Original / Uber | Ancient | Alternative | Drama | Short Story - 47 pages | Finished | Jun-16
Reader Recommendations:
Great story. I won't say any more : just read it ! - Mani - Jan-23-2017 Thank you Ursula Kincaid for this fantastic story !! It captured my attention immediately and I love it so much. In fact, I read it twice. Very deep, and lots to discover and contemplate between the lines. It's smart, wise, tender, sad but oh, so compelling. Love your style ! Please write more stories.. Thanks !! Thothgirl.... - Thothgirl - Mar-02-2017 Easy to read but beautifully written, this story just has to be read several times to wring every ounce of enjoyment from it. Ursula/Fallen presents us with a different look at the Trojan War, puncturing the myths of heroes and a noble war. Sad, for sure, but so touching and emotional. You won't read better than this! - Michelle - Mar-29-2017 |