Panter's Pride:

by T. S. Hubbard

Disclaimer It's still mine. Note: Panter's Pride must be read first, as this is book 2.
Thanks to Thorie for volunteering to proofread yet another story.
Email address: comments welcome.

Chapter Ten

Panter awoke to a light tapping on the entry pole of their tent. Trying not to wake Tera she gently slid from their bed. They had only recently retired. The concern of how Alesia and Thira were doing keeping them up past the time they normally retired. Hastily donning clothes she padded to the entrance undisturbed with the darkness, her vision adapting to allow her to dodge anything in her path easily. She stepped outside hoping to keep any noise to a minimum. Panter frowned faintly upon seeing Akil patiently waiting. She remained silent as they moved slightly away from the tent to stand near a flickering torch.

"Akil, what has you here.." She checked the sky. "Right before dawn?" His response drove home the point that he wasn't here on a social call.

"Arms Master, the unit has been spotted returning but it seems to be a lot larger then upon leaving" He reported.

"Bigger then when they left?" Panter folded her arms. "Have you sent anyone out to check?"

"Yes, they haven't returned…" He paused as a horseman rode up. They waited as he dismounted approaching them on foot.

Saluting the soldier gave his report. "It's them sirs. Someone was coming in just as I met up with them."

"Did you see why the group seems to have doubled in size?" Akil asked.

The soldier smirked. "Looks like they not only beat the pants off them, they took everything they had too."

About to inquire further they paused, the noise from a commotion seemed to travel right to them. Panter watched as men led strings of horses past. Nothing appeared unusual until she noticed a lot more horses were going past then expected. She stopped a passing man.

"The horses. Are they the returning units?"

"No Arms Master. I was told they're from the enemy camps" he replied.

"Have any idea where the Marshal is right now?"

"Last I saw her she was at the kitchens overseeing the storage of the foodstuffs they brought back"

Exchanging a glance with Akil she dismissed him. "Let's check on the Marshal shall we?" Panter asked.

A few minutes walk had them within view of the cooking area. Even more horses were being unloaded. Seeing Alesia she approached her. "Alesia" she called.

Alesia turned at hearing her name called. A smile brightened her face. "Panter, I'm glad to see you. I had hoped no one would wake you till a little later."

"I left orders to be notified when you came back in." Panter looked her over; her brow furrowed at seeing the bandage that encircled her left bicep. "You got hurt" Concern laced her voice.

Alesia touched the wrapping. "It's not bad. Would have been worse if Thira wasn't there." She thought back to the rage that had appeared on her partners face at the near miss. If Thira hadn't tackled the man his blade would have sliced her neck instead of on the arm. He didn't live to regret picking the wrong person to engage in a fight.

"Then it's a good thing she went with you" Panter still had a few misgivings about Thira but her actions since their encounter had only been positive. With Alesia and her bonding perhaps she could finally disregard her concerns. "Where is she anyway?"

"Helping to unload the rest of what we brought back"

Panter shook her head in bemusement. "What did you bring back?" she asked. "Horses I know but how many?"

Alesia grinned. "Figured they couldn't use them anymore so it was a logical choice to take anything we might need. We relieved them of around two hundred I think. That's the last count we had"

Panter could see the fatigue on Alesia's face in spite of her upbeat attitude. "Dismiss your unit to their beds. You and Thira go too. We'll take care of everything else. Let's get together around midday and go over what happened. Sound good?"

Alesia was grateful. They had been on the move since they had first left. Fortunately the majority of the fighting had taken place earlier in the day so most of the time was spent cleaning up the mess, organizing what was to be brought back and traveling. "Yeah, I guess I'll see you both later then" She left heading for the last place she had seen Thira. She was more then happy to curl up in a soft bed with the person she loved. As far as she was concerned everything else could just wait.


Tera twirled a pen in her fingers as she slouched in her chair watching the rest of the group. Only Alesia and Thira needed to join them so the meeting could begin. She straightened as they came into the room. A brief burst of activity gradually settled as everyone found their seats. Tera waited a moment before speaking. She cleared her throat drawing everyone's attention to her. "First, I'd like to say I'm happy that Alesia and Thira are back from their mission relatively unharmed" A chorus of agreement echoed her.

Alesia inclined her head in thanks while Thira remained motionless her head down as if thinking. Tera watched as Alesia reached over taking Thira's hand in her own. Tera worried when Thira failed to react at the touch.

"Alesia could you fill us in on what happened?" Tera decided to talk with Alesia after the meeting to find out what the problem could be.

Thira looked up as Alesia tapped her shoulder then stood to follow her to the map on the wall. She waited silently as Alesia spoke. "We came upon the first encampment about where Thira said it might be" She indicated the marker marking the probable location. Murmurs of astonishment interrupted her. When it stopped she continued. "It was an hours travel further on foot from the initial camp, we eventually had to leave the horses behind. It became too difficult to use them in the overgrowth. Thira heard them, as we got close. Seems they were getting ready to assault our camp."

"May I ask how Thira heard them?" asked Akil.

Thira spoke up for the first time. "I heard the distinctive ringing of metal on metal. Since it wasn't a naturally made sound I deduced it to be from the camp we were hunting for. We found it some two hundred yards from our position"

"How was it possible you could have heard a noise that originated so far away?" Akil pressed. He was somehow unable to take Thira at her word.

Thira stared at him, aware that everyone else was doing the same thing. "Because I am as far from natural as you can possibly get. You might want to remember that I have the same traits as Panter does," She drawled slowly hoping what she said would sink in. "Only a little different in some areas"

Akil subsided not asking any more questions, keeping his doubts to himself for the time being.

Alesia took the opening to continue. "Thira directed the Amazons into the trees requesting them to spread out around the encampment. It was decided to take the militia to the rear of the camp to prevent anyone from escaping. We were to charge the camp at Thira's signal." She could almost feel the restraint a number of the group used to stop from questioning her about allowing Thira to assume control of the battle plan.

Thira took over the story. "I slipped into the camp. They were getting prepared to depart. I verified that they were heading here"

"How did you get confirmation?" Tera asked curious of what method Thira would have used.

Thira shrugged. "I asked them" Shocked voices overwhelmed her own as she attempted to continue speaking.

A slam abruptly silenced them. Tera stood her hand resting on the thick book she had dropped onto the table. "Please let Thira finish before asking anymore questions" She requested. She motioned her to continue as she retook her seat.

"After that I killed the speaker and the man beside him. At my signal the amazons attacked bombarding them from the treetops. Alesia and the militia came from the rear as I ran towards the center of camp itself. I lost count of how many I killed before meeting up with Alesia. By then the fighting was pretty much over" Thira bared her teeth unconsciously as she recollected the fight.

Panter felt her muscles twitch at the sight. To her kind that could be taken as a challenge. Locking gazes while doing so could make it a threat. Without thinking she shifted position in her seat keeping Tera behind her and opening an avenue to the front of the room.

Narna had watched the interplay between everyone without a word. "How did you signal the attack?" she asked. She wondered as Thira glanced at Alesia in query. Seeing Alesia shrug then nod, she was unprepared when Thira threw back her head and roared. The sound made them all jump in alarm feeling the hair rise on the back of their necks in reaction.

Tera waved away the sentry's that rushed in at the uproar. She shook her finger at Narna as her own heartbeat settled back down. "You had to ask didn't you?" Surely she wasn't the only one who had figured out what type of signal Thira would have used. She exchanged a wry look with Panter.

Alesia grinned for a moment then resumed her report. "After the fighting I had the enemy's dead pit buried. We brought our own back here. I had everything we could possibly use brought back"

"Good idea we'll need to outfit the conscripts we've been getting in" Tera complemented her.

"Thanks" Alesia was pleased. It made her feel good that her efforts were being noticed. "Before coming here we stopped for the final count of the spoils we'd brought back." She pulled a slip of paper from her pocket. "There were two hundred fifty horses. Three hundred and ten assorted arms. Around the same for armor" She looked up. "Barring some modifications to the emblems of course" A few chuckles circled the room. Alesia smirked then continued reading. "Food wise we retrieved five barrels of salted fish, two more of deer jerky, three of flour, and finally two crates of travel bread. There was more but it was spoiling so we disposed of it" She sobered. "We had six fatalities in the attacks we made"

Tera paused before speaking; she had expected a much higher death toll. The last years training seemed to be working as they hoped. Still the death of anyone under her command weighed on her. "Did you make sure to note their names?" At Alesia's confirmation she went on. "When we return any family of the fallen will receive a stipend. The amount will be at least half of their pay monthly." No one dared to object. The tone of finality in her voice prevented them from speaking. Tera broke the hush. "Was there anything else?"

Alesia hesitated before pulling out the dispatch that Thira had found. "We did find something else in the commanders quarters at the first camp. It seems there may be two separate people behind this war. This was sent to a person unknown to us at this time" She handed it to Panter reluctantly. She could feel Thira tensing beside her. Alesia hoped she was doing the right thing.

Panter's jaw tightened as she read the letter. Her insides roiled when she came to the part of the assassin that had been sent being from his own people. She raised hooded eyes to Thira's strained features. "You right?" A low rumble filled her chest at Thira's confirmation. Panter got to her feet. "Who sent you?" she spat furiously. Panter tensed when she saw her eyes shift. It could have been a reaction to stress or a preparation for an attack.

"My father" Thira replied attempting to keep her voice calm. She nearly failed to react when Panter leapt, her body morphing into half shift as she moved. Her speed saved her neck from being slashed open but Panter's claws still tore deeply into her left shoulder and across her upper torso. Thira hissed in pain as she shifted. She crouched in preparation to meet Panter's next charge. Thira snarled as she launched herself at her adversary.

Tera cried out at the sight of the two shapeshifters locked in combat. The surprised outcries from the gathering were barely heard over the growls and roars. The sentry's charged in drawing their swords at the sight of the fighting forms. "NO!!" Tera shouted. "Go back outside, make sure no one else enters," she commanded. A sharp look encouraged the uncertain men to abide by her orders. Tera recognized the terror on Alesia face. It wasn't for themselves but for their respective partners. A swiftly moving shape passed her then abruptly stumbled, resolving into a collapsing form. Tera took that opportunity to take action. She ran towards Panter. "Alesia" she shouted. "Protect her," she pointed at the unmoving body. Tera halted in front of Panter holding her arms wide. "Panter, don't do this," She pleaded. "Your reacting with your gut not your head" For an instant she thought Panter was going to go straight through her to get at Thira. Harsh breathing was her only response before altered eyes lowered to meet hers, she watched breathless as the oval pupils expanded. In the next instant Panter stood before her in human form.

Panter considered her blood-covered hands. "Your right" she said softly. Troubled eyes studied Alesia with Thira. "I'm sorry, when I heard it was her father something inside just snapped" Panter turned back to Tera. "The thought that she might be still working with him and possibly using Alesia to that end enraged me" she admitted. It worried her a little that she had been more distressed with Alesia being taken advantage of then about who was behind the war. Then it dawned on her, she viewed her more as a member of her family then she did as just a friend. Now her reaction made a little more sense but it was far from being a good excuse for what just happened.

"I understand that, but surely you trust the goddess's own judgment? From what was said she knew Thira before all this ever started. I don't think you need to worry about it, from what I've seen the fact the goddess asked her to help us was enough of a reason for her to comply. Besides your apologizing to the wrong person," Tera advised. She turned to see how Alesia was doing. Tears welled in her own eyes as she watched her cry while holding Thira close. Turning to the watching assembly she spoke resolutely. "What happened here is not to be discussed with anyone. Is that clearly understood?" At the unvoiced indications of agreement she dismissed them after requesting a healer be sent.


Alesia brushed streaked locks of hair away from Thira's face. Her fingers stilled, as a pattern seemed to emerge in the soft strands. Gathering a handful she saw a light design of spots had appeared in her hair. It teased the eye making it almost seem as if they weren't really there. Smoothing it back down she smiled faintly as it blended into the pelt that still covered Thira. Leaning down she pressed a kiss to her cheek, the fur felt like silk beneath her lips. A low groan leaked from Thira's lips. Alesia sat up. "Thira?" she whispered. "Come on love, wake up" she urged. The longer she remained unconscious the more anxious she became.

Lids flickered open, the blurred gaze trying to focus on the face close to hers. It sharpened as Thira remembered what happened. She tried to rise, gasping as razor-sharp pains lanced across her chest. Laying back down she panted trying to catch her breath. A cup touched her lips as she was carefully raised with an arm supporting her shoulders. "Drink this" Even phrased as a request the tone of command in Alesia's voice forbade her to argue. She sipped at the liquid grimacing at the slightly bitter taste. After several swallows the cup was removed and another substituted. When she hesitated a warm laugh tickled her ears. "Don't worry, its just water" She gratefully drank as much as she could before it was withdrawn. Pillows were gently tucked behind her so she wasn't lying flat. A hand returned to rest on her arm as she studied the room.

"Where am I?" Thira didn't recognize the room she was in.

"Panter and Tera's bedroom" Alesia could feel Thira's muscles tighten under her hand in response. "We couldn't take you anywhere else in your condition"

The hand stroking her arm caught her attention. She understood the cryptic response when she saw her arm. Raising her other hand towards her face Thira shut her eyes in dismay at what she felt. She was still in half shift. It hadn't dawned on her that her voice was more guttural then normal. Alesia's reaction to her altered form was as if nothing had changed. "This doesn't disgust you?" she rasped huskily. Lowering her arm she clenched her hand in a fist as she waited for the scathing retort she was certain would come.

Warm lips pressed against her cheek. Startled she opened her eyes to see the loving gaze looking down at her. "I love you Thira. What else can I do to prove that?" Alesia watched fascinated as Thira's features regained their human contours only her eyes keeping their oval shaped pupils. The soft covering of fur remained. "You're not shifting fully back?" she asked after a moment when nothing else changed.

"I'm comfortable like this for now. Is that ok?"

Alesia ran her hand down the side of Thira's face. Even in this serious moment she couldn't keep the longing out of her voice. "More then ok"

Thira cupped the back of Alesia neck with her good hand gently pulling her closer. Just before their lips touched Panter and Tera walked in. She hesitated for a split second then ignored them as she kissed Alesia. The discomfort of her shoulder faded as trickles of heat played over her body. Her grip tightened when she swallowed a low moan. She released Alesia then laid back, her breathing quick as she tried to regain control of herself. The facts of being injured again along with the Regents being present were the only things keeping her from finally claiming her mate.

Thira studied Panter. Her attack wasn't totally unexpected. She actually would be more upset if it hadn't occurred. Thira was sure she would have done the same thing if she'd found herself in that position. She broke into the awkward stillness. "Why didn't you finish it?" She shifted her position against the pillows, wincing as the binding on her shoulder pulled. "I would have" Thira kept her features blank as she felt Alesia's grip on her arm squeeze in protest.

"When I heard that you were sent by your father…" Panter paused. "I don't know what pissed me off more, the idea you might be working against us or the thought of you using Alesia while you were doing it"

"She would never.." Alesia started to protest. She fell silent as Thira shook her head.

Tera broke in. "I told Panter that the goddess would never have requested you to aid us if she thought you were helping them." Moving closer she sat in the chair set close to the bed. "She knew you from before didn't she?"

Thira closed her eyes as she leaned back against the pillows. "A long time ago I was devoted to her teachings. Most people were. To have her so visible and real to us was a truly wondrous thing" Opening her eyes she fixed her gaze on the top of the tent. "You must understand I was born and raised in a clan only environment. I knew next to nothing about humans. I had never met one before" Her hand tightened on the sheet covering her. "That all changed shortly after my twentieth year" A hand curled around her fist gently loosing her grip then twining their fingers with hers. Rolling her head to the side she met a gaze full of compassion. "I used my human form a lot more then" Thira's eyes darkened with memories. "One night while I was away from home I helped a young woman that had wandered into the woods and gotten lost" She licked her lips. A cup was quickly offered. She drank deeply. "Thanks" She said smiling briefly at Alesia.

"Anytime" Alesia replied. "Do you want to rest a bit more before continuing?"

Thira hesitated, almost saying yes. "No, its best if I finish it. I might not later." She turned her attention to the watching women. "I was ignorant; I started meeting her from time to time. Sometimes she would bring a little something to share on the walks we had together. I didn't know that her parents had gotten wind of what was going on," She laughed scornfully as she thought of how thick she had been then. "I failed to take into account that I wasn't a human being and she was. To me every sign said she loved me just as I did her. I foolishly revealed what I really was thinking that it wouldn't matter, that she would love me regardless of what I told her" Thira swallowed hard recollecting what happened next. "Her father and several others had followed her that day" she heard a slight gasp from beside her. "When she acted like she didn't understand I decided to show her. She got upset as I stripped but relaxed when I teased her about it"

Her jaw tightened. She forced herself to go on. "I shifted and started walking towards her. She screamed in horror, the expression of revulsion on her face devastated me. Her father heard the screams and came running. He arrived just as I was shifting back. All he saw was a monster that dared to threaten his daughter. Even with me being in human form and unarmed they attacked me. It was four against one. I was reluctant to use my claws against them thinking it all had to be a horrible mistake. That reluctance almost killed me; their fists and knives left me bleeding to death on the forest floor. One of the last things I remember is her coming up, spitting on me then kicking me in the head. That was the day I learned how treacherous humans beings were. I never trusted one again"

Tera had to clear her throat as she tried to speak past the tears. "How did you survive?"

Muted eyes studied the tear marks on her face. "The goddess showed up and healed the worst of my injuries. She took me back home and placed me back in my family's care. After that I turned from her teachings but the fact she had saved my life made me reluctant to fully abandon them. When she asked me to help you I couldn't refuse her" She glanced over at Alesia. "That I would find a human that accepted and loved me as much as Alesia does was unexpected" She shifted fully back to human. "It still astounds me at times" she admitted. She willingly accepted the kiss that was pressed to her lips.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that," Panter said quietly. "I didn't live with any clan. I was raised with humans. My mother was the only one I really knew that was like me"

Thira was startled. "Your father was human?"

Panter frowned. "He wasn't my real father. My mother was pregnant with me before they met"

"So you don't know who your real father is?" Tera asked.

"No. My experience ended up being similar to Thira's. Someone saw my mother and I in the forest and realized what we really were. They informed my father who decided that anything unnatural as that needed to be destroyed. My mother was killed protecting me from the mob that came to slaughter us. I got away while they were involved in beating her to death. She had pleaded for me to run so I followed her last wish. I wandered the land for years after that trying to keep a low profile. I felt a constant pull to leave so after resisting it for as long as I could I finally gave in to it" Panter gazed at Tera affectionately. "That's when I found you"

Tera walked over to Panter, sliding her arms around her she nestled close to her side. "It saddens me that such horrible situations brought us all together" Strong arms embraced her, pulling her closer to the sturdy body she was leaning against. She breathed in the musky scent of her lover. To think she might never have had this was heartbreaking.

"So what happens now?" Thira needed to change the topic. Her nerves were frayed from what she had just revealed. Hopefully now that her secret was out the nightmares that had plagued her would stop. She may still distrust most humans but several of the ones she had met here seemed ok.

Panter hugged Tera then let her go. Crossing over to the side of the bed opposite to Alesia she kneeled putting herself on Thira's level. Tawny eyes considered her. Carefully she laid her hand on her forearm trying not to jar the injured shoulder. "I'm sorry I lost it like that. There was no excuse for it. I should have trusted that the goddess knew what she was doing. If anyone else knew what was truly in your heart she would have" Golden eyes remained steady as they were searched.

"I don't blame you for what you did. I would have probably done the same thing" Tera played with the sheet in agitation. Flashes from of the fight distracted her. "But I wouldn't have stopped" Her brow creased in puzzlement. "I don't remember much, why did you?"

Panter stood. "Stop you mean?" At Thira's nod she glanced at Tera then back to Thira. "Tera stopped me. She reminded me that the goddess was the one who asked you to help so she would know better then us if you were trustworthy"

Thira's eyebrow arched in disbelief as she compared their height difference, Tera's head only reached to Panter's chin. Tera was even taller then most women herself. Alesia was one of the few that were about the same height. To think Tera defended her against an enraged mate made her estimation of her go up a few notches. "Thank you" she said sincerely locking her gaze with Tera's. She blinked when Panter shifted uneasily. "What?" She asked looking at the Arms Master impatiently.

"I was taught that staring fixedly at someone was a threatening action"

Thira shook her head. "Not quite. That just means you have their full attention. Now if I did this" Thira's eyes grew brighter as they morphed and she drew back her upper lip fully exposing her fangs. A growing growl filled the room. As Panter tensed sliding closer to her mate Thira quit. Closing her eyes she shoved the memory that helped trigger the anger back. She sighed. "That was a threat. Now do you understand the differences between the two?" she asked as she opened her eyes with them once again normal.

Panter nodded refraining herself from speaking. Seeing that had alarmed her. She had the feeling if Thira had really been fighting her; their tussle may have turned out quite differently.

Alesia spoke up. "I think Thira would rest more comfortably in our bed. Why don't we arrange that, then after she's had a bite to eat and a short rest we can continue our discussion" Her tender look lingered on Thira's drawn features. The fact she wasn't arguing supported her request.

"Good idea, I'm sure everyone needs a break right now" Tera crouched by the bed. "You should never have gotten hurt. Even though you said you understood that doesn't excuse it from occurring"

"I know but it'll be ok, luckily I heal fast" Thira didn't want them to keep apologizing. "Lets not mention it again alright?" She grinned. " Just consider it an injury from an unexpected battle"

Tera's look gentled. "All right" she got back on her feet. "Lets get you settled in your own bed then" She stepped back as Thira cautiously sat up with Alesia's aid.

Thira swung her legs over the side of the bed, gritting her teeth at the agony the movement set off. She bowed her head using her loose hair to cover her pain-wracked features as she panted for breath. Extending out her good arm she waited till Alesia griped it with one hand and slid an arm around her back then holding her breath stood. She groaned, the nausea rising in her throat as her head swam from the change of position. "Give me a moment," she gasped, she stayed still hoping it would settle back down. She didn't want to make a fool of herself by puking on the Regent that still remained nearby. Her body relaxed a little as her stomach and head settled back down. "Alright, lets go. I need to lie back down" She declined any help but Alesia's. Moving slowly they exited the tent heading for their own quarters. A hush followed them as they made their way through the camp with the Regents following them attentively.


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