Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 56 pages | Unfinished | Sep-07
Reader Recommendations:
HILARIOUS!!! :-) - Anonymous - Sep-14-2007 This story is sooo funny! It is a total must read. It had me rolling on the floor with the names of the characters alone. - Jasper - Sep-15-2007 This story is absolutely hilarious! It's like Monty Python meets the Conqueror. Very very funny and HOT too. More, more! - Anonymous - Apr-25-2008 Twisted, wicked and very funny. - Kamouraskan - Apr-29-2008 I nearly fell off my chair reading this story. Absolutely hilarious! A pity that it's unfinished. - Anonymous - May-08-2011 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 240 pages | Finished | May-07
Honors/Awards: #81 in 2007
Reader Recommendations:
This was such a great story, A total must read. Hmm, wonder if we could get her to do a sequel - Jasper - May-11-2007 OH my! Hold on to your lunch pales, I just spilled my porridge all over myself whilst reading this. Funny, graphic and generally highly entertaining as per usual. - anex - May-14-2007 Great story, loved Amy's whole discovery of the truth. Hope there will be a sequel. :) - Fabeola - May-14-2007 This was a truely fantastic story, funny and scary all rolled into one. Hope there will be a sequel - Doire - May-17-2007 Li'l Red pulled me into it, an exciting story that was pleasingly different. I do hope a sequel is in the making. - Nondescriptone - May-21-2007 LOVED IT!!! Riveting, visual, bold. - Muphassaa - Jun-11-2007 I absolutely love all your stories, but this latest.. Wow! Different, but a must-read. Funny, addictive, made any distraction from the story greatly unwanted.. call me Go-away, shhhh! Made me desperately want to hear that there will be a sequel! - Kastanja - Jun-17-2007 A very good story, interesting characters and unique plot. Wonderful!!! - Sarah - Nov-03-2007 WoW! Unbelievable twist of story!!! Its really unexpected, please write more of this and more sex like this lol! - Anonymous - Nov-11-2007 Absolutely loved this story. :) - Anonymous - Feb-24-2008 Great story..is there gonna be a sequel? - Anonymous - Jun-22-2008 Excellent story and damn hot (in a slightly kinky type way). - Ape - Jun-28-2008 Loved it! Hope there is a sequel - Jude - Sep-20-2009 One of my favorite lesbian werewolf stories ever! - happykt - Mar-01-2013 Wow, don't read this at work. Loved the storyline. This is a tale I will be reading again and again. Loved the sexual tension, brilliant. - Anna28Carm - Aug-26-2016 A series I own and have reread at least 10-12 times.I just there was more. Mouse must be big by now.THANKYOU FOR THE SERIES. but 4 is not enough! - pat ner - Feb-17-2017 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 192 pages | Finished | Jan-07
Reader Recommendations:
Absolutely LOVED this! Very witty and clever. Will there be a sequel? I hope so. - CG - Jan-23-2007 excellent story. keeps you wondering until the end and begging for a sequel. loved it. - Anonymous - Jan-29-2007 Comic, funny, sexy and damn smart. - E - Jan-30-2007 thank you!! sequel please! - cor - Jan-31-2007 I really loved it!! Please let htere be a sequel!! - Cris - Jan-31-2007 WOW!!!!!!! Brilliant absolutly Brilliant. I never seen the ending coming. Perfectly wovening masterpiece. Read this story people I bet you will not be sorry and end up begging for more. There just has to be a sequel. - Veronica - Feb-01-2007 Awesome story!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let there be a sequel!! - CT - Feb-01-2007 Excellent! Totally hot too! Looking forward to more stories from msprism! - jd - Feb-02-2007 Intriguing little sizzler with a twist. A must read. Maybe a sequel in mind? We can hope and pray. Nice work msprism. - Sai - Feb-08-2007 Intriguing little tale. - jac - Feb-20-2007 [Contains Spoilers] Great, surprising one doublecross after another. At the beginning I feared it would be the old abductee falls for her kidnapper but fear not, it's much much better. Please let there be a sequel. - Anonymous - Mar-01-2007 Spoiler alert for the last recommendation? :o( - Anonymous - Mar-05-2007 Oooo, I enjoyed it alright! Short, funny, sexy, good conversation... Great! - Mile D'Cast - Apr-26-2007 In the delightful tradition of creme brulee's Cooking on High, a comic Uber so well written and witty that it makes you completely forget the lurking shadows of a certain blue-/green-eyed TV duo (yes, I think that's a GOOD thing). The sudden twists and turns do not dilute the emotional savor of the tale. - paedagogue - Apr-29-2007 |