Original / Uber | Ancient | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novel - 178 pages | Unfinished | Feb-03
Cast: Erin, Mika, Shea, Corwin, Romany, Mala, Milly, Luca, Aidan, McGorry, Nano, Mikayla, Daj, Pippa
Reader Recommendations:
Great story! I'm hoping you'll be reading these comments and will finish it out. Just from the reading I picked up the ole Irish accent I thought I lost. - Megan - Apr-03-2006 Brilliant story! Just wish it was finished. - Anonymous - Jul-13-2010 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Vignette | Very Short Story - 3 pages | Finished | Oct-02
Links: Lynka's Amazontrails
Reader Recommendations:
Weather as metaphor. Lovely job. - Georgia - Apr-21-2011 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 41 pages | Finished |
Cast: Shannon, Rudy, Dawg, Syd, Macy, JT, Trace, Yeah
Honors/Awards: Top-25 #1 #73 in 2010
Series List: Summer of Need, Meanwhile Back at the Ranch, Winter of Discontent (The), Last Hurrah! (The)
Reader Recommendations:
J.W. Heart does it again! This entire series is a favorite simply because the author doesn't lose sight of her characters. Trace, Shannon, Dawg & company remain true to form and continue along a great storyline, providing genuine laughs (of the out loud and snorting variety) along the way. The only problem I see is that this is the end of the series. =) - Kaye - Jun 11th, 2003 Part ~ 4: Trace & her friends get into more trouble...(Adored every single one of these characters.) :o) - ubertopia_uk - Feb 14th, 2006 Amazing, doesn't even do this serious justice. You feel like you've known these characters forever. Every single one of the parts are fanatstic. You will not be disappointed. I can't believe more comments haven't been left. My only gripe is not knowing what happens with Rudys love interest. - brighteyez - Jan-08-2008 I think I'm grieving... Characters were so powerfully touching that I fell in love with them right away. Now I'll miss them. Don't you think I'm kinda maniac... Just blame the author! It's all HER fault. - yuka - Jun-18-2009 I LOVE your style of writing. It's awesome and down right funny! - Anonymous - Jun-26-2009 JW Heart is a MASTER of her craft. Her brilliant characters and storytelling should not be missed by anyone! Thank you so much! - Anonymous - Mar-03-2010 love and comedy! amazingly written, u can picture how the scenes where as you read the words.... just great JW Heart. - crv - Apr-01-2010 man oh man! i'm reading this at work. BAD DECISION! i laughed so hard but i didn't care. it was soo funny and real and just awesome. such a great set of stories! i'm gonna read everything by this author now. not even finished and i'm already writing this. awesome! - me - Jun-21-2010 Needless to say once I started reading "Summer of Need" I couldn't stop until I devoured all four stories in this series. Thank goodness it's a holiday weekend and I found just the right story to read. Charming, unique, witty, talented - this author is fantastic and I love her style. - x/g fanfic fanatic - Jul-05-2010 Just had to had one final comment.... JWH - does it have to end? Can you give us another update to this series? - x/g fanfic fanatic - Jul-05-2010 Excellent set of stories. Some of the stuff in here made me laugh out loud. Great characters thanks for the entertainment - JettBlk - Jul-13-2010 this is a terrific series. you come to care for all the characters. it's funny in all the right places. - kc - Jul-25-2010 The scene with the BBQ is priceless! You have to keep reading to the end! Great ending to the series. - Georgia - Apr-21-2011 Great! Loved the series. - Dustballs1 - Sep-27-2011 Great! Loved the series. - Dustballs1 - Sep-27-2011 READ my little minions read, cos this is a fantastics series :grin: - reader - Oct-02-2011 wonderful series. amazing writer. the style of writing is just wicked. it kept me laughing and nodding and really connecting with the story. - j - Oct-03-2011 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 45 pages | Finished | Sep-02
Cast: JT, Syd, Dawg, Shannon, Maggie, Trace, Cam, Sydney
Series List: Summer of Need, Meanwhile Back at the Ranch, Winter of Discontent (The), Last Hurrah! (The)
Reader Recommendations:
Part ~ 2: Trace makes some new friends...(This series just gets better & better !!!) - ubertopia_uk - Feb 14th, 2006 This story gets better with each sequel. Definetely worth your time. - omkhalil - Dec-03-2009 great!!! truly enjoyed the whole story and i want more!!!! - crv - Apr-01-2010 Love this author. Keep reading. - Anonymous - Jul-05-2010 Great fun. I loved it - Anonymous - Apr-16-2014 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 17 pages | Finished | Sep-02
Cast: Maggie, Shannon, Surely, Bob
Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #86 in 2010 #81 in 2011
Series List: Summer of Need, Meanwhile Back at the Ranch, Winter of Discontent (The), Last Hurrah! (The)
Reader Recommendations:
Can't believe no-one else has commented on theexcellent TRACE & SHANNON series. (in 4 parts)It's full of lovable characters, fantastic plots,HILARIOUS situations, unforgettable funny lines,some lovin' & a little bit of angst ~ just PERFECT !!!"*****" ~ Please DON'T MISS this little gem. :o) - ubertopia_uk - Feb 14th, 2006 I saw one reader's note that they couldn't believe no one had commented on this series, so I thought I'd give it a try. I couldn't agree more with their praise. I loved these characters, the writing is crisp and witty, the situations are ridiculous and yet somehow real. This series made me sizzle, laugh out loud and worry. It just sucked me right in...and still hasn't let go. What more can I say except READ IT. And JW? I'm waiting for a part 5! :) - Chris - Mar-02-2006 fantastic trilogy, hilarious and romantic to no end! i had a ball reading it, thank you very much :) - Kati - Mar-23-2006 This story was fun from the beginning. Love the way the author talks to the reader. Its a quick fun time and its feel good. Great work. - roamer - Mar-29-2006 definatly a great read had me lauging so hard i was crying you have to read it to understand what i mean by that but i promise its worth the time. and to the author j.w. heart you have one hell of a wicked sense of humor i loved it - taz6644 - Apr-21-2006 There are several authors whose stories I will reread, J.W. Heart is one of them. I truly enjoy the Trace and Shannon series. The characters are so genuine that it would be a pleasure to meet them in real life. This series is so hilarious that a caution should be made not to eat or drink while reading them. Now that I have cleaned up the soda that shot out my nose and coughed up the sunflower seed, I am more than ready to read what will happen next to Trace, Shannon, Dawg, Syd, JT and the rest of the gang. J.W. that was a not so subtle hint. - Sherry - Mar-19-2007 I've never laughed that much reading a story. But "funny" does not begin to describe what this story truly is... Of course, it's hilarious and if you read it, you'll probably laugh the hell out of yourself...like I did. But you'll also think that all of this serie is deeply beautiful and moving. This bard is amazing. I am so gratefull she woke up one day and say "I think I should try to be a literary genius". Cause she made it... - yuka - Jun-18-2009 J.W. Heart is an absolute genius; in her great works she covers all the literary fundamentals an author can hope to achieve. Her stories will definitely have you shedding tears of joy, sorrow and gut-splitting humor. I've attempted to contact her via her email address indicated on her stories, but it comes back as undeliverable, so I'm hopeful that she still sees all of the comments we, her readers, have left in hopes that she will continue the Trace & Shannon series. If you haven't read it, I more than highly recommend it. I've re-read the series 3 times now; a reunion of the characters would be most welcome. If anyone has current contact information please pass along my gratitude for her wonderful talents and my fervent wish that she will continue on the good story (similar to "continue on the good fight"). Thanks - Carolina Girl - Nov-10-2009 I read a lot so I was looking a good story to read and lucky me I found one...J.W Heart is my new writer to keep an eye on...I love every characters, and the way the story flows so easily...I can't stop reading, It was like shearing a good chat with a good friend....I hope this is not the end of de serie....Thank you for a wonderfull time!!!! - Lucian - Mar-26-2010 wonderful start!!! - crv - Apr-01-2010 JW Heart brings a truly unique, witty charm to her story telling. "Summer of Need" kicks off a wonderful series of tales. You will fall in love with these characters. You will love the dialogue. I am so glad I found this author. She's wonderful. Start here and enjoy ! - x/g fanfic fanatic - Jul-05-2010 I've read J.W.Heart stories, they are all good. I need J.W.Heart to write more, she's very a great author. - Anonymous - Mar-07-2011 This series is a great read - a little of everything and lots of romance. - Georgia - Apr-21-2011 Another great story. Nice job - sassy123 - Sep-08-2011 This series is really wonderful. The main character / narrator is wry and witty. The author uses a technique where this character pauses periodically to address remarks to the reader as though the reader has commented on the dialogue and action. The effect is one of making a new friend who quickly becomes very close to your heart. Really well done. - XenaLIves - Sep-20-2011 Wonderful. - Dustballs1 - Sep-27-2011 Omg this is so FUNNY IF YOU WON'T A GOOD LAUGH THEN READ THIS . My god these girls are so funny Just a shame the stories are so short xx - SD - Aug-24-2015 This is such a funny short series you got to read it . They are such a funny group of people xx - SD - Feb-05-2016 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 23 pages | Finished | Jun-03
Cast: Shannon, JT, Syd, Dawg, Santa, Trace
Series List: Summer of Need, Meanwhile Back at the Ranch, Winter of Discontent (The), Last Hurrah! (The)
Reader Recommendations:
After reading her stories, I believe this author writes for the sheer joy of it--and it shows. I know it's a good story when I laugh aloud and my dog does that head to the side thing. ;) My advice to any interested parties is to read the full series for unlaboring, totally enjoyable, reading. To the author: you can't hear it but my hands are clapping. Well done! - Kay - Oct 12th, 2002 Heart's series is charming! You don't want to miss these. Outstanding!!! - MaxxPepper - Oct 14th, 2002 Part ~ 3: Xmas at the "Evening Star" ranch...(So many INGENIUS uses for duct tape !!!) - ubertopia_uk - Feb 14th, 2006 This series is a must read!!!!!!!! You will laugh till you hurt. Characters are so real you feel like you know them as real friends. - kattreader - Mar-27-2006 just kept reading on.... - crv - Apr-01-2010 Absolutely loved this series. - Anon - Jul-14-2010 Must read series!!! Trace and Dawg are a riot. You would swear there was male genes in there somewhere. - cpo - Oct-08-2010 What a great series. Nice job - sassy123 - Sep-08-2011 This series is really fun on several levels! It is well-written with a wry and witty main character and dialogue that is consistently engaging. The writer uses an interesting technique - she periodically has the main character / narrator interrupt the story to react directly to the reader as though the reader has expressed an opinion about the main character's choices. At first this startled me and seemed to disturb the rhythm a bit, but I quickly shifted gears and began to mentally interact with the story more, looking for when this would happen - it made reading the story feel a lot like listening to and talking with a friend! - XenaLives - Sep-19-2011 Another great story - Anonymous - Apr-16-2014 |