~ Digging Up the Amazons ~
by Red Hope


Violence: I will try to make this as violent free for my readers as possible.

Sex/Subtext: No doubt, nothing but the best. Sex though… well we all will find out huh? Sex just happens sometimes eh? *laugh*

Copyright: And as we all know Universal and MCA always own Janice and Melinda as jealous as I am. There’s a "but" though. But I own the story line along with characters, Doctor Nathan Johnson, Starling, Emily, Cliona, Maired, Masika, and Ashley. They are mine and are very attached to me. *Laugh*

Note: To understand most of this story correctly you would have needed to read certain ones of my stories all the way back from Series One. This is a branching from the Janice and Mel stories from my first series. But that won’t mean you can’t understand what’s happening. I try to keep it clear as possible.

Comments? Questions? Advice? Email me at redhope@redhope.net

Started: June 29th 2000 on Thursday

Series Five: The Rebirth Story: One

Section 3

~*Part 6*~

The southerner gradually slid out of her soulmate’s arms and out of the bed. She’d silently dressed and ambled over to the door, she gazed back to her partner. Melinda studied her soulmate for minutes, almost memorizing the way she looked. With a deep breath she opened the door and went outside into the hut’s hall. Into the main part of the hut she went and to the door, Mel headed outside.

Janice’s emerald eyes opened sleepily, she didn’t find her partner in her arms. She only felt the bed warm where Mel once had been. With a deep sigh the archeologist rolled out of bed and began to change into her clothes. Eventually she was dressed and migrated to the door, without a noise she opened it and went to the main part of the large hut. No translator. Only other place Janice could think of was outside. So following her instincts she left the hut and went to the eastern side of the hut. And there as she came around the corner she found her soulmate standing alone in the beginnings of the rising sun. Peacefully Janice made her way up to her partner’s side without gazing up to her. "Morning."

The tall woman didn’t turn her attention to her soulmate. "Mornen."

"How’d you sleep?"

The belle lifted her arms over her chest. "Restlessly."

"Same here." The archeologist sighed unhappily.

Melinda stared at the sun’s light streaming through the eastern trees. With love in her eyes she turned her head to Janice. "Come here." Her arms moved away from her chest.

Covington smiled warmly and shifted to stand in front of her translator. She felt the strong arms wrap around her and draw her in. Her back warmed quickly to Melinda’s warm body.

Both the soulmates stared in the direction of the tomb’s site. They watched the sun’s rays begin to creep across the forest floor, closer and closer to the site.


"Yeah Mel?"

The translator took a deep breath. "Something iz happening."

"I know." The archeologist’s hands shifted to rest against the taller woman’s.

"Az we get more and more tuh duh tomb duh more and more… I change."

Janice studied the sun’s light touching the edge of the trench. "I know." A deep breath. "The closer we get to the tomb the closer I become somebody else."

The eastern light crept down the trench’s side.

Melinda tightened her arms in fear of losing her soulmate. "We ain’t walking out of dis forest duh same."

"No." The archeologist saw the dawning light come up the opposite side of the trench, finally warming the tomb’s site. "We’re going to become ourselves."

Silence soon loomed in the air. There was pure silence other then the faint breathing of the soulmates. They only stared at the eastern-lit tomb site.


The soulmates from that morning were back inside of the hut, sitting around the huge table with the rest of the Amazons. The entire group decided to have a late morning making a huge breakfast. They sat around chatting up a storm and laughing some of the food off. It was pleasant way to start their second day together in the Amazon Nation.

"So the plans are today to keep digging?"

Janice nodded at Emily. "Yeah, we should find something today."

"I would think so."

The Queen turned her head to her head council member. "We will Radclyffe."

"Quite." The old Amazon had a stern look.

The archeologist took a deep breath, she needed to lighten the Amazon up. "You know…" She turned her attention the rest of the Amazons. "I think I’ll create a new… rule." A huge smirk came over her lips.

The Amazons glanced around to each other in wonderment.

Janice grinned and turned her eyes directly to Radclyffe. "The new rule is, if Radclyffe is ever… uptight then all of us are to call her Rad so she knows." Now her words went directly to the fuming head council member. "I think it’s about time you loosen up… Rad."

Hale was about to voice her opinion about this new rule but was cut off by the regent.

"May I suggest something my Queen?"

Emerald eyes fell on Starling. "Yes."

The regent had a huge smug look. "I suggest that when Radclyffe is being calm and enjoying things then we call her Rad… in relation to radical. But if she’s being uptight and not funny then we call her…" Amber eyes gleamed with mischief. "Raddy."

"How dare you!" Radclyffe stood and narrowed her eyes at the regent. "Do not insult me."

Starling now stood up in a roar of noise. "Me? Excuse me, but was it not you a few days ago insulting our Queen and Clan Xena?" She narrowed her eyes now while pointing her finger at the older Amazon. "What comes around goes around."

"I will no stand here and-"

"Will both of you be quiet." The archeologist stood, her breathing was heavy with anger. "Both of you sit down." With her cold eyes she saw her regent and council member sit with anger eyes. Slowly Janice turned her head to Radclyffe. "I apologize…"

Radclyffe nodded and opened her mouth to talk but stopped because the Queen spoke.

"Because I agree with Starling."

Hale narrowed her eyes and sat back into her seat. "Why does that not surprise me?"

"Maybe because I am a Queen and Starling is as much as one."

Radclyffe laughed low. "Hardly."

Janice’s lips took on an evil grin, she placed her hands on the edge of the table. She leaned towards Radclyffe. Everybody’s eyes were on the archeologist. "I am the Queen Radclyffe, you know that and you feel that." She straightened up with her arms against her chest. "And I am the chosen." She held her right hand out towards Starling. "And as you said, Starling is a great regent. She kept the Amazons together till I came along. Do not take that away from her."

The head council member nodded. "Very well."

"Thank you." The Queen took a deep breath. "And I like Starling’s idea." She glanced around at all her Amazons. "I would like for all of us to get along, we are family." Her eyes rested on the oldest Amazon. "And Radclyffe that includes you, especially you." She went very serious. "You are the oldest clan with prestige, start living up to it."

"But I-"

"Goddamn it you do not Radclyffe." Janice shook her head. "We will address you with these nicknames not out of spite or a joke. But to call on you about your attitude." She let a smile take her lips. "We’re all working together Radclyffe, we’re family. Join us for once."

The head council member bowed her head faintly. "As you wish… my Queen."

"Good." The archeologist sat in her seat with a sad sigh. How did she just do that? Act like a leader? She had no idea where it came from but it was too natural. Taking a long breath she slowly released it. "Now then, the dig."

Everybody quietly laughed.

"So you think we’ll really hit something?" Cliona grinned. "I’m sick of the dirt."

The archeologist lifted an eyebrow. "Really? Not from what I’ve noticed."

Hellanes quickly glanced over to the princess with a smirk.

The princess gave an innocent look. "I do not know what you speak of my Queen."

"Right." Janice smirked. "But watch your back Cliona."

The pilot still had her innocent look. "And I thought we were all family here."

The Amazons snickered around the table.

"Mmm we are." Janice crossed her arms over her chest. "And I like to play tricks on my family members as much as the next one likes to."

The princess chuckled and gave a smile. "Only for a good laugh."

Emily took a deep breath and stood. "Well, I think I may go start digging."

Melinda grinned to the doctor. "Can’t wait huh?"

"Naw." Emily shook her head. "It’s to exciting." She grinned and went out the hut’s door.

"Wow." Starling blinked. "I’d never thought I’d see somebody beat Doctor Covington to a dig site."

"Starling!" The archeologist grabbed a bit of scrambled egg from her plate and threw it at her regent.

Miller’s eyes widen and she ducked out of the way. "Well, I am going to go join Emily. See you all there." She leaped from her seat and raced out the door.

Melinda chuckled and gradually stood. "See y’all out there."

The archeologist also stood and took her partner’s hands. "Don’t be to long." She received chuckles back. Slowly stepping around the table, the small woman went to the door with her translator.

The southerner held her soulmate’s hand tightly as they went outside and to the dig site.


Dirt, dirt, and more dirt. That’s all the Amazons were looking at that late morning and early afternoon. It was getting rather boring. Well except for Janice, she was always excited about dirt. But eventually the dirt was so boring for all the Amazons they decided to try Ashley’s game again. So here was a group of ten women in a vast forest they called home and they were playing a game of Umbrella in the dirt. It was a sight to be had.


"No." Ashley grinned. "Mel’s turn."

"I reckon mouse."

"Yup." The copilot chuckled and gazed down to the archeologist.

"Hmmm." Janice had the largest smug look ever. "Let me think Ash."

"Oh god, come on Janice, it isn’t that hard." Suddenly Ashley received seven glares. Seven because Radclyffe had joined in. "Okay… maybe it’s a little hard." She saw everybody go back to digging.

"Well…" The archeologist pretended to think and took a deep breath, her shovel going hard into the ground. "How about… mouse?"

"Right." The third in command called down to the regent. "Star?"

Clan Ephiny was grumbling as she shoveled away. "Hell if I know Ash." She gazed over to her Queen then to the third in command. "Mouse?"


"Wait one damn moment!" Cliona slammed her pick into the ground. She put her hands on her hips and looked to her partner. "Now Mel, Janice, and Starling all said the same damn thing. How’d they get it right?"

The pilot grinned and shrugged her shoulders. "They just did, they understand the game."

The princess arched an eyebrow with a smug look. "Right." She dropped her pick. "There’s a trick to this game Ash that you neglect to tell us."

"Well… no not really. I promise Cliona."

"Sprite, I have to agree with Cliona." Sylvia grinned. "Mind telling us before we work it out of you."

"Yeah." Hellanes straightened up and cracked her knuckles. "I suggest you do."

"Wait wait!" Ashley put up her hands. "What is this, make Ash short then she already is?"

The three Amazons laughed together.

Janice sighed and shook her head at her Amazons. "Hey you three! If you touch Ash you’ll be digging holes out in the woods all night for punishment."

Starling snickered. "And that goes double for you Cliona!"

Cliona chuckled and sighed. "Fine. I’ll get this game." She went back to work.

Hellanes and Sylvia did the same.

With a sigh the third in command gazed down to Radclyffe. "Rad?"

The head council member took a deep breath. "Mouse?"

"You got it Rad."

"What!" After roaring that out, Cliona gazed at her copilot. "How’d… how’d she get it too?!"

"Like I said she understands it."

"Ashley." Cliona laughed in a grin. "What’s the point of this game?"

"I forget." The third in command sheepishly grinned.

The princess opened her mouth but stopped.

The air around filled with a loud ping.

Everybody’s heads turned to Melinda.

"Wait." Janice turned her head to her soulmate. "Do that again?" She grinned.

The southerner snickered and tapped her pick down at the same spot. There, the sounds of pings.

"Sweet!" The archeologist knelt down to her knees to the where the ping came from. "Mel, get my hand tools."

The translator nodded and laid her pick down, climbed over the trench, and went to the tool tent.

Janice started to pull away the dirt with her fingertips.

The Amazons began to come closer gazing down at what Melinda discovered, their hearts raced. This is it!

Melinda came jumping back down into the trench in frenzy, her heart pounded too. Kneeling down with the small tools she handed them to her soulmate.

The archeologist took them with shaky hands, carefully she began to pull away the dirt.

The translator did the same, pulling away the dirt with her hands.

Soon there before the women developed a square golden door in the ground with a handle.

Janice pulled out her small brush from her tool kit and began to dust away the dirt from the hatch and it revealed the Amazon bird in the hatch. The bird’s eyes were deep rich emeralds that sparkled up to the Amazons with power.

That’s when each Amazon realized whom Janice was, it made them smile with depth to their souls.

Lifting her eyes, Janice smiled. "Who’s excited?"

Each Amazon stared into powerful sparkling emerald eyes. They only could nod. For their eyes left Janice’s and went to the bird’s. Janice and the bird’s eyes were the exact same, it was power filling.

The archeologist began to stand. "Let’s get this opened."

Melinda stood, dusting her pants off with a smile.

The Queen took a deep breath. "Who want’s to open it?"

"No." Radclyffe took a step forward. "It can not be anybody but the two chosen." She stared down at the golden hatch. "If it is anybody else the Amazon will be destroyed." Her eyes lifted to Melinda and Janice. "Please."

The soulmates saw the truth of it in the head council member’s eyes.

Janice nodded and turned to Starling and Cliona. "Go get some lamps from the tent. We’ll need them."

"Right." Starling quickly scrambled out of the trench.

The princess followed behind.

Covington lifted her eyes to her soulmate, they held worry in them.

The belle smiled reassuringly and stepped closer. Leaning down she placed a soft kiss to the small woman’s lips. Then she shifted her lips close to Janice’s right ear. "I’m scared too."

Janice closed her eyes for a moment and took a shaky breath. "Mel, there’s no going back from this. We’ll never be the same again."

The tall woman placed her hands on her other half’s sides. "I know. But, it’z our destiny." She lifted her head back with a warm smile. "I won’t leave you."

"And I can’t leave you Mel." Janice took a deep breath with a smile. "I love you."

"I love you too." Melinda heard Starling and Cliona return and she stepped back.

"Got them." Starling held a lot of lit lamps, as did Cliona.

"Perfect." Janice stepped forward and went to the front of the door hatch.

The southerner followed and stood beside her soulmate while the Amazons took steps back.

Both the soulmate’s eyes rested on the golden hatch. Together they took deep breaths, reached down. Each grasped the handle with one hand. They took a second deep breath and pulled with strength. At first the door didn’t give but slowly a scraping was heard. The door fought to stay closed but awoke and saw who pulled, it compiled and began to open for the two women. The door flung open.

Suddenly Janice and Melinda tightly shut their eyes. An energy flew out of the tomb and sunk into the soulmates with a gust of wind. It wasn’t painful but so powerful it made them groan.

Taking deep breaths, the two women opened their eyes again and stared into a black hole. They couldn’t explain what that was but something just invaded their bodies. It wasn’t evil for it left them feeling warm and in understanding.

Janice shook herself mentally and gazed up to Starling. "Lamp."

The regent handed over a lit lamp.

The archeologist took it, kneeled down, and began to lean forward down into the tomb’s hole. She saw stairs right there and lifting her eyes she found something meeting her gaze. "Holy shit!" Jumping back, Janice fell to her butt with the lamp. She breathed heavily.

Melinda took the lamp and ducked in herself and saw what Janice had seen. "Oh my!" Taking a shaky breath, she reached forward with her free hand and pulled the item free. Straightening back up she revealed the item to the light of the world. "Ohhh my."

The Amazons stared at a golden mask in the southerner’s hand. In the forehead was a twinkling sapphire.

Covington smiled at it and leaned back into the tomb and found another gold object gleaming at her, she grasped it and took it. Sitting back up, she found it to be a golden mask as well but with an emerald in the forehead. She stared into the eyes of the mask, her breathing heavy. That same feeling from earlier came rushing back. In a daze she closed her eyes and took control of her spirit again. Her eyes opened with a grin. "Well the Amazons certainly have an emerald and sapphire fetish."

The tension broke and the women laughed together.

"Well? What we waiting for? A holy light? Let’s go in." Cliona stepped up with her lit lamps. "I’ve been digging in this dirt to long to be standing around here."

Janice grinned and held her hand up. "Lamp."

The princess handed one.

The Queen gazed over to her partner. "Ready to go in?"

"Definitely." Melinda lowered her mask.

Janice nodded, stood up, and took the first step onto the limestone step, it was bright yellow from the sun shining on it. She began to walk down the steps carefully with her lamp and the golden mask tucked under her right arm.

The translator followed and went down, ducking her head as she made her way down the limestone steps. Her own mask under her right arm. Once she came to the even floor of the tomb she moved to Janice’s side.

The archeologist was stuck in place with her lamp raised up. "Oh… my… god." She stared directly at a wall that had an uncountable amount of holes that held scroll after scroll after scroll.

"Dat’s uh lot of reading." Melinda grinned to her soulmate.

"Ha." Janice shook her head. "Mel, what does that say at the top?"

The southerner also noticed that one singular scroll in it’s own row with an inscription above it in bold Greek letters. She held her lamp up near that direction. "It says… The Amazon Destiny." Her eyes lowered to her partner. "I reckon we found what we are looken for." Slowly the southerner began to turn around and face the other wall, her mouth dropped.

The archeologist nodded in shock. "Yeah." She peered up to Mel. "Do you realize how many years it will take us to translate this?"

"We may not have tuh."

Janice furrowed her eyebrows and turned around, it jumped at her in a sense. "Holy shit!" Her eyes bugged as they stared at another wall with nothing but scroll after scroll after scroll in small slots. Lifting her eyes she now understood what Mel meant. There at the top was written The Amazon Destiny in pure English. "Is… is… is this…"

"In English?" The southerner nodded a few times. "I reckon so." She turned around and walked over to the other wall and pulled out a scroll. It was all in ancient Greek.

The archeologist stepped up to the other wall and randomly pulled out a scroll, unrolled it and peered down. It was all in English. "Oh my god." She shook her head. "Everything is in either Greek or English." She laughed in shock. "I can not believe it." She whirled around to Mel. "Why English?"

"Because Gabrielle taught her Amazons English as well."

Covington turned her head to the steps to see Radclyffe standing there with a serious face. "Really?"

"Yes." The head council member settled to the floor and heard the other Amazons coming down. She stepped up to the Queen with her own lamp. "Near the end of her reign English was becoming fairly popular. Well only in England at the time, but none the less, Gabrielle saw this."

"How’d she teach all her Amazons English then?" Mel rolled up the Greek scroll and slipped it into its home again.

Radclyffe turned her head to the translator. "She hired numerous people from England to teach her Amazons." She paused at seeing Starling, Cliona, and Sylvia join her side. "The English teachers lived with the Amazons for a number of years, teaching all the Amazons English." She took a deep breath. "Once everybody learned it, Gabrielle made it a law that any Amazon anywhere must know English." She grinned. "She did this because she wanted to make sure in the future there was not a communication gap between her Amazons."

"So you’re saying every Amazon, no matter where in the world, knows English?" Janice arched an eyebrow with her question.

"Yes." The old Amazon moved her head up and down. "It is a huge law and tradition, very important."

"That’s incredible." The regent shook her head with a smile. "I never know that… though it makes sense."

Sylvia snickered while standing beside her friend in the tomb. "Now you know why I know English." Sylvia is Greek.

Miller grinned to her second in command. "Yes… you and Hellanes both." She shifted her eyes over to her Queen. "So what are all these scrolls… do we know?"

Melinda strolled over to the English side of the tomb, lifting her lamp high she noticed each row was labeled across. "It’s everything ‘bout duh Amazons."

The ten women gazed up and read all the categories at the top of the rows. There was a row of Amazon history, government, traditions, law, medicines, fighting techniques, and history of the world.

The regent took a step to the wall and knelt down, she noticed two scrolls at the bottom alone. "What’s this one?" She carefully pulled out a worn scroll. Standing up again she felt Janice took her lamp. Carefully the Amazon unrolled the scroll and widened her eyes. "Oh wow." She shook her head. "It’s a map of the Amazon Nation."

Janice smiled at the map. "It’s huge."

"It’s impressive you mean?" Starling’s lips took on a grinned and lowered her eyes to the map again

Radclyffe grinned and gazed over the map. "After Gabrielle took over the other Nations she expanded the size of her original Nation’s lands." She kept studying the map. "It went from the Nestus River to the western Amazon Mountains, and south to the Aegean Sea."

"That’s a big strip of land." Cliona chuckled with everybody else.

"Look here." Janice pointed on the map. "Looks like they also owned Amphipolis."

"No they didn’t." Melinda gazed down at the map. "They probably had uh treaty wid Amphipolis."

That made perfect sense so they all nodded.

"Look at this Mel." Janice pointed to on area. "There was a post there." She lifted her eyes to her soulmate. "The post was on the outskirts of Poteidaia."

The tall woman’s eyes lifted with sadness to her partner.

The archeologist smiled sadly and glanced back down to the map. "Now, what are all these colors?"

"Looks to be how the land was broken up." Starling lowered her eyes to the lower left hand to see a legend. "Here it is, anything in green is land used for farming, brown is land for mining, red is for hunting, orange is for... fishing, and navy blue is made for trade." She shook her head. "This is just amazing."

Cliona grinned as she noticed something herself. "Looks like the Nation was broken up into nine province so to speak. Provinces or sectors. They’re all named as well. Certain ones cover certain aspects such as trade or fishing… farming."

Janice chuckled with a shake of her head. "Gabrielle planned everything out."

Constance was noticing the nine sections as well. "If I remember correctly, it was the nine lieutenants that ran the nine sectors."

The archeologist quickly looked up to the priestess. "Lieutenants? I have lieutenants as well?"

"Yes I believe you do." The priestess eyes went to Clan Masika. "But Rad could tell you better."

The older Amazon nodded. "Yes, the original Queens from each of the Nations Gabrielle made lieutenants after the challenges. She then broke the huge chunk of land into these nine sectors and made the Queens as governors of the sectors."

"That would make sense." Janice nodded a few times.

Sylvia shifted to the English wall and kneeled down to pull out that second scroll at the bottom. "I wonder what this one is."

Starling turned to her and took the second in command’s lamp.

Sylvia began to unroll the scroll and stopped halfway. "Holy mother of God." She shook her head with a surprised filled laugh.

The archeologist and translator glanced down to the scroll and grinned.

"Looks like the listing of Amazons." Starling grinned. "Bingo."

Everybody chuckled and circled around Sylvia to study the scroll.

"Look, there’s Solari." The second in command point to her great descendant. "It looks like this gives you their date of birth, death, order in the Amazon Nation, job, and where they were located in the Nation."

Janice shook her head. "This is perfect."

Cliona lifted her eyes. "But we still don’t know who are the modern version."

"True." Melinda grinned. "But dis iz uh start." Filling her lungs with the tomb air, her eyes fell to the scroll.

"Hey there’s Amarice." Cliona chuckled and crossed her arms against her chest. "The best Amazon I must say."

The Amazons all huffed at the princess.

"You wish Cliona." The third in command scanned the list to find Teresa. "Ha there’s my descendant."

"Oh yes." The princess looked to her copilot. "That piddle third in command."

"Hey!" Ashley jabbed her partner in the stomach. "Don’t mess with Clan Teresa."

The princess’s eyes only gleamed in response.

"Mel, you notice something funny about this listing?"

"Yes." Melinda pointed to Xena and Gabrielle’s name. "They ain’t got uh location."

"I noticed that too."

"Maybe they were still traveling?" Hellanes glanced up after her suggested answer.

"Probably." The Queen nodded. "Sylvia, unroll this thing completely."

The second in command nodded and began to unroll the scroll. Soon she found it to be longer then her. "Uh some help?"

Radclyffe chuckled and dropped her lamp to the floor. She took the top of the scroll and held it.

Sylvia Carter started walking backwards while unrolling the scroll.

Janice glanced up to her partner. "We’re in for it now?"

A snicker escaped the southerner with a grin. "Yup."

The second in command came to the end of the scroll when her back hit the opposite side of the tomb. "Now that’s a lot of Amazons."

"Well Starling, you were right?" The archeologist grinned across to her regent.

Miller nodded and stepped up to the outstretch scroll, scanning it. "Yup, there’s gotta be somewhere around nine hundred here." She soon found one name she really liked. And with her smile she pronounced it aloud. "Ephiny, Regent of the Amazon Nation." She smiled to her friends. "Yup." Her head bobbed up and down. "That would be my clan."

Now all the Amazons began to look up and down the extensive scroll to find their own descendant.

Janice peered up again to Melinda. "You would have thought Xena and Gabrielle would have settled down eventually."

The tall woman gave a sigh. "I would have reckoned dat too."

Covington glanced back to her Amazons looking up and down the list, reading name after name. "Maybe they were killed during their travels."

The translator right hand came up to Janice’s back. "I don’t reckon dat explanation myself."

Janice nodded faintly. "I hope it isn’t the right explanation." She peered up again. "It wouldn’t be right."

"No." Sapphire eyes shifted to Janice. "They weren’t killed in their travels Janice." She smiled warmly and gazed back to the long scroll being held by Sylvia and Radclyffe. "Otherwise all of dis wouldn’t have happened."

"Yeah." The archeologist found that smile on her lips.

Ashley ducked under the long scroll to come to the side Janice and Mel were on. She walked past them with her lamp.

"Let’s roll this up Sylvia."

The second in command nodded at the head council member. She slowly began to walk towards the older Amazon while rolling the scroll up. "This is just amazing."

The princess’s face was cover with a grin. "Now we know where amazing came from. The Amazons." She chuckled. "The Amazons are amazing."

Hellanes laughed and glanced over to the princess. "The Amazing Amazons."

The priestess smirked to the two Amazons. "Exactly."

Janice and Mel chuckled together at the Amazons.

"Sweet mother of god!" Ashley whirled around. "Look at this everybody!" She turned back around. "Hurry up!"

Radclyffe was kneeling down inserting the scroll back in next to the map scroll that Miller had returned.

The soulmates were the first up to Ashley’s side with their lamps. They both lifted their lamps with wonderment filling them. Their lamps lit a corridor that held three doorways. One doorway to the right, left and directly ahead. The room at the far end they could see something reflecting back the light from the lamps.

So the group of Amazons walked down to that room first wondering what could be reflecting off such an amazing yellow, red, green, white, and silver color back to them. They entered into the cool room with their bright lamps and everything came to life to them. Ten jaws dropped. Nobody said a word, it was pure silence. Not even breathing could be heard for their breaths were caught in their lungs.

"Well…" Cliona glanced down to the southerner. "Looks like the Amazons are rich as you are now."

Melinda laughed with her response. "Looks dat way."

There before the group was a huge statue of a woman, presumed Artemis, Her head touched the ceiling and her base was on the ground. The statue was made of pure gold and showed Artemis at her best. At her feet around the floor were mounds of gold, gems, silver, and jewelry. It was a wealth of fortune that was scattered around the room like it was worthless.

"Ha." Starling shook her head. "There’s enough money here to buy all of the ancient Amazon lands. Then have some left over."

Janice’s expression brightened up as it hit her. "That’s exactly it!" She turned her head to her regent. "That was Gabrielle’s intent with this." She laughed. "She wants us to buy back the ancient lands. The money left over is to…" Her head turned back to the statue. "Rebuild."

"Where could they possible get all of this money?" Ashley shook her head. "There’s tons here."

Melinda quickly explained that one. "Duh mountains." She turned her head to the group of Amazons. "They were mining in duh Amazon Mountains, they had tuh be mining for something."

Starling moved her head in agreement. "That would explain why those mountains are fairly barren."

"You think there’s any… of the whatever in the mountains left?" Cliona looked to Melinda in question.

The translator shrugged her shoulders. "Could be."

"Well… let’s go check out these other two rooms." Janice turned towards the door.

The Amazons began sifting out of the room into the corridor again. Five went to the room on the right and the other half to the left room.

Janice ambled in with her soulmate and grinned at what the room contained. "Prepared for anything I must say."

Mel gave a chuckle. "Seems like it."

Before the women lining the walls on racks were weapons, only metal of course. For only metal could survive the test of time.

"Hey Janice and Mel! Come over here and take a look at this room!" It was Hellanes voice.

Janice started leaving the room and calling back the weapons master. "Nes, switch rooms with us. You’ll want to see this room."

The two groups switched rooms.

Janice, Mel, Starling, Ashley, and Cliona came into the other room. This was another scroll room with two walls filled with scrolls. The left side held more then the right however.

The archeologist ambled over to the left side and lifted her lamp. Above there was a description engraved with The Chosen’s Tales. "My god, all of Gabrielle’s scrolls." She took a step forward and selected a random scroll. She slowly unrolled it and found it in pure English with Gabrielle’s handwriting. "This is perfect."

Melinda spun around with a Greek version. "These are duh missing scrolls in Greek Janice."

Covington slowly turned her head around still peering down at the scroll. "Jack-pot."

Miller strolled up to her Queen’s side. "Why are there more scrolls in English then Greek?"

The Queen lifted her head. "Probably because she later translated hers to English. The Greek ones were scattered around."

The southerner nodded and rolled up the scroll she was glancing over. "These Greek ones are her later ones. Her perspective iz different."

"How are those different?"

The translator turned to Cliona. "They’re different ‘cause Gabrielle wuz uh bard then later on she wuz uh warrior."

Ashley furrowed her eyebrows. "If she became a warrior later on then why was she still writing?"

Janice grinned to her third in command. "Because she was a warrior-bard."

"And a Queen." That was Starling.

"The Chosen too." Cliona smirked and crossed her arms against her chest.

"Also Xena’s soulmate." Melinda silent shifted over to the group again.

Janice lifted her eyes to her partner. She smiled warmly about what Mel said.

The belle winked and returned the smile.

Now the other five Amazons came pilling into the room.

"So what did you think of that room Nes?" The Queen turned towards her weapons master.

"Glorious." Hellenas Kallen grinned and crossed her arms against her chest. "I can’t wait to test them all out."

The archeologist chuckled and rolled the scroll back up, carefully she slipped it into its home again.

"So what’s the plan now?" Starling was gazing at her Queen intently.

Janice shrugged her shoulders. "Any suggestions?" She glanced around at her Amazons.

Nobody said anything because they were still awe struck by everything.

"Well…" The Queen laughed to herself and took her hat off. "We need a plan."

"How ‘bout we get dat door secured?" Pappas put her hands on her hips. "And make sure nothing ain’t gonna fall over it."

"Yeah, good idea."

"What about all the scrolls Janice?" Clan Ephiny raised an eyebrow.

"I do not want them removed from here." The archeologist looked seriously at all her Amazons. "They should stay untouched today." She sighed. "Tomorrow we’ll start glancing over them and get an idea about what they contain."

The Amazons nodded together.

"And the… gold room?" Sylvia arched an eyebrow.

"Leave it, along with the weapon room." Janice crossed an arm over her stomach. "We’ll figure out what to do with that later."

"I think we’re suppose to buy the Amazon lands with that money."

The Queen shook her head at Starling. "Let’s not worry about that right now. Let’s worry about what these scrolls have." She smiled warmly to her Amazons. "Then we’ll figure out what to do with everything."

The women nodded together.

"Are we going to read over Gabrielle’s scrolls tomorrow too?" Emily glanced around the room. "There’s a lot of them."

"No." The archeologist gazed around herself then back to the doctor. "Tomorrow the Amazon first." She grinned. "The next day the Chosen."

Everybody chuckled with warm smiles. They were all to excited about this discovery.

Melinda stepped closer to her partner. "Let’s get out of ‘ere for duh rest of duh afternoon."

The Amazons compiled and began to shift out of the room, down the corridor to the scroll room, and to the steps. One by one each person went up.

Janice stood on the floor glancing around in the large room at the scrolls, she sighed with a smile. "Amazing."

Mel stood on the first step scanning the room, she lowered her eyes to her partner. "Ain’t it?" She reached under her arm to extract her gold mask. "I wonder whose masks were these?"

The smaller woman did the same, pulling her mask out staring at it. "Xena and Gabrielle’s."

Melinda Pappas grinned to her soulmate. "You mean ours."

Janice Covington lifted her eyes up with a knowing look. "Exactly." She turned towards the steps. "Let’s go."

The southerner began to climb the steps to the top.

Janice quickly followed behind.


Mel shifted to the fire with Hellanes, they were both cooking for the big group.

The rest of that group was relaxing around the table. It was early evening for them after having covered and secured the entrance to the tomb. Everybody was ecstatic about the find, they couldn’t sit still or stop yacking.

"We have to read that scroll at the top first."

Janice chuckled at Emily. "I agree." She cross her legs at the ankles under the table. "I am dying to know what it says."

Cliona smirked to her friends. "It probably says how perfect the Amazon is."

Laughs filled the room.

Radclyffe shook her head with a small grin. "No, that scroll will probably tell what the Amazon means."

"Not just mean Rad." Constance took a deep breath, relaxing herself. "But tell the destiny of the Amazon." She smiled to her friends. "That’s the way of the Amazon, the destiny."

Ashley shook herself with a quietly laugh. "God, I am excited. We can’t go in there now?"

"Nnno." Starling gazed to her third in command. "You can wait."

"No I can’t." The copilot laughed. "It’s all I can think about."

The princess studied her partner with a grin. "I’ll keep you busy tonight."

The third in command raised an eyebrow at Cliona. "I’m in for it now."

Cliona Smith snickered evilly.

"You know what will be interesting?" The second in command glimpsed around. "Are Gabrielle’s scrolls."

"Definitely." Janice moved her head in agreement. "Now we have all of them."

Emily shot a grin over to the archeologist. "I guess this means we’ll find out how Gabrielle got her hair cut short."

The Queen chuckled. "It will… and so much more."

The southerner turned around to the group. "And you better not cut yo hair Janice." A grin was over her lips.

The archeologist smirked down to her lover. "Hey, you never know."

Melinda ran her tongue across the back of her molars. "Don’t go there love." She turned back to the cooking with Hellanes.

The group was snicker at the translator’s words and the whip she pulled out on Janice.

The Queen still had an evil smirk. "Hey Mel, want me to start wearing skimpy clothes?"

The room was filled with laughs again.

Mel slowly turned back around and locked her eyes with Janice. Her voice came out in a purr saying, "Only if I can."

Janice’s eyes went wide and she felt herself blush. "Right." Her eyes narrowed with a grin. "You’re on."

The room still held those laughs with people all feeling the warmth too.

"Good." The tall dark southerner winked and her expression with nothing but evilness. She turned back to her cooking in innocence.

The archeologist shook her head and gazed back to the group. "Well… any other comments around here?"

"I’m ready to go back into the tomb."

Starling turned to the good doctor. "We know." She gave a smirk. "How about we lock you in there tonight?"

"Sounds good to me." Emily mirrored the smirk back.

The regent narrowed her eyes. "Watch it Amazon."

"Yes regent."

Constance held back a yawn and slumped in her seat. "Who here is still tired from that flight?"

"Not me."

"Nobody asked you Sylvia." Starling faced her second in command. "You weren’t even on the flight."

Sylvia Carter snickered.

Radclyffe smirked down to the second in command. "No, I have a feeling she was ordering Hellanes around."

Carter’s jaw dropped in utter upset. "I did no such thing."

"Hell!" The weapons master whirled around from the kitchen counter holding knife. "You are worse then Starling about orders." She shook the knife in the second in command’s direction.

Clan Solari shook her head and held her hands up. "Watch it with that knife Nes. You’re dangerous with those things."

The weapons master’s face was covered with a grin. She stepped up to the table the knife still in hand. "Well… admit your inane words."

The second in command shook her head. "I don’t know what you’re talking about." She had a bad grin on her lips.

Hellanes raised an eyebrow.

Laughing, Sylvia told the truth. "Okay maybe I gave a few orders."

"Pfft." The weapons master turned around to go back to her cooking. "Kiss my bon-bon Sylvia. A few, right."

Janice intently looked to her second in command. "Did my second in command act like the Queen around here?"

Carter laughed and turned her attention to Janice. "Maybe a little."

The Queen arched an eyebrow. "Well I know who will be digging holes in the forest tonight."

"Oh hell." Sylvia sighed with a grin. "I’ll get you Nes."

The weapons master slash cook snickered.

The women all continued to enjoy the evening. Radclyffe only being called Raddy once that night and she’d taken easy to it. She would try and relax while shifting out of her uptight attitude.

Overall the night was perfect. They enjoyed themselves and the time together. It was the most perfect group of Amazons ever.

~*Part 7*~

Janice filled her chest with fresh air, she could feel the breeze brush by her. Her eyes were closed and her body relaxed into Mel’s. Then she noticed something, which made her wrinkle her eyebrows together. She could feel the breeze caress her stomach. Slowly her eyes opened in the sunlight barren grass field. She stared at the scene, she wasn’t in Greece anymore. Her eyes lowered to her stomach and she saw her stomach bare. Her eyes widen and she held her arms out, she wore silver bracelets. "What the hell?" Janice leapt up from Mel’s arms. "Oh my god!"

Mel’s eyes flew open and glanced up to her soulmate. "Janice?"

Janice Covington held her arms out and looked up and down her length. She wore boots with sais, a deep orange-red skirt with a leather belt. Around her chest was a maroon leather top. "How’d I get into these?"

"I… ain’t sure." Mel began to stand up. "Why iz yo hair short and blond Janice?"

Janice lifted her small hands to her hair to find it short. She pulled down a bang and saw how it was sun blond. "What the hell?" Her eyes lifted to her partner. "Mel… w-why are you wearing Xena’s clothes?"

Melinda took to notice of her clothes and looked at her own length. "I reckon… I don’t know." She lifted her head back up. "But it feels… normal."

Janice shook her head and kept staring at her soulmate, she looked exactly like the warrior. "Mel, what’s going on?"

"I don’t know." The tall woman took a step up to Janice and placed her hands on her partner’s shoulders.

"Mel… this isn’t right." Janice peered up onto her soulmates eyes and quietly whispered out, "What’s going on?" She now noticed that Mel’s eyes were no longer light but held power to them.

"I am here Janice, it is okay." The tall woman squeezed the other woman’s shoulders.

Covington stared up with confused eyes and suddenly an energy spilled over her. She shut her eyes and fell into the other female. "Oh god, what’s happening?"

"It’s okay Janice. Just let go." Her voice was hardier then normal. "Let go, you’ll be safe."

The small woman sucked in a deep breath and lifted her head to the taller female. She gave a warm smile. "Gods, I missed this Xena."

Xena’s lips reflected that same smile. "Me too." She lowered her head to kiss her Soulmate deeply.

The small female went with the kiss and deepened it with her right hand going behind Xena’s head. She pulled back with her same smile. "I love you Xena."

"I love you too Gabrielle." Xena kissed the top of her Soulmate’s head. "Glad you made it."

"Me too." Gabrielle took a long breath and grasped Xena’s right hand. "I didn’t think Janice was going to accept me."

"Nah, I knew Janice would."

"Mmm thankfully she did." Gabrielle stepped lowered her gaze. "She’s proud of me." Her eyes lifted with happiness in them.

Xena smiled with love. "I know. She would come around eventually." She quietly chuckled. "You’ll have a deep bond with her then I will with Mel."

"Maybe." Gabrielle sighed. "Now we can help bring back my Amazons." She gave an evil grin. "I can’t wait."

"Gabrielle, remember we can’t take Mel and Janice’s body." Xena wrapped her arms around her Soulmate. "We can’t destroy them."

"I know, they’re us but just with…"

"A southern and archeological twist huh?"

Gabrielle quietly laughed. "Exactly." She smiled with a nod. "It’ll be nice to help them fight the darkness."

"Yes it will be." Xena glanced past her Soulmate to the barren grass field then back. "They’ll be different too."

"Very." Gabrielle sadly sigh. "I almost regret to change them."

"They want it that way otherwise they wouldn’t have accepted us."

"Accepted their soul." Gabrielle grinned up to her Soulmate.


The Soulmates leaned in to deeply kiss each other, their eyes closing.

"Oh my god!" The archeologist sat up in the bed from the translator’s arms.

Mel quickly shot up too while breathing heavy. She ran her right hand through her wet bangs in the dark room. "What was that?"

The Queen turned her head to her partner. "I don’t know… but that was a hell of a dream Mel."

"It certainly was." The southerner ran her right hand through her hair.



"What happened to your accent?" Janice turned fully to her partner.

The translator faced Janice. "I don’t know. But why is your voice lighter?"

Janice dropped her eyes and laughed with her right hand going behind her neck. "I don’t know. Your voice definitely is deeper." Her eyes peaked up and her hand fell down to her lap.

"Janice… they’re inside of us."

The small woman kept her eyes down studying the blanket. She took a deep breath. "No, they’ve always been in us. We just accepted them."

"Yes we did." Mel smiled warmly and lifted her right hand to her partner’s cheek. "How you feel?"

"Truthfully?" The archeologist locked eyes with the other woman. "Perfect."

"Me too." The southerner’s lips took on a grin. Her eyes were a deep rich blue containing power. "I love you Janice."

"I love you too Mel." The Queen’s face lit up with a loving smile. Her eyes were a soften green now, not the normal brisk green.

Melinda leaned into capture her Soulmate’s lips in a long kiss.

Janice disappeared into her Soulmate’s promising kiss.


Starling stretched her arms in front of her body and dropped them to her sides. "Well, who’s ready to get on those scrolls?"

All the Amazons peeked up at hearing the regent enter into the main room of the hut.

"I definitely am." Emily stood up with her grin. "See you all there." She quickly exited out of the hut.

The regent quickly turned her head to her second in command. "Where’s Janice and Mel?"

Sylvia shrugged her shoulders. "They haven’t came out of their room yet."

Miller arched an eyebrow. "This could be… bad."

Suddenly there was a huge boom from down the corridor where the rooms were.

All the Amazon froze in spot for they only knew of only two people who could be doing that.

The following sound was a long sensual moaning flowing down the hall to the main room.

The Amazons blushed to their roots.

Radclyffe quickly stood up. "Well, I think I’ll be joining Emily."

"Same here." Constance stood up and powered walked out the door with the council member.

"Mel…" It was certainly Janice’s voice floating through the air that held need.

Ashley stood in a flash, she was bright red. "I’ll see you all at the dig." She scrambled out of the hut.

Cliona coughed. "I think I’ll make sure my copilot is fine." The princess heard another moan drift from the Queen’s room. "Definitely." She busted through door after the third in command.

Hellenas stood up as Sylivia did. "As much as I enjoy a leisure morning, this wasn’t what I had planned." She walked over to the door opening it. "See you two down there." The weapons master was caught in mid stride at hearing a small boom from the Soulmate’s room. "God save us all." She left the hut.

Janice fell back onto the bed laughing. "Oh god this is to funny."

Melinda crossed her arms against her chest as she leaned against the door to their room. "We seem to be... scaring them off."

The archeologist sat up and ran her hand through her strawberry blond hair. "Yeah but there’s two people left in the hut."

The translator nodded. "That’s what I counted too." She slipped her hands into her pants’ pockets. "Your turn, I did the last moan."

Sylvia stepped up to her regent’s side. She opened her mouth but paused listening to a throaty moan filled the air. "Well… sounds like they’re having a good morning."

Starling faintly nodded, her eyes still pinned down the corridor. Now a grin played on her lips while she turned her head her second in command. "How long do you think we can take it?" She hadn’t really meant it to be heard but it sort of slipped.

Sylvia Carter raised an eyebrow and glanced down to the corridor. "Not long."

Miller gave an internal sigh at knowing her friend responded well with that. "I figured."

Sylvia turned back to her regent. "How long are you going to last is the real question?" A moan filled the air again with a small pounding sound.

Starling gradually lifted an eyebrow. "How long are you is the important question?"

"Not very long."

"Mmm, I know." The regent lifted her right hand to Sylvia’s cheek. "How you feel?"

"Very nervous." Sylvia quietly laughed and gave a shy smile. "Not the norm for the forties."

"What is normal today with those two?" The regent nodded her head down towards the corridor.

"Not much then." Clan Solari gave out a grin.

Clan Ephiny quietly laughed and heard another moan while her fingertips glided across Sylvia’s warm lips. She closed her eyes and leaned in towards her friend.

The second in command sucked in a breath while closing her eyes and she felt warm lips claim hers. When she opened her eyes she heard a low yell of pleasure down from the rooms. "Okay that’s our cue to go."

Starling laughed and nodded. "Agreed, let’s exit stage left." She stepped back from Sylvia knowing she needed space.

The two women quickly moved to the wood door and left the hut in a hurry.

Mel opened up the door a crack and glanced down the hall, she saw nobody. She silently closed the door and gazed back to her Soulmate. "They’re all gone."

Janice stood up from the bed. "Good, glad that idea worked."

"You’re evil Janice."

"Mmm I know." The archeologist ambled up to her partner. "But you started the whole thing."

"And how you figure?" Melinda brought her arms over her chest.

"You kissed me passionately."

The translator’s mouth dropped. "I did no such thing Doctor Covington."

"Right." The Queen pressed her small-framed body against her companion’s. "And I am Gabrielle."

"Hi Gabrielle." The tall woman’s eyes twinkled with mischief.

Janice opened her mouth to protest but one didn’t leave her lips. "Damn it." She grinned up to her partner.

"See, you’re trying to put the blame on me when you could have ignored that kiss."

"Right." The archeologist pressed her hands against the other woman’s warm stomach. "You tell me if you can ignore this?" Reaching up, she pulled down Mel’s head to capture her lips. Janice made the kiss deep and long while trying to pull Mel towards her.

The translator lifted her head up while a grin spread across her lips. "Maybe that is a little hard to ignore."

Janice snickered. "Well… if you don’t want to…" She turned away and started walking closer to the bed. "Spend time… together while we have the hut empty… that’s fine with me." She halfway turned around. "I can ignore that kiss from earlier."

The taller woman glided across the room to stand at Janice’s side. "Alright, if you want to do that."

The archeologist turned her head towards the other woman. "You couldn’t make it long without me."

"Really?" Mel crossed her arms against her chest.

The Queen faced her Soulmate. "Really."

"Mmm and you could?"

"No." Janice laughed with a sheepish smile. "I couldn’t last long."

"I know." The aristocrat leaned down and took her partner’s lips. "Let’s use this time wisely."

"I’m up for that." The small female’s voice was teasing but her lips were in a smile.

Mel leaned her head forward to Janice’s ear. "Good," was purred from her lips. She slipped her large hands under the leather jacket and pulled it off. Seeing the jacket slide off her partner’s body, she grabbed it and tossed it onto the table.

"Explain to me why we got dressed this morning?" The archeologist’s eyes with ease shut.

"Because that was before I kissed you." Mel’s lips were brushing across her Soulmate’s smooth neck.

Janice shut her eyes. "That’s right." Her body was filling with a burning fire. "Mel."

"I know." The southerner’s hands went to her Soulmate’s shirt and gradually unbutton it.

And within a few minutes the two Soulmates found themselves on the bed and clothes gone. The air of the room was heavy with their breathing.

Mel was on her knees, head dropped back, eyes closed and with her hands in strawberry-blond hair.

Janice however had her mouth sucking on her partner’s right breast and her left hand working Mel’s other breast. She was also on her knees with her right hand holding Mel’s side.

The southerner sucked in a deep breath when those warm lips harshly pulled away from her right breast to go to her left one. Slowly lifting her head back up her eyes forcefully opened and Mel grinned down at the scene of her lover. Her eyes hypnotically closed as Janice’s warm hand went streaking across her stomach to the center of her stomach. Placing her hand under Janice’s chin she lifted her head up.

The archeologist had a half-upset look and half-amused look.

The translator gave a smirk and leaned in to kiss her Soulmate passionately. She could feel her partner trying to take control of everything but she had a plan. So Mel quickly moved her right hand to the other woman’s center and slipped a finger into Janice.

Janice lost the battle and broke the kiss with a deep moan. Her head dropped in between Mel’s breasts at that point.

"Relax for me love." Mel carefully slipped out her finger and shifted her hands to Janice’s sides, pushing her back.

The Queen followed the command and went onto her back into the bed. She’d felt small fires before in her but now things were more intense between her and Mel. For some reason or another but she was not about to question it. She no longer felt small fires but just a wild fire that ripped to her soul and back again. It was overpowering and left her here on this bed breathing heavy lost in blue eyes and a never-ending need.

The southerner leaned forward and took her Soulmate’s lips in pure passion.

Janice easily responded but felt her partner’s hips press against hers. The next thing to happen was Mel straddling her at the hips.

The translator grinned down at her archeologist and lowered her head down to Janice’s. She narrowed her eyes with a twinkle and her voice came out deeply saying, "Ready to soar?"

The small woman couldn’t say a word, her response was her eyes closing. Oh god the ache was going to kill her soon if Mel didn’t satisfy her.

Melinda’s lips shaped into a smile at seeing this, she loved everything about her partner. So she took Janice’s lips again to double the fire’s strength. Her lips then began a decent down the small woman’s body. Stopping first at Janice’s breasts, working them and thrilling Janice’s body and soul.

Following that was the strong stomach, Mel had to followed the ripples of the muscles with her tongue. To add a little spice to it all the southerner was rubbing her legs against Janice’s a few times. But that stopped and she simply gave her Soulmate a push closer to the edge with her knee pressing into the archeologist’s center.

The Queen groaned and shut her eyes tightly, her body screamed into her head for the need. "Oh god."

The tall woman grinned inside at hearing her partner’s low whisper. She slid her tongue down the smooth stomach directly to Janice’s center while spreading her legs back out of the way. Mel easily slipped her tongue between the folds of her Soulmate’s warm and coat center to start her tease.

"Oh my god." The archeologist’s voice was louder now. Her hands were curling around the bed sheet in desperate control. Her eyes were still closed and she pressed her head back down deep into the bed.

Mel made sure the tease was strong with her tongue swirling and surging through Janice’s center but not yet entering. Save the best for last as they say.

The small woman opened her eyes forcefully and lifted her head. "Mel." Her voice held a deep plea. "Please." Her head dropped back with closed eyes and she moved her right hand to her Soulmate’s head. Janice gave an urging command to her lover.

Melinda easily compiled and slipped her tongue inside of her Soulmate.

The archeologist sucked in a deep breath with the arching of her back. Her hands shot up to the bars of the bed above her head. Her grip was strong but sliding due to the sweat on her palms not to mention over her body.

The southerner tasted inside and out of her partner. She also made sure Janice was getting closer and closer to that perfect edge. And when she felt she had Janice where she wanted her, Mel stopped. Her head came back up and she heard the biggest growl from Janice. "Don’t worry." Melinda slipped a finger into Janice. "I’m far from finished."

The metal bars of the bed racked from the sudden jerk.

The Queen was breathing the heaviest now. "Mel!" Her voice boomed through the room. "Mel… please."

"I will," came sexually from the southerner’s voice. She began the solid but slow movement of her finger. Soon she’d add more with a fast pace.

Starling came in first slowly in a seeming timid way.

Sylvia came in next and silently closed the door to the hut. "Wow, it’s quiet now."

The regent shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe they’re asleep."

"No… they would have joined us at the site."

The regent turned her head to the second in command with a high arched eyebrow. "You really believe that?"

"No." Carter quietly laughed and took a deep breath. "Well, you know what they say… it’s always quiet before the storm."

Starling opened her mouth to respond to that one but stopped.

A loud scream erupted through the hut and sounded through and probably into the forest. It was certainly Janice’s voice screaming Mel’s name in pure release of ecstasy.

The regent turned brick red and Sylvia joined her in the deep redness.

Clan Ephiny coughed and looked away. "Well, we better wait for them at the dig site."

"Right." The second in command scrambled to the door and left in a rush.

Starling wasn’t to far behind feeling the air outside cool her body and calm her heart rate. "Damn Soulmates." She laughed while continuing her power walk to the tomb.


Mel was the first to the steps into the tomb, she stood on the level floor by the steps. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Janice come down beside her.

The eight Amazons lifted their heads as they sat on the floor by the lit lamps. They stared directly at the Soulmates.

The southerner crossed her arms against her chest. "Problem y’all?"

The Queen held back the loudest laugh at her partner’s deep voice and hard tone.

The Amazons shook their heads and lowered their heads back to the scrolls they were reading.

The translator turned her head to her companion and winked.

Janice arched an eyebrow but had a warm smile. She reached over and rubbed Mel’s back and walked over to her Amazons.

The southerner followed behind and saw them reading the English scrolls.

Radclyffe lifted her head up. "Glad you two decided to join us."

The Queen raised and eyebrow while her arms went against her chest. "Figured we better Rad. Want to make sure nobody get’s out of control."

The head council member huffed. "That’s the pot calling the kettle."

Janice laughed and gazed over to her regent. "What’s going on?"

Starling gazed up with a smile. "Well since we’ve been waiting for… you both we’ve been skimming over these scrolls."

"And?" Mel placed her hands to her hips. She looked more… dangerous since her hair was down.

Starling shook her had and gave a reply. "It’s all about the Amazons. It’s just perfect." She glanced around and over to the wall and finally to the Soulmates again. "It’s everything about the Amazons right down the smallest of details to how the Amazons slept at night."

Janice quietly laughed. "That’s me… Gabrielle for you." The archeologist dropped her head and shook it from the slip that came past her lips.

The regent had a confused look. "You okay?"

"Yeah." The Queen smiled while noticing her other friend’s staring up with worried looks. "Hate it when that happens."

The women laughed together.

The Queen shifted over to the wall and gazed up to it.

Mel came up beside her Soulmate and studied it all. "Has anybody read the top scroll?"

"No." Sylvia lifted her eyes to it. "We didn’t want to touch it without the Queen’s permission."

"Good thinking." The Queen winked to her second in command but shifted her attention to the scroll again. "Think we can get it?"

Mel nodded. "Sure, let me get it." She stepped up to the wall, carefully she extracted the scrolls in two columns till it reach above her height. The scrolls she deposited into Janice’s arms. Then with the greatest ease the tall woman placed her boots into the scroll sockets and climbed up the wall.

All the women’s eyes were on the tall dark southerner that scaled the tall wall side.

"Mel be careful."

Melinda reached up and grasped the scroll at the very top under the declaration that read The Amazon Destiny. She pulled the scroll out and lowered her arm down with it to her Soulmate. "Here you go."

Janice fumbled with the scrolls she had to try and get the handed scroll.

Ashley quickly stood and took the scrolls from Janice. "Go ahead my Queen."

The archeologist sighed at her third in command and reached up to take the scroll from her partner. She carefully tucked it under her arm. Next Janice moved towards the scroll wall to watch her translator come down with perfection. "You’re good."

"I know." Mel spun around and turned her head to Clan Teresa. "Here." She reached forward taking the scrolls and putting them back into their homes.

After that, Janice was unrolling the scroll she had and glancing over it.

The belle did the same, skimming it.

"What’s it say?" Cliona stared up in wonderment.

The Queen lifted her head up with the rim of her hat darkening her eyes. "How about I read it to y’all later this afternoon." Her eyes flickered over to Starling. "Right now I want to talk to Starling… alone."

The regent’s head sharply lifted. "What I do now?"

Sylvia snickered and stood. "The regent is in trouble."

The Amazons laughed and began to stand together. They went about placing the scrolls they had back into their rightful homes.

"That’s real rich second in command."

The second in command was standing near the steps, hand resting against the cool tomb wall. "Well… I’ll see you by the tree behind the hut at three." She winked and laughed at her friend’s shocked expression. "Bye… Star." Sylvia rushed up the steps to follow her friends.

Mel turned her head to Starling. "Neglecting to tell us something… Star?"

The regent lifted her red face. "Um… no not really." She sheepishly smiled.

"Uh huh." Janice sat down facing her regent.

The southerner bushed a lantern out of the way with her boot tip and sat beside her Soulmate.

"Did anybody noticing something… odd about Mel?" Ashley glanced around to her friends while they slowly walked back to the hut.

"Yeah." Cliona grinned. "But I think it’s both of them."

The grouped laughed loudly together.

"They’ve changed, that’s for sure." That was Hellanes.

"Not just that." Emily glanced around. "But Mel lost her accent. Didn’t y’all notice that?"

Cliona quietly laughed. "After what Janice probably did to her, I’d lose my accent too."

"Mmm, wasn’t Janice." Sylvia devilishly grinned.

The princess arched an eyebrow at the second in command. "And how would you know?"

Sylvia Carter looked away as her body went up in a notch of heat. "Trust me, I heard… from the birds."

The women laughed simultaneously and walked to the front of the hut.

"Either way." Constance glanced around between the women. "They’re happy… and getting happier."

Radclyffe’s lips slipped into a warm smile. "Even I have to admit it’s perfect to seem them like that."

Cliona let everybody in except for the council member, she stood in the doorway. "Somebody write that down! Raddy just said something nice."

Clan Masika growled low and shoved the princess into the hut. "Move it youngen."

The pilot laughed as she straightened back up from being pushed into the hut.

"What we going to do with all these scrolls?"

Janice sighed and thought for a moment before responding to her regent. She leaned back with her hands going behind resting on the cold floor.

Mel glanced over to her partner but back to Starling. "We should leave them here."

The regent nodded in agreement and turned her head to Janice.

The Queen sat up straight and gave her answer. "Mel’s right." She glanced around in the tomb. "We’ll leave all the scrolls here." She took a deep breath. "No, I lied… Mel and I will take Gabrielle’s Greek scrolls back to Columbia."

"Good idea." The translator gave a small smile. "We’ll need something for Doctor Johnson to show we didn’t go on vacation in Greece."

The regent quietly laughed. "And the rest of the scrolls we’ll leave here?" She paused while taking a deep breath. "You don’t think that’s risky?"

"Why?" The archeologist shrugged her shoulders. "This tomb is in the middle of no where and nobody knows what’s going on." Her lips formed into a grin. "We’ll be fine… besides you, Hellanes, and Sylvia will be here to guard it."

Starling shook her head with a grin. "Thanks." But her serious look took over. "What about the money?"

"We’ll use it." Janice reached up to remove her hat to place it in her lap. "Gabrielle’s purpose with that was to buy back the ancient Amazon lands."

"We can’t possible buy back all the lands Janice?" Clan Ephiny shook her head. "That’s to much land and to much money being waved around."

Melinda grinned with her arms going against her chest. "You just gotta know how to wave money around right Starling."

The regent quickly raised an eyebrow. "And I am taking it you’ll be the treasury of the Amazons?"

The southerner laughed but gave a sly grin. "Of course, I do have numerous accountants."

Starling gave her own grin.

"Look, we can not use all that money just on buying land and building on it." The archeologist caught the attention of her Soulmate and friend. "We need to use some of that money on the Amazons personally. If we so much as find an Amazon needing money then we’ll use that money to help."

The regent nodded. "I agree. There definitely are Amazons in finical debt."

"I know." Janice lowered her eyes.

"What about the Amazon Scrolls?" Starling tried to change the subject.

"No Amazon knows everything about the Amazons?" Janice lifted her head up.

"No." Starling shook her head. "Rad knows the most out of anybody and even her knowledge is small." Her amber eyes raised up to the Amazon Scrolls in the wall. "What are we going to do?"

"We should publish the scrolls."

The Queen turned her head at Mel. "I like that." She had a warm smile. "Definitely Mel, if we take all these scrolls…." Now Janice looked up to the scrolls. "And have them published in a book for every Amazon, it would be perfect." Her eyes averted back. "Make them a tradition like the Amazon books in each clan."

"That would be perfect." The regent brightened up to this idea. "It would be amazing."

A chuckle left Janice. "The Amazing Amazon." However she went serious now. "The weapons should be left in that room… we’ll figure out what to do with them later."

"Okay I agree…" Starling soon was handing over a grin. "But I am not sure if I’ll be able to keep Nes away from them."

The archeologist laughed with a smile. "Don’t worry, somebody needs to learn how to use them." She winked and grasped her hat and put it on. "Let’s head to the hut. We’ll figure the rest of this later."

"Alright." Starling stood up with her lamp.

The Soulmates did the same and Janice also carried the scroll from earlier. The three women left the tomb and closed the hatch while covering it with a tarp. Soon after they found themselves inside with the rest of the women in the midday.

The Queen soon found herself sitting around with her Amazons reading the scroll titled The Amazon Destiny. Her voice was reading the scroll aloud in a tale of seeming power. Each Amazon was lost into Janice’s voice and her tone. Everybody could feel the convictions of Janice’s words as she read the scroll as if she was giving them a dream. The scroll the Queen read only spoke of destiny.

Janice smiled as she kept reading aloud, her eyes pinned down on the scroll. "Each Amazon Nation was created for the same reason. I do not care whether my Amazon knows the ways of fishing, knows trade, or how to fight. I do not care if my Amazon comes from the north, south, west, east, or Chin. I do not care if my Amazon is a priestess or a shamanness. I do not care because that is not what makes an Amazon. What makes an Amazon is trueness of heart, of love for another, and selflessness. We are no longer broken fragments of what was, we are so much more. We are not just tribes of women, warriors, fighters, farmers, traders, priestesses, Queens, archers, and fishermen. We are a family. We are a family of sisters, mothers, and daughters. And there is no other such Nation in this world like ours. That is the difference of our Nation. That is what makes this Nation so special."

Janice paused for she knew the rest of the scroll and she read it from her soul’s past. Her eyes lifted to her Amazons around the table and she spoke the rest while gazing between her Amazons. "I am the Queen and I am your chosen. I will tell you the destiny of the Amazons. Tell you the Amazon Destiny. I promise to this new Nation, to the old Nations, the first Nation, our ancestors, and to Artemis that I will not let this new Nation rest asunder. We will not rest asunder. This new Nation all of us will establish. This new Nation will last for all time."

Now a powerful smile took over Janice’s lips. "This is a new age for the Amazons. The sun set on the Amazons so long ago. We have survived the night and waited for the light. The dawning of a new era has shined over the Amazons. And the night may fall upon the Amazons someday when I am gone. But I will come back to bring my Amazons out of the night and into the rising sun's light. Time will never bring about the death of the Amazon."

Janice stopped and rolled the scroll up carefully, she took a deep breath and finished the remains that was written on the scroll. "Amazons. Women. Nation. Warriors. Family. These are the things we are. And something trivial as time will never destroy us as it tried for so long. The only thing that now remains is for all of us to become as one. To forget about what Nation we came from, for it does not matter here. Now we must stand together and embrace the Amazon Destiny!" She lifted the scroll and at the center was a stamp of a gold bird and she pressed her lips against it. Cautiously the scroll was on the table waiting to be heard again.

There was a time of silence now for everybody took in the words spoken by Janice.

"Amen to that!" Cliona smiled and stood up with her head bowed.

Starling soon found herself standing up with her head low.

Next came Emily with Constance both standing and bowing heads.

Ashley stood up with Sylvia and Hellanes.

Radclyffe glanced around with a stern look, her head bobbed up and down at seeing the demonstration. Without warning a warm smile creased her lips and she stood up ever so slowly. Her hands grasped the wood of the table and she bowed her head to Janice.

The Queen felt herself faintly blushed and she reached over to grasp Mel’s nearest hand in a tight embrace.

Mel faced her Soulmate and leaned towards her with her right hand brushing Janice’s cheek.

The archeologist shut her eyes when the contact of Mel was on her lips.

The kiss was long between the chosen as the Amazons looked on with warm smiles.

When Janice pulled back she was lost into her Soulmate’s eyes.

Starling crossed her arms against her chest and let a grin slip in. "The Amazing Amazon."

The women broke out laughing together.


Well, the rest of that day had been relaxing. Janice deciding everybody should have a day off after the digging from the past days. The Amazons smiled in reaction to the proclamation and went about doing their own things for the afternoon. By the evening everybody met up for dinner and afterwards they went to bed early, not sure what tomorrow would bring.

But by early evening Janice and Mel were in their room together. Janice was on the bed, back against the wood headboard. Mel however sat in the center of the bed facing her partner. There the two women talked about the plans.

"Janice, this is going to be a lot on our plates."

"I know." The archeologist sighed while lowering her eyes. "But I… can’t turn my back on them."

Mel reached out with a smile. "I know." She squeezed her Soulmate’s hand. "Nor can I." She gave her own sigh. "But it is going to be a lot of work."

"It will be but it will be worth it Mel."

"It will." The southerner nodded and let her thumb run against her friend’s fingers. "We’re going to have to figure out how to fit the Amazons in with our research on Xena and Gabrielle."

The small woman sighed and stared at their laced hands. "They… kind of go hand in hand." Her emerald eyes lifted up to Mel.

"True." The translator nodded in agreement. "What about the Amazons’ purpose?"

Janice slowly raised an eyebrow at her partner. "What you mean? Mel, we know the purpose of the Amazons."

"I know… but what will the Amazons do in the forties?" The southerner shook her head. "We can’t help build them if we don’t know why."

Janice quickly grasped both of her Soulmate’s hands and held them tightly. "Mel, tell me right here and now that you don’t know why we’re doing this… that you don’t understand." She paused for a moment. "Tell me you don’t know why."

Melinda let a smile crease her lips. "I know why… just a real big family to bring together."

The Queen quietly laughed. "Understatement." She leaned back against the headboard again and thought for a moment. "We should have a meeting tomorrow."

"I agree." The translator gave a nod and relaxed herself. "Truly Janice, we should head back to Columbia soon."

"Yeah, I’m sure Doctor Johnson will get overly nosey if we don’t arrive soon."

"He will." Mel however let a grin come over her face. "Soon we’ll be on our own."

The archeologist laughed. "I can’t wait, no more of the University’s so-called help."

The southerner narrowed her eyes faintly. "That was my daddy’s University."

"Was." Janice released her Soulmate’s hands and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Still is."

"No…" The Queen shook her head with a small grin. "Maybe if you ran the show it would be different."

"Are you suggesting something Janice?"

The small woman shrugged her shoulders. "Nope." She hopped out of the bed with her partner’s curious eyes on her. "I am going to go tell everybody that tomorrow we have a meeting about the plans for the Amazons."

Clan Xena stood up off the bed and came up near her partner. "I’ll help."

"Thanks." Janice smiled up as she felt warm hands fall to her hips.

"Ssso, what do mean by ‘if you ran the show it would be different?’ I couldn’t be the dean Janice."

"Never say never Mel… we both know that." Janice’s lips now took on a devilish grin. "Besides your name is only Pappas."

Mel laughed and lowered her head against her partner’s. "Well… Doctor Johnson is… close to retirement."

"Very close." Janice pressed her lips against her Soulmate’s lightly. "Maybe a year."

"In that year we could will have the Amazon organized."

"Hopefully." The archeologist circled her arms around her partner. "Melinda Pappas the Dean of University of South Carolina… nice ring to it."

The tall woman now had a grin. "Very nice ring." She took Janice’s lips into a long kiss.

Janice disappeared into the kiss and almost forgot her mission. "Mel… the meeting."

Melinda quietly laughed and released her partner. "You take the right side of the hall, I have the left."

"Sounds like a plan." The archeologist left the room with Mel behind her.

The pair split up going to each room telling those Amazons that there was a meeting tomorrow morning on the plans for the Amazons. Each Amazon seemed excited about this new information. After this, the Soulmates went to their room again. There soon Janice was giving Mel the same treat she’d receive that morning. It was grand and only left the translator without any breath and a pounding heart. Her soul was filled for a time till its need would take her all over again.

~*Concluded in Section 4*~

The Athenaeum's Scroll Archive