~ Captive Hearts ~
by Anita Louise
Copyright Anita Louise

See Chapter 1 for author's notes.

Chapter 24

Bobie was sitting gazing at Willow lake, it was always beautiful, and she could never get over how serene it was at this spot. Her past injuries were fading, but what happened to her was still present in her mind. She had never been through such torment and pain.

Sarah Clemmens had been a big disappointment. She had been strayed by the will of Mary Trenton. Seemed she had paid for some serious surgery the young woman had at one time and owed Trenton. It was good that the police were going to take into account, how she kept Belle Gardner from bleeding to death. As well, she did not want her, Belle or Barbara to die. She hoped good things turned out for Sarah. Also knew she could never be around the woman again. Dete Fletcher had been arrested. It was still hard to believe this man was the cause of everyone thinking she was dead. She felt her skin crawl just thinking how many times he had put her through hell.

Still found herself wondering and trying to understand why Deanna Burgess and Mary Trenton had such hatred for her and Sky. It was understandable they would not be happy, but Jim Trenton was a beast. Ben Burgess also leaned to the illegal side; still he did save her life. This woman, Deanna Burgess should have been related to Trenton the way she treated people.

So that day she chose to sit near the Lake, listening to the sounds of the water rolling onto the land not far from where she was, fish jumped trying to catch their morning meal and birds chirped in the trees, this always made her feel at peace.

This was broken by the words, "There you are."

She looked to see where the voice was coming from and spied, Mary Whitehorse heading her direction. Her long chestnut hair swaying as she walked. She wore, brown boots, and brown leather pants that were sewn up the sides with darker leather that left several strands of fringe hanging looking very decorative. The brown leather shirt she wore was made similar to a Levi shirt but leather. It had two pockets in the front as well as what looked like polished bone for buttons. She wore silver turquoise bracelets on both wrists as well as a beautiful strand of silver with turquoise around her neck almost like a choker.

Waving to her, Bobie called out, "Hello. Yup I am here. Been here awhile. But what in the world are you doing out here?"

Mary smiled as her two very prominent dimples appeared giving her a very appealing look. The brown of her eyes had hints of green here and there, as they sparkled toward Bobie who was leaning her head to the side gazing and wondering why she was there. Nearing the woman, Mary sat beside her placing her legs in the position of having a powwow of some sort and said, "I took a chance you might be out here. And so you are." She stared at the lake adding, "One might never get tired of this view."

Bobie cocked her head and gazed into the woman's eyes. "It is a way out here, I don't get a lot of visitors but it is nice to see you. Where did you get that beautiful silver, turquoise belt?"

Mary reached down, touched the buckle, and replied, "You know how we do things, a family friend made it for me. I am glad you like it. I had it specially made."

Bobie ran her tongue around the inside of her mouth, kept it against the inside of her cheek for a few seconds then said, "Though it is good to see you, which I don't get to do often, there must be a reason you came all the way out here. The way you are sitting, one might think we are going to have some sort of war talk and I have to say, for awhile I am completely out of that realm."

Mary replied, "Nothing like that. I wanted to see how you are, heard what happened and wish I had known. We have been good friends since childhood; it is a shame when people get older they forget the ones that have always been there for them. Please forgive me for--"

"Nothing to forgive my friend. No one knew what was going to happen; there was no way to help. I know if you could have, you would. I managed. But would have been quite an adventure had you been on the run with me."

Mary leaned over and lightly bumped her shoulder against Bobie's left shoulder and said, "You and I always have amazing adventures. We should do it again."

Bobie smiled, reached out and held Mary's right hand. "How about not for a long time. I have been through enough to age me before my time."

"Tell me how you really are? You look as beautiful as ever, a little thinner, but still beautiful. Always could beat me in arm wrestling or leg wrestling, as I recall you have a lot of strength for--"

"For someone short. I'll have you know when I put my boots on I am just fine in so far as height. Besides who wants to be so tall, the air gets thinner up there you know."

Mary squeezed Bobie's hand and said, "We are about the same height. Her eyes sparkled, her dimples deepened, as she added, "No, I was going to say for a white person."

Bobie chuckled and said, "I can take you any day." With those words, she pulled Mary toward her, throwing the woman off balance and began to tickle her sides. Mary was laughing, trying to get away from Bobie's fingers as they were doing a fine job of knowing just where her ticklish spots were. "Stop, stop, I give." Mary barely got those words out before Bobie was sitting on her stomach, holding her wrists to the ground leaning down so her face almost touched Mary's she replied, "Nope, can't stop, you asked for it, Mare."

For an instant Mary stopped wiggling under her, Bobie did not move but their lips lightly touched like lightning in a storm, the sensation was felt from the lips to the toes. Pulling back, Bobie sat up and mumbled. "I am the one that is sorry. That should not have happened."

Mary stood, dusted herself off and said, "Nothing happened. We got close; it is not like we never have before."

Bobie was standing now; she held out her hand and said, "Truce."

Mary smiled, reached out to grasp Bobie's hand but instead of shaking it, she pulled the woman close and hugged her. We are friends; we have never been anything but friends. I hear even in some places over sea friends kiss, sometimes on the lips sometimes on the cheek. Everyone has a different way of looking at it. Anyway, all we were doing was fooling around. I hope you did not get hurt."

"Hurt?" Bobie looked confused.

"Yes, after all you have not been back that long. And after all you have been through the last thing you needed to do was--what just happened."

Bobie swiped at her jeans and said, "Come on up to the cabin, have a drink with me."

"Heard you got a good clunk on the head, not sure drinking is a good idea."

Bobie chuckled and replied, "Got milk, orange juice, apple juice, V-8 juice, Pepsi, heck I spare no expense even have water."

The two laughed and laughed as they made their way to the cabin.

Once they had settled down, had a few drinks, Bobie drank water and Mary had a Pepsi they walked into the front room and sat on the couch. Mary leaned back and let out a large sigh saying, "This is the life. Outdoors when you want and indoors like this when you do not. You have done a lot to the cabin."

Bobie took a sip of her drink and said, "Needed to do some renovations when Sky moved in."

Glancing around then staring directly at Bobie she said, "Nice, but tell me just where is this Sky person?"

"She is busy."

"Too busy to see if you are all right?"

Bobie was playing with the glass in her hand watching the water slosh near the rim then go back down, she took a deep breath and replied, "Lot has happened a lot you don't know. At this moment she thinks I am dead and is off trying to rescue a friend."

Mary ran her left hand through her lustrous hair as it fanned out then fell back into place. She pursed her lips and said, "So you are here alone, no one to help you, no one to be with you when the nightmares come?"

Bobie raised her left eyebrow and said, "How did you know, about the nightmares"

"It is logical. What you went through would leave you scared in many ways this is always followed by nightmares."

Leaning back Bobie sighed, "You are a wise woman, my friend. Life gets really mixed up sometimes all a person can do is the best they can."

"Well I have a suggestion, why don't you come back with me. I will take care of you, see you get what you need and promise to leave you alone when you want. Someone should be with you."

"Wow! I am honored. You don't know how many times I wished somehow somewhere you would appear and ask me that. For a long time I shut the past out. Kept most of it in my heart but things that were done when I was a teenager got swept away. I want you to know, my childhood, my teenage years were wonderful and I am so sorry we never kept in touch."

She looked down at the floor, and then raised her eyes to meet Bobie's eyes. "I thought it was only me. There were days nights I felt such an ache in my stomach, it was as if I lost part of myself. Neither of us was strong enough to do anything about it as you said, life gets in the way. People go different directions and if they really do not try, things that were precious get swept under the rug or out the door."

Bobie reached over and held Mary's right hand. "Well we are here and it was touching of you to come out here. Thank you. I miss you, I miss what we had, but I am not sure it would ever be the same."

"Doesn't need to be. What we had will always be here--"(she placed a hand over her heart) "So will you go back with me and let me take care of you at least till you are fully recovered?"

"Mare, I would love to but--"

"No need, I understand, Sky."

"Not Sky, but I have to be available for questions. I have to be near for the police at least until the trials are over."

"All right, well at least think about us and maybe coming out to visit. You know what is going on with you now reminds me of something one of the Elders talked about one time."

"What's that?"

"When hearts are apart and cannot get back to one another, they become captive."

"Captive Hearts? Doesn't make sense. If someone wants to be with someone, all they have to do is work at it."

"Not necessarily my dear, things do not always work out as one might wish. anyway it was just something an Elder spoke of once to young women who may have had their hearts broken in some way."

"One of the young women was you, I'm so sorry for your pain."

"It is all right now, I am fine. But think about what I have said. In this life one never knows just where their path will take them."

It was at this time a horn could be heard as a vehicle pulled up to the cabin. Both women went to glance out. Bobie muttered, "It's the mayor what in the world is he up to."

Mary placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "One way to find out, let him in." She kissed her lightly on the cheek adding, "I have to go, think about what I have said and do not be a stranger anymore."

"I won't. Bless you Mary, take care going back."

Mary walked past Ted Hawkins and said "Howdy Mayor." Turned and winked toward Bobie then continued walking toward a 2005 blue dodge pickup.

He was a tall man, a bit pudgy wearing a dark blue suit and a tie that looked like it had seen better days. It did however match the scuffed brown shoes he wore. She had always known Ted Hawkins to be a kindly man who was well known for his gravel voice. Many actually thought he might have been related to Duke, the western movie star, who had a voice that sounded very much like Ted when he spoke. "Bobie, I came out here hoping to find you."

She gazed at the man all the time trying to see Mary who was dancing around making funny movements toward her before she stepped into the pickup. "Uh what was that you were saying Mr. Mayor?"

He glanced back and watched the pickup pull away then replied, "She is a beauty."

"I didn't know you were looking for someone."

His dark eyebrows almost came together when he frowned and said, "Not someone, that pickup. I have been trying to get that woman to sell it to me for sometime."

"Oh, come in and tell me what brings you out here." Bobie held the door open as the man walked past her into the front room. He was red in the face, and looked like he had just run a race. "Sit, I'll go get you a drink, what would you like?"

He walked toward the couch sit and replied, "Water would be fine."

Bobie walked into the kitchen and came back with a glass of cold water; she handed it to him and said, "I'm waiting for you to tell me what you are doing way out here."

He grasped the glass then took several long swigs, wiped his forehead with his left arm jacket sleeve and said, "I was wondering if you might consider accepting the Sheriff's job?"

Bobie was totally taken aback by the man's words; she sat and stared at him. "Mr. Mayor, I am honored you would think of me but--"

He cut in saying, "You know the job, you know the town, I can't think of anyone that could get the office back into shape like you."

"I'm sure there are many that would jump to get this position Mr. Mayor."

He smiled and said, "Call me Ted please. I am fully aware of all that has happened to you. I do not expect you to chase criminals but with a good group of people working with you, there will be no need. You know that Mary Whitehorse would make a fine deputy. At least consider it until I can find someone credible."

Folding her hands in her lap, she began to play with her fingers; he grinned and said, "At least you are thinking about it that is all I could ask for at this time."

"When do you need to know for sure?"

He stood, finished the water and said, "Tomorrow noon. Hate to see outside people come in. If I don't have a new Sheriff by tomorrow at noon, then one will be provided to the town until the next election."

Taking the empty glass he offered her, she said, "I will be by tomorrow with my answer a lot to think about. Thanks for thinking of me. Be careful driving back."

"I will. You think long and hard Bobie I need you, the town needs you. Till tomorrow." He walked to the door turned the knob and was soon outside. She watched the man get in a grey Toyota and drive off. So much had happened, she was still not to full capacity, but at the same time he was right, she did know the office. Closing the door, she walked to the kitchen to place the glass in the sink. The morning started out slow and restful but it did not seem to take long for things to change.

Tara Coltrane had been standing in the bathroom, staring at herself in the full-length mirror. Her body had taken many hits, she knew the bruising would go away and her hair would grow back but the bruising that had been done to her psychic would take a long time to heal if ever.
She was grateful Sky showed up and rescued Sonja and her, but she was also ashamed that Sky saw her like she was. For so many years, they played a game of cat and mouse, each one trying to one up the other, until she took the job of helping Sky find Bobie. What started out as a job became much more. For once in her life, Tara Coltrane found herself falling in love.
Anyone that knew the woman would laugh at the thought. However, she was indeed feeling cupid's arrow big time and now all that was gone. Sky would never look at her the same. Her body had been defiled, she had been broken, it took them time to do it but they had succeeded.

Sky had gone to the store to get some items. The woman had been talking about them taking a trip. This to give her time to heal. She was glad that Sonja had been given safe transportation to her family. Sky made sure of that.

Tara began to dress, she slipped into the clothes that Sky had purchased for her, the woman was good, she just looked at her and knew what size to buy. It felt wonderful to wear nice things again to feel good in her skin, at least as good as she could. The brown leather pants, yellow tee and brown leather vest looked nice on her, also felt good. She walked to the box and removed the matching boots, slipping on a soft pair of socks she took little time to slip into the boots, zip up the sides and stand. They felt comfortable, as she walked to the mirror once more. This time removing a chic brown wig from a fancy box. Slipping this on, she was amazed at how different she looked.
It felt good to see herself once more. Even if the hair was not hers. Finding the wristwatch Sky had purchased for her, she slipped it onto her wrist turned and walked into the bedroom of the cabin Sky had put on her Global expense account.
The television news as well as the newspapers were filled with the explosion everyone trying to put their own spin on what, why and who was behind it. So far, no one mentioned Sonja or her; it was obvious no one wanted anyone to know they were there.

When Sky returned that afternoon, she was carrying several designer shopping bags. She was radiant, so much had happened and now things looked to be slowing down. There were still things that needed to be done, like turning certain people into the law but at that time, all she wanted was to be with Tara and help her through this. She knew Tara was not in good spirits, she had never seen her so down so unlike the woman she had come to know. Did not take long to make it to the cabin and knock three times then once. This was the code they decided on so Tara would know it was her.
However, this time no one came to open the door. She dug in her pant pocket for the key and finally found it. Before long, she had the door unlocked and was walking inside. Placing the bags on the floor she called out, "Tara, I'm home." There was no reply. Sky began to think the woman had taken her advice and was in the tub, bubble bath, champagne, music, just enjoying herself she certainly deserved it and so much more.

After checking the bathroom it was obvious, Tara had been in there, it was also obvious what she was dressed in. Empty boxes adorned the room. Seemed that Tara was in a hurry or just plain tired. "Tara, are you in the bedroom?" Still no answer as she hurried to the room the two had shared, she on the floor and Tara in the bed. She wanted to sleep in the same bed but due to Tara's trauma and not wanting to upset the woman she said she would sleep on the floor. She had observed the mood swings and the way Tara Coltrane would be. All the time hoping a nice trip would help to rid
her of this.

She suddenly came to the realization that Tara Coltrane had left the building. "Damn! Damn! Woman where have you gone?" As if an answer to her words, a folded piece of paper fell from the night table onto the floor in front of her feet. She leaned over and picked it up. Unfolding the paper, her eyes traveled the words. Sky, by the time you read this I will be gone. I want to thank you for all you have done for me and the sacrifice you have made… No one could have done it better. I need to find some peace. After all that has happened, it hurts to see you look at me; it hurts to think of what I was to what I am now. I cannot put you through this. You have a life at Global. Get on with it and forget I ever existed. Just know I will always be thankful for what you have done. Good by my good friend. Tara

Tears fell on the note, the words becoming blurred as Sky sat on the bed holding the crumpled piece of paper in her hand tightly. "Tara, God Tara why have you done this. When I look at you, I see a beautiful woman, a strong fighting woman, one that cares one that loves. You may have left, but God willing I will find you. We will not end now."

The End

Anita Louise's Scrolls
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