Panter's Pride:

by T. S. Hubbard

Disclaimer It's still mine. Note: Panter's Pride must be read first, as this is book 2.
Thanks to Thorie for volunteering to proofread yet another story.
Email address: comments welcome.

Chapter Sixteen

Panter blocked a cut to her head from her opponent. Their swords scraped together as she locked the hilts to prevent him from taking another swing. Taking an easy way out she kneed him in the groin as hard as she could causing him to loosen his grip and release his sword in reaction letting it fall to the ground below. While he was distracted by the intense pain from the blow Panter slammed the hilt of her sword into the side of his head. She started to turn as she sensed someone coming up behind her but before she could engage him one of her people stepped in and drew him off.

Panter took a moment to draw in a deep breath and grab a seconds rest. The fighting had been going full tilt all morning into the early evening. Once they had charged the enemy with their own horsemen it had become too dangerous to rely solely on the archers. The risk of hitting their own people was far to great to take that sort of chance. Alesia had taken several units to the outlying side of the enemy army and were still carefully picking them off one by one while they continued to move to prevent their position from being targeted and eliminated. She shook her sword hard to get rid of some of the blood that thickly coated its surface. A stumbling form drew her attention. Seeing an amazon on the way down she sprang at the figure that loomed above her. Grabbing the man around the neck she jerked it to the side sharply then let the limp form fall. Ignoring the body she reached down and pulled the woman back to her feet.

Panter bent over so her head was beside the woman's ear. "Are you all right?" She had to raise her voice slightly to be heard over the frenzied screaming that surrounded them.

The amazon sent her a grateful look that silently thanked her for her help as she nodded. She saluted quickly then plunged back into the fighting.

Hope she makes it through this. Panter thought as she engaged the nearest enemy. I wish we all could. But unfortunately I know that many of us won't. Forcing those kinds of thoughts from her mind she concentrated on the man that was doing his best to kill her. A grin bent her lips at the challenge the fighter presented. Most of the ones she'd fought so far had been taken down to easily. It was about time someone tried to test her skills.


Tera pulled her sword free from the man she'd just beaten. He fell as she engaged the one that promptly filled his spot. She ignored the slight ache building in her shoulders as she blocked his blow. Actual fighting impacted the muscles that were used more harshly than any practicing ever could. The power and force coming at you were stronger then what was used in training. They exchanged rapid blows as he tried to overpower her with brute force. She struggled to hide the surprise she felt as her defenses easily held up against the power she could feel colliding with her blade. A spark of delight lit in her gut as she remembered Thira's words about what gifts she'd received as Panters mate. In day-to-day things it wasn't as apparent to her that anything had changed, but this seemed to prove it as fact. As their blades collided again she braced her feet and shoved him back as hard as she could. He staggered backwards several steps with a look of shock on his face. A grin spread across her face at the success of the move. Before the man could shift his blade out of the guard position Tera ran toward him with her sword held to the side. He was so intent on watching her blade she surprised him again as she jumped into the air and extended her leg in a snap kick that Panter had taught her. Her booted foot drove the blade of his own sword right into his face. Blood spurted as the flat of his blade crushed his nose. Unfortunately for him he didn't notice it as the shards from his broken nose penetrated his brain killing him.

Tera landed just behind the falling mans body. Seeing a knot of enemy fighters forming around several of her people she darted over to help. A hilt to the head dropped one of them while it also made the others aware of the new arrival. A sudden surge of strength washed through her body easily beating back the exhaustion that had started to trouble her. She tightened her grip on her sword as she drew several fighters away from the group. She narrowed her eyes at the look of glee that entered their eyes at the sight of who had assaulted them. Tera knew what they were thinking as they took in the band of gold that still encircled her forehead. As the leaders of Hawks Peak she and Panter had kept on their badges of office in spite of the many requests that they be removed. Many were worried that if they didn't they'd be separated from the other fighters as people of special interest. But they had refused saying that to do so would be hiding from their responsibility. They considered it to be a cowardly act and that was something they both refused to do.

"Looks like that rumor of their leader staying out of the fighting was wrong." The ugly smile that twisted his lips spread to his companion as they watched Tera intently. "Good. Doesn't look like she'll be much of a challenge though. Don't interfere, I got this one."

Tera focused on the man who spoke ignoring his buddy as he nodded and stepped away moving back into the throng of bodies around them. The surrounding sounds faded as she watched his movements carefully. The small signals he sent told her that she wasn't facing any run of the mill fighter. This was someone who took the craft of fighting very seriously. Before she'd met Panter there was no way she would have believed she could take someone like this out. But for the past year Panter had been teaching the kind style of sword fighting she knew adapting it to the long sword that she preferred to use. To both their surprise she had grown rapidly proficient at it, learning at a far greater pace then they had originally believed she would. Lately in the practice bouts between them Tera had even bested Panter several times to her shock and delight. This fact calmed her as she readied herself for the fight before her. She caught the glimmer of a frown that past through his eyes as he responded to the unknown movements before attacking.

Tera met him in mid lunge. She swept her blade to the side taking his with it while driving them both down towards the ground. She reversed her swing and brought them both back up, successfully taking control away from him as he was forced to follow her movements or lose his weapon. She took the opening it brought her to drive her fist into his jaw, the grip of her pommel lending its weight to give her a harder punch then she would normally have. His head snapped to the side at the force of the blow. Tera dropped back her knuckles smarting from the hit. She flexed her fingers slightly as she tightened her grip on the hilt. Adrenaline rushed in her veins at the sight of him spitting blood to the side.

"Good one. But I bet you can't do that again." He bared his blood-streaked teeth at her. "You're about to die little girl."

"Don't try to intimidate me, it won't work. Better then you have tried and failed." She grinned at him hatefully. For a second everything seemed to slow down as she watched a bead of sweat form on his upper lip fall.
She moved her gaze to his and to her amazement saw fear flicker briefly in his eyes as he responded to something he'd seen on her face.

He roared and rushed her again. Tera felt power coil in her legs as she sprang skyward and tucked into a forward somersault. Halfway into the tumble she kicked out landing a blow to the back of his head that helped him in his forward momentum. A quick hand out was the only thing that saved him from plowing face first into the ground. She spun to face him again as soon as she landed. She saw the frustration start to show on his face and shook her head. Tera sighed as he charged her again. His emotions were making the attacks he used sloppy. She blocked his downward cut and drove her right knee into his ribcage. The dull snap of breaking bones met her ears as she shoved him away from her. The only sound he let out from the action was a harsh grunt. If this fight had not been in the middle of a war Tera would have let him go and just walked away. Regrettably it was and that was something she knew she couldn't do. She lifted a finger and beckoned him closer.

"Lets finish this farce of a fight." Tera knew that would anger him enough to be able to end this fight between them quickly. The bellow of anger he let out as he rushed her let her know she'd succeeded in her attempt.

She ignored his weapon as she slid to one knee and simply let him run himself through on her sword. Tera felt his warm blood gush out over her hands as she stood. Her body took on his weight briefly as he gasped, a harsh gurgle rose in his throat as she pulled up on her sword before pulling it away. She stepped back and silently watched as he came to the realization he was dying. She turned her back on him just as he reached out then heard the thud of his body hitting the ground behind her. She raised her sword up and stared at the blood that covered the pommel and the hand that held it.

"It gets easier the more you do it, don't you think. Killing people I mean."

Tera stiffened at the sudden voice. It was one she had hoped she'd never hear again. She whirled around with her sword up and at the ready. She stared over her blade at the one person that had haunted her nightmares long after their last meeting. "What the hell are you doing here?"

The man who was the focus of her attention folded his arms as he watched her with an expression of pure contempt. "That's a foolish question. This is my army after all." His face twisted with hatred. "Besides that, I owe you for doing this to me!!" He touched the left side of his face as he spoke.

Tera's gaze flickered to the group of men that surrounded her cousin in a ring of protection. She struggled to hide the sense of dread that had hit her at his sudden appearance. She dropped the mental barrier that kept her separate from her partner. Panter I need you, it's Doran he's here. A feeling of rage battered her briefly before it abruptly cut off leaving her a bit unbalanced for a moment before she was able to push the sense of vertigo away. She moved her gaze back to Doran taking in the eye patch that now covered his left eye; the scars that accompanied it on that side of his face were horrendous. "You look pretty good for someone who's supposed to be dead."

"Luckily for me, that abomination of yours was more involved with you at the time. Too bad you couldn't have stayed dead." A snicker escaped him at the thought. "Oh well, I suppose that we can fix that unfortunate situation right now." He snapped his fingers at his men. "Kill her but make sure she suffers first."
Tera tightened her grip on her sword hilt as she watched the men unsheathe their weapons and start forward.


Alesia watched as her arrow hit her target in the chest. She searched out the next one as she readied another arrow. She didn't flinch as a stray arrow that had been fired blindly in her general area sank deep into the tree trunk only a hand span from her head. She loosened her next arrow taking the enterprising archer in the throat effectively ending his lucky streak. The fighting below them became too congested with their own people to risk continuing their current assault. Without looking back she lifted a hand and circling over her head made a fist then pointed down at the enemy below them. After signaling she put her own bow away and dropped down from the limb she'd been perched on. She could hear the faint crackle of undergrowth as her squads followed her orders. Alesia met their serious faces as she confirmed that they were all present. She nodded as she drew her sword and led them out of the protective boarder of trees into the thick of the fight. They immediately spread out to bolster the assault that their comrades were in the midst of.

Alesia booted one in the stomach as she engaged another that rushed her eagerly. She grabbed his wrists as she blocked an overhead swing. Stepping in close she slammed a hard kick into his ribs. He coughed as the sudden move made him loose his breath with its force. She grinned as she kicked him again in the same spot then forcefully shoved him away from her. Involved in the pain that flared in his side he failed to react in time to prevent the blade that separated his head from his shoulders. Alesia caught her breath as she watched the headless body drop. She was still on the edges of the furious fighting so was still relatively safe to take this small bit of time to recover. Muffled drumming made her look to the side, her eyes widened at the sight of the mounted rider that thundered toward her. Her position had exposed her enough that it caused a lancer to take advantage of it. A spasm of fear at the sight of the oncoming weapon seemed to paralyze her as she watched her death come closer and closer. Her mind screamed at her to move but her body failed to follow any of its demands. Sorrow flooded her heart when the moment to act had passed and she didn't move. She tightened her grip on her sword hilt and raised it in a last ditch attempt of self-defense as she mourned their short partnership. Thira, I'm sorry. She fought not to close her eyes as the moment of her death came upon her.

A roar echoed over the field as a blur passed her and sprang at the oncoming horseman. The man abruptly disappeared as a body crashed into his, sweeping him from his saddle. They landed in a bone-jarring thud as the rider less horse veered from its path and rapidly fled. She watched in horror as two bodies struggled locked together in battle. One body was thrown free as a sharp crack sounded. Alesia took a rapid step forward as the form of her partner registered when she dragged herself back to her feet and headed for the waiting man. A knife blade caught the ebbing sunlight as she stalked toward him. Thira's face twisted with rage as she sprang at him with the blade upraised. Their bodies hit the ground again as they struggled for possession of the knife. Worry cut through the fear that had enveloped her, as the fight seemed to drag on much longer then it normally should have. Just as she was ready to make an attempt to intervene both bodies stopped struggling. Panic flooded her as neither one moved as she cautiously approached them. Just before her fingers touched Thira's shoulder she groaned slightly and started to stir. Alesia caught her form as it rose then almost fell again. She quickly glanced at the body that remained on the ground and spotted the dagger in its chest, the position of the blade indicating he had been stabbed in the heart. Alesia turned her attention back to the woman in her embrace. She tightened her arms around her grateful that she was alive and knew it was only because of the body pressed against hers. Her brow furrowed as her right hand encountered something wet on Thira's back. Raising her hand she gasped, her whole hand was covered in blood. Alesia abruptly found herself supporting all her mates' weight as the form in her arms went limp.

Taking a quick look around; she crouched slightly and gingerly slid Thira over her right shoulder. Standing she grunted in surprise at the heaviness of the still body. Moving as fast as she could Alesia moved them out of the battle that still seethed around them. The surrounding trees gave them a measure of protection so she could try and determine the extent of Thira's injury. Laying her down beneath a tree Alesia rolled her partially onto her front and gently pulled up her tunic to see the site of the wound better. She wondered briefly when Thira had removed her leather armor but dismissed it; it was a trivial thing she could hopefully find out about later. Right now the woman that she loved was hurt. Tearing a sleeve off her own shirt she dabbed the blood away. A deep slice ran close to her spine, blood welled up and trickled out over the surface of her skin without showing any signs of stopping.

"Damn it." Alesia pressed the makeshift cloth to the wound hoping that the pressure would slow or even better stop the steady flow of blood. "What the hell happened?" Time slipped by slowly as she struggled to get the bleeding under control without any success. The growing paleness of Thira's features made her fearful that she would die and leave her all alone. At that thought the loneliness that had haunted her at Thira's absence gradually engulfed her and threatened to drag her back into the emptiness she'd once existed in. No sound came from her as she increased the pressure against her wound. Alesia's shoulders dropped as she started to quietly weep. Tears ran down her face, dripped off her chin and spattered against her hands and the spotted skin of her partners back. She wiped her face against her shoulder as she struggled to pull herself back together. Right now it seemed as if the only thing that could help would be to receive the power of healing from a god. Alesia stilled as that thought replayed in her mind while she studied the tattoo that decorated the skin of her right forearm and hand. Her gaze moved to the one that resided on Thira's arm. Or perhaps a Goddess would be willing to accept such a request from one of her chosen. Taking a deep breath at the chance she was taking Alesia closed her eyes as she called upon their guardian for the first time. My goddess your chosen is in moral peril and I know of nothing that I can do to help. Her life is in your hands to do with as you wish. Alesia remained silent as she waited for any indication that her plea had been heard. Only the yelling in the distance and the halting breath from the body at her side met her ears. A growing sense of desperation made her call out again. She's your chosen and yet you do nothing. We fight for you against an unknown enemy that you cannot reveal. For this I am to lose the one that is the holder of my heart? Anger flooded her at the injustice of it all. Why do all this if you will only abandon us when we need you the most?

Alesia knew that Thira's own healing could handle most mortal wounds but this one was especially severe and with being in the midst of fighting they did not have the time for her to heal on her own, if she could. She jerked in startlement as light bloomed in front of them. She bowed her head as the sight of Potnia Theron became visible. The jaguar and wolf that normally accompanied her settled at her feet to watch without a sound.

"You'd believe I would simply abandon any of my chosen?"

Alesia cringed as the angry words rang throughout the small grove they were in. She remained silent unsure if a response was required or even wanted. Her heart sank as she became aware of how foolish she'd been to anger a deity as she had.

The voice gentled. "Alesia look at me."

Alesia slowly raised her eyes to meet the goddesses own gentle blue. The harsh anger that she'd spoken with did not show in her gaze. The confusion she felt must have shown as the deity spoke again while a small smile appeared on her face.

"As much as I dislike when my chosen grovel to me, the way you raged at me was not acceptable either." The smile slipped from her face. "You'd do well to remember that in the future."

Shame flooded Alesia. No matter the reason she should not have raged against the one who had selected them as hers. "I will remember." She said softly. She looked at the ground as a sense of humiliation over took the shame.

Potnia Theron only nodded and did not speak of it any further. "I could heal Thira but I won't." She raised a finger to silence any protests that would have come from Alesia as she looked up in horror at her words. She pointed at Alesia as she continued to speak. "However, you will."

"But I can't heal her, don't you think I would have done it already if I could." Alesia knew she tread a fine line as she argued with the Goddess.
The smile that graced the deities face reassured her that she was not upset at the sharp words, if anything she seemed to be more than pleased.

Potnia Theron tapped a finger on her chin as she regarded Alesia. "Surely I told you?" She looked up at the branches that moved above her head as she thought. "No, No perhaps I didn't." Moving her gaze back to the woman kneeling on the ground in front of her she stroked the wolf lightly as it pressed against her leg. "You do know as a chosen you were bestowed certain gifts?"

"Yes, but I was told you only received them when we were blessed by you at our Handfasting." Alesia shifted in her spot as she worried that Thira would not survive during the discussion the goddess was obviously intent on having.

"Do not worry over your mate. The bleeding has stopped while I am here and she isn't in any danger of passing over." Potnia Theron had easily read the obvious worry that plagued her chosen.

Alesia respectfully bent her head in thanks.

"The handfasting is only a visual formality. The moment you consummated your bond the changes had already begun. By the time any marriage would have been preformed the gifts would already have been in effect." Potnia Theron walked over to Alesia and crouched down close alongside her ignoring the blood that started to soak into the edges of her gown. "Every gifting is different it relies on the strengths of each individual. With you besides the increase of strength and dexterity, I gave you the power of healing." She reached down and softly stroked the side of Thira's face. "With the way your mate plunges headlong into dangerous situations without thinking first I believed it was one of my better ideas." Pulling her hand back she placed a finger under Alesia's chin and lifted it so she could look into her dark eyes. Whatever she saw in them seemed to satisfy her. Rising to her feet she placed a hand on her shoulder then stepped back. "Place your hands on the wound."

Alesia gingerly covered the wound with her hands. She made her touch firmer at the Goddesses urging. Her insides roiled at the notion that this would never work.

"Dismiss your uncertainty Alesia or it won't." A thread of command laced the calming words. "Now it's fairly simple, visualize the injury knitting back together and it will."

Alesia seized upon her military training to calm her mind and concentrated. It was easy to picture the body under her hands as whole and healthy again. A surge of heat filled her startling her into opening her eyes. Her hands glowed slightly, the edges of the wound that she could see rapidly healed as she watched. By the time the glow had faded she was slumped over Thira as exhaustion ambushed her.

"Tired?" Potnia Theron touched her on the upper back. After a moment she crouched down as Thira started to stir. "Ah, welcome back untamed one."

Thira sat up hastily then paused as she felt the absence of the excruciating pain that she'd tried to desperately ignore. She turned grateful eyes to the powerful woman that studied her. "You healed me, thank." A gesture cut of her words.

"I did nothing. The one you need to thank is your mate, she healed you." She rested a hand briefly on her shoulder then stood and rejoined her animals. She watched the two embrace each other then regained their attention as she continued to speak. "Alesia, you must remember that any healing will drain you of strength. The power that you use will be severely taxing to your body as you're a mortal." The woman exuded a sense of amusement at the words. "Well, mostly anyway." She waved a hand at them as she started to fade away. "Now go your friends have need of you." A whisper echoed in the clearing as she disappeared. "Be cautious of the scarred one."

The two women who remained stood close together as the energy that the goddess had given them flowed throughout them. They wondered at the parting words but other things had to be taken care of before trying to puzzle it out.

Cupping Alesia's face in her hands Thira kissed her tenderly. "Thank you," A purr vibrated her chest as the kiss ended. "We must go but we'll speak of this later." She checked to see if the daggers still remained tucked into her boots. She'd been made to shed her harness by the healer when Panter had dropped her off to be seen too. She'd fled at the first bolt of fear that had slammed into her. At first she was unsure were it had come from until another slammed into her and she'd responded instinctively to it. The sight of the horseman had sent her into a rage but she didn't remember anything after she'd dragged him from his saddle. "Lets go."

They moved out of the trees at a run. Thira sped up a little when she noticed that Alesia was keeping up with her easily. A grin teased her lips as a light wind made her hair fly back. A feeling made her head for the rear of the fighting. The scene that met her eyes made her eyes slit as she snarled. A large group of men were stalking Tera as another laughed, a look of amusement vying with hedonistic delight covering his face. "There."

Alesia nodded as she drew her sword. "I see them."

They wasted no time in attacking the first ones that they reached. Out of the corner of her eye Thira saw Panter arrive with a group of her own militia. She snarled at the mercenary that faced her and gestured at him to attack. "Come on big boy lets see what you got." He was huge and packed with so much muscle Thira wondered briefly how he could possibly move.

"Kind of stupid to face me without a weapon. You're going to be too easy." He lunged at her, the axe he was holding slicing into the air where she'd been. He gaped at the empty space until the burning pain that ran across his left side sank in. The hand he pressed to it came back red with blood. "How the hell?" He turned to see the woman that was fighting him waving bloody nails at him.

"Not so unarmed now am I?" She bared her fangs at him as she stalked closer while he edged away.

"What the hell are you and why are you helping her?" He spat angrily. "She's a fake you should be fighting with us for the true Regent."

Thira laugh was filled with distain. "You wouldn't know the real Regent if they came up and kicked you in the ass."

"Ours has the backing of a Demi god so I think he would know the real one if he saw it."

"Demi god?" Thira stopped moving as the word hit her. She wanted to ask more about it but the questions would have to wait as the man continued his attack.


Tera glimpsed the arrival of Thira and Alesia with a surge of relief. They immediately pulled several fighters away from the group that had started to surround her. She blocked a downward blow from her opponent as he swung widely. What they lacked in fighting skill they made up for with sheer brute force. Tera dug her heels in as she pushed him away. A trickle of sweat ran down her neck as she watched for his next move. Any other person fighting him would probably have been dead by now. But luckily I'm not one of them. She didn't move her eyes from her target when twin roars rang out. A smirk played on her lips as she watch him flinch at the primal sound. Knowing time was of the essence Tera changed her fighting style from defense to offense as she pressed her own attack. Their swords sang with the power of their swings as they furiously battled. Ducking another cut to her head Tera spun in a low circle and kicked out, driving a booted foot with all her strength into the mans gut. His breath exploded outwards with the force of the kick causing him to automatically drop his weapon as he moved his hands to the injured area. Tera seized the opening and finished him off quickly. She swung her blade at his now exposed neck. She turned and engaged the next mercenary she came upon leaving a headless corpse behind her.

The bloody fighting came to a rapid end as they finished off each man with finality. Tera glanced around when she failed to see her cousin. She spotted him trying to evade capture by attempting to blend into the fighting that still went on around them. "Thira would you grab him please?"
She pointed in Doran's direction and hid a grin at the delight that appeared on her friends face as she went after him and dragged him back into the circle.

"One piece of shit as requested." Thira threw him down at Tera's feet and booted him in the side, a smile of enjoyment still on her face. "Anything else?"

"Yes, could you grab the nearest mercenary. I believe that my cousin would like to surrender to us." Tera glared down at the cowering figure at her feet. "Isn't that right Doran?" She followed Thira's example and booted him herself when he answered with just a whimper. "Isn't that correct?"

Doran yelped in pain at the kick. "Yes, we surrender."

Thira came back quickly dragging a struggling form behind her. Leaning down she grabbed him by the neck and pulled him to his feet effortlessly.
She accepted the horn that Alesia extended to her and thrust it into his face. "Here, you've surrendered. Sound it out so the others know."

The mercenary pushed it away. "We'd never surrender to you."

"Is that so?" Thira turned him so he could see his commander cowering at Tera's feet. "Looks like one to me, what do you think?"

The man paled at the sight. "Commander is this true?"

Doran didn't look up as he answered. "Yes, sound it out for the others."

The man slowly reached out and took the horn. He paused as he brought it to his lips then froze when a knifepoint dug into his neck.

"Just so you know, I'm aware of what a surrender signal is so don't try to play anything else, understand?" Thira dug the point in a little deeper to make sure he knew she was serious. She smirked as he swallowed hard then carefully nodded his understanding. "Good, now do it."

The clear notes of surrender sounded out over the meadow. The fighting slowly tapered off as the mercenary army grudgingly followed the command and gave up their weapons. The regents directed their people to make sure all weapons were seized and the enemy taken as prisoners. A rotating guard was set up to keep an eye on the forces that remained. Others went out onto the field and started the sad job of gathering all their fellow fighters that had dropped in battle.

While that was going on the four of them turned their attention to getting as much information as they could out of Doran.


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