Panter's Pride:

by T. S. Hubbard

Disclaimer It's still mine. Note: Panter's Pride must be read first, as this is book 2.
Thanks to Thorie for volunteering to proofread yet another story.
Email address: comments welcome.

Chapter 19

Panter watched with a growing sense of disgust while Thira interrogated their prisoner. How this sniveling pile of crap was related to Tera was something she couldn't fathom. She leaned back in her seat; they had pulled Doran in for a chat first thing this morning. She glanced outside, it was almost noon, and what they had gotten from him wasn't enough to help them. Panter turned her attention back to the matter at hand when voices rose.

"C'mon, you've already lost so stop trying to hide things from us and just spit it out already!"

Thira moved closer to the man sweating in the chair. The stench of fear that wafted from his body made her upper lip curl, exposing an incisor. She slowly circled his chair as she considered her next move. She had to give the man some credit, he hadn't totally rolled over, even the info they did get had been of little value. Thira leaned over his shoulder while trying to keep her roiling stomach in check, with her heightened senses his body odor was offensive.

"All right then, let's start off easy. Your boss is at Doslan correct?"

Doran jumped as the low voice growled the query into his ear. For some reason the woman that was asking the questions made him more nervous than the dark woman that was studying him so closely. He cast a glance over toward his cousin to see her calmly tapping a pen on the table while idly watching what was going on in front of her. He jumped again as the woman behind him spoke once more.

"I asked you a question worm, it's in your best interests to answer it."

"Yes." He squeaked. Doran cleared his throat then tried again. "Yes, Yes he's at Doslan." A hand patted him on the shoulder like he was some sort of disobedient pet; he flinched as the nails on it caught his eye. The sharp claws that adorned it could just as easily rip into his flesh then take the time to ask him questions. He frowned a bit at the sight of them as suspicion started to raise its head.

"Very good." Thira squeezed his shoulder a bit harder then moved around to face him. "That wasn't so difficult now, was it?" She watched the hesitant headshake he gave with an impassive face. For a brief moment she wished Alesia was here but she'd needed to get their new recruits integrated into their ranks before they were pulled into another fight. She tapped a clawed fingertip against her lower lip. "Tell me about your ex leader Doran. I've been told he's a Demi God, is that true?" A twisted smile broke over their prisoner's face at the question.

"He is." Doran drew on the strength that flowed through him at the thought of the subject. "He told me he knew I was the true Regent and if I lent my army to him he would make sure I would take back my rightful position over the people of Hawk's Peak."

Thira snorted in amusement. "I find that unlikely considering the true Regents of Hawk's Peak are in this room." She replied while motioning to Tera and Panter.

Doran's face flushed red when what she'd said finally sank in. "Regents!" He moved to stand but was slammed back into his chair by the hand that grabbed his shoulder. He glared at his cousin while he panted heavily with rising anger. "It was bad enough that you actually trusted her but you married that abomination too?" Doran cleared his throat and spat toward Tera. "The only thing good enough for that kind of garbage is a quick death." Pain exploded across his face just as he finished. Blinking rapidly to clear the tears of pain that rose in his eyes he sucked in a breath as he was snatched from his seat. He could feel it when his feet left the floor, leaving him to dangle helplessly in midair in the harsh grip that held him by the collar of his shirt.

"Abomination is it?" Thira drew him closer to her and glared into his shocked eyes. "Last time I looked, we were a clan that had been blessed by the Goddess Portia Theron. So to me, our Goddess outranks your measly Demi God." She drew her lips back into a cruel smile that revealed both incisors. Thira let her eyes augment to help make her point clear.

Doran paled as he tried to pull back from the face that loomed over his. "You're one too?" He winced as he hit the floor when the woman threw him in the general direction of his chair. Shakily, he used the legs to pull himself back onto his feet and sat back down. Doran could almost feel their eyes burning into him. He glowered at Tera. "Surrounding yourself with them aren't you?" he spat bitterly.

Tera laid her pen carefully on the table. She suddenly felt sorry for him. "What happened to you Doran. The boy I remember was never like this, he eagerly explored the city and all its surrounding providences with me. He loved discovering new things and never judged people on external appearances."

Doran sneered at her flowery feel good words. "He finally grew up into a man. I realized power was the only thing worth having and I wanted as much as I could get. So when you weren't there when your father died I seized the chance it presented and took over as Regent. After that it was simply the task to find then kill you so there wouldn't be anyone left to challenge my hold on Hawk's Peak."

Tera shook her head. "And this is where you ended up because of it." She felt sad for the loss of the boy she once knew, but she loathed the man he'd grown up to be.

"I ended up here because you couldn't stay dead when I killed you." he replied hotly.

Panter moved toward the smug man rapidly. "I will not allow you to speak to my mate like that again." She stopped in mid step as a hand pressed firmly against her chest. She gave her sister an inquiring look but was only answered by a small shake of her head. Panter would have vehemently protested but she could see the anger that burned in the eyes watching her and stepped back with a nod of assent.

Doran scoffed at her angry words. "Mate, that word certainly fits. My cousin is sleeping with an animal after all."

Thira walked over and studied the man in front of her. She forced down the need to rip his throat out but they wanted what information he had. "We're straying from our purpose. None of this matters and I'm finished playing your little games." Reaching out she grabbed his shoulder and dug her claws in. She smiled with contentment as he screamed in pain and the coppery scent of blood reached her nostrils. "You will tell us what we want to know or I will draw your death out for a very long time. And right now I'm in the mood to make it a mighty messy one."

Pain seemed to deflate Doran's veneer of arrogance. "Let go," He pleaded, "I'll tell you what you want to know I swear it. Just don't hurt me again"

Thira gradually released her hold on him then stepped back. "We'll see."
She casually flicked the blood off her claws before continuing the questioning. Thira caught the chiding look Tera shot her at her thoughtless action and tilted her head in apology. "Your so called Demi god, what's his name?"

"Aniketos, the god of vengeance." Doran pressed a hand against his bloody shoulder to try to stop the slow trickles of blood that were running down his arm.

Thira frowned and shot a glance in Panter and Tera's direction. She shook her head at their questioning looks. That wasn't her father's name. But then again what would stop him from changing it to whatever he liked. "The unconquerable is it. Well to me, it seems as if we've been kicking his ass around so far. I believe he might want to consider about doing a name change soon." She exchanged a grim smile with her sister before bringing her gaze back to Doran. Her smile broadened at his defiant stare. "Be angry as much as you wish, but it won't change the fact that we're handing your head back on a platter every time we meet." Thira's eyes went cold. "Are there plans for another attack anytime soon?"

Doran considered not answering then saw a clawed hand start to reach toward him from the corner of his eye. "No, he was confident that we would annihilate you with the forces he sent." He relaxed slightly when the hand withdrew.

"He won't question it when no one arrives back at Doslan?" Tera asked suddenly.

Doran slowly shook his head. "No, the one thing I know about for sure is that Aniketos won't care if every man he sends ends up dead. As long as the enemy dies with them, he'll consider it an acceptable cost of life. He gives me the impression that he cares more about that damn skin he takes with him everywhere he goes then the lives of my men."

Thira's eyes widened slightly at Doran comment while her stomach churned with sudden tension. "Skin?"

"As annoying as he is about it, I have to say it's a nice one. He let me touch it once and I've never felt fur softer than that before." Doran was so involved with the memory he didn't see the quick exchange of looks or Panter's step toward Thira that ended at the brisk shake of her head.

"Describe it." Thira demanded. She had a horrible feeling that she knew what he was going to say.

"It was a light tan color about this size." Doran held his arms out by his sides to help describe what he was talking about. He sucked in a quick breath as his injured shoulder protested the motion.

Thira started to relax a bit at the description even thought the size he was talking about could have been an adult animal. The sense of relief vanished as he went on.

"What was a little unusual about it was that it had these dark marks on it. You just don't see anything like that around here." Even though he didn't know why the woman in front of him had suddenly turned so pale, the look of distress on her face pleased him.

"Like this?" Thira turned around and pulled up her top so he could see the spots that ran down her spine.

"Yeah, just like that." Doran smirked as he started to add it all together. "So it must have been one of your buddies huh?" He laughed. "That's one less waste of space we'll need to worry about."

Dropping her shirt, Thira twisted around and lunged straight for him. That someone was laughing about the source of the pain that had taken hold of her was too much. Thira snarled with fury when she was yanked back from her target.

"Thira, no!"

Doran jerked backwards at the abrupt attack. His face went white as clawed hands swiped just past his nose. His eyes went wide at the sight of the struggle that was going on in front of him. The muscles in the arms of the dark woman bulged with exertion as she tried to keep hold of the other woman who was trying to get free.

"Let me go, I'm going to kill that son of a bitch!" Thira briefly broke free from the arms that were wrapped around her waist. Just as she sprang at the cowering man, she was grabbed again.

"No Thira, we need him." Panter glared at Doran while he straightened back up with a smug look of disdain on his face. She felt a surge of satisfaction as the look disappeared at her next words. "For now." She pulled Thira against herself more securely when she felt the trembling that abruptly taken place of the mounting rage. Her own heart fell at the good possibility that Thira might indeed know the former owner of that pelt.


Alesia turned rapidly at the sound of the rising clamor that sounded as if it was close by the tent. She'd just finished combining several of the companies to incorporate the new bodies that had switched to their side. Thankfully, most had been their own men that had been station in several of the smaller towns as guards, so it hadn't been too difficult to get the other militia to accept them into the squads where she placed them. She started toward the door to find out what was going on when Thira lunged through the opening and dived into her arms. Alesia could feel the tremors that shook the lean body pressed against hers and started to get upset.

"Thira, what's wrong. Why are you shaking so hard?" Alesia eased them both down onto the low couch and pulled her partner close. She felt the air from Thira's distressed panting beat against her throat. She allowed the silence that answered her to spread unbroken throughout their shelter. Alesia was confident that Thira would let her know what was wrong when she was ready so she was content to stay silent until then. Alesia repetitively ran her hand gently down Thira's back hoping that the rhythm of it would sooth her a little.

Gradually the tremors ebbed to an occasional few. When Thira moved to sit up and Alesia let her go. Distraught eyes reluctantly met hers. Alesia cupped the side of Thira's face in her hand. "Can you tell me what's wrong?" She watched in disappointment as Thira turned her gaze away from hers. "If there's anything I can do, you know I will."

Thira gnawed at her lower lip before answer her partner. "We found out that my father has been carrying a pelt with him." She looked back at Alesia to see a small crease start to appear between her brows. "He described it as being light tan with black spots."

"Just like you do when you're in your other form." Alesia hesitated before continuing. "Do you think that's what it is, another shape shifter?"

Thira slowly nodded. "That's the only reason I can think of that my father would have for keeping it in his possession like he is" She took a deep breath. " I think I might know who it belonged to." Thira's eyes filled with tears as she considered the odds that she might be right.

Alesia gripped Thira's hand firmly, the look of sorrow that came over her face was heartbreaking. She started to get an idea of what Thira might say. "Who?"

"I think it's my mother."


Alesia guided her horse to the side to allow a column of Amazons to ride by. She responded to the respectful salute they gave with a solemn nod. Less then a day had passed after Thira had told her of what went on in the discussion with Doran, that they'd started their march toward Doslan. Tera's cousin had been sent back to Hawk's Peak under heavy guard to await trial for treason and any other charges they could come up with until then. Alesia's mouth firmed, a sentence of death would be to good for him, and she wanted him to suffer as much as possible for what he'd done to Thira and the others. She touched her heels to her horse's sides and increased her speed. It would take them a few days at least to reach their goal; Alesia turned her gaze to the forest of trees that ran alongside their chosen route. Thira had needed some time alone after telling her and had slipped out of her arms and into the nearby woods. Alesia had spent a mostly sleepless night alone before forcing herself up and starting on the first of the many tasks that had needed to be completed before they'd left. She pushed aside the feeling of distress that arose at the thought of Thira distancing herself from her like she had.

Alesia was pulled from her thoughts as her horse snorted then sidestepped restlessly as the brush close by them rustled with movement. She gripped the hilt of her sword as she watched the source of the noise. Alesia tensed and half drew the blade as the noise steadily grew and the branches abruptly parted. A large spotted cat loped down the slight incline and settled into an effortless run beside her mount. Amber eyes locked with brown for a moment before she slid the blade back into the scabbard with a slight click. "You startled me." She smiled as the head close to her knee bumped against her leg in soundless apology. Luckily, her horse knew Thira's scent in this form and was calmly ignoring the powerful shape that was pacing alongside it. "Are you alright?"

A ripple passed over the long body before the cats' head seemed to nod in answer to her question. For a moment Alesia envied the connection Tera and Panter had. But she was grateful for the love she shared with her partner. She leaned over to the side and stroked Thira on her head between her ears. A rough tongue licked her hand in response to the affectionate touch. Alesia caught the sidelong looks the sight of the big cat beside her gathered. After all that happened lately most knew of the relationship she had with the shape shifter. If anything, it was as if they respected her more then they did before, now her orders were immediately acted upon instead of the slight hesitation that had seemed to be present before. For whatever reason Alesia was grateful that everything was settling into place, they had enough to worry about with the situation they were riding toward. Movement beside her attracted her attention, she watched with a renew sense of awe as her partner shifted to her human form. Barely a step was lost until Thira was running beside her on foot; she still kept pace with the trotting horse with no sign of strain.

"I shouldn't have left you like that last night." Thira remained surefooted even though her attention was more turned to Alesia then the ground passing below her feet. She could see the lingering unhappiness that her mate was trying to hide from her. She cursed herself silently; she'd pretty much pushed Alesia away at a time when she'd needed her the most. Thira took in her surroundings absently as she pondered over the huge mistake she'd made. She turned her head to look at Alesia. "Even with being together as long as we have, I reacted like I didn't have anyone there for me. I was a fool to believe that I could deal with this without you." She took a deep breath then braced herself for the response to what she'd say next. "Sometimes the knowledge of how much I need you scares me to death." Thira felt completely exposed after having said that. Even despite the fact that in the deepest part of her heart she knew Alesia loved her, it was still a scary moment for her. A rush of warmth hit her suddenly and her eyes widened slightly at the smile that appeared on Alesia's face. Thira had a hard time understanding why Alesia could be so forgiving to her, but right now, she was just grateful that she was.

Alesia held out her hand. "I need you just as much, but don't do that to me again, it felt as if you'd rejected me and I didn't like that feeling." When Thira reached up and twined her fingers together with hers, she gave their clasped hands a small tug. "Come up here with me I want you close for a while."

Thira smiled broadly. Taking a longer stride, she pushed off with her next step and landed neatly in the saddle behind Alesia. She smirked as the horse protested the abrupt action with a snort of alarm but quickly settled back into his pace. As Thira wrapped her arms around Alesia's waist, she felt a hand rest itself on her right leg. Thira caressed the firm stomach that lie under her fingers and felt the shiver that shook Alesia's frame. She buried her nose in Alesia's thick hair that for once lay loose over her broad shoulders. A low rumble rose in Thira's throat as the intoxicating scent of her mate wrapped itself around her. The rocking of the horse along with the brush of her pelvis against Alesia made her tighten her grip around her partner's waist. A surge of heat burst through her veins as tremors of pleasure unexpectedly seized her. Thira rested her head on Alesia's shoulder as she tried to gather her scattered senses back together. A chuckle broke free as she realized what had happened. A hand rubbed her thigh gently in response.

"Feeling better now?" Alesia knew exactly what had happened behind her. The growl that had drifted to her ears along with the motion against her hips had swiftly clued her in. A glance around had shown her that they were carefully being ignored by the troops that rode nearby. Right then she was grateful for their high sense of propriety. A smile bent her lips at the picture of what Thira's face looked like right now. As passionate as her partner was she wasn't the type to do things like this out in the open.

"Ah yeah, sorry about that." Thira lifted her head and looked to the side. An amazon that rode close by caught her eye and smiled at her. Thira raised an eyebrow in bemusement and shook her head. She turned her attention back to Alesia as her hand patted her leg in response.

"I'm just sorry I missed it." Alesia felt as much as heard the snort of laughter her comment brought. She turned the conversation to something a little more serious. "Do you think that pelt is really your mother?" Alesia held her breath not sure how Thira was going to take the change of subject.

Thira was a bit startled at the abrupt change of topic but could understand why Alesia was asking. "I'm not sure, the thought of my father killing my mother and then… skinning her like that sickens me."

Alesia could easily understand that. The thought of the woman who had given her Thira being treated like that enraged her, and she'd never even met her. Alesia would regret never being able to meet her. To learn about how Thira was when she'd been a child would've been nice. She dismissed that small fantasy and turned her focus back to the conversation at hand. She laid a supportive hand on the ones that were wrapped around her waist. "Your father will pay for what he's done. Even if this war wasn't going on I would kill him just for taking your mother away from you."

As the utter silence behind her dragged on Alesia guided her horse out of the main artery of traffic and halted on the top of a ledge that jutted from the earth close by. She gazed down upon her unit as they continued to march on without them. They were swiftly replaced as company after company followed them. For a moment, the only sound that was heard was the dull thudding of hooves impacting the earth and the jingling of tack as the army continued to flow past.

"You would do that for me?" Thira's voice broke toward the end of the question as if she wasn't sure she should ask.

Alesia slid from the saddle and looked up at her partner. "Thira" Alesia paused then rested a hand on her thigh. The muscled leg flexed at the unexpected touch. "I would do that and more."

Thira glanced down at the fingers that were unconsciously caressing her leg. Reaching a hand out she covered them and weaved their fingers together. Tightening her grip, she studied the face that was looking up at her from below. Coffee colored eyes met hers intently so she could easily read the seriousness of her assertion. "Thank you." Thira could see the slight confusion that remark caused as Alesia's pupils expanded slightly.

"For what?" Alesia knew that her puzzlement at the comment showed on her face. Her eyes fluttered closed when Thira bent and trailed her hand down the side of her face. Her mouth went dry as she felt her breath waft over her lips while she spoke.

"For being here, for loving me as you do. For being willing to take retribution on my father for my sake." Thira couldn't stop herself from kissing the soft lips so close to hers. A purr rose in her throat as Alesia responded to her action with fervor. She reluctantly pulled away from the source of the passion that tried to suck her in with its powerful undertow. "I know I don't deserve you but I thank the Goddess for every moment that we're together."

Alesia opened her eyes and studied the striking face that hovered over her. She quietly traced the features of the woman who had become the center of her world. She'd never expected to have the silent hope that had slowly died inside herself to ever be realized. After she'd seen the happiness Panter and Tera had together, the absolute closeness they'd been blessed with and the solidity of a bond that they'd absolutely known would last the rest of their lives she had grown envious but had tried her utmost to hide that from everyone. Then Thira had shown up and everything she'd finally accepted for her lot in life had rapidly spun out of control. She'd fought against the pull from her attraction to the feral woman as hard as she could thinking that there would never be a chance for them given Thira's loathing and mistrust of anyone human. The pain and anger that had passed between them only made the situation that much worse. Alesia could still clearly remember the moment it had all changed. She'd seen the naked expression of longing and need in the eyes that had stared at her and knew without a doubt that her own showed the same. "As do I."

Thira squeezed the hand enclosed in her own then released it. "We should go, we have a long day ahead of us if we want to arrive at Doslan in a reasonable amount of time." She slid back in the saddle a bit so Alesia could remount. "I have a looming appointment with my father when I get there." Her eyes grew brighter as she considered the response of her appearing suddenly in front of her father.

Alesia gathered the reins in her hands. Turning the horse, she kicked it into a gallop to catch up with her unit. "I believe what you meant to say was that we have a date with your father." She said knowing that her partner could hear her words clearly even with the wind that whipped by them. "Right?"

Thira's canines flashed as she smiled. "Yes, we do." Thira settled against Alesia's back and absorbed her heat with relish as they rode. She pushed her father out of mind for the moment and focused on the here and now.
Later was soon enough for everything to go belly up, she didn't want it to start any sooner then it needed too.


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