~ Captive Hearts ~
by Anita Louise
Copyright Anita Louise

See Chapter 1 for author's notes.

Chapter 18

The silver haired man stepped from his office and walked toward the front of his thriving office practice. Doc. Taylor looked tired; he had been up most of the night caring for some of the people that had been caught in a landslide ten miles from town.

They were in a bus on their way to enjoy a fun evening at Carl's Cliffside casino. It was always a fun place to go, lots of entertainment, food and of course the gaming. No one knew what caused the rumbling, but it did not take long for the roadway to change course and within seconds followed by a landslide that was unheard of in the area. At least in this lifetime. Many had been airlifted to the hospital but it was overflowing since it already had patients, this added to a very heavy burden.

No one was really prepared for this type of catastrophe and no one would have predicted this to happen but it did and some very unlucky travelers were caught up in this. He had enough room at the clinic to care for five of the victims. The least injured and it took most of the night to work diligently on each. His office nurse Belinda didn't mind working overtime as she had a younger sister that was injured but he knew even if she did not, the woman would still have stood beside him all the way, until the last patient had been taken care of.

Doc Taylor remained in constant contact with Medivac and the hospital. He did not want to take any chances on losing a patient. As he shuffled into the nurse's area he spied Belinda Stephens sitting behind her desk working on a chart. She was five three and a very courageous woman with laugh wrinkles at the edge of her slate eyes and silver hair cut in a fringe. Only at that moment, the woman's face held little joy she was deep into charting and did not even hear him enter the room.

"Don't you think it is time you took a breather?" Doc Taylor's voice was soft but a bit unsteady.

She dropped what she was doing and turned to stare up at the man. "Doc if anyone needs a breather it is you. Come sit down."

He pulled up a wooden chair and sat then said, "Wanted to thank you for all your help last night, couldn't have done it without you."

Leaning back in her chair while placing a pencil behind her left ear Belinda replied, "Course you could. Around these parts, you are known as a miracle worker. Everyone knows you do not stop until your patient is on the mend.

He lowered his head and gazed at the floor. "Sadly not all patients mend as I wish, but I will give them all I have."

"I think maybe too much at times. Take that Richmond woman. Doc she should be in the hospital. You have done so much for her and you must know that rest and the hospital is the best place at this time."

He reached out and patted the woman's right hand. "And you must know by now, if I release Skylar Richmond it will not be a hospital she will go to, it will be back to Sheriff Burgess and I don't know about you but that is the last place I would want someone I cared about to be."

"I take it you care about this woman."

"I care about all my patients. You have seen her chart, the woman has been to hell and back, it may be time she gets back to being fit, enjoying what she can of what life has left her."

"It is sad what happened to Bobie, I still recall her galloping through town on her favorite horse, blond hair flying in the breeze, joy on her face, it was like seeing poetry in motion. She and that horse were a lovely sight."

"Sure were. Max is taking it very hard. Not too sure, he should have allowed Dete to come back though; all that man has ever done is cause Max trouble. Oh well he is really none of my concern. I do however, miss Bobie Parker's smile and her blue eyes twinkling at me and always thought the stars in heaven could not touch me as sweetly as she did. Now I know she has to be up there with them shining down upon us in some way."

"You are a loving and kind man Doc. Oh before I forget got a radio message a little bit ago, they are sending two choppers today to pick up the five patients here and take them to Tupac's hospital. So I will make sure they are ready to go."

He thanked her and said he was going to go take a nap in his office. She watched him walk away and felt a tug at her heart. All the years she had worked side by side with the man he did not have an inkling she was in love with him.

The sound of choppers certainly woke up the dog and any other critter that happened to be in the area when they set down near the clinic. The blades raised so much dust; it looked like there was a regular dust storm taking over the area. Gretchen Randolph was standing at the back door to the clinic when the last chopper set down. She was glad to see them as one of the patients had taken a turn for the worse and needed to get to a hospital sooner than later. When the medical crew entered through the back door, it did not take long for the two flight nurses and others to wheel the patients to the choppers and onto them. These people were well trained, they knew what they were doing and did it wonderfully. Gretchen had pointed to the rooms and given them the charts then stood back and watched.

When they were loaded and ready to go, they exchanged information with Gretchen then left. After the dust settled once more, she walked to the front to begin charting for the days usual clinic rush. Nurse Stephens and Doc Taylor had left for a while to check on their homes and prepare for the day. But both thought they would be back before the choppers arrived; Gretchen took care of it in the best way she could and felt good about this. As she prepared to begin the day, she was happy that Doc and Belinda would soon return. It was Saturday and usually this day brought forth all sorts of injuries. Looked like it was going to be a busy one, and she hoped Doc and Belinda were rested up enough to take on even more.

It had been a treacherous journey as Bobie Parker and Sarah Clemmens eased their way along the path. It was hard enough to walk the trail but to also have to keep aware of the sky in front and in back as well as to the side of them was making it very slow travel. After seeing the flying creature, neither wanted to come any closer to it. It would have been easier at night but impossible so they chose early morning to begin and when it reached midday, they found a spot to stay in away from the heat as well as the flying beast.

Both were sitting inside a cave they had come across. It was covered by vines but took little time to get past them. Now both were able to rest. Sarah laid her head back against the rock and said, "I don't know about you but I am almost spent and we still have a way to go. What changed your mind?"

Bobie leaned back, and replied, "I'm so tired, body is screaming at me and after that ancient flying thing, I had second thoughts about the falls. What if we fell right into some Tyrannosaurs path, or would we be falling into the hands of Satan. Too much room for serious error, I know what to expect from the way we came. I am now ready to do my final battle with the people that had me captive."

Shivering as if she was cold, Sarah said, "Just the thought of seeing one of those things is frightening. Not sure about the 'Satan' thing but I guess with the eeriness of this place almost anything could take place. I lean toward your friend Alice and think of the two lovers. A must better scenario."

Smiling then reaching out to tousle Sarah's hair Bobbie said, "You are a romantic, who would have ever thought."

Pushing Bobie's hand away Sarah muttered, "Yeah, and you are not. I know better. However, I will give credence to your theory Bobie. Rather than jump into the falls, I too chose to go back. There has been no sign of the people so something must have happened to sidetrack them. Perhaps we can get back on recognizable soil much easier than we thought."

Sighing Bobie whispered, "Would be nice." She closed her eyes and soon was asleep.

Sarah stared at the woman for a few minutes, it was always mesmerizing to see Bobie Parker relaxed and not in fire mode. Her eyes traveled the woman's body, and enjoyed every moment. Finally, she too closed her eyes and thought, what is wrong with you? Bobie Parker would never look at you in the way she gazed at Skylar Richmond. Get back to reality.

Barbara Johnson and Belle Gardner were once again in Belle's pickup on their way to Doc Taylor's clinic. After a nice breakfast, both were refreshed and ready to begin a new day. Did not take long to find Barbara a nice pair of Jeanne's tan Safari chinos, these took on the hardness of an environment but still kept a person's skin from being chafed. It had become a joke between the two, Barbara's dislike of the jeans she had been wearing.

Belle was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a blue pin striped western shirt. Her black cowboy boots went well with the ensemble and after giving the pickup more gas, she said, "Barb, hope you don't mind me calling you that?"

Barbara shook her head and said, "No, that's fine."

"I hope you do not think less of me because of yesterday. Before you speak just hear me out please. I was just looking for some sort of closeness."

"Why Belle Gardner, I know you have friends, lots of people in the area
that would love to be close and may be in some way."

"Can be in a crowded room and still be lonely, Barb. I was not looking for sex in the intimate way. I did feel you wanted closeness. and that you did not do it for any other reason but . . ."

Smiling toward the woman, Barbara said, "Only one reason, I, like you, felt a strong connection. It was undeniable. I apologize for talking about sex, just seems what mostly comes to mind. And I hope you know I just don't climb into bed with just anyone."

"I do understand. By the way, that was a nice kiss last night." She quickly changed the subject, "We should be at Doc's soon; I hope he can help us in finding Sky and Tara."

"It was a friendly one, my lips are behaving would hate to incur Jeanne's wrath. You sure give Doc a lot of credit for things. And after that terrible landslide, he has probably been taxed to the point of exhaustion."

"We talked about Jeanne. And yes, Doc is probably exhausted, but the man will keep on ticking, he is like the energizer bunny."

Both women smiled as if they could actually see Doc Taylor in the energizer bunny's role. Then Barbara turned to gaze straight at Belle and say, "I know Jeanne she is a good friend of Sky's I really doubt she is doing anything under the table."

"Well at this moment you have faith in her, me, I do not trust the Rookie. From what I saw when I was there, the woman seems to be a hound dog where Jeanne is concerned. However, having never been in a relationship before, anything is possible. There it is, soon as I park we can go in and talk to Doc."

Did not take long to find a place to park and head for the front door to the clinic. Once inside they could see several patients sitting looking at magazines. Belle spied Gretchen Randolph at the front desk and quickly made her way to the woman. "Gretchen, been a long time. Is Doc available to speak with?"

The woman's eyes lit up when she saw Belle and replied, "Why Belle Gardner as I live and breathe you have taken the time to come back to where plain folks earn a living."

"Ow, not sure if that was dig or not but yes I am back for awhile. Taking care of business, just like you."

The woman's eyes traveled up and down Barbara's physic before she raised an eyebrow and asked, "Who is your friend?"

"Oh, sorry bout that, this is Barbara Johnson, and before you ask, she is not sick. We both would like to talk to Doc, so would you tell him we are here?"


Belle tilted her head to the left and with a very quizzical look asked, "Why not?"

"Cause Doc's not here."

"What? He has patients. Where is he?"

"Not sure where he is but I did get hold of him on the radio and he will be in shortly."

"Why didn't you just say that in the beginning? We will sit and wait. By any chance have you heard anything about Skylar Richmond and Tara Coltrane?"

Gretchen got this very staunch look and said, "You need to talk to Doc, I can't help you there."

"All right, thanks anyway." She gazed toward Barbara and asked, "What now?"

Barbara pointed to two chairs and said, "Sit and wait."

When Doc Taylor finally made it back to the clinic, he was upset at himself for not being there when the Medivac choppers arrived. He immediately went in the back door and straight to his office. Once inside he buzzed the front desk and when Gretchen answered, he said he was in the office and would be ready to see patients in about five minutes. She informed him that Belle Gardner and Barbara Johnson had been waiting to talk to him about Skylar Richmond and Tara Coltrane. He told her to send them back to the office and to hold off on patients until they were through.

When she motioned for the two women, Gretchen pulled Belle aside and whispered in her right ear, "Doc is back, he is in his office, you know where that is. Don't let on I said anything the patients already look upset."

Did not take long to get to Doc's office and both women were happy to see the silver haired man sitting behind his desk. He stood and said, "Belle good to see you and you too Barbara Johnson. Have a seat."

After sitting, Belle looked at Barbara and said, "We have decided to put our heads together and find Sky and Tara, seems no one knows what happened to them. I do know you keep tabs on comings and goings and hope you can help."

He pushed his spectacles up onto the bridge of his nose and replied, "I can help you with one."

The two women glanced toward one another and both said, "Yes. Thank God."

He grinned and said, "I take it this is a good thing if . . ."

Barbara stood and said, "Which one? You said you could help with one."

He stood and walked around the desk to where the woman looked as if she was going to do a summersault and said, "Miss Richmond."

"What can you tell us?"

Belle was now standing beside Barbara and added, "Please let it be good news."

He chuckled and said, "Follow me, I think you will pleased."

The two followed the man both were smiling and extremely happy. Doc Taylor opened the door and said, "Your friend is in there. Don't stay too long though she is recuperating from a head injury."

The second they entered the room their smiles were gone instead they were in shock and both cried out, "Is this some kind of joke?"

He looked puzzled and said, "No joke she is right there."

Belle reached out, grabbed the man by his arm pulling him into the room, and said, "Where?"

Doc Taylor's eyes widened and a look of horror crossed his face as he stuttered, "Ho--how . . . She was there, I swear. Let me get Gretchen." He turned and left the two staring at an empty bed and quickly made his way to the front. When Gretchen saw the man's face almost chalk white she knew something was wrong. "Doc what happened?"

He spat out the words, "Gone. Where is she?"

She got to her feet and walked toward the man. "Doc you need to calm down before you have a heart attack, who or what is gone?"

He swallowed and replied, "Skylar Richmond is gone. Where is she?"

Gretchen looked at him as if he was not all there and said, "You stressed-out last night Doc, too much strain on you. Least you forget she is in room . . ."

"Forget the room number I know what it is, and Skylar Richmond is not there. Did Sheriff Burgess come back?"

"Haven't seen her. Let me take a look." She rushed past him and headed for the room only to see an empty bed and two very distraught women standing near it. "What is going on here?"

Barbara and Belle turned to stare at the woman and replied, "Where is Sky?"

By this time, Doc Taylor had made his way back to the room and said, "Somehow Sky is gone, she was here last I looked. Trace your steps Nurse; tell me everything that has happened."

Upon hearing Gretchen's lengthy account, both women looked as if they had hit the jackpot at a casino. Belle looked at Doc and asked, "First I would like to know how she got here and why?"

He shrugged and replied, "Let's go back to the office, I'll tell you all I know."

Gretchen called after him, "Do you want me to call the Sheriff?"

He shook his head and said, "No, just heard that Sheriff Burgess has been taken off the case. Nevertheless, if she could get hold of Skylar again, she would. Just go on about your business, it will be awhile before I see patients."

It was a difficult thing for them to hear but both were ready to know just what had been going on. When Doc finished he said, "I am sorry about Skylar and Miss Coltrane who seems like a nice person but at this moment I have no idea where either are. Sky was here and I was treating her she was doing well. However, Tara was in Sheriff Burgess's hands if she is not at the jail any longer only Burgess would know where. That is all I can tell you, I do hope you find your friends."

When both women were on the road once more, it was Barbara who spoke first saying, "The Medivac and the transfer, somehow Skylar managed to go with these, she had to, there is no other explanation."

"I think so too. Sky is resourceful at least we know she is safe and not in Sheriff Burgess's hands. But Tara that is anyone's guess."

"Barbara sighed and said, "Never know about Tara she is pretty resourceful. I need to call Bern and give him the heads up about Sky. They said the Medivac was going to Tupac that is where we go next."

Belle had a soulful look on her face and said, "We will need to get some supplies and gas for the truck. It just seems we almost get somewhere and things get pulled further away."

Barbara leaned back against the seat and said, "Let's do it. I think we are getting closer than further now. First time since Burgess said they had escaped, we have concrete information from Doc, that Sky was in custody when she was brought to the clinic. Course when the State Police took over, the guard that was there, left. Still I would not put anything past Burgess at this point."

"Me either. Have you been to Tupac?"

Shaking her head, Barbara replied, "No. But with you it will be an adventure, one I can't wait to take."

Tara was sitting on the ground; her legs crossed staring at the door. She had been there for days, they rationed water and she was fed once a day. It was gruel but as hungry as she was, it filled the need. She stared at the door to see just when the only woman she had seen since being locked up would bring the daily ration to her. Soon there were footsteps near the door and the door opened. Dark eyes peeked in before the small woman showed herself. She was frail looking, lengthy hair as dark as her eyes against pale skin gave her a look of being malnourished. Tara placed her hands on her head and said, "I am not moving."

Did not take long for Thumbelina to enter the room. She feigned a smile and said, "You can put your hands down, I don't fear you."

Tara was eying the bowl the woman carried and said, "Thank you for bringing this to me."

She set it near but not close, enough for Tara to reach out and grasp her then stepped back. "It is not bad, I had some. They make us eat this while they dine on meat and potatoes."

Tara raised the bowl to her lips and let the thin porridge pour into her mouth. She swallowed and did it again. The woman watched, all the while looking like a mouse waiting for a cat to pounce. When Tara finished the last drop, she set the bowl down and said, "Thanks again. Tell me where am I? Do you know when I will be released? And the other woman that was captured with me how is she?"

Easing toward the bowl, the woman replied, "You are in some sort of stockade. I think these are militants, oppressors of some kind. I have doubts you will be released. Most that are brought here never do leave. There is no other woman you were the only one brought here."

"Thumbelina, I know that is not your name but I don't know what it is, do you know why I am here, who brought me?"

She shook her head and said, "Only that you were brought in the dead of night."

The woman had picked up the bowl and headed for the door as Tara asked, "How many men are there?"

"I don't know for sure but I have seen at least ten. I know there must be more; people are coming and going from here all the time."

"Where is here?"

"Not sure, I need to go now."

"Thumbelina, please do not go, I have not seen anyone for a long time, I am weak, my body aches and I am feeling alone and lost. You are the only real person I have talked to in a long time"

The woman turned and gazed toward Tara, her dark hair cascaded over one clavicle, and the gesture she made of shaking it back and the dimple on her pale cheek were revelations of familiarity. "My name is Sonja, but Thumbelina is fine. Long ago I knew your mother."

Tara felt an unknown feeling travel her body as she asked, "My mother? You are from the Jordan area?"

She nodded and leaned back against the door. "Yes, perhaps when you look at me as you do, it brings thoughts of your mother. If you are thinking of taking me hostage, don't, those men would shoot me in a second. I am no one's bargaining chip."

"Hadn't crossed my mind, I could tell from the first time you were not one of them. To begin, you didn't try to knock me around."

Sonja chuckled and said, "Me hitting at you would be like a small ant against an ant eater. I would have no chance. Besides I am not a hitting type of person, have felt too many of those and do not want to see anyone feel as I have. I am sorry they do not treat you well."

"I need to get out of here, find my friend see if she is all right. Can you help?"

The woman shook her head and said, "No. I am not strong enough and they watch me like a hawk. You are prisoner in here, I am one out there."

Tara doubled over in pain and the woman dashed to see if she was all right. Once she had bent down beside Tara and placed an arm on her shoulder she asked, "Are you all right?"

Tara gritted her teeth and said, "No. can't you see I am in pain."

"I should call a guard."

Tara reached up and grasped Sonja's left arm and said, "They will just kick me or beat me, don't."

"What can I do?"

"Talk to me, give me something to focus on until this passes."

"The woman hurt you didn't she?"

Tara looked sideways at Sonja and grunted, "What woman?"

"The Sheriff."

Sitting up and wiping perspiration from her face, Tara stared into Sonja's dark eyes and said, "You mean Deanna Burgess in Springfield?"

"I do not know about Springfield or the name but I heard some of the men talking and they were talking about you."

Scooting back to the wall and leaning against it while trying to catch her breath Tara asked, "What did they say?"

"I shouldn't say. It was only hearsay."

"Please, tell me I want to know."

Sonja told Tara word for word what she had heard and when she finished, it was apparent this had affected Tara Coltrane as she cursed under her breath. "Damn woman, there are not words for her, damn her to hell!"

By this time Sonja made her way to the door turning to gaze at the woman she uttered, "I only said this because you were not feeling well, thought you should know."

Tara pulled herself up into a tight ball her face was expressionless.

Sonja muttered, "Maybe it's not true. I'm sorry to have upset you." She turned and left the room.

The tall figure hid in one of the storage closets of Tupac General Hospital; it had been a crazy night. People coming and going, sirens throughout the night it definitely was not the place to walk out of so easily. Skylar Richmond sat on a storage container gazing around the room at all the items. She had found a small flashlight and was doing the best she could not have anyone spot the light from under the doorway out in the hospital corridor.

Taking a deep breath she whispered to herself, "Well, Richmond you have gotten this far but what now?" Not that she was going to answer herself, but at that moment, it would have been nice to have someone give her an idea. She had found some green hospital scrubs and was now wearing them. Fit much better and felt much better than the white medical gown she was wearing.

When she heard talk out in the hall about the landslide and patients being brought to Doc's clinic, a plan was already forming in her head. The fact that Medivac was also coming to airlift the patients to Tupac was a gift she could not turn down. Her only problem was Doc Taylor and his nurse, Belinda Stephens, seemed the woman was almost joined at the hip when it came to Doc.

Once again she was given an opening, Doc and Belinda had left the clinic and in their absence, Medivac came in to take the patients. It was easy to slip in among them. No one suspected she was not supposed to be there. Thank goodness, no one really took the time to check records. They seemed to be busy taking care of those that needed their attention and she was definitely not one. Once the choppers landed near Tupac General Hospital, in all the confusion she had been wheeled inside with the others. First chance she got, she slipped away and now was hiding in this closet.

Lots of commotion in the corridors, it was obvious she needed to sit, and wait it out until it was quieter. Soon it would be dark and when this happened she wanted to slip out unnoticed and if it was in scrubs, fine. She had pulled her lengthy hair up onto her head and placed a blue scarf over tying it in such a way, it looked like a turban, snug enough to keep inquisitive eyes from seeing her red hair. She was sure by that time; her escape was already being broadcast. The last thing she wanted to do was run into Deanna Burgess or one of her deputies.

Slowly peeking out of the door, she could see that things had quieted down, and from a clock on the wall, she could tell it was evening. Taking several deep breaths, she stepped out into the corridor. Keeping her head down, she headed for the emergency room door. Between dodging in and out of sight, she soon made her way to the emergency room. It was abuzz with conversation. From what she could gather, the medical team inside was so busy at that moment no one was going to look outside of the room. Looking up as if to say a silent prayer, she grasped the door handle and pushed.

Stepping out into the cool night air, Sky quickly scanned the area. There were a few cars in the parking lot, one lone ambulance was idling near the entrance but she did not see a driver. It probably brought whoever was in the emergency room. She said a silent prayer for the person and hopped down to the ground. Landing easily, moving like a cat she made quick time to get to a lone pickup sitting by a large tree. A sign on the driver's side door read, Benson Exterminators.

Slowly making her way around the vehicle, she peeked inside and could see it was obvious there was no key in the ignition. She was glad that the doors were not locked making it easy for her to get inside. Easing inside she dropped to the floor and began to search for a spare key. She actually found one on the floor of the truck under the seat on the driver's side. Holding it in her right hand, she smiled, and whispered, "Someone is looking out for me, thank goodness. Now all I need is to get you running."

It was not long she had the pickup started and soon turned it onto the main street and sped away. Sky's mind was going a mile a minute, so many things had happened, so much needed to be done she was not sure just where to start first. In the midst of all this, she had lost the one person that made her heart sing it just did not seem right. Long ago, she had read a story about two people who shared such a vibrant loving life it was hard for them to fall asleep at night because they did not want to miss anything. They lived and breathed a love so pure, so grand it was unbelievable. She never believed any of what she read that is until she met Bobie Parker, it was then things changed for her.

Being with Bobie took her to places she never even knew existed. The happiness, the sensations that caressed her day to day were more than wonderful. For once in her life, she wanted to be with someone for all eternity. Sounded impossible but that is how she felt. Turning the steering wheel of the pickup onto a darkened highway she accelerated the gas. There was not any traffic making it easy to leave Tupac behind. Sky found herself deep in thought once more. She recalled the feelings, the laughter, the camaraderie. The two were becoming one and it was marvelous.

Bobie Parker had but to glance her way and she felt like she was being dropped from high above, it left a feeling in the pit of her stomach she could never really describe. Now it was all gone.
Holding back tears she whispered, "I'll keep you in my heart always. I feel you would understand I need to do all I can to find Tara. Have to get back to the cabin, shower; change clothes gather some items and look for Sheriff Burgess or her sidekick, Deputy Sparks. If anyone knows where Tara is, it would be those two. "



Anita Louise's Scrolls
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