it, that's how they figured out what he and his trade group had actually sold them."

"So the killing was in retaliation?" Shepard commented, coming over to look at the data herself. The local Eclipse leader, Captain Wasea, had some of the newest recruits try out the Miragen X first; she hadn't wanted to risk her more experienced mercenaries just in case something went wrong. Shepard shook her head, so much for mercenary sisterhood.

"It seems so," Garrus confirmed, "and they were definitely planning on killing him next. There may also be another member of his trade group, Niftu Cal, here." Garrus looked up from the data display, "There's mention of them capturing him and forcing him to take the chemical, but no mention of it killing him so he may still be alive."

Shepard frowned, "We haven't run across him yet. Perhaps we'll find him further into the base. Let's move out."

They continued forward, everything was going well until they came to an open area where there was a walkway between two different buildings. That's when the gunship showed up; all three of them immediately dove for cover. Shepard holstered her pistol and reached back and unslung the Collector heavy weapon they had found on Horizon. It fired a concentrated energy beam, perfect for drilling holes through heavy armor. The trick of course, was not to get killed by the gunships machine guns or rockets while firing it.

Three minutes later, as she lay on the floor with ears still ringing from the last desperate rocket barrage by the gunship, Shepard was only too happy to place the credit for her relatively undamaged state in Miranda's hands. She wasn't sure if she would have been able to take the gunship down without any serious injury to anyone before her death. Quicker reflexes, speed, and barriers sure helped a lot when dodging a gunship's weapons.

In the next area, a data pad lying on one of the consoles caught Shepard's eye. She picked it up and scanned through the information, "This is a shipping manifest," she shared as soon as she realized what she held in her hands, "It shows that Pitne For sold 2000 units of Miragen X to the Eclipse along with 600 units of red sand."

Tali commented, "This isn't the information Samara needs, but it does implicate the volus. I suspect the detective would be interested in seeing this."

Shepard nodded, "In more than just selling illegal chemicals," she added, "it also implicates him in the deaths of those three Eclipse sisters. This should be enough for the detective to do more than just slap some fines on him," she said with satisfaction.

"They're killers, Shepard," Garrus said to her in an annoyed tone, "do we really care?"

Shepard frowned at the turian; this was a prime example of why she was deeply worried about him. Sidonis' betrayal had hurt and angered him in so many different ways. Sidonis had not only personally betrayed Garrus, but the turian had betrayed turian cultural values at a very basic level. Turian honor mean that one placed societies and one's unit's needs above one's personal needs. By betraying Garrus' unit, Sidonis had not only betrayed Garrus and the members of his team but every deeply held turian value Garrus had as well. It had made him bitter and he seemed to have completely forgotten their conversations about doing what was right whenever possible and had backslid into making the most expedient choices. Not necessarily bad ones, but more like when he had shot Fist's thug who was holding Dr. Chloe Michel hostage without considering the fact that she could have been hurt. He wasn't thinking past the immediate action to the possible future consequences of it.

"I care," Shepard stated, staring into his eyes, "Pitne For does not deserve to get away with killing those asari simply because they were Eclipse mercenaries." she stated forcefully.

"We're killing Eclipse mercenaries, how is it any different?" he challenged her.

Shepard stared at him for a second, "From what standpoint?" she asked, "From a moral one I'll grant you it's not very different at all, but at least their firing at us and we're firing back instead of us selling them a poison and not mentioning it. Do you feel we are murderers? If so we'll stop and go back and tell Samara we're sorry, but we can't do this." She didn't look like she was kidding.

"What?" his mandibles flared in astonishment, "No!"

She stared at him for a moment longer, trying to figure out what she wanted to say. "Garrus you know my position about following local law whenever possible, and by asari law this is perfectly legal since we're assisting the local law enforcement with an ongoing investigation. Besides, for a race that's known for their diplomacy and following the middle path, asari laws are pretty black and white when you come right down to it; you're either on the right side or the wrong side of the law."

And they're on the wrong side," he pointed out, sounding frustrated.

"And so is Pitne For," Shepard replied, keeping her tone calm and even with some effort. She couldn't understand why he was arguing with her; surely he saw that just because they were Eclipse sisters, the volus merchant didn't deserve to get away with selling them a toxic chemical that killed several of them.

Garrus sighed, "You're right, he is." He turned and stared up the hallway, "Shouldn't we move on?"

Shepard stared at him frustrated, what the hell was up with him? She shook her head, he was already just agreeing with her to keep the peace between them. Pushing at him even more wouldn't help any. The most she could hope was that he would actually think about it. "Alright." Damn it she didn't need any more drama today; she had enough with her own. She felt a sudden flare of painful emotion, and hesitated for just a second, this wasn't the time for this. Determinedly she pushed it back down and took up her usual forward position. Focus on the mission.

They went through the next door, and then came to an abrupt halt. At the end of the short hallway there stood a volus with his back to them standing in front of a vending machine.

"Niftu Cal?" hazarded Garrus.

Shepard nodded, "Unless there's another volus running around in here." They walked toward the short rotund figure in the environmental suit and stopped a few feet away, apparently he hadn't heard them talking. The volus turned around and took a few steps forward, and ran right into Shepard as she stared down at him incredulously. He literally bounced back and then almost fell down, she shook her head.

"I am a biotic god!" the volus declared, Shepard would have laughed if she hadn't been so surprised at the small mass effect field that lit up around him. "I think things -- and they happen!" He walked forward, and not wanting to be run into again Shepard stepped hastily out of his way. "Fear me lesser creatures, for I am biotics made flesh!" he declared dramatically.

Shepard stared at him, so this was the effect of Miragen X3 on volus, "You need help."

The volus shook his head, "You need help! You stand before the mightiest biotic ever!" Shepard's brow rose at this, from the size of the mass effect field he was briefly able to manage that was hardly a true statement. "Yes, the asari injecting so many drugs into me was terrifying," he continued, "but then I began to smell my greatness." It actually took a second before it registered... and as down as she had been feeling just a moment before, some things were amusing enough to overcome almost everything. Shepard couldn't help but smile at the misstatement as she lifted her hand to cover her mouth. "They may laugh when I fall over," the volus continued apparently oblivious to her amusement, "but they don't know what I know in my head - that I know I am amazingly powerful." He made his way over to Garrus and declared, "Fear me!"

The turian stared down at the volus for a second, and then he looked up at her and shook his head. She could see him fighting to keep from laughing at the volus as well. Well at least this had lightened the mood between them.

"Are you Niftu Cal? From Pitne For's trade group?" Shepard asked.

The volus turned toward her, "When I was mortal I worked for Pitne. Poor soul is probably terrified that I have not returned."

Garrus responded, his amusement clear in his tone, "He hasn't reported your disappearance, probably so his departure won't get delayed."

Tali added disapprovingly, "Pitne will pick money over friends every time."

"Bah!" Niftu Cal responded angrily, "I will wreck a just revenge upon his people! But first... the leader of these mercenaries is in the next room." Shepard looked at where he was pointing, the next door. "I shall toss Wasea about like a rag doll!" Niftu declared. Her brow raised, she doubted he could toss much more than a pad around.

Garrus looked over at her, "Shepard this guy couldn't tie his bootlaces, much less fight." She nodded agreeing with him, she had no intentions of allowing the volus in with them.

"I will tear her apart! My biotics are unstoppable," the volus continued his boasting.

"Wasea will tear you apart," Shepard informed him with an amused smile, "Take a nap," she suggested, "you'll feel better."

"Are you mad?" Niftu Cal asked her, he turned around to face the door through which he had indicated the Eclipse captain was located. "I'm unstoppable! Feasting on her biotic-rich blood will be the last step in my ascension to godhood."

Shepard grimaced; well that was just a lovely thought for him to share. She reached out and carefully thumped him between the shoulders, knocking him forward to land face down on the floor.

"But... great wind!" the volus said sounding confused as he struggled back to his feet, "Biotic god! I'm... I... what was I saying?" He turned toward her.

She fought back a snicker, "You're tired," she quickly suggested.

"I'm...tired. You may be right. Yes, I'm tired..." he stared wandering down the hallway, fortunately in the direction from which they had come rather than the other direction, Captain Wasea, and certain death. "I'll nap. Destroy the universe later..."

Shepard was hard pressed not to just give into laughter as the short form of the volus disappeared around the corner. That more than anything told her how stressed she really was at this moment, because neither Garrus nor Tali seemed to find the situation nearly as amusing as she. And while a good laugh might be a decent stress reliever, this really wasn't the right place or time for it now.

"So much for godhood," Garrus noted dryly.

It was too much, this time she did chuckle. It was short lived though; her eyes were on the door the volus had indicated. Behind it was Captain Wasea and if they were lucky the information they needed to get for Samara. She motioned for them to follow her and headed up the hallway, the door opened and they looked into the room. It was a storage area, with many crates on either side of it; a central walkway had been left clear that lead to a large desk. Standing behind it was an asari in an armored hardsuit, she was reading a data pad and drinking something out of a cup. They entered the room, letting the door shut behind them and approached slowly, keeping an eye out for an ambush.

Shepard assumed the asari was the Wasea Niftu had mentioned, the captain of the local Eclipse. The asari turned around to face them, took a deep drink and then put the cup down on her desk. Her skin was dark purple in color with salmon colored markings on her face that stood out brightly against her skin tone. Her angry eyes met Shepard's, "Everything's gone to hell ever since we smuggled that filthy creature off world." She paced around the desk as she entered in some information into the pad she held, "First a Justicar shows up, now you." She tossed the pad onto her desk, and her biotics flared, "At least I can take pleasure in turning your head," she gestured with her arm and her mass effect field expanded to enclose a nearby container of the Miragen X3, lifting it into the air, "into a pulpy mass!"

Shepard was expecting it when the asari completed her gesture sending the container hurdling through the air at them. Garrus and Tali dove out of the way; she simply stepped aside gracefully, moving out of its path. Her eyes never leaving the angry asari's as it impacted and broke against the wall behind them. She thought there was a flicker of wariness in them, really did Wasea think that the killing of all her other mercenaries had just been a fluke? The asari summed a barrier and Shepard moved to cover and reached for her pistol, she rose up enough to begin firing and noticed more mercenaries flooding into the room from the side hallways. Well she had suspected that Wasea would keep some in reserve. They all started firing at her and she had to duck back into cover as her shield warning sounded in her ear. Shepard chuckled quietly to herself, well at least someone back there had enough tactical sense to order they concentrate fire on one target.

"If you're helping the Justicar," it was Wasea, "you're deep into something terrifying." More warnings about this Ardat-Yakshi, Shepard was surprised, whatever fugitive Samara was after she certainly seemed to have scared these Eclipse sisters.

More reddish colored smoke drifted their way, and Shepard realized with dismay that there were more of the Miragen X3 containers around. Damn it this could be a problem for them. She focused, gathering a mass effect field and then springing up, gesturing and releasing a shockwave. It boomed up the room towards the Eclipse sisters who were massed together. She was ready when it hit them, joining Tali and Garrus in firing at them as they were knocked from their cover.

Wasea screamed angrily upon seeing her fellow Eclipse fall one by one underneath their fire, "I'll enjoy killing you, the volus, that detective - everyone whose gotten in my way!" she yelled. The asari sprang up from behind the crate where she had taken cover. Unfortunately for her, Shepard was waiting for this as were Garrus and Tali. Their fire stripped away her shield instantly and then someone's weapon found its mark, and Wasea went down with a round through her head.

The three of them stayed behind whatever cover they had found for several seconds longer, waiting to see if any other Eclipse were left. It was silent; there was no sound of rushing footsteps or anything else. Almost as one they rose and moved forward, "There must be some record of that ship around here," Tali remarked.

Shepard went right for the data pad Wasea had thrown down upon her desk, the last thing she had been working upon. She quickly scanned thorough its index, found and entry simply labeled Justicar after A-Y and opened it. Here was the information they were looking for. 'There's a Justicar here! Probably looking for the one we sent off on the AML Demeter. I was happy to see her go; she chilled me to the bone. I just hope this Justicar doesn't mess up my operation.'

Garrus came over to look at what she was reading, "That must be the ship Samara was looking for," he commented, sounding pleased.

"Should we pick up Elnora and head back to the police station and give her the name, or look around first?" Tali asked.

Shepard looked at the computer terminal on Wasea's desk, "Look for more information, I'd like to have the names and histories of those three Eclipse sisters the Miragen X3 killed as well as information about all their illegal activities to hand over to the detective." Garrus and Tali nodded, and then moved around the desk to huddle over the computer terminal. Shepard kept her weapon out and her attention on their surroundings while the two of them worked, she didn't want anyone sneaking up on them now.

"We've got all the information I would want if this were my investigation," Garrus announced after several minutes, "the detective should be quite satisfied."

Shepard was pleased to hear it; maybe he was staring to think past what had happened on Omega. She could hope anyway. "Let's go pick up Elnora then and head back."

"Well she did want to see some action," Garrus slyly remarked.

Shepard chuckled, "Funny I was thinking the same thing earlier."

It didn't take them long to make their way back to the room. The lock on the door was still red; the young asari hadn't been able to break the encryption on it. Shepard keyed in the passcode, the lock went green and then opened. Elnora was standing in the middle of the room, staring at them with wide frightened eyes. Shepard leaned against the door and stared back at her with hard eyes, "Sorry Elnora, but you get to find out how jealous your friends will be of you sitting in jail...for murder."

The young asari's green eyes widened and then all attempts at pretending to be innocent went out the window. "That volus bastard deserved it," Elnora snarled, "When we tried the stuff he sold us, one of my friends died from it! I enjoyed blowing his suit wide open and watching him die."

Ah, there was the missing piece of information that made everything fit together, personal motivation for the killing. "And I'll see that he's charged for their murders," Shepard assured her, "So you can comfort yourself with the thought that you won't be alone in serving your time."

Elnora stared at her, confusion clear in her expression, "Why do you care?"

"Simple," Shepard replied with conviction, "I believe in the law and in following it to the best of my ability." Elnora stared at her disbelievingly, when she simply stared back, the asari's expression shifted to a more wary one as if it were slowly sinking in that she wasn't lying.

Elnora only tried to run away once, Shepard easily caught up with her easily. She reached out and stopping Elnora by simply grabbing her shoulder and halting, trusting her new body to do the rest. Her momentum abruptly halted at her shoulder, the asari's feet slipped out from underneath her and she fell upon her back with a grunt. She stared up at the cold-eyed human female standing above her with wide, startled eyes. Obviously not having expected Shepard to either catch up with her so quickly, or be able to simply grab and stop her dead in her tracks.

"Don't do that again," Shepard advised her sternly, "Next time I won't be so gentle," she threatened. "Now get up," she ordered. Elnora scrambled to her feet and backed away from her eying her warily, "Walk," she backed up the order with a steely eyed look that had the youngster gulping and deciding to obey. Shepard was satisfied that Elnora likely wouldn't try her again, bigger and tougher marines had subtly tried to intimidate her as a young officer. Between her official Alliance officer training along with some decidedly unofficial training in how to command, those marines had all failed and fallen into line. Now with Lindariel's experience in getting young teenaged protheans to obey and respect her... Shepard smirked at the young asari's back; she wasn't ashamed of admitting to herself that she was thoroughly enjoying intimidating the hell out of this kid.

All eyes were upon them as they walked out into the dock area, the asari police in the area especially. Elnora hesitated and shrank back, stopping in her tracks. Shepard simply reached forward, grabbed her shoulder armor and forced her to start walking again. The volus merchant Pitne For was standing by the police station door as they rounded the corner.

"You," Elnora hissed, lunging at him.

The volus stumbled back with a startled sound, "Eclipse! Keep her away from me!" He started hurrying away as fast as his short legs would carry him.

Shepard yanked her back, pulled her close, "Don't spoil his surprise and give him a chance to run for it," she whispered and quickly hustled the young asari into the station before she could say anything more to him.

Once inside Elnora's anger quickly cooled as she met the curious and not particularly friendly stares of the asari officers inside. With her hand on the asari's shoulder Shepard steered her toward Detective Anaya's desk. Samara was seated atop the low divider that separated the detective's work area from the remainder of the station. Elnora took one look at the Justicar and dug in her heels, "She'll kill me," she whispered frantically to Shepard.

Shepard glanced over at Samara who hadn't moved and was simply watching them with the same calm serenity that she had displayed before, "You're my prisoner until I turn you over to the detective," she informed Elnora, "That means I'm obligated to make sure you come to no harm so long as you don't try to escape." She smirked, "That also means I'll protect you from the big, bad Justicar. Who I might point out hasn't even bothered to move in your direction." Even that comment only got the slightest reaction from the Justicar, just the hint of a briefly raised brow in her direction. Elnora only shrunk back closer to her; well at least she did apparently she trust Shepard to protect her. Finally annoyed, the Commander ordered, "Either walk over there and sit down or I'll drag you over there," in a no nonsense tone. That got Elnora moving again, though slowly enough that Shepard had to keep her moving with her hand on the young asari's shoulder. Or maybe that was just Elnora's way of making sure she didn't get too far away from her while the Justicar was so close.

Detective Anaya watched the odd procession approaching her desk curiously; as soon as the young asari in Eclipse armor slumped down into the chair she shifted her gaze to the human standing behind her. She suspected this was the asari the human had locked up and sent her the information as to where she was located just in case things went badly.

Shepard pulled out the data pad with Pitne For's shipping manifest on it and tossed it onto the detectives desk, "I have proof Pitne For smuggled in red sand and illegal weapons tech as well as a illegal chemical known as Miragen X3. It's toxic, something he forgot to mention to the Eclipse who bought it. Its usage resulted in the deaths of three Eclipse mercenaries." Shepard turned to Garrus, "Would you upload the data you obtained to the detective please."

Detective Anaya picked it up the data pad while the turian's data from his omni-tool was transferring over, "Let's see what you got there," she read over it and frowned, "Interesting, but I can't verify it. It would be inadmissible."

Samara unwound from her perch and slid gracefully to her feet, "I vouch for Shepard and any evidence she and her companions bring forth."

The detective nodded, looking pleased, "I accept the judgment of the Justicar."

Shepard nodded her thanks to Samara, before turning back to the detective, "If that's not enough for your superiors it should be a simple matter for you to go and verify the data from the source, you have the base's location."

Detective Anaya stared at her, realizing what the unspoken message was from that statement. There was no one left alive in the base to oppose their entry, her eyes went to the Eclipse mercenary sitting in the chair, well except for this one. She brought up the data that had just finished transferring over and scanned through it; besides the aforementioned information about the resulting deaths from the Miragen X3 usage it also included financial transaction data and supplier and reseller information. In short, it was an overview of all the Eclipse operations in Nos Astra. She whistled under her breath, this was exactly the information she needed to put a major hamper on the group's activities here.

"I got you everything I would want if I it was my case," the turian assured her when she looked up.

"Thank you," she said to the former C-Sec officer, sincerely meaning it. She looked back at Shepard, "I'll send some officers to arrest him and his cohorts."

"Could you go ahead and do that?" Shepard requested, "I don't want there to be any chance of him getting away."

The detective nodded and placed the call, she hung up a moment later, "Their arresting him now," she informed the human and noticed the Eclipse mercenary sit up straighter at this. She turned curious eyes on the young asari, "And her?"

Shepard took out another pad and passed it over, "The murder of Dakni Kur."

Anaya read the data, looked over at the Eclipse mercenary who would not meet her eyes, but stared down into her lap looking as if she wished she were anywhere else but where she was now. "Well, well," she said surprised, "She surrendered?"

"Not exactly," Shepard replied looking down at the asari, "I heard her praying to the Goddess for us not to kill her. Since she was smart enough not to attack me, I decided honor it." Shepard didn't notice both Anaya and Samara give her an intent look at her choice of phrasing. "She tried to pretend that she hadn't actually shot anyone, but I suspected she was lying about that. As you know, we locked her up and since we found information proving her guilt, we brought her back with us."

The detective nodded, "I'll start processing her as soon as we're done here."

A commotion from the door had them all glancing over curiously, it was Pitne For, being hauled in by two asari officers, and loudly protesting his innocence all the way. Shepard placed a cautionary hand on Elnora's shoulder when the young asari tensed up again and stared her hatred at him. Anaya glanced at them, "Take him all the way to the back for processing," she called out and the two officers with him grimaced and nodded, doubtlessly not appreciating having to haul him even further than they already had but obeying their superior.

"Thank you," Elnora whispered quietly to Shepard when the noise of his departure died away, "Linaya didn't deserve to die like that."

Shepard recognized the name of one of the deceased Eclipse initiates, "Your friend I presume?"

"Yes," Elnora confirmed.

Shepard tapped her on the shoulder, waiting until she looked up, "If you really want to thank me Elnora spend your time thinking about how you want the rest of your life to go after you get out," she said quite seriously. "You have hundreds of years to live, do you really want to spend them making other people's lives more miserable than they already are or do you want to do something so you'll be remembered as someone who turned her life around and chose to contribute to her society instead of taking from it."

Elnora glared up at her resentfully, "And I guess you've done exactly that in your short life span human?" she spat.

Yes," Shepard responded immediately, she stared down into the asari's eyes. She wasn't ashamed of her past in any way, though she didn't particularly like listing it out like this. But if that was what was needed to try and get though this young asari's thick head...then she would do it. "My parents, teachers, friends and almost everyone I knew were killed during a batarian slavers raid on the human colony of Mindor when I was sixteen." Elnora's eyes widened and she drew back a little, obviously not expecting this reply. "After that I vowed to spend my life making sure I could protect others from having the same thing happen to them. I entered a military boarding school for the next two years, and then I was accepted as an officer candidate into the Systems Alliance Military Academy. I graduated among the top of my class and was commissioned as a Junior Lieutenant four years later. Two months after that, while on shore leave on Elysium, I lead the ground troops that held off the batarian raiders attacking the colony until Alliance Naval forces could arrive. Thus fulfilling the vow I had made at sixteen." That had been an ugly, difficult fight, certainly deserving of more attention than she was giving it now, but a more through description of those desperate hours wasn't needed. "You may know it better as the Skyllian Blitz," she said to Elnora, whose eyes were definitely wide now.

"Three years ago, at the age of twenty nine I was inducted as the first human Spectre and sent after Saren. Three year ago I succeeded in my mission, killing him and assisting in the defeat of the geth armada attacking the Citadel, as well as ensuring the Council's successful evacuation and making sure the Destiny's Ascension wasn't destroyed," she paused, her eyes on Elnora's, not really realizing that everyone in the station was staring at her and listening to her recitation as well. "So yes, I believe I can say I have done just that in my short life span."

"Oh Goddess, you're that human..." the young asari stared up at her.

Well she hadn't quite expected this response; she guessed it was safe to assume that Elnora finally realized exactly who she was though. "Yes, I'm that human," she agreed with a lopsided smile, "so does that mean you'll at least consider what I asked?"

"Why?" Elnora asked her, "Why do you care about what I do?" it was painfully clear she was bewildered by the Spectre's actions.

Shepard shifted uncomfortably; she really didn't like talking about such things. Not that she was ashamed of her faith, just that she didn't believe it needed to be publically displayed as such; her actions should simply be an unspoken statement of her beliefs. "Because my faith commands me to try and help you if you are willing to be helped," Shepard explained in a quiet voice only loud enough to be heard in their immediate area, "Failure to do so..." her voice trailed off as her soul flinched in pain from her thoughts, she cleared her throat, "Failure to do so would be a personal disappointment to the Goddess, and that is something I would never willing do if there were any another option available to me."

It was obvious that her answer hadn't been one the asari expected, Elnora stared at her in surprise for a moment longer. Then she lowered her eyes, "I will consider your words Spectre, thank you," she agreed quietly.

Shepard had no idea if the young asari was lying or not, but then it wasn't really any of her business anymore. She had done her part, now it was up to Elnora to make the decision to change or not. She nodded, "Be Well, Elnora."

When it was clear they were done, the detective motioned for one of the other officers to come over, "Can you take her back to processing please," she indicated Elnora, "and put her in a different area than the volus," she added. "I'll be back in a little while to fill out her information." The young mercenary didn't make any effort to resist the officer, quietly rising and accompanying the other asari. She paused at the door to glance back searchingly at Shepard one last time before going through the door to the back of the station.

Detective Anaya cleared her throat, "I'm sorry that I didn't recognize who you were earlier Spectre Shepard." The asari looked a little confused, probably due to the supposed to be dead thing, Shepard decided, amused at the thought. "Thank you for your assistance, and thank you for the information you brought me," she glanced over at the information still displayed on her terminal. "This should be a big help with cleaning up the crime in my district." The detective seemed not to know quite how to treat her now, it made things feel slightly awkward between them.

Shepard nodded, "I'm always pleased to help local law enforcement," she stated. She turned to Samara, "I have the name of your ship. Your fugitive was smuggled off on the AML Demeter two days ago."

"Shepard, you impress me," Samara stated, "you have fulfilled your part of the bargain and now I will fulfill mine." She turned to the detective, "I am ready to leave immediately, if that will satisfy your superiors, Detective?"

The purple hued asari turned toward her, "You're free to go, Justicar. It has been and honor having you in my station," Shepard noticed how Samara barely acknowledged that with a nod before she turned away. "And it's nice that you didn't kill me too," the detective added, not quite underneath her breath.

Shepard smiled at that, before turning her attention to Samara, "The Eclipse smuggled an Ardat-Yakshi off world. She's the fugitive your after isn't she?"

Samara inclined her head, "You continue to impress. Yes, I was here tracking the Ardat-Yakshi. She is a dangerous criminal, and I will bring her to justice. After your mission, is complete of course," she added.

"I meant what I said, if it doesn't interfere with the mission we can go after her sooner once you confirm where she's hiding," Shepard didn't hesitate to affirm her earlier statement.

Samara didn't seem very enthusiastic about the idea, but she did nod in acknowledgement of the offer. "As stated earlier by agreeing to follow you, I am compelled to swear the most difficult of Justicar oaths - The Third Oath of Subsumation. After I do, your orders will override the Code." Shepard nodded, she didn't really like the feeling she was making the Justicar do this, but she was certain that it was needed. She also suspected Samara thought the same thing, otherwise the Justicar wouldn't have agreed so easily. "You should know, however, that I'll still give you my opinion if the situation warrants," Samara added.

Shepard gave a quiet chuckle, "You might have to stand in line behind these two," she commented with a jerk of her head at the turian and quarian behind her. Samara glanced at them and once again Shepard thought she saw just the slightest bit of humor in those pale blue eyes. "I'm sure you have a few things you need to pick up from where ever your staying," when the Justicar frowned slightly and seemed to be ready to disagree she narrowed her eyes and plowed on, "We'll head there first and then to the Normandy."

Samara seemed to catch on immediately that there was something else going on that Shepard didn't want any witnesses about to overhear. Her eyes flickered briefly to the detective and then she nodded, "It would be polite to say my farewells at the temple. I was staying there with the initiates."

"Then I guess that's where we should head," Shepard said. The temple sounded good, she knew she needed to meditate again before filling Samara in on everything she really needed to know so the Justicar could decide exactly how involved she wanted to be in helping them.

Before she could head toward the door, Samara said, "I must be sworn to your service so that I am never forced to choose between your orders and the Code." Now? Shepard wondered, but then she saw the serious expression on Samara's face, now it was then. She nodded, falling automatically into a modified attention stance and focusing her whole attention on the Justicar.

Samara called up the very beginnings of a mass effect field, her eyes flicking white with it and the barest flicker of color playing on her skin, she closed her eyes and knelt on bended knee in front of Shepard. Bowing low until her face almost touched her leg. The detective rose and came around her desk so she could see, watching with awed eyes. Shepard noted this out of the corner of hers she never moved her solemn gaze from the Justicar in front of her. "By the Code I will serve you Shepard. Your choices are my choices; your morals are my morals. Your wishes are my code." The biotic field Samara had been maintaining flared to life brilliantly and briefly around her, before subsiding again as she rose to her feet.

"I never thought I'd see a Justicar swear an oath like that," Anaya said to Shepard.

"If you make me do anything extremely dishonorable, I may need to kill you when I am released from my oath," Samara informed Shepard quite seriously.

Shepard already knew what she was willing to give up if it meant defeating the Reapers, "If a situation ever arose where I felt compelled to ask you to sacrifice your honor it would only be to save lives," she replied grimly.

"Then by the Code it would likely not be dishonorable," Samara replied smoothly not looking the least bit worried by her comment. Well that was good to know, thought Shepard; it was hard to tell what another person, much less another person of another race meant by the word honor.

"Thank you, Samara, for your oath. I will endeavor to be worthy of your trust." She might have added more, but she suspected the Justicar had a fair idea of who she was following after everything she had seen and heard so far today.

"Truly, the life of a Justicar can get lonely," Samara said to her as they started towards the door, "I admit, I am looking forward to serving with a company of honorable heroes."

Shepard winced, "Goddess Samara, don't use that word and jinx us. Been there, done that, it's a horrible fate."

"Indeed?" Samara questioned, sounding slightly bemused at her response as they exited the building.

Shepard nodded emphatically, "Speeches, parades, boring mediocre dinners with politicians and the brass in uncomfortable full dress uniform. Weeks of feeling like a mech with your face and a smile plastered on who could politely wave could do the exact same thing. It's an utterly horrible fate to wish upon anyone but a politician."

The Justicar's lips twitched at that quip, "Very well," she acquiesced, "A company of honorable warriors?"

"Much, much better," Shepard responded fervently as she started walking over to where they could summon an aircab.

From behind her she heard Garrus snort in amusement, "You do realize that once we defeat the Collectors you'll be labeled a hero for the third time right?"

"Way to tank my morale Garrus," Shepard grumbled at him with a grin.


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