Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 140 pages | Finished | Sep-12
Links: Enginerd Library
Reader Recommendations:
Excellent post-Endgame story! Loved the characterizations of the Janeways as well as Chakotay, making it painfully clear who's best for Seven. Wonderful Gretchen and Seven moments too! - Zivadiva - Sep-13-2012 Great, enjoyable read. - Beckek - Sep-18-2012 <(*_*)> - :o) - Jan-24-2013 Excellent handling of the "After Endgame" dilemma. One of the best. - Seana James - May-08-2013 There were some great laugh out loud moments in Asylum. The dynamics between the characters, even the minor ones were lovely crafted. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing your talent. - CJ - Aug-30-2013 Very nice Post End Game fic that will warm your heart efficiently. - Anonymous - Oct-09-2013 |
Birds of Prey | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 12 pages | Finished | Jul-10
Reader Recommendations:
Short and sweet story. Makes me happy. - silverwriter01 - Jul-21-2010 BoP is always in need of more love and attention, Enginerd does great!! - Anonymous - Jul-24-2010 Hurray, another Birds of Prey story, and even better by one of my favorite authors :) This was a very sweet story. We need more Birds of Prey stories! - Aerows - Aug-05-2010 A nice story. Great job - sassy123 - Feb-23-2011 Awww! This story was funny, full of love and sexy in the ways that mean something. There was no angst or anxiety. I so very much needed to read this story that was easy to let in and feel with the heart. Thank you, Enginerd! - Samantha - Nov-04-2012 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 7 pages | Finished | Dec-08
Links: Enginerd's Site
Reader Recommendations:
A wonderful post endgame story. A true checkmate....Avid - Avidreader276570 - Dec-08-2008 Great story. I just love Enginerd's stories. Hope to see many more. - linda aka cygirl1 - Dec-09-2008 I love Captain Janeway!! I hope Enginerd writes more about the J/7 pairing. - Greegan - Dec-09-2008 What a wonderfully witty story! I love Janeway/Seven. The humor is so uniquely woven into the story that it's just richly satisfying. Sweet, Enginerd. It's a gift for one of the twelve days of Christmas. Thank you. - Teresa Thomas - Dec-09-2008 I enjoyed this! More J/7 please! - Joan - Dec-25-2008 i can never get tired of this short story. leaves me with a smile. - carinjo - Dec-06-2009 Nice J/7 story. I love the dry humor between Seven and Janeway. Very well written. I've read it many times and it always makes me smile. - Lyn B - Feb-28-2011 Cute! - Anon - Mar-18-2011 ST:V J/7 stories are my absolute favorite. It's the dynamic of wit, intelligence, the universe, Janeway and Seven; when all are mixed together the effects go supernova. Enginerd is one of my favorite J/7 writers, it's the closest I've been to seeing through a writer's lens and witnessing the story unfold---words soon give way to faces and scenes. Thank you, Enginerd! And, a bow to you Athenaeum!! - Samantha - Mar-09-2014 |
Conqueror | Ancient | Alternative | Humor | Novel - 184 pages | Finished | Dec-01
Cast: Xena, Gabrielle, Ephiny, Cyrene, Conqueror, Solari, Callisto, Valeska, Lila, Melosa, Minya, Otere
Links: Enginerd's Fan Fiction
Reader Recommendations:
This a very funny Conqueror story. Enginerd is a writer who can combine humor and adventure with terrific results. Here the alternative Conqueror universe gets a real work out with naked Amazons, a confused lovelorn Conqueror and a very accidental Amazon queen. - Cheryl Ande - Jan 17th, 2003 The link to this story is broken. Curse of the Conqueror by Enginerd - Tracey - Feb 19th, 2004 I just finished reading Curse of the Conqueror and I give it high marks. A tongue tied Conqueror looking for "love" in all the wrong places and unable to talk about, um... well, you know... makes for a very funny story. Add to that an excellent plot and you have a winner. - Patricia - Feb 23rd, 2004 I thouroughly enjoyed this humorous and moving story. I don't usually like Conqueror tales, but this one is a fantastic exception. Enginerd has a very engaging writing style. - Carol Lee - Oct 19th, 2005 This story has engaged me right from the beginning, I'll definitely give it high marks. However, I was sadden to see the story ending just right after Xena wakes up. I hope to see a sequel where Xena and Gabrielle are reunited again. - Nat Chan - Apr-28-2006 Curse of the Conqueror is a finished story and does not end with Xena waking up. There is much more to the story. The complete story can be found on the here or on Enginerd website. - Cheryl Ande - Apr-30-2006 Fantastically funny. A real XTC gem. - msprism - May-15-2007 a story with action,romance,between two enduring souls. a must read. - Anonymous - Feb-02-2008 This story has humor and romance and is enjoyable from beginning to the end. - Avidreader276570 - Feb-09-2008 Read this wonderful and humores story - Callisto - Feb-10-2008 This is a funny Conqueror story that depicts the Conqueror and her desperate search for her problem with you know...YOU KNOW A must read! - Callisto - Feb-10-2008 Extremely funny, had me going there!!! Always thought Xena had know.. problem, that's why she stuck to Gabby..hahaha..! And Gosh..can't help LMFAO..Najara wanting gin at the stake! "She never drank Alcohol" that was funny! Well, if you like to let ur imagination float for a while into extreme comic scenarios, here's the thing for you. And though these may not be the characters as we know them , you'll still love them for sure. - XSDarkLord - Feb-24-2008 This was certainly one of THE best Conqueror stories ever. The humor was right on point. I found myself actually laughing out loud to this. - Sherron - Sep-10-2008 How on earth did I manage to miss this gem of a story after all these years? I will say however that I am glad I did because I have had the chance now to read a real classic that is not only utterly charming... Xena is so loveable in this even when chopping off heads! (Don't believe me? Just take a read :)) It also made me chuckle consistently throughout, with quite a few laugh out loud moments too. It has everything you want in a classic story... Amazons, old enemies,feisty Gabrielle, stoic Xena, and a lovely romance thrown in to turn you into a big mush. I wish I could write like this! Brilliant stuff! - Kez - Nov-01-2008 this was really good. - Dawn - Nov-09-2008 A wonderful surprise! Very, very funny! - Anonymous - Nov-10-2008 Fantastic read! Brilliant, incredibly funny story with very good romance and many other things. This is indeed a gem. Do not miss! - Enverz - Nov-04-2009 A very funny story. Great job. - sassy123 - Feb-22-2011 one of a kind story.. hilariously funny at times with a feisty yet loving gabrielle, a very skilled yet unskilled xena.. a terreis like we haven't seen the likes of before.. very cleverly written story.. - xtra dog - Nov-02-2011 Very good story. It was amusing, touching and just all around well written.A very enjoyable read.Enough said, read it!!! - uber goober - Sep-20-2012 Hilarious, brilliant, and fun. This story is everything I hope for when I read FanFic, and I only wish there were more like it out there. Brava!! - Anonymous - Feb-09-2017 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 9 pages | Finished | Jan-08
Reader Recommendations:
I loved this story. Good writing. - Anonymous - May-17-2008 Great story. Read and enjoy. - Anonymous - May-17-2008 Oh my gosh, I looooved this story. At first I was a bit shocked by it, but in the end I laughed so loud and it was kinda romantic as well - Sterre - May-18-2008 Enjoyable read. Surprise ending - cygirl1 - May-20-2008 Absolutely enthralling post Endgame story where Janeway is kidnapped by a mysterious figure who wants to know the state of affairs between her and Seven. Excellent read! - happykt - May-21-2008 A post-Endgame story with a quirkier than average twist. A brilliant read. - Anonymous - May-29-2008 love this! so glad to see people are still writing j/7 fiction! - Anonymous - Aug-06-2008 This was a good story, far better than some of the Voyager episodes. I love the ending. It's so Seven. - Lynne - Jan-04-2011 I've read this story a lot and always enjoy it. I love the interaction between Seven and Janeway and the ending is excellent. - Lyn B - Feb-28-2011 Very cute story - well written. Good ending. - Georgia - Oct-30-2011 Very nice. Excellent style and characterization. - Mochamaker - Jan-27-2013 Bravo, histoire prenante et amusante. - Marie - Apr-15-2021 |
Die Pflicht
Xena: Janice and Mel | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 74 pages | Finished | Jan-09
Links: Enginerd's Library
Series List: Justice in Walsas, In a Man's World, On Uncertain Ground, Gift of Gab (The), For Better or Worse, With Good Intentions, Southern Hospitality, Duty, Die Pflicht, Letting Go, Until Death
Reader Recommendations:
A continuation of a wonderful series. The love Janice has for Mel is so clear, even when they are apart. An emotionally powerful story. A must read. - Annie - Mar-06-2009 |
Xena: Janice and Mel | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Drama | Very Short Story - 5 pages | Finished | Mar-98
Reader Recommendations:
With the recent return of Warehouse 13, this story is fantastic! I sequel with the fabulous Jamie Murray as HG, it would be a fantastic story by one of the best bards there is. This short story otherwise has everything and definitely brings a smile. - Stacia - May-14-2013 |
Rizzoli & Isles | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 205 pages | Finished | Dec-12
Cast: Jane, Maura
Links: Enginerd's Fan Fiction
Reader Recommendations:
Great story! One of my absolute favorite Rizzoli and Isles stories out there. - Peg - Jan-08-2013 Loved it!! It drew me in from the first and actually kept my attention through the whole story. Good job!! - Pickles - Jan-22-2013 |
Xena: Janice and Mel | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 110 pages | Finished | Jan-09
Series List: Justice in Walsas, In a Man's World, On Uncertain Ground, Gift of Gab (The), For Better or Worse, With Good Intentions, Southern Hospitality, Duty, Die Pflicht, Letting Go, Until Death
Reader Recommendations:
Wow. Very powerful story. Luckily I know there are others in the series. Read it and be moved. - Annie - Mar-06-2009 So sad... glad there's more coming. Enjoying the series. - colorado fan - Nov-08-2011 |
Rizzoli & Isles | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 181 pages | Finished | Feb-11
Links: Enginerd's Fiction
Reader Recommendations:
This is a well written story. Thanks. - beckek - Mar-08-2011 Enjoyable read. - Anonymous - Apr-03-2011 I really enjoyed Ma and Pop Rizzoli's interactions with Jane and Jane's emotional journey. Fun story. - DrDeath - May-05-2011 Great, enjoyable read. Wish there were more R&I fanfic from this writer. - Mich - May-11-2011 Fun story with great characters. The interruption of Jane's confession was bittersweet but humorous - the one-sided phone conversation with her mother was soooo funny. - Helen - May-27-2011 I loved it. I couldn't stop reading even with my partner begging me to come to bed. Great job!! - pickles - Jun-01-2011 Great enjoyable story. Captured the characters well. You won't be wasting your time reading this one. - cmwulf - Jun-18-2011 Great enjoyable story. Stayed true to the characters. You won't waste your time reading this one. - cmwulf - Jun-18-2011 R & I is my new obsession. This story is, as all stories by this author, fantastic :D - Aerows - Sep-21-2011 Loved the story! Good character development and interesting OCs! - FOLfan - Oct-19-2011 Excellent read! Loved the dialogue and Jane's struggles to get her head out of her....:) - Jillian - Oct-28-2011 I loved loved loved this story stayed up till eight thirty in the morning reading it. Keep up the good work!!!! - LSC - Nov-05-2011 This was a good story. And I loved the Rizzoli and Facts of Life crossover. - Anonymous - Jun-24-2012 Really great read xx - SD - Oct-02-2015 Great story, with a wonderful twist that I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't figure out sooner. Makes my fanfic ever-loving heart all gooey. - Anonymous - Feb-24-2016 Really enjoyed the characters and the story plot. Engagung and enjoyable story - Scorpio_2097 - Aug-26-2016 Well written, with some nice surprises. I don't know how I missed this one. - JS Stephens - Sep-05-2016 |
Fan Fiction
Xena | General | Humor | Very Short Story - 4 pages | Finished | Mar-97
Links: Enginerd's Fan Fiction
Reader Recommendations:
*lol* - I love these kinds of discussions! - absinthe angel 777 - Dec 12th, 2004 Cleaver and different. Very funny! Loved it! - Stardawn - Mar-23-2010 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 262 pages | Finished | Apr-06
Links: Enginerd Fan Fiction
Series List: Fine Line (A), Journey Home (The)
Reader Recommendations:
Fun story! Good mix of drama and comedy. OH! I am sure I spotted some UBER Xena/Gabrielle characters in there:) - Clara - May-06-2006 Great story. Interesting new character added and very well-written plot. - Anonymous - Feb-11-2007 Excellent Story - Highly recommend!! - Anonymous - Jan-02-2008 Great story! I laughed out loud on many occasions. I highly recommend the story and will look out for more from Enginerd. - Anonymous - Apr-22-2008 This has long been one of my favorites that I have read several times. In fact I will read many more times in the future. - linda aka cygirl1 - May-01-2008 Very enjoyable story. I recommend - Anonymous - May-02-2008 Another winner from Enginerd. This is one of my favorite J/7 stories I've ever read, and I've read a lot of them. - Aerows - Sep-30-2009 WOW! This story was just ....WOW! You must read this story & it's sequel. You won't be disappointed. And just like everyone else who hs read this story, MORE PLEASE! - mokita - Aug-15-2010 I've read this story many times:-)It's well written, with the relationship between Janeway and Seven so well drawn that I could picture them:-) Excellent. - Lyn B - Sep-27-2011 so glad I check the top rated stories. This is an excellent story and while I haven't thought about STV in years - I greatly enjoyed it. Also wonderful new characters that added a new dimension. Highly recommended. On the the sequel now... Thank you Enginer for sharing your wonderful talent with us who lurk the atheneaum. - colorado fan - Nov-05-2011 |
CSI | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 34 pages | Finished | Nov-07
Links: Enginerd's Fan Fiction
Reader Recommendations:
Loved on! - Anonymous - Dec-10-2007 |
Xena | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 126 pages | Finished | Oct-97
Cast: Gabrielle, Xena, Meleager, Sarah, Sustra, Lila, Ephiny, Gurda, Solari
Series List: Justice in Walsas, In a Man's World, On Uncertain Ground, Gift of Gab (The), For Better or Worse, With Good Intentions, Southern Hospitality, Duty, Die Pflicht, Letting Go, Until Death
Reader Recommendations:
This is fabulous. All Enginerd's work is a joy but this is a particular favourite. Gabriele's family are hilarious and Xena and Gabrielle's characters are on the mark. I thoroughly recommend you read all Enginerd's work. - Elaine - Jan-31-2008 This is one the earliest Xena stories is very good. Enginerd is not only a good writer but a very funny writer. She has a sly sense of humor and is a great story teller. Read this stor and then go on and read em'all. - CherylA - Jan-31-2008 A classic! - Avidreader276570 - Feb-09-2008 A true classic, and enjoyable read - Callisto - Feb-10-2008 This story is great. Humor, action, romance, and .... Amazons! How can you go wrong?? - Fran - Aug-04-2010 I really love this story. Great job - sassy123 - Sep-20-2010 |
Gamble (The)
Xena: Janice and Mel | Modern | Alternative | Adventure | Very Short Story - 9 pages | Finished | Jan-09
Links: Enginerd's Library
Xena | Alternative | Adventure | Novella - 75 pages | Finished | Apr-97
Cast: Xena, Gabrielle, Joxer, Talea, Texius, Verbis, Liberus, Ares, Loquus, Elders, Verbinian
Links: The Bards Corner @ AUSZIP
Series List: Justice in Walsas, In a Man's World, On Uncertain Ground, Gift of Gab (The), For Better or Worse, With Good Intentions, Southern Hospitality, Duty, Die Pflicht, Letting Go, Until Death
Reader Recommendations:
A wonderfully-written story where Xena and Gabrielle, answering a call for help, travelled to a city with weird custom and conservative elders. The second half of the story is especially touching. A must read! - aurelius - Dec 9th, 2004 I really like this series. Great job - sassy123 - Feb-22-2011 |
Xena: Janice and Mel | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Adventure | Very Short Story - 9 pages | Finished | Jan-09
Links: Enginerd's Library
Xena: Janice and Mel | Ancient | Alternative | Adventure | Novella - 58 pages | Finished | Dec-96
Cast: Gabrielle, Xena, Sunmoon, Esther, Leo, Boean, Portus, Gabriel, Malosa
Series List: Justice in Walsas, In a Man's World, On Uncertain Ground, Gift of Gab (The), For Better or Worse, With Good Intentions, Southern Hospitality, Duty, Die Pflicht, Letting Go, Until Death
Reader Recommendations:
Very clever story and well-written -as are all of Enginerd's stories. This series is delightful! - Copper - Aug-02-2017 |
Xena | Alternative | Humor | Very Short Story - 9 pages | Finished | Jan-09
Links: Enginerd's Library
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 221 pages | Finished | Apr-09
Links: Enginerd's Library
Series List: Fine Line (A), Journey Home (The)
Reader Recommendations:
Very good sequel to Thin Line. I read it in one seating and I enjoyed imensely the psychological aspect of the story. - M. - Apr-11-2009 Enginerd has added wonderful depth of character to this story line. A writer to watch! Definitely three-hankies. - offhermeds - Apr-13-2009 An intense, vivid story. A great read. - MaryOtt - Apr-28-2009 An engaging story! I highly recommend. - SusanG - Jun-06-2009 Second in an Awesome series. Must read! Must continue!! - Anon - Mar-19-2011 Excellent sequel. It's a wonderful story; romantic, bittersweet, funny and a happy ending. Very well written. Highly recommended:-) - Lyn B - Sep-27-2011 Excellent sequel. Great characters. My final wish as I move on is this series had been a triology letting us see the new life they made once they made it home. Thank you for all the enjoyment you provided sharing this great scifi series. - Anonymous - Nov-06-2011 |
Birds of Prey | Modern | Alternative | Adventure | Novel - 190 pages | Finished | Dec-09
Links: Enginerd's Library
Reader Recommendations:
Awesome story. I definitely recommend it. - Hoqoq - Dec-07-2009 A great romance! I love Helena and Barbara and this story shows how right they are together, regardless of the circumstance or time. I hope to see more BoP from this author. - Barbaralover - Feb-08-2010 i really love this story. there's not a lot of BoP out there and this is one of the best. - carinjo - Mar-02-2010 A fun story! I really enjoyed this romance. - LynnR - Apr-02-2010 Another masterpiece by Enginerd. Excellent work, and as to be expected from Enginerd, a well crafted tale. Excellent writer, and I just noticed she had a sequel up to A Fine Line, one of my favorite Voyager fics :). Please keep writing, Engie, you are *wonderful*! - Aerows - May-29-2010 I LOVED this story! It has everthing you would want in a BoP fic. - mokita - Aug-10-2010 working link: [Editor's Note: Corrected. 8-15-2010] - Anonymous - Aug-15-2010 Very good story, one of the best I've read. It's hard to spoil he premise, but you're in for a nice ride. - NGBlue - Sep-10-2010 Another great story. Job well done. - sassy123 - Mar-03-2011 Really enjoyed the looong story. Got to see some batgirl action too! - Oracle46 - Oct-19-2011 |
Xena: Janice and Mel | Ancient | Alternative | Adventure | Short Story - 42 pages | Finished | Oct-96
Cast: Gabrielle, Xena, Lila, Sarah, Cumae, Meleager, Melosa, Grickas
Honors/Awards: Fan Favorite In The Category Of Action/Adventure
Series List: Justice in Walsas, In a Man's World, On Uncertain Ground, Gift of Gab (The), For Better or Worse, With Good Intentions, Southern Hospitality, Duty, Die Pflicht, Letting Go, Until Death
Reader Recommendations:
I really like this series. Great job. - sassy123 - Feb-22-2011 |
Letting Go
Xena: Janice and Mel | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 135 pages | Finished | Jan-09
Links: Enginerd's Library
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 7 pages | Finished | Jul-16
Links: Enginerd Library
Xena | Alternative | Adventure | Novella - 71 pages | Finished | Feb-97
Cast: Gabrielle, Xena, Sara, Lila, Meleager, Kenis
Series List: Justice in Walsas, In a Man's World, On Uncertain Ground, Gift of Gab (The), For Better or Worse, With Good Intentions, Southern Hospitality, Duty, Die Pflicht, Letting Go, Until Death
Reader Recommendations:
I really like this series. Great job. - sassy123 - Feb-22-2011 funny, captivating, even romantic.. great read! - Anonymous - Apr-24-2011 |
Out Of India
Xena: Janice and Mel | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Adventure | Novel - 227 pages | Finished |
Cast: Janice, Mel
Links: The Bards Corner @ AUSZIP
Reader Recommendations:
A very good Janice and Mel story. This isn't a continuation of Enginerd's Janice and Mel war series but perhaps it can be viewed as a prequel. Her Janice and Mel characters are always well written but her secondary characters are always enjoyable too. There is Janice's friend, a Greek prostitute who takes her profession very seriously and Mel's erstwhile suitor from home who just can't understand why every woman is attracted to Janice and not him. I love Janice and Mel and there are too few stories featuring them so I hope Enginerd has more good stories to tell. - Cheryl Ande - May 27th, 2004 An extremely well-writen story, which reads like a true adventure movie. The characterization of Janice and Mel is very interesting. Mel was especially endearing while Janice was infuriating, though you couldn't help but love her. Janice's background story was unpretentious and nicely written. I like this story the most among the author's Mel & Janice stories. - aurelius - Nov 30th, 2004 Fabulous stuff!. Enginerd writes Janice and Mel better than anyone else I've read. Funny, touching, a good romantic adventure and terrific dialogue. A joy to read. Thank you! More please! :) - Anonymous - Apr-17-2007 I just finished this story and I'm basking in the warm fuzzies!! I loved it. What a great adventure! I felt like I was right there with them. And the end was such a sweet suprise!! I highly recommend this tale!!!! ***** - loubug - Nov-11-2007 This was a great Mel and Janice story, absolutely mind boggling,heart warming and even funny in places. You are a most wonderful bard. - vampireslayer2 - Nov-13-2007 Once you started reading this wonderful story, no stopping till the end. Full of action, tender romance, tasteful humor. All done in amazingly easy to read and high quality writing. Hats off to Enginerd. You are a wonderful bard. - Anonymous - May-21-2010 Awesome story, keep up the good work - sassy123 - Aug-08-2010 How is it that just anyone can usplibh a blog and get as popular as this? Its not like youve said something extremely impressive more like youve painted a quite picture about an issue that you know nothing about! I dont want to sound mean, here. But do you truly think that you can get away with adding some fairly pictures and not definitely say something?VA:F [1.9.7_1111]please wait...VA:F [1.9.7_1111](from 0 votes) - BDgfkxjoaSeRvMv - Apr-07-2012 This is a great Mel and Janice story. Very different and yet not. Very clever premise - maybe not so farfetched - seems reasonable to me that it would take a woman or two to get it right ... :) Well worth your reading time. - Georgia - Apr-08-2012 Not usually my type of story but took a chance on it glad I did I really enjoyed it x - SD - Jul-19-2015 |
Birds of Prey | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novella - 149 pages | Finished | Jan-08
Links: Enginerd's Fan Fiction
Series List: Primal Instinct, Primal Instinct II: 0.4 Seconds
Reader Recommendations:
This was an amazing story. So many story lines related to the mystery being solved in BOP fan fiction aren't developed in order to explore the relationship more. Enginerd managed to make this fiction as much about the mystery as the relationship. It was extremely well written. I couldn't put it down. - darkenedkarma - Jan-28-2008 Good god this is good... contains some angst, confusion and love...whats not to like, could not stop reading it. This is definitely worth a read two thumbs up :-D - Anonymous - Jun-21-2008 god please more just love it... funny, sexy, sweet, loving storie - Anonymous - Oct-26-2008 A touching, romantic adventure. I wish there was more!! - Barbaralover - Oct-30-2008 A captivating story! I hope to see more Helena/Barbara fiction from this author. - Helen - Jul-19-2009 Broken link [Editor's Note: Repaired. 07/17/2010] - Anonymous - Jul-16-2010 Great story - I love BoP - Aerows - Aug-05-2010 What a great story. Very well done - sassy123 - Oct-16-2010 I really loved this story. Great job - sassy123 - Feb-23-2011 This was awesome. I may or may not have skipped classes to read this. A quick read with characters sure to bring the inner BOP animal out of anyone. - Lina - Dec-05-2011 |
Birds of Prey | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 125 pages | Finished | Jul-16
Links: Enginerd Library
Series List: Primal Instinct, Primal Instinct II: 0.4 Seconds
Rizzoli & Isles | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 45 pages | Finished | Sep-12
Links: Enginerd Library
Reader Recommendations:
Loooved the premise - an uninhibited Jane! Satisfying read. - SaraJane - Oct-30-2012 Loooved the premise - an uninhibited Jane! Satisfying read. - SaraJane - Oct-30-2012 Great short piece! A real treat for those of us who want to see flirty yet confident Jane and those of us who dislike Tommy. - Stacia - Oct-29-2013 |
Xena: Janice and Mel | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 114 pages | Finished |
Cast: Janice, Mel, Melinda, Christine, Pappas, Victoria, Reverend, Ruby, Robert, Brian
Honors/Awards: Fan Favorite In The Category Of Janice & Mel
Links: The Bards Corner @ AUSZIP
Series List: Justice in Walsas, In a Man's World, On Uncertain Ground, Gift of Gab (The), For Better or Worse, With Good Intentions, Southern Hospitality, Duty, Die Pflicht, Letting Go, Until Death
Reader Recommendations:
I really enjoyed this story. I love Janice and Mel and Enginerd does them proud. When Mel bring Janice home to meet the family Southern Hospitality is put to a real test. Enginerd does a great job creating Mel's family and friends all of whom are as eccentric as our two heroines. If you love Janice and Mel this is a must read. - Cheryl Ande - May 27th, 2004 That is one of the best Janice and Melinda stories I've read so far. The characterization is just great and the whole thing is an enjoyable read. - querdenker69 - Jan-04-2007 Wow, Talk about a hidden gem. The voices of Mel and Janice seem right on in this wonderful won't be disappointed. - brighteyez - Jan-01-2008 This is absolutely one of the best Mel and Janice stories I've ever read!!! The chemistry between these two is perfect! If you haven't read this, treat yourself and give it a go! You won't be dissapointed!! ***** - loubug - Jan-12-2008 Enginerd is a wonderful writer. I love all of her stories but this one topped the rest. Never go wrong with Janice and Mel...Thank you. - Anonymous - Jun-25-2008 Okay, I admit it... I have a horrible obsession with Enginerd's portrayal of Janice in her wonderful Janice and Mel stories. I have totally and fallen head over heels in love with a fictional character and I blame the author! This series is right up there with the Vivian Darkbloom Janice and Mel stories, and I rate them amongst my favourite fanfics in this truly talented Xenaverse. Do yourselves a favour and read them... all of them at Enginerd's web addy (the stories are not all listed here) I guarantee that you will laugh, cry, and love along with these rich characters. Brilliant writing! - Kez - Jan-04-2009 I really enjoyed this Mel and Janice story. The dialogue is spot on and the romance sweet. - Fallon - Feb-27-2009 Vulnerability, growth, and conviction. Enginerd's characters have all of these things. Mel and Janice are so alive and the mystery really keeps the suspense moving. Loved the interactions between the two main characters. - Anonymous - Mar-04-2009 I love Janice! The story is humorous and romantic and totally engaging. The secondary characters are also interesting and create a perfect backdrop to our heroines. - Annie - Mar-06-2009 If you love a good Janice/Mel urber, it doesn't get any better than this. This author has one of the best series, I think i've re-read them all atleast 3x's, - Brighteyez - Apr-13-2009 This author is INCREDIBLE! She brings intelligence, humor, nuance to the characters and to the plot! I really enjoyed the reading! I'm impressed... so will you! - yuka - Jun-09-2009 Excellent Mel and Janice story. Nice blend of humor, romance and adventure. Good characterization of the Mel and Janice relationship and strong supporting characters. - crskcks - Jun-14-2009 I'm not usually fond of the pairing Janice/Melinda but this fantastic bard made me definitely change my mind. She is so talented! Janice is charismatic, mysterious and attractive as hell! The whole atmosphere is thrilling so deep and fun at the same time. Wow! I'm very impressed. READ THIS MASTERPIECE! - yuka - Jun-17-2009 A wonderfully told story about the uncertanty of love, sprinkled with romance, guided by Southern Hospitality with a great who-done-it woven in from the begining. A great read! Check out all of Enginerd's stories - well worth it. - Georgia - Jun-21-2009 I loved this story! - kalan - Jun-11-2010 What a fun, well-written story. Good characters and a sweet romance. - applegirl - Jun-19-2010 Loved this story. Great Characters!!! - sassy123 - Sep-23-2010 The story was great and the secondary characters were strong. This was a great story! - talen13 - Jul-23-2011 Got to say this is my all-time favorite Janice and Mel story by Enginerd! Sweet and touching, with great humor. Wish we could see more of Janice and Mel from the author. - Oracle46 - Oct-19-2011 Loved it. - cheesesteak - Oct-25-2011 |
Birds of Prey | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 14 pages | Finished | Jan-10
Links: Enginerd's Fan Fiction
Reader Recommendations:
oh, i liked this. and Helena was very funny. sweet story. - carinjo - Mar-02-2010 broken link. [Editor's Note: Fixed Link] - luvtigger71 - Jul-22-2010 A must read for BOP fans. Beyond sweet and Enginerd's Helena is like no other. Bravo!! - Stacia - May-14-2013 |
Until Death
Xena: Janice and Mel | 1900-1960 | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 180 pages | Finished | Jan-09
Links: Enginerd's Library
Xena: Janice and Mel | Ancient | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 215 pages | Finished | Jan-09
Links: Enginerd's Library
Series List: Justice in Walsas, In a Man's World, On Uncertain Ground, Gift of Gab (The), For Better or Worse, With Good Intentions, Southern Hospitality, Duty, Die Pflicht, Letting Go, Until Death
Reader Recommendations:
i can't believe this excellent story has no recommendations. It is a wonderful Xena fic punctuated by a relevent Janice and Mel story. I so wish the author had decided to write more G&X becuase I love her characterisations and the secondary characters are always strong. If you like classic X&G read it! - Elaine - Jun-01-2010 I really love this series. Great job - sassy123 - Feb-22-2011 |