Panter's Pride:

by T. S. Hubbard

Disclaimer It's still mine. Note: Panter's Pride must be read first, as this is book 2.
Thanks to Thorie for volunteering to proofread yet another story.
Email address: comments welcome.

Chapter One

Tera sat at the table disgusted with the discussion that continued around her. They had been discussing policy for several candle marks already but had gotten little done. Her musing drifted over the past year. It had been a busy but wonderful year. Panter had slowly gotten the hang of shape shifting without stopping to unclothe. She had done it when Tera had gotten hurt so knew it could be done, it just took a little more practice. Tera smiled softly as she glanced out the near window wondering what her mate was doing right now. The thread of connection between them had thickened into a strong bond. Not only did strong emotions pass between them but now focused words could also. They could still maintain their own space but a small nudge notified the other of wanted communication so they could "speak" to each other.

A slight mental pressure alerted Tera to her mate's presence. Tera concentrated briefly allowing her mental barriers to drop. Yes love, what did you want?

So Amare, bored yet?
A thread of laughter ran through the question. Tera could picture the smile on her face as she passed the message.

Stop, it's not funny. I swear these windbags like to hear their own voices too much. We should have wrapped this all up a candle mark ago; at least we got most of the policies in place last night. But much more of this and I can't promise anyone will leave this room alive. Tera reinforced her complaint with an aura of disgust.

The sense of Panter's amusement increased. So then it would be fine with you if I strolled in and retrieved you for a while?

Yes, Please get me out of here.
Tera was more then happy to be interrupted.

I warn you love, I'm not quite myself. That was Panter's way of letting her know that she had shifted. In the past year people around the manor had gotten used to seeing a large Panther roaming the halls. It was an unspoken fact that no one was to impede anything it want or keep it from anywhere it wanted to go. A select few knew what or rather who the panther really was. Tera's mother and sister were some of the few that did. After getting used to the fact they both thought it was rather neat. After all Aretina said it made even more sense that Potnia Theron had chosen Panter as a child of her blood.

All right consider me warned. Tera discreetly watched the door as she turned back to the meeting. She loved watching the reactions of people who had never seen Panter wandering around in her other self. She glanced at the rotund windbag filling the air now. Once things had gotten back to a more normal routine the merchants and leaders of the nearer community's had taken it upon themselves to raise the taxes of goods higher then they had already been. Tera and her people had taken strong exception. Most of them had quickly reversed their decision. A select few had opted not to hence this meeting taking place today. One of the most powerful merchants was this prattling idiot speaking now. If she had to listen to him anymore she was afraid she would start bleeding from her ears.

Tera decided to preserve everyone's remaining sanity and break in. Most of her people had an expression of being on the verge of murder to shut him up. " I do believe it was a concession for us to agree to arrange for a smaller tax on your imports for a further year don't ask for more than that" She watched entertained as his face flushed in anger and continued to get redder as his mouth worked soundlessly. " Might I remind you that I as Regent control everything within five hundred miles in every direction. That includes your city." She stated flatly. She hated to use that as a threat but some people only got the point when you finally had to use it.

A squawk erupted before he could speak more coherently. " But I think that we should receive more then that, after all most others bi passed you when your cousin raised taxes on goods." His gaze kept darting to her face. Tera could tell by the movements his eyes made exactly what he was looking at. The tattoo. She had found a lot of people did that. Especially if they knew what it represented. Tera knew with her spouse they out right stared not able to hide the fascination. She still marveled how Panter was able to tolerate it. Sometimes she could barely contain her own irritation.

Tera glimpsed her people stiffen out of the corner of her eye. Calmly picking up her wine glass, she leaned back in her seat. Tera took a sip as she regarded the angry man. She gently set the glass back onto the table with a dull clink. "My cousin" She said in a quiet tone with a bite. "Was a self centered, greedy, piece of slime who deserved everything he got. Any policies or agreements made by him have been revoked no matter the conditions made."

"That's not fair" He whined. Tera was hard pressed not to jump to her feet and slap the snot out of him.

" Would you rather I asked my Arm's Master to come in and enforce our ruling?" Tera bit the inside of her lip hard as she glimpsed the door softly open and a dark form enter the room. She saw the others notice and struggle to keep gleeful expressions off their faces. After their own encounters with the cat they loved watching others first impressions.

The man sucked in an abrupt intake of air. " No, that won't be necessary, the offer is more then satisfactory." He bowed hastily. Trying to placate her she was sure.

Tera kept her gaze fixed to his face wanting to see his reaction when he spotted Panter. A scream of fear echoed around the room as he finally noticed the new occupant. Of course the yowl that Panter let out as she past him might have had something to do with it. Everyone chuckled in amusement as the man tried to jump onto the seat of his chair but tripped, tumbling to the floor instead. Panter sniffed at him then sneezed as she padded over to Tera's chair. Gods, The man bathed in scent, I might not be able to smell anything after that! Panter sent to Tera. She snorted heavily trying to clear the flowery scent from her sinuses. It didn't help much.

No one could figure out why Tera's shout of laughter seemed louder then most. Tera continued to grin as she watched the man haul himself to his feet keeping a wary eye on Panter as he did. Tera felt a heavy head land on her left knee. She scratched the offered chin continuing around to the back of Panter's ears. She felt the contented rumble that caused. Tera glanced back at the wide-eyed sweaty man.

" I think our business is concluded. If there are no objections, I will call the meeting closed"

No objections were raised. Tera nodded. " Then I will see all of you later"

Tera stood, inclined her head to the others as they rose with her then exited the room with Panter close on her heels. Tera headed toward their residence intent on changing out of her formal clothing into something much more comfortable. Her laughter filled the hallway as Panter added her own suggestions of what would be suitable.

* * *

A slim hand reined in the horse bringing it to a halt on the last rise overlooking the city below. A smile flashed in the shadowed depths created by the hooded cloak. It had taken a long time to reach this point in their journey. Pushing back the hood a face was revealed. Amber eyes glowed in a small face. They narrowed as they took in the flow of people going in and out of the large gates that formed one of the two entrances into the city. Other then a cursory glance by the two standing guards no real notice was paid to any of the visitors. A sudden commotion caught the woman's eye. A group of three horses were being prevented from exiting by the guards. The abrupt retreat by them both aroused her interest. As the horses continued towards her she made a hasty decision and turned her horse into the nearby trees. Halting just out of sight she resumed her watch. As the riders rode past she noticed one of them rapidly turn in her saddle. She frowned as the tattoo that was etched onto her face tugged at her mind. Something about it seemed familiar. The tall dark-skinned woman's gaze swept the tree line then seemed to suddenly freeze on the exact position she was sitting in. The watching woman caught her breath as a chill ran up her spine. There was no way anyone could have been aware someone was there?unless.

Suspicion raised its head. The information she had managed to accumulate did mention that the deserter had been a dark cousin. She still couldn't fathom how or why the few remaining families had been left to fend for themselves. She let out her breath as they continued on without the woman saying anything to her companions. Sliding off her horse, she elected to take a closer look. On foot?somewhat. Ground tying her mount she moved off into the trees. The horse snorted in alarm at the abrupt scent of a predator nearby. It finally calmed when nothing continued to move toward it.

* * *

Panter shifted uneasily in her saddle. For a moment there she had the distinct feeling they were being watched. Unable to decipher any individual scents thanks to all the people that had recently passed through she had given up trying to trace it down. Panter met Alesia inquiring gaze with a shake of her head. Kneeing Donum she caught up with Tera then slowed down to ride side by side. She found herself constantly scanning the nearby woods.

Tera glanced over, watching as Panter studied the surrounding trees. "What's bothering you love?"

Panter shrugged. " I'm uncertain, for a moment there I could have sworn we were being watched. But now I'm not so sure"

Tera's brow furrowed. "This is the first time I've ever heard you say that"

" I know and thats what bother's me, something set my instincts off but I can't tell what it was" Panter hated being caught off guard especially when her Amare could be at risk. She was just grateful that the village had decided to relocate closer to Hawk's Peak since Tera had regained her regency. The council with full support of the people had gifted a large section of the nearby forest to the village. Some had opted to stay in the original village but most had moved to be closer to their leaders. Panter grinned wryly. Rena had chosen to stay in the old village so Tera allowed her to continue as her proxy.

To Helia and Eurayles astonishment Tera, agreeing with Panters suggestion had asked them to act as proxy for them in the new village. Even though it was only a half days ride out, there would be little time for them to be able to go back and forth between both. Especially Tera.

They had accepted gratefully, unsure if they would be any good at it but willing to learn. They both were a bit relieved to be told that mistakes were expected. There was no way anyone could run a village of woman with out any.

Panter shifted in her saddle. The hair rose on the nape of her neck as they turned their horses to follow a faint trail leading into the tree line. As the shadows of the overhanging trees surrounded them a crack of a breaking stick made her freeze. Donum halted, responding to the sudden stiffness of her body. Alesia and Tera pulled their horses up. Tera reached over to touch her mate's arm.

"What's ??" Tera's words faded off as she took in the look on Panter's face. She watched as Panter's eyes morphed. Something had to be seriously wrong. Panter silently handed over her reins as she slid form the horse. Their eyes met. Something is out there. Watching. I'm going to find out what. Tera bit her lip. Be careful love, we'll meet you at the village. She sent back. Panter smiled grimly then turned, disappearing into the trees.

Alesia spoke. "What's up?"

Tera nudged her horse into a trot. She wanted to get to the village in a hurry now. If something was bothering her mate that bad she didn't want to stay in the open any longer then necessary. The rapid thudding of hooves paced hers. Alesia moved up on her left, reaching over to snag Donum's reins from Tera's grip.

" I got em"

Tera smiled her thanks then turned her gaze back to the trail. " Panter thinks we have unexpected company"

Alesia shot her a startled glace. "Company, what company?" It bugged her when Panter knew something she didn't. Alesia shook her head. Of course she had abilities no one else had. So it wasn't a real surprise to be in the dark about what was going on. It was just one of those things you got used to.

"One she seems to object to, she's going to meet us at the village." Tera urged her horse faster just concentrating on the path ahead

The sound of hoof beats filled the silence as they headed for the near safety of the village. Constant scans of the surrounding area kept each of them tense as trees continued to flash by.

* * *

Paws raised puffs of dust as they hit the earth. The large black form made it's way through the dense undergrowth. Halting at a large maple it sniffed at its base. The scent it had been following led deeper into the copse. She had backtracked to where she had first felt they had been watched and had followed it this far. Continuing to follow the trail left behind she noticed it was getting stronger, meaning she was also getting closer to what was leaving it. Pads hit the ground faster as she increased her speed. Breaking past some overgrown bushes she caught a flash out of the corner of her eye. Sliding to a halt in a spray of dirt, a powerful thrust of back legs had her running in a new direction.

Only being the chosen kept the long form in sight, the speed it reached almost exceeded hers. Eyes narrowed as the identity of the watcher came clear. Tan fur covered a small but lean body. Black spots spread in a scattered pattern over its coat. As its speed seemed to lessen, it angled its body in conjunction with a nearby tree trunk. It seemed to run straight up the side coming to halt on a large overhanging limb. Its ribcage heaved as it panted for breath after the sudden sprint. Skidding to a stop she gazed up at the treed animal. A small head with high set eyes bent to keep her in sight. White fur coated the throat and abdomen of the small cat. A tail ringed black with a white tuft flicked in irritation. Black marks surrounded the eyes flowing down to its mouth. The jaw opened in a hiss to reveal small sharp teeth. Eyes glinted in the sunlight that occasionally broke through the branches.

A sudden jerk rippled down the muscular form below when the small cat abruptly jumped to the ground. As soon as it hit the ground its body seemed to blur. Its body settled in to a form suddenly familiar to the other.
Opening its mouth with a snarl, it spoke. " I know it's you Traitor, face me!" Long nails topped the hands it gestured with.

Panter half shifted also. She noticed the start the other tried to cover up as she rose to tower above her. Panter circled her in a slow loop making the other continuously turn to keep her in sight. She didn't have an inkling what was going on but she wasn't about to let someone that had gifts like hers go. "Traitor?" She growled. " I don't even know you, how could I have betrayed you?" Panter spat. She had no idea what this woman meant.

The other roared in anger then leapt at Panter. The two forms collided as Panter went with the momentum. Rolling she brought her lower legs up kicking the other off. Regaining her feet, Panter shifted to full human form. Even with out her claws she knew that the other would be no real threat. At least to her. Panter out weighed the other by at least seventy pounds if not more. She knew that in height she was taller by a foot if not greater. When the other saw her in human form it halted its advance. In space of a breath an averaged height, lean but very naked woman faced her, hate still glinting deeply in amber eyes. " If you think that will stop me your very mistaken," the woman screamed.

Panter held up both hands. " I don't know what your talking about. I haven't betrayed anyone" she insisted.

Panter sighed resigned as the other made a move to resume the fight.
" I'm sorry, but I have little time for this, we'll need to continue it later"
A puzzled look appeared briefly on the approaching woman's face. It cleared as it saw the fist headed for her face. A loud crack echoed around the grove.

"God's" Panter shook out her right hand. " She may be a little thing but she sure has a hard head" Panter bent, slung the unconscious woman over her shoulder then headed back to the horse that she had seen. By the look of her, that had to have been this woman's horse. Panter didn't think her mate would be pleased if she showed up with a naked woman in her arms.

* * *

Tera dropped into the chair with a grunt. After the hard ride to the village her body was making its protests known. Her legs and thighs were killing her. The sound of footsteps alerted her of company before Helia and Eurayle followed Alesia into the room. Helia set the tray of refreshments onto the table before settling into the last open seat. No one spoke as drinks were passed around. Helia finally broke the brief silence. "Alesia said you had a problem on the way here?"

Tera sipped her cup of juice. " Panter said someone was watching us and decided to go see who it was." She laughed. " I almost feel sorry for whoever it might have been"

Helia frowned. " Your not worried?"

Tera sobered. " Believe me, I would know if something happened to Panter"

Helia glanced quickly at the tattoo on Tera's face. " You probably would," she admitted.

Eurayle broke in. " Anyway to the reason we asked you to come" She pulled a rolled dirt smeared parchment from her belt. " This came last night," she said as she pushed it across the table toward Tera. Picking it up, Tera unrolled it.

They all watched her face as she read. When her face paled then slowly grew flushed they knew what part she had reached. Tera crumpled the letter in her hand then slammed her fist on the table causing them to jump.
She leaned on the table with her head bowed for a time. " What is your take on this?" she asked finally tossing it onto the table." Did you get the same idea that I did?"

Eurayle nodded. " Probably, we got a feeling whoever's been running these raids was unhappy with you taking over the regency."

Tera made a sound of agreement. " Yes, but why have they waited so long?"

" Maybe they weren't ready till now," Alesia volunteered.

Tera nodded. "More then likely, your right" she rubbed her forehead as she thought. "Who brought the note?"

"A soldier that had been posted at the village by Golven Mines" Helia supplied. "He's in the Healer's Quarters for right now, we had to remove an arrow from his side. He lost a lot of blood but should make it"

"Is there anyway I can talk to him now?"

" No, he hasn't regained consciousness' yet"

"We might need to transfer him to Hawk's Peak, if were going to figure any of this out we need information that he might have"

Alesia spoke up. " Do you want us to send out some scouts to see what they can find?"

Tera opened her mouth to reply when the question was answered for her.

"Split two squads, send them all in opposite directions, get as much knowledge as possible then have two people from each group sent back with the information. That way no matter what happens someone will get the messages back."

They all jumped, then turned to see Panter silently slip into the room.

"Did we have company as you suspected?" Tera asked quietly.

Panter grabbed a goblet then took a moment to drink. "Yes, we did" she replied settling in a chair across from Tera. " If fact, I brought it back with me. I'm having Karis arrange some suitable quarters even now"

" Who was he?" Eurayle couldn't keep herself from asking. This unknown company Tera had spoken of had raised her curiosity.

"It was a she and I don't know" Panter shook her head puzzled. " But I could swear she was like me, different but still the same."

"Like you?' Tera's eyebrows rose. " You mean your gift?"

"Yeah, That's exactly what I mean, but since she's now our guest I might be able to find out more about her"

"Arms Master" the shout proceeded a young woman into the room. She skidded to a halt as her leaders gaze settled on her. She flushed then straightened.

" What's wrong, Karis?"

"The woman you brought in? she?well she" Karis trailed off not wanting to finish the sentence knowing that the response she got in return would not be good.

Panter's eyes narrowed. " She what?" the words left her mouth with a low growl.

"She got away" Karis said quickly just to get it over with.

Tera was speechless for a moment. " Got away, how could she have gotten away?" She opened her mouth to continue when Panter cut in.

"Amare, do you think someone could hold me?" Panter asked knowing the woman's escape was as much her fault as anyone. She wasn't used to thinking of someone else being like her.

" No, there's no way, they could never overpower you with your strength, at least not by themselves."

"Exactly and this woman has gifts like mine. They had no chance of holding her like a normal person."

" Can we get her back?"

"I don't think we'll need to hunt her down, she'll be back."

Tera frowned. " How are you so sure?"

Panter looked out the window. " Because she wants to kill me," she said tonelessly.

Shocked silence covered the room. Tera's sudden cry broke it. "Why?"

Panter met their gaze steadily. "For Living"


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