~ Little Bard ~
by Stardawn

Disclaimer: See Chapter 1

Little Bard: Chapter 13


Gabrielle shifted, mumbling a bit as she opened her eyes. She couldn't help the grin as they slowly traveled up a leather clad body, before settling in a sea of deep blue.

"Morning Gabrielle," Xena's rich voice greeted her.

Gabrielle smile widened, her cheeks slightly blushing. "Morning." Her brow then furrowed in concern. "What's wrong? I never get to wake up next to you. You feeling ok?"

"Nothing's wrong," Xena chuckled. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok."

Gabrielle wrinkled her nose. "I'm fine."

"Glad to hear it," Xena smiled and rewarded the bard with a quick kiss to the top of her head. "How much more writing do you have to do?"

"Ah, it's hard to say, so much has happened in the last few days, it's been a challenge getting it all down," Gabrielle explained as she sat up and stretched. "Besides, you can't rush creative genius you know."

Xena snorted a laugh. "Bet ya I can."

"If anyone can, you can," Gabrielle teased. On a sudden impulse, she then stuck out her tongue and took off in a peal of laugher, just missing a playful swipe from the warrior.

Xena shook her head and beckoned the bard closer with a single finger.

Gabrielle complied, stopping just out of the warrior's reach. "You needed something?" she asked innocently.

"Yes," Xena started as she jumped up, and faster than lightening, grabbed the little bard's wrist. Before Gabrielle knew what was happening Xena had pulled her into a tight embrace. "I needed you," Xena concluded.

The little bard smiled, returning the embrace. "I need you too, Xena."

Pulling back slightly, so she could see Gabrielle's face, Xena asked, "And you are sure you are ok? I want you, no I need you, to talk to me."

"About what, yesterday? I'd tell you how sorry I am again, but I know how you hate that."

"Maybe I should apologize to you then."

"Why would you need to apologize to me?"

"For my actions yesterday," Xena stressed. "This whole mess we are in started because I wasn't treating you like an adult, and then I overstepped my bounds and did exactly what I've been accused of. I'm sorry Gabrielle, I shouldn't have spanked you."

Gabrielle wrinkled her nose, her hand absently touching her backside. After a moment, she grabbed Xena's hand and encouraged her to sit back down on the bed. She then climbed up next to her, kneeling on the bed, so she'd be at eye level with the taller woman.

"I want to tell you something, Xena. When I was little," she paused rolling her eyes at the irony, "The first time, I was little, I got my share of spankings. You might say that I was a little more outspoken and defiant then most of my peers. I'd get these ideas in my head… and well it was usually downhill from there." Gabrielle paused, giving 'the look,' to a smirking Warrior Princess. "Don't even say it, warrior," she threatened.

Xena feigned innocence, and wisely choose not to respond, as the bard sat back on her heels and continued her story. "Anyways, most of the time, I didn't feel like my parents were really justified. They seemed more interested in controlling me, or saving face with the community, when really I felt they should have been supporting me."

"I'm sorry you felt that way, Gabrielle, I had no idea."

Gabrielle shrugged. "It's in the past, and I'm sure they were doing what they thought was right at the time. Little did they know they were raising a future Amazon Queen," Gabrielle winked. "But there were times when I'd do something really stupid, or dangerous, or like last night, really hurt someone I loved." Gabrielle paused again, suddenly looking down. "At times like that I deserved every lick I got."


"Xena," Gabrielle interrupted as green met blue again. "I can understand if last night upset you. Trust me it wasn't pleasant for me either, but please don't apologize for calling me out. Please don't apologize for taking the time to correct me, or to care for me, and please don't apologize for loving me. I don't think I could stand it if you did."

The last words were barely audible, and Xena frowned as the bard's eyes again looked downward. "But, I hurt you. I physically hurt you…" Xena argued her words trailing off as the bard shook her head.

"Yeah, it hurt. I didn't fake those tears, or the unpleasantness of that hard chair," Gabrielle explained, squirming a bit at the memory, "but you know what hurt worse? Knowing that I hurt you. I violated your trust, and damaged our friendship."

"Gabrielle," Xena said as she reached out and tucked a bit of hair behind the little bard's ear. "It's ok. I know you didn't do it out of spite or to be mean. You're going through a hard time right now. I shouldn't have used your situation against you."

Gabrielle sighed. "Xena, if I weren't little right now and if I acted like I did last night, what would have happened?"

"We probably would have had a fight. I would have left and ended up sleeping with Argo."

"If you would have slept at all, I probably wouldn't have," Gabrielle added. "So instead, I get to wake up in your arms and we had the chance to talk about this."

"Well yes, but..."

"But?" Gabrielle interrupted shaking her head. "No buts, Xena. Well… never mind," Gabrielle half joked. "When I was little, after Mother or Father made their point, I always knew that it was over. Whatever indiscretion I made was then forgotten, and things were always ok between us again. I knew that I was forgiven, and we could move on. Can we do that Xena, can we move on?"

"That depends; do you think you can forgive me, Gabrielle?"

"If there was anything…" Gabrielle paused, catching a look from the warrior. The little bard rose to her knees once again and laid a gentle kiss on the warrior's cheek. "Yes, I forgive you, Xena."

Xena smiled. "I forgive you too."

Gabrielle shook her head. "No, you can't."

"What? Why?"

It was then Gabrielle's turn to smile. "Cuz my punishment isn't over yet," Gabrielle teased, sticking out her tongue once again.

"Why you little," Xena started as she made a swipe at the little bard, just missing her backside as she flew away from the bed. "You just get yourself back on that chair, little miss," Xena mockingly scolded.

"Yes ma'am," Gabrielle mock saluted, before climbing back onto her chair.

Xena pushed herself off the bed, and made her way over to the table. She bent over and kissed the little bard on the top of her head. Gabrielle looked up at her and smiled.

"I want to go check on Darnan and pick up some supplies. Will you be ok here for a little while?"

"Yes, I'll probably need a couple of hours to finish this anyways," Gabrielle agreed, picking up an apple off the tray that was left over from last night. "This should tide me over."

Xena nodded. "If you finish before I get back, please don't leave the inn, oh and Gabrielle?"


"If you ever call me ma'am again, I'll skin ya alive." Gabrielle wrinkled her nose at the threat, but Xena smiled showing the bard that she's wasn't serious and was just pulling her leg. "Behave, and I'll be back soon," Xena continued, ruffling Gabrielle's hair playfully.

"I will," the little bard nodded, dodging the warrior's hand. With a grin, she then turned her attention back to her scroll. Xena waited a moment for the faint scratches of the quill on parchment before she donned her armor and weapons, and finally left Gabrielle to finish her writing.


Gabrielle was so engrossed in her writing that Xena surprised her when she returned. Turning to greet the warrior she was even more surprised to see what Xena had in her hand. When Xena's didn't say anything right away, her curiosity got the best of her. She rose up on her knees, as she turned all the way around on the chair, and crossing her arms across the back.

"What is that for, Xena?"

A single dark eyebrow rose. "Are you done writing?"


"Then what's your butt doing off that chair?"

Gabrielle's eyes suddenly got wide as she spun back around, and firmly planted her backside back on the seat of the chair. The little bard closed her eyes tightly, her heart suddenly beating rapidly in her chest.

"Come here, Gabrielle."

The little bard swallowed, and took a deep breath before she got up and shuffled over to the warrior. "Xena, I…" she started before getting cut off by chuckle. She looked up, confused by the amusement in the warrior's eyes.

"You need to let it go, Gabrielle," Xena gently scolded. "I forgive you already, you need to let me."

The little bard looked at Xena for a moment, before her attention was again drawn to the object in Xena's hand. "Is that what I think it is?"

Xena nodded. "Sort of, it's actually a broom handle. The width, I think is about right, and I cut it down for height. I know it's not the same as your staff, but it's oak, so it should be strong enough."

Gabrielle smiled, taking the offered pseudo-staff from the warrior. She tested the weight, shifting it slightly in her hands. "I can't believe you did this."

"Yeah, well…so, you want to go test it?" Xena prompted.

"Oh, you bet, warrior!"


"She handles that staff very well," Syrus commented, as he came up from behind Xena. The warrior had been watching Gabrielle go through a series of solo drills, in an attempt to judge just how much of her skill she'd retained.

"Yes," Xena agreed. "She's not ready yet though, still handling it as if she were twice her height. Gonna have to do something about that." Syrus raised an eyebrow and the odd remark, but Xena continued, "We need a little time. Meet at the oak in two hours?"

Getting a nod from the inn-keeper, Xena turned her attention back to the little bard. "Enough, Gabrielle. Let's see what you can do against an opponent." Grabbing Gabrielle's adult-sized staff, Xena crossed over to her. With a nod they began their familiar circling.


"Of course I want to go," Gabrielle responded with true enthusiasm. "It'll be just you and me, just like old times," Gabrielle continued, punching her staff back and forth to illustrate.

Xena frowned. "Not exactly."

Groaning Gabrielle stuck the end of her staff into the dirt, and leaned slightly against it. "What do you mean by that?"

"Gabrielle, I don't want you do get in the middle of a fight. I gave you that staff for defense only, and I plan on keeping it that way."

The little bard narrowed her eyes. "What does that mean, exactly?"

"It means that we can't stay in this village forever, and I want you to be prepared to defend yourself if you need to, but that doesn't mean we need to invite trouble. I am going to bring you with me when we go after the rest of Darnan's gang, but I'm also going to be bringing Syrus and a couple of men from the village. We will find a safe place for you to wait until we secure them," Xena explained.

It was then Gabrielle's turn to frown. "How it that any different from you leaving me here?"

"Would you rather stay here?"

"No… but."

"I'm trying here, Gabrielle," Xena implored. "You need to meet me in the middle, and then we can go from there, ok?"

The bard sighed, "Alright. I guess you're not giving me much of a choice."

"Ah, that is where you are wrong, my bard. There are always choices. Let's just make sure we make good ones."

Gabrielle wrinkled her nose at the veiled threat. She really shouldn't have been upset, at least Xena was making an attempt. It was only fair that she should be willing to try too. She opened her mouth to respond, but was suddenly cut off by another voice.

"We are ready whenever you are, Xena," Syrus called from the door of the inn.

"I need to saddle Argo and I'll meet you by the oak," Xena called back before turning her attention back to Gabrielle. "Do me a favor and gab the med kit from our room? I want it… just in case."

"Alright, fine. I'll meet up with you by the oak," Gabrielle grumbled as she turned to do Xena's bidding. The little bard kicked a rock in frustration. Just when it seemed like they were getting somewhere, someone had to interfere. "Typical," she mumbled.

"Ah, little one," Syrus greeted her as she entered the inn. "I found something that you might be interested in."

Gabrielle looked up, trying to hide the frustration on her face. The older man handed her something wrapped in a cloth. "This belonged to my youngest boy. I saw Xena working you with the staff, but thought this might be more to your liking."

The little bard wrinkled her brow, and opened the offered wrapping. "A sling-shot?"

"Just a thought, it's no use to my boy any longer."

Gabrielle started at the offering for a moment before a wide smile appeared on her lips. "Yeah, thanks. I think this might come in very handy." Very handy indeed, Gabrielle thought to herself.

Little Bard: Chapter 14


Gabrielle struggled to keep her eyes open, as she found herself leaning back into Xena's chest. The constant rocking motion of Argo's trot coupled with the aftereffects of the workout Xena had put her through earlier that morning was catching up with her. She felt the warrior's arm grip around her, pulling her closer, which only encouraged her eyes to droop even further.

"She's cute when she's asleep, huh?" Syrus quietly commented as he pulled his horse up next to Argo.

Xena grunted an affirmative, looking down at her small charge and brushing the hair away from the little bard's face.

"I can tell how much you love her. It must have broken your heart last night."

"Last night?" Xena raised a questioned eyebrow.

"Aye, I saw the little one dragging that switch back upstairs…"

Xena interrupted him with a chuckle. "Ah, yes. Not one of my proudest moments, but I didn't use it beyond making a point. She scared the Tartarus out of me when she disappeared yesterday, so I returned the favor." Syrus blinked, his surprised looking earning another chuckle from the Warrior Princess. "When you have a reputation like mine, a threat is a good as the real thing."

"Well you certainly have a unique parenting style," Syrus commented.

"I'm not her parent," Xena returned, "I'm her best friend."

Before Syrus could comment, Xena held up her hand stopping Argo and the rest of the party. She shook Gabrielle awake; making sure the girl was steady enough before dismounting, and leaving her on Argo's back. Whispering something in the horse's ear, she then addressed the rest of the group. "Wait here, I'm going to scout ahead, make sure there are no surprises." Turning back to Gabrielle, Xena put a hand on the bard's leg. "I'll be right back, ok?"

Gabrielle nodded, stifling a yawn, and then watching as Xena disappeared into the underbrush and cover of the dense trees.

"Well that was odd," one of the men from the village, Calix, remarked.

"No that was just Xena, she'll be back soon," Gabrielle answered.

"Should we dismount? My legs are killing me," Dion, the other member of their party, asked. "I'm not used to riding like this."

"Just stay close, in case we need to run," Gabrielle conceded.

The three men dismounted. Syrus stepped forward, offering to help Gabrielle down as well, but the little bard shook her head. "If Xena wanted me down she would have taken me down herself. Besides, she probably told Argo to eat me if I tried to get into any trouble. I'm better off where she left me."

"Little one, are you so afraid of her, that you won't move from where she left you?" Syrus asked his voice deep with concern.

Gabrielle shook her head, surprising Syrus with a genuine smile. "I'm not afraid of Xena, I love her, and she loves me."

"She told me earlier that she purposely tried to scare you last night," Syrus replied, doubtfully.

Gabrielle wrinkled her nose. "Well, Xena is nothing if not creative. She has a unique ability to get her point across, but I was never really afraid of her, just for my backside," the little bard chuckled nervously.

Syrus frowned, moving to retort, but was distracted by the little bard, who suddenly sat up straight, her face becoming serious. Argo gave a slight wicker and flicked her ears as well.

"We need to get off the road, now," Gabrielle announced, clicking Argo with her heels, and leading the men and their own mounts into the dense trees.

The last man cleared the road just in time, avoiding a trio of rough-looking bandits, tearing down the road at a full gallop.

"How did you know?" Dion asked the little bard.

Gabrielle shrugged. "I could feel them, something Xena taught me. Argo felt it too, didn't ya girl?" Gabrielle patted the horse's neck. "Syrus, would you mind helping me down now? We should send the horses off, less chance of being seen that way. I have a feeling there are more men around and our problem just got bigger than we originally thought."

Syrus gladly complied, brining the bard down, and then helping her retrieve the bag with Xena's med kit, which also was holding her newly acquired slingshot. Sending the horses off, they then made their way back to road, but still stayed hidden in the brush.

"Now what?" Calix asked.

"Plan doesn't change, we wait for Xena," Gabrielle reassured them.

The group waited in silence. The minutes passed slowly. The men shifted nervously, as did the little bard. Gabrielle looked down, fiddling with a rock that she'd kicked up with her boot. Bending over she picked up the rock, and a small handful more, before depositing them in the side pouch of her bag.

"How long do we wait?" Dion asked, after another long stretch of time.

"Until I get back," Xena answered, dropping out of an overhead tree. "They see you?" Xena directed her question at Gabrielle.

The little bard shook her head, "We were clear before then came into view. Sent the horses away too."

"Good," Xena nodded approvingly, earning a smile from Gabrielle. "We have bigger problems though; the remnants of Darnan's gang have acquired allies. A minor warlord name Theron. Use to specialize in the slave market, and it seems like he's back to his old habits."

"An old friend?" Gabrielle asked.

Xena's lip turned into a sneer, "No, although I did turn his men against him once and robbed him blind. Never did care much for slave traders."

"So he has some sort of personal vendetta against you, wants his money back?" Dion asked a little wide-eyed at Xena's confession.

"I think he was more upset about the eye I took," Xena smirked. "But regardless, we have about twenty more men to deal with now, and these are more than just boys."

"We should go back to the village and get reinforcements," Syrus spoke up.

"No time for that," Xena countered. "The sentry I questioned said they were ready to move on Neopolis. As soon as those advance scouts get back, they will attack tonight. The slavers are going to provide the distraction while Darnan's gang tries to free the rest of them."

"Can we stop them, just the four…er, five of us?" Calix asked getting a dirty look from the little bard.

"It'll be tricky. They already have a handful of women and children they have captured, but if everyone does what I tell them too," Xena paused making brief eye contact with Gabrielle, "I think we can manage it. So, listen carefully, here is what we're gonna to do…"


"You're not going to argue with me?" Xena asked, waiting for the little bard so somehow try to twist the situation.

"What's the point, Xena? I know that you're not going to let me get involved. You told me that earlier, plus I understand it's more dangerous now. I only want to get close enough so I can see what's going on. Also, that way you can make sure I'm safe."

Xena looked down at the little bard. Her argument was sound, but she seemed almost too willing to obey. Xena studied her carefully, looking for some catch, but try as she might, the little bard seemed sincere. Maybe, just maybe, this one time Gabrielle would actually listen and stay out of trouble. "Alright, I'm going to trust you on this one, Gabrielle. Meet you half way, ok?"

The little bard smiled and nodded her head. "I can do that." She then peered out over their vantage point, which was overlooking the slaver's camp. Frowning slightly at the dozen woman and five young children who were being held in cages that were attached to wagons, her eyes wandered past the make-shift horse corral, to a large tree. "How about that big evergreen?"

Xena narrowed her eyes, briefly studying the tree. "I think that'll work." Turning to Syrus and the other two men she asked, "You know what to do?"

"Aye," Syrus agreed. "Soon as you draw their attention we go after the captives. Simple enough."

"After I get Gabrielle settled, I'll approach from the west. I'm going to try to spook the horses first, and then make my move." Looking back down at the little bard, Xena held out her arms. "Ready?"

"Seriously, do we have to go up now?"

Xena flashed a wicked grin. "You're the one that wants to get close."

Gabrielle groaned but allowed Xena to pick her up. She wrapped her legs around Xena's waist and her arms around her neck. Closing her eyes tightly and tucking her head against Xena's neck, she whispered, "I'm ready."

Xena nodded, and flexing her legs sprung up into the tree above her. Within seconds she'd disappeared.

"So, I guess we just wait?" Dion asked.

"Yep," Syrus answered. "Xena will signal when it's time."


Even though Gabrielle protested, Xena left the little bard as high up in the tree as she dared. The warrior wanted her as far away from the action as possible, and knew that the bard's aversion to heights would only further deter her from getting involved.

The warrior then wasted no time and made her way down to a lower branch, where she loosened her chakram, and let it fly. Whooshing through the air it bounced once, twice, and then severed the main rope that was securing the horses between two large trees. Another pass cut the row of lead-lines, causing the chakram to whoosh close enough to the horses to make them nervous. Catching the returning chakram, she used the limber branch as a spring board to flip over the small herd. Already on edge, her sudden high-pitched war cry suddenly spooked them into running all different directions.

Men were suddenly on their feet, some of them trying to calm the animals, but most of them just trying to get out of their panicked path. Although a handful of the men seemed to be smart enough to figure out what was going on, and being careful to avoid the spooked horses, attacked the source of the problem instead. Xena let off another war-cry, but this one more out of the sheer pleasure of the fight.

It had been several days since she'd had a good battle and the blood in her veins was hot with desire. The first half a dozen men were dispatched easily, and now lay in multiple stages of consciousness and pain at her feet. Kicking one man that had the audacity to try to rise, back into Morpheus's realm, she grinned and drew her sword, as a second a wave of men rushed toward her.

Gabrielle watched from her high vantage point, slightly jealous of how much Xena was enjoying herself. She carefully crawled down to a lower branch, which gave her a slightly better position. Her eyes drifted across the clearing where she saw Syrus, Calix, and Dion run out of the tree line. Syrus took up point, deflecting the two or three slavers that happen to get into his path, and then played guard while Dion and Calix started working to get the first lock off the a caged-wagon.

From the little bard's superior position she could tell that the three were in no immediate danger, as the Xena had been successful in pulling the attention on to herself. The mood of the camp, however suddenly changed the instant that a large, burly man, exited the main tent. From the look of pure outrage on his face and the patch over his left eye, Gabrielle had a good sense that this was Theron.

"Xena!" Theron challenged, pulling his own sword and marching in her direction. "How nice of you to pay a visit, saves me the trouble of tracking you down."

Xena laughed, twirling her sword in a flourish. "It's about time you showed up, Theron, although I can't say it's a pleasure to see you again," Xena taunted.

Theron growled, but grabbed one of his men by front of his tunic. "You idiot, she's just causing a distraction. Stop them," he emphasized pointing to Syrus and his cohorts, "they are freeing the captives."

Gabrielle tensed as the appointed man gathered a group, and then turned on Syrus, who was desperately trying to keep them away from Dion and Calix. Dion finally managed to get the first cage open, while Calix rushed to the second wagon. Once free the women and children made a break for the tree line, but were cut off by another group of slavers who had circled around them.

The little bard found herself suddenly digging in her pack, and retrieving the Y shaped slingshot that Syrus had gifted her. She'd never used one before, but the mechanics seemed simple enough. The problem was that Syrus and the women were too far away for the weapon to be of any use. She started down the tree, but then stopped; reminding herself that she didn't even have her staff with her. Running into the thick of things was not going to help anyone. Sighing, she returned to her previous branch, with the childish-weapon still in her hand.

Knowing that she couldn't help Syrus, she turned her attention back to Xena. The warrior and Theron had now crossed blades and were taking turns striking and insulting each other. Most of the slavers, at least those who were still conscious, had gone after Syrus, but Gabrielle noticed that Xena and Theron had also gained an audience; the remaining members of Darnan's gang. With a smirk, the little bard got an idea. Reaching into the side pocket of her bag she retrieved one of the stones she picked up earlier.

Taking careful aim, she let the small round stone fly, smiling broadly as it met a target hitting one of the gang on his backside. The man jumped, suddenly startled, and turned trying to determine what hit him and where it came from. Stifling a giggle, she picked up another stone and another target.

The little bard quickly depleted her supply of stones, not always hitting her target, but making the group of men she was aiming wary of the not so friendly fire. Now out of ammo she had to get more creative. She tried a small twig, but it didn't fly every far. A deserted bird nest with two long cold eggs provided a moment of excitement, but also clued in her prey where the ammo was coming from.

She pulled herself higher in the tree as three of men started snooping around its base. When one started to climb, she discovered another source of ammo. The tree was littered with various sized pinecones, and the smaller ones fit perfectly in her toy. A few well place shots convinced the man she wasn't worth the trouble, as he was called away by his comrades to try to round up the escaping captives.

Now not being directly threatened, Gabrielle turned her attention back to the action of the camp. Xena was still engaged with Theron, but she seemed more like she was toying with him than anything else. It also seemed that she'd been busy, as it looked like she chakram had made another round or two by the position of the various bodies littering the field. Counting, Gabrielle only saw four of the men besides Theron still standing, and assumed that some of them had gone after the escaped captives. Dion and Calix were nowhere to be seen and Syrus was trying to herd a group of three children off into the woods.

Syrus was suddenly confronted by two of the remaining men. Encouraging the children to run, the two girls went one direction and the third, a boy of about eight or nine, went another. One of the men turned chasing the boy and causing him to scream out in panic. Gabrielle quickly glanced at Xena; she was still involved with Theron. Looking back toward the boy, she realized with a twinge of her own panic, that he was heading directly toward her.

Cursing she made her choice and quickly started down the tree. Now on one of lowest branches she realized she was low enough to be clearly visible, but didn't have time to dwell on it. She whistled, getting the boys attention. He turned coming even closer, and Gabrielle took advantage of his proximity to raise her weapon.

The first shot missed. The second, however, managed to hit the pursuer squarely in the chest, but pleasure from the shot only lasted an instant as the man abruptly changed his target and headed for the tree instead. Gabrielle managed to get off one more shot before retreating back into the tree. The man, however, was not deterred and began to climb up after her.

He was quick, quicker than she was, and managed to grab her ankle. She kicked loose, but he continued to follow. He grabbed her again, and her hand slipped, dropping the slingshot. With a sudden surge, she managed to twist and kick him in the nose. He cursed, suddenly being pushed away from the trunk by the assault, but his attention was soon brought to a much bigger problem. Gabrielle grimaced as he stiffened and fell from the tree, Xena's chakram deeply embedded in his chest.

The little bard stopped, the adrenaline surging through her body slowing ebbing away as she again surveyed the camp. It was quiet. It was over. Gabrielle looked down seeing the boy and Syrus, who had carefully stepped over the dead slaver.

"You can come down now, little one," the older man called to her. "It's over."

Gabrielle complied, taking only a moment to jump down onto the ground.

"Thanks, you really saved my skin," the boy offered. "My name is Asen, by the way."

"Gabrielle, and no problem," the little bard answered. "Just trying to help."

"Everyone alright?" Xena asked, coming up from behind the little bard and laying a hand on the girl's shoulder. "He didn't hurt you did he?" the warrior continued as blue met green.

Gabrielle shook her head, as the warrior bent to pick up the slingshot that had fallen during the struggle. Raising a questioning eyebrow, she handed they childish weapon back to the bard. Gabrielle accepted it, biting her lip at the icy coldness reflected in the warrior's eyes. The pounding in her chest increased, and could no longer meet the Xena's glaze. She sighed inwardly, letting her hand and her eyes drop, suddenly feeling very small and anything but grown up.

Xena didn't say anything as turned away, and gave a short whistle, brining Argo in from the tree line. She took some rope from one of Argo's saddle bags, handing a coil to Syrus and taking another one for herself. "Need to secure anyone who's still breathing," Xena paused, getting a nod from the inn-keeper, and then turned to Gabrielle and boy. "Stay here, and stay out of trouble."

Again, Xena didn't wait for an answer, only pausing a moment to retrieve her chakram and wipe it on the dead man's tunic, before she moved off and started securing bodies. Ignoring the body only a few feet away, Gabrielle sat down. The boy joined her, albeit, he was more cautious to give the body a wide birth.

"What's the matter? You were great. A little younger than I expect, but so brave. I wish I could be as brave as you," Asen praised her.

"Thanks," Gabrielle gave him a small smile. Her eyes drifted to Xena as the warrior continued to move from body to body. Her body involuntarily shuttered, knowing that Xena was angry with her again. "Yeah, but I'm not as brave as you think."


Little Bard: Chapter 15


Shortly after securing the prisoners, Calix and Dion returned to the camp, bringing with them the women and children who'd taken refuge in the surrounding woods. Seeing everyone was safe, Xena then disappeared; bringing back with her the three very surprised, and slightly damaged scouts- the same three that had passed them earlier on the road. The three new prisoners soon joined their comrades, as the slavers and the remains of Darnan's gang had unwittingly provided their own method of confinement and transport, and had been loaded into the caged wagons.

In the mix of it all, Xena had been so busy with coordinating the capture and securing of the prisoners, she all but ignored Gabrielle. The bard saw the warrior glace her way a few times, but Xena had said nothing more to her. Gabrielle knew she trusted her enough to stay out of danger, but was still put on edge by Xena's distancing. Now was not the time to confront Xena, so instead Gabrielle turned her attention to more immediate needs. She found herself in a familiar role, focusing her efforts on the woman and children. They were frightened, half starved, and totally disorganized. She set right to work assigning chores and food preparation, using the slaver's own supplies and food stocks to feed them all. They followed her orders without question, just glad to have something to focus on.

By the time that all of the men were been rounded up, the sun had already begun to set. Xena made the announcement that they were going to spend the night at the slaver's camp. So, as night settled, so did the camp. Bellies full and still recovering from their dose of the Warrior Princess, most of the prisoners settled down and were trying to get some rest, or at least as much rest as their bruised bodies allowed. Even Theron, who had managed to survive his second encounter with Xena, finally settled down after she showed him a little TLC in the form of a gag, as his obscenities were finally enough to annoy even her.


It was a good three hours after dark that Xena finally sat down to take a well-deserved rest. Gabrielle brought a bowl of stew to her, which she took appreciatively.

"This is good, you make it?" Xena asked.

Gabrielle shook her head. "Apparently I'm good enough to organize a camp, but the god's forbid I get near a cooking fire."


"Yeah well," Gabrielle shrugged. "I suppose it was good a couple of the women stepped up, I had enough else going on."

"I noticed." Xena paused taking another spoonful of stew. "You did good."

The little bard gave the warrior a half smile as she sat down across from her, crossing her legs beneath her. "So does that mean that you're not mad at me anymore?"

Xena sighed and put her bowl down. "Well, you didn't exactly do what we agreed to."

Gabrielle looked down, taking a deep breath. "Will you at least take me away from camp before you toast my tail feathers?"

"Toast your tail feathers?" Xena shook her head, letting a slight chuckle escape. "Where did you ever come up with that idea?"

"Hey, I'm an Amazon bard with a big poetic license," Gabrielle huffed, slightly ticked that the warrior was making fun on her. "But I thought…. After last night, you would…"

As the bard trailed off, Xena shook her head again. She picked up her bowl, and downed the rest of the stew in three large spoonfuls. Looking back at Gabrielle, she noticed that the little bard was picking at rock in the dirt below her. "Alright then, let's go."

"Go?" Gabrielle squeaked. "Go where?"

The warrior didn't answer. She merely set her bowl aside again, stood, and extended her hand to Gabrielle. The bard reluctantly took it, allowing Xena to pull her to her feet. The warrior then wrapped her arm securely around Gabrielle's shoulders as she escorted her away from camp.

As the little bard let the warrior guide her into the dense trees, neither exchanged any words. Finally after an eternity of silence, Xena stopped. Not asking for permission, she picked Gabrielle up and placed her on a low, but sturdy tree branch. Now at eye level, Xena put a secure hand on either side of her bard, and waited.

Gabrielle didn't want to look up, but felt compelled. As green met a cool blue she couldn't help the increase of the pounding in her chest. "Please, Xena," she let her eyes drop again. "I'm sorry."



"Why are you sorry?"

"I didn't listen. I didn't do what I said I was going to do."

"And you think I'm upset with you?"

The little bard nodded.

"Look at me."

Gabrielle took a moment, but was finally able to lift her head.

"Gabrielle," Xena sighed. "I'll admit the fight, and you getting involved in it didn't exactly go as I planned, but I'm not angry with you."

"But, yesterday..."

Xena raised a single eyebrow, quickly silencing any protests. "Yesterday was very different. Yesterday, Gabrielle, you let your emotions get the best of you. You ran way. You broke your word to me, putting yourself in danger, and actually managing to get kidnapped! Yesterday, you acted very much like the child you appear to be."

The little bard's cheeks blushed with shame and she tried once again to look away. Xena however wasn't done. She brushed two fingers under the bard's chin forcing blue to meet green once again.

"Today, however, I saw none of that. I saw you stay where you agreed to stay. I saw you help, without putting yourself directly in harm's way. I saw you draw attention to yourself to help save a child. I saw you take charge and help people who were scared and hungry. Today I saw nothing of the little girl that I spanked last night."

Gabrielle's cheeks continued to blush, but this time it was at the unexpected praise. "Really, you saw all that?"

Xena nodded. "I did, and you know what else?"

Both of Gabrielle's eyebrows shot up, waiting for the warrior to continue.

"Today, I saw my Gabrielle, the Amazon Queen and bard that I love. I saw my best friend, the one person that I know I can always count on, and the one person that I choose to travel with. Today, I saw her for the first time since a certain Goddess of Love stole her from me."

"Wow," Gabrielle quietly remarked, "and they think I am the bard."

It was then Xena's turn to blush, the bard's words and the look of genuine awe reflected in her eyes, making her suddenly a little self-conscious. "Yeah, well," Xena coughed uncomfortably. "Well you know I'm not much for words, it's just the truth."

Gabrielle reached up, touching Xena's cheek with her small hand. Xena gave her a weak smile before taking the hand in her own and then kissing it gently. "We ok now?"

The little bard nodded. She then let Xena pick her up a second time and put her gently back on the ground. "Ah, Xena?" she asked as they headed back toward camp. "Thanks."

No words were need as the warrior responded with a slight squeeze to the little hand she was holding.


"Thought I told you to get some sleep," Xena softly scolded as the little bard approached.

"Yeah, well I couldn't sleep without my warrior pillow," Gabrielle returned the rebuke. "Besides, my mind is going too much," she continued as she sat down on the log next to the warrior.

Xena squinted; running a finger down the edge of her blade to make sure it was smooth enough, before looking back at the bard. "You should go back to bed, I told you I wasn't going to sleep tonight. Someone needs to keep an eye on all these men."

"Why can't someone else keep watch? Soon as anyone yells you'd be awake anyways."

"Sounds like you're just lonely."

The little bard stuck out her bottom lip in a tiny pout. "So what if I am?"

That earned a chuckle from Xena. "You're incorrigible." Getting a scowl from Gabrielle, Xena reached over, tucking her arm around her, giving her shoulder a squeeze. "Tell ya what, if you want to keep me company for a while. I'll tuck you back in after you fall asleep."

"Who says I'm going to fall asleep?" Gabrielle huffed.

"I do. You had a hard time pulling an all-nighter with your adult body; this little one will betray you, eventually. Besides I don't want grumpy little-bard to deal with on top of everything else. You know how you get when you don't get enough sleep."

Gabrielle sighed. She didn't really feeling like arguing, and knowing that Xena was probably right, she leaned up against the warrior and decided to enjoy the moment instead. Xena pulled her in closer, her arm wrapped around her like a blanket of protection.

"Xena, do you think I'll be stuck like this forever?"

"What in that little body? No, we'll eventually figure out how to break Aphrodite's spell. She didn't make you immortal, just young. I'd expect that if worse comes to worse, you'll just have to grow up again."

Gabrielle frowned, "I don't like the idea of having to go through puberty again."

Xena echoed the frown, "And I don't like the idea of having to lock you up in a tower somewhere to keep all the boys away from you. Or shall I say you away from the boys."

Gabrielle blushed, "Xena! I'm not that bad."

"No, not anymore," Xena teased, and then smiled as the bard simply stuck her tongue out at her.

"I haven't really been interested in boys lately anyways," Gabrielle half mumbled, getting a raised eyebrow from Xena but no verbal reply.

A long moment of silence drifted between them, before Gabrielle felt her eyes starting to droop. When her head also became heavy and she found herself loosing moments of consciousness, she was suddenly being lifted into the air. The little bard found herself tucked up against brass and leather, her head resting on Xena's shoulder.

Gabrielle felt Xena stop and reposition her slightly. "Xena, I don't wanna lay down," she half mumbled.

"I know," Xena chuckled in return, stooping to pick up and then cover the bard with a warm blanket. Xena then settled down, her back against a tree, the little bard tucked in her arms and deep into Morpheus's realm. With a smile, she bent slightly, touching her lips to Gabrielle's forehead. "Night, my bard," she whispered. Looking over the camp, she realized she was in for a long night, but at least they'd both be a little more comfortable, even if only one of them was going to get any sleep.


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