~ Shattered Illusions ~
by T. S. Hubbard

I thank Thorie again for her help, without it I'd never attempt to post the editing nightmare she cleans up. Feedback to: thubbar2@insight.rr.com

Chapter 3

Digging my hands deeply into the moist soil I planted the last of the flowers. Sitting back on my heels, I glanced around. Grass mowed, check. Trimming done, check. Flowers planted, check. Satisfied, I stacked up the plastic trays that had held the plants and threw them in the garbage can. Gathering the gardening tools together I stored them in the small garden shed behind the house. Snapping the lock shut, I wiped my hands on my jeans.

"Girl, stop using your clothes like their rags. Get that butt in here and wash those filthy hands of yours" Mrs. Carmicheal stood in the doorway her hands planted on her hips.

"Yes, ma'am" Following her into the kitchen, I scrubbed my hands thoroughly. She had a habit of checking to see if my nails were clean before allowing me to join her for our snack. Walking to the table, I extended my hands for her approval. Relieved as she nodded her acceptance I sank into the chair opposite her. I took a long drink of the ice-cold lemonade that sat at my spot.

"Fresh peanut butter cookies, especially for you" She gently pushed the plate across the table. "I can never thank you enough for all you've done"

"Mmmm" Plucking a cookie off the plate, I bit into it. It was so moist it almost melted in my mouth. Taking a drink to wash it down, I set it on my napkin. "My pleasure, I enjoy it. I've always considered you as a member of the family; you've been around since I was in diapers. Kind of like another grandparent I guess" I fell silent as I thought of my own grandparents who'd died when I was about five years old. I could barely remember them, the only thing that remained were a few faded photos I kept in a box on a shelf in my closet.

"That's so sweet" Mrs. Carmicheal rearranged the cookies on the plate. Catching herself, she moved her hands to her lap. She looked down as if studying them.

The restless movements worried me. "I haven't offended you have I?"

"No, No. It just seems a bit funny that I see more of you than my own grandchildren. You certainly do more and yet you never ask for anything besides a drink and some conversation" Her eyes glistened as she glanced up. "I'd love to think of you as my grandchild"

Getting up, I moved to kneel in front of her. Gently hugging her close, I kissed her forehead. "It would be an honor" Tears stung my eyes as I thought of this sweet old woman's grandchildren never visiting her. It seemed as if my feelings had been correct. I would never allow that to happen again. I'd make sure she was taken care of in anyway I could.

Moving back to my seat, I pulled a notepad from my hip pocket. "Well, grandma" I looked at her questioningly. Smiling as she nodded I continued. "Is there anything you need to do today?"

"I do need a few things from the store but my social security check isn't due till the end of the week"

"May I ask how much you receive for the month" I was concerned she wasn't eating right. The older people got the more they needed to eat right to remain healthy.

"Around twelve hundred I believe I'd have to look in my bank book to be more exact"

I sat stunned. No one could possibly live on that measly amount. "Does your family help at all money wise" I hated to be so nosey but it was horrifying. I'd heard of many seniors' starving to death because they'd had to choose between food and prescriptions.

Here, I had a flourishing business that had grown steadily every year as people spread the word and one of my favorite people in the world was struggling every month just to survive. "I'd like to start a monthly deposit into your account starting now"

"I wouldn't want you to do something like that. It's a nice gesture but if they found out I had other money coming in I'd loose the little bit of money I do get" She patted my hand as my grip on the pen tightened in frustration.

"Then I'll have to come over every couple of days and we'll go get anything you need" A thought occurred to me. "You don't have a house note do you?"

"Oh no, it's been paid off for many years. Several times, I'd thought of refinancing when money got extremely tight but I'd never be able to afford the mortgage. I couldn't stand the thought of the house being taken away if I couldn't make a payment"

"All right, here's what we'll do" I hesitated. "Only with your approval of course" I added. I didn't want her to think I was just coming in and taking over. At her assent we sat and discussed my plan.


Tapping my pen on the desk, I studied the results on the monitor. I'd recently heard about several new food stores in our area advertising about bulk sales. With my new grandma's hesitant approval I'd started looking around, carefully comparing the quality and prices between them. I finally had it narrowed down to two but was unable to make a final choice between them. I glanced over as a body flopped down in the chair that sat in front of my desk.

"Is it five already?" I checked my watch in disbelief. I'd been in the office for over three hours without moving. I never did that. I tossed my pen on the desktop and stretched.

"Yep, everything's locked up and the moneys in the safe" Jen quirked a grin. "Not that you noticed when I came in to put it away" She said pointing at the safe that sat behind me. She propped her feet on the edge of my desk, totally ignoring me as I raised an eyebrow at her action. "So, what has held your attention so much you've stayed in here for almost half the day?"

Leaning back in my chair, I laced my fingers behind my head. "Do you remember Mrs. Carmicheal?"

"You mean the little old lady that likes to embarrass you so much?" Jen voice dripped with amusement. "How could I ever forget her" her forehead creased. "Why do you ask?"

"When I was over there on Sunday I found out she was living off a twelve hundred a month social security check" I wasn't surprised at the expression of disbelief on Jen's face. Her feet dropped to the floor as she sat up straight.

"What!!" She shook her head. "No one can possibly live off that measly amount. After utility's you wouldn't have enough for food to last the rest of the month. What the hell is the government thinking. Most seniors have little if any savings to start with"

"My thoughts exactly" I sat forward resting my arms on the desk. "I was totally disgusted. Her own family basically ignores her existence"

Jen looked at me with a knowing gaze. "What did you do?" At my blank look she pointed at me. "Give it up Franklin, there's absolutely no way you'd let someone you care about stay in that situation"

A smile twisted my lips at the realization that she knew me that well. "Anyway, before that we'd basically adopted one another. I'd known her my whole life so already thought of her as family, she just happened to agree with it" I studied my hands. "I considered just depositing a monthly amount in her banking account to help with the bills and any other things she wanted to purchase" I looked up at Jen's intake of breath.

"Can you afford to do something like that?" Worry colored her voice.

Resting my chin on my folded hands, I studied her closely. Her clear brown eyes meet mine, seeing nothing but concern I relaxed. Idiot I berated myself you knew she wasn't being friends with you because of money. Hell, you knew that a long time ago. Besides, other than your truck you show me one thing in your life that smacks of having money.

"Well, everything I have I own free and clear. This business was inherited and had been paid for long before I received it. Most of my money has been invested, so I do all right. Besides, I'd do anything I had to, to make sure she was properly cared for " I met Jen's dark eyes. "I can find the money for it easily so don't fret about it" My eyes followed her as she got up. Sitting on the desk edge nearest me she rested a hand on my shoulder. Warmth spread as she gently rubbed it with small circular motions.

"You know, it amazes me that no one else sees this side of you. They never see the gentle loving side that we do"

"I told you before only my best girls get to see it" When I realized what I'd just done my palms started to sweat. I had almost revealed my true feelings for her. If she realized that I was closer to her than ANY of my other friends she could easily figure out how I really felt.

Hair brushed against the side of my face as she leaned forward, her hand sliding around my neck as she moved. Breathing in, I could faintly detect the scent of the vanilla perfume she preferred to use. My breath halted as she whispered in my ear.

"Lucky girls" Soft lips brushed the edge of my ear as she spoke.

Fighting the urge to just turn and pull her in my arms, I gripped the edge of the desk hard. My thoughts spun in uncertainty, one side wanted to blurt out my love for her while the other scrambled for any way to run from the threat of exposure. A long silence drew out before I reacted. "I…" I cleared my throat as my voice cracked. "I wanted your opinion on a few things regarding Mrs. Carmicheal's situation"

I relaxed a little as she moved back creating some space between us. A hand smoothed the back of my head causing me to stiffen in surprise at the action. I bit back a gasp as Jen's fingers slid through my loose hair. They continued down the back of my neck unknowingly hitting a highly sensitive area. Only by gritting my teeth was I able to restrain myself from just grabbing her and saying the hell with it. I shut my eyes in relief when she got up and headed for her vacant seat.

"About what?"

Opening my eyes, I found her watching me closely. Inwardly I groaned as she crossed her arms while she leaned back, her action unwittingly pulling my attention toward her breasts. I forced myself back to the matter at hand.

"What's your view between these two stores?" I turned my screen so she could see it. My fingers tightened on the monitor's frame when she pulled the chair nearer to the desk. Her hand brushed mine as she leaned closer to study the information.

"Hmm… Food World isn't bad they have a good variety of stuff. However personally I like Johnson's Marketplace, better service and the prices are little lower on the whole" Jen tapped the name on the screen as she spoke.

"Good" I scribbled the information in my notepad. "That's where we're going to go then. Thanks, I appreciate your help. I've never been to either one so I couldn't decide between them. I'm going to hit the bank tomorrow morning and arrange for a reloadable credit card in her name. I'll be able to put money on it anytime and keep an eye on the balance so she doesn't get too low"

"When are you taking her shopping?" Jen leaned on the desk.

"I was thinking tomorrow after work" I shut down my computer and gathered my paperwork in a pile, leaving it centered neatly on my desk blotter. Getting to my feet I clicked the desk lamp off. Waiting as Jen got up; I pushed the chair back to its original position. Shutting off the overhead I ushered her out, my hand grazing the hollow of her back as I moved. I felt my fingers tingle at the inadvertent touch. Setting the alarm, I locked the main doors behind us and headed for my truck. Disengaging the alarm system I slid in. Pulling the door shut, I laid my head back on the headrest. I felt better with a barrier of some kind between me and the woman that plagued my every waking thought.

I glanced to the side at a light tap on the window. Jen stood on the other side patiently motioning me to open it. Starting the engine, I hit the power switch on the window, rolling it down all the way. I raised an eyebrow curiously. I pulled back as she stepped up on the running board causing her to abruptly become even with me.

She poked her head into the cab. "I'd like to go with you when you take Mrs. Carmicheal shopping" Jen's smile was dazzling against her tanned skin.

I could feel myself begin to smile back. I didn't stop it. "Why?"

Jen shrugged. "I want to know your friends, you've meet most of mine last weekend. Besides, I think Mrs. Carmicheal's a hoot. I'd like to know her better especially since she so important to you, it might be fun seeing you two together" She looked at me with a pleading look. "C'mon, say I can go too"

I couldn't resist that look and she knew it. "I know I'm going to regret this somehow," I muttered to myself. "All right, you can come" I glanced at her work outfit. "Bring other clothes with you so you can change, then we'll go get Grandma"

"Grandma, that's so cute" Jen kissed my cheek and jumped down before I could react. "See you tomorrow" she called heading for her car.

I touched my cheek as I watched her pull out. I could still feel the press of her lips against my skin. Shaking my head in bewilderment,
I put the truck in gear. With a spray of dust and gravel I left the lot heading for home and something cold.


Tossing my keys on the marble kitchen counter, I headed for the fridge intent on getting a cold drink. Today had been hotter then normal the heat index hitting the mid-ninety's. I had spent the lion's part of the day outside sweating while working in the greenhouse and helping John load the customer's purchases. Shorts and a sleeveless shirt helped, probably not the smartest thing to wear but with my skin tone I rarely if ever burned, at least I'd remembered to wear a ball cap. It made me thankful Jen was inside where it was air-conditioned.

I'd only spent the last few hours in the office looking up the information about the stores. I paused my hand on the fridge door as a wave of nausea suddenly hit me. Dizzy, I clutched at the door handle. As soon as it passed, I yanked open the fridge and grabbed the orange juice. Damn it, not again. Forgoing a glass I drank straight from the jug, swallowing as fast as I could without choking.

After drinking nearly a third of the jug, I hastily assembled a turkey and Swiss sandwich. Taking it to the table along with a glass of the O.J. I sat down and ate. This rarely happened. I tried to be extremely carefully to make sure I ate and drank frequently. But with it being as hot as it was today I must have miscalculated. I was just thankful I was home when it happened and not somewhere else. Maybe I should let Jen know about it. I nodded. I'd tell her about it tomorrow. Right now, a shower and the boob tube were all that was on my mind.

I grinned as Arty jumped on my lap intent on getting her share of the turkey. "Hey, your mom almost screwed up today" I stroked her smiling at the rumbling purr. She nudged my hand insistently. "Your not supposed to have table food," I said. A light nip on my hand was her only answer to the scolding. "Arty, stop that" I tore a small bit off and offered it to her. One light sniff and it was gone. Another nudge and I peeled a little more off my last bite. "That's it for you, you greedy thing" I put her on the floor along with the turkey scrap.

Rinsing my plate and cup off, I placed them in the dishwasher. Pulling off the ball cap I tossed it beside my keys. "Definitely time for a shower" I left the kitchen with Arty hot on my heels. In my bedroom she hopped onto the bed while I stripped, throwing my clothes into the clothesbasket by the door. I padded into the bathroom and turned the shower on. Adjusting it to a comfortable temperature I stepped in. I sighed in pleasure at the drumming of the water on my tight shoulders and back. Grabbing the lufa and lavender body wash I soaped it up, scrubbing the layer of dirt and sweat off felt heavenly. My eyes slid half shut as I visualized Jen in here with me, the lufa becoming her touch on my wet skin. I let the fantasy engulf me; sure that this was the only way Jen would ever be mine.


Pulling in to the lot I saw that Jen's forest green Mustang was already there along with several of my other workers cars. She'd come in and opened the shop for me since I was going to be late after stopping at the bank. I patted the card in my shirt pocket with a sense of satisfaction. Grabbing my snack bag, I shut the car door and set the alarm. I'd made sure to check the weather this morning. A cooler air system was coming in today so it would be only in the mid-seventies today. The awning encircling the building would cut it down about ten more degrees so today would be comfortable for everyone. I pulled the door open feeling the cool embrace of the air conditioning inside.

"Morning boss"

I looked up to see Jen sitting at the till. I smiled at the sight of her. "Morning" I narrowed my eyes. "How many times have I asked you not to call me that?"

"But you are" she protested lightheartedly. She caught sight of my bag. "Whatcha got there?"

I hefted the red bag. "I need to talk to you about something real quick, can you come into the office please?" I watched as the teasing on her face faded into concern.

"Sure" She followed me into the office and took a seat. "What's up?"

I tucked my bag into the bottom desk drawer. Sinking into my chair, I wondered how to start. "Something happened when I got home yesterday that I need you to know about just in case"

"In case what?" She sat forward in her seat.

I caught the sound of distress in her voice. "In case it happens again" I paused. "No when it happens again," I corrected. "I'm sure there's a possibility it will"

"Franklin, your starting to freak me out, what the blazes are you talking about?" Her hands tightened on the chair arms.

I raised a hand. "I'm sorry. I just wanted you to know that I'm hypoglycemic"

"What's that?"

"I have low blood sugar. If I don't keep an eye on it, I can have a bad reaction"

"Like?" I held back a smile as she snatched a pencil and paper off the desk and readied them to take notes. It was nice to see she was going to take this so seriously. It was. This is something that could be fatal at times.

"Mild reactions can be nausea, the jitters, rapid heartbeat, cold and clammy skin"

"O.k." She scribbled the info down. "I'm sure there's more"

I nodded. "Moderate includes irritability, confusion, blurred vision and unsteadiness" I waited while she wrote. "Severe makes you lose consciousness, seizers and possibly coma" I hesitated. "The last stage can kill you if it's not treated"

Jens eyes widened. "What happened last night?" she demanded.

"I just got nauseous and a little dizzy" I rose from my seat as she paled in horror. Kneeling by the chair, I placed my hands on her knees. "If anything happens make sure I get juice or hard candy. Something that has fast acting sugar in it, like orange juice. When I am more responsive make sure I eat something. A sandwich, whatever and push the fluids. It normally happens if I forget to eat or sweat too much without replacing it"

"Do you have anything here now?" Her hands covered mine and squeezed them.

"Yeah, the bag I brought in has snacks and some of those small bottles of o.j."

"Good, I'll store some stuff under the front counter too so it'll be right at hand" Releasing her grasp she pulled me into a hug. I willingly went with the motion breathing in her scent with a sense of pleasure. "I'm glad you told me Franklin, if something would have happened and I didn't know what to do for you it would have devastated me"

"I'm sorry, I should have told you long ago. Last night scared me, so I made sure to tell you about it this morning" I pulled back a little to meet her gaze. My chest tightened at the sight of her damp cheeks. Reaching up I wiped the tears away with my thumb. " You alright?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Just promise me not to hide anything else important from me" I stood as she rose to her feet, her hand holding onto mine.

My mind went right to the biggest secret I was struggling to keep from her. "I won't," I promised. "Not if its important" I kept silent as her gaze sharpened at my response, she searched my face for some sort of clue. I breathed a sigh of quiet relief as she turned towards the door finally releasing my hand. I grieved the loss of her touch but reconciled myself to it.

"No working outside if it gets too hot Franklin" was her parting words. "I'll be keeping an eye on you"

I opened my mouth to protest but then closed it with a smile. "Yes, ma'am" I held back a chuckle as she turned to stick out her tongue before continuing into the store. I arched an eyebrow at the thought of what she could do with that tongue of hers. "Behave," I whispered to myself. "Get your mind back on work" Brightening, I remembered tonight. I would get to spend the whole evening with my girls; today was going to be great. I settled into my paperwork in a much happier frame of mind, even this wouldn't be able to get me down today.


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