~ Captive Hearts ~
by Anita Louise
Copyright Anita Louise

See Chapter 1 for author's notes.

Chapter 5

The day Tara Coltrane arrived in Springfield it had been raining off and on. The sky was dark, and it had the look of an unpredictable weather cataclysm. She wasn't sure what she was getting herself into at that moment. Deciding to take the plane so far then rent a car to
made the trip less tiring. However the last leg of the trip was more stressful than relaxing
because she had to fight the wind, rain and sometimes hail and now it looked like the sky was going to fall down upon her any moment.

Spying a parking lot, she found an empty space and heaved a sigh of relief when she turned the ignition off. Leaning back on the cream-colored leather seat, hands still on the steering wheel she watched the heavy rain pelt down upon the car. It was as if, the devil himself was reeking vengeance on the earth and everyone on it.

Squinting her eyes she tried to see past the rain, get some sort of baring on where she was but the weather was not going to cooperate. Finally she reached into the glove compartment, took out a silver flask and took a long drink. JD always gave her a warm feeling and at that moment chills were running rampant throughout her body.

The sound of car horns blaring, brought the woman out of a pleasant dream. Scrambling to sit up she was surprised to see the savage storm had passed. The downpour did leave what looked like lakes of water running all over the place. There had been a two car collision not far from where she was parked. She guessed the weather had something to do with what happened. It wasn't long before a police car pulled up and a woman and man stepped from the vehicle. Tara assumed the woman was the newly appointeed sheriff and the man a deputy.

Before she arrived in Springfield, she made sure to have all the information she needed regarding what had been going on, sent to her. If she was going to be of any help to Skylar Richmond she knew, she had to have all her ducks in a row. Snickering to herself, she said, "You ought to fit right in Coltrane. Too much JD, has you talking like people here. Ducks in a row…good grief."

She was brought out of her self-discovery by a loud tapping on the driver's side window. Looking up, her eyes met the direct gaze of Deanna Burgess. The woman was motioning for her to roll down her window. Quickly accommodating the woman she asked, "What can I help you with sheriff?" Her eyes did not miss the badge that adorned the woman's khaki shirt.

"Did you see the accident?" She was glancing around the interior of the car as she asked the question.

"No." It was a straightforward reply but did not seem to appease the sheriff.

"How long have you been sitting here?"

"Why? Is it against the law to park?"

"Not against the law, depends on why you are parked and what you have been up too?"

"Stopped to get out of the storm. Must have fallen asleep for a bit."

"Uh huh and the silver flask I see laying on the car floor just jumped in there by accident?"

"Come now Sheriff, I was minding my own business, took a few drinks to warm me up as I was chilled."

"I want to see some identification, also your vehicle registration."

"It is in the glove compartment. Is it all right if I get it?"

"Slowly. Keep your hands where I can see them."

With one hand in the air, Tara reached for the compartment, slowly. Opening it she withdrew the papers and handed them to the woman. "I rented the car, as you can see."

Deanna Burgess was gazing at the information before she signaled to the deputy. He came running to where she stood as she said, "Check this vehicle out."

By this time, Tara was getting a little riled. It had been a long trip, she was tired to the bone and now this do-gooder was giving her, of all people trouble. "Look, Sheriff, I am a good person, actually in some circles well known. The car is a rental and I have a right to be here."

"Do tell, well I have a right to check the car out and you. So step out of the car, and keep your hands in the air."

"You are kidding, aren't you?"

One hand on the butt of her holstered weapon, she stpped back and asked, "Do I look like I am kidding? Do I need to . . ."

Before she could finish the words, Tara was opening the door. "No need Sheriff. But this is silly." Tara bit her tongue but too late, how she wished she had kept her mouth shut.

"Assume the position and if you don't know what it is, I'll be happy to help you."

"Nope, seen my share of cop shows."

"You are one real smart-aleck, aren't you?"

The woman patted Tara down, then ordered, "Now turn, and walk a straight line."

"I'm not drunk. Though after meeting up with you, I wish I was. This has to be a nightmare."

The deputy approached them and said, "Checks out. She did rent the car and she is
Tara Coltrane." He whispered something in the woman's left ear before she thanked him and sent him back to the scene of the accident.

"Can I go now? I am who I said and the car is a rental."

Deanna turned her attention to the woman and replied, "I don't care who you are, you have a smart mouth and you have been drinking. After a breathalyzer test we will see just
how high your blood alcohol is."

"No. This is all circumstantial. Let me pay a fine if that is what you want, and then let me be on my way. I have important things to do."

She wrote something down on a piece of paper before quickly reaching out and pulling Tara's right wrist behind her, and it was almost instantaneous how quickly she cuffed her
wrists behind her back. "You have the right . . ."

"I know my rights. And what you are doing is definitely not right."

"Well Miss Coltrane, guess you will spend the night in the pokey. Right or not.
Don't give me any lip. You have enough charges against you now."

"Wha--what do you mean, charges?"

"Talk more at the police station, come on."

Tara looked at the car and asked, "My belongings? The car?"

"Don't worry about it, I will have one of my deputies drive it to the impound yard as for your personal belongings I will have them booked in at the jail. And if I were you, I would keep my mouth shut."

Skylar Richmond was standing on the porch, waving goodby to Belle. The woman had received a call from Jeanne and it was evident, Jeanne needed her. Knowing Jeanne
she had gotten herself in some sort of bind and there was no one better than Belle to pull people out of tight spots. She was sad to see the woman go but Belle assured her she would be back as soon as she could. Even had Skylar promise to stay off her feet as
much as she could. Course Sky had her fingers crossed behind her back, because she would not stay off her feet and planned on looking for Bobie. But it did seem to give Belle peace of mind thinking she had agreed, before the woman left.

She had just hobbled into the house when the phone rang. Hopping as quickly as she could, she grasped the receiver and said, "Hello." Her heart was racing for she hoped
that it was news about Bobie.


Didn't take her long to realize the voice on the other end of the phone was none other than Tara Coltrane. "Just like a snake, you come slithering into town and call before striking."

"Good to know you missed me Richmond. Before you go off on some sort of tangent would you listen to me." It was not a question, more of an order and she hoped that Skylar Richmond would do just that.

"All right, shoot, it's your quarter."

"Ran into a little trouble."

"You? Can't believe it. Wherever you go, a golden goose seems to follow."

"Yeah, well this time it dropped an egg on me. I have problems and not a lot of time to talk."

"I'm listening." Sky rolled her eyes. Then added, "Where do you want me to pick you up?"

Tara thought for a few seconds then replied, "Would but that be true. Have waited a long time to hear those words. However I know they are not meant for what I yearn. I do need you to come bail me out of jail."

The words hit Sky like an ocean wave hit's a surfer taking them under, gasping for breath. She was actually stunned and couldn't think of one thing to say.

"Sky? Are you still there?"

Realizing what Tara said was true, she asked, "What town?"

"Right here in good old Springfield. The new Sheriff, while she may be a looker, she is also a beast!"

Stifling a laugh, Skylar tried to pull herself together, it was hard not to laugh, she had never known Tara Coltrane to get into trouble with the law, at least end up in jail. "What in the world did you do to get Sheriff Burgess's dander up?"

"Don't go let your mind wander. I did nothing. I will explain all this if you will get me a lawyer, meet me at the courthouse in twenty minutes for my arraignment."

"Wow! You are serious. I will do my best. Kinda hard to do not knowing what the
charges are though. Guess you will be the one in shackles wearing the top designer's . . ."

"Stop! This is not funny. Hurry up. I don't like jails."

After she hung up the phone, Sky mulled over and over what Tara had said. Shaking her head she mumbled, "Bern, you go hire her to assist me and here I go assisting her. Some things should just be left alone. I plan on telling her so too." She reached for the phone book, hoping to find a good lawyer and one that would appear on such short notice.

When Sky arrived with Barry Johnson, a well-known attorney in the area, she was still mulling over Tara's predicament. The small stone building was pretty much empty, but when they walked into the courtroom, it looked like a quarter of the town had found their way into the room.

Barry glanced toward her and said, "Looks like your friend has drawn a crowd."

He was a small man, perhaps five foot six, she gauged this from her own height when
the man stood next to her. His dark brown hair fell about his ears, forehead and stopped at the neckline. Part of it looked well groomed, but the other half like a runaway train. He wore bifocals that didn't seem to fit. His dark blue suit and necktie matched, he looked every bit the picture of a lawyer, that is, until one gazed at his shoes. They were white New Balance sport shoes, and certainly matched the Garfield socks that made the rest of his fashion statement.

Barry Johnson was in his mid twenties, so she could allow for his dress but was not sure how the court would. The man tapped her on the shoulder bringing her back to the moment.
"Miss. Richmond. I am going to leave you now, they will be bringing your friend down from jail soon. I will meet her in one of the rooms before court begins."

Sky was tempted to say Tara was not a friend in the way he made it sound but instead she thanked the man and took a seat near the front. As she sat, it seemed the room was swarming with bees for the sound was definitely carrying around the room. Seemed people in this town had nothing better to do than gossip.

She gazed at the tables, the people scurrying in and out of the room from the Judge's chambers and wasn't long before Sheriff Deanna Burgess stepped into the room. A sudden hush went over the crowd and at that time, Sky felt one might even hear a pin drop. The Sheriff seemed to carry a lot of weight and she was hoping Barry Johnson could get Tara out of this mess.

As Sheriff Burgess exited through the gate into the main room, she stopped and stared down at the beautiful woman that was doing her best to ignore her. Everything she had heard and read about Skylar Richmond seemed to be true, for this woman was tall, even though she sat, it was very evident. Dressed in brown leather pants, not as tight as she had read was the woman's trademark. The fringed leather shirt that adorned her was definitely from one of the Indian tribes, for it was hard not to miss. Deanna Burgess stared at the lustrous locks of red that jumped out at a person the second they set sight on
this fascinating woman.

Sky was beginning to fidget and finally looked up as the two women's eyes met. "Something I can do for you Sheriff?" Sky asked, never letting her gaze drop.

Deanna chewed at her lower lip for a second then replied, "Guess you are here to bail out your friend, Miss Coltrane."

Sky was not sure it was a question or a statement but she answered anyway saying, "You must know why I am here and anything I say would just be reiterating what I am sure the judge has already said. Too bad we have to meet like this."

Deanna glanced toward the door that led to the judge's chambers and said, "Already met one of your hires, seemed too wimpy to me but that is your business. Now this one, today,
is more your speed, I would think."

"If you say so Sheriff." Sky did not say another word but she did watch Deanna Burgess walk to a seat and finally sit.

Her disguise must have been quite good for the woman had no idea the wimp she was talking about, was her. The second Bernie hired Tara Coltrane to help find Bobie, she knew the disguise was a thing of the past. However she didn't realize it would be so soon.

"All Rise . . ."

The words came quickly and before long the judge was sitting behind her bench.
Judge Eleanor Pinket was a tall fair, plump woman, she did not look like someone that wanted to take a lot of time on what was about to happen. Sky was not sure that was a good thing. All she hoped, was that Tara be truthful with the lawyer and he could stand her long enough to help.

There was a large OOOOH that ran through the crowd and it was at this time Sky turned to see what the crowd was going on about. It was Tara Coltrane, the woman walked tall, even if she was dressed in a bright orange county issued jumpsuit, and her wrists manacled. Though she wore the suit and was cuffed, Tara rose about this and radiated a beauty that seemed to glow. Her hair was still short but it was coifed and in style, maybe a little less makeup but still she was a beautiful picture.

As Barry and Tara walked past Sky to get to their table, Tara stopped looked down and winked then said, "Good to see you Richmond."

Feeling a bit hot, Sky smiled and replied, "We need to talk."

Barry motioned for Tara as she said, "Soon."

Once everyone was seated, the judge was holding documents in one hand as she said, "I have read the charges, Sheriff Burgess, I have in hand Mr. Johnson's account of the situation. I have to say they are very different but before I go any further I will ask Miss.Coltrane to please stand and tell the court in her own words what happened and how she pleads."

The Sheriff started to contest this but was shut down by the Judge motioning for her to sit.

Tara stood but before she could speak the judge asked, "Sheriff Burgess do you want to tell me why Miss Coltrane is still in handcuffs?"

"Just following the law, Judge."

"Well I am not sure where you got your schooling then, because this woman is not a threat to anyone. Now remove the handcuffs."

Sheriff Burgess immediately removed the cuffs from around Tara's wrists, though not too gently.
Tara kept her eyes on the judge as she thanked the woman and began to tell her story. When finishing she added, "Not guilty your honor."

The judge leaned back on her cushioned leather chair and gazed around the room. Finally she spoke. "I would think all you people would have something better to do than sit in a stuffy court room. But you are here so, here you will stay at least until this hearing is over. I have taken everything into consideration and one thing you should know or maybe you do know is, this woman along with Skylar Richmond and our own Bobie parker as well as others not so long ago took down some really mean people in this area. This at the cost of some serious injuries and the loss of some well known people."

Deanna listened to the Judge, she stood and said, "Yes, I know about the windigo, the things that happened."

"Then surely you must have known who Miss. Coltrane was."

"No, not immediately."

"You say not immediately, which would mean you did find out. I think some allowances need to be made here."

"What kind of allowances, Judge?"

"Well, many of these charges are silly."

When Deanna heard this, she glared at Tara, before saying, "I felt at the time they were legitimate your honor."

The woman leaned forward and took a few minutes to rub her right temple before saying, "This is the way this is going to go. Miss. Coltrane I agree with your lawyer, Mr. Johnson, this is taking up time that it should not. But I can't just dismiss this totally.
What I want to hear from you Miss Coltrane is an apology to Sheriff Burgess and that will be all."

Sky felt herself cringe when she heard the Judge's words. Getting Tara to apologize when she felt she was right, well might as well pull a tooth because the woman was not
going to do it.

It was at this time, Tara Coltrane turned to look at Sheriff Burgess and said, "I apologize Sheriff. It was a bad night, a terrible storm. I'm sorry."

Another low moan rumbled through the room as Sky's mouth fell open. She was shocked, but at the same time, grateful.

The judge's gavel came down as she said, "You are free to go, Miss Coltrane."

It was a good day, Tara shook her lawyer's hand and thanked him then she turned to stare at the tall redhead that was walking up to her. "Sorry about this."

"Wow, I have heard the great Tara Coltrane apologize twice in a short span, are you running a fever?"

"Nope, no fever, just want out of this mess. But I am sorry to be putting you through this,
at this time."

"Thank you. The sooner we are away from this the better. But seems you need to change."

Tara gazed down at the orange jumpsuit and nodded. "Yes, that woman is a bitch. All she has done is try to belittle me."

"Well she chose the wrong thing to do because I know you and when you get cornered you put up a shell that no one can get past. Where are you clothes?"

"At the jail along with all my other stuff. So we have to make a stop there first then to the impound lot to get my rental car."

"All right, lead the way."

When the two walked into the Sheriff's office, everyone turned to stare. One of the deputy's took Tara to a room where she could change and the other took Sky to a room to sign for and get Tara's belongings.

It was not the best of times for the two women to meet again but like always they made do and worked to the best solution.

Once they were at the impound yard and Tara had the keys in her hands she turned to Sky and asked, "Where to?"

"What do you mean where to?"

"I need to plant myself down and want to know where you are staying so I can move my stuff in."

"Like that is going to happen. Not!"

"You mean after all this, you are going to make me sleep in the car?"

"Oh yes, poor Tara Coltrane, having to sleep in the car. Come on woman, we both know you have money and getting a place to stay would be easy, money or not knowing you."

"Then let's quit talking about it. I am tired, need to rest and so do you from the way you have been hobbling around. What happened? Tell me later. Now, I will follow you."

Shaking her head, Skylar realized she was not going to rid herself of Tara this day so she would just wait till the next. "All right, for now, follow me, I am going out to the cabin."

Once they had arrived to the cabin and all the things had been brought inside, that needed to be out of the cold, sky hobbled to the refrigerator and asked, "Want a beer?"

Tara had sat on the divan, she leaned back replying, "Got anything stronger?"

Sky turned to stare at the woman. "Didn't what just happened teach you anything?"

"Well the sheriff can't give me a ticket for drinking in a house. It was all a big mistake anyway and like the judge said and I told the sheriff, silly."

Sky took out two cans of beer and made her way back to the front room. She sat and handed one to Tara. "Drink the beer, it is cold and should be soothing. Did you really
Tell Sheriff Burgess what she was doing was 'silly'?"

Popping the top on the can, Tara took a long soothing drink before replying, "Yes, I did."

"I guess you both met on a wrong day. But I too have had my encounters with the lovely sheriff and have to say she was not to kind."

Tara was fascinated as she leaned closer and asked, "You mean the fabulous Skylar Richmond didn't faze the sheriff?"

"Well, it wasn't Skylar she saw?"

"Now you really have piqued my interest. Give, tell me about it?

Sky leaned back, closed her eyes for a second then said, "I was in disguise. Thought I could get more that way but this sheriff, is not that friendly as you found out."

"Big time. I sure won't cross her sights if I don't have to. Thanks again for getting the lawyer and helping."

"Well I couldn't see you stay in jail, but in so far as helping me, I think you should take the money that Bern paid you, and go to Hawaii, take a nice relaxing trip."

"Nope. I took the job and I am in it for the long haul. I know you must be going through all sorts of withdrawals what with Bobie gone. Maybe what you need is a good fix."

Sky chuckled, "That is an open ended statement for a fix could be just about anything. And coming from you, well . . ."

"I just meant something to ease your mind, body for a short time."

"Tara, Tara, Tara, until I find Bobie and she is safe, my mind and body will never be at ease again."

Tara finished the beer then stood and said, "Do I sleep in the back bedroom?"

Sky gazed up at the woman and replied, "There is no back bedroom any longer. It is an office now. Bobie and I didn't need two rooms so we turned the other bedroom into something that worked for both of us."

"That is until you have company. And from the looks of things you had some very recently."

"Yes, Belle Gardner was here, you remember Belle. She has been very helpful in my search for Bobie."

"Where is she now?"

"She had to leave. Jeanne called and needed her, so she left. But she will be back. I know Belle and she will do what she says."

"Just one big loving family it seems."

"Not sure if that is sarcasm or not but in a way we are all connected. So guess one might look at that as family."

"So where am I going to bunk?"

Sky pointed to the divan and said, "Guess here. Or the floor if you prefer."

"I take it you are not too keen on sharing your bed."

"Depends on whom I share it with and do not think Bobie would be too keen on you sharing it with me."

"What about you, Richmond?"

"Have to say I agree. The two of us in the same bed, well, not sure I would get any sleep."


"Because the two of us in such a close space would be like rubbing two sticks of dynamite together."

"I can stay on my side of the bed. You must know me well enough to also know I do not go where I am not wanted."

"I do. But when people sleep, things could happen. I need my rest, you need yours and I think for the time being, apart is the best way to go."

"Fine. The divan will do. Where are the sheets, blankets, I need to get some sleep."

Sky pointed to the closet then turned and said, "Don't be too upset Tara, it has been a long day and we are both tired. Try to get some sleep, see you in the morning."

Tara watched the woman disappear into the bedroom before she walked to the closet and found the bedding. Her mind was tired, her body was tired and all she wanted to do was lay down, close her eyes and drift away.

The next morning, Sky was wakened by several knocks on the bedroom door.

"Sky, are you awake?"

She sat up and replied, "If I wasn't, I am now. What do you want?"

The door opened and Tara stood holding a very inviting tray of food along with a cup of coffee. "Made you breakfast just don't get used to it, kitchen work is not my style."

"This is very nice of you, but why?"

Tara set the tray near Sky and replied, "Because we got off to a rock start, and I want to smooth things out before we put our heads together and find Bobie."

"Did you eat?"

"Yes, but wasn't all that hungry. Stomach still is not on the right time zone. While you eat, do you mind if I sit and talk about a few things that came to mind during the night?"

"No. Sit. What type of things? Hope you don't mind but my stomach can't wait for this scrumptious meal."

"Thank you. Hope you like it. About searching for Bobie. I think one of the best places to start is the Sheriff's office."

Sky was taking a sip of hot coffee when she heard the words Sheriff's office and almost choked on the beverage. "Wha--what are you talking about? The last place we need to be is the Sheriff Deanna Burgess's office."

"Maybe, maybe not. Think about it. She has all the law enforcement agencies at her beck and call, she can get wind of things way before we can, usually. Her uncle, Ben Burgess was killed."

"I know that, so what does this have to do with Bobie?"

"Well, he was not the straightest arrow, and maybe his niece is not either."

"She can be a hard nose but evil, not sure I can go there."

"Well I can. But next time she and I meet it will be under much different circumstances."

"I can see you are holding a grudge, do your best to get past it."

"Yeah like turn the other cheek, nope. Been burned too many times for this. Miss high and mighty Sheriff Burgess has yet to see the fire this woman can give off."

Taking a bite of scrambled egg and bacon, Sky sighed, "Best breakfast I have had in awhile. What is your secret?"

"Have to kill you if I told you. Finish, get ready we have things to do."

Sky was holding a cup of coffee and almost had it to her mouth when the woman stood. Tara Coltrane was one never to really know, and this was just the tip of the iceberg, heaven knows what the woman had planned. Sky knew she would have her hands full.
"Almost finished. Be out in about twenty minutes. Relax."

"I'll be out by the lake. When you feel up to it, come find me." With those words, the woman turned and left the room closing the door behind her.

Sky finished the breakfast then laid back on the bed, her stomach was full, she felt good. Maybe it was not such a bad idea getting Tara to help. The woman was good at her job, sometimes too good. Especially when the two were after the same thing. But this last big fight they all had, she stood with them she fought beside them, so knowing that Tara was going to help, seemed to make things look much better.

Tara put on a leather coat she found in the closet and headed for the lake. It was beautiful, still, quiet reflecting the sky above like a gigantic mirror. The coolness outside was refreshing, the smell after the rain invigorating. Didn't take her long to make it to the lake, where she found a nice spot to sit and contemplate things.



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