We step through the old door into the library. The books on the shelves are well worn; some are dog-eared, though many show signs of possibly being read recently. There is a bit of dust on some of the shelves, while plump cats have taken up residence in a few of the empty nooks. One orange cat opens his eyes, stands, stretches, and follows us as we slowly walk among the shelves. We find ourselves wondering if anyone we know still visits the old library. We hope some do, but we've been away for a long time. Too long actually, but events, time, and health have kept us away far longer than we'd hoped. A short break turned into a few years of experiencing too many events that we'd rather not have.
We brush the fine cat fur off of a pair of slightly tattered chairs and sit to rest for a spell. Gazing around we wonder if anyone still takes the time to read anymore. The world is filled with so many diversions, so many novelties to siphon away the hours and days. Did the world long since leave this little library behind? I suppose were going to find out. There's dusting to be done, still empty shelve to be filled, and cats to wake from their long summer nap.
If you'd like to contact us, please use our contact form so we can send you our new e-mail address. Our old e-mail addresses get hundreds of spam messages a day, and are no longer closely monitored.
Wednesday, September 7th, 2016
- There is a new Top-25 list today.
- Reader Recommendations -
Tuesday, September 6th, 2016
Tuesday, August 30th, 2016
- There is a new Top-25 list today.
- Annette Mori's alternative original fantasy short-story The True Story of Valentines Day (17 pages).

Have you ever wondered about Valentine’s Day? This whimsical story offers an alternate version to the traditional one. Follow Princess Tiny and her love interest, the fair maiden Valerie, in this short fantasy adventure and learn the true story—well, maybe not exactly true, but who’s to say it didn’t happen?
- Annette Mori's alternative original short-story The Incredibly True Adventure of Two Elves in Love (15 pages).

Christmas could be in serious trouble, production is down and Santa won’t be delivering any gifts unless he can provide them for all the children. Something needs to be done, and fast. But a lesbian elf to the rescue…really? Read this delightful tale from Annette to find out more.
- Revised in 2013, JS Stephens's alternative Star Trek: Voyager novella Command Decision (51 pages).

After the long voyage home, Janeway finds that life is very different on Earth. Seven of Nine breaks her engagement with Chakotay, Janeway is tapped to lead a dangerous undercover mission to the Maquis, and Seven insists on joining her in the mission. The mission is complicated when Janeway, Torres, and Seven find out that the Maquis are planning to destroy documents of highly symbolic value to Earth. Can they stop the plot in time? Will Janeway and Seven acknowledge their feelings for each other?
- Revised in 2013, JS Stephens's alternative Star Trek: Voyager short-story A Different Kind of Voyage (8 pages).

This story takes place on the starship Voyager. Seven of Nine is experiencing unfamiliar feelings and discusses them with Captain Janeway.
- Revised in 2013, JS Stephens's alternative Star Trek: DS9 short-story Past Lives, Future Implications (9 pages).

Ezri Dax, counselor on Deep Space Nine, is experiencing strange dreams about Col. Kira Nerys. Are they her feelings, or those of her former host, Jadzia Dax.
- Reader Recommendations -
Tuesday, August 23rd, 2016
- There is a new Top-25 list today.
- Reader Recommendations -
Wednesday, August 17th, 2016
- Harpy's and HkdonXetG's alternative original sci-fi novel The Orion Spur: Family Business (239 pages).
For over two thousand years, Humankind had colonised the local area of the galaxy known as The Orion Spur. In that time, factions rose and fell. Some were conquered. Others were conquerors. One such faction, The Kalenth Hegemony, a rigidly oppressive regime, had become one of the dominant powers in the region.
Kikola ap Karthen, a young woman from an illustrious family of ruling elite, has been selected to lead the next great expansion and secure The Kalenth Hegemony as the only dominant power.
Initially unaware of the life planned out for her, Kikola meets Tehvay, a woman from the opposite end of The Hegemony's strict social order – a slave. However, Tehvay is no ordinary slave, and Kikola finds herself drawn to the outspoken and captivating woman. Love and duty come into conflict, and Kikola has to make a fateful choice – a choice that could have dire consequences for herself and Tehvay, and the very society she had sworn to serve.
Will Kikola risk everything – her position, her family, her destiny – for a chance at happiness and a life of her own choosing with the woman she loves?
The following are seven revised stories from JS Stephens Helen and Brigid series. Most were written from 1999-2002; the last one was written in 2008. All were updated in 2013.
- JS Stephens alternative Xena: Janice and Mel short-story Good Old Argo (6 pages).
This is part 1 in a Series. Janice Covington's dog, Argo III, dies while Melinda's niece, Helen Pappas, is away at college. Helen comes home at spring break to find the dog missing.
- JS Stephens alternative Xena: Janice and Mel short-story Helen of the Plains (40 pages).
This is part 2 in a Series. Dr. Helen Pappas, a new history professor, meets her neighbor, Brigid Anderson, as Helen is moving in to her house. Sparks fly - but Brigid is a senior in high school. Will they find a way to be together, or will Helen's career fears keep them apart?
- JS Stephens alternative Xena: Janice and Mel short-story Marching For Our Lives (44 pages).
This is part 3 in a Series. Brigid is now a journalist, and is assigned to cover the 1993 March on Washington for LGBT rights. She wants Helen to go with her, but Helen is afraid if she is seen, she will be fired from her college.
- JS Stephens alternative Xena: Janice and Mel novella The Past is Prologue (69 pages).
This is part 4 in a Series. The intertwined stories of Melinda Pappas and Janice Covington and of Helen Pappas and Brigid Anderson, told in flashbacks.
- JS Stephens alternative Xena: Janice and Mel short-story Puppy Dog Blue (7 pages).
This is part 5 in a Series. Brigid badgers Helen for a dog. Helen resists, but is overcome when a dog comes to them.
- JS Stephens alternative Xena: Janice and Mel short-story Fight the Good Fight (28 pages).
This is part 6 in a Series. Brigid confronts her past and reasons for leaving the church when she is covering a story about holy unions. Meanwhile, Melinda Pappas falls in love again, with a woman she met before she was with Janice Covington.
- JS Stephens alternative Xena: Janice and Mel short-story Good night and sweet dreams, my love (5 pages).
This is part 7 in a Series. Following the shock of losing a second partner, Melinda Pappas returns home, only to be hit with a serious illness.
Monday, August 15th, 2016
Friday, August 12th, 2016
Follow Xena and Gabrielle from childhood to old age in JS Stephens collection of 29 short-stories. originally written in 1997-2000 and posted here in 2005, JS Stephens updated them in 2013. The updated versions are now available on The Athenaeum. Enjoy a look back and X&G circa 1998 through the eyes one of the many bards that took the characters we would come to love and made them even better.
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story The Rest of Our Lives (13 pages).
This is part 1 in a Series. Diedra, an Amazon warrior, is wounded and taken prisoner during battle. She escapes, but only after being impregnated by the soldier who captured her. She winds up in Amphipolis, where she meets Cyrene, the innkeeper, and Rebecka, the grocer. Diedra is soon working with Rebecka, teaching Cyrene's daughter, Xena, all about swordplay, and finds herself falling in love with Rebecka. But there is her Amazon heritage to think of - will she raise her baby as an Amazon, or stay with Rebecka?
- JS Stephens general X:WP short-story The Temple Incident (5 pages).
This is part 2 in a Series. Xena's father, Atrius, is celebrating a victory with his soldiers when he decides to visit the Temple of Ares.
- JS Stephens general X:WP short-story Gabrielle (8 pages).
This is part 3 in a Series. Aphrodite visits Hecuba before Gabrielle is born, delivering a very strange prophesy.
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story The Turning Point (13 pages).
This is part 4 in a Series. Xena defends Diana when she is teased by the village children. Then, she defends Amphipolis against Cortese...years later, Xena's cook tells her that Rebecka is dying. Should she go visit?
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story Loosening the Chains (3 pages).
This is part 5 in a Series. After Talus dies, Gabrielle turns to Xena for comfort, who finds that the chains around her heart are loosening further.
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story A Visit With Diana (7 pages).
This is part 6 in a Series. Gabrielle has gone back to Potadeia and Xena runs into her childhood friend Diana.
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story The Interlude Between (4 pages).
This is part 7 in a Series. After Xena nearly dies from a poisoned dart, she asks Gabrielle to tell her a story after supper.
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story After I Died (6 pages).
This is part 8 in a Series. After Gabrielle nearly dies in the temple of healing ("Is There a Doctor in the House?") she and Xena talk about friendship.
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story I Have No Sister (8 pages).
This is part 9 in a Series. After Gabrielle's marriage to Perdicas ended with his sudden death, she decides that she and Xena need to go back to Poteidaia, to tell the new of Perdicas' death. She finds out that her sister, Lila, is engaged to one of Xena's former lovers, and an argument breaks out between the sisters.
- JS Stephens general X:WP short-story Lila's Journey (19 pages).
This is part 10 in a Series. Lila is still mad at Gabrielle, but soon finds herself in trouble. Palios skips town, and Lila starts on a journey where she finds love, but will his people accept her?
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story Kaydus: Warrior Poet (7 pages).
This is part 11 in a Series. A story requested by the fine folks of the lang. See if you can discover who we want to be the guest star for this "episode".
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story Ares' Interlude (2 pages).
This is part 12 in a Series. Ares sends Spike out to undo the love that Gabrielle and Xena have discovered...
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story Aftershock (7 pages).
This is part 13 in a Series. What would happen if Gabrielle was still having nightmares about Callisto?
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story Poseidon's Revenge (9 pages).
This is part 14 in a Series. Poseidon is mad and Ulysses and Xena and Gabrielle happen to be in the way...
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story After The Arrows (28 pages).
This is part 15 in a Series. After Cupid shot everyone with his arrows, Xena and Gabrielle take Joxer to Amphipolus, where he falls in love with Xena's friend, Diana.
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story Tartarus on Earth (4 pages).
This is part 16 in a Series. Gabrielle has lost her blood innocence. How does Bodicea view the Warrior Princess now?
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story Solstice (8 pages).
This is part 17 in a Series. Gabrielle is depressed on Solstice Eve. She is visited by three ghosts and learns about the meaning of Solstice.
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story You Are Cordially Invited (11 pages).
This is part 18 in a Series. Joxer proposing to Gabrielle? Jett proposing to Diana? What's going on here?
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story The Scroll (5 pages).
This is part 19 in a Series. Gabrielle and Xena haven't communicated well after all the business with Najara, prisons and such. So, Xena writes Gabrielle a note, but never gives it to her in The Scroll. (Warning: spoilers for the fourth and fifth seasons of X: WP and for my uber story, The Past is Prologue.)
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story The Fight (12 pages).
This is part 20 in a Series. Xena and Gabrielle are fighting. Diana is about to give birth. Will Xena and Gabrielle patch up their differences?
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story A Destiny to Fulfill (14 pages).
This is part 21 in a Series. Solon gets rescued from his funeral pyre by Dike, the goddess of human justice. Years later, he and his friend Gregor get in a fight about Julia, Gregor's finance' and Solon's friend. Xena and Gabrielle come to Athens on their way back to Amphipolis and run into Solon. What will Xena tell him?
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story The Anniversary Party (24 pages).
This is part 22 in a Series. Xena and Gabrielle come back home to help Cyrene out with the inn. It is also nearly their anniversary. Will they get to celebrate in peace? Meanwhile, Diana and Joxer's daughter is kidnapped and Xena is trapped. So much for an anniversary...
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story Changes (17 pages).
This is part 23 in a Series. Joxer and Diana go to Corinth for a vacation and for Joxer to sign a new cloth supplier. They meet Gabrielle's sister, Lila, who decides to send a note to Gabrielle. Meanwhile, Julia is about to give birth to Xena's grandchild.
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story Beginnings and Endings (32 pages).
This is part 24 in a Series. Gabrielle and Lila finally go visit their parents. Diana gives birth to a daughter, but is worried about her mother, Diedra.
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story Homecoming (8 pages).
This is part 25 in a Series. Gabrielle convinces Xena to go back to Potadeia with her to visit her family.
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story Yesteryear (13 pages).
This is part 26 in a Series. An old friend of Xena's, Lis, comes home for her mother's funeral. Will they finally mend their friendship, torn apart so many years ago?
- JS Stephens general X:WP short-story Rebecka's Turn (24 pages).
This is part 27 in a Series. Rebecka, Xena and Gabrielle go to Corinth for Marcus and Lila's daughter's wedding. Rebecka meets Saul, an attorney, and wonders if he is the one.
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story A Death in the Family (8 pages).
This is part 28 in a Series. Gabrielle must fight her toughest battle, the battle for her sanity. But does she really want to regain her sanity after Xena's death?
- JS Stephens alternative X:WP short-story Wait For Me! (12 pages).
This is part 29 in a Series. Kaydus reappears and Gabrielle doesn't remember her but is uneasy when Kaydus shows interest in her goddaughter Cyrene. Meanwhile, The Horde is battling the Amazons and Gabrielle runs to help, but is hit with an arrow in her side...
- Reader Recommendations -
Monday, August 8th, 2016
Friday, August 5th, 2016
- Newly indexed from around the web:
- Barbara Davies's alternative original (Pre-1900) short-story Planter's Punch (17 pages). This is the sequel to A Pirate's Treasure.
This is part 2 in a Series.
- We just wanted to mention that if you don't like a story that you find here, don't use the Recommend button to criticize it.
Thursday, August 4th, 2016
Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016
Monday, August 1st, 2016
Thursday, July 28th, 2016
Wednesday, July 27th, 2016
Tuesday, July 26th, 2016
Monday, July 25th, 2016
Friday, July 22nd, 2016
Thursday, July 21st, 2016
Wednesday, July 20th, 2016
Tuesday, July 19th, 2016
Monday, July 18th, 2016
Friday, July 15th, 2016
- Gerri Hill's alternative original short-story The Eve (36 pages).

A bewitchingly hot tale for Halloween.
- Gerri Hill's alternative original short-story Zeiko Place (41 pages).

In this horror romance, reporter Andi Beene’s reluctantly agrees to spend a week in a local haunted mansion with a team of ghost hunters. In more ways than one, the past catches up to her.
- Mickey Minner's alternative original novel Footsteps (Ghost Towning) (152 pages).
This is part 2 in a Series. Footsteps (Ghost Towning) is a series of vignettes/short stories that follow Pat and Sherry--the characters from
Fastbreak--as they explore some of the places that Jesse and Jennifer--from the
Sweetwater Saga--visited.
A few of the chapters are not linking correctly from with the story. The links can be found on the story listing on
Mickey Minnor's author page.
- Mickey Minner's alternative original novel Slam Dunk (312 pages).
This is part 3 in a Series. Sherry and Pat are back for a second season in this sequel to
Fastbreak and
One of the chapters isn't linked correctly from within the story. The link can be found on the story listing on
Mickey Minnor's author page.
- Barbara Davies's alternative original historical novel The Kings Favour (185 pages).

A period romantic drama set in the mid 17th century in London.
- Norsebard's alternative original (1900-1960) novella April 9, 1940 (86 pages).

In the early hours of the morning on April 9th, 1940, Anne-Katrine Jensen's life is changed irrevocably when the German Army commences Operation Weserübung, the invasion of Denmark and Norway. As a woman, she isn't allowed to join the hopelessly outnumbered Danish forces that struggle to put up a defense against the advancing army, but she refuses to let it stop her. Equipped with her ill brother's uniform and rifle, Anne-Katrine heads off to war - much to the despair of her sweetheart, Lydia Petersen…
- Reader Recommendations -
Thursday, July 14th, 2016
- Newly indexed from around the web:
- Mickey Minner's alternative original western novel Broken Arrow (175 pages).
This is part 6 in a the Sweetwater Saga. The story parts are not linked properly from within the story. The correct links are listed on
Mickey Minner's author page.
- Mickey Minner's alternative original western short-story KC and Grumps (10 pages).
This is part 7 in a Series. A short story in the Sweetwater series, this and the following vignettes follow a rather precocious KC on her youthful adventures.
- Mickey Minner's alternative original western short-story KC and Grumps 2 (5 pages).
This is part 8 in a Series.
- Mickey Minner's alternative original western short-story KC and Grumps 3 (7 pages).
This is part 9 in a Series.
- Mickey Minner's alternative original western short-story Bard Valentine Invitational 2009 (6 pages).
This is part 10 in a Series.
- Mickey Minner's alternative original western short-story KC and Grumps 4 (6 pages).
This is part 11 in a Series.
- Mickey Minner's alternative original western short-story KC and Grumps 5 (8 pages).
This is part 12 in a Series.
- Mickey Minner's alternative original western short-story KC and Grumps 6 (6 pages).
This is part 13 in a Series.
- Mickey Minner's alternative original western short-story KC and Grumps 7 (4 pages).
This is part 14 in a Series.
- Mickey Minner's alternative original western short-story KC and Grumps 8 (2 pages).
This is part 15 in a Series.
- Mickey Minner's alternative original western short-story KC and Grumps 9 (6 pages).
This is part 16 in a Series.
- Mickey Minner's alternative original western short-story KC and Grumps 10 (7 pages).
This is part 17 in a Series.
- Mickey Minner's alternative original western short-story KC and Grumps 11 (8 pages).
This is part 18 in a Series.
- Mickey Minner's alternative original western short-story KC and Grumps 12 (5 pages).
This is part 19 in a Series.
- Mickey Minner's alternative original western short-story KC and Grumps 13 (4 pages).
This is part 20 in a Series.
- Norsebard's alternative original novella Room in our Hearts For You (74 pages).

Life has many twists and turns - we never know if we end up where we want to be, or where we need to be. When advertising executive Julia Thorne is involved in a car accident, she is introduced to Brenda McCrawley, a friendly, dedicated former nurse who runs a shelter for abused women. Through meeting some of those women, it dawns on Julia there's life beyond her own glitzy, shallow existence in a corner office of the Collins-Mattheson-Thorne Advertising Agency. The real world is inhabited by real people who struggle with real issues, and they'll only get help if someone with her power and financial clout reaches out to support them…
It's Christmas in July with a pair of Holiday Elfin tales from Norsebard.
- Norsebard's alternative original short-story An Elfin Good Time (40 pages).
This is part 1 in a Series. On the Night of Nights, Yuletide Eve, the experienced sleigh driver Rockabye Elf and the fresh-faced rookie Epilotta get caught up in humorously hair-raising situations featuring chimneys, Yuletrees, canines, heating ducts, raisin buns and oddly named reindeer when they go on a run to deliver a load of presents to a small town - and much to the detriment of Rockabye's gingerbread snacks, they're even forced to break the First Rule: Never mingle with humans…
- Norsebard's alternative original novella The Crunchy Cookie Caper and Other Elfin Good Adventures (145 pages).
This is part 2 in a Series. Rockabye and Epilotta, Santa's A-Team Elves, return with further Elfin good adventures: Santa has mislaid Mrs. Santa's award-winning recipe for crunchy Yuletide cookies, and Rocky and Lotta must go on a wild quest to retrieve it. On another assignment, they fly to the northern-most tip of the Elfin world to deliver a scrumptious layer cake to an Elf's eight-hundredth birthday; and finally, Lotta has her sights set on a very special prize as she signs up for the annual Amateur Elf Talent Show on Little Yuletide Eve… in short, there's action adventure, humor and romance for the whole Elfin family.
- Reader Recommendations -
Tuesday, July 12th, 2016
Monday, July 11th, 2016
Friday, July 8th, 2016
Thursday, July 7th, 2016
Wednesday, July 6th, 2016
- Newly indexed from around the web:
- Phineas Redux's alternative original (1900-1960) short-story The Packer Building Incident (23 pages).
This is part 1 in a Series. Fiona ‘Fay’ Cartwright & Alice ‘Al’ Drever are private detectives in an East Coast American city. Follow them as they weave their way through a series of cases in the 1930s.
- Phineas Redux's alternative original (1900-1960) short-story The Fowler St. Incident (30 pages).
This is part 2 in a Series. Fey and Al are back, and they become involved in a particularly complex case which stretches their capabilities to the limit.
- Phineas Redux's alternative original (1900-1960) short-story The Pier 7 Incident (22 pages).
This is part 3 in a Series. A large luxury liner docks in the harbour, with a mystery on board. Fiona and Alice are on the case.
- Phineas Redux's alternative original (1900-1960) short-story The Elevated Rail Incident (21 pages).
This is part 4 in a Series. Fay and Al are called in when a woman is found dead on a local urban train. Was it murder?
- Phineas Redux's alternative original (1900-1960) short-story The Charioteer Insurance Co. Incident (21 pages).
This is part 5 in a Series. This time, the ladies are asked to investigate when a series of curiously similar and expensive claims are made, under suspicious circumstances, to an Insurance Company.
- Phineas Redux's alternative original (1900-1960) short-story The Grand Banks Hotel Incident (25 pages).
This is part 6 in a Series. The ladies are asked to provide security at a swish hotel, on the occasion of a group of VIP's residing there
- Phineas Redux's alternative original (1900-1960) short-story The Vanishing Girl Incident (19 pages).
This is part 7 in a Series. Fiona and Alice become involved in a curious apparent disappearance from a very public location.
- Phineas Redux's alternative original (1900-1960) short-story The R-103 Incident) (26 pages).
This is part 8 in a Series. In this Fay and Al tale, the ladies are asked to provide security onboard a large passenger-carrying British airship.
- Phineas Redux's alternative original (1900-1960) short-story The Stolen Sappho Incident (30 pages).
This is part 9 in a Series. In this 9th short story, a painting of Sappho is stolen and Fiona and Alice are on the case.
- Phineas Redux's alternative original (1900-1960) short-story The Compton Trial Incident (28 pages).
This is part 10 in a Series. Fiona ‘Fay' Cartwright & Alice ‘Al' Drever are private detectives in an East Coast American city, in the 1930's. They are cross-examined as witnesses in a big criminal trial.
- Phineas Redux's alternative original (1900-1960) short-story The Fashion House Incident (25 pages).
This is part 11 in a Series. This time Fay and Al are asked to investigate a case of business theft at an international fashion house.
- Phineas Redux's alternative original (1900-1960) short-story The Lost Christmas Present Incident (17 pages).
This is part 12 in a Series. Fay and Al are asked to investigate an example of maritime piracy.
- Phineas Redux's alternative original (1900-1960) short-story The Meiklewood Legatees Incident (20 pages).
This is part 13 in a Series. In this 13th short story, Fey and Al investigate several crimes associated with the Will of a late businessman.
- Phineas Redux's alternative original (1900-1960) short-story The Film Set Incident (20 pages).
This is part 14 in a Series. In this 14th short story in the Drever and Cartwright series, Fey and Al become involved in the making of a film in studios outside the city.
(Title in story mislabeled as: "The Meiklewood Legatees Incident")
- Reader Recommendations -
Tuesday, July 5th, 2016
- Kelly Aten's alternative original (Ancient) novella The Archer (113 pages).
This is part 2 in a Series. Kyri is a fletcher, following in the footsteps of her father, and his father before him. However, fate is a fickle mistress, and six years after the death of her mother, she’s faced with the fact that her father is dying as well. Forced to leave her sheltered little homestead in the woods, Kyri discovers that there is more to life than just hunting and making master quality arrows. During her journey to find a new home and happiness, she struggles with the path that seems to take her away from the quiet life of a fletcher. She learns that sometimes the hardest part of growing up is reconciling who we were, with who we will become.
- Newly indexed from around the web:
- Enginerd's alternative Birds of Prey novella Primal Instinct II: 0.4 Seconds (125 pages).
This is part 2 in a Series. After the frightening separation then remerging of Helena’s Meta and Human halves, Barbara’s happiness is marred by a nagging worry; the remerging had been cut short by 0.4 seconds.
- Enginerd's alternative Star Trek: Voyager short-story Negotiations (7 pages).

During negotiations of Delta Quadrant mining rights, Captain Janeway finds herself distracted with an entirely different kind of negotiations.
Casting our net a bit farther today we've indexed a J/7 novella from a new bard.
- chilly_flame's alternative Star Trek: Voyager novella Compass Rose (65 pages).

In this J/7 novella, Seven hasn’t seen Janeway in a few years. But she hasn’t forgotten her, and she has a plan.
Monday, July 4th, 2016
Sunday, July 3rd, 2016
- Kelly Aten's alternative original novella Beyond Perpetuity (Life in Fugue Series Book 2) (145 pages).
This is part 2 in a Series. Sarah Colby is a musician, teacher, lover, sister, and... so much more. In the past year she learned that sometimes life takes you places you never even knew existed. For Sarah and her sister Annie, they found out that not only were the monsters real, but sometimes you loved them. Now the Colby sisters and their friends are being targeted by someone with a grudge. They much solve the mystery of who is attacking the people of Columbus or risk losing all that they hold dear. Nobel Keller is with them through it all but will she bring salvation or merely the end of their lives in Columbus?
Catching up with one of the original stars of the Xenaverse -- Melissa Good.
- Melissa Good's alternative original (Futuristic) novel Of Sea and Stars (306 pages).

Jess and Dev's continuing adventures as Jess deals with the consequences of her fathers plans, and Dev faces the thing she fears the most. Will their partnership turn out to be their greatest strength or greatest weakness?
Please note that chapter 14 is not linked properly from within the story. We've provided the correct link on her author page.
- Melissa Good's alternative X:WP novel Body, Heart and Soul (380 pages).
This is part 18 in her A Journey of Soulmates series. Xena and Gabrielle have gotten used to the changes in their lives after their return from stopping the war between Athens and Sparta. Xena has started to expand her army and look for new allies in Thrace and Gabrielle is busy running her Amazon tribe while Ephiny gestates. Things are looking up - right?
Please note that some of the story parts are not linked properly from within the story. We've provided the correct links on her author page.
- Melissa Good's alternative X:WP novel A Queen for all Seasions (238 pages).
This is part 3 of the Xena the Merciless Series. Xena the Merciless feels like her world is finally settling down into something she might even start to enjoy. The summer harvest was good, people are showing up for her Harvest Festival, and Gabrielle has traded some storytelling to a Persian prisoner for some tips on massage. The only clouds on her horizon besides the usual winter storms was that message she sent to the King of Persia along with his daughter's head. What, really, could go wrong?
Please note that part 3 is linked to part 5 from within the story. We've provided the correct link on her author page.
- Melissa Good's alternative original novel Winds of Change (510 pages).
This is part 8 in her Dar and Kerry Series. Dar and Kerry have their plans set, to retire from ILS and start their own consulting business, after they take some time off to travel. But fate never seems to like this much pre-planning in their lives and soon they are facing more questions than answers when it comes to the future.
The broken links between the chapters are too numerous for us to list. Please see Melissa's main fiction page listed on our author page for her for the correct chapter locations.
And finally a work in progress in the Dar and Kerry Series.
- The first 4 parts of Melissa Good's alternative original novella Southern Stars (73 pages - Unfinished).
This is part 9 in her Dar and Kerry Series. At last, Dar and Kerry get to go on their long awaited and anticipated vacation on in the Grand Canyon. They are looking forward to computer free time, beautiful scenery, and white water rapids. But as always, life doesn't always go smoothly and soon challenges are at hand.
- Reader Recommendations -
Saturday, July 2nd, 2016
Friday, July 1st, 2016
Thursday, June 30th, 2016
Wednesday, June 29th, 2016
Tuesday, June 28th, 2016
Monday, June 27th, 2016
Sunday, June 26th, 2016
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