22 Days
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 4 pages | Finished | May-08
Links: Perfection
Reader Recommendations:
You can feel the pain leap off the page in this story. A really intense look at a slightly darker side of the j/7 world....Highly Recommended! - Anonymous - May-04-2008 I don't usually do well with angst, but I am glad I took the time to read this. The counting of the days of grief, the slow trickle of time to that most heinous place, normality after the loss of a loved one. - XV - May-11-2008 Heart rending. Well written. This author does emotions so well. - cygirl1 - May-13-2008 Very intense. I'm not usually a fan of angst stories, but this one is very touching. - Lynne - May-15-2008 To those that say it is better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all...never loved with all. Well done, DAx. (Alert: will need a box of tissues) - Jenni - May-15-2008 Very touching - Anonymous - May-15-2008 Well written and packs a lot of angst and feeling into a short story. - Anonymous - Jun-01-2008 Very well written and full of emotion. - purplehawke - Jun-27-2008 Wow... Talk about a gut wrencher... < Gripping, moving and provocative. A winner. - Duc Tao - Oct-22-2008 My goodness. Heart breaking. Soul ripping. So with the read! - Kandis - Feb-15-2014 broken link.. - xtra dog - Feb-27-2014 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 12 pages | Finished | Nov-07
Reader Recommendations:
Simply the best "turbolift" story Ive come across. Funny in parts ironic in others. How did she make a story with such a simple plot so cohesive??? - Anonymous - Dec-31-2007 Short and sweet with an edge of spice that is familiar to anyone with a healthy fantasy! I enjoyed this and might enjoy it again in my dreams later. My thanks. - Dg - Feb-01-2008 Great PWP turbolift story - Anonymous - Mar-11-2008 Im not a hufe fan of turbo-lift stories. But for some reason I keep coming back to this one. It sticks in your head. I love the compromising positions this author can put our heroines in. I think all turbo lift stories should be written this way!!!! - Anonymous - May-03-2008 The best turbolift story I have read to date. Read it and see why. - linda aka cygirl1 - May-06-2008 A wonderful, fun, sexy and well written PWP from an exceptional bard. Hot stuff in a damaged turbolift that is as expected from this author, very well characterised. - XV - May-11-2008 PWP! Very hot... loved it - Lynne - May-15-2008 You will need a glass of ice water while you read. And I think there is a nice story with this. I'd love to see some follow up.... - Jenni - May-15-2008 WOW!! Make sure you have a glass of water. - ceeking - May-15-2008 i love your j/7 storys keep up the good work - Anonymous - May-18-2008 Whew! Gosh! Another well written short by you. GURL, but you can do the spice scenes. - Anonymous - Jun-01-2008 Best Turbo-Lift story ever! - Anonymous - Aug-17-2008 Very clever and artfully written PWP. It will definitely give you a lift. - Georgia - Jul-13-2010 You strike me as a person that lives in a fantasy world! You need to go work out, get outside more. The stories you write indicate to me that you have some real self esteem issues. Get a life sweetheart. - Anonymous - Sep-29-2010 Groan!!!!! That was sublime. Anyone discovering this in 2013 read it! Do not pass it by. - Anonymous - Oct-09-2013 |
Black Velvet
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 8 pages | Finished | May-08
Links: Perfection
Series List: Sum of Her Parts (The), Everything, Very Special Woman (A), Black Velvet
Reader Recommendations:
Great endgame story about Voyager's cute Bajoran Crewmate, Tal Celes, and Kathryn's artist sister, Phoebe Janeway. Very good read and hot love scene as only DAx can write it. Ties in with the rest of this great series, WHAT COMES AFTER. - linda aka cygirl1 - May-01-2008 I will never look at painting the same again!!! How do you take secondary characters and give them a life of their own that rivals the mains? I read this before I read the rest of the series! Anyone got a paintbrush - Anonymous - May-03-2008 I love what you have done with these two minor characters. Plese write more starring these two. - Anonymous - May-05-2008 A sweet interlude set sometime within the larger story of A Very Special Woman, further exploring this wonderful new pairing of Phoebe Janeway and Tal Celes. Dax has created two wonderful characters who very much deserve this hot little story. Kind of PWP. - XV - May-11-2008 Smoking is all I can say ......More pls - Anonymous - May-12-2008 HOT!!! The characterization of these two are wonderful. Love to read more from these two. - ceeking - May-15-2008 Oh lordy, lordy, lordy. Gurl, but you can write the SPICE. I adore what you have done to these minor characters. I'm looking forward to more stories with Tal Celes and Phoebe Janeway. - Anonymous - Jun-02-2008 just one word ... HOT!! - Gwen - Jun-05-2008 I usually like my J7 straight up but this was a nice little subtwist in this excellant series! More please! - Anonymous - Aug-17-2008 A truly awesome story, the series is fantastic, please may we have some more?! - Chrissytaff - Jul-30-2009 missing link [Editor's Note: Link found. 7-31-2010] - carinjo - Jul-31-2010 http://www.ralst.com/stories.html#pat1 vous trouverez ces histoires ici.Alire absolument. - Marie - Apr-15-2021 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 4 pages | Finished | Nov-07
Reader Recommendations:
Really heartwrenching to read. Brilliantly done!! KEEP WRITING! - Anonymous - Dec-31-2007 Short and angsty - Anonymous - Mar-11-2008 This hurt to read...but I keep coming back to it. Im really able to identify with it here. How does this author put so much emotion in such a small package?? - Anonymous - May-03-2008 The emotional insight is well done. I recommend this. - linda aka cygirl1 - May-06-2008 Oh my weary heart. How truly melancholy. A drabble that is so poignant about the Captain's regrets concerning Seven. The story is also perfect for explaining the motivations of Admiral Janeway in Endgame. - XV - May-11-2008 Heartache ,Tears,honest feeling ....Wow - Anonymous - May-12-2008 Very angsty, but a nice study on Janeway. - Lynne - May-15-2008 The video by Xenarose is brilliant. I saw it w/o sound as I invisioned the conversation in each scene. This definitely shows why Admiral Janeway HAD to go back, in Endgame. DAx you have a pulse on emotions and the skill of the pen to translate it. - Jenni - May-15-2008 FANTASTIC!!! BEST XMAS STORY EVER!! - Anonymous - Aug-17-2008 Oops... lol Got my stories mixed up! This one is actually short but very sweet and sad! - Anonymous - Aug-17-2008 Link to this story gets a 404 error and goes to Bravenet's 'Looking for someone's webpage' screen. [Editor's Note: Link corrected. 8-1-2010] - Kugai - Jul-31-2010 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 33 pages | Finished | May-08
Links: Perfection
Reader Recommendations:
LOVE THIS!!!! Its so funny! I can hear the ghosts and Q. I love this....Captains Carol....not just for holidays anymore!!!!!! - Anonymous - May-03-2008 A Christmas Carol for the Delta Quadrant! By times side slappingly funny (see a certain letter to Santa.), heart warmingly tender and well just plain hot!!! - XV - May-11-2008 Such a fun story ...Thanks hun pls keep writing more - Anonymous - May-12-2008 This story is not just for Christmas. An all around fantastic read. - cygirl1 - May-13-2008 This is a fun read. It's light hearted and full of lovely scenes. Seven's letter is a must read for anyone who loves the character. Absolutely classic! - Lynne - May-15-2008 You'd have a Dicken's of a time beating this story! - Jenni - May-15-2008 A must read even if it's not the holiday's. You will enjoy every moment. Now someone pass the pecan pie. - ceeking - May-15-2008 luv it! - Anonymous - Jun-04-2008 FANTASTIC!!! BEST XMAS STORY EVER!! - Anonymous - Aug-17-2008 - Anonymous - Aug-17-2008 |
Star Trek: DS9 | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 36 pages | Finished | Nov-07
Reader Recommendations:
A really sweet premise and with awesome execution. I cant that this is this authors first offering! I look forward to reading more of her work in the future. - Anonymous - Dec-31-2007 This is the story that got me into fanfiction! A long time favorite and VERYwell written - Anonymous - May-03-2008 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 35 pages | Finished | May-08
Links: Perfection
Reader Recommendations:
Love It! very Funny....If you read voyger fic, it is a must. - PinkRomeo - May-01-2008 WoW!!!!!!!!!!!! The BOrg QUeen??? A leash.... What a great concept! Who thinks to meld mythology and sci fi!! More important....how does Ms Givens make it work so well??? - Anonymous - May-03-2008 What a hoot! Very witty. Especially like the Borg Queen part - linda aka cygirl1 - May-05-2008 LOL. Soooo funny! - Anonymous - May-13-2008 This story is hilarious, with great imagery. Read and enjoy. - Lynne - May-15-2008 FUNNY!!! I want to have that kind of power...tee hee. BQ on a leash. - Anonymous - May-15-2008 so fun to read that one. especially the parts with the queen serving cupid. another excellent story. - Anonymous - May-18-2008 lol. Assimilation was never so fun. Heel Queenie! - Anonymous - Jun-04-2008 I have never laughed this hard! Anyone who loves Voyager will TRULY love this story. - Fletcher O'Flaherty - Jun-27-2008 OMG!! Laughed so hard I think I hurt something... - Anonymous - Aug-17-2008 Oy!! Toooo funny. Cupid (a goddess ala Dite from Xena) pops into the DQ and does a little "assimilating" of her own with the Borg Queen and the collective. Ooo those love bugs! F***ing brilliant!! - XV - May-23-2009 BWAHAHAHAHAHA Queenie in a collar......... - Leighann - Nov-01-2009 This is priceless!! A MUST read! What are you still waiting for??? You're going to laugh from A to Z ! - Anonymous - Nov-10-2009 Very cute and very funny. Very different take on St Valentine's Day :) - Georgia - Jul-13-2010 eros is priceless. this story is fun. - kc - Oct-23-2010 What a fun story. I loved it!!!!Many Thanks to the author. - Bkwrmchar - Nov-30-2010 The video is worth the price of admission. First-class laughs all the way. - K of 9 - Oct-12-2013 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 47 pages | Finished | Nov-07
Reader Recommendations:
Great twisty/turny story - Anonymous - Mar-11-2008 This is the first story of its kind, in my opinion. No other author has taken on this kind of spin and you really should be given your props for this storyline and story. Great roller coaster ride. - Megs - Mar-20-2008 This story seems to be a different direction for this author. Even so its a great read and the last lines of this one gives me chills! - Anonymous - May-03-2008 WoW! This would have made a great Voyager episode. You just got to do a sequel to this and bring Anne back. She is such a worthy adversary to our two girls. - cygirl1 - May-13-2008 I liked the twists and turns within this story. The new character is someone that would be good to see again in a sequel. Janeway's reactions in this is worth the read alone. - Lynne - May-15-2008 A must read. - Anonymous - May-15-2008 VERY interesting idea and storyline...would like to see more of Rudbeck! - Anonymous - Aug-17-2008 Treachery, manipulation and subterfuge will be uncovered and J will have to do what she can to salvage a future for herself and Seven. A really great story idea, executed flawlessly by a master in her craft. - XV - May-23-2009 |
Dusk to Dust
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 22 pages | Finished | May-08
Links: Perfection
Reader Recommendations:
What a great title..I stumbled on this one and read it laughing all the way. Sevens characterization is just bloody brilliant! Janeway gets herself into her own messes! - Anonymous - May-03-2008 I love this story. Funny, romantic and magical. - cygirl1 - May-13-2008 This was a cute story and I don't usually do 'cute'. Romantic and funny. A good read. Reading all DAx's stories is a great way to spend an afternoon. - Lynne - May-15-2008 doing a little irish jig of happiness. luv it! - Anonymous - Jun-15-2008 St Patricks Day will never be the same again, and in the best possible way. Who knew there were Leprachauns in space and who knew that St. Patrick was the better saint for Lovers. A truly beautiful declaration and consumation story, set in among some absolutely wonderful gentle fun. - XV - May-23-2009 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 19 pages | Finished | Nov-07
Reader Recommendations:
Im not going to give anything away!! All I can say is shivers and nightmares of the best variety!!! - Anonymous - Dec-31-2007 Simply amazing!!!!!!! Chilling and Erotic Definately a favorite....if the author reads this board Please give us a SEQUEL!!!!! - Anonymous - May-03-2008 Holy Mother of Mountains! Finally a challenger to Katherine Forest's Oh Captain My Captain for most riveting Lesbian Vampire tale. I don't do horror as a rule, but this was far more to do with suspence and primal menace than anything even remotley like schlock. - XV - May-11-2008 I won't give any spoilers away. This is a nice tweak on the romantic story. I liked it, particularly the end scene of Janeway on the Bridge, - Lynne - May-15-2008 SEXY! Seductive! Powerful! Just one of my favorites by DAx. This story is visually wonderful. - ceeking - May-15-2008 love this one two. really like the last 3 lines - Anonymous - May-18-2008 Bite me! Love Me! Make me yours for eternity. Marvelous! - Anonymous - Jun-04-2008 Whoa.... O.O That was...that was.. Whoa... - Anonymous - Aug-17-2008 WHOA.... THAT WAS LIKE REALLY REALLY CREEPY COOL... - Leighann - Nov-01-2009 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 55 pages | Finished | Nov-07
Series List: Sum of Her Parts (The), Everything, Very Special Woman (A), Black Velvet
Reader Recommendations:
You will love this sequel. One of the best endgame stories to date. DAx's stories are addictive - linda aka cygirl1 - May-01-2008 Such a great after endgame story and series! I hope DAx continues it. It rivals any series out there! - Anonymous - May-03-2008 This story continues to get better. Looking forward to the rest - Anonymous - May-05-2008 I love it. Love it, love it. - Anonymous - May-13-2008 An excellent sequel. It's an excellent read, full of great scenes. I'd recommend this and all of Dax's stories to anyone who loves Voyager fiction. You won't be disappointed. - Lynne - May-15-2008 A wonderful sequel to The Sum of Her Parts. - ceeking - May-15-2008 Marvelous and Fantastic series. Can't stop reading. - Anonymous - Jun-02-2008 Best Post Endgame story ever!!! - Anonymous - Aug-17-2008 |
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 6 pages | Finished | 1996
Cast: Xena, Gabrielle
Reader Recommendations:
Link broke - Draco - Jul-19-2006 Nothing's broken - Psss - Nov-19-2007 What a fun way to take a vacation! I love the great horse debate....funny story - Anonymous - May-03-2008 FUN! hot too! sweet. - Georgia - Apr-17-2012 lol.. the author wrote 'a girl's gotta have some fun' and they sure did.. - xtra dog - Jun-11-2013 R.I.P., DAx. You will be missed. - Sue G. - Feb-10-2014 |
Law and Order: SVU | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 12 pages | Finished | Jun-08
Reader Recommendations:
LOL Great Twist! Very sweet and hot!~ - Anonymous - Aug-17-2008 A cute little story, and I love your depiction of Alex. - Anonymous - Mar-30-2009 Wauw, nicely written, give us some more Law and Order loved it! - Anonymous - Apr-21-2009 Beautiful, give us more Law and order please Givens!!! - C.R. - May-26-2009 |
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 108 pages | Finished | Nov-96
Cast: Gabrielle, Xena, Zo, Argo, Emony, Draxen
Reader Recommendations:
This was the first long Xena story I ever read - the first epic - and it still stands up there with one of the best - it's a classic in which I have always compared other stories to and it still holds up today as having all the elements, the angst, the passion, the sensuousness that other stories - even the good ones - failed to portray with the same amount of drama and eloquence that this story depicts. Patricia Ennis is a wonderful writer and she has the relationship between X&G down pat. This was the story that set the standards to me of what a good classic Xena story should encompass. She's also one of the first of the alternative fan fiction writers - way before any of the more popular ones even emerged. Read this story and you'll understand why this story still holds up as one of the best stories ever written. - Karon Reiter - Jan 17th, 2005 Where are parts 10, 11, and the epilogue? I tried to pull them from other sites, but the links are broken. I would love to finish the story... - Anonymous - Jun-21-2007 The whole story is on archive.org. At the bottom of the each chapter is a link back to DAx's Fan Fiction page. That page has links to each chapter. Be patient though, archive.org sometimes is very slow. - Bardeyes - Jun-25-2007 What a great X/G epic! Can anyone tell me more about the lath?? - Anonymous - May-03-2008 I read this story years ago, and it still is one of the best altfic's I've ever read. They don't make 'em any better than this one. - Taoduck - May-15-2008 Does not link to story. [Editor's Response - Actually it does. Not certain what the trouble was on the 24th. 10-1-2009] - Shelly - Sep-24-2009 this one doesn't link to a story for me too... - Anonymous - Sep-10-2010 What a great story. Good job of writing - sassy123 - Feb-26-2011 |
Law and Order: SVU | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 6 pages | Finished | Aug-08
Reader Recommendations:
Oh My Gawd! This was the friggin' cutest thing I have ever read! It started out so serious and then made me smile till my cheeks hurt!! Woot!!! - Anonymous - Aug-17-2008 This is a well written smile for the day. - Anonymous - Oct-18-2008 Very well done! Sweet and satisfying! - Anonymous - Oct-26-2008 No matter how many times I read this story I never get tired of it! It always warms my heart. - Emma - Nov-11-2008 more. i want more. yeah, greedy, i know, but this lovely, sweet story leaves me wanting more. - kc - Aug-22-2010 |
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 5 pages | Finished | 1996
Cast: Gabrielle, Xena
Reader Recommendations:
I can so identify with this story! What a great read! - Anonymous - May-03-2008 My all time favourite fanfic ever! The wonderful characterisation and beautifully paced story of Xena's accidental discovery of Gabrielle's desire for her. Sweet and oh so very tender. - XV - May-11-2008 My all time favourite fanfic ever! The wonderful characterisation and beautifully paced story of Xena's accidental discovery of Gabrielle's desire for her. Sweet and oh so very tender. - XV - May-11-2008 Cute, and captivating, something I could imagine happening. - Anonymous - Dec-18-2009 What a great little story. Nice job - sassy123 - Sep-13-2011 Nice, sweet and very loving! I wish it was longer - that good! - Starry - Aug-28-2012 i started reading the story and the scene from 'a day in the life' (where xena replied: "i took one that didn't have much writing on it") shot through my mind.. i couldn't help but snickering.. nice read.. cute and loving.. - xtra dog - Jun-11-2013 OK, I don't know what's going on with the Link to this story keeps redirecting to - of all things - my Facebook Wall. Anyone else getting that kind of weirdness? - Kugai - Nov-03-2016 |
Labrys (The)
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 9 pages | Finished | 1996
Cast: Gabrielle, Xena
Reader Recommendations:
LOL Great! This story is such a great time! Had me laughing and cringing. - Anonymous - May-03-2008 Absolute classic. - Taoduck - May-15-2008 when xena entered the bar and didn't get to finish her sentence, any one else got the feeling she was 'going to check on argo'?? - xtra dog - Jun-11-2013 |
Xena | Alternative | Humor | Very Short Story - 3 pages | Finished | 1996
Reader Recommendations:
Nice roll reversal here! Love the way the author mixes it up here!! - Anonymous - May-03-2008 funny read.. - xtra dog - Jun-10-2013 |
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 51 pages | Finished | 1996
Related Episodes: Is There A Doctor In The House? (Xena) Cast: Xena, Gabrielle, Delphi, Argo
Reader Recommendations:
Broken link. - Draco - Jul-27-2006 Nothing Broken - Anonymous - May-01-2008 Nicely done! What are great original cast of characters here!! A great look at our girls! - Anonymous - May-03-2008 Loved this story. - Anonymous - May-04-2008 Enjoyable classic. Dax weaves an interesting story post ITADITH. Good writing. - Elaine - Jun-08-2008 |
Light (The)
Xena | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 2 pages | Finished | Jul-97
Reader Recommendations:
A very sweet read here. Very emotional and exceedingly well done! A favorite - Anonymous - May-03-2008 yes, this could totally be one of g's scrolls.. very profound and well written story.. - xtra dog - Jun-11-2013 |
Star Trek: DS9 | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 119 pages | Finished | Nov-07
Reader Recommendations:
I found this story by accident and am I ever pleased that I did. Ive been a fan of ds9 forever and have never found a fanfic so refreshingly well written. This author knows that even in darkness there can be a hint of light. I recommend that everyone read this startling and slightly disturbing tale. - Anonymous - Dec-31-2007 One of my favorite all time works by this author. And definately a must read for any ds9 fan! Filled with humor even in darkness this is a great look at how ds9 should have been written - Anonymous - May-03-2008 I'm not sure if I liked this well written story or not since I didn't like the parings, but it certainly made me look at DS9 in a different light!! DAx did a great job of capturing the essence of Kira, Odo and Dax. DS9 fans should not miss this one. - Stacia - Apr-26-2013 |
Past Tense
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 66 pages | Finished | May-08
Links: Perfection
Reader Recommendations:
Action galore. I don't want to give a lot of the surprises away but it does have plenty of them. If you like time-travel Trek stories you will love this one. - linda aka cygirl1 - May-03-2008 Wow what a great and refresshing look at what has become a trek standard! Who would have thought there was something new to be done in time travel!!!!! - Anonymous - May-03-2008 This is one of the best 'time travel' stories that I have read. The characterisations are excellent and the story superb. - Lynne - May-15-2008 Action..Action and more Action. What a brilliant turn of events. - ceeking - May-15-2008 Inventive, insightful and chock-fulla action. Highly recommended. - Taoduck - May-15-2008 Have you ever wanted to know how your loved one was as a child; maybe even celebrate her birth? DAx has shared in this imagination with a greater sense of importance. DAx, I'd share my imagination with you any day! Spectacular story. - Jenni - May-16-2008 love it , love it. you rock! - Anonymous - May-18-2008 Loved it! Great premise! Fantastic imagery and story! - Anonymous - Aug-17-2008 Hell this isn't 5 star it's a Perfect 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, god now she has me falling in love with a young Gretchen Janeway too. This is Cyclic obsession at it's very best. And a Bitchin Butch Borg on a Bike!!!!!!! Swoooooooooooooooonnnnnn. - XV - May-23-2009 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 110 pages | Finished | Nov-07
Reader Recommendations:
The characters in this story are my favorite anywhere! There are so many "perfect" scenes in this story that I cant even begin to list them! A really great read! - Anonymous - Dec-31-2007 Great story - Anonymous - Mar-11-2008 This story is amazing. The characterization in this story is perfect. The slow build up is great. The way that everything is added slowly and becomes slipt is amazing. The original characters are incredible and a great addition to the crew. As well as the blooming relationships. Looking forward to the promised sequel. B'Elanna's relationship is amazing and am looking forward to seeing how her relationship as well as Seven's plays out more. As well as the two women's bloomed friendship. - Megs - Mar-20-2008 [Spoiler Warning] A double treat: Kathryn gets Seven and B'Elanna gets a woman. Well written and enjoyable. - Linda aka cygirl1 - Apr-24-2008 I love this story! I want the sword! I hope we to see more! Will there EVER be a sequel?? - Anonymous - May-03-2008 Simply wonderful! - Anonymous - May-13-2008 A wonderful story full of great scenes and definitely worth reading. - Lynne - May-15-2008 This is A MUST READ. The character's are spot on and it has some the best Love Scene's written IMO. - ceeking - May-15-2008 GREAT first time story... no side plots to muddy the wtaers...just a huge dose of J/7 with some good B'elanna on the side! - Anonymous - Aug-17-2008 Great J/7 fanfic! Will we ever get to read the promised sequel? - Anonymous - Nov-02-2009 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 16 pages | Finished | Nov-07
Reader Recommendations:
All I can say about this story is OH MY GOD! Read it and see why! - Anonymous - Dec-31-2007 This is cute and sexy to 'boot'. It is the cat's meow. Read it. You'll be glad you did. - linda aka cygirl1 - May-01-2008 All I can say here is that is a definate must read LOL We see a lighter side to this author in this one. Great read and lots of fun!!!!!! - Anonymous - May-04-2008 LOL Read and enjoy! - Lynne - May-15-2008 Read and laugh. - Anonymous - May-15-2008 lol. What's new puddy tat! different and entertaining. - Anonymous - Jun-15-2008 Whoooooooaaa if I wasn't an animal lover before... Cold water please!!! And what a truly NEW and Innovative take on a J/7 tail (pun intended)!!!!!! Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty. - XV - May-23-2009 amusing sexy short story. Vivid images makes this great short read. - Kali - Jul-09-2009 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 7 pages | Finished | Nov-07
Reader Recommendations:
Ms Givens talent shines through in this wonderful short story. The details are beautiful <youll know when you get there people!!> This particular story just shines with the Authors talent! - Anonymous - Dec-31-2007 A wonderful sweet treat by this Ms Givens! In a world where the story plots constantly get lost or muddled this story is wonderful fun and sweet. Five stars!!! - Anonymous - May-04-2008 What a sweet and wonderful story. - cygirl1 - May-13-2008 Great story. I'm running out of words to describe how good Ms Givens stories are. Read them all. You won't be disappointed. It's an excellent read. - Lynne - May-15-2008 Short and oh so sweet. - ceeking - May-15-2008 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 7 pages | Finished | May-08
Links: Perfection
Reader Recommendations:
At first I was taken aback by the concept here. A Sevenj without Janeway?? But all is revealed and in such a wonderful way! Must read!! - Anonymous - May-04-2008 A very enjoyable and satisfying read. - linda aka cygirl1 - May-06-2008 I really like this story. It's touching and romantic. The author is wonderful at creating images that you can picture in your mind. Seven seeing Janeway is one of those images that lingers. - Lynne - May-15-2008 This is a wonderful story; lovely and heartfelt it captures the characters spot-on. A lovely romantic, yet short story. A must read! - Anonymous - Jun-13-2014 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 35 pages | Finished | Nov-07
Reader Recommendations:
The interaction in this story is so different from anything Ive read!!! The format just rocks! The story is easy to get into and a really light read! - Anonymous - Dec-31-2007 I just love this story! Great dialogue and lots of fun!! - Anonymous - May-04-2008 I never knew the sport of fencing could be so 'sexy'. This is a very good read. - cygirl1 - May-13-2008 I just love how this author writes Janeway! - Anonymous - May-13-2008 Loved this story. Like with the author's other stories, there's so much here to enjoy. Read it! - Lynne - May-15-2008 Makes me wanna go find a captain and foil. En Garde! - ceeking - May-15-2008 one of my favorite of yours - Anonymous - May-18-2008 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 30 pages | Finished | May-08
Links: Perfection
Reader Recommendations:
What a great story. I love it when Chuckles gets his due. And the fireworks between Janeway and Seven is fantastic. - cygirl1 - May-23-2008 Loved it! LOL - delvecchio - May-23-2008 Brilliant reply to a strange challenge. ;-) - Beep - May-26-2008 LOL Loved this story. As usual there are some great scenes to read. Janeway and Seven in Tuscany is wonderful... Oh and Chuckles getting what he deserves makes this worth the read on its own. - Lynne - May-28-2008 LOL. Chak gets the shaft. Luv it. Spicey love scene for our two ladies. Luv it too. - Anonymous - Jun-01-2008 The lovescenes are amazing and so is the rest of the story! - Emma (Augustchild) - Nov-11-2008 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 1 page | Finished | May-08
Links: Perfection
Reader Recommendations:
A lovely and touching story. - bren - May-03-2008 Idont know how Ms Givens rises to these "challenge pieces" as she calls them but boy does she ever! I look forward to more of them! - Anonymous - May-04-2008 The emotion and detail in just one page is astounding. I highly recommend this story - cygirl1 - May-13-2008 I thought this was an excellent response to a challenge. Short, but a very good read. - Lynne - May-15-2008 anotha fav yeah beautiful story - Anonymous - May-18-2008 Damn! All I have to say is you sure can write a lot of emotion and feelings in just one page. Bravo! - Anonymous - Jun-01-2008 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 47 pages | Finished | Nov-07
Series List: Sum of Her Parts (The), Everything, Very Special Woman (A), Black Velvet
Reader Recommendations:
Once again I found myself drawn into a new genre by this author/artist. This authors watchword must be "Perfection" because her attention to detail, characterization and continuity shine in this wonderful story. Set in the time when Voyager returns to the Alpha Quadrant this tale tells us what becomes of all of our favorite crew members. This story has it all, action, romance and good dose of humor in all the right places! Im off to find everything else this author has written... - Anonymous - Dec-31-2007 wonderful post-endgame story - Anonymous - Mar-31-2008 One of the best post Endgame stories I have read. A must read. - Linda aka cygirl1 - Apr-10-2008 FYI: There are actually 4 parts to this story! The Sum of Her Parts, Everything, A Very Special Woman and Black Velvet are done and there are apparently more coming. - Anonymous - Apr-29-2008 I loved this story when I first read it and the idea that its become a series thrils me. What a beautiful look at life after Voyager! - Anonymous - May-04-2008 Excellent story. Gripping and exciting. Glad Chakotey got what was coming to him. - Anonymous - May-05-2008 Fantastic! - Anonymous - May-13-2008 I loved this story and what has followed. A must read for any J/7 fan. - Lynne - May-15-2008 If you are a lover of J/7 this is the beginning of a WONDERFUL series. - ceeking - May-15-2008 Worth staying up past bedtime to read this series. Yeah, well worth it. Marvelous, Fantastic, Amazing. - Anonymous - Jun-02-2008 Once I started this incredible journey with the first story I was unable to stop reading until I had finished the whole series. Then I was left wanting/panting for more. Just perfection. More please. - Nilbig - Oct-22-2008 |
Thin Frames
Law and Order: SVU | Modern | Alternative | Drama | Novel - 211 pages | Finished | Oct-08
Honors/Awards: Perennial Favorite Award: #88 in 2008 #45 in 2009
Reader Recommendations:
BRAVO!!! Fabulous! A great love story AND a great case!! - Anonymous - Oct-21-2008 This was awesome. I begged for more all the up until the very last word. - MJ - Oct-21-2008 OMG! This should be published. This instant! It is better than any episode of a TV-series could ever be. It has everything a story should have, including a great ending! - Emma - Oct-21-2008 Fantastic. Better than any of the episodes I've seen. Absolutely intriguing story, great characters. An absolute must-read. - Beep - Oct-21-2008 Gripping, moving and provocative. A well-crafted winner. - Duc Tao - Oct-22-2008 Wow! I thought I had read all of DAx's stuff... guess I was wrong. Totally great story, can't wait for the sequel. Two thumbs way up. - Arassar - Oct-22-2008 "I'm a big fucking girl, Elliot! I can deal with the fact that I'm not getting meatballs! Pretty much the funniest paragraph, I have ever read. Brilliant :) - Yalk - Oct-22-2008 This story is NOT finished!! Please make sure to label it next time so we don't spend hours reading it only to find out that it is an "unfinished" story. (A big "no no" for some of us. ...the story itself is amazing so far, however). :) I guess I'll have to find someway to bide my time until it's done. LOL. - Linds - Oct-25-2008 Author's Note: This story IS very much complete. There are 5 parts in total to the end!.There is a SEQUEL which will be coming out soon, but this story IS done. Thank you! - DAx =/\= - Oct-25-2008 Thanks for the update Dax. Your story is so good that I couldn't stop reading even when I thought it was unfinished. Now that I HAVE finished, it was awesome! I can't wait for the sequel. - Linds (again) - Oct-25-2008 If you love SVU, or excellent writing, or hot love scenes, or some good laughs, or a story with an actual plot, then you'll LOOOOVE this story! Can't wait or the sequel! - Dawn - Oct-28-2008 OUSTANDING!!! Great lovestory with a great crime drama to match! - Alex/OliviaOTP - Oct-28-2008 Top suspense and characterisation. Well-written with inteligent plot. I can only recommend this story and its author. - M. - Oct-29-2008 Excellant read! Funny and sweet, with a case that will keep you hanging on by your fingertips! Highly recommend! - SVULvr - Oct-31-2008 Thank you so much for such an excellant story! I can't wait for more! - Trenton - Nov-02-2008 This will have you at the edge of your seat. The storyline stays with you for days after you have read it! Absolutely spectacular!! - V.D.D - Nov-05-2008 Bravo! More please! - Anonymous - Nov-06-2008 I absolutely enjoyed this amazing story. This is one of the best Oliva/Alex stories I've read so far and I wouldn't mind a sequal :-) Great job! - filfil - Nov-08-2008 ::Applause:: You deserve a standing ovation for that!! - Ebathory - Nov-08-2008 ::Applause:: You deserve a standing ovation for that!! - Ebathory - Nov-08-2008 Ummmm....I am really speechless. Seriously, this is great. Sequel coming soon? How soon?! - Robinnight - Nov-09-2008 OH HELL YEAH!!! Now THAT was a story!! More!! - RightouslyLeft - Nov-19-2008 Best SVU Fic out there!!! - LivLover - Nov-24-2008 This is one of the best SVU stories I've read.Pat Givens has all these characters down cold.Great story line. Thanks for the hours of total enjoyment. Pat - Pat - Dec-01-2008 I love thin Frames. Maybe one of the best Law and Order SVU in fanfic land. I can't wait for the sequel. Awesome story. - halen - Dec-02-2008 This story is hot, humorous, and well-plotted. The only 2 disappointing words in the entire work are...the end. The author has my most sincere compliments and a request for a swiftly completed sequel. - Lex - Jan-02-2009 OUSTANDING! The push and pull, the angst and the love scenes were outstanding. The plot was tight and well written! All in all I give this a 10+++!!! - Fergie - Jan-30-2009 Loved this story! Great storyline with mystery, humour and romance. The dynamics between Liv and Alex are fantastic and believable. Would love to see this one on TV! Am hoping that DAx is planning a sequel. - wolfen68 - Feb-13-2009 It made me laugh and cry all in one story. You can't beat that :) - Anonymous - Mar-30-2009 Fantastic! It's hard to find a good A/O femslash with a well constructed plot and fully fleshed characters! PLEASE write the sequel!! - ONO - May-05-2009 The love story not withstanding, this has got to be the best episode never seen, IMO. Come to think of it, it rates somewhere at the top of all the episodes that HAVE been seen. And as for the love story, if you are not an Olivia/Alex fan, you might just be after reading this. If you already are a fan, you are gonna need to clean up after this one! Too bad that TPTB would never have the guts to include this one! Brava, Dax! - Mad Dog - Jun-27-2009 This is a great story on all levels. Pictures are good too. Love your stories DAx except 22 Days, I like happy endings! - 15a - Aug-02-2009 This story has my highest recommendation! What a wonderful story indeed, great love scenes also :D - Fan - Aug-04-2009 The best!!! Please write more stories. I will definitely buy them all. - sue4rab - Aug-14-2009 The best!!! Please write more stories. I will definitely buy them all. - sue4rab - Aug-14-2009 What a fabulous story. If only SVU is as good ;) - sue4rab - Aug-22-2009 OMG!!! This story is so hot I nearly fell off the STATIONARY bike at the gym when I read the a scenes between olivia and alex! The story itself is very intense agreat read! Thanks! - LeaAnn - Sep-10-2009 Great story. Can't wait for more of the sequel! - Anonymous - Sep-14-2009 This was my first SVU fanfic, and wow! It was truly amazing, and I am hooked! Please please keep writing the sequel, I NEED more! - Xenasgrrl - Oct-04-2009 Wonderful Story, wish i could find more L&O A&O Fanfics. - Angelicrainbw - Oct-12-2009 WoW! Definitely the best SVU fanfic I've read so far.. I recommended it to all my friends. It's like watching it in a big screen.. Really great piece of writing.. I hope you'll update & hopefully finish the sequel.. Pls. don't keep us waiting.. - Anonymous - Dec-02-2009 Okay - this totally hooked me in. It kept me on the edge of my computer the whole way through. What a wonderful thriller. Loved the characters. Can't wait for the sequel to be finished. I've never watched SVU but completely enjoyed the story. Read IT! It's a great tale. - x/g fanfic fanatic - Jan-30-2010 THE BEST SVU story I have read ....and I have read a hell of a lot. Clever and extremely sexy with wonderful suspenseful plot and fantastic characterisation. The svu fanfic world needs more stories and authors like this. Keep it up DAx..you are truly one gifted writer !!!prufrock - Anonymous - Apr-02-2010 The link is broken. you can only read part 1 [Editor's Note: e-mailed author...hope for a fix soon. 07-17-2010] - Anonymous - Jun-30-2010 Great plot! Well written. Once you start reading you can't walk away. And the sex....to die for! ^5 DAx I'm hooked! - mine2give2u - Jul-02-2010 This story is a knockout - I'd rate it an 11 on both counts if I could. - Aerows - Aug-05-2010 missing link to part 2? [Editor's Note: emailed Dax with the info. 8-7-2010] - carinjo - Aug-06-2010 alright... alright... i teared up. sue me. had this story on my bookshelf for the longest time and am glad to finally read it. compelling reading. - kc - Apr-21-2012 Brilliant work of art! Best A/O ever written. Great plot. Better than any original SVU episode. - SVURoho - Feb-03-2013 Have never seen SVU, but Dax is very much on my list of trusted authors whatever the pairing. found this excellent as a stand-alone original story. The crime part of the plot was a bit gruesome but somehow the central characters, and particularly the dialogue kept the story well up there in the feel-good, romantic zone, with a fair share of LOL thrown in. Would definitely read a sequel !! - Anonymous - Nov-15-2013 Great story so well written Nice hot scenes to wish the second part was finished xx - SD - Sep-15-2015 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 11 pages | Finished | Nov-07
Reader Recommendations:
This story is just spectacular. I love the tension and imagery. What a different angle this Author provides in this story. - Anonymous - Dec-31-2007 Oh My! The love scenes are certainly stimulating. Good story! - bren - May-03-2008 Just an awesome idea! Im not an author but I have to think that this would be a hard way to write a story. But the results are worth it! One of my top faves! Read it and see why!! - Anonymous - May-04-2008 This is quality writing at its best. I loved the idea and each scene is so eloquent. An excellent read. - Lynne - May-15-2008 Meets the challenge. Amazing! - ceeking - May-15-2008 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 118 pages | Finished | May-08
Links: Perfection
Series List: Sum of Her Parts (The), Everything, Very Special Woman (A), Black Velvet
Reader Recommendations:
A continuation of DAx's great Endgame story. DAx weaves a special magic when it comes to writing about these two very special women. - linda aka cygirl1 - May-01-2008 Its not often a sequel lives up to the original story let alone surpasses it. IMHO I believe this story does both!! Keep up the great work! - Anonymous - May-04-2008 Great series. I hope you continue - Anonymous - May-05-2008 Great series. I hope you continue - Anonymous - May-05-2008 A great series and this part doesn't disappoint. It's excellent. - Lynne - May-15-2008 J/7 at it's best. - ceeking - May-15-2008 Oh yeah. Loving this series. Update soon pretty please with whip cream and a cherry on top. - Anonymous - Jun-02-2008 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Novella - 79 pages | Finished | Nov-07
Reader Recommendations:
I love this story. I think this story is very special for not just the story it tells but the obvious amount of time and effort and heartbreak the author put into it. Anyone into this specific pairing should read this story!! - Anonymous - Dec-31-2007 One of my favorites. I do like time travel stories and this one is one of the best. Entertaining and well written. - Linda aka cygirl1 - Apr-10-2008 Gotta be an all time favorite! A bunch of great one liners and a plot so extreme you wonder how on earth this author can make it work! Believe this story more than works!!!!! An all time great work! - Anonymous - May-04-2008 Ah, just love this girl. J and 7 must travel in time to early 21st century Earth because of a strange discovery of Paris'. At the same time 7 and J finally act on their love. Nice little twist on the classic Sci-Fi literary technique of "cyclic obsession". Absolutley adored the characterisation of both Janeway and Seven. - XV - May-11-2008 I love this story and have read it more than once. I like the combination of Janeway and Seven in Vegas. The scenes are both funny and very touching. An excellent read. - Lynne - May-15-2008 The concept of this story is out of this world. Writing at it's best. - ceeking - May-15-2008 keep 'em coming, DaX! - Anonymous - Aug-13-2008 |
Star Trek: Voyager | Futuristic | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Very Short Story - 7 pages | Finished | May-08
Links: Perfection
Reader Recommendations:
I take a little credit for inspiring DAx to write this tender and passionate story. Read it and you'll see why and also have an excellent read. - linda aka cygirl1 - May-01-2008 Very nice story. You have a nice descriptive writting style. Cygirl1, you did a very inspirational manipulation of the old pulp book cover. You both deserve praise. - Anonymous - May-02-2008 What a beautiful look at our favorite women! - Anonymous - May-04-2008 I loved this story and I love the beautiful picture that inspired you. - Anonymous - May-05-2008 I really liked this story. It's romantic and passionate. Seven watching Janeway in the rain is an image that stays with me. - Lynne - May-15-2008 The images in this are wonderful. - ceeking - May-15-2008 my 1st star trek: voyager reading. wow. what an introduction. thanks for a wonderful story. - kc - Jul-08-2010 |
Original / Uber | Modern | Alternative | Romance (alt) | Short Story - 22 pages | Finished | May-08
Links: Perfection
Reader Recommendations:
Bloody Brilliant!! What an awesome concept and what a spectacular read. I hope the author delves into this genre more often!! - Anonymous - May-04-2008 WOW. All I can say is...Fantastic. You just have to do a sequel for this. - linda aka cygirl1 - May-05-2008 WOW! WWWOOOWWW! Great story that I hope will continue. A uber J/7 - Anonymous - May-08-2008 A Uber J/7 that is an excellent read. I'd like to read more about the characters in the future too. - Lynne - May-15-2008 Sequel pls - Anonymous - May-15-2008 This has to much 'guy' in it for me. Comments like "busting my balls" and "put something powerful between your legs" is just too much of the good ole' boys club. It's reminiscent of all the guys in the military and police force I once worked with...not exemplary behavior I assure you. There's also a shink in the chain in that the pairing might not have occurred if the 'Seven' character hadn't returned for her jacket. I love this writer, though. DAx, you're writing to a different audience this time. - Janeway - Jun-15-2008 I love all DAx's stories. This is a slight departure and I am glad for it. I am eagerly awaiting the sequel. - Bradamant - Jun-17-2008 DAx...love your work!! Please continue this with a sequel or two... It's begging for a sequel... the characters are that good. - L'Nara - Aug-06-2008 Better late than never, I finally found these stories--your writing is wonderful and you take the characters places they haven't been before, but you keep the core of the people the same. Extremely well-written just like all of your offerings! Exemplary love scenes and great moral dilemma about the age difference. - SeanaJames - Jan-30-2011 |